.1 db-& t auag M I, "!a t toeasauPri e" uuu-*C e vUS bOk 10Wa amdouS UUfl~W= qa .wbeiupa'ilJ y o. tw rm* idmte ie.,:m .c.ivn tv tue Iadplg art aa aq bre"u'th [1 w e b bv ew 4flt e l oay 4e 1 ëOrjA 1%6 oolW lerte .ttii*l hein fln viaw"uI eIroïnpletfmed nd i ,es ihefffaruMmWt'Y ti.0 e May batota~loue wIUe et. Jb =rw bupaorents. are M Omtg. -mk at g Mia ule 4AI -- --- M IMh--tf-SfW- -of Mea3 Tr hotte rou eteW bar - Anlw.m41i m e tal fey trotteru umg Ior Of .eM ick tla ou rai- s etifnin lel e xt yteab.be'obrof wei& omn-tosrgdntO g*yvscle aW uff e eapeyrtrt b ai »dn attPeéhwvr ber parens, M br botirMdrtigRaeRqor :1 ""la lir. butlpMd sOBo et G A nd i dam Idieamnaim.af orviarota ters.bZiad mema Ottels ot b.(ii nopaii.Snel l.1vtiUieblbe oAftn sr rlty . an caofl. ne d rateateib wrd.an kedgth ir o lday b b lui. dat ISUCO wBo. dUpeD deui l ud>%.,L-,O N, W. MU$ ,Dstemm dcUte o NY uI WIW Ibi vee fr Canda.ý*23 t iv . tra i i tn lto0 1tten1tdMZ -te(a ai fChi r#»IUh leZ » sirltla f nneaiai, oldtReto; Sîerdam Ô. (o. Knox 44784u it+1.te sansa oitamd a sph.secl 5l mutin, « o fon tltbnlght. moreeteta la te wOriacead.abfa lWebott pe. hedbuve 'e pr givce Bcn: <l D atcee ad " ie ekbsa rest .W . MRRYeIit ~.n. JnU litihi. fsItbf ni- etais-wekfor a nirC eglg 12 b.Pa me b ? ngtun. e.Mv 0 -199 -e 5 Mu ker4 Foest aie'~ Le..dpttet fo hsviiyeudla ffO H W 5l ba "d. va a it rgiet ta ftl'* ~ ~ ~ ~ lr MW, baes a aur *'l'" (906 b Ethe a1auhr, Ma. Kat (38)ig.195 .& IF& paer for a ltaaie. The May682o, Irilhaf 189 dw Se lvet ra ta Biu»((1906) b? É <715. a29) b, lrevIa.6144 ke. ,,k alt li. G, 262 (3) b IWMW 89. iNtm 1271(755). b VU= tCbedig(713 mm (739) e kmi 3 mmou ,lwa.m mu« at1 v. -*. - Thoto viliib.e aNeEnghbant841per - the oveuni fai B t lb. Probtor- 'i'luHie Boute Rutn 1*pin" viS 1,. the. @abet <et té pimohi .eit 5F40MY ,nernlng Aprl et the Mthodiol cburcb. Upu isag ut 16:45 and ..vnlp srvIe gI:».Strangeru yul Aud a cordIlWitleoen &H aIlimbca WANjT£0-..bm md d frivbrY wagon. Make ýgor Wsni t Inown by advru.U- ng lu inihs papes e 'Want CehamnYr - - - - - - - Aý uoted i4ra uutUl f urtiier notice at FA 100 M*m semple of ore quarteoed down on shlpig ore streek la Square Deal - Miniug end Deselopmeot Compffl ore body en chie? - Aouffim..roas follows- ilml Goit Stîvrr 061ad and BSuer Uad - Tôo1 oz per ton os per ton value per ton Per -een$. Yalue per ton No* 1 0.06 4.00 8.70. 50.10 àa.82 E. E. Balgf - -2 0.0~2 4.20 3.09 58.60 29 72 flenr E. Wôod No. 1 "ed, etek 00 4.00 3.21 67.00 ~ 32 Howard E. Bnrton W NOTE.£., E. Buirilumu sud Henry E. Word, Denvert Colo.. are a ai odsaiers neber.ore lnthm United States. Hloward E. Birtou, of L eadvil e. let the~ hnd of tdm pro« feselon there. «"Wtc "our nit ra" test of a car loadt' end our "Smkler"p test of, saine,&muet. Stockis aovimo et 1he 10 cent price The 10à cent Mlotineu mou mot lest 20 devis The Square Deat will ot disappoint gou. - - . WM. WQNSCR, Secg.. R«Uckord. ML ÀQii à, -La f jILL of ail Kitndi RELIPAI R3 ThorouthnessI AND" ViLANt LAYCOCK Co. Oppotallet. Paul frelgImIDepet LU MB9ER -ALL KINS- ;wd Grades at Fair Prie.. DOORS, WINDOWS, 'MOULO- &NUS. BRICK. LIME, ALPHIA PORT LAND CEMENT, 8EWER PIPE. DRAIN TILIE ETC. &vM, L NiiHaP "As$ OR- 'L Tfream" l-la lte ac Ste Wboas ban IÙIm y. dn t 1118 Wr$UIIla~ 0 er bc& . reluroflIo a p tramin OIaa l~t.bu mvéditutu a tt bas JW bobeufinlabed sera place that Ire ba pu,- MIa.iar tHacha bave erihbeer ftuily. W. e fwb tbeI la a bay a Mrs7C,9 .Scwartz apeut lce PelIer la Viitiez bar ia, lobn shanahan. Mu Il Mure tututhe L.ua'bouae. asllace Kainuerr la apend- r day lu Evanton ith V. Barber.* aUtle exciteinent cver. th* election today ,<Tueaday). eas ticket bave for truat0el KikIlma 1.IL UWin b clar. rnit B. Tuler, gtrt, Bobert Fletchet spendents . for truatt qahier, lierman Bepbav, brgtfinaon; for édon. Her manug; for police niagttratlý acting ai credItars af Zion Id macle mosuiay nigit lttas bd ftam De5caaBoan, JutI e «d Baeïsit to le il hlg and tellaes bMm th"t * w uis Susu laipoli onM ci on »sd tise Ila Imprimai sSof itboue lttera <aiWe tu~ lm,1 statenients vW« 3 Doute tbiaI bg bat ev" hil ba* t aconut ta th et sIOOM.. Thtatate4 WAvea muni Peuplé, Who v« , *oUmt meana ta Jive an au Ohù bave pot Monet lu Il mV lmo enucgbte arpafil Itm ato, together i uoftdg tht Dowie e to rida lu privaI. car ant o pjebve rournaai btela ho a ,anbitter teelinq 8asi8 mu Iim .Peupla Wha &owmM dUof dollars. la t *à Me nov ual able ta s *O t.aIbo,,Qurnbecaquse 00f OM a ppât m ae reallia nec.ualtiemo-W 0ê .IL iefflt ba MM* as Tmeàwa. INOR-G 4DCOTS andbre -AbsolutelY Free am 1im 1E n @Wuo m&cA1UULIXTo the. eêrB sin g thejirestest humber af vords out of the letters conxtaiued ini the worde IlSMITH AND BARNES" ini acordncevii II4fo~joingcodit' 13, vs viii dehver a fine nov $450 Smith ana Barnes piano ABI3OLU TBLY FREE. 1. The. wrda muaI b Mate upof the letters ootained lu thea vard$: BIlis may be a l" d dhâlane adl ayIaalet fdmiu. Rsdnae aecut Ny e b elie fr tison tait eautM "SiMITH -AND BAINES9." 6. Oui y oqe Creit Blilappliet ou eue maie, and t Il mut b. bandad in th. iret Prise Wiln t In auycsbueiretaaonntanaua 8. na lta alat mare turnes lnaone yord tl»Iemrs l a aiu t tune aof pure ,r.dent ofthlaI cauiity. the verd* MI1 7 SBES . If yon dg pet atedthIe Cret BIH y.Ouraelf, y ou 10. The awarding ofthte prfzua viii bu 1.11 entirely ta iejnteha 3. ne oit014 aamyb. usai more than once, neoater bey many dt-f, areaiatIllberty te trauuter jour bbiil toanother pemae, the bill belng tirat the Ooupsl, vboe asamee vill b. anuonneet lu a ev day..stvon feront mmaulga l, icsibave.braught ta our store ant ndrset by U ubennie. teclalon vii le abaolutelîyfinla 4. Websler a leawmq"dge.,MIEb. tbe. ly dictonu . aarumteto . Mare ent our ito aiws hilb must b.plainly ant bglbly IL. ALL ANSWERS M UST BE BECE[VED BT1US NOT LATER vardm uib. mdW$" eê vMiikd ol appeainla hbttictary. vrilla», igu jour a oandt poat*Officattreas, ae alnly on the TH4kN APIIIL Brd. at ôP. M.. ant lista rucevet alter Ibat date vilii 5. ret; insIH1viiib. app$ed ab u reboame aimsy new t#À àian oui liâat themnuauber aofvwr1 t îmataina, at bin or ed-lt ta our vire- not bu conalteret. Wauken atra purcluad trois Apil 10h toMay 12h. iJ.Ceil Minsi, ae t 3Wasingtc Street, Wankaftau. PIRST PltiZE-To th. porns nWho»e Ructaitino the greaLest number of vards GBOUP "B"ý-To-the 20 Perans whose listeacontais, the next highest number of,4 (oopditioiis a abovs) anv$8 irt rePin r. Or8s ta thase nGroup "Ai" a$78 ceticate taapply an purchaseo n -. - noV piana ini aur stock at ou Wiukegan store. GROUP 'W "-To the. 5 pera osa liatsoantain the. sert bighest Humber o? vords - ~ trot rdprîise wnr, a ilertifi1ouh. hick cals È&Z a ojedlit of eI00 au the. pur- GROUP, "O"-To the )InplV>s hose Bats aantain -th.neit higiiest number of ohm .o? 0705nw pano n out stock at oi a xËkg=»W- h. o ho..in Graup '<B,"s $5Orillo ats ta apiy sabove. A G.telo"our mtnyPflS& pve with 16. ý