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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jun 1906, p. 7

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I'" , 01leiow , to -l1j* -Plmd pHuw and thiiu don't look hait as good to yo u as they once did you wil find that it Isntt neceosary to stop eating. Just bny a dinner of ni; and you will setu how- tempting it will lxi. Bvery thing here i fresh. Our line of green gardeu ftlluck le the.BEST in the village while Our meatti have a reputation that is establislhed. J,1E3LI TRIGOS LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and OROCERYý TiI! ONI-Y PLACE. te TO BUY WATCII!S T ha ocal Dealer Takes An Inerest In the Gooda HO Slis-Besrdes Tist 14e Guarantsese Then4a»r On& Vear. It le e truti tuir-l evrr bring îrovenr tiret lil ~wayo pîtys ta purcrane ut! yout local dealier. Nournbt pin tan buY cheaper watÀ-iteso! mail rrdrr bouses but tbya re cirealirr watc-ies aird ae do rnrrt aiwi ta carry tiret brn. Tire wan-stch t' e.-fremlrrartluig dealer selle are madle ta stand i. Tbev areti kînr Arrdrraa-Busr* slleridire guaren- tee'..tieu LMIEHIYVILLE X X X ILUNIS .ýr 5 Tro Bug!eS@se Somam Goods Don't Wait This is When te GO Men's and BoUs Straw Bats, Kid and Delg skia, fght bock am« Reindeer Gloves. Neckties A tu Ill ihe of nicely assorted in bows, tecks, four-in-hands and stringhands. A complete line of overalis end urderwear. -s--ub» --------------------- Smith&Das TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS LIbortyVlI, I11. Readers B.4Q44444444444444*****6I**4*44**4444444* 'I 6! 6! 6! 6! OXADIN blff Dnnet *ProminéOt glu 5Leurs Cevelîand le visltirrg triends iu Evanoton for a couple of weekn. Osfcar Wood nrured jta his new homne in tire Pyrtonti subdivisionr thiis eek. f ' HJ iovt je reprrrted i ll i ealtir et1, unr bornue ibing a mufer of heart direasc.t George Ceveand spent fletrrday andi1, Snuday a efrlevan Lake visitirrg fr-ende.t lire (C. F. Acere iras beeri very elý-k thret pentweek et brheriome o0t1IMilwaukeet avenue. Mios Mintai Upirer sîret Surrday andL bfqndgy with relatives ne Wilmette andal Chircago. Mines ChersePenny, of Stacyville, la., it Ivisitirrg relatives bere, treý Triggs anid Taylor faniilies. ire. C. H. Averili let Marrday fut Hobart, rikia., to join bier irushaid who thint wcek rrrved tu, Déerlleid where they %vilieke tireir future borme. !".'orge Itrrwe asidWiliamnr tticGar.u tirburorrni, were tu tuwn tuesday tw se. tiremirses trynut ài the trottinîg parke.i EA seiler Whoa is workiug for- the1 North Sirore El'tieri air t Evans-1 toi) spent Srjrdri3 utir relartiv'es and j Mrs§.orge Arir,ofiEventonrnotirer o nf Mtlre. V,. t.Clevelandi.ira@ been spenrd- rrrg e frw dayo et thre Clerelarrd home on Nr-rberry avenue. - Tlirr rew store wici J. E. Triggs in .'rectrurg et tire eat ofbis umarket rn fast progreestirg< aving titis reek rsr'eived ai White fn i i te irterjr. Saurtl'Wood frrm.rlry of Dirinond Lake, but uow of Wynýen;t Win., surlerised oraI ifriende l in t viinity by errrlnliy giving tir..met catil tire iret nf tire week. Tihe George Xager family experts to ieavr tire fast of tisr or tire tiret of nrxt week for McHenry wirere Mir. îager irait bitre bowlinrg alley andtiluliard lirili ow open ta tire publie;. TireIlilinois tats .jair books arc' ont rnd distributedt about town. There are a few at Parkirurst's ar in u areorf Jev B 1. Morne for. orrynne wiroiras ont t'a- ceiveti oue andi wants on«. Mir, andi lre. W. E. Boit re.turtret Wetinesday uroriig from a trip tir New York, Boton andi Ca~o pointe.. Tirey biad ireen gone about tbree weekar and report a very pleasant tinte. Tire ericral townsip bSonder scirool conventionwjl lmir in tire rethoirrdt cirurcirontire alterrroon of July M. Tire varions Sunday srirools in Libertyvillie rtownship aii le represente1u t tire meetring. r Frank Petgeo. son of Peter Petges, re- eeiveti as a prive a fine prayer book et tire tioging exercises et tire Couvent w.irarl lait Monday for excellence in a pelling. TireeCirouflroseti with aur en- nétertaniattt. 4Tire aunual excursion to tire Dels o abth irsisosin via tireCiicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul raiiway cSurs tuei week ou Frlday tire train leaving tire olti depot ef t 4:45 lu the nrornlng. MarY fromr bere are planning tu aesir tire onting. Tire dedication ot a new barn on tihe Saur fuba farra et of towo was Cre- brateti iaat iiturday ight with a dance aiet whiricirsme oeventy couple@ were lu ai.- tendance. Manyyftram Libertyvilie were, prennent andi a goodtete ile reporcéti by ail. . E.othuv-i i feuront a scfol aiet DruceS Lake a few day e ago, a part ol tire structure glviug away, anti for a tinte it wu@ tirought hoe was cansider- airly lrr»tred. He waseble to retumu t wort boweyer and noun essone remute ame MimeChiedi, of Wiorpette, wbo hbsin teeirma a1t s Jus uapainting in tins village wltir conoiderable encrs. for the pntSvroJ ironthn will gir. au «hbto fpenteti ware aItire irom of MiresParker, on Park place on Friday afternoou a ti s weak. Some very interssting work can bc seanuet tire Trottin g AmsiatIon trock on Tuestiays anti Frldays as these are tire dey@ tire bornes are given tireir try. arrte. At timnetrea6l cousiderabir rieelrv emoug thre drivers anti mucl op"ti n. slown and tast tinte e irrade. Tire Alphar club wlriir halds a meeting every tren neeks. tudies, sud ires a oial tint', met tueé week at thr Waelarceebomne on tire Henr, y 1yrnn fueurwirere a rucireon wu@ serveri on tire Iswnuntier tire iree'.. About tweuty young ladies ielong to tire club whirir i becoming verv popular. Peter Petges anti family attenda'd a gatireriug et tireirome oi Mita' Wirti lest Suuday in bouter of Mr. anti Mn, Wirtz' dairgîter, Lzze, wro took irsi commrunion et tiet tinte et tire Fremoni Centre cirurcir. Rev. FetirerTiile, pestor .Airat izty, ail frierde ofthtie fanril.y gatheret et tire Wirtz bomne. Ureet ivere pr-ment front Chicago andalIndiant Daeniel Sullivant, fatîret', of Mfrs., Jobi Mrcormick, dièdtanlet Tirrrdy lu Mli waukraehaepitel tram tire efrt o aia operation. Mir. anti Mr@. MeCorrule atteuded tire ueraI. Mr. Sullivanr w. kuown bere haviug et tiennes viitratih daugirter eit ber hrame. He a-as an of( errîdier anti forae time heti ieeu iu th aid eoltiîer'e borne inMilwaukee. A unique social will ire given et th Presiryterian rîrurcir on Tirrrsday nigi (tout let)te ticket of admission bringi pouù ai ometin«doue upi n a pal seIn lu scb a manuer as tourcotices th ldentity oi tbe contents. Duriag th aveing tire packages will [te ancnionei c anti a prize will iregiven for the rent original. Idea preeuteti. Tire social1 calleti la new fasiioneti porîntiprrckeg -party."1 Tire Lbertyville Crystie Springs cou pany la uow shrpplug water iraviug di posed ofat tree carloade wltin t] course oi tire past few deys. Tire vat le reeivlng tire, irgiet appro:batite wlîerever it ia useti andi tir ecrere planning an"ý active campalgu. T e n in lll ie anlvertlneti eusively ai 9.reeogniast worth of tire wati cAort but malle o noms for tire spil a wel as fur Llbertyvllle. Tire crat whieb ïCouveY tie re odut bear tl lemedi D"Tirs carlobad oi Amreia" aftie sîntos 'may baud tireir donations te, Mise Dols Croker, tlire local agent ford -tire club, or snot idirect. ta 262 Stete 'Chadwick. Skinne A ver>' pretîiauome weddWIg a-Orsbelli et tire WiliIanmSkinner home on lest Tueeday. June 26 t etiigir noon, wben MissAiles Jessoie, daugiier of M. anti lire. Skinner was unitet inla arriage ta rMr.' Vra udtley Chawlick, of Sprng Volley. 1Tire hanese a aintbily tiecorateti lu àgreen andi pink for thre occasion. Tire ring oceremany a-as preforuretiby ev. JP, Iýayî@, ai Piano, ai. erelative nt otire iamily anda brother ai W. E. Davis of tisplace. Mis$S Bes Young waa r nle.nalti a-ile tire grom waseattend' reti by Mlr. Boerrcke, oaihcaga. Miss ient&l Sknner, sucter aitirae bride, acteti am gnaen' girl. Tirfaotir gave tire bride yaa-ay. ire. C. N. Duranti playedth ie 1 -enldlu marci Tira bride carrieti k white roses andtetirsbiesmeiti,piuk. 'e Oniy eboat tifty gueSté -rre present Ftirerbeing relatives ant ilmeédiate btrientis ai tire trriiy . Tira groom a-bile ire neyer liveti lrr thirenelgirborirooti irs g ureny trieuis iber, randthetrspopularity o! & titrabride ntay hi, jutigeti by tire maiiy lebeautitui itrtsentm she recraivet. Tire SYonog ppe iirrie lyew fier tire ,y cerernoni, icit for tireir future homrer lu is Sprlng NValley ta bers tirsgrotnm le civii enginser tor a large mlaltrg compan>'. aà Miss Skinner a-i lait greatly misseti by tz ber many frientis iat'e. SAmoug tire out art toa-r gueste present it a-rre Mrt. anti tre Chicka-e, ofCîicego, r. parente ofthtiragrararru ndWalter Citet- a-ick, a bratirar. sA a-raere present, Mn. . anti Mr@. Jolirrr Warren, tir a itteresister in aftie groom, Nin. aatii lire. Dan Ratite, il of Ciicago, tireformrter a cousin ni tir. n bridé, anti Mr. anrd tare.Walter Slrrrnan kallea oi tire ltY anid relativesnof tire de 1 kinner famil>'- X, ANOUNCIMMNS X Tire Lateside [cereter>' mesaitiran a-iil meet at theire IraoreaiMm. Wiilirrnrrs- Whitney*.Frfltle' vitluns 29. Connlrttns aretotaied. E-rYbody came. Tir.e rgilan r ptrgaof tireRoyal Neigir- basaiibsiorrilour ou Wedneedey Jnly 4 a-lu be ttitetidandtihie tiext umting a-lul e' ielt ou tire tiird Wetioetimy ni tire mn>ti, July 18. "Thre Cali a!Nloue" ila-I ie tire sitrorniofeethe Z aitirse at th IfihodiJuly Il In tire evening ttae âto i a-hISPeak linon "Ciritian (iis.ii.Ou tirs moroing ai JUIN-$ tiera1ev. Dr. Cady a-iI p=hcirantiou JUIF 10 et 280 P. M. a-ilt i ont murttan'àtet'ly coufer- ente ahila.tlre.mat lImportant mi- nome meeting of! * h h y ear Reportsea-lU be reciveti anti eome plans laid for tirs net yeer. maté» to Ll1Wty*11le. Duelng thr esmsud bîginag Jul> 3 mid 7 Inclusive excurelon rates a-il be tissu tram a&l poInýmte -i4 5 mlsa - - - - - - - -3 PORTS and AMUSEMENTS.I Neit Sunday tire Eretta wbch tnr defeete th ie Warrantons 1 ta O0 on 'lu l st l e eof t rb e t g en es e.er iteedirabouts, willi play tire Ivaniroeseet Everett. Tire Chicago M. W. X. playeti tire ler- fieldi A. Q. lest Sundoy tirs sore bieng: Ciao3-27 i)earfieti,138-7. Ssii Suntioy tire' rerieît is aiipay tire Browen& andti iitestlte Tire LJiertyvllls Boublers continneti tireir wining streak lest Snnday wiren tiey tieteatedth ie Waukegan (Jisecente tire score iring 10Oto 7 et tirs close o! tire game. Tirs batteries were: biertyvlie, Bayes andi Seler; Waukegeu, Bull and Needies. Next Suuday they play tire White Diemnono, of Northr Chicago, on on tire local f air grountis, TiéreWtrenton base ball tesa. piayd tire Everetts et Everett on Srnuray lMt irolding tire strong Everett teern doa-o tara score af 1 to 10. Tire gaine aïn close anti exciting tirougiraut. Tirse Warrentons announce tiret they are reedy to book future dates and esk tiret firraruagete aitee .e romunlcate aithir eoge T Carroll, Weukagau, Ill., Rt. F. Dl. No. 2» Don't Delay. h anhvepor sigit, inilamition anti pain lr ir ee yes. ireaiacire antij nervoutufe5, do't tielay. Celi ou Miss Emmert tire %ell kuoa-n optician &ethtie homul re.MM)usenbsrry Srtnrday aitetitaotiJUIY 7. 1It w-i cost y ou noting ta bave yor eyes exeminsti anti@hosire -btell you wiretlrer or not glanses a-lli remedy your trouble. . bis opticien ibes iratitwelve Jeans experence la lier' profesion anti la eqitippeti aitb tire bt reeinrmrnad- tionts as ta ber fair busInm ess iage as Weil a@ ta ber ability tur fit ryes 1roP- eriy. Prlces reasgoneble. Na ont' urgt ta buy. A TEL EPIIONIE Defiesetihe weth&r - Protecte the home A kew cents the dag, Lake CounWu -Connect %wlthibhe Alao your friends NOTICE Tire ouggettcsstir e Ioc-lMru au 1Isoneas thll. Ridlon toldBla ît ls enlunna lest w"ek tire Libe 1leelulih- a . r.r, aigna-, ntvtr tedam ia5éiitir-,n@idcriraeroi met any iubtmrtlait thenta rnte dose" rery a-cIl. Otheir - of tire opinion! DISCOVFERBI) BY WIFE ýtireat eaietter 0canaol- lfI h-trnd. Orne iAT BUPPER TIME. trlan preseute ittust l irde tiret tire tawn be calieti Crystal ija railgs,eli-'iî'bn tiet, saure day tie msîrnkar.waula l nake 1 liobearî ionneliy, a yaung anal prouli. tire~~~~ ptieanoa ent fermner, %jeli known tiraughout Hugo Engir,.ia -r. tanti. arrested ' t raaecuiywsfuilda la tir Chi' o ac- 1ari1rrulit ta eta aerutv -sfurirst Lil. IlM-O aaarngty esî Tuet4darr eveniug by tiseyonng vile to Sirerifi *tettgi Where La.,tee,. urraigeni humontie bardbeau urarnleribut since Irefors justice Haclr-, - -trt rirargetilesalt wirrrer. He blebenr-ultivatinrg a-btb petty latreesrrl 1-Ti i. llegesi Ire 1tor11tirrougi>tire day in a ieldalrabout a wtoie a pair o ofse ranlil an rt t e suit, ofr-latiring frotta Joir l c rraiker ou iralfIt mle frorrt tirebouse atndi epper',tirne ltire weter maila a-t, ire ba'i.eng laid. r-entewitiront île making iris eppear He wes boundcr'ver t,, thcircurraait r-ntrrtante for tireeveiring maeal. ead takpu tai jailt l %%rXr-garn tao Bavart aIrs, t) ill ialyJaig krhn trial.orrbyfoliia4rtrhm Tunght(Tiurear .t tai-larrni rt aent et about six o'riock in sparcla of Edwin Atein e a -'1îrt s giverr ln 'hlm. She dialcovared tire teanstfindlng lioncrof aiMi.',ant ii,. Josep1h leuse'lu tira' ienter ait thfirefldti anti p-bo wrare uniW t u t.-rtrelest tee irpon lier aiaprncbas borrifleri ta in ti i ifaUe . We i -rr. n ie datrgba- f ina r'huiantiavil ad porrn tir- cultive- tr arf Mr, anti lire. Atistan.Tiere reap- tian iminutire natre ni afrtr -refbr. tor iris ireatilra-'tirrg laroninre ai the ail tirh&leeverfr't eti t Nrii I ferais. A neiglibor, Stepiti Yonig, lan funtty ou 0to 1ra-ar I'b.ni ti iîmeetir e ield «h,)rtlv b4efore four co>rtracting kart . *9 r 0seaît for tire 1i o-caio. U.anal I euscae 'wilj anrlock anti roticed tihe petistanding Blake thitr'homehir- aethtie sanne spontet tiret titrns but Mlaly elterioon rat 2 oo-k -L t I:tbougbt, natbiug of l. benea-it le Merysm acadsiny serathiritst of tu%,n. jeupposeti ie land beu deati for en* w rare bel(], tiregcioing r xëra imesofai tit urs avlien founnd. tirs. Donttelly et re-iroliwiricir moiti-aitie r-ararnletion ai once telepboued tu lber brother, tire yr-rr'e a-oitk.. \ arnrrnwaesRat.8.it'tad et Liiertyyille, entibe renlderedIn a-hUWalt ltia' r ilirenorf tire peie erirarnitortk part rr]wia-b wans avaent ta tie fertnanad wltbtire genuirre enîcfflse. ira' -choi aitcrr1uepermision rmovel thetbody to ailtrestieti iy Fatirer taotfure Oautr tirebouse. Leri rtf tnrra's irai , inaa -nnt!Tire Ieceased uns known ta rel a te[ k& ru everY'lt-icri retrrt e rrnnrg areple lae-rit. Mutiner srnft'rer fromtaiseait tilseasie andtihie Dlemaies,Grand Mati. r r rire tirder nofIcorner'@jury sîr fautil tatirrg la bts SistereaiofMercy', aa- lrc.rnt et.Wa-rareverdict tiretiris tieatb waasdue to iheurt tirea clergymen. talnrr. Sincais urrriagalia ba Laet8nayvning L. B.,rrow,-)i.rdgeeaurunning tire-alai tJorett latin taiketi for. o tea- mamanes in bath tir Presbyterl*ýn an"i letrrd iet cirurcîrse on about tirs miles norti of Lîbertyville tire erbject a! théeii-rna Boys' club. wbiri ire renteti. He miditi tirlattthé clairle au instittution Ih le suppoaeth e nusrenl Ireet of tire fur tire trainin~g anal Chirtiaumelnof ai ternoan caused i@ri iantir. ire day newsboys anl tisret t airs. Tirere tie reviu e - o lie o o v raggeti straletet cidarataare traiedting wpea uehti compaineiu not erai'u woraret corpentenir. îrintirg,ehopaigaalbtbt siintrn bu colbiug, béeket wavitrg and alrinosfeeling iii upon tiret day. At tirrea atirer luduast" ,Itl i better te foraitocokithale oniedv ote tien retorm,"' le tire rinrcle upon odc utr te ru r mr atr wil htie club acte. Lest year tirere broueseandl goa drink of water. It le a-are auroDl t he clutire ai amerrsthongit iris aleatir ucurreti very so 1265 ragged, tilrty profnda, uncareti for aller. street wa-af. 'Thie girls ni tiresinmu" arerllrs alotaueight taoook errd aw. Tht'work .o ]ehy le tIhe tiugir1rt!wi a ires beau in prugremne 1ti901o. Tire Spelan, -i Libertyrille, anti bas urany tclub dépends -upon srnlarrtarv rontribu- relatives in tis vbciuity as a-ril as lu tboaifjle spiort. Anytai wih ngW&ukffln. týoalura ta n , -ýie olatervn usc trmt -Libel ;ne - - phone Ily. P. Dnhrs, ues Illinol.. F. S. umv, À LAKE CO. NATIONAL BAI« CAMIAL 550.000.0< S ME men mut fori.short cnt to fortanerStu epecuietlon. Ni$u~w ont 'ai avery huntirutimon a-ho tart ont on tit ail ame IMMw aven tire precipice or buta a quagfhre iry tbat 4ii& fdi.., «'&qui tbta Stick ta tirs manrat.i.t lea alittle wladings ometimes antidue, Ma Dot ire plcturesque, but you can't gsi bant on It, sant iera la no tisugmeat d pbngoff thieni. Ronut work la thie oulY"am thlug." it( 110 places aof No, 1% aIl sllk ribironi u ilHtirs 4t sprng lrrirade af i Igit anti tmediumt bine rentier, sappirre. yeiloa- orange, creant, beadrnnat akplt cne, car ka j 1 5 ti a-bite; per place of 10 yards, aniy a-ite gonds lu iengtbs frarrr1ita 4 ydo; tihe 25 ret qrrellty et THE FAIR LîBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS As a letter of, eMOU tlon la sscehIu Ca005.1 tios, lb. w** sa* speWwsa a itd osueeti iq4av try ope-logait" Ont akeacuta'b Cosspoir.d li of Ometf' L'nL We bave a large assortment of, Toilet Àrticles !ace Cream, Talcum Powder, Trooth Wash, rEgo-Shompos. Perfumes-' Be!, RumeToo" powder Toilet Water.,Cucumber Every Lady shouIld give them a trial millilli ý 1 1 l ý iïi 19-7

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