R, OM CFLAKE'q CONITY LTuIlieJ....u> Cuni (m "Aiter Fsupportiug sud cautributuag1 -bat. Coant>'Tille k Trust tW. thie outt.-of i11We Beputhi cii îpart', If lB? L B. CLDY tatact e Otie potticea Si Lieltyvlîa. i..Abiiîcactle aiTille. Tithes Ousrealeei -the pusott irty rsa. i-Iueo aI lIv t sr as ScondC - utMasoir Temiple Sldg. Wautegan, III. beti a rautut>' 0tgS eel- v a'# rousti i. ater'. Reeldencea LnyaL.ÀvaTSS oe sioris J. OURSEN. Sec>' anti>' so t'ibe Republuval-i-s mfor li axoWNon APLICAonoupport of îuy i-aîgihdey fi.r 1h olie a i ou J..A.. L .lobn o aJulia 1K Fua- ,PR'IDAY9 JULY 13i, 1906. land lis 35 ta 3m bik 4 Win, tbr»Ip, Hrbar %ivd.. : ...... wiaU Bower & bue ta Cbam, ---- --- -- --- ---- -- --- --- Whitney v hil part ei 2M ---- bSields twistw d ..........2 cA,~!D T~J. S AY'MSary Carroll ta, Chait w.L Sa o,waws pereatdd 1 enter the campaign as Lae oFai wd.. »........ - te for Conti cdorkhiAr Vmont sstisfactOry record.- Mary A Barker & hu[% ta Cham h4 an hld honnri.yoffiesln-the party ranks repeatedly, 15 a %Wbkney it 1 inuknboi lits of aplendid education and particularly fitted for the office he 51 and 52 Lake? Foret wd.1 s"Ile. __- P Pp)ytond & Nft lis ilD E Ho, t .gde 0Lake6 _oiat n 1879; was town clark of Warren' usBoyi 2 wui....le foi' *egt ye ans upervd lrorn 1896 ta 1900, when he. Jooa " t- te Accet the deputy Munty lrkahip 'nt the soliertation of Kraft 5 lim in %W' s"liand lekt lnde.. From 1904to 1906 ho eerved as Assistant, Bluff 'Nrth. Cbiagii î--l.. strn 'tele Waukegan, roslgnlng to enter the present cwmpalgn. F H Eu I-' ? bv.lg fi% I107 sand 18*09Mr. Swayer was chairman of the L ake County of Lnsi .* r.u...1 iti * iIùmee of Supervisra and tle Board of Reviesa. Me bas acted ase E .itï l & h -g... hmof let leit five Republican counsty conventions. ET0,uy94 & %% tu s ehli In the 91o Mtr. Swayer wes principal of Grayalake and Lhartyilla ,. i Uan twi; %% i . ooés. i eduéation hue heen liberal. Ho prepared for college bohuJy oly,, Ii Wm liM. paie ,,lui a course in hîglier matherriatice and suivylg which h 2liei Si, e ult in sec 9 npltud at the New Berlin Academy, N. Y. Grn i'p%.j............... CIa an upright and possesaed of every desirable quality necassary MroE III' mt. in Me an offcian. painstaking and rellable counif official, ha deserves the *ui- i f a ts -in p ri f Ripubikans At the conigprimaries. se au1u,-Wpit ......uî -----h--- Cltis 10iti w % 5m" e4 81Warren tilwd ......... AberitL. Hondaee who la egain asking of hisa party nomination Mary A Piloter ta Jouseph Pler lit7 tlt 5 Highland '«theboatl counity office wti t gift, has been favored as ha* no Part wd ................'.. oRepublican in tha counî.His record: J Ba ff & wf to)E A Bauru- onty treasurr....................... ....... 18-1890 nique 10 ais iu uw % sec 22 .,D*Outy Gevnty Clark .................. .............. 1890-1898 leerield twis wd ... ... ý1#1 o lw .................. .................... 189-1906 Mina R9pbrlfat &Isbus to C A PNETcorstends thet in seetlng to perpetuste himmaî BrlIuw 816% acpe lu tI l 4"offis » Wllndes la prestaming upon hie parîf and thaet i altitude je ad1 uatitw t A A Dunning & wito* L A Oiof sofiai sefinlerest. sand will ho so r9garded by the great majori Ilooltiî tract of land ast »f RtiulicW. pen eflctin.ue <orner ai Washington St --------and ai Milwaukee rond wd -------- 1e1111L A fiie& wftiA A !i unuiug lhit i (1 randy à gucceesftulballeu u andunise sainoe very imtportanlt an alw........f.. *ob btwenWIe Weil~. and; change of political conditions occurs Martia t8 Hill et al ixt ~Miifame-the north ple. wthin the net <vo year. fit seris Eiuîaor Cuntry lub 93% -certain tratBrya iii b. the Demai> e»lu ne % sec '2t),ererl 1 Nwtht congress 'bas adjourned, crotte candidate aud command the twp wd.,............... . : <e*. sli Igving an affirmatlie support ofa b larmontzed Demincraci.a W bl#ln'g'ton & vi ta IR 8 _1irier to Lincou Steffen's inqulry: 1Tht. does Dot mean irt hlil have IHauPilblt-k19 HRiswd ý-j Dur Coutry ousi the votes of!aiti vlo wera for Clave- H 8 Bleriood & w ta IR H -'tand, tourteau years ago, aud ît la Sherwaad tract ai land ls ý,A Ohio loelmitb shot a girl wbo (liardly probable tret the Democratid me 4 A vols, twpI wd ..... b1Ïe hm It le getting dangeilousae to r ncet iii evar vote for T H MeNerny & wi ta josephu Bgeh li 12 bib 19) Wauke h.fo lvetainul -uigth e sirake A large prtIOnOf a nt Highlands swd ... .... spr flauglug oit the, the cmosavative goid standard Daema- Elita A Reilly ta EMien Peter- crats vlio vare for Palmer anu Buck- son lt 7bit 3 Moclecwi uer la 1896 hava long Ince takesirout euh Waukegan wd........ 9.uatec *evaOtldg receutly admît- uaturàliaatlou papers in the Raiepufl Vnis Dttakell '& wl ta P *4-1t le iloet nov theManing cen party aud periuanently allgned gerebeew 0t n150 li tb.ugpre.sima'ubiug te cun." titemnelves vîit the pafty vitop r l àu&'-sk wd....e...........- 'IeAtoi muet keap a cause of "t"' resants oommercial and 1Industrielli h"swe a &wl t F -u oallér conservation. Munio bi 8 e of R B Swee' la, 1 the Interview ln question, Mr. neye eul Fort Sheridan viwd l'ille* imave tit tirBrain e orth neacet relieved .hmletaf ltu e tan- J R Uta & wl te, C& M 4Wy $50.0»0 mai have been given gitgebeîow: IFSr Go @trippf aind a1 gý* à esitie Mt te 11411eIlthitUi* "Ur. ryau sasi the othar day laut aa # EutW ri. t<teudete ha a littho bit easy banhon tratthera vare aiirs'h-e- 1pui, & r mas, Ci t 'logfotitre iiesit wo yi.-ussus aides jumeau who bn alied dinsonthe C= ,rl ,, 38 hbOu nouiition tlriragservices randared ObC=gu1fhima disi... 00 11o ordo llnge-mUn b» il the. De.êclracy. and unhiiied pla& Mar0 G Krrlï ihum ta i 111s110, -4 ase% 1b-ca-eho autly Mr.. Palk, Mr. Blly and My-, id< ,nli l 6bik 4 MaMvib Di vote sfoc ti Rouaevi tlu salf. Witue apprecisting Mr. Bryan's!î,it pa.rt ne % nue 9 Grant 1 ediui tick scounut unitil 1912 compliment, 1 muet deline te ha on- wBedac......... vf.......... - Ifthee vii ot e emetingsded s candidatse.taItIje lt Tbo=d lir 20 21 22 28 thon. stuand. i Mr. Brian plese. Brya, or butS Bnaniettae uh Latk -Flolk, or Baileyi For my part, I vould Foret qo ..;..... ....... w1 O hio , h1.la feeling n puffed up aubttute Stevenson for Baliy As W 'I' Wopdley & toit to F « * l*te «y hsiteillndes! the tce men, for Mi. Baiey- al.Blley'o servicesSeBoritiie GiYneh fari 0 billes, tiWilzoom uslie a the ichave been readeredtiat t orpora- 280 amS in moe 24 Wlui 00*46 toip ni................ ~1ldlt te turDthe teet pacterurtUni end of! Demacracy, andl vitase0 D ceI. ý& wi talsui amectelier. flndng trust magnates contri of the machnery ai the Demi- ,t ; . Mausofl i 2 bit 62 te joli la voaderfully effective trust jocrastlc, as wvolt se 0fthe Bapuhull Rlaiimd pari w(c..... lussitiD& - parti, bloidme ta seai my iMont e I tkg . to Augusta eit te Demcreci of Jeffersonansd theGo !>uIl'14 bIt4l a tr.IRentaitlu an Interview lis etai'1tepubtuiaim a!fLUncoiln luthe Inde- GeonM sadul W$ukffganloiv 1 Me talliclaared the vay for Bryanu1pendenca Leaue." Bei9lità entielisIB i b ~4 Lsdd là (leocfao add vhn WAUKEG AN DAY."1 Waukegan wd ...........-... Wankean, aoueed _uya- o et0tng succeas. it muet aud E A cumïiiuge a vi tu A abdemouoatrstes t -le the t'eai yl lieothe btggest sud mont original eànHritlbnds wd ... tthign o metter wbat the occalu obsqrvauce of the tind ever led lu Walterr- arwell & wf tinj1 xO ilssa entliuiaim displayed n this part of the state. Evary vieltotrCosbîy hfil bit 27 La]t ,, p"fpa*Etla for Wantsegan DaY pre- ta the it),auitbat day wili leave Bluff sid-------------... ,, à%i lenotli aagrand sud succese- vith au Impreisaon of te bignese. M M illing & vi ta oahebll à0Mj1pant fitla ta lie.j witb respect for boy tbings are doue Cramer kit Baker aud Mg OF verione lu heCty la rigbtly la- here sud vlth fatterlug mentiora Geutii'a sub Lake Foues tereoted sud desirous that Wautcegani Waukegan hat wlil remaîn wtbhlm @u... .............. Da hl oahge opesadfrI ýàs oCne Chcagto Titie and TrustC Day hahha abugt' cmplta ud fr yars a cmeta D E Barry It 14 bit * - 'Chiaga Higlhand deud... aHpNewmastIlo Fj Neil LA.BORRBS CARCR IN KANSAS tSa sade t2&w%ltý b2l Highland tParktlo 1% i antlMacedoun cry le gaiuag Island sud Union Parific bave giron t À« tec i Ô er t ia wfl ~ upian ledugKasa.Te arventer' rate, but theathier finesotire "of Deried. ......... boppuers ams uo atinugmilsthei. rpo hucs olbrest t.0th e w t 5 ro E its lnBon Ir, 'e e0otse n t délotryithe buiil- ileldo. Along the gante Fe ruoi Park wd ............ .... hbi atwinde ane Dt vithueitgfermert drive luta ovi lunsurmys sud M j<off in u& bhm et ai graine, ssaid (larrie Nation bas not carnas siuad pick mpi te etroWgllAlexander limats uha asitIier opel. 1It la oomthing ci 1s laharera vît a aight. At lai oui. baba wd............ q.... time. ilomethiug mot eutirelv oew. 1frmner umade a deil vith live mon wlio T JaioinhIate & wl tu, E maeaggravaito10m tan everi thti.train sud couveyed lteat tahie Ernt part ia 66 aud 7 -b ThOf e foi lrmer@ constuot soeur.thei home, irve milesondihînt, lu a hlg auto- 4G',Barrutoa si....... hiplte hari tiir wlui tmobile. Hiesrois f'&fIne r<a C B Rami & k vite MMar Kermr il&s 1 2 8 bit1 ý At lesst 2,000 mare men tbi are lau nhcben Bîtday dînuer was an addi et d .evlaw. , .W vt ot i li o essiled, sud deperfte; tianal incentive. Compettion for -lalior Mary T Kerrcti E T SBlipo useursàgill ha adopt4 dto, drat .u'u o birn e Myear thtanevbr bleore. emnil, is 12 Il bib 1 BDurast -jut b serie. bekb h e lbsel-inders. There estieoaha no tulle mam "album e adi tu baba Villa yuL.... 4! lie Ire. lluKpliôYmOstAgent (erov Appealahave hissé adicemssu tl i- Antan F'fmtik i o thut a ambtisro railroado 5a-e'ploymsent afegenlea a i Cîcau. . Lpb e.W. t Il26 hilk Wagshl*pParkwd .... to blame. U<t Use obortai e0aandlalter large Industrli '-uLO aMlglt &"W hsads . go mys the.cairoade aussi huan one bock iu aDiot i e e7 j 6 l neusCoui nves si ontlaey cmet lta comples iutanc*Ihat lit la >tupoWsble te I 1Wi13-W 11cilloplar ts Wu ni wvort, md aertiisreos ordere. Fatrsoîi a ërilalug Dt ffeùu .1bageitwd'..;......... pran u.e egrait lt.ihen1ot a umile icapaelty SU liec the eoutqy. Buig r rmie liM 'u essis.ly inMe r operations mregolu ng mou a osse. Prbloe±lng, belerit baci TWYeeý wk& oeoing auytibugof tsbého es'l. et s, bsud etsl7t0i, s frou tla~ vusat viol you. Tees etlbiee le ponltlo .ho Mdow aupea IM , w b" 31,- 11i auybl ktMpRN, b ssdii t N»4. 55$.ýrwffptom 0a lu gct~s ewuh5~li i.bgt cf 9jIl JgosJq. L Ilousemo en cl lilpacte tbi lb. n. Comne luauni get minr lot, 1 5.Ift" outy bar Icad ileuwtc ii eeve tht *0e0W fèBk* ne VACANT LOTS-lu ailtii.e euh- 7p- 2M(0tbe, gdaties ua ilte office uf Ille Cout *ramml. neI.9-divisions. Ray a lot sud vo viii buld Jad tu uijure the euh retilu tifnte 4>1 t Mot-ge you Sa bouse acnrdlug ta rour own ~tt0 0~ -. ..pians and lot you psy far It lie montbly rà b rf mInstalaient@. îiW 1> SUS INECS LOTS-For sale an MDi- P«-s Lb. Vitene. ve et rlgbt Pce. ColeSto-15 Fancy ..n.......... 180 . ,~It.<! ~ __________Finln ot~r&" ... .... ...... ...__ __ _...o.e .va. .. t Boston Mcheanti Java, , . I FARbâ FOR SALE-W. bave thoin Lberty Comblustion, par polInd ...800 aile aises aud prie. Let Us muow vitlI egtouaite 1040 you valut. We have h.Ta IL lb. 1046 Choice 8S 0.Japon, veollh80e ....Soc _______F.ncy S. D. Jupon, 604 grade....-60Sc, 125 00, Oeylon snd Iil.a sapeew rit -.. .500 leWESTERN LMIDS-We bavesa large Sea Enlhliroalufset.......... . o aI' fB weter Iudoai er.l. Ilou ysosu or Ounpowdec ...'.....SIOc S i îlo eter adai er o pie.Formosa Oolong 01 are QlUaht- 0 2800 00'1 ~ S.Pliau. WI. fan sari- yonu unu.y. Wa uns "a i lhur reudt bTes 700 )f- plnta. per dos ....-.-.....................45c _____quarts, par d<hua----------------.......- ., MONEV LOANEO-We loau 0101W YHalltGallon, perdus ................ -AT-é CMs parline freeingrin oe 'bet r a"Iwll k iii.. 00ui )ltO vetpu.et o nti 0 Extra i-eps. per dul ........ - .......25 Çee0551'heCfic We k' M.- Fnit Jar l~-.~ ~Ùr.%M agnaleu uggo g"_ P" ---tu lu)00à14. b..itst laestu C igu eaéple ag .4,nc.00% ocihyaiecsalimunt se- -- . .' I'- 4. :i(iOO (8 îvc.'ivid. - l'lunce Evapoated"Apri-ela, lier 11) .-.8li Yiir etpdrt îllli. lipie thaîîfuly eesi.?laua eerEstta TFI.I.suc'Cihtra uedPnhs, per 1)b-. i 4-l Il E rI>t'KER" FORDyjmond and Austin xtraev" aparftei euchAp a Priuarv.'l--hisî vii t-lii t a OR- RENT-HIiiute and lut au PartkDe1egaluion cuillTable lSvcup----------.... 10 1500 << .Auguo 4, 19116 -14-tf arrquart mau N. 0. Mobon" .....--------... O P50 o0io vII i lol vIeu at 12 ,iict n>eIouai. RarState.LoaneIlsUreg«e(piole lieeded RaisIn'..Pound tptg.... .2 ___d_1). il. ----------i-ing reueu C rranta. pkg.IOc 1 0FOR SALE-l'20 auc.'farîuu near (.<15s I -Manaclu Minace Muat Per ptg-......10 I (II tisutueutut 'iini's 'AI IIilJFl'Y, .lbriyhhl. tata of Illinois, Connu o AOf &L, 03-. iru-udeul Cocfanut, par pouun - I ililluiiuce My ruudiiinv foui. ~ 2-tf. lu Intae Circuit Court af Loae'Potons Crea. large pbg-------...... c-- aICoussuîeiuu-leut iS1 "'Coututi. Orange Nuts. 2 pkgu ..------------.....z28 liiet ta the derisalni ofi' Il fi- rL111FENT-diilx otint. laquire oa;iAuna 1, Bath,.Beitha C. Buebrer, Pettihlahuts Breakfast Food- pa.cpkg. .12C 45001 f0 (Cnveutiuî>n. Jou F in;ll'F.I -*t i .. ;1, 1f Ut AEmmi K. Becker sud Ida A. Mller Ialtan Breatiasi Fooi per pkg ...,.14e Tl w l. m i a y V evi er . O R S uLE- H ou e a d o g g 'v r, M tle M . M utler ad John .5e- B A K E R S9 C O C O A -2 lb. caerf 20 e T"Wl....1'Me (iuuieri ORsu î. v. iss . ibll. ame . ml agev eRiMcoell, ........... . Sc 2009) 0f0 1" .gtv 111it t ile' 71'> . Utdit.iiiprofte. <i > . 0an. Na. 2802. Bil for partitli. FnyBa isp- b----- S tfIIi lii- l, .nf BIl vi, l 141 r'.pI'flt. (oid harti <1 vai eig Publie notice Io herehy given 1Us"New vBattu en.par t .l................ Oc (lipt , .iy'l>mINI 1 ILl irte fau odrad Oreen- RSheladaPGrtepar l, .....S4 <ipp s,'nuundt.1 * Id. 61dla. - r l.ieu l. berdla te oa tiid «0reIDIStel uO ta ,per 1l)----------.. leYW-' ilfin.i ei tliiiFOR SALE OR RENT-Facîatut,îlle salui CI.ut Coirt etaheUta rci terni, (iranuiai dYelov C)u i t m <r lb.. .îc.li¶LX.Ui:îiîtl .l îu. iM. friarutiler reuurt 60 acrs oun hamnd A. D. 1900. thereuf. taeunderdund, Arm & Beautne Soda, lit ptg -, - Sc Lat.', SExtiT KANE, hlacbgI'elWrh<Il. mater lu Cittucery oi Raid Odfl't. gardiensaInut!U p"rcou................. ic .1-d 8ti vili. on Tuestai. tae lth day o! JulYinIpartoiiSardine par <an ........Ile Iltl h ciruiC'tt lk.I A. D. 1906,.lah the hour at one O'Clock iMutard " ......1..to liitCrui , tl keFOR SALE-ey 7 rouuta bouse anofMddytth1lbcnSln............. 6500 0 Q oftnly. - - euet sud Part avu-vilI ssltii nIDtheé as inonai51daaIU.1l nNam......... 2 0d ascrIceai neaytaus.Av st domor a tae Courtlboume litahePliai Baill@ Cat*ull........... ....... A,'u..ioge VS. GeoiugE W %V.P I iti Wsugsn. lundon theere. cly1 uOut f Manuahla (>1v. per bIuîtle-...8....O enid George W. Odoni. sur vlring E cMili lhryvle. t i-t fWufll h 0111Y Prp"Ilna ......s 220 )) I K ()om aka and tate o!flMinais, sali st pub.Prpriuuar' - - S 220 10 l,îh'dcf Ini't E >aife uit ie ube u est Mouareb Cuuionei Mib uer erau... O deceased. Landau Odurn. Ma lu- LOTS FOR SAE-m (l e no bidder foceasst lte bonovlng de-Y5-t.ihAsralSp rcant0 r -mert-WMay' Oda'nl Frauhtsubdivision »filiah Eletrie dupot. aected rcaienttee etutt@d luthe 2îb eau ErsJe Patte............... O 9U)04) >0Odani. Beularg COdoun. tanley Oitom, launre a1 B. J. qium. - a" oati f aikea"sud*tata Of lttls. ý3 lbh cat ai dBeano ..............eo Bob Odolu. iDaniel H. Odom, chlt- ta-vift: a îhacesla mpttu---------------.......... dren aud ijeirs at lav Ofi nid El'FOR SALE-Boune.and lot on limai- Tht.e sit ll or a tae Southlu Slhcm «Eg aue--------------........OC 40 lt> fra E.O(dom. deaed.it Bill ta way,Llbortyvhe, 14 Iquire PAuL veet quarter (gW)l) ofti Ut. th lma eEztra ?omatîaee---------......lie 400 O freeose Gen No 272. 4(,Qmlç &'-tf Matquarter (SM%) (ercept a a19 Package lTale liait ..---------... & 5Public notice tu brehi giveut that ,1of landl foshy (40) roda kuugRaud doe10 lDea Louas .....e.........------... - 0by virtue of an order sud decrleia- MONEY TO LOAN-Qu approved ceaisud) n-t mm(1)roelu viOtht.onf 0 ' Ce audry Boep ... C l75(00 tered inluthe. aboyaeutiUtled cause lu sason eauril>'. Bas. R.. MIsLIxn, Lber- tamd t nrh-mb-aarof)<sd10 M s Syoep ....-------.......ae n id Circuit Court et te Mtch terni tyvvle, he. -agaa wetautspet flantilrne . 10 "Swille@uoi luAi."emelsls.n A. D. 1906, thereai the =utadereboi£ Oit (irouupa'o Woniar cSall. par bac.4e ~~~~~~dr% (100o) toa l- Hitaulg l t Lm tyh(nhi u b.4 ktMatariluClianceri a I id Court. GIRL WANTEO..Foî' geramhboues50 tston '«e Ufte o se upSirI(a ut.pa b 4 10) iti. on Tueday. the 11h day oi Au- vert. IMa&. JàusPuiL 18tftine aiflte osd51 erf«ectinLyeper eu..............-- f gns, . . 90 a oe acaciduilrIotnd, ul"' Extra stroung Ammonla par i.ottls..... SOC aiternoon oala e dy te tha highet FOR RINT-0 rtombontns on Ouibaud v"Yod t t Bu 151 Pvicîon Pliupr baiula........ toc 00<00sud haut lilduer for eali. saliet Pub. UulNe .A Pone 9.u1 eai WS I'~bo Wmetng Soa-------------j. ...... e t le suctian et th esosnI dcor of the. oeu (27) , fct-te (43) deourlue, par cae..---------------........Js 10Coaut Hou"e, linte City of Waute- 140Rq--Workbohnme laorale, Swif t octl.marane ( t.q !10heaopolie ferarete-----------------.. 1......le 800 0 sugi la nid Cou ti f aika a d Stata F * M -uR azi a i a sie u, Mgr. - X " third (lrd) Pril "p od M ) =iln Bon Am i par cake---------------..........So 10> ot Ilinois taefolovlng described l es IRAX IU..ci.& au, ig tnSteve Pallli---------...... ..s C estate stuated lu thé, CO of aikoe l'AY'.1'orsale oitsloueast hyhld atcl lasse',.AdbeSoMats,.i'aeli..------....... ----- suad $ltstefaIllinoias ta-vit: aqd10 tome lamobau boel ItBvlftDated Juste SInL lut,.15 dosen Chttes Pins......... ......... Sc w 07 0 Part ot the South aeit quarter of l'aven, Resueavag»ours U. g .0 '.E. E LL SW OR THi- >section Ivauti-faur (24,tvnsitip for-I Zty-six (46) norili, range tan (10)sasut SUS -FOR SALE-S a pà_________________s___ ot the Third Principal MerMdia, ho-g it r Itsaqunire at lssr -__________________ baunded u l 010,:Commenciug OnUsou.- 84 28M00 the nsithuline ofi nid quarter section. . A Niî I A TEIEP ffl E luin-te mutar o! the road lesdlug frtti BOARDERS WANTEO-hiy day or j~~I~L .L A TE- - -- 2Mlîburu te Hickory eusner. -ruing voob.NMu.Moue NEron. 394f.Ib wets 1 0 00thauca nrllivesterly aleug taentela"rpufls h et o ai n d ro ni thre . (3) citalu s; tîence F Ran b s ne s AI ÂPr t ct he h m & - aft perahle uitb hethh. anal o li sina O aE-glev<or aoaldbus inesWjau.ltaaslm ?d 500 adsection fibree (3) échianussd thir- Beti., Loba Zurich, . i.a-t Adar to ty-four (84) linta, thence- anuth seant-_m_______________________ AMSn lb çri>' parallil vtb naid road tlree (3) WANTEOK-Msaoan yack ofai alinO, e c nsth e Id chiln:tethe noutht fiue of Raid quar- Ceunit yack a epoecley. Watts aud Rua<Ig to 5 50 trscin hnewsto adUe g lo ,J .L.IregRuae"l, 111. u C titre. (3) chtaîne ad hirty-fautr (34) 4"-8Hong gut .1541 linkstot h.place càf 'Zti1g.big...... _.- Dalcut Juiv trul A. D: 1906. brick yack rapaiaitg, etc. Wu. . Ena,W A L La e C u t te EIAM L CLARKE_ Prairie Vey, 111. 40-4 la -- MOUSE FOR RENT-Nev seven rout PAPIE RPTee ho e 1>0<> <H> 7-6-t Mautr in Chaicago State ofi ltituots. Counti ai bake, ae..bouse. Corner ef Nortb évene and AlC onnedt iliOhiag est >< lu the Co)unty Court ai'balte Second street. L. E. BAY, au-t As oc re 00t Cou. . 1A * Aêrybon onst y De A& YOIN _ _ lu the utatter oi thte gusrdlauship SIAAsti>bomcneain 31o où 1estate of Mary olive Parcelle, ruiner. wplace&bhae iune porng p Juneore 28pdi Il>'v Public notice la lherahi givan tîsî Ovni an bayein her o pra I, undar aud hi vlrtle ofanutordar adiit cCauteti(urn, I11. OEIl. TRIGG' (14D STAND. 1IL- Lake çCoutgTeeplaef c.. d.. 80M(() Idecree o!salIe enteraul la the. alive 1______________AVÉ._SOUTHOF______ ao ntitlit cause st taeJune terni A. D- LOSTr-On rout. hetwseut Chicago, f i E 'V SITU0 BTLOIfcsKî~i I ýf1906, of salit courtlIa the udeaigneul, Whesfling, Wauconda and Vola, a drew LUbertgiiqee,,MLUbffl4lgvIUe a Irdos '0 10 guardian af the éalsâte af Mary Olive Sit cage vvithi inscription "D11on t taParetile, minor. vition Tuesday the vorry" sund initialte"F. C. M." Con-- jeld1 ayo uge, DI 1906 et thet. ained l4 o ftI sonsoevalue. A suitabla 150 00 0bout ai one oelockiluthie atternoan revazd vilI he i- van h1 eutil I.. ooft nid day oeil a publiec*vendue for EMMiOss-MEIIiEn Lumher Ca., Lberty- rt. cahta the btgbeei suit test lilddar, ville, 11. 41-2 E I - -- -1 200 ïD o urt HanoLak be Cant>', lu tbe-FÔR SALE-Famil>' pue, veiglit 1250 _________________________ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~~j in ~ i> iWskgu utae Canty'a! e"iandi souai,'*100. lt>' pairs CI , Lite s Wud Stai IIul.laiio- tiouugbbredIIHanter pigeons at $1.00 blic Lake'uadeSb r sate Iliistue l lu er poir. A!1$ 50 naptisoF. B. [)*Vtn, 1 arùn ow locateullin té . o store iu J. Ehi. Trigga building IéaPlS N. t on gBrague streel. ThIs *bop turne, ouI as gondi vart el - T Ua Cly ai altePayat, lutho eaut cena done la tha claIe. iv, un a trial. f ai- o! balte sud Itate ali tni, l-vit:AL-oseadpedF 1 1900 00 Tit Ipart of bot tva iluided sud FoR SALE-HalFous, dockeedlle 1 brd- -or-ive (245) ln te 41. ~~becl~> tielr,~ISOLICIT TOIlE TalE AN~D ASX TT T YOIE JRA TUÀ tae Forest, deecribeit as competixonlu--------------__________ 1925 0thea anuttb line ofai aitLot eaqui.distantWSevcw mlir >Kbteen the sauthiwmot corner sud SLOFtfori' srv ice, iea ibr -8 the SouthliMat cornac 1ai nd lot, sud at mirsl.J îLp'Lh 700 1 00runulug thnes north parallelte h.e LUCE~ O s B v~est ina of satd lo t te anortierlty ET-0am I at o mer uine ai esld lot. thenc e vstorli -oun »Ims ud~luinlava of Newport. Fu- 0'the fuortliorlyline aoraMid l( ot t te af eutJoe4gIaru4x om uerans. 5m00 nachil -corner -tieot, ,tpud -Lbetvil -Iiq an aWest lineofo!Mid lot te b r,%ie 4 lbf West ooffsc theceof, aud oIe ar 150t$4>5< il e place O e agnnl1ng. wvitlle kn o iteIm'liidjoonthlue 4gal-, AZININBUIIKU. bliae uailàte t i Olisil rIsa of île 4- mrrl u outtlat o h*liet l i M7 rY 5v. Brdrd i- lus -- Taeehl 111vr. O41-44 -- wl7UU*w,*.p..- v luty ýuage. iftýr. taarm-tbf couu Fifi