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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jun 1906, p. 6

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JU . . oLY Ent.reaintthe c.ti5UC5at [berttmeW, là-, Uutor lCity led itor sa______________Clam __________ TWephràom lie i )Mtors ReKidence IS5VKD w5E5yLY. AiVSRTi5L5G"rus AVs Si WfbomS. lit. Lberyvule Exchage. j K50 it S PPLiLTiOB. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 190e. MEASURES PROSPERITY SY ITS SALOON4S. %.Kenosha News; lu telîîug of liereuntage of saloon@ to population la iprospeilty that clty enjovs, uses a, shg rbge uKnsatinl aîy other city lu the state. Ou -a ~ a~seen(romthe iasis of 20000 population the applica- M i arigraffi troin tbt paper: l iane for liceuses figure up aile selou j4sother lndleatlon of the prosper- for every 270 people, and It takeblg ýýLtbo.City îla tie sniber of ai- wageli and steady employrnent tea slp tut alon llene. Th tport saloonîs at that raàtio." MAVORS CAN REFUSE SALOON LICENSES. The sipremne court of Illinois 'lias of Chicago for, a saloon liear a public xdnWiI ao àdelelôn. upsettlg ..the TloI. 'flcdh-tit eèlirt gi-Aitefi a wr t of iancdamus eompelllng the Il- O'V81l13 ,Practice of the lower courts ceuse ta he lssued, iiud the appellate lu omellugm a i ssue ceurt ÏafhFimýd thîs action. The aca lcenses agaluat tlîeir wilil. gkiîiid taken was that iuder the clty tii m[rt holdo that the mayar il etit ordlnuice the mayor hail no çholce lu 41n tOlsue a salooin liconse ta ev- te flatter. but must Issue a lceuse to 1 e pimtwho compliles witb the a" y cual flcd applîcaut. T1he siip)reme, e éruirments of the ordiîauce court reverses thîs udgmeut. It laya ta tees. tends and persona] chaise- don n the urluciile that the mayar, r. htoldo that lie may exerels- may ese, dseretlon lu lssîiiug saloon ciw on the subject lun te luterest lîeunses. aud titat lis discretlon tepublIc weltare. shotild niet be overruled by the courts lu tbo casle ln psint a licenise was nuless it alpears te have beeu exer- finid by' formeas Miayor Marrîson cîsed lunsaji.înly 'abusive utanuer. Aý "CARO OF TriANKO'l BAD FORM. ilie edftor or one of aur exchanges 1if It ever had une. Wheu slckness uppmives of the prevalent custom sud dealli cornes ta your home It ls ji;bUlehlng tards of Thanksa' as' . ynoturai that your frleudi; aud ,bP-*rm-uunacesaary-ad ut oî7etghbors should do what they could beytase lur whoui Il lo lu- te assiat son. They would bie bealth- 58 n fioalon of gratitude. ens If they dld net. They know trom thie expressiou ut your face that you 9<t 4tru this paper would lie are tbaukiol aud deeply appreclate al iat mauon earth te Imowîugly lbey do. sud Il la net ueceàsslry ta &~ word ta hurt lte feellugi; of suy rah lto p rlut and tell theworld that *.g 'Subarlbe or citeus, espe- vour uelghbors were klud when you NRY-at a time when the, dark *laged were ln trouble. The readlng public Meluiar ofilde th hau brouiglt sur are becomlng tlred uft4te aid sterea- Wta> et ihm4 but tromin te best typed 'crdsai thanka.' Yeu eau ex- *à&tvi* nie desîre ta call the atten- press te your friends, by a look or. W'four readers ta the custom- of word your tbanlttulness lu a more lIr- b»Muag 'ciarda of thaulus.' It la a lressîve mauuer titan yoen auilu a dm that.bas outgrown ifs puirpoqse clumn af coid*typ)e." GUARp THE VOUNGSTER8. ie a"Ppaaeh ot Fourth af July caused by bla nk cartuidges or per- »Wat#ç>a, wltlu the attendant acci- cusalon caps, the germ, le roused te W~W uds to'snta1 boys, bau activté snd produoes the most vît- WOPW umChke 4ti eauti de- lent poison knonin." -Ïje4.- 4%sîl 4 eclal bullatili Ail wounde sitonld- be kept expoaed negi"t pet. snob wouuds. ta the air and a dotor ealid Imme- W hlcb 'ègusu many deatha dlafely. agcordlug te the bulletlu'a ad- tram Ftoufth et Jul>. accidents. vice. *eô(iq to **be It would bie weil fur lail peuple ta âkdIP pop observe *the bulletin and lfs.ftqiulre- in . -mente. ,Btter than thast, bowever. la ',k W la cuaad by a microbe." the. plan ot prevention. Keep the a»tliman tu 'Wb, la Inactive deadly toyppistai. tiie dyfslhîte cane ~omgsezpasdt aair. Moen1 and"tbe cannon irecraeker away front la the $rr ts hi! gornde tii. oungsfers. Ow Ur" metiad of partilgeh t e i tàlluircà tiat tsar. w ad b Rkoitn te nIas rg '- uttie LterrPila. ùwmsê tq Uvor. and lnstead of naie bu" >up and treugtben ole mstem. Relleve headacite, ~~'Solal by -Demilu From Lecica neyer tallows. an InJury dresseal iti Bucklon's Arnica Salve. Its antlaep- tic sud hemllng 'propertles prevent blood polsonlng. Chu, owald, mer- chant, ai Ranaselaerovlfle, N. -'., wrltesa' "If cuaed Seth Burcb, af his place. of the ugleat ore on bis uecit t ever an." Cures Cuit, Waunds, Buma sud Sors,. 25c at F. B. Loy- ell'a rna amoe, Lt#ertyvIUe W. wisba to mnne tOut we have opened our BMR «4«we amenow readu to promptlg rlaiH orders The best and, purest materials are used for' BREAD ROLLS CAKES NPIES end cas lie hd aieverg gooerV Mtoren Lake cotagg, or.oi oui'r realI *rewldc me let opened In. lgbuit b. Ulbertg. d~ Pttown orde rdiOed hg WaoM or express. ru ~~s~pg204 Ï emil Hair Vigwi, IHere's aninm, ductiont Miy die acquaInt-ý vice resuli. ln a heaiy growth, of riàchick,gIQssyhflirl And vacknow yout nevebeçtiy. I thl t e 15AYs's use rVia., ilàiii. 8,5.5 wodesidlthai,5iowSl .1te *. evea a45 ha. aseti lu fr e'is. naisudst t metril- full , h atuiy ~psuuu, uutsit I llui. i .aàUse-T J O Ar' .u, U ut"b jAi a.shiaS*8r1 a M Re al!aie7t r ansta r 1 Nui.q.s.afualhed Syssuusu Lake 0ouîty TitI. & Trust Lu. AbAtracts ut Titis. Titis. Guaranîseul Masonic Temple Bidg. Waukegaut, 111. *-Lois j..<estSeey. .Xnn E Pinkerlon & hué lu, .joseph Iriend It 12 tlk 7) C F -Wightaf udl Lbert-j vill.. wd---------------...... ; ... el ïo0 Joseephi Friendi à wl tut J T Deavis It 121 81k .-) C F Wrigîits add ilurtyrtile vd----------------------.......... 400 (0 Gi .1 Crnsiefn Jr & wl Lu Patric-k Mcllugb IL f; luIk 2 .tudersous euh LabkeForet avd----------------....... _r..... 165 0 Pautrick Slauvon & nilf oJoius Sîiren-SO e-" in su-e 34 Wuueondu wd ..-.» ............. -2, 00 Sarab A M"ICaLata Miel - le Ist . lii, 6 Waucoiîda -........... ........ 2500(00 Gl Burrifl k&nil ta A HSot 10 aes in ne-% sec- 2 weuft Atiullut-Ii twp id----------...--44.-M(00 0'AHBuber &wf tuE IB William@ s Iliu village tif Atioch wd---------------.r.... 15) (0 W 0 Stan. & nil toW L I)e.Woli, C C Whiteu're, Ellesu M Tiiorne bik .55 High- land Park q ..... -............... 1 0 jeo Auderson & nif t10 (T Swueues w 50 fttIt(1ieuh uf t IL292 Lake Faruet nd... 7 2i(0 J E woreloik & if to M J Walshu part Lt 15 Woliu Park in sec 11 weetAntioch twp wd ........................50 Grs@ FE Sbaddle & bus tu Mary ID. Pqe partas. 19 LibrfvWus-pq ............ S10 Pied Kubbk*wf te Henri- Ott* ù otaebwgblite1il &Wud llb3 EFMbkers sub Lihertyville wd............... i00 (00 ."saeta L Talctt to Jacobt Blemberg t 1 Powell@stai of a p&t bib 9 McKayn 2ud adWanhegan wd........2400 (G» F B Giford & wl tuJ J an- lorit. It 4 Gillordaeuhnti Il w Anticeit twp wd.... .... 1250> (0 0 M Ofiard & nil te E L BaismlipartîIr ae611fre aîsbh- la am Il w Atiucltip wd 600 ()0 Mater in(lbaucry tu Kate C Beardon 80 acrelntu a at sne. 3 Cuba.twp ds.d........:750 S) Master in Chance-y te Mary A'- Maaulre it 4 bib 4 s TlauaBu dd Wske- ea lsei.........800) 00 Wilson t 8 G0 i ou. euh wd ........................... (M (M Cef quinlaitot Cornelia W J Gra t It13 bib 52 Highlandl P=r qe ....»..................... 10 Mary L Gloden & lune fa Frod Enderîhu It 4 bîk 2 Liberty- ville sud Ito 7 sud 8 bib 27 C F Wrght@ adul Liberty- vilse qe------------------........ 000 F P Lrundou & w! ta Daniel Mikoloitls Ite 2 sud .3 bIb 12 Wasbun rpingé wd_ . 350 10 lot Baptint chureh Wauke- gan to Jua Drlubwive part IL 33 sec 16 Waukegati wd. 2750 Jane Kirk et aIl t J F Doyle na 1)MKayé 2nd adul Waubegan w1id................1500 10 LItais L Baker te, M E Bakaer itt îîlb iorth Chicago nid....................... ....' 1 00 M B Mt'lutoeb-&ànil lu Otto Zimnmerman 1iaceslu w haIt ne % mec 28 Cuba tnip nd.... 450 ) 0 H J Fule tuJ A Cauneil Ita 1 2 sud 8 blk 51- North Chicago itî................12(0 00 W P Bonii & nil tu Jtasepi Chuduicit lu 34 ltik 14 Waebburp Parknid ......... 210 00 Wn i Vlkeay & 1%1 ta H Jobn- ou tltiasud "spart Ik 14 blk 2 Brghtoun enl Wanke- gan nid------------....... ... 120 0 Conov ce!kteOChtas Pimlpe r tluChicago Sprlng Bluff 12 itéln SartWtebtuhn Lake Fuet 8IUn là Labe Bluff 1lIt in Kirk & Powelle nub Wueas.........tai ulels cic Itf& Tmut Co tau 0 oit It 0làhk 15 OuugoRilsode Oued ... 310 (0 Heirsef R Powel tOa x Powell tii-de N Il* 1 2ad-3 alk 0ONo"" - 2"1 laad adWqiuIg qui. ............ 10 0.1PAehark &iwltoTbS D r »f -ho 11and 12 blk 9 dbgWwikqman nd.. 2NO00 0 eh UF1ImIIt 4 blk 8 Euuuoor ad4 ta Rflghland Pétwd.........650 00 . V X M 1 A n t> ýl. w p n id . 1 0 0 O S Chituago Titw, Tut l - '--s. fl .- .-........ .. tzU Antut ii*mgM 4ni$go Jozet Kesy lt 12 bi l Wagh- hum Sptim Wiialsgtn nid 17(0 0 e jua, IQS-îo J unp 23. » Ouorge Aulama oale8i g',L;I~ Enlily Aynsley. louaisfale. .Thomas J. Whtte, 24, tirant Ifater. ihtull. 22. - Churies A. Bîtuciserd. 27, MAtry 1. Worth, 27. ,lolin A. SpAleher, 45, Mrgtiret E. DePiiupey, 31. 7 Puolil Arelibald Criiildituwu.25, Suisie Eie Par. 28. lialiuSpefford, 30, lullitîn Htek, Gleorge Wallig. 18, Froie i roetk 1w. Jàoaeph C. Routet,25, .. s s eM4Y Austin. 22. Edward Fagan. 25. t Si- k-bhus.'14. Ldward J1. lGtiîu, 22.luultuIeign 21. RAT D» Duaer Uile for assit IsaartIo« Six 4ilaoostlt u n lie. Speelalrnte pi hione.Ters=s 9liu advrnuoe. We Suli tiit~p iiIi ad te e ld la FOR, RAlmF-A2 bous* sd lb on Me- IDnlY' avenue, in Kuebker'a aulitiviloa of Libert.yvUl. ePAuIL MacOupanis. giti FOR RENT-Hauseand. lut-on, Park Aveuug. PÂt;L MCU'ILiluerleville, FOR SALE-1 20 acre larni netar 6(Ié uorners. PAUfL U4Âc0eu-ïî, Libuerty ville. 24-tf. IFOR RENTr-8,ii roouî tt.Iluie"Q'o - tSar,4.e W. ifdwarils 24. cerol M. f. A.iIÀxc u Brooks j2 thii'<-2I~ bi rY Avé. àMo-del* iaproveieila Fraà à.H.1Maialéy, 2;1j Mtile . .every resiect GCod 'barn aud gardeti. Fýerrnuon. 2e. 2 0tf ,Oû. YàoEuIÀLbertyvvllec -*Heîry E.- Tua-bushf, 21. Susi.- liubud, 14. FOR SALE-fierusu antd Siberlan WjlliaîiriA. 1'atte, %i). l-iuren-eîWhilte;- lmillet seed. Wiurranted cieail and tas. 14. Iflain DUIlotui es.ds. l'2R. ItoouE, Grays. John A.htî,, 27, I'auhirifi .1w"ue 22. lake IIm. 86-5 Alleuliirostuoa, 28, .Esther P. Pasul-_________________ ou, 24 -LOTS FOR SALE-Oîe-balf si-n. Iouta, s'baie on Milwauea1. avpnueand sou'e ou riTer road Bl. M. nl'ibertyville. Investrn ents 374_ __ __ _ DO pu iknow tuai 37-tf l î: ukfleII 1t !S just aS - east FLAG POLE-56 feet 1<1gb for sale. l to bug and owi a 8ciota.Hl ty 7-3 hoNMe as it is t0 FOR SALE-Now 7. room àItu.. ou bo,,nd uureet aud IBroadwaiy. n il mell ai Pa8 rMat 10 a Iand- a gtua-r ke and oun.eay ta'rius. Aîi.ly kwdan le' OI E. MeI)onali1l, its-rty ville. 37-ff MAILCEMENTWALKE-t lea-ulkoaopu-vialfy Wsu. B. EDF:, Prairie Vieni. I11, 38.-8 LOTS FOR SALE-lun(Grime. e' lw srutdivisiauu m.uth .of Esetri- depuif. lauqulre of J. B. GaÎgiitu. iM FOR SALE-Hrbnee ang.1lotion Bruad- wa-v, ibertyIle, IlI.imquire Pà.4r ONEY TO LOAN-Un approvedrumal mto meturîty. BE.X. H. MaLLER, Liber- raille,LIUs. -t MIRL WANTrE-Forgeerulhus ork. MARc jAmbts Pasi,. 8-f AL.ED I'IY-.4u4 s oru for male, RANE Dyeu, Lihertyvl le. -t Tegwil tel vSu hw to do it Reýport of The.Condtion 0r Tii.LaS.Ouuaty Nrlual b a tlUier. iysIl l ti.51f..ailîlula ~ et bclose of Ovariam.red au d u ou red . ii ii Dqa fOtage Eankm sud Bankera.4072(di Due trantauprased russrve asus.4 tisaîa ciieckasud <uhier ca-.i luisi .... i11130 Noe« fs.0fotaer national Banka..-u..l seo lraettaual rper iurrenory. nickels and oents----------------------. 219 til ;=ci kLesai lsnd.'r -'tes-...... W14S ielon usd nltit U. IL Treas- ug-rtaàver ent of circulation).-, l2Me00 Total---------------------..... $~ 8055 LàU5ILtIU capital stock pa1lu------------........$ sem u SarDWâasfend------------------.. .. â--itiSoo Undlvlded Profits. 1leu exiense à taxe'p id-----------------e-......Sam77 National uBank noieoutatandîla...125wtut tudivldulaldeoaists uljecft ln clae iIe s. Densnd ep.t fleRtes of deesil-..... U630e- savlut4.aîIul- --------------S.S......... M2 OMate orllft-l. onintr af Laeas 1 0. 7. 'Ni-tet. <Itehier altlie aboes- naaed bank. d-, eolepulr avear fiat tiie nbeve tate,.Ui et nrs itie bet aofsi kuawiedse andI tellet. . F. W "Tu~ uaslor, Oao. A. WsBiolir. DIrectOra- gubactlbeti eul nà ara ta before une tils tiat day 0f Jins ie 1. PaLUL AOfipl Report of TIse Condition 0f Tic Flin 4utni aS i1t yvil1e2%lau fle State ofIlinlois. et thce ta unsins. jt1cea18, lm. L aamud îmonte .............. $am oe vsraft&. seuired anad 9138601 -110d. U8 onet eu ignlatlou .... am cea nos n 1.eBe.............9si& S *joed e, sefam i 2 e r nd 6 11111téUN f isto a7am0 0 Ppf ter ceai cf cralatian) ....ii31os luoiais usasu Mi aliinoiiioiiikiislt t FOR RENT--9 rman bouseon Urcharul sts1Mm. M. A. Pac-rns. 8-t #40881-ýWork hors. fur sMl, Swift, V*,BYLàwaa'au,çtsMlgr. 30-tf GIRL WANTÉBD-To work iu restaur! ast Joe, lu oWas. *11.1 =A-bo 2sl 115ten@ oat hsy, bld and 10 toms tune bey bad. Swit Yomu, RUses- LÂnjFi-tsîsgr. RUtf BUS FOR SAIE-8 pfane.at besgmin. Write or itqunire et ici'N- liEs? offIce. 39-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - w. Mas. Maavy NEWTON.- 3Ô-t FOR $ALE-1RIg i ng Waon&IBO caflar adbarnae. . eA. Wauu.aLib- ertyville. FOR SALE-4laod buggy, titre.e prlng wagon, carlnage Pois complet., aide ma-dile, soea trani. L. H. BUVÀA'r Luit- TYVILLE, ILL., IIOUSE FOR RENT-New su'ven rou house. Corner of Northt avenue aud Speooti street. L. E. RAi - 51)-tf LOST-L-aat Saturclay nlghf, juet narth tof iekxtrie depot. ladie'o blacé& coaf. Finder piease returu ta Nti'iti ollicu-. FOR SALE-Eevaor aud '-al busuisse cheap ou amount of olul age. Hu-,utn- SEIP, Lake Zurich. Iii. 39-tf LOST-A lady's gald niateit, Initiais M. D. H. between Ira Holdudgas aud Yark hanse church, Waukegau. Suuday Jumue24tb. Finder leaveSt Independent Office, Libertyvilis, or Sun Office, Wau- kegan, aud receive reward. m1-tf FOR SALE-A fine Jersey ca,, wltb calS. A styllshbebuy horse, 7 years aId Gentis pony sud runabout aimost nu-w. MAReLE HOTEL, Long Lake, 111. Tel Orayalake 338. 1 NiOW. IIANDLE O LAS 0Rmwy to WAL L (D. M.IL WAUKU Plonts, per doren Quarts, pet dozen a a 5 z -Hoff Gallon, per do.zen * ,Caps, porcelain lined, ýper doz. 2 R .ubbr Ringsq per doz. I Oc& Fri'jr f ilfrs, each I 'E. E. ELLSWORTIH I -, 4RED. CROKER ~- -Meriane TaN.,r-- ilI]or rae. se Ci~ WSODs -pe wffl. ont 9 IEaft [UTRIC R:R. Cars I3very -Forte' Minutes Faro-boc. Ronnd Tnp 85e. At Kenomha connection la made wjth the T. M. E. R. &L. Co. 'o cars for Rucine and Milwaukee Faro Kenosba to Racine 15c, Round trip 25c. "Fare Kenosha b Milwaukee 50e., Round trip 850. -- Ir. I I wlmb tteasmounc et a " veopsea lasMmd up-to-Oas berueis shop uver H. S. Eger's hardware store at Lhberty- ville and am non ready te do ail bind sa ffins harass work snd repairlng. AÀlIrât-clasa baime isa aer la lui charge of the @hop. i soucrr YOu R IWJE ID à%KTUÂT TOIJ UiVRE A TIAL O0 . LUCE LibetgvlleOver M. B. Eger's Illinois Doat p $40 for a ttUaW mowe wbe' you cas asy JémonwoeToy iw$36, W.Jýy, 60 ~ 054' m dktW"son wutsW ac& m«16"uI m ~piobwsa oâe or k -OMM * m#tDW o b h..utha csw b -771u4. mai ý el ! 1 z 1 -R,

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