2 atin WYU SUN- -N», --PE'NDEc ,VOL. liV. INO. 46. LIZTYVILI,, LAKE COUNTY,' IS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, lîoo6-8 Pages, $1.50O PER VEAR Ie ADVANCE. A'-.-. b-.iî n-n - 4 ni PiblusrLaw fous le PuiP;M-Pwe,Agwu -m cav OMoas sAU4 or eP swm UUGt theé peapleo lgé, hooee tis aisifa datés saher tItan thé boa.., s poltIcens cét* f- alli! ai >ts pu tu thé Swayév.Hedeecet« it»M how Hi. svayérte ha' ruclvl ln the éouty 1.N2 vat and Mr. Hénde 179j, a majariy fi Ma. Ovayer ctif 1'. DleffsteI miruntl under thé prima-y Icw * Svayer number 117, vhilé Mr. ie (Ire getos129. la Other véédi. Ji svcyéae maJomlilalupréctuits en niai, tisse offaet litasses int ts loat. 91givinl a majorlty Of th popMia- vote tu thé county of!1I, Th- ofigures are buiol u téléisha reorasé ieffvod l y thé SU.N and t rodat, a. turnll 'la1thé contl clérli-11vir nce but IRtflé changé, poi slly a fév vote@ l'0nme préclet ift i» héImpossible ta veaify eariy r tur"s util eloction Ofsm týram a] précIuets ta-n la te thé couinty ciéri the réniait&. <As the refuirais ero buliétiied Sa urdcy ovénulg et the SUjN ofte ai, f rom thefé repos-elItii vattlog candi daté. cnd polteftag ni iabeet ti City. théegreat cu'évigathrélin th V IC a 4" ce o tii.stmeéta bancaseecom V visuml Ur.s végulmal ig iét SW& Dot ountil ZIa.CtY raturais camé fi tist Il licarn ovidet thé contentt va te,écil n closes. Tn thé bg Doéî fedpréclueactidlîi!to Mr. Rede itrÇngth acdie hotook thé lead. Nea Hendea netloteautthé mali11ZioaiCl delégations. MT. EvaÏér vouli! bey wovn. it irai thé vote et theocrats i n Répulcansi that turnold thé tide Ir Ma. Héndée's favor. fivayer car-le Hendes ovn yard. bis ovu tovn 0a Avon and every proclnet in wauke. gan. excePt thé second, ioeing oui there liy ony 12 votés. Thare in tail o! e recount laitisé second Waukegaa préclnct vhea-é a large namber DI Demcrats. lu ardér ta héip Héndes, -votél thée Repubican ticket. Manager Thommois for Ur. Svcyer voeu! oniy a t hihs cOnuéctio. Wée am bick lng Ilta thé mattér.", Satisfaction for swayer. Ma. Svayer ha. thé satisfaction of knovlng lho lathé peoDlé'. or popalai choice.and véré thé Inteut Instead o' lttér of thé suev primary 1ev ta piré valie ho oul havé a chance in the county convention. Inl trut ifitla more pesumption that fact that32sInds the déiegates ta vota for Mr. Héndee t léet oui tisé irmi ballot lu thé convention. Tiser. lu nothlng besrlng ou thé matter lu tha név 1ev as appiel to countY convert tlons. thougli theré la a provision ap- pWyng ta state, menatorial and con- gremaloual conventions. Law Not Satisfactary. A prlmary lev onder vhlcli a coun- ty candidate may récéivé a majority vote, yt lié ahut out of thé couivén- tlou ae; éffectualit as If lie veré flot ln thé race la certaînît fer faon realiz- Ing thé vlehem of thé people, aud that te éxactly vhat bas happénéd lu Ma. Svayer'a casé. Y'Thé Officiai réturns as tabulied iîy County Clerk Héndes give ta Mr. Swayéa- 1,993 votes lu thé couuty and ta hisef 1801 or a majoa-ty for rMr. Swayer of mast 190 votes. Thé officiel réturna 10 flot materali l y ater mattérs vlth any -of thé othea- candidates. Fred Ames' phénoménal X-un lias piaced hilm vay lu thé cléar. LE. J. Griffin hem a safe majorlty, fia matter vhat liappéna. as have D. L.1 Jones end Arthur Smpsoni. Want swayer ta Run. Ma. Swayér la béiégéd 'elth télé- ýphone messages and hesouaglt by hie legion of friénda ta run Indepéndent, "ta kéép ot af thé convention. Fa-cm. Sail sections ofthtle couuty hé lea-re- -clvng advicém and promimes of ae- iiéved and grenier support. Thé fact léie s thé popuier cholce, and that Mlon Citte olId delegations are agilnt hidi and havé thé po*er of'-de- ,,,esttng hi Itu thé convention. aronse -he Ire of usen yho up uii nov ,bive takén lttié lutéréat in thé cois- He la overyvsegéUi-gad ta ruau dont, end It k p lit *,lxot i!TS 'DI~.LF.GAJES tiem athe ooanty conveniokn.- Attor- rgnvsc _________latise men lu O<cIfié ft themmaelvo.i vmes. Rumm ie b IaU. Maond.s uai estedo go oertmg duel! vi!b. Thù delegaes 1egg whieh eieuet atge. 'euha decldfly IbIgger ta Ibo% conventan are aMi ta docidé lvamp ha-legs thé' thé legéltY 'athé rMitiuna1. Tbey 1sdi quartera. '1% just r. say«%Intetion i.ethere ta vote -am tléy pleasé aid!'ditattilled 1 lui mit U. Sayu'ieIntuttma iMt It dictÉiton Ar any. uose. 'iilievehlé thé Wm C"nK'b stlle setholtalvelyPimrMty 'estés, telegâté votes. mat.is- elf taéonuiluq tlieoudhftI. thoffll 'ho" seln a Po' ~ing vhatever haut thé opinion 09 tUsé cingle culéillUd 111litO tus l o hé 'fld tü, thée WséUfsît'a,éInte e-ieeeitim * iesuasen 0 hl trls~ ed mappot- vain. Any ttemot ta 'dicta. te 'klnd inatiaimi am limal #iont le lut aung ce i- fime dlegates 'boythey. ahlai vote le and. agrési hlaI Tpendent candidats fur 'the conés bliém *nuit Itot rintligence. Tbllî fIt la a brédu Wo kma. alrdy beau tom 'for hy VOIeR> emrbé-é>-h epsvé ga ntémi tar~aie.vdftdO'far them- tiseps-maries ca" go after they m-ov 101M 1111.11ent af ai! omul S (Prout Wiuéaiuyi, Sun> G me lireoe I Thée'aumsalir of délegaeéle. 1 rlto!-t-offl"(~dooméi M crelatfl tuaeh caidkate li.m*, inIde ispalier: -ur. livayer w-sImb- Danois IL Gibl u> biloasu Wan *vii fubleshé éI sat Nlly go tato mome 'icene@4a" . vu_ 1 Jake couwtha etl tedicateti. l1nhtfmwÏw*». na*ll lin tiare, aiber 'tua usemti 3cHéry*ad'Doo réo -t Iilbertyvilé. 'la Avon townsiM» 'mteuts eagit 'Huasiéee, hébhhug éssuré& tRhaiil ls lise de, on shrifv wu a tie betveun tte& tweye m -ant get theéoiv ,covey of Sean., i mir B*.*'C. Ulé-ards acul E. J. orlln a"d lmr vhtcl é e-vu Sthriay défétà., jr voté la thé i l- Ibo diégaftés WHIii :iiky héd'lésai mmreibwee.é iiéséand faim. tglu.majority of the de s e qugul, betweés thquv gentieémén. A ment la u hreitérttte of thé Guzette. thom. ___ Da- '%a-Blance ln thé dahird produit btugr- livayer caver run for cotety__ r. DmMWddivilés the six délégatos duri gand boy ln -the varid corueU ean o eu*'ti os Ibm equilly liétwSéu 1.t.Joies aih ia n fi. 01.tvb0c. cgc As otis.d.. a1 ne FI J feydeckeL aet vhlh tinse Mr. Nendée sUi1 yn oi aito i. Couas5a Jaig. I éi.t éré o re , ci ne.FC.J..INeydecker------------------------Wfl Tâey Attemnpl; t. the ystem 'ilseai Ill 13LjU Jouyec...................11- It basbetcdratliy uggsêu t1a ie& dissové theé lui~~th R LJoes------------n couastycentral coin- te if " ea ýtyP,1. trms ........ j..... 4 at mamy prepare c resoiution en.aee pin aculdo C"at cil tng urt ths dèeggng chesp«40ty,1 A.L mauty..........g . .........l13eg tu athé noma- nently. fil by s. U.L fléiadéé-----------------.. -133 fy éranvéasilon tmorrow are 'moralli". értyvillé, ald Gr B. J. 05ift5-------- 217% tJ. W. Svauu'cug--------------.14 *aa& Ws. bd fu t .qaiet et sahema. Il T. A. .......---...-.....130 rn. S snates le 7r N. asgis ................... 10 leJohn Iodge----.-.-.. ---------i la 000. B. ---------- . . -.27 s RepreseutatIveé Covey- lanla»Wuke- . rgan toaetand le conversation vith a iSUN répréééetativé éxpiained that ln 4Bonne county dlégates.te thé county Preclncts e onventIon are not baunni by 06al re or aur othér, obligation. Thére thé Benton 1--------------------- 44 1 2 )t candidate recélé-lu5 thé Most votes Benton 2 ............. ......... 169 10 17 lu gels thé nomaitoai, hether hé han Benton 3 .... ..........116 2 '18 4 the oa-t---------or-ou-.--.-Newpo-t89 7 e5 I hémotdeégto r ot M.Covéy Antîoch-----------121 19 86 )f etated t vax the only -fair, vay, cul Grant--------- * .- ------- 1 1> tisat ail candidates agreél béforé thé Avon--------------------------.86 7 100 st primarles toaebîdé by thé déctlon o!f Warren - --- --9 n 70 tk theé people. Waukegan ---...... -------------..893 18 90 n AttornaeyGCaerail ond& opinion. Waokegeu 2------------------ 187 18 160 )f This question of whethér or not del- Weukegan 3-------------------.129 5 127 egts uconyconventions a a Waukégan 4 ..................163 8 131 ggat rtecontyWaukégen 5S-------------------.75 14 91 tr hé caamlderéi! "Instructed" la agitatlng Waukegan 6-------------------10 4 il Ythé éntire tate. Thé Aurore Béacon Shels 1---------------------60 3 9 i- f yestrday aya: Shilds 2...................... 36 2 17 1 "Attorney Gênerai William H. Stéad- Shelas 3......................34 3 24 thé hlghst cutharlty luIlilinois on Lîliertyville 1 .................89 5 47 P )f thé nev state prtmary law autaidé of Lihértyvîlié 2.................. 61 4 36 3 x th surere curtmaks ast Fr- emont ...................... 68 4 32 :1 rté upéecut ke aatt- Wauconda ................ 45 4 23 1 et ment lu thé Beacan today that ettlé. Cuba .......................... 13 1 iln * thé question of how delégatea to Ela---------------------------..21 .6 f 2 * coonty conventions ahail voté. Mr. Vernon------------------------.. 2 il Stead déclares abaoiuteiy and vîthout W. Déril-------------------.. 1 10 2 * reervé that thé prlmary 1ev cotaina Dééa-iléd"'--------------------.... 6 21 2 * Do provision whatévér relative tai- Dééerfield 2-------------------- 36 6 8 - structiona ta delégate to county cou. Déli -----------9 s voetitons. This menus that évéry de!- Ttî-----------1 1 1916 é gate to thé Repulitcan conty cou. Ttl . .........24 7 20 7 1 ventlin tn hé hol lu Généva fiext *Thuraday morntng lias the unqoétlou- *ablé rtght ta vote for vliomsoever lie choomes uuthout regard ta popular vote or delegate voté or thé attemptedizljc litation of any newmpapér. F Ou account of thé générailutéret .diplayedlnl the question lu Kanu àcounty the Beacon today vîrél ta At- Precinets. toa-néy Générai Stead for hlm apinion p upon thé question, of whéthéa- délé- gates ta couty - conveutions ahould vote for the man récélvlng thé most J votés or for thé mau havlng thé mot délégatea. Thé attorney- général dé- dlares that It ia'up to thé dlegatea them8lvea as ta loy they saolivote. Cloie ta Frimera. Bno ----------------- "Attoruey Général Steal. as tatéd BeDtntou ..2--.------------------------------19 béforé. ta thé hlghéat authoa-ty i l II l éutou 3---------------------------------..17 8 noia ou thé provaious of thé new pal- Nevport----------------------------------...7 1 mary law and lita opiniou la correct Antiocli----------------------------------...15 61 bécauaé lié vas ini close couferencé Grant------------------------------------...4 8 vith thé men who faamed thé primary 1Ao .................. 1 3 I ueasuré et Sprluigfléid lait smig ........... 7-n 16 course tep 1erylw vidstls akan 2---------------15 3 éelegatés ta sate, cougrésalonai aud Waukegan 3------------------------------ 15 séuatoriliconveutions shall yote sc- Wisukegan 4---------------15 26 coaadIng ta thé Instructions of thé peo.- Wankégan 5-------------------12 3 pie as gîven lu thé piîirality votés. Wankégan 6------------------------ That rulé, aceurding ta Attorney Gén- Shields 1--------------------------------...14 5 oral Stéal, absolutély lias noting to Shields 2---------------------------------..4 5 d lth ounty conventions..Shields 3I-----.......---------------------.5 5 d thLiéerttviiié 1-----------------------------8. 8 21 "If theré va. eut doulit ln ,Mr. Lbértyvilie 2-----------------------------7. 7 ri Steadi'. mmd that thé 1ev intendéd Fréémont .................................. 4 35 thet Intruictions shonllie given to Weucanda .................................6 1 delégates ta county conventions hé Cusha...................................... 6 7 <lrtdnle, voul not. have wlrei! thée Ea........................................ 7 t opinion pulihér ln- thé Becon_-to- Vernon ....................................6 1 ,day. Thé question la liéyand dehaté West Deerffeld .......................... 5 4 »lW. 18h ilitase upamecou-t Déerfieli!1i...............................9 20 todeI vitoerthéiav'.cr aniu- Déérfiid 2.................. tutio-al. ereld 8..........................i 2: éaéntY luit 88urdie éleffl an in- but to voe télilgent body d ir UMtfo teprement 1ieg mnt vtés i 103 'Vvincts théy ni>TRAI that thé ]Ife bad been craasfied froi T%0ÎptiIon viii RA N *~urnwhu I oe- ~ a.~ ithibody by the imPact of thé train. Mltaté hoar mi"a,- ..3i Aid Wea aummoned and latr the iff h ae hour.,m thé HLtd 1coroners Jury returuéd a verdict beUe o Cand e nuatoitrm 11/U tating that hé had met death trou *fim fr oeltia>na leiuig atruck by a train., but dil flot mm-,and It lae utenb-me UMmitî4,e viii i-i01 J"i.'WlnkIe, et Orayalake, Mit Xtebete "'la th., intereste oit a and lamatiy Kiliel Winkie vas wéli kuown ln Graya- i.- -lu other coMes K N k.. lké v bere hle vife laIliving and W=geiens eRthewbich Placé hé caliel hlm home. Bul ttanCenptra c agi thé I Y1 BOUGerelntly hé heu liean traumtérréd to bv C*tIl cdidtes but 18SOU U'Kailsebeig given a J»b ln thé yard i int et âne t~ u T O ASL llatent ! fforemen of thé section as Iléation t uséesng-berétmfore. Héevau a membér of thé t prlmary réaato aue ?diatbé body of Jaé Wimk>de Ml W. A. and Weil knovu.' ver.andvithét as loub tram 'Roixe. Wis.. a Mt Idta.tie to u sw ut acmma sthé Wisene. New Dooik en uoth Dakota ~ ~ssa~----- - n e a ryslieé. hére it vus tm.i.,. 3 ie~ la théie Igé cemetory. Oly thé Chicago, 14ilwaukee & st. Paul la ate mejor*ty -in Wb&,", wvisa-vas, a Gérman ua7A a aiiwày. mme. His amnasion je raliài aUborer, 'vasa ftraek by the A 9ew book desripti.ve of South 4 of Me.lUenry, enai r% é'%'rem ou thé WhonÉit. akota , ttc aeources and olbprtunities, asho Iava tw the Centaslcai nét I tly kil lait Rxt. lassimet bem psblishéd by thé Chicagio, dhstaiet as Weil éM a urday aiternoon. Wlth enothér ciar Sfis <taer telle ail about Lma Is~at'a l imméél for h i usei'i rnfrls o- cosntv cand thé test of thé terrnîary %wst sidtrab4e plié dt lumbér fa-cm mue of thé Missourvi River rpeently made. - aide n« thé trade ta théeailier. mefélblé hg reiiwey extensions. Thé thé poison pis-mIea The tireit inau 'lied mast crammélthelue-book wiilié sent to eény addrema for two >WMneya and bialiSer. trai**ene thée*trein whuzXei thamugl. 'éfta postage. F A. i~ Lbedtimé viii b0w Hé amtism et bis vark. nfst nntiing GpOnal paMeaugér Agent, CluicaO. Cgon rlaiag thée at that hleIm cralé vas mirning. Af- 4- ________ 0nli oter Pé.ined.ramter a lé-v momenuts hénotéal the ah- For hiaatlng, bélchlng, gouratom.- e $Puritîésiluticate smero f lie ctflea-and DIui 'ik gacfh bai broath. malasmminlation of MM he laderP& bou wa buMedin ee lÎ e-foobd andi ail 8msPtomm Of Indigestion, 10 *vay wvus back mains, tomu anô leléding, ln a séarby Itng'a )Ympeia Tabiets are e ytecsantly era ditch. prompt and efficient corrective. Sld pWliHackloy , p. - lie rssied Tethé nan'a aidé -andiby wm Hackiéy, i4bertyville and! "Wdake Phariacey. pickél hit iimp lorm up only ta lind Greaialie Phermecy. SReturns For State Olicers Stc Treasuarer. 2 4 7 14 7 1 il 10 11 190 19 10 10 8 1 5 5 6 4 14 18 Returns for. County Officers, Suspi.Publie lInstructIon. Aep.iau is 15 io 14 9 4l 1 13 11 10 15 14 13 5 8 il 28 5 napméantatve ilu OmutaI Aa.émbly. 14 17 19 26 20 72 39 111 7 11I 37 93 33 76 29 83 50i 159 17 160 37 151 40 80 8 16 8 30 12 14 13 20 21 57 10 47 12 44 6 :16 1 14 8 28 9 14 9 16 18 43 7 17 21 46 County County Caulity Couuty judge. Cterk. Treaturer. Sept. of Scisanis., 156 97 77 244 23 155 141 138 307 221 250 128 53 56 44 47 106 71 73 70 il 36 25 27 83 30 59 Shorlff. to bc 4- 17 5 2 - )7 1 13 2 894 19 6 1902 8 9 2 19 1';7 209 IL 2 4 Ili)i 25 21 5 27 -128 23> 1 1 15 18 13 13 77 3 2.3 28 896 0 57 ; 10lO 6 1l 6 11 10 9 32 8 9III 20 11 3 8 li6 3 21 1 4 218 24 17 g 13 .458 40171 0 9 14 il 6 i3 18 19227 m n. te it Ls e le n 0 W e have au up-to- date ateamweil driiliag Outllt with diamoni! dril attachuenté thet a il drill tlsreqgbany dé1 tb of qufrha.nd. Our pri@ e irght. We guarante a ataction. See Us for thatWeili. We w!» Bave yon money. We driU welm from100 to 1000 feet lui depth. iTrv ir"r Kyd% It d de IREGISTS t ATI1f.I4 Traveling NazaW-Wll.int'o 4*e and DIm31Lv » -onu FIIRU THOU'ûîIww. Hla ilrm thlnkfng thnet hé vp 1.l Seattle, w1rence bh a wrlttee thOns- tt ta Chicago. _Meyer Poménbàù-mltu,. senting theê- -7 iMa ,com - . fany, emè*cgueawA ternoon and ngaged a iroo' - 't uhq Hotel Wahlurn. Ho ae a hearty u r g~ e eral Jettera and pome esfi left. a call for 7:30 next- morning, never steppng out f the otel !téç Ji came In the atternoon. He was called at 7:30O, bu t théi. employeems ot no remponsé froup., Ils.-, room. At 8 they forced the gour ,,ent found Rosenbaum gone, his loggagê- tti ln the roons.11i !j'V Fround Lifoeius ReMatn.- I At 10 Driver Sherman, for'joh,, Pellifant. waa clown on té:'1ak4 beaCh at thé foot of Water é0t reet. where the ewer entera the ak, vboaa, he maw a pie Of man'. clothing ojit tý mand. thé undercIothlng eiqli5IDg1 > lacklng. f 41 t. He réported the Instance to:tbo iý-1 lice and Asmitnt Chief Tyrffl ai Officer hickm ruâhed! ta the sefli bZe. i Romeubauni vafouni! ln six teét ' wter, deiberaeoy tr&nged ta by drowning. He liaed gone on~ t h i . d e p t h a" d a t c e l b m l ~ o j i the Pipe blit flieatcfhie -, r haît and Sélatedéf. CeiDWLhu suicide by drowning, el dow»*efal< . He woré the soit of blue n trio~ and thé beit lied tu lié unlaspel1 the pIpé. S The body vam removed ta hél~ son1 & Conrad Morgue viieré thé In- Quet w l» taek plac. RoMebenni ru mlded at 17, HastingmsStreet and vas a commeiircial traeler. Thé retion for hie Cet la Dot knowal but yul dévelop et thé lnquémt. (CntlnaiM onpage 6) CtI!.ftAir PARIK lKILUL) 1BV CAR Otto L.ang, EmpIoy.d by Ràvinla MAAn- egemeant MeSt Death WhilI. Orunk- s iHrribly Mangl.d. Otto Lang. 31 Yeega aid, e German eMPlOYed as chef et Ravinia Park camino, eas found fatally injure! on th trackm of thé Chicago,& Milvan. lie Eectric Ralroad lfré tihe prk Tuéaday a. M. by thé crew ai thé bag- a8ge car comaing thrqugh tram Ovaa- to et 6 each mOrnlng and wuasré- moved te thé Jane McAiater Hospital ti Waukegan wberé hé lied ln thé af- trnos. It la alieged thet Lang waa intoxi- catéd, a tact that mey have cauaéd his deah, as It la muppnaéd tat hé wandered out on thé trackm and waO kilied by a Peang lete-haur car. Lang was h9rribiy mangied. Thé ight erm and thé riglit ieg were off, las akul vas fracturéd and! thé athér eg waa broken badil'. It la maid.that the nearest relatives re ln thée east, an unce beng thé