4. ...exx.o~tioit »0d.nkift «il Mo fur surpasse demigatiiag Iis section with a more digiiiflcdl titie titan tiat of a mers e'ciibit. Wordm Smecra adequate for a proper descrip-. ton. but ive ask, yo u o ufpare otbet..s showing wvith titis expoition of ?4w Shirt lVaist iSits and. with Cohers who) have seen theni,,vou'illgay, 'IWhy, 1 wouldn't have blicve d theS ,é wre en, lovey-and su;cbeap." ttthat's the seret of our l.aderbi p-the best for thte ieait money. We quote a few bl the leaders in ever~y degree o! ¶laery aud, AfuOluss and ai pricem that range from 911 cents up t, as higb athe ordinary womau yulild care ta go. Whte Inullan Helid Shirt-Waist Saite, the mkirts aice and full, and the waist trimmed wth ernltroidery, woth $8, 50 and toid fur that in some places we could name, for tiis great JuneWliitl Sale at ............... $1 .48 îývaenet white Iawn shirt walet suite. trluned withAices bne pipIng. sorne with littie dotted effects, mt the thing for a ecy bonns dress, $250, bt for this great Jdne White Sale they are to go ai .................... 99,I [Jsintiy bite lawn shÉirt wjit suite, tpirnaed wth lace andi Insertion, extra ful ekrt, an even dozea styles in ibis -one nuaber ta select ram, a $5.00 vaine. but for th.s39 (iret Jane Whte Bale they wilI go ai .... u 9 Fins White Swis or Persian lawn ehirt wastsitç,eabottiy t<laitad wth eutbroldery andi lae, one ofte fneste eatious l*voe sbwn up ta 810.00, for this great Joeane$s Wbealstbey go at..............$49 yery bàadsOt1 wbte indien head, shirt wale si s-afor mImes, dim up t16,,worth $600, for ibis great JanOeâ WhYitleBai *i......................... Popular Sallor- Sut Cffltsus' md miýes.'whte ladiau besd salor smit», $lmesup to 14 Worth $200 for this greai Joné White SolO9R .i... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 enffl. esiremely haudsmie whte ladiun eati sailpr iii. for mimess sud cblidres, Worh 88.00, but for ibis reat Jane Whte Be tbeyare Iinded àai.. Mawy Ndwelties Exclusive and Entlrely Différent in Siart White Jacket5suitrs And not cohfined ta ones tyle or model sither, for la ibis show- ing o white lusun, poplin, repp, union and naturai liasa suite -are to he fodd the bolrà, eton, pour, sent-fitteti and boxeti styles lu jaciÂts. ifany of the jackets are plaly tailored, white e)tùusie.lace aadenbroidery trimrninge, lac@ midaliono, panais, Iserta, etc., appear ia great variety. They range la priresrom $265 op, but %ve mention these medium priceti anes as leaders. For $2.98 w'e oSfer a beautiful '«it» eton suit 'itît straps of pure lînen: skiri ctnl circular effet, a de< itdi>l attracte costume, Worth *6.00, but for titis great âmne$2 8 *bite Sale at ...................... Nobby 24-luth coat suit@. fancy coliar and euf,.,krt plain whits or trimmsd, vaines that auyoae '«iii agieaxe worth $7.50. Ibut for ibis great June White Sale tbev " $3098 . oa ...................... BaLadies' and laakCtHase, 1 Ir kiu/ 9 F4eWhite Waêb frits 5 June Dressing ,Sacques andKimonas IDaaia8cns l lIaffl e ablu»e oliore 3 ...................... .... 1..............23 k« im ions., ieautdnflitoweret»dsufig. sy. Mdqft1 ot e. ............. 77 Wliite Sale Every womaîî who read8 this advertisement wlll experienee a thrillof genuine satisfaction when she realizes the astounding values we are oftering for this, our first June White Sale. This feel- ing of satisfaction can ouly be intensified when she visite the store and ame with ber own eyes the exquisite assortment of airy vwash dresses, open work walots and the hundre<1.and-one other summer necessities we have provided for thia otitàsion. The savinga to b.made at this sale will provide a subotantial sum toward the m;ummeér outing that al ehould plan to take, while the ab- solute apsurance that every item offered le strictly modish, latest style, and ln perfect taitewill afford thatcouifort of mmd necesaary to, make a vacationi enjoyable. Our exhibit for this sale will be moet comprehensive, for we reallzed nmre tisse. ago that the. demande for white waeh suite, waios, etc,, would b. almost unprecedented thue season and made our purchaaes accord- ingly, and now while may merchants are searchilig the markets and taklng smci odda endsaàa ean b. fonid, we bave the pleasure of showng the. very flôwer of the. production. of the. leadlng eaetern makere. W-e want to make onr invitat ton to you to attend tus, June White uioods sale a, Uttle more cordial thatn usuel, if that be posvible, for we are more than certain that your at. tendance at this - sale will forge another link In the- chain of friendohlp that binds you to thue store. Car lare reluinded on oru ofo$ 5.00 anid over to outs'oItowa custemner Si npsi Mill nery at the Ju'ne White Sale For-thîs sale w@ are closlng out our entire lin. of spring millinery as baîf its value. Al $1.50, $2.50, $3.O00 and $4.00 hats to go at 88c, 98c, $1.48 and $2.98 0 No need for us to try to describo these bargains, for you'Il have to ? eee them to appreciate what this June White Sale means. Summer Miltfhery Also Claims Attention The later arrivaIs ln the popular duck bats&. For thie June White Sale,we are offering ail $1.00 and $1.25 duck b ats at 5 and -. Johnny Jones duck bats College Girl duck and wool hats at . . . 75C Great June SDale of Muslin Uriderwear Wbien yau conmider the pricesof coitn, as bigb ntuhis now, . ou- wil readiliy ses ibatthese prices ame litile hse ihan retuan-kable as itey are le"s than weiat te rase materiai eau be pttrcbmsd for pose, We bougit i tm~t fromi a large gianulacturer, anti piaced tbe order before te rlse iu ctton came, and tiis lane amiables uns ta siat iheée primc. As nsual, w. aegiving aur costumer@ the benefiof oti thing; that cone auriseay. Pre'tty muelin cornet envers, titréeoroses of lace insrtion anti baby ril'ou tiranteterlng, an excellent vaine ai 49c, but for titisJe Whitet"Sastai..... Sons very daliy conoshte lu coret cover., soeaoftse prettiuèt you have ever mms, tiinneti 'ladslaty laces and i rbb.-u, regmadw llar seller, bai for titis gmet sehite gouda si tbey seUl go -ai....... 'I4& Twty or tmofe otbsr stylslu aestock tnselet from,, çarnbrlc madi muelin, luateplain prctical styles asu'Weilas the ful lfiy, eiaborate teissgns for tse faucy mumer gosen, w~tle'shite pett4coste. four roses of itemsUihn; dusi ruide aud deup finacàe, seorth $2, but for tii great 9 whe lemitey are 1pguet ..................... C Extremely iandeote 'wbite petticoats, matie, ofvery fiue finishuti cottaon matela5 embroîtiery and lame rlaumeti dsep floum sudduerie, maet ta sii aet $ $S.M0 but for ibis gveat 'wbite sale they go ai.. 4i7 Ladies' fancy nlgtgowns, low anti higit necit tna4ý out o! finse beer,.@t mateis), wôvti $1.00 but se take À pwwumsie uofi.vtîgttb lttisrmt selltesaat ty Latihs wd cmuelu riésed ualnook nulgowns, t.e Snt w. bave over eaim e a t.hepricequoied. t ansd eiaborste, .or plain pamtleal stylesta suit &aIl tis, 'orth $2 and $0.25 butlettia grseat wite "atitey gofti. t. . ................... -Balace of S.prins ocam, jacketsaud suite for ladies', cdseesand >hldyeu 'UIb. uoldathaiftheir v*Ue. Not an it.ntwlll b.r.sàved rbts vl b. the. hal maoe. Yog1un Sd ousshtg you , nWO à" usbàê' nfavonassia hio nov. 'Ihiela thn chaumw ia I £fûtâmO Tîtere wil ttc jçoY is the raUmis Of the arnîY O!f'«omea baîtgaîn sehen lltey invadti gjt% Sale. Tbsy neyrer dîsappoînt uss wien we bdie conte anti seS Itk,"ee,, keep faih. We protaise titis tirne ta itrovide t montenticing array of barqaintta we bttre eve-r hbdth ie pleasorê to oSfer ià aur ekirt <icimrtetteltt. Al lte new, novel anti conitaoa-ense productions in wbekîrte '«ill be offereti itn snchbibwildering array tîat i sl e lo brd ta tamis aa citqîiec.Anti once mor e « ,ill dtunttit'baiti'e Dot Ouly boy cheser, provide a l btter garaient, but seii it fan le.. ntoney thona w. would have t a py the Chicago wbolessilgr. Thtis tiesirable condition of affaire, ip, broualiti&bout b: te faët titat we know how la boy, when ta buy, seher. la boy- in the East. Ws seant you ta compîare .,nr afféirl and prices ait!,itiwe founti elmewtere. -ine white ladlan teail walklug sklrta.. saune trhumneti sit entiroidery anti sorne '«it etraps. litaiselrsetci bargalas ni $2, for iisJUDe White Sale et..m.i 9 % Swell white ladisu ltend sBrts, lu twenty differeut stles, sold lu Clicao for $3 for tiisJone White Saie 41. ni..... ......... :........ ............ a o FiUst itebuwalkîng aiirtm. sorne mades up lu puelsom and sarni nhigbesstgrade Frenhpopinw'«ati b $5, for thie.Joue.Wite B aiestai.............. "Y Lsdies' 'wbite brltllanilne&ri. n enduis. anl searti t,$5, for tiIs Jane Whi e a: e$2.980 Umise'white Indian tead sirée, several styles, at svecai or ane hu ..Sa ..a......... ...... Two D1g Speclals - In Skfrts .t j5 we uuquestionaliy give te fiuet skir ever offereil. This incloden ailtbiaci sud gray Panama mifr.sud ai skurtinlublack uns évoiling. Theseare valinsworth op ta, $8.5q, but for the Jane Whie Saletitey go $0) Anoiber splendid lui consista of 200 black brillautice, mohair and muxet Pauamas sUrie. $5 values, but they $È2.5 are linei lui the Jane WbitesSale ut.............71 Special Offring; of Light Welght Cats For titis Joune White Sale we are offering au espeialiy cholce andi deirable asportment of Iadics' llack ilk eoate and 'bhldrens anti Misesff' whie luinuomIe. Ladies' flac taficta ilk coat lna n great vnrîety of et> les, neaily m d, worth $650, for tiis.June Wite 3 9 Salest .ai ...................... ... ........ $. Misses*'«bite Indian bead coats, trinmsd wtth embroidery andi straps, a variciy of! hby styles. suzes nipta .$ fl8 1A), for this June White Sale ai .............. Handsoine wbite intia beaîl coat4 for ebildreu,2eize up ta j 6, several styles, plain "~d same witb baudmome battons anti trimmings, '«ortit $350, for Ibis .lnne Whitet Saleut .................................... .9 Handeore black @ilk coam. worih $10, ut...... .1................... $ .8 Timeýy Sale of Shirt Wasts. 1 Nqtbing coulti ho more tlmely than tiisJane White $ale of Shirt Vaists Now le tbe.iimne ta diswth ie beavier outu a*td laent in uname o! ihe handsome apeuseori efiecis, lace or tii bm gathu sy omms titi are se cornfortable lu th»4, sweltatlng summmer. À largesiipaisut bas jusi beeu seereti for tii.Jane Witet Saie. For titis Jne White Sale w. are aflerlng ausat Shirt W"almaifie otton àMa,Om>rth 81 ai ...1 É For titis June WhitseSa" we are atsorlng th inestm lot e! '«alith i. e olti hmever seen ai tte prim e. l sea lu Intitis lot include valuas s. blgit . 1 82.50, ut t.tey go ai .............. ... .997I, For tiisJane Wite sle '«e ar offoring aupsrb Whlite élIA_ oikWalim '«it fine vak"euclemls, short or long sleeven, beautbes,w'ot#4, a4 ~1 7<> (ogluaim Wo;âh S kirts at 39c W. have an iueai vaim tulas gb . m "li lt thai '«ew 'Iid &for ibis gpuai '«ts sai....