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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Jun 1906, p. 2

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va14 h ave 'a snd.Y claalng Homer Fiier la numusereti vith tli affl. ick this@ ueek. John HIraninios edw»alr, ofMcRenry, vas a octupies] bis plae lu the manket. lin. andi lin.J. E. Pratt, ai Chicago, yene gueese ai fr. anti lin. C. L. Pratt i Ir= BntchU5on viateti t home and iamiiy Saturday anti Suuday. Sgmiuisaday. The Wauconda Juveuilsea yul cross fý àbo a Ts Gramuy Lake at Lakte bat.vitit the Lake Zurich Juniors an 1 8q»da1y. JUDO 10 the local grouade Mouday aftennoots. L. L Bürdick vas a Chitego The Misses Leila Glyncli anti Wiuuie 1 t' b.e fuittis te veek. Pratt attendeul the commencement p li«î# H.sntransacteti business lu exertisea at lidlennyTUseuaY evening. i4 tie Otroti0the 'ueek. H. E. maims~ .A dntaa In aiuiand gaufDHenry, visited attendasice at the annoal lfYptuc iàIBur relatives Sunday. Worker'a conventian at Peorla this pottar andi Miese Nele Baseley week. i Mffenyv#iatarg Ssnday ' M r. aud lins. B. T. Grahamsuspent IrdLindibladi of Chicago, w-s the Sunday-at tIc -bouse of the latter sv stO< iesEthel buens Sunday. mather, Mr@. C. IIbUhiusutn ah. mania Dinan ai Chicago iras the Bnigas o it bis hmatirand iter àunday. ,M. and Mrs. Clia@. Lampliere and ~sbrt ake, a Chcag, sen slauuiofaIGitiete. vers guesta oai M. vttli rlaies ati ficuda lien. sud] Mns. B. T. Fuiier aud iamily tise ub$ wit relatves andffieud h ftai ftihe week. --- m»Uneber ai aur people attendeul the Th 'etlnMna a eyuue ibah t? gae alicHstsy Snda .fltair locally, bot twvssty-ive votes gamra F. L. Cary sud C. E. Jeuka tieiug cast as follouva: Carter 16, eAsted. bisabie in tbe city Tuesdsy. Cooper fi, Magnuulen 3. - pisis Rudnçk,'oi Chisiaga. vas alins. Chsas. Caggin. lis@ser. Leslie. dass caher at Fnday sud Satundav. Loveli,- Jr.. ans] Roiset iteuuett auus 9u' bndi lin. E. L. Harrison visites] Miese Ata h'asvers. oi Banniîsgtouu. iailes] ti hicga relatives tihe fint ai the ou iiendus bers Snndav. .k.b kesre. Aliet as]WiIiaru aseey M. andl lis. Barry Bs-sett andi a Asce luuert snd St Wiaski'gaudaugisten Buelal anmi lI. sud lins. AI. ~d sies. . k-gtuCaxbeisd. u)j Chicauto. weni'Pguest5 i o1 r.- &»d lins.5 ugis Martin, are theM.uir lrs .J lNu ~I paante i e ine bby grl. oç.~:Y~ .aiul.MS. J luu'aug mournutise xed padlssruts fn aY et- 1.ftrir yesr ahI u.augter nBattie, L. Rode. o Chiago viite ba odietiSatund.ay. -TIse fanenai wa Ira A.L. thaer.of hitgavistei iels t the' home îîonsaay usuaing aud b ber mothen. li-4.GogePa the malus itenýt'sin tlie Wauc<sudui1 v day laut veek. eemeey. ala. J. F. Gnosvenor anti W.,'n@e .'p0r, etChicago, Sundayd witb local 0 )alims Bras. bave installes] a finese â«ma and fnleids. ai Toledo epringlea camputiusg scaies@ ~~~~~~~~~i Jae rn atedu eluthein îplace'«of business and Witli then dilng 0f brcusn, Miss raythe itig impossiie ta make a mistake lu of buIler osn. SYUtweiglt ou thse total amaunt ai thc M ]dondayýue ..This le antler evdueceaIf C&tbrin Frundla peningthethet irm's tain dealingvwith tleii' patrons. su ntihe City at the home 0i1lier n fmigWtexpse w@'o st, Kira. J. j. Bucli. COsfrutin ta t erpcs e wllinai Km & 1 do.o Egnl ped è ver eek's items print the haur of owsktth am f Mlinud lins«., u s orning servies lu the local $, leu ad faily chuebew OnSondav, June 10. mess IOLas L o aies lias returned tram il le msasiin thse atholic citurcb t 16W bern she bas lisen empiayed 9.:15; union services yl hbeiti inlathe outh ast ntis. M. E. churli at 10:30., latires at Evanstan Frida!. Y ROCKEFELLER IF.Mller of Arlintan HeigliV was in town Satorday deiverng temperance (je to Dean Ayngly for good mets and 1 drinks at Lees and Ed's place. som series. Plutarcli Houghtan and wife and MMa.popp bas been qite ili but ie.ilîdren o.Wancinda are vigitiug with *g0a en the gain, relatives biers and at Libertyville. ~lir ani lre.6. t.tof lamnd ake Mise Helen Wells la deligbted with a '4Wm IDthecity Tbur»day. fine. new piano put in lier bonme recently hy Ade. & Bidinger ai Waukegan. Urt. ad Mma L. Roader spet SundaY J. Heller of Despaines viited t the ,,WU reltives at LiWgltan. b onie of F. Bock and family and calted ' . lmDoolttie oi Waukagan -as home1 on othpr friende Wedneaday ai laàt week. Mvhijt biasparent@ Meonia day. f Du nt walt, have your eyes treated ýILW* Kniga. bas Dow 1116o alins ofet once lis1r, W. iedrick, office at the bk,ry gooda recel ved lisais euh day. Central eveny Wednesslay. Satisfaction jîj Mis ilIanAynley entertained a Iguaranteed. ,-jltknin frend fnam Chicago <Jie5! lrs. JasI King and little son Harold fg~4ê~.returned to their home ini Wisconsin IU",h Ladies Aid aociety will meet ¶itb lianday ater an extended riit befs I&. Kilng Wedneaday June 13 at 2 witb A. J. King and tamily. 1 -eatSt.Hrnan Kublank and sister Mis. C lo Bb. Locks and lady friend were Hapke and other relatives froin hlera ais of F. Roland aud family ans day attended the binerai of thpin oncle M. 1 wSek. Dunzing at Palatine Saturday. B.-Broadliead and fanily lad relativesI Will Knigge aud isters Emuma and tp4i the city for guests several days Clarm enjayed -a drive ta lIcHeury $on- 804~ wek. % day and visitesi at the home aI their lira A. J. King Md guets drave rao ncle 1fr. and lIrs. Louis Knigge. ~Wmmoda llunday ta vist their parents Couùnty Snpt. Gaggi buas decided to M relatves. have a township commnencement at d lay irendaf Rver iwlvanlsoe Friday ersingJune 22. Pupils uPant aturd3'eand Sunday bers at the fi Fremant townsuhip including Ivanhoe, loemi.ra homeRockefeller ansd Diamond Lake wba Jass MieuEmm Knggeretunei toherthe final examiuatian will ru'eive Mim Enma uige rtured a br urlalmas at tîsat tinie. lIn. Hudge of woka ao ins Sctt & C. , intbe ivanhoe iscîool lias beeti appointed ~1ImScltyMonda. li the couiuty superintendent ta have P. Thomas and fansil.v eutertained a charge of the prearation ofi the literary getleman friend of St. Louis tbe latter entertaiument, lue pnogram l.eng filled part 0f last week. I v pupils frani various parts of te lim, J. Cronkhite and grauddaugliters twnsip. Everybady is veny cordially. Marlion and ýEditli Shaddle vislted i ea- invitt attend. ~y3~] eglitb gradje pupils ai the tow nship IVAfflOEincluding Diasnond Lakp and Rockcfeller8 wli have passed tise final exaninatlan D)ont frget the Jue meeting at file will partiuiputssud will h., awarded cruh net Tuesday. idiplouusasJL fine literany ireat is lu 'e.ra. Frank Daîpli is visiting with store for ail vho attendl. xlelatives at Evanstan. l il afate Brais erd, aifIaterman. lm y vitng ber parente bers. E IT isa Maron Payse. closes ber sisol' nt Long (lave tis wesk. t'Stella Carroll is home an a week's e Xavier Wismer wlia las heen vi'57N iii vacatioiu. the paut wesk lina better. Kittie Riordan, ai Cheago, is visiting1 We are glad ta reprt H. C. Payîsc at Carolans.t ,mecverng frogn lis recet iMase. w.HJou'lna stygatli à foras oI mcn af the ChicagaTeiephone isomeHamye ia;n he flaingeair Co., are lu this locality putting sx mre' umer hmaontheai asreere wireson tbe lins tlirouguu tlila plau.e. at'i' 'rt' e missifo hipeosleiarg Fransk Doipl in at Peoria this week asitiedt'eeg It vill last u benti a delegate fron ivasboe canmp, attending Slda, Je e 10. l et ni wi. mting of the Head campoai My@ atJoe 0 Workes o f the World. Our new "liurry up" train, leaving at Let Bunday Misi Eitli Bekwith 17:36 a. in. aud rNtunning at 5:52 la weill tbeSunay (-bnia very iterest-1patronlzed hy commutera and othere. lug reor aiofthe Sunday chol tnmales anly ans stoi) between bers eoaveton at Kaukakes iwhich misle and Western Ave., an signal at Golf. atbea4ed as adelegate fran tiis place. - Earl Frosit hussrlaeda sew ruliler Fremt tawnship commencement tired -toP buggy. He asys that as - tMebm5 wW lib eVdicl uIvanhos an .captuin of the hllteam ie adta have Irilay ev.nlng, June 22, ta whiehli al it, but wve intend ta watnh hlm on1 ,us orllhy invitcd ta ttnd AlWednesday and Sunday nîglits neyer- , fsu..prc«r&m will lu renderedd the"es. - flp*.pp*p*****SOOSSand!*O*S , CimIIifm- &PEOJAL ATTENTION 'To out of Town Orders- And Shipping Tract Libertyvilie Exchiange BAKER end CONI!CTIONER Iobertyville . illi"os MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIRO. WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS ni 't Pl de a Halfit Dy, Illinois lephane Contral PRAIRIEVIEY. Oapt. Saph lett for the east Tuesday IMr@. Anna !.ason visited at Hail I) .lesday. Mfr. and Mné. Chas. Stabi entertai enda Sunday. Get your Forth af July dresses me eMr@. Ede's. 8. E. Knedler la helpinfA. WVshenbe et up bie new barn.. Born, ta Mr. and-Mr¶. H. E vans Tu jy. June Zi, a baby girl. lira. Oea. Gotzler rsturned ta ber ho kt gblhand Park Sunday. Mr8.(;ea. %mann and daughter Me sited in Chicago aver Bunday. Mrn. and Mli. H. A . KnoPh entertaii Re. Wteatherwaz orer Sonday. Helen Gruel tif B îghbland Park is et g with lier siste', lMns. E. Huy( Mrai. E. E. Tracy weut tu the( m.say-to-iai aniI~ eaiahoppi E. H. Masan is kept busy these d rinting buggies and wagons for e>ster. Myrtle Ricbards jsopenling a few lith ber grandpareuts lMr. and Mrs. Richard@. Wni. Edwards lias lnvested in a1 gasi igine anid hay jure.ssand be ready for work. George Sm itb is again conftinpd ta bed ailer liaving heell, as bis fr n ouppoged. alinist recavered. Ubarlie Kroeicer lia- resouid vork at Il. Evan's, feeling a goud imlproved tnder Ifer. Traey*s carp. Calille Gîîtzler and Rogers and. t7i Fniteh uf .Harlid Park spent Soi witb Mr. and Mis m . W. Knedler. MIr. anîd Mr,. S. E. Knedler 'hjîdiren .q5ent Sonday with the lai parent@ Mr. and Mrs. J. Frey af N( lield. Mis.. Win. Edwards and Mrs. Richard@ and daugliter Myrtle Vil with Mi@s Dearlove, ai Glenvieiw Sunday. Mr. and Mir@. H. $telliug fSn. and aud Mir@. H. StelligJr. @pent Satu and Sunday at Bensonville witl latter's sister. Mr. and ise. i. Brockman anÉ and Mr@s. Matt Herseliberger and speut Sunday witli Mr. and lis.- Bnackiman at Long Grave. Tili and Harry Ifieiel went fishii 1iamnd L.ake Thursday. Contrai custom they did flot indulge in a Misé stary- whsn they came back. ()a Friday Junc 1 occurred the of Mmn. (G. R. Snmith of Palmyra. sister of Mrs. M. W. Knedler. Dec, leaves a busband and tbçw children on Suuday morning Chas. Albr barn leurnedz The faim is Occupl E. Rodger. What caused the tirc known. Botte barn and contents insured. Dr. aud MIns. Shaffer of Chicaxoa prisent stopping with their parent am iraý. . YA. Ma-on. They co plate making Downer's Grove future home. P)r. and Mrn@. Tracy sutertaifled Tracy's séister, lira. F. Conning. Mioreau and dangliter Blanche aw mecNeil ai Chicago. Tbey entertail dinnen at Hotel Edward for thein Sunday. The party later returni Chicago. jA CAPTAIN IN THE RA; Ibe lna in this number of the 1 h P PNDENT 'ad SUN. C Ineglect 50 commence with the Ichapter. You will flnd the INTERESTING. Takeoursd, READIT. 1 Mrs. spearm ami daugliter visib.. 0relatives liealast week. Dr. Selîroeder. of Chicago, sPed day witl ibis parents liens. Mis.s Jennie Holst, of Chicago, lier mother bers over Sundity. mmrs.Kammen is entertainul atie nw pivl on aturday ligblit, ~. Ttw Hlertel,$ Pavk Pavillon Ceisars. Schmldt. ..0~ e Chicag, visted wib Wi liamBeachlng "dntiotiler fruda liera Mondas. I1AL~ >AY, 1L. Cblagopsjle enjoyd . T lo ay .. are'conilng te Zurich éverys smmer. I D a e . Who sy thora are no flali lu Lake cIne nuichlAiSI ulO cauagt asdix no pound basla astrnIday morrulng. SIIiBIIJ11h, iiit ,Ge6 orge Formans, of Barrnntan, calG iae pn fieutis lieraTusaay )erg Dr. Oleott andiianilly, of B*rrlngtan, ailent a day tlahilng liera Tuesday. U et~I.I I Music big IMere'S Orchestra 'W""~ e FrdHoi at Fran Clarkd mad a taip oChicago aryWilliam Lintleman, ai Nebraska, cama lary be Tueaday ta attend lie motber's ined fouerai. 1> AGo".,lm Assured- The grand anoitta dance Lu thé ne*' T eThr tay- paviliou ou t e bankof Lake Zurich bred Stallioni ,der. will lie given Setldayeveung, Jue i. edry Music will il furnisbied by tise fanions Ten Broeck - Fanny Ellis Ang. 15verg PlAccommodatioin Joliet orellestra. Dances will begin ______________________ veny Satunday ilîtalter the openîngr. A noted sire of hunters and high - lauss utllity laya m E vervbody coulc and ]bave a Ilo tinie. Mrn. Wiliam C. llicknass, Prp. homses laye RFW E Ij Robent Bruce, ai Jaliet, is making the Jas lns Kap. li bs ,en istug onrounds bers in blis autoimobile beling WiIl stand until further notied at tbe 'past ivowo eeka, %iîlla lienrqiatîsen aa atesraudu reuei new Mrs. Brail. returned boni, Sturday. G(eorge Knigge and faitilly. ai Dianiond KNOLLWOOD FÀRE, Telegaph Road, Lake Forblst is., Parsons anal sari. of Chicago bl aake . sstdwtl isIngg' al Sltz, Manager suà-e11 ent Friday WitliMrlins. l'aSton. h i iei.i rlc onity dP is NIu n.. S. . n Th1 J1a lotvruecanîîybu edo, Tiie ,oreas.,aciety iet sii. ..n. '. nothen ls 1luaunday tise aru of Hlutcbisou Tbunsdeày aitertsoon. tianes.Albnig-Ist a% Prairie View hurnung bis Tbe 1- E. Soiety bieil altu-ess nitët- huis l. Thsis is the fiurotl hiess theu sieal luManday'nigîit at tie ialeo I uîayh sianu ussns.Lt ..à Mra. Hall .lu Ivgupe it %ii tuW the List une. utOii M aInd lira. Heeansuf iChiI o Euîglislî Suday sebausN l suIw' tanted odayv japait Soday viclithue Uîsrk fapsuly. t Lsskea Zurich, Jane 11) et 2 le. li. IT S L~ ( E ~ 1 and- uls w ank vill .beuluiulliin i 'vr The Presb.vteriau $iiilav Suluaul willdprinn:Susndav el-1E TI tter'd bolul tîeir exercises Sîsuday -\lrn'nn t lernlan10 a.* th.,. Englisli 4:;W le. u.. ot r Joc10. at 10:30 uo'k tIl areitiqluay sebool Geniiaiu Il a. Ili. , iiiglissb ori. invited ta attend, 2 l. 'ai.; ch ir pra tine E igisb for . C Mns. Wentwontli.ofaislsuih;5visiting lcauiitg congrcgatioinl sangs ' anud siltet iith lier daugliter Mrs. Mattbews antîseausSI dcusua iy li p.ou.. tensuau au A cncert ili li tus tse I iduy rm 1). m. We very glaully invite , ca silyua ta r(rStî'ak r Quon Acoertee, a gvnb teLyrisciailltise inhabitauts anud ýviests of Lake Bgg o urgat abolit the 1price Vol] Q a t t e ofChicago iluths Prealus tenan Z b and environs ta v sst alun cluoruh n h t y o n w l o h t Mn. churcl Satorday evedinut Jiiue 16. unuler sud join oi svusn-. Itespectiully. would pay for on0 htyuko ati rday the auspices ai the Cbnistisils EnJuevor JHrsua. Pastun. s tise Society. Admission 25c. MrlIn. Iinnie Lituclenan died at lie'n iîg about. Wsould it pay to take the lins.Mr Isabiel Blederatedtis speuding aineule e mile uorth of IIe last Sctuunay chanîce! You are sui!' of wliat is under d ul ew iveeks in Bomonayk withl ira. B. S. 1aicernooti at thue ge of lit y ans aliter us 1saun, Fritschi. wbo a i.racaverinar fnîum an at- long sud linagerng isg lluss. lins. the paint on these tîsakes. Fred tack af appendicitis. ILiutlensan cualse ta this country frasis' UgA ~n. Lytie in quste iii st pussent writ- uusue, tierimarsy, .ies w tix try o ig nianicul ta George Lintisman ivîsa diu.d a "big Miss; Jeunie Vetter. ie home ais a twa coins iglit ycans lago. Tlinee cbildrnu Corn e i and T l t O e . eeks vacation. were bora ta tltii eorGcuge. wlua lires sun a k it O e death C. E Tapit ior Suuulay Jue 10. tise aid hoinesteus'. ll ofu, aiGauhuuiu. IVa. "Christ'@Ile;Bis relation to His lDis- Nehi., and asie dausgiten1 lIs Feil s"su tipis., sud and wbat le ex pects ai us. Beglann, wluo disd several' yellsns agis. 5. Matt 10. 16:23. Ils Hulun, Leader. She was laid ta resu Wednesday 'aller- oe nuo uthe' old Lutheran ceruteu'y u ctt5 George F. AdamI.of Chcaga, @Perut Fainfileld. Services ivere belul it 'tiue S% <."U A N C K B R O S ., le ySunday vii-li,..othsen. Lutlisran churcli o! siuill ie %vas a la nate Mr nlMe ye n agt member ofi uany ves's standinug.lBer £bf~1< iIml %es ln, niM.Pye n agie tir anad a hast ai relatives usourn visited Deerfield fndsSuuday. larienols _____________________________________ are St Louis Tocz apent Sunday bers. ________________E onten- liai Brail is on the slck lit. PALA11MEI"' ~JI thl' Misa Marion Jackson, of Waukegau. ? iA I K Z F .'L, 1 vas tbe guest ai Miss Alnme Bleimebil Mns. VanBforai sud XMse Grisas rusuteu al lins. sevenal days lasiit eek. 1 elatives luitranisoe recently. .M r. D. N. Lidyensvood ententaines] bis Miss Iil. Hunck iW5 ii very uwellauuue neul e bratber Sunday. che u nsslunPalatinesSatulsay. ap5.uiPinliTîstiu.utt- gucas ln. hueianandîamly sitnta Nil iss Peppen of Lake Zurich willus a Wiliw Gls-s. Ilîtllnistlî*. Whîite Wsls Iig tii relatives inom Highliand] Park. gosat ai Mimse icumnaiker aven $uiid:uy. ilnoahem, Wine ClothSrli.c4.neiliurs,.Xjustall. Aurnsa slungtasutscib ln he lins. Vaunl haîl for lienriailsWuîu~~*s 'iut. îtnt tnîi Anyon wiýiins to abserbe fr ei.'eeitly ins.H. Van HIrn suuldasîglutun, wno wenPltYNti INKS tise lest jeans sutsciptian eall t t le LAKEi'. TYItutuNlENTor NuisIfr. r,îneîs s. l, 1ti i .. Bilaui uusî'n 40- Fair sto,e S. P. Huteisan, P'nuuî. !Mus. Diekmsu vi.iteil mu-sds is Pîla. *1 ~~~~~~~tilue sud attî'nuled lthe, sia -rutiaus *'La s W. lGsilk'anlîiu Don't Mn. sud line. Eu hilimelul ans]ý exencises tise 34th1 l irat daugîten .tnltui" suent Thussday il Tise lMaas in set lsilseir ti-nsple uanilaI 5iye Chcg.few ai their juseuulle uuuiletaîîka Aie niAll o frCicago pnt ste,. u a a a uui...C r e and Tell Us Vour Troubles Decanatuan day iit liens ,ecornaz sgtise Gilbert Sisadulle lluisi-ie îl us t ln'.i oi5 graves. -it Sorlivestenu rdental u-îulegc mdi "'1 M. Gibbts. of Eiuclissod andi Attorney dii]jos bis vacation nt luise, . .J Oris, af Wsuke4au. uvenu. cisl-nliers ' j Ilarrieul St tishe iouiu f theii'lunl lias ~ ~>Ilanas.Fred (Garnis IlotIs of i *Re.1 ftS-tiealbos' )catushoelialisi av-'M. Cressansd laiily bave moyeu juta îsnauegeiusieille'n ailiati-l. I3oy er I3ros. visited ulnom anodkser UjtsreoauonsentJ %is. CHartinut. ai 'anuen f thie l1'.Ivanhoe Illinois miss Arsanda Selig visites] in tise rltyI Paladine. Fonenal thie Sunday flluiiieg ug lienlest week. 1witb intermueut iii tise i-inuî'eny uîutii,'The Store that rPays Mcore for Lggs Miss Lange visited vuith . ben-si-tu-n ltilîîe glit 116 tickets being sold. Miss Alie, Ott visite(] lu Çhiî-ago a nucastuir, ai Chicago, suent rîumben o ai ys lîust îeek. Fiuting withb iis many frienis mi$s@llayie Zicu issu't laut Thiur.- day at lier bornelu Everett. oseul Friday andi Mn. lMaxwell Misst Marle[(clonies visited svenai bined do teaChen the enpuilsg davs un Bloc Islans] lest uueek. Messrs. Oea. anti Richuard Adsiîis uleat buis bis sw baun Cousu- visitesi witb thseirn iotiser Suuday. is nais treatiug it ta luî cat lr.in.sdlIre. H. Segert lspent Sîuuday 1 itb tise formsers sister lu Nortbllelii. iPi'ucs'w. oii Rolliug Prairie, Mns Nonriinsen and grandelds] inu gocat aiflins. [ena Pegelase Lake, Wi1scansin, talled ou aid frieuds Monday. iears, I Chicago, @petit Frank Nesswlauseu andl iamily lisse iday b.e visiting lIn. ans] suaves] ont main Chicago. Be iutsnds lxter. starting a hîakeny shop. Afoortesu nmen vers luntains Sevenai fromt ,bers attendus] tlicdance rnging svjres ion the Chicago ai Hentel'o Park Satunday evsîsing sud Company. an euloyable cime is reportes] by ail. Lririn andl sists?.liMm.Zimmen. lins.Allen Pundy sud son Curtis silu .Mi4uare blieata speus tise bave"eeu visicing Jake Antes sud ith tissir sister Miss Lydia iamuîy thepast cira veeks have returneti ta their home lu Iowa. Mns. Paul Pegeloin are ou nse lt n r.C ne netie abig fauiaseant oailies. lins. Mnanlis.CAteetrand las sixteen boaudera nain and Mn. and lins. Jas Pyle andi daugliten )mé hie kepe er veny îuoy. ClansaialIMr.sud lira. Allient and son ne~~~ vhcbkepeinn tise City aven Sunday. ;tate is iribiant these ulsys _________ Sholstht' record ton nuniler moglit lereabout@. He bas_________________ ty.nius ickerel sud aflier Sli LONG LAKE lt. t'eglow vhavas njoeul Tam Grahamwva sChicago visitor ereiy lu the sarib qusake, aThrd. s, Calit., ie able ta lie anounul. S. Sarnson lias retunes Irons bis ng uvhicie ss' as lu St the nonthentrip. destnoyed. Frank Stanton attende] the bail game as ruiuvetiboreienuscuntly frani at Graham'@ Sundav. unsm, the vetersu tna;îpen, iro WiII Golden and iamily. ai Loun[Lake, ibard yeana t labon aud bt;'. visited relatives boe Sunday. lage, thit le fi% enîoîing tise 'Quite a numiien of Chicago people of the state aif Washuington. Su -ndayed ait WalIten Wlite's. Sëvlia le noir past hie uinsty. utea hîao iie]a rhday la living vitîshis son J.L uteoChcgvseda iat atate. the Wm. Caine foa Frlday. ________________E. Clevelaund anud] amuly ara ententain- stlng, helcblug. saur atam nicg qolte a nomber oif ummer boarden. hnreatli. malasslmllatlan of John (laye, ai Chicago, spent a fein ail- symitonss tilndigestlan. daysaiat John Catsvese's neturning ta yspepsla Talilets are a tIse city Manda!y.' mil ellicIent corrective. Bolii Tie Allen Sud Cartige fAlBilies, ai tasckiey. lÀbertyvible and Chicago,@peut Saturday anti Bunday at ePliarmacy. IJ. B.Coverse. BARRINGTON. I>n. suns] lins. ciltnsamuifausil, ssied ait the' houme lit lins. ciîu.le sun hI.-Éiuiu day. lis Aida Gieeke, oii Nsiisnville, visiteul witb tuer parents Sunday. ' Herbent Plagute iro lias tissu I employes] as teaciien ai tbî' icuese' sdhool celles] on frienuls isre Sudai. The popils îuf the bîgh ac-booi aie pnau-dicsng ton a play "The Cenuer Stoure' ta be given lundte iigh i-uluol asseuubly bail June 21. Mies Maliel fipnigsegvisites] vitbhlier grantifatber, W. Spriggs iast weeL. Tht' onders aIflModern Waadineuis] Odul Feilowa leaded by cte Barringtos baud nsarhus'ulta tie cemsteny Suday aiternoosi do deconate thue gnaves ai thein de"d. Tise 0. A. R. aise decorated at Barrlngtofl Ganter. Mn. antiMn.' F. O. Willmartb enter taines] Irlande inoni Elgin Sunday afternoon. Aie Amauda Kacuspent le visicing wi ber sisten, lins. Chas. Peter", ut Anlingtau BeiglitO. , lira. d Sotit antiiausily are visitling wifl Mr@. Sodt's parents. Mr. uns] lis. misses Nana Plagge sud Almua Stisisuthocen cstlled au thte ionuneg-'s unche, Bey. C. J1. Fney, afi Cîuuugî, Sunday. Tisemenilens ai theshigbL . chool viii lave s buiidayu'Fniday iheu dlueir teacliera viii attend tise higb sctuool teaciuen's meeting in Chicago. bWallon Shlpmnian sd Artuusn Gisason ve inlu tain uuday.,, FOX LAKM TIse Fax Lake CemnetenY aucleit sull mneet virli lra. Henry Fumas st Antiocli, Tburadely afternaouil Joue 14. fVisitant cortialiy Invites]. The lest bmeeting vas at tfie home of lira. L[ue soc*, a large crod vasà preaeut.. OME XEK ÀDCASH ONLY 22 ls grnuulatëd sugan ... ... . 1 00 anu ct' îukgeu aItlnikîst N. Ys. flsl csenr'is ueh per Iii................. 08 Ss'eied nuissis. li, pacmk age ........... . h trsi10 tls lm1ui eu 't u i- . fls'aned iunnrait4, 1i1) a , -ate...... 10 cans lus---------------------30 N oine Suctu uuuiiu e n t, 3 uiuksc sfFonce, îsm1a.-r t. .. .. .. .. 6 Grape nuts, 21pack ag i' s f i. . . ... 25 îî 4 % I.îîlieîsu-tii i entus luis t pe r Siunu.u d luldsucuanut. j'lbIi.......... pl15g ................i...1 Psstuuuu cînssi.lane, s'a...................... Navy biuans, 7 IIim................. 25 lt r. Priues ba uî'lir isukaie ... 10 SiuuiucersA.veniu rullu.ulasts 7 ibs 25 Plîsiionys Viiu. '2 packages...... 25 tOns lb piukuige finain->.. ........ oi ('resun ai whsst, 2 pakgs2 Ouflo r a lie t ii yuorateýl c'uIluu [nueula bieeuits, :1 puskages§.i..... l il Ca na ion......................... 2fl'intjuin Teliusfuuit btter ..... 0 3i 11) ian Bostonîs Isked lheuss, M3 .Ii teuaîan suailnCas1 .aus................ 25 Glîin ,anu artIerd iwars ...... ... 30 3 i s s p n p iui, 3 cususfuir 25 i zà p o uri i -a uge' K otilu ............. 0 3 3 11u cassa tansataus, :iluvansifor ...... t eust foauuansd magie jeaet, '2 pkg Boest Bagots coruSse.................. 2 Poud pkg gooti sruoking tobaica 20 Our best 60ec onuolares] Jaas tes 48 J. T. tobsuco, t 10.cent pluigs .... 23 il hans Swit Pride soap.. ........... 25 Big Onu lu otbaeea, 4 1lOc phlngs 30, 9bans Lenox ~..........25 3I i. pkgs Crnuenstonu' tiuha ... cu 16 12 bans Noxaîl sua)................ 23 S'isku:)v Bus it'ipalc'o 12 buars Calumet suîssp.... ........... 2 Bananss,45'n uluz....... 10, 13 sud 20 12 bassViston saap.................. 2556 lbm rnue .............................. 2 1 -,-lb puackae J .obnson irashinut Waslbsuru Oqiti leul u Su4u1n pîs]sr ............................ 15 lb Rack ... ....................... 1 1 1 --11 gfrasdmam Borax juaideresi Beu Hur Sauun, 41.)tu1)susck.......... ID1 so p ........................1 1 513 C ere ota Sur, 49 iii aek........ 1 2 Ô 7 cakes Scounine ..................... 2 Carnaionu creumu S OC uer eautifon 25 4 cane Qussen )y ..... ................ 30 Borden Eagis, Brndus uudenseti .1 caris Lewis lii 2................ s milk ..................... i Reduced Peice on ail Dr Goods Fresh Bread, Cakeg Buns, and Pies Evergj Moruiog [rom the Libertgville New Bakerig Rilroad Ticets for the Northwestern. St. Paul,. and WisScoa Central for sale here. WiiU Knige ..eRockefelièr 9 1 "x 1 graygate

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