WÀ7 1., 5. 5-UAut e - The $ady 1bolpicnlc heId Tuesd« ~~u.l The. linois Coniidy Co. i tttitU Ms acsBidetdt vlsted i ?uaa outbelocl gouai lmp rasdieveiy svet)lUë. Esmeêr .uec=0 .f. Sunay We mmft;m ba m n 1M I"Kt oe orridey ÀUn Tldnumu usiiba .cid the Opeu- t w.k.ý IdBto foreoufty oifices have lng o a secoolinha b**sbcksud wlll ~igmerounds laly' durng commîes 10S thflgAÎW. lotbenut.M i ben usOMS chured hom = Wnsdlad, of Chicfigo, was te t e«ek it lca!SMv m di" Eimer A ute iowa dinturMchiaigr aMsEthl Duers Sunday. TheMium .Butter"ielda u ng -asu d RmAutsviti D chgno ipoute Wuau a Elgin vigitr Sun- the. two Misses Treptow, of liertYvilie TBe nndayA.. "r-T-Yte &Te ,njouing a 9ek's otina at the auag Deerflel..uilT3 eE ~'lrneGrace lias ti 'd front McCornulnk cOttage. Hure. Bnday. Jle 29. s it Eu ii tthe bomne o Mr. sud Bd jiamae, of Chicaga, in opendiflg s.Wtorhlvitng ihI Jos. ABbigitat Michigan City, lad. the week hâte. n ui ulduTher, ie. Mahâttbe iw auee dessOnt announin tihe coming The Lake Co. T81000 ol itd- Ti ise h*,aiMlake is i H E.Maln. taMie Vea ng a (armerg' lins west from our village viitaog wth ubeir aut, Mm. Dufh.. E .. aimAug. i Vrato McHenry county, sud ilt i. xpctd TheMisse Harel and .Effie V& Aug.1. Une. wfll hm in uother direction$ au returned home Sturdas front Bandwlc sudMM MM 0 . T. Grahamt @Pont Suu- soon as tis tirst one te complote&d- flu. itiishome of tii.ltter's mother.latid n arntnbut vn M um Ketrann l. Utclifsfl, t Barrlngtoii. Wuod n arnunboeseD lr.Cra eetraa ia tennis touritalent ot Ut lattere daughter, ire. kPage . .D. Stroker and faily are courti lant Friduy alternoon. Pla j it elutlve t Mayfair ths brought together E. L. Harrison sud C . oi for uundsy, July Rev. F. N. Lýaphainforei lmas udDa Gdnrud Misson,' t La A.L Hisn was nuinbered wtb the. simmons and Shourer vs.b. L. Brown Amerca ," o.1.8 .Br i lest ai the. week. and L. E. MUiaitu for doubles. leader. 1 Hcui l ~~erainflga nteofHarrison, oui ehump$on, cearly denion- miss charlotte Pettis 'visited ina E où Hickrsleent wrtiting acae fstited bis onperioiity over 5117 imiNuet over uaday iwith ber aiterlire. R "b et sleti, f oostck . wieldeî in tIia lomUitY. The doubles Lord. ~saWesk' vocation at bi& home fnebe f tnu vrk on b% q ide. Richard Adams spent Banda lThe. "Docs"aeturedtthe tirât set 6-3, lat home. 4 ~trCari srained bis right sukle thje second 67,tooktb third 64, lait Theodore Clark ipent several da JmpnoU laddsr ModaYi- ~th. fortii 6- sudflnal won the. event home lait week. "ID) n llr cr-d for th. inure4 by oLlgho it it ut 6-2. A suti tient is proOe.tig rotura 0a h let rrgd 1oo. Mi. and Mrm Beimehl and daugh r Arb. . A peetsponaday ia Wankegau. - v~ Wauoiid at ord' alie. J. DowS sud fasily, a01Ienosha, va Wo29. a Frd& W l.., D, tisti gwth relatives sud jMise Hettie Fehr whohas hean vbsi h= juy 9.friend@inl oui vilansd vienty thié ith ber broter retued tô ber bc IL .Harsn bai reiurned froM Wseel. i - Starday. mie luth., ciit t hey. Mfb ie. L. E. Golding. of LibprtyIAllfr, le MJUgwer, Of Chicago, s@peut Sung wsMlaoenln the e*y odigteweek witi local relatives seit L. . Mattbews. Lsuilire.l L Carisud J&A.su freds. Miss Florence Cook , of West jwereCbic*gO vistore TuesdA7.- - 01lce.ofDesPlanes, tvlsait utAprings, weastihe gaeet of C. B. ci rnsn1.m'» lbase .hanl usws WUIlb. tihomeof . Malman suddtaiily the Bunday. I~'poisfrt1f5t..wek. Mr. anm ir.F. E. lMayerenterta _________________________________ Mr. Fitts, of Chcago, Bandai;. Mir. sud lire. Jos Pyle, of Cbi( I GEJEmvisited frlends bere Bandas. ROCKM M GnI Mr. Kerston, o1 Chicago, vsted e 0edek f WNok egn, aisenyPepper Jr. le entertaiaiag Pettis borne Banday. t *«-1 reative@ frin Chicago. lire Mildred Love le enturtaii hgkajL u r0.theii.ct isYto F. C. cbuackei . will move into i cousin frouL.Lake Forest. list boe recstli. new dweling rooms the fret of Auguet., Mr. Currbe sud (ami spent Suade laùwgirelrger and Della W. are glad to lie able to report that Milwaukee. Urlttpan atteti, ofPalatti, Mr$..Bd Umldenstock li. mucb lbotter. jAayoae wlshing to sithecribe fW su ato ride sud câlin On Aout aadossa tlUittoit front Chicago 1 IDaErz!wNT Or puy for lait y rÈ ¶hTuftd&y. sud vicaity t riaay sud Wednes- ucriptian mai fraye order atB NtlG isf rving Park, w~ay i1v etna uhsno ai is sdC..a Kiggi e Eiaener ion get the, geatuine Mr. sud lMre. Bechain enterta ine sudNi. G.Dhsriitof iogreplymoalth binder twlue. no cheap grades a bayrack parts Saturdey aiterno< 0:Derco fltet A. .chwermn & C'@.. _____ ,04stppod&athti. last week. n g -r ur.Lwis K mag ldoi. w wle Hrueke . see..UNWeR qiL SaLâ t nrdaysawtntoon aoeurred the. ou p fi!' P ~ dsah a li. ~tiet t, i B r & a Tîm Keley bui purbumidY sudAritu lerIio ll~ r ainsBeningW reta. 110 lateuds to1 P"B b Md A * tauut u.tt t .ZMri ecenetery a uto it ait spring. sci e Mêlesuà *o* Will sd T udubysiternoon t four n'dock, Rl" Kelly bas a new buggy. took m automobil etaithe ermeS Luthiersu heb, F511. miss l"i Becker, of Chifgo, is tbe OUWOfildtot:lcet he lâPr ffE1 1 1 - > b~ig Miss Mary Brasrier. sud usiles F.J. ud . Etai fehlaSgeu la W the la. MissMary Blum bau been quile -Tii. buter butlolaisiilu b. eu>lo p. slge ajy.dti. cmpniofl.BimmiatLtm iliaii. ThecouWl uiiilirytg sautOrsuua Bochu nitend to asie tieihoule lu Long Joba Brosuer bm a ons a bad millii wsk.Grovs. Tus wsddlug le to b. lOW5 sud le ungble to lis about attode owed liy another, %t ii.li'dusbrother, maoO 5idfamllva te ery ReinSeiesudMiens «m rls Tbere sil iU e apicolc ut Wade, OksiMP -etau adi Coeoir of Fairfleli being the psrticip- ou Atig. 15., #»v by the. ladie C< . no"ialWu» gevin &utthe home auto.-, - t util hrh d W .De9«06M msudfiiy atl uurdsi Mrsâ. i cCanu n tertamned I GRNGE !ALL p«Y a few a" lait wesk. C, ais$0 sudB, Kublni bare fiédMA Mise Tenale Lax Of Waukega in .rk 4M a ,.stdéS Mt Dserdaeld. mur. W.. Wilson l in euiug sfew uIg missAIleeLui. ou ot iissittif saur eyes are day. t the.home of Dr. Palmer t Mis.Grave. had compaus fror Sbit. cMIUst oua. on Dr. W. Grayélake. wauke. luit week. a tibcti ia. Mrs.>)nnap le entertaiuittg Cmpany Mr. .andlire Fank bsaspet8 ti ie. wltli Mmis. 0Shea sud Mr.' aig Edward Bwauson spet part of lat D. Neweîî. EZZZZIZZZ lie. sudChreagoh Métar J. Froagt, of Chkcag o nt lMr* Chamsud lanily sP .eut Satarday son oM.ad r.Jh 1 gsîime in Wsukegau.a" . @Uita mure.Bagit1f lin#wietMine Blanche Fessr sud Mis Taylor Tim Riordan came ho-M 'Mis 8XdV. .Bugt 1 ID w& were ubertillh caliers Bsturdai. evenilig, for a long riait. 1 huls Eain u tn I hco Miss Mary Dering le the guest of Miss Tiere le a rantor of suother ait Suaduy with Mn. sud Mms. =0i Johmuan Deloffl. being trted ln Wadséwrtb. ~~ag. Thobem li e prescbing s41vim sta Mi.Ana Miler spont Bundai sitix range Hall once l tseo weekt t 28:30 RUSSEIL, ia. Win Vsjd9rboom ut Round Lake. p. m. hi the Be. Walton of Graysilke. The. next service will lie Aug. 5. Alcc Bros. will a Met M. aud Mi. C. Dillon, ai Wankegan, ________ atboert fture l. Mrlle'ooaI I visd i tue home farta atnrday sud1 sf1157. IlOO CM. cadseeillbai retarnid to hg --amoud see Waucon d culleR iliusu binea ! uEngleseood.* ,bod esMe WaitM nd f leio Mnd Mr& illa nd o fk L9 Mis. amLante -Brookus -sd udf afteuoou A.liouuy re viptîug witb liMm Thai. licCann. viitiag ber mother, lire. "e. Si Mm s. A al, of Elgin, called on M. sud isr. Warren Hook amr e- DrLwnbsoë eyie fs$sade lu Volo lait uduy. . eux gover tbe arrivai af a sontiorn u . Lbutn sbhtnter Do.1 -Mra n. o e ase nd children, o, IloudaiJuly 28.MmuisyJuh samluter nosheà Ksuouh.aie grisiting tbe formuer* The Miss. Ran are enterninag Ms oaFuke eo 1isrsetle Mr. sud lire.John Frost. trissd» from Chicago. Roy Lewina vlited bispuarens, 4Mm.Biais@ Cosma d dagliter There le a soclety ai ffty yonng meu Mr*. Leinebiicintly. Mari, of Ralias, sud »M Florence camping a9n Loon Lake. Tbey bave As Coins le viaîting bis siet Casie, cf Iowa spent Sunday sith Mlre. organzed a lasebaîl teamn. Roy Lien lu Sauvannahi, 11,, JaMeis Klîwahn- . lirs. A. C. Coins laenstertaini Mr. sud lire. Wm. Dllon and sou Arthbur sud UWMiss nit Waltun epent a j" ' pans front Chicago. daylaChcuo acat. ..........------- - Willlie Webbi and CDai 'tet hldla heVol M.E.chuchFrias The net meeting o! the Dumond vnttd lira. 3. R. Cois B=.ya 'evtln, Jis27.Ailar selcoe.Lake cemetery association w s eulb ld ,Mr. msU ri..Warner Col!. wtub Mgrs. J. Kruckman an Tliureday taineti comPuni f rose Kenou 2gust 2 a 'clock. Alilmembers e R .Mne i on daglai.roquent ta b pissent. Kuoien ere enos&ila visi EZ~Y]TIti Diamonti Lake Coletery assoeia. day. PAUIINE ~~~tionwill holda *McalattbeG. W. Mitchell Ms tne a âmdt home on Iraeeday eveaiag Jnly 81. Th, ue. fnge bs " ured Ur sud ise.J.H. Scierdlng lad for prnc1a eveiui silil be the d1tuwiag of a l akgn trgumet Sundas Mr sud Mns... batil qult. Ticket# have beme od Vers sud Warrie Iiare obsîs, af Evanston. also L Rene, of at toen ts eaclb shicb Incudes le. 1 heu vacatin ltie country. oeug.creuminsd cake. Aaotberwsel liesold to 4 teaave liii Misses Auna and Tulle Naa aieathe bigbe§t bidder. A goodtdine la pro. o' ore i. avi ', Idfumiosp nt Sand i wlh Naa rn ied al uba attend. Ait.GaeRsersiu Ida MmePia flne u tt8undeda it fie. Oig tathe sannual camp Meeting ut go it wleJn %~ DesPlaines therewellîbe noservîces it the la iBenneistan(&0 a Mise ary Blitase etertaiaed ber two Dtamond Lake cbuich next Bundar .laly ti. lietait sud Dizan famnlles. layosisf roi Arliugtau 20. -Paitai. Mildred Muray bai riturnet ImiseG&NMOloiSs eai a get oI ber Clri.viit ta Wauke<un. brother ai bis home la Soth Elgia A trip tu the Padelcoastisaof"Ilei a Mut. Frank Neseell bas comp Tris, ! 1humer.dlight, but il hit clades savrhat ta Barverd. Mise Emmi rie f.hub Colorado, thatlaud o iai codsese ky, of lire. Dr. Yoang sud tai Wus.a vers pleantcater on fiendo % nrare climkeat.ndascn.ry, lit la&«uresKano" visitors Tussday. 'P&Iullus Tassday. neyer ta l.hor. tten. la nare leuty tua reia, f icturssqne ?seo Moitasu eidersletr Ur. sud lre. VieSlier, of Long mutlsaicnososeeu oeatsaTu@@das ughLT. i <Jroviwi luoPaandnscBanai. T"Me k.i Hal aMoDluis s OiaHt»ms. Depai Corner o! ay Cook eoosti, ainglt *rAu. raubero AM! Tlsphone Central p.e5i ~Dd it, :laue at, tht. p %Us.T s be swelghbed tourtea ep-ixteso Itih aroiud tii. sealet. Ths_____ __________________ ~the - - la the road catc for the. seawna for the. Mn Wuk.mnl( (ilerhoe o- WiliAlmgrlî antd faunilî titthie e e.k a , Mme Wnerelutfrle onMo-for their honte la the. cty. éJl BrcoWptySlSk J. D. Fink's toie. ve litr. 8. B. tesr age sb on Warren of ii51115 ae villngur istr ire B E.A ery largecrosed attended] the picale Kaedlr. sEtbe aIudej meik lait Simde Miss N. t l fes issen oîuarteini>e's Pa k MleTeeésie Hicton, of Rivterside, ta the, attesn sud 195 la the eveusiag. «e Peudinug a week setb Tilt Mitchell. Everoissalid a tun tint.. ber-i. r'and lir% . RA. 1BSmith ai Rocke- Normý tas!a eulsa quite reguiarvN Riaienr Brocimnan, has hati is hanse lte Pesil Doocittule, of Waukega, ~R 5~SCIC G ipitedt addiag greety t the visites] Jeunieslip Bandai sud Moadas.B fl rs w c wA;( RHET A ant -.Zkn of hie place. Ther,. ie a@surt ofRladBts dlieEuaBi. chlmprovement, sein l u on aftl asmor. The'eastIti othems Who of Palatine, vitted parentse sud friends ber tantemtpluto improring thuir praperty ber. aturday aad Sutîday.________________________________ Mr&. Gatler sud )lire.Il. 0. Friteh sud The Lake Coaatv Bundas sebool 29 dauliter Ada, o! igblant Park, opent asoition inela-bolipt t Peter'& atin Moda i wth lit. ami lire~..M. W. couveutinl Eatwahiptatoer'A Iu h i d r w n cich aly 29 aet 2o'clock. speakers m îrk Kuile.tront diffeagi pace sel tke-ar Jeunloe nedier sud the Misses Cling- cordialinvttion let extended taailtÙ.oa l Ighil man o! Chicago came ont for te Sunday attend. Tiierewsullniovenlnsice ___....._______________________ R.ay schooilpice ltait Tuesday. Jack Pester bas iavested ita aneseWAS R&LIMinstl elng Pilumâth DAder ut rpo,)eqsdnos e etertaipe the Mukle ShellY la losety improv!og. Tim.TW. rt Wated lt.sfoWc sri peop eenings. . Miss Clara Efinger bas returne t tain i uttlu ssa u ld.i dey lait Tue.dey the Itusestl. me te pjy t-i twine w4 reitsatinito day aI the Bunday ScItool pl A Maiter jo. Butta seho bas been spead. t seIl.uOf .tektgos" un" 1 lW"ul gil tay tok advnute o e fn n ol ie oeseuse obgsu bter w ansd attotided. Thère wsaa lChisagFine u . enaetiue t uelanlsie theïr brudi. Dut PlySuta arsrwd and diMseýre unenîmsous ila la Cehenag"a k'uiday.m ffing eca gamlui re. UGeeand JaumsBatilet ere Wu a-.TIel uméliie ha a ont. ~kegsu cuitera lait sek. othoe" *'M'e 1ba Iwosulralt e iup r' ~ 7 1 Clara Lui lehomle ugainala!ter ,î,endlngla l ruit goode tes tto gin eup bhsdlag nday I Y Z a fes; esain Kenosha. it, Try orne bail 01saab sMd wstei the Mm. . . ooiyepntSuda stt IMn. McManauaum, oi Chicago, te reluit. utii n.J. W.Crouy n. rnayw tvsitisii t Wus..Pendere. Clark Mn.and lir. .Webb, af M m .Crs R.1ai mrturne_to Chica o spent sBandaii a ruitosen. P m .tm T it 1 101 Se s. uune alter speading a seesi witfira. G.ClrneadWtr ak Hunifard. Ciagoaeut Sd Waltoi Leaken id a Mr Frank.~ti Gions eencing 'bisgCOtt,. ntBnasu ils vaetio wth hiepaenlihre. MiJ. Eddya...sddunglterVesaa a the Mms. Huaniford le ,'pendissg a fese nAnda Poitor nisited]at uMaia steeka uith ber dati7bte-inlaw Ms. 0. Lux's ans day lait WeekHE G E anai=HadE. ing a J urne Porter waiseen on aur At-etu a few dus. Sgo. ay ia IVis Ale Css a hstigber cousin UBIERTY VILLE %iv. Wood 01 the lioody Instituts Liais Hhgerti.RI r th id pli ana oan n Mn. sud lire Seideaburg sj,itSuas- loas accu dou rp i t u - v mo ni g nd da itb the lutter'@ ife s t N ontb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P. erenfng. Ciao lin. and lire. Tanner, o! Chicaowcre Tb, popl 1ti iil 'es"r the 1et ! isEma R adk ven hpol fii vcat'seesr ..dit of Mian an.lapsie.11 aer ai thentarriage ofIMi«s DaU n dle.PJu ai iut i. u Ditmeier sud Frank Clark uhieb U' Mr u maoi ai f iet-lecuid Wednesdas jl i1, athuIwâu- II ville, seere lusaent entiers ber, lait kee..Sotu Young people are sesil knosea j Barday eveiag. in the coiuniti bavlng lived hem aIl IT H l W,Éwrru-Some ons the. mou lthe chool tiiei lire.. Mis. DeltmeYer se@au bonavard for the crop. stuat lu lii Laie Fore.t Untçriity Phlltp for auut tuoaere and seai viii mon.P Mr. and Mrs Carl Dofer ure enter- popuar it sactety. Mn. Clark la the bon movetaiing riade f0?pChicago. af A. Clark sud le ltked anissi pecedhi.W a elyùaSae rSueae Tho.. ho ttendd te Bandy »gl ho kuose biat. A bppi u po- e ca eil y at abeorth e baki e Y picu e at Dres Lai lait Thuraday pe.nalige l inihéuah of theï i masIBuggor SuIeJaabutepre o ivisil- report s nery pleaSsatt tisil..n-wudpyfroetayuko o A ogngaImin soitg foi the The due Mondas eveaing seaularge-wtdpyfroeta.jnko oh Ae gang Chcg osh o enbere lait y ttenduti sud afine tintse ln reported n abu. old t y otaehî tel s Ckg eol, s or.lucnge o.ue. hi yla _________abut____ I SYto tke I cid ise sToii bSacintu 0 yh a ie etei saved Hie comradase ti. ,cac!You are sure of Wl.*t lis uDder sei Imihudi bai ove? Bond"y. -"Wbue rstnrnhug front the Grand 'the 'paint ou these makes. @Worth *iMu Hlen Clark, af UruaILu, is the Arm eanca"innt eut t Washingtan Itii. gaiia oliercousin, Mise Peau ni0 aI ty. a coiflisde (rom 31El, Iii., seu ______ thiplace. tai« tthtchoiera morli nsdwua l tcon- Mus. Oipba Harding 0 oux iani , &dltca' condItIon." aMyaMMs.J.E. Mmd.,re George Braierd. lm ChahberlaIn's colle. Choiera sd Cerne. in and Talk it Over MissRvaDeei r eprtdfo Ean-DlaffhoebRemedy and belleve saretl a Bonsdavefttiker esi, aforbegi ber il na. 1 have bean engaged fan tan _______ «Otn6 seoria nrsefthe wuk boita beut thatnsu aiss lgrationwsean sd cou- pnM l-wau ue nthe. i t h ducted muni Pattes te the aaatlt ad Pl-*est. I sisesîscarry luis îredyad BnuadaiFrank Dolpb staited bis thre.hing bave sef lusucceSrtlli oitni Ocy.9- CA NK B O bw!ei. Thle îleld and qitality of thee etyille sud Grasiake Pharunuc. afwJ~ pm Bleagrains are repoited gond. A large aussir o! inititi frientis itoudaigUsthsAd ut Ehe home0aiMrMn sd Mmr laitue Chamberlain lait Taseda' evnnng the occasion bangli;h. tuint -fthBalig i iete's Da'c rsaloon ner""riai.thein marniae. qh. evening seau pleasattli passed uith music, songs ali cores. 1lloseed b>' a j ruc. M. ualire . Chamberlain ere HÀîe Pr m sand rket in ta niver, toe ftit. esteen t ais r aiinN. Y. ful ereall chese, Perlb ...... 16 3 cana Lewis lYe ................ .... 2 i ud srand. sup aIvetossseute te Seded rlain flbpackage........... 10 Large sime package malt br.tkfast Mar boalt tu E.get ea'ldsiba IA!D Y I. eaneti enviante, lb package..O................... berho .10raeya. ete iappinese ad N'oe Suh minLLmet, 3 packages 28 ltadolpb brand geeet Corn. 4 yet os nappiuml sandtut,=21pckages for ........cuni$forn.... ............... ...... 30 unlly yr l'5 Irl 52c >Sup~.f~..... Force, pr Package ................... 0 ;mue. A narlety social, camee sud gel divers Onura hh îl lI111 aua eellrepcae23 ledd whole wliat, pe 0 ciuîh noqelitim suaytliing fiant. a bandluasse IUI Ul 111 I t~jNavi bean,7fie.................. 25 Package ...................... .... 0 badecikt btrkie wel'I auJII~I UJIBîiahisAeeOldot Is 28Dr.'P rime food, mier Package .... 10 la, lie a swesofasbutterea& ha, et te on@ lb Package Grea-O ............ OS Pliiiebunss Viton, 2 Packages.......a slic flosE. IahsBna'sbo oia nMs u e rn vparaleticreansi Crassoautbeat, 2 packages..... 2 in . , and Agues PaYlte'g lasn, Thuradus evet>tag a s n o ......................5- 08ent nutbttr.... O Auiit 2l ea reutraghoa........08 3 Ilb Cain Iullet Carna, per cau ...... ____________ l2c. osau iaedi beau@, il 3Illbeaua Califarnaapiols ....... l toi, lir. DAREI'4TOR RMuuic bg lertel's Orchestra cn............ 2(Gallon cenn Bartlettare a........ ..3 MieMatigoe n»uiisited uitiî 3 lb Css puutpkin, a casefor..... Paund package "Ko o...........O8 Irlud e Dsein' Gav litseei._____________ 3 b an.tanai,3 Cas for ...5.asYeast foam sud magie Yeast, 2 pkg 05 ing coin- llest Botota cafe e...............25 Pound n kg good smoking tobacco 20 Faulner iss. Lora Hmut ~ndAnusReee Ou hat 60 nuoiod lapait tes48 J. T. to'bacco, 3 10-nt' Plu"ge.... )Ite LosirsHomth sd Alis ass25sBitun Canntoac, e la 30 Fanietsd itb relatives sud friands in I9bers Sse)ft Pride soaps.......... 25. g»oem ......25 pu 1ac, 0 lg 0 Y. Chlcsgo over Sand>' A Gond TimeAssured 12aure goals a..................8 e pigkf e d eltbS.,1 >yener MsesLois lolierad 'rl1'12 bars Calumet ................ 25 35 p iasldsBell...... 10, à ad10 rfdy MisesLouou Sbs ut nd yte ~2bane)r ......n.oa...............2as Bananai, îlei o . 0 5sd -d a m= nti511 ibre a eet lbs package blasoabi shg 6 Ibo rie...... ...................... 5 psder ............... i erst htashscii2 )m Matur- An open air concert sud- social seau il 4-lb gia daeBclpsdere antincen fcprcit3fr2 glven hi the Olympi club la is Club- .ap.............. Brels Egie Brad candeased v ......................____...725 m ili ................. ber home pakuat aturdaî eveulug, Musiceal Ae 4 canse Qnei en Y ..............30 seitil.s sere furisheilhis the Bsnrlag- __IBrd cakes and raols@ teu band, Y. M. C. A. quartette and ~ ~ q"ig vra thr.A vers londe mO #a D A N C ý a. ECONOMY JARS pieute ln ClarmSueplagge and Rimer Gesie ' 'No ubreM etrd h haetadMs . 16. A seere Defflaii>ee visitais Sanda>' seeekB naW~s New Pavillon orbe'rnsrqtied h haetad ms Mis. Theotiare Subi »Peat ]&eit w lZrih....... n ww s i lbi parents, Mr. ,and lirs. Fred. . ntgZrc 5. Lagescliaile. ~~ L.2 Galbe pMr dozent.............................. S 2 si fiosaliber Mr. sud lins. hcKay, ai Nunds, Sa- qi .ts per dout.............. .. 00 pusfotduied ut the l'Omeof01tueur son W <e~P r lt ptdua....................................90 Som saud Walter Homuth seere enter- ti>'etu uer. taluuti by Ehe Misses Îopp OI Chicago 'RsNroad Tickets Iorthe Northwesterg- St. Paul lait Bunda>'. d lit aUr iI M n mPeter sud )soit a vaell- and 4 m i wocentral for sale here. 'li er. saondare vletlag et the homeo o! A.H. !Ard siBs - tts ee.'WiI ooal Mcefle