EYE SPECIALIST, IEye Troubles Treiitf.le'<tO>' erenii î' tille Mtiieds. At titi offIce ofl Dr. Goding ou Fridayis anti Sattir<aym. L'ii'etyvilie, 111, M. -A. HATCHRL D. Physicin and Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Faim Ingleide, lis. 'Phone 332 W. G. RAABL M D. C. Vo 1terinary Ourgeon and Dentist temideneHait Day P. O. Prairie Viu'w Illineis 'Pliene Libertyvilie 1811 LYNCH 890hER ~Ç,u,~la coo to Phone 837 Llhurtyvilie. ULi X K.STEARNS !.AWYE.1 DR GODN 21:3 WpAhingteun Sîrcet DR. GLDIN i Iaukegan - IE"tTIST I 'Phno 2761 huîtrem Slù, 12 ut)ut. 1 1 mt I____1 i.jwta-t>itie li', IIitîît NEWSPePE.RS Mrs. E. J..Blaer' 'DR, 0. F. Bu'TERFIELU, PRlDAB'~'t Things for the j ~ Ladies'in Profusion t Coats and Mlats, SiIk Waists Ready Ïmade Skirts and Summer Goods ms. r. Protine Libertg'viIIe sIlni i. I TI1EiFOUTAIN Or TASTY BIEVERAGES Bug Where Everythong is Clean and Wholesome,. AbsouteIylPure and Teste Like More. Wo aatym kn-s ut- umadi- guid odawater and Ieîîe al'tays kt)îva huaI il 'yes 1ttri-,Ahîatt e lr iÙ.tuthel>' atiu tisul'n t tur lu iutitain. Wo hwiatI 1mîty ~gtttd opiion uuof ioirnio-ci' mii.tîu. lititwjj iîîtsî' .-s lettitt u iicrelutinteth, cnitunt ,fut lites' .tt)t1 thilugus w .-'Il Svp are iit'lti" lthiîit ltt tîltîr lik t tiitk tett gtîul ai-o. Wii"n tuiyiiuizi!- -t'ti'.'îtt tr .,iIIuiuly t Iuîî"'l tnud ltit, teýst loiitr tîyo u 's'nv. Tyii'it, su' l tic. i'tieiît'ni' teu 's! LOVELL'S DRUG STORE. Imported Percheron Stallion VELO0 Registered Nob. (24655) 44784 VELO la coal black. with, lage tar, leIt bind foot wbites weighlng 1925 lb, o. le May 10 1899# bred by Mous ~ ~ , Lucas, department of Sathe, France. He wua sfred by ane of th, greest dainlaFrance, Eessigtse (1906) by Brillat M 1116 (2919). by Fenlon Y 2682 (38) by Erilliant 1899 (756) by Coco Il (714). by Vieux ChamIta (713). by coco (712) by Mignon (715), by Dain Pilette (41821) byBoule d' Or (19129) by Grevin 6846 y682) v L iae 3065 0334), by BDIllant 1271 (755). by 'fIat199-(75f). 6byC.UIl(714). by Vie=x Chulin (713). b'! CooM72). by lignes(713). by jea4eBlaa (739) .VELO *wi m te in"mousa 906 a the ham 3 miles south Of I tryvoll. et usuaBsqu' pe, of $20 to Ismaure. ata 'tti m Sto* 'tFarm, E J. pintier,MS HCaptain GE07RGEI iIn the Ra phi& C.nel&by w~b'A . aUa SC... Fumba,..065 Fi»SAsmee. NW Taa ln te si IZ i vç ln 'lOwa:Il tu 12. m. .lt 8 and 7 toi 8P. sM. Llbert,yville. Illineis DRI JL. TAYL9R, tol-7te 10 a. n. 2 le' 4 andi 6 to 8P. ci. Semaidenee on Broad*aY, ePPomite Park lberttvtle, Illinois. DI. CL RGALLOAY, oilNOVES LOYELL' DetteS"O.. agou-frocilIo 8Sand to 8 P. . Libertyvlllo, Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFRN. ÂTTOBNiY AT LAW. Libertyville,Ililinois. DR,.IL IL SMITM DENTIST. orpiu O evasLAKE cUut<lvBANK -ioua-8 te 12 a. u. and rltu 5 P. M. DAI ly. -Llhertyville Ililinois. CDfUPTER IL wla ot "li e c>"'and aal- s TIn young mo-n rode long sudWandBt6 bouci 1110cas aentgraarie laIe that niglît Risway mYîay in Sflkbsi &~Oliebe poor moWD ai vairs upwardoward lteed orteirs toff u 1,ebatheen dmpIMl-n T ats 0 f tiie bgb Mountains of t . hefie st or. boysI cd1h me. lu tha' l lu ige range. tii. lad.touren boys, oven Ihdrasn 'The roidsbu hraversd eti re mearceI'Youga auue bdbe rw more than trai, ttq tePle the-Ir lutathe Îuni>'. Tu ai'bga, the iie1., scent to 'have beu. IxaveoidbY wa t-the tew-mik seas they poeassa ba de that milgbt wear them ie I.hor- ibeen taken ava>' fromttlhem. Tbalr ongbta'om.Durlng lte mny>'bours otrIscaety cEen bled been couvertatilInto blm rliling hoe aaw ne sige cf buman srmy boof. andi those tor theci who habiatIn aywbr ntine roset owued a bord, or a munle hsd heen et fiadieg foodi for hîmoeit or bis herse, tcmelt esredrteaIa e thoughboth were famlahing. milltarJ ume, recilng lu rotuire oui> About midnlgbht, uwcver. ho came Coufedenato hreatir>' notes, eow Worth îîpoîî a bih ut vild pasqture landi on a ne more thjn noMincit ttr waste paper. bteep mountain side. wbore bis, berse Nevert b sGUlfurl Dutnean pier- at ieamt nuiglt crop the early grassietff ocl>' nderatooti thal lie'muett look te the sprlng. There hoieIqaltcd. revcd the Impoerenshed peojit' tif the high itis saddle antil laitnturnedtheIb mouutalîîs for a food suibipi>' lu this aniîml t ose,- eayîng: bis sure oxtrernît>. 'i"efiro lstesti 'PitPon Iteast! You 'wlil net stra> tair et erossging te range 1,y way ut au>' ot i'wtiy. Tirea liaIt au aire et grass lte mnîtltravejed i t ht, p uusbcd lt-e, withbharo ro".kli ailtîaronî Il. li11criiss refresbad ,'t" traigût lit Výtir. cpIt'ite 'tîllit'h-ua eougîlt It Mout I 'leasaitlt ' i t te tIlf-glît 'ir tîatÏrs' [ittdsitt.sîr-u fle w-ar tnt t .îi t ti - st1ilî it "iflie tarfllu-e w't,'sas unair r of ttuanti 11, nu t' tofî t ile , de'iî'ty )tut lte li' I > t ýkiiowiltîg lit. , ' t, t i mI, t1w.' %sai'a ot the t ' ii - t-i , ttu.'~'1 "' l i.tîtslisý ;dersta-'tuitg tmatidid uoît' t' tr f '-eurlug ho, , ' ~. 2 .t LI, îiMIttt lits 'hîiii- food tîtoro, forî "', s'iu tho, Iltoultalît'oýr te mec t "rtia il 1titt uisr ~i'ti t i i tig ýo i-ul t w t -îî qrq's artt e10be id ' 1,jieroof ent httttcr as lit' w t. ,-iandi si -ury ioth ie u of -'tîranî ail Ili'.-11o eiltinlgs lu verg. o he1,a a itte Cre-ivsrtlt- lokoit t i '1"u ijlttîtanîd il'rglyt' tut c o i,îto. ii- ttiîil e o eil ee e ltiîtir, fil ~ i t , it .'; fatîtl'. "'jth D.uiciVîbegau bY .'ifor dîamer t i îîî'of t:,.i.îitt;îî5;uu!igau fo, lutuiol< sud ltt'IA the re- fililsscabai aid mrh ts eltandgetturous hoîitaaîity. livr ft T heit "rwg Alittgot machi 0 teoi "n nui, cap'n," thei vîrtit uovir i idt saitI)btgil (Townsailli the owuor. "Ilut I s.. t lms you'ie ho sati: .welcome." ý lht ends i lte soldit r ct'itiitr of niy !îîouwhlle hoe 1usd g iitfle borne a lire. I iiitit t tîrîteflic îs'rk e of eo do(zeit para et corn,Ëa>t' uîîs'1ihavtîno unitrettitte user wîichhteo "Iieçkw '0 tWeu't hîti t iiiîe doe't bantg lte trtt'ty bi,î' tî'. i lietter te loek 's If he'd bealu 31t'eitt an>' tee hury il livet'liit lite rutinjs, lnthe hcariy, au' 1 neeke5 u a zcaors woe't rnuust et desolallun, anîd fîtrover te tor- teundet hlm." gel ail that Il suggca.ta," For dînuer there m ' ýil scaul>' plece Wheu lie waldet lu the morning a orflancon, holiet i Wti li d m,16tarti soakiug, persitetit.ptiiesa rais vas planta for greens, euttsoine Panes et tsllleg. 1The young îuau's clothlng vas corn hread. sa complel>' salurtiteti that as be Tii flilferd Duncainclebis starvlng @foodi ereel flite wlter streanuod tront conition thim seet ced a venitable toast. hig ellueiv anîd lie rtoit Ilt ticklieg Tlweaotlng et Il su finr retresheti hlm dewn h>a body a nd ie tslegs. thai bc cheertutiy answereti ail the "This la- a pnetty good substitut. for questions put t;ltaub>' blm shIrt a bath." he thougltt as ho nernoveti bis sleevoti beau. garmeulsansd wllh aîroug. nervena It la a traditiotnila Virginie that uno- bauds wruug the wales' ont et themne asbody eeu ask tue Iina> questions as a lautinesses do with lInon, Yankee, anti yeîthon.er waz never c Hlied ne menuns ot klndlleg a lire, people mo isltiAl gtven hoa âklug: anti there wam ne lime fer Ibat at an>' questions of a lînnel>' sud Impertinent- rate. Guilîord Duncan bai hegun te 1>' personsi clarat-ler as were tho Vir- iteei the paugs net et more bunger, but glelans of au>-thtng leua tian tho blgh- ot actual starvalion-the pains that or anti gentier nia.îaThe>' qùtioln- raean coleapse and speeti> decth, FHe cd a guest met sitilunch because Off au>' knew that ho musItlUed foodi tonrblet- 1<1e curloeit>' coîîs'erelng bis affaira am self, and that quilct>' Othenwlse lie because et a fnietîdi>' damie te ment- muat die ltera, beipiess anti aine, on test Intenost lunIiicead lu wbaî mlght the dosolate mouetalu aide. concenn hlm, Helie ght. indeeti.itbis borse anti "Mbat meut ur narno be, cape'n? Tire for a tew tisys upen Ils flesh ntif th oatbaigna-ts ilue>' mat aIt iluner. Il shotul iftit.liButsncb molet would «"My namo la Ctilford Duncan," n.- ho oui>' a Postpouing ut the oui, anti pileti the youugtu. "But I am net wlthout ihc tborne ho doutid 1hat1 hoa captainn tiesvI'ii oni>' a vo>' paon coutl tr-,t'el fair lowanîl thal western y-oung man-greîil vpeenen than yen land whîich ho hald liit unwittlngly are, fo tonaIlocal iu owe a home sud a fixed chou as bis goal. lie w'as weli up le the mounitaina now anti iear lte cresi ut the great range. The vallo>' la>' hîound. anti ho icîllknow ltaI hosvouid Iluti niood supplies luitît reglon wheu hd shounid cone te cross IL, Slterldtîu hou doue c çx'rtecl w'ork etf war Ihore, se donc,-' tatingone utflte tuaI froitfi eglous ii s t ou ci loeil*s ennar t tîat le picînreaque 1Çi %i worda bhall îisuid. "'ltu'crow fltIfiles over the valley oft Vlgiiiia initlcar- ry bis ratiotns w'ith binu." In tho hligb motinitalus maltera ion. cnet ranch botter. Theme biud been neo . &battllng uit there in the land et the ..* 1it>', butI lie scats anti the desoîction of w-ar w'ero mîtuitoot ercuuOpen mouea- tain aIdes anti monîitin topse. For touer yeams the mou whuu ett '. le the rude log cabinaetflitIfront bit- ton ccd atonile roglon bail been sony- ' .l log as volueleers iluthoe rmy, lighting 'C ' fer a cause wtiieh 'vas noue ot theirs ced' whlch tho>' dinet ai ailtsetier- Dusnan toges tqi iuiuin jorn lauer fer stand or try ta unàýrstand. The>' utîceit ted li. fougbt upon Instinct arène. il had al- litho piece of til tîtouetalu top, wite wai- bec ho custoin etthe mountaiun 1 w noîIch utftjod's earth or au>'- ,dweilers te shouiden Iheir gums'aui go thing else excotît iii>' bo«s, MY four mbo theticit et ever>' tra>' whieh pîstoîs, ci>'satituisand brilieandti he scemedti e them n uau>' vs>'te threalen coths Iwan" titeir estiva lanud. The>' vont bMailly, "Whsî's yonr .plîtittn-l' o moItie fthey tought despenstel>', aud the>'en- ln the mouelinguilTho>' sa>'thene'hi dureti manteli>'. Ignorant, Illilterate, ho big moue>' lu 'eliltin' Whisky au' not abject>' puce. Inuredti e banimhipaplnoftebg xOUtIVa througb generations. the>' amitdo i e a-pybin'e sha rbIlh tai n 11. the questions tho aeswors te vhlcb 1h.>' resk busIes hs, ou'sil.Weto cocuuti etundorsti. Ilvaseongh Yankm'gelssessolacvust 1eti tiOse for them te kttew thel thiielnnative land yale poasossfor, bih, e t yI 'kln 5 wslnvaded b>' an armeti toc, Whon- a *'r rne ton bir hu!, u ur .tan.u ever that occumreti the>' ion. reai>' t a orle'a atpoer Init alitait.wa meet force wlth force andtie do ther dTiteeat pelver Sat a lt nec humble migbtlest te drive that toetwnt.nielgluavi>'hton away pr 10 doatre> nim witheuh amklng gooti cmen wilh crifle Unla efenti." ývgen *bu ho was, "Thtaik yen for yenouroer," anawen- Durlng tho absence et tour yearm eti Duncan. "But l'i net tblnkleg Of thelr bornes bailtalion Ieto earful Setllng la the monîltaul. 1ý71%gOIng ht deceishion. Thosmd boes were i logCathe 'W'ot If I eau gelt b«i,. -Now, 10 do Jusi, cltakod anti daubeti, Moii' ~ ta îoss the ing le>', anti. 1 earthsi beors'-anti cbineJ'huilt 1'of muet uveo mre provlulfl. ' Van yon sticks hhicki>' piastoreti wih imu& Bu, usali -aide ci bacon, a tie bog of humble as u tejt were, the>' WM.ocs. cme a utile 1W.sat?, - ,' adnti ti.>'elul the. wivsaatieitieMdWa k e p>OwUche whomthee mm «e& Wol1 Ibave nÔo aQu, ut osurs., Tb Utb octg h oao« d d1bis*__T bave *wo »J» et CW# e u çw rvalaré,AM 'be glad t0Sitva 'ou on. Polir'«, tbem for mi dininer, sn ay borse', geed andti beprovisions 1I r have mentIonedl . I "*0W ow "a-here, mtster." broie iluItl b.e mountamfeer, rlming and tralbten- I. Jng himeif to bis foullIllt of six ca feet four. "'wben you corne toerny deor 11l 'on was inlgbty bungry. Yeu cxed for rO adinner an' a boue feed. mn' 1've delta N glve 'eam tu yen free, gratts an' fer w nothin'. No man on the face o' God'a 1 'earth kw gay as Èow h.e ever corne te et i WatkIns' bouse in need of a dinner lu an' a boom feed 'thout a-glttlu' betl. im Am' no man klagay ashow 81Watkns ON 'ver took a cent o' pay fer' a-entertsln- ln f angela nnawares. as the preacb- p( ers us. But wheu it cornes toi fur- V tishin' yen wltl a aide e 'bacon an' Pl sarne mai an' sait, tiiet'. more 'differ- al sitar. That'. business. TbeTe's mlgbty w Utt)e muai &n'miltfw aides o' ha- elon l h tt liehaoparts. but I1tion't al -Ind A-telilSt yen as bow my wlfea rf done mana$edtiuaile a few aides o' ft baon W 54ttt1 mag i, tmi.efeliers wbat corne Up bere ta coilect the ta inh Itlnd. Ef you chooao to take one o' Pl them aides o' bacon an' a littie 'meal au' sait an' Xive me one oW your pistole, Em quitle tgreeable. The gun igout Pl coule tu haaiy wben I glt a littie mdi a-gem' dowp tiiere lu the bolier."' "Ilil do botter than that" answered h) Duncan. "l'il gise you a pair of lte (I uistole, as 1 sald.' C "Hoid on! G;o a Icelle slow, mieler, au' den't folgi nothin'. You prornlsed te gimme tlhe p'ar ýo' pistuls fer the bcon au' meal an' Sait an' fer yerdin- lier an' hosa feed. I've <loue tbicyoun s lîow Si VJtklns don'h nver take no îîy, fer a lF.Rter au'iosoil, su re.0Ye.nfi clin't efl'cr ~hie le)'cr o' itols 'tbl&ît it lie~ n" h'4.,àw.'s r1 't voehave thaI,,-! *'el-Y w'scl," ttald Ijuntaît. "i ddt netu that. l'il gîti-e 3-uteue of the itiistiq lu ýiYtittfoir Ilei'titpplY V of pat r uthtiti' tIer. tw. il'li going tl, Il) soiuiethireg îes itlte other piste[l1i -thet' t ttttiruf luitnt e.tt Wlii th tiat lie' utteflel It ' is i(- i kitife C and screrl,,W',luionte stir nîîtint 1, tif lthe Lpstoll hitîtith-t' zl;' 't '*TuSi II Watttus, lu îîîenurY ofia t s 'it. k"roua Thenî, lianlittt' lie lust'riltl ý(1 %cepou te0i Itîstat tl it id: "I batvenDtgiît ttlîttîI' llýeou t'. litie preseh. tprt'ly luli te Ve f rîeîd- ahip, sud flottias 'i"îV ý'f'tr îiiytiliig at ail. I ivaut te gis ' ttoil ts l istl. suad 1 I iaut Yoe t*t til. i lotut kulow wlîeri' 1 iciiigoîtg Iliii nd work in the W est, aud I dIlt i kîtt why I wrote 'Cuire, Ili.,' as îîty tîltlnsi. It slmiuly raine to me tuiiil . Pertaîts Its a good otunr. Auylow I shahl go teaý Cuiro. sud If 1 leave there l'Il arrangea te have rny lettors forwarded te me wherever I rnay be, se If yeu're ln trou- ble et any Umne yoeut write to me atf Cairo. t ame as Peour as yen are now-r yes' pourer-Itut I dou't mean te tay1 polir. If you're le trouble at any time l'Il do my Ilbe 1soc you through, juatf a$ yoit bave accu me lhrough thua tîrno."t CHAPTER III. H LF au heur later the youngè man reurned hie josrney west-t ward, pcsslng dowu te tartiier miopes of lte mountaîn. r "Meonder wby 1 wrete,'Catro'as in atidres." ho tliought as bis trusty horse caretuiiy picked hlm way ameng ýtii rocks andi down the ateepa., "I haduit thougbt of Caire before as even a pos- sible destination. I kIiow nobody there 1 know absoiutely notling about the towu or the opperlunîties it may off or." Theitlho began a more practicai train uft liugbt. "l'xe foodi enougu uow." ho reflected. "te last me sccutily for a tew daym. Durlug thaI lime I muat make My Way as far as I cau towigrd the. 0h10-river at Plltsburg: or Wbeellng or Parkersburg. wltcu I reacu the ni-vèer ïmluai haie meîîey eeougb te psy iteambeat tare to Cairo. There la ne money lu these parts, but West VIrgiia Ili. practlcaliy a nertiieru state, snd there are green- backs Ihere. F'il oeil my rernaining pis- toisethere. A littie Icter I'il mcii my herse. my maddle cuti ry bnidie. The herse lsa agood eue, and So la the mati- die. Surely 1 ought te get euougb for fluen te pay Mny way te Caire."- Thon rami' arieliter aed a qnestiening tiîoughît: "And wheu I get te Calro-what Ilion? t'vo a goed îîniversity educa- tien, but I doubt that tucre las a reatiy muarket for edluctitiofi lu ny bustling blîsseuri river town 3ust now. ina graducte lu iaw. but heaven knowm 1 know very Ilttie about the profession aIdo trorn the broud underling prin- cipies. Besities, 1 shah, have ne mono>' with which to open au office, and Who la goiug toernmploy a waudering aud utteriy destltute striuger te tako >charge of hls logal bîtaiereor' . For the moment dIscouragenmeut >dorntnated lte young muae'@m md, but presouhi>' there carne to hlm a refiectlon ihat gavae ew lurth te bis courage. "I'iu six foot hlgh," ho thouglît. "tinti 1broati lu proportion. I'm lu perfect tphysîcal health. I have muscles that Lnotblng ham ever yet tired. Betweon Itiie W.iderness and Appomattox I bave àball au extensive, experlonco lu aboyai- )ing earth and other bard work. I'm ln texceeduiigly good tralini. a trifleun- .dertoti, perbaps, but et an>' rate 1 carry F not oue ounce of superfiuoiie fat on My aperson. I arn perfect>' oqtiippe(ifor the, hardest kinti of tuhysicai wok, mand ln a hua>' western tosvn there la mue,. ta Waukesmn N, l 16 Âdjssdicotion Notice. Éoly Wlib whbllo ey C.tufi» tt idier 0f tis clam vmas t fatOp.1> xeet. Ever mlince Grant had refuseti Ithe Wilderness a year before te rc. ire boyoud the river atter recelvIug Lee's tremeudous ttluws Guilford Dun. can cuti ail ('tîfeilerates of like Intel- Ugonce hltfutrî'scî' ltheencd andl bcd sceOgnîzedi Is contasr nslevt'able. Nevertheless wlteîî lt car n liact wheu the Arîuy ot N,,rthern Virgînla surreudered and *benî the ('oefederacy cesed te ho, the evout wsascaereel>' lam mhoeking and depresming te their miuda than If JI: hati been an unfore- Mmean mdnexpected eue. Tii. nelancholy that lnstanly îook possession of auch minds amounteti ta carcmy 'leus tian launity. anti for a prolougéti perlod 1h paralyzeti euergy and matie worm. tbe ruin that wsr hild rrougbt ln the. south. FortunatMy 'Gulitorti Duncan, titrowe It onceaMti abSolutol>' upon bis «wu esoueea.titataqulckly' epedti ram thé ovemraodowlng clouti. (To Be Cont uèd 'ROPOSALS FOR LOCAL iMP - ROVEMENTS. Office efthie Board of Local lm- rovements. Libertyvîlle, Ill., âmîe 15. 190)6. Segled lpropoais wll ho recelved y tbe IBoard ut local lmiurovemeels f tbe Village tf if Ilrtyvlle, Lake Coîity, Illinois, înill t'vee o'ciock 1rnl. oti Frlday. lutte 291h, 1906, at the room'tîsualiy î,cuetiîitby tbe Vil- lage C-otîîelIli the Ileatb building, t suld Village of LibertyvIlle. for the iittttrtictloxp of the' fîtii<wiîtg improve- t,itt-. , s a whoie, to-sil: 'conîecled systeu tif Socra wlith iîi,'.iatltoits atntihouai' cittnc- Iiý a tsýltt heViltslieiiage -tiftY iillîtrittt'l h( it7 i l t 1, 'V li,, i lle î of 'ai l" uiiltitItai' iii s e' w i fe-wblc 'tutu of itt J 1op , i'i'e i clid t f oi ",t 111z l ,-i tiil -,. i 't -l 1it a va c .l t. futî w'ici iltît salît q'est ilttheWtif lino oftlt lit <loi ttiîl u , citt Motf ki h ilare. tFiir uth'nk iît, adtii ton ct4, 'iilit viît, nodh' i i~it'terc forlitdise l"'4:eltait ttni pointîtittit stewel, shue, Divii sfist reet,îraîerd cut. h lue, linceOfn avulie. lit tel ave- une.] sl11, aenueiii, rut c. ourt aend n eth, nd Pawrk Pleesaae mr assed ons o inseed y to Botithe TruatVillage otheisaldyVillae o Lb e rhasrtyîieo pn th. F1906. atret,- pet itiionttrbetaid Vieret LIbr-, IMrovneet, file raleteware t ave nue, kdof tbenuey Curbt coLake decked tee thendalt rtPat Le re alt stemnd proet seerteBearfuif Trsteohed ptbaccorVilge pfLanm ped speîof tcatld illogoufLler-o office e t lb.panosdet et ieroaild et Local mproomiedn tshet slt VIfI-h ctte efthLîerCtyouvrthieLaike CouehtyNIonsa Bant ahthe c96,rner dceted lu the sad VIolageet Liber- tvlle Sud coi es l.mrne osmerh oad pcon applovaton fte Ibn the posîeet the perienoftheLoardi etîroernent o etetbeofice et C. N tjaedofvIllae theor th1 eakem hiat tinkfueae el kbte c ter ville anad ples ted hoaddross e lultlresident of the Board et ocle- t'ai Impro oret te cliceVillage, N- purosa"Posaisetformaeonytuo" audv hoaccmned csabc ah r b>' tif the 1îresident ofut he Board et Lio- cai hruprovernents ou some illaepeni- liii'd h"Proosisamor te erualteMto ciie cu heayagregta te prer ofthe prllidehof te Boardy iefBoar uti Imoi meut ontllis lu 01ep50fr aluti at ceven tlîirty o1ciocitp. la, lTat, 29 tlb, 190, lui aldroern lu sald 1-heati builhding, lu the Village Of LlthertyvllC, Lake CouetY,. Illinis. Contlrat'tors 'will h paid Ili bonda îirtîwlîg luteroot St the rate otf ive lier cent,.lier anetim. 'TeIlutard ut Local Improvemnts netiervest he riglîl to e mclany sud ail bittsa as the Buard nuay etect. Couipailles Or filins hltdlung wlill give lthe ludîiiuna are utthe otm, iîî'î'a cumpositte the comnîps>or lirni with their meButentivI' addreasee lie wteiI as the liatîe eaîd addres4aýOt the Presidettutolthe Board ot Localilui îirîventstt Adjudication Notice, t'îiblla Notitl l e I ,rt'bî'iven tht ttht Subseriter Extuuter Oet4ltelst W Il&D n Tealamtt William Maiean deased vIl attend liéeCeuniycrCent fLke <bounîr, ai s terni theneot e Ie bA olden at tii. Oofi House ln Waukefan, ln satl Conlt, oD th lrai Mondai et Afusi nazI. lm Wbîin at' wboriiail persons havine dlaimaagainet sat' Estate are nolîflaît and neustad te Proses tho Sainele maid Court for adtndItio 0 r.âr. Waukeuan Jaune t. 1006. 38-i . Adjudication Nottce. Publie notIce la; hem obyalvAytin liI li Yualaàdmlnl"î rater o! ttteEsSuie et attnd M.<gît Itouinag deqelued WUl atten te un. InCoud C akout-YIN osvus a EOWARDO. Aflhdbm'. " $.dj udicatto. INotice. Publie noe la .hebi'val~Ia' Bl ber Âdnim r t he Ptumêto JonZimmneril 11 tmi Ceuni,' Court of tke 00n aI.a~ theneof to e lhaon etAte acuà VeIsuaar. 'lv ai O 1101>9155-' Mondai ot Auiast oeil.00 va vies', ailversons hovina~eu muid emate are notifai nt adjudicaion. Pau» mes ixzaAdmiutrari,' WaukeamlitI. Jus. 4. IMC. 1M-4 Adjuadcation Notice. publi Natietula benal,' iven th&ua% Suu@tsuunlbur aninlsraiuîr et the Oule=a Lydia Kulai ulu-etateo i vi attend 1e Court ot Lalaentiait Wrharse lie boilden et h" JuIBsu aN ln sautlOnni. On tu.IrtMnae Anugttnexi. 5 'q vseand vieroU13 pi'nettns lsIg Miiaatintsl d are niu'IfSsuhi,requestpd '%0 preset t M .anam o teal.tlCort for audeatlOn. aiunan.W. COOs. -WaiUkegan, Ill., Jane 4.190. Pîthl'- AtIrllîtrator andi AdrniBthgýt Lyths K"I'tî 'l'ciaied. 0- ITS FENCIEG T Me Tue Oniy Fonce With EvQry WI#e ot High Carpen ISpring Steel. ' Tii. White Model Coating Preveit, Rush and Poubles Life of Fonce. Pices. TexI 8looit and Reliatle Informaion on Fence for the Asing. Addness, ROBERT KERRY; Agen*, Wm. Wçdge Place, ou tif Orsys- of ail KInds withA ThorouglneSg AND Dispgtch WILLIAM,,LAYCOCK, ü,' Opposite St. Paul. FrIhii DOpo :1 rf. BMRkSTow' MAN UrACTU111111111 M Marble and Granite Monumen1s. cemetery Work of eIvrY. Description Correspondence jolclud4 126 Genesee St. tWaukegaii McKINL!Y. RING km;dlq" AND SPAVIN CURE Sumo Itelp ring boues ant Spavins but we cure t"es. The treaivment wee girs)~ Ibereugli antilisting cuir. Yen don't bave le o16Yy theliers. A trial will ens-ince YUD thawe have 0t boi>'gY" d have been looklng for, ffl- 1