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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Aug 1906, p. 5

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You are apt to think poar fa7orite dishes bave deteiiorated in qua. ity b.. cause yon yourself are opprossed by the heat. Bdi 7par moi!, may b. mdpalatable and inviting evenlu midaimmer 'if' the, propor nmaterlals am uaed. The k(nd tat we keepare always puresand fresh. Our meats are absolutely the boit and yqu wil be wlueto buytfrom day to day at our store. Tea, and Coffee Week AT SMITH & DAVIS From August 4 to 12 13v choit. fiýo Cal.... . ............................. 14c Ise ex tra chi. Rioa................................... 15C Smsith & Davis 20e Clice Mixture ...............I .rultii & Davis 2.8e Chaire Mixture .............. O 25c Extra Cioce Mixture ............................ ZZe 218s- Cae ........................................ ........ s 3uJava auilMlicha ................................. 27c 33C Java sud i$ocbs................................. Oc l8 ava andsI -a ...ii ........ - TEAS. 25e Jaîsan Tea ...................................... 0.... eO .. ............................................... z5e ....................................30c 4()- ................................... 33C 43v..... .................. , . ................. 40C .............................. 45C 55P.... ............ ........................... oc Oc >...........................sse 40eOolong Tea ......................................... 33c 53... .......................................... 50C 70(.... ........................................ 65 50c Lijîtoi Tes ................................ ........ 45c 61e... ......................................5es Our Teas and Coilees are Corst class. Once tried alwge, used. Give us a tial. F ront lrne to tine we are galng to give bar. gains te oui customtersi Moneg refunded to ong, onsatactorg purdiase. Conte arlgand get iuto lifte. SMITH,,& DAVIS TUA AND COPFEE LEADERS -UbertyviIhe, 111. IMM a- W oMWntb M Pie Ipf» M lire. Leur Fiagg in eotertalnlng ber aliter f roa Chcago.. M. B. Andrews ha. moved to tii. Itagr plate ou Newberry avenue. Dr. J. M. Fuller, af Waucouda, vimted frimai la tii. vIllaffe a couple af dey@ reeutly. Mir. sud lMre.Johin icAtee viited over Bondu witb D. C. Lorinier aud famliy Mime Flors Oburnhl i inmakinff ber brother, Fred Churchhl, af St. Charli,., a vW~t a1 a couple of wee. Ur. and lUr. amee Trlpp and child. rnu, oi H.rrlngton, Kas., are e4peodiug the. week wlth relative.lie.. Dr. Martlp lna na, riding u.m wagon. H latiiatet addlitiïon ta the hatat enutmaeit. uhI, village. Uir. aid LMr@. Lyman Lewis leit Wed« nesday moruint for Dougflama, hid., ta remin witli riendm a cou pl e af wFs.e TIi, teshow min la week usahiug Orayaelt tpot of attack upon tIhe public purs.. Ail lait we.k the. tent wu@. criwd.d for every performance. Mr@. Fred Croker r.tunued Monda>' fron, a montha viit at Grinneil, la. M ii.. tallaCrokevr itupped st Janlet for visit ai a couple aofisys wile eu,..Iute banle. Berretary Mors. oai the Lake Uaunty Agriultural ariety- ha. been baud!u arounuil eu.v.ry pretty poters the past few day. witui far advertliug mattér thérean. Oir. Di.derick la uaw fuily mttiedlu bli ùéw aoffcelu tiieHeath building sud lia. exteudm is fic Ie. hours lu Liberty- ville now heiug ber. from Weiluesday niglt.unutil Saturday nightm. The. CowboL, Girl whlcii plajeil reeently att Scbwartz theatre at Waukegan wu@ weil attemsd.d b>'1 remdente front tbiI village the. alter- tbeatre car bains pack.d by the. theatrei goers. Considerabla iatere.t wu. howu lu tiie liugmr.zxnET bulleinu.0o3 prlaary1 nlgiit. Tii. INDEpENoENT po.t.d tii.1 re.ults anfi ta.nétii.>' oli lie gotten1 aud a. uu"a ehwed that tii. paper wa. up ta date sud alive.1 'lire. leo. C. Gren, Ksukatns, a alter of Ui. Byron (Jlby, ha.sIbeu visiting friendsinlaLberyvie sud1 vicinlty recentiy. lire. Colby lia, aima been entertaioiug a mmter, Mm.re.obrge Nelsan, of Tildeu, Nelir. Mium Etli.l Downm, Florence Gia.au, Ethel Taylor and LAurs Hem., aifliii plCe acroapauled b>' Mie Blanch ýChapman, ai Elgin, sud Mise Mhabel Ella, the. latter a. mceapene are apeudlug kwe t atCaile ark, Midi., nt tise Mruffein ummer cottae. "Redl Jack" Flacher wiieu la iii cupe rdecled the other day that lislhaid esten ptarisgrn andl the fart that b. wea ...il aivew..prooft tat li.cauldn't b kiled. He adn>tted that the, uaurish- meut was taken by mistate on lis, partj andl hhat bch id uninteotionally put hi@ iuiinortality taù thé test. Tii. conteet bld here lait weet for the. n> y ouar young lady ai Liberty ville w.. onb>'Mi& Isabelle Brailley'wii 3621 votes. Second place wa. s e Mil.. Etiiel Turner witii 2604 sud t'bir ta Mise Gertrude' Lester wit iio1. Firet prix. wa. a dlan>ond ring put up1 by the, Hudson Tentshaw people. Tiiere w.. bu second priz. given. Whils. walting ou the. railrpail tract li»tThurmday eveing Laieloomer wa. @biot b>' mre ontown part>'. He beard no report sud sn at a lo@@ to account for tbe ocrureDce wiilc iil naturally au accident. Tii. buliet wa. one ai smsll calibre sud almot @pont wiien it bit hlm wbich facit alane accounte for hlm@flot being serloueol> injureil. Tiie wosind la in the. heu>' part of the upp.c arn> sud in quit. painfuil. It I. thought tu have been sui, ta boyih careleuemu.. Tiiq INOEs.aNnEvrT receiv.d a renewal ohfsuiecrption froni H. H. Pegelaw, -formerly of ai s place but naw oh Sauta Rosea, Calif., wlipre ho experiened the. earthqnake of lait .prlug iu wbh ie h1 wa. somwiiat injureil. -Mr. Pegelow accordiog ta a ueweptpar erlippiDIg wlilnh be lclamedi laforeman af a bricklayiog gang at wrt r.bnlldiog a part of tiitawn whliih wa. ruio.d b>' the quate. Forsme tîime lia. b..n euperinteodent of thie wark witii Iran focty tu hity men under i. H. write. tiiat h. expet. ta returu for s visit lu Si.ptenb.r but wili agair> go t tu t coaat later. Lait Frida>' Frank I)wnebrry was kictei imithe, face b>' a bosse lu Wm. l'ester'.sihop sand r.ndered uocouesiauo fer wmre marnent@. He lied- brosrght-. the. loase tiiere ta have wort doue sud .i.veral tinies warne .i icPoister ta b. carelrias the. animal wffl fiable ta kick. Ater a little wiiile Dsieulerry hiir8sli eteppeil belîlil the. bars.and lu 550 doing spake fo it. Tiie beselt becarne frigliteneil aud etrusit out with hotu> biidfret. One. foot struck lira luthe bona ud the otiier in the. neck. He wa. pickiii)sr 1»'Ton> Pesteraud J.. .Willis !or ds.ad tît w.. soon brouglit ta. He se no.' ail cglt exeept for a few scare sud a stiff n.ct. Tii>'suit of Caroline, Hitrilutt v s Constabile hennis Linibers>' fur right ai 9,copety wirc am>e up lifore Jurstice ackis.y on Tuesila>' ncing wa. dien>uesed foc the. lailure ohftiie proseeut- iog attorney', A. K. Stearmîs, sud the plamtff, ta n>ate appescande ini a praper lengtliofaime>. Tiie. dste af the, suit wer. ais.ss.d upan Mrm. Hucbutt. The cantravers>' gr.w fron>t te fart thlat smne goods suppauseil ta b.oug ta, :Sresiger by purcbams but wiih it wa. aitteil were neyer paid for, %vere -attacbed b>' Spreuger's creditarb.. Mr. sud lire. Hurlbutt clalrn.d tbem a. beir- *looiue sud derlastei that tbh'liilneyer heen msl. Thre 00e. wbo bailattached - Iem tbougbt differeutly, Înd the suit resulbei. Aler the c a.ela been diemiml au agreement wai reaceW 1, wblh.some of the. articles are ta be mored net Mr». Hnrlbutt.- AsU apstcles ieye-glamwork doue V by Uewlck I. doum nuder s positive gumdowe'to liesMd luit the cinmomer or jour mow.er nfude. le' Réoders Mime Blanche Trigg@ %peut Su ndey wltli friendi at Fai Lake. Mis. Grtrude Fuller, af Irviug Park, lpiet laut we.k iit i eltive. here. C. Todd, af Denver. Cola.. vlit.d ble uepbew L. H. WhlueY lsud faally Tuem- day. Hm, isRtier ha. been vlmltimsg H. C. Paddoek'e bfly at Palatine durlng tb. lait wmek. - .Wrâbi sud fanrilLy are st Lahe Koshkm9gWl... wliere they wil remaa uomth. Mime Helen smdilRussell Clark rewrned ta theit bomse ast rL,raSuuday afiter everai weeke vieilt withi relatives bei.. The Methodiet Sunday neclool lia plauued for lits anniiil picule ta bbeid lunlintier'. grove 'aIletirne lu the. near future. lire. E. MrDouald a--omniueil b> ber brother, Eugea. Crosslleld, of St. Plaul, Ilin., lit Thur@daw moriug for à weet'@ tay wltli - relatives atFr Atkinsou, Wio..Fr Tii. towu bail i@ remeplendemft witiia 1 coat ai, pint aud -alcirnine sud la. couider.d gond entigilita correspondi wiitii.herepublîcar>i ]..legatem ta tii. CiiuKty couveution. 1). C. Trippanüd da'îsciter (if Preshon, la., aud Dayton Tripp. f Kent, la., are vieting the. Trlpp familles tuS@ weel. Mim. Hazel E£»ton, of lownere Grave la aima epeudiug a feu dace witii ler rpla- Mirs@.Ada licLangilin 'a. 'lelegate ofi the. local chapter ta the. Elivvortii Leagu. Intituts eleu t DesPlaines dorlug the( past w0eeh. Svecai .tlier remies were prea.nt for a day or more of thei. ession. Rer. A., L. Fishier f ai at. Blun f p reachul at the Metiiodiet ciiurch latit Sunda>' eveanug owing tu the absmence ai liev. Lawler who attended the. fuerai of Dr. Bumet etArlifigtomi Heiglti sud toot part lu fbe erroiiies. The boy. la the. Lahe Coaot>' National lient bave ded.d tiiat tii.> mai. a ri.take la regard ta that Bilut loch Cptatoil. pu. second lthought tisey bellevetisa Aaro Burr did not shoot0 Hainilton vitis lb but rather tlîat it wa. u»ed by Brutue to etali Caeear. Sylvester Wheler, William Newton, af Itacheeller, aMd Bile>-Permiman e ru lampistie a -trip ta *'omny .ontlier Alberta" lutai r future with liape. oi liiug aa emtta ae @one gond invetmeute. Meurs. Wheeler aièd Newton have alreadY baugiit lamdaInlu tlîat reglon hsvlog riited it aOne menthe ugo.t lu the. wludow Mi the Late Couuty bant lna aenfumuaif igu re. 208 luche. =oug.which was added liy the machiue nmd t the beak. Thi. sum total lu dollar. amourrlst. ta$229,804-03. Thei leugth iu eet lu 17 feet aud 3i jele.sud1 12,261 figures are usei.'n maklog lie colummin. If jon dam> *t car. ta accept the coat you are St liberty to coanot tiieni yourself. Tii. date.sliav> e ecu chomen for thre entertalaneut curse for the. comin seaman. Tii. Arîcliar>' compan>' !119 open the. coure Monda>' October 29. Dfr. Herb.rt will lecture November 143. Spafford, the ýartoanist, Januar>' 1.j Tii. National Ladies quartet Februar>' 7 sud tira Sainuel Gray' February 25. lit i. aimured thia eanli of theme attrac- tion. will give exvellent satsfaction. Frank Cave>', Ioone caty*e candi- daté for thie l'.s4sature ta .ucceed bimuesf, wa. in Lbertyville snd uniteil with the. bretiierri in Fred Croter'o ehoji an a grand Iore-fest an Tuemday uight. Soni.' mysterioue liappening@ ocrurreil aAd Fred iinss.lf voaucoted @orne Weleii rarebîts of even mares mtu rit* Ingredients..ilrt L. Hee aIea a' perdandlsat tp with hlmie rieids. fat w.. aL glad on. andl wa. wa.iied dawn witir lemonade hrongiit lu for the occasion. Mise Soeie Dlia>, daugliter af Peter Duha of St. Mary'@ Croeiugand lic Card'lc, son of Mn, sud its. B . M. Flet, were unitelinmarrlageW'eduesday Augu" 8 et th-. Catiiecliureb. A great flan>' frieuds af the voung people Wer reet t> aitueme the cerernosu> wblnb w. performeil by tbe Rer. B. MaffOuire in tir..seur. oi Fatiier Scanlon. Mir. and Mre. FIck left imdlately for a mhort wedding trip ta Micigan after whlun tb.y wîl b. t borne ta tiieir lrindmsunWautegau wb.r. lMr. Fick i- ln the .uîplay ai the Arneriran Steel snd Wlre compan>'. At the courreil meeting Mouds>' niglit littie wae don.e Wrdese iipa.in faitir regular blîle o%%i i4..tp, the absence ai President liac( i i liin sd oe.rci ohftirs board men>b.rs. 1 lenry Apple>'in-as on .band ta abject t. the vscatlug ai thei sait endi ai Fair- treet ta alla w thie Agricultural asso.,iatiou taoru' Pite4 gate fartiier ivesi > Mc. Appley dlam>, tîsat tiie treet do..muiot helaug ta the Wiblilcbut is anpir-of the. Apple>' u'tate..i owerer the sethla@ ben uaes' as ai publiceligbway I - r mrerthan twenaty1 yearesud it is b. l-h.'d the boasd aiea art. u'casse it lis cr01 that it le private1 au endeavor will in ail pralsability b1,1 madie ta farce hum tlaya' edewalk. For delegates ta t lies tate co]îVeiltion Iran> tbe delegat- district cornprisiug Wsucodà-, ireim rt, LI1brtyrillo andi Shields. i A. . i'.u urrnil, oaitancarrda and W. C. Hait.of Lib.rty ville, w>'ee electeil at the p.-iiiiiies bell au Satir- day ias. For tIhe -rrrgeseonshdelegates; E. W. Brooks, f Waucauda, %Vill Kuigge, of Rl >ek(f'-Iler, sud Frank Keru, ai tii, - village, were choses>. Tii. seuatorirsl delegat -s iroma LIb.rl>'villi are Fred Gralls. John licAtpe and C. W. Waolridge. For the. cousit>' deloi'gates for tire twa Libertyville p eiciare: Imt 1irecluet: EH. Smith, EaL7 Corl,,ett,fil. '%V.-BuIkIe>', DilelLe., Jo. MLaueliis, E. W.' Butterfielil, Edwin Austin andh Barry Ilouef2nd erecnt. J. L. Taylor, FJ. lmani, F . Clark, Ciras. Stozalxn Plillip Pfifier, Howard Missnan sd Chias. Kaiser. BSecteximinese ys free.o arme soi if you uffer iran> headae. Sufid ont toaa>'If jour e>'.. are ab iat. If an a cosyectly ftted p air ai_ glaises wiil give Instant relief. Everytbiug lu stock per- Walulg ta spectaclesud eyqeams. nil Thie Lakeoide Cethoter>' association will meet Aug. 10 St the. home of lire. LinDoualil. Ail remb.cs are requesteil ta b. premeut. Secretar>'. 'ToConception. af in" Sud Deai Rectouiug" wsli b. the sermon subjects ut the hhtbodit churcli ou Susuda>' Auguet 12. Tiie public ia cardiall>' lu- vitesi. The. W. C. T. Il. ivill meet witlî lre. Ellis Augts.t 14 at 2:30 p. rs. Tii. eount*v affcerlwill tate charge oh the mneetng. Tii. Christian Scietit will iiold their rogulur weehly meeting at the. hystir Workeshall over Smith sud Davis store Sunda>' eveulug at 7:30 eokBuW o'eoc. uben Mire. J, J. Flanuer>', of Albany>, Wie., bais returneil hons, alter apeidng twa weets with lier sjter, Nice. R. H. Pritchiard. constable.sBaie. Fred Crater. North Siiore Gla@ Ca., Cha.. Kaiser. Lynelu Brsm., sud 1). A. Young va Hugo Sprenger. Notice le hereby given thst liv vîctue ai exertiaus lomned by W. L. flachie>', Esquire sud George H. Wiener, Esquire, justice@ of tli. pesce ai Lake canut>', in favor af Fred Crater, Northi Shore (las Ca., Chta.. Kaiser, Lynchi Bram. andl D. A. Young and agaiumt the. gDoâan sd chatti.. ai Hugo Bprenger andl tu me delivereil. I have levied ou-tise follawiug deecribed goals aud chattles, tu wit: 1 ga@ star,, 1 cootc store, 2 table., 1 i.s box, I1sarw, -dchairs, ironiug bîsard, 2 ricture frame@, i brossuî ani water pal, 2 .washi tube, wa.ii baller, 1 ail s.5n , bitcheis supplie@, 1 box applesu, -i ans (galVork State apples, 4 gaI jar jellv, rail tai) writiug desir, ernaîl writiog dek, 1 centre table. 1 hall tree, 1 concis, alarni dock, 2 rockirîg c'hairss, 1 dest nchair,il comuonchis,. I Iran bd5ping sud mattrese, bureau witga ss .lageshow cases, 8 email show cames, 2 tales, -5 chairsi. .1Iaskets (delirer.y), (I big iirend tcsys, 1) lunch.., 6 lb papec bag@,3 c ake tra>',, 1 Iran lied, spring and niattrese. 1 @ide bjoard, aid tro. 1 bat, 1Isriup. le%%-<ld shirts, 2 irn lied,. 2 spriogs, 2 nrattcese,r2 chaire, 1iIran liedl. ,jring sud srattcfss 2 snisli clild's -chairs, 1 office chair. 1 slarni cdock, 1 ernail liaskei, 1 lamul, 1ralim lsfancmattingIrIlfor paper, 4 curtairi 1>01., slgging s1>sde.s sliorsl. 27 bagcsaflur. 2 bage Saur lu P nug block, 18 liseadcol Cg boxes, [f20pounils îulverized esigar. 50 lb. reueua,1.50 î>uuds ce. eeA ngar. 14 b1h sait, 13 -',pie sspicesu ansi canueu fruits, 40) Ibo cocoaiit, 1.1 Ibo.fiue wiito ougar, M lb. pi. dryer, 2 mixiug flanc, 1 gai store, X% lbicottol.ne ail,' % ton liard rosi. 7 waater pails, 3 wood barms,, 1 steani bhuiler, 2000 C6 lb bLe, 100) hreadl pans, 37 pie plates, 10 rould pistes, 1 pair sculers, 8 cake pans, 12 breald sharels, ;-)cake pans, 1 round cake pan, 1 oral tin poil, 7 @mail cati. pans, 1 futrnacee siorel , 2 egg heators, 1 broomu 1 ehovel i meaeure, 10 Iso nualeand spihes, 15 lbo brown sugar, wlîlch I wil expome for sale ut public vendiu. at tihe stlublact, lu the Twn af Lihertyvhlle, ln @alil connty ou the 11ltb day of Anunt, 1906 ut 10 %'rock a. m. ta tise hlghest bilder, for cashi tiierefor.9 Dated thIrSBlet day oif Jul>' A. D. 190*1. Dvx'çe sLss.aEsms, Canstable. The. Unhappy Ohost. ltdoem'tpay ta b. àa ghont. Dot la Lliertyville st let. If yoD bave acqulred tiie habit or are about ta do noajou .hould euiember that hI ale. ta cnt dimtrouly tu jour fuetre.. A few ulgt. ago a youug ani boot- l1h. iuchue<douaed a eleme robe saS cuuceal.d. humeNt by tto wayaide. H. board steop drawig nigli andad petied g-tIis tlug lu the. darkam. Tho, gttmb.longed toa a father sud aeveral children returuing home. Thé. chidrea wire frlghtened but the lather wa. mad. Rie rolled biselge up ttu a tough beatty luneh and eluote tii. ghost bard otten sud well. A tumuit arome auJ the. gbot led. Word wam »eut ta Chef (lisit catcher Heutge. but holfailed t otet te apparltlost aud deeldeil that it wUA. jt Out"tde village limite. The. iother of tbe children, sud'wife cd the. father, lire. 'ahuke, was uot ta ho out doue and the. Doit day swore out a warrant for the. eluolve spirit. 1* The. warrant wae givon Into the bande Officer fleutgee and the neit gbont thet make. it8 appearauce iu the. public iiigliwaym of Libertyville will have the. warrant read ta t reçardlee. of party affliationo or ito complexion. . Beware, If you are going ta le a gboet ho oue omewiiere elae. Dont b. a Libertyvilie ghost. Yon will b. pincli.d if you do. A Mysterious Stranger la About. Sameane has of late bec n operating iu Liertyvrillolu a mo,t peculiar way and whoevec lia ile han canmed ýbe goame tlie ta rime and the. raid îweat ta stand Out n9on mare tissu one frigltieil ludividual. A few nightte &go Maor MacQuffin- board mameoue outalde bis dor at nmre time about taiduiglit. Hie ilened and ond ti.tuanm"wWaéwork. litg at bis door. Flnaiiy lie board tb. man removre the. mre.u and about that tMme io tarted for hi. revolver. He made a alight noise.aud wl.n lhe rpturnedthemnlbadflied. He leof the opinion lio mode is .escape with s hures Warren Be", Jr., "us telle of au experleuce bhail wit themyat"loue otranger. He board a ouud lu lb. niglit and looked out the wwludow ta ee a durit foram lowly crawlluj upon ite atomnaciiacros tii. Iawu. He wutcl.d sud fInally made out tii. figure of a man. lu the. dio light it worméd t. way toward the. tverhi ho me occupled b., Attorney E. W. Cohb.v sud faded into tii. dartueme. lMr. Colby aima gaiaed a guim ftiie man for a moment. Otheru bave board trauge noises about their premime.sudonue or two hoaumse have even been eutered thougli tiie owuerm bave kept the matter ecret in hope. of gettlug a clew ta the. thief. Revolvers are uow beomig p opular sud shoulil yau bave cause.ta, rail upon any of jour Lhbertyville friende during the. miduiglt hou don't crawl arrose their laàsum an jor tomachi or jon may get mbat. - w Illinols C. F. WUUUT, F. S. Kusa, Aset. LARIE CO. NATIONAL BANI( PROMT~'~ WtI!N OU WASTE Il cent. a day you aie tbrowlug away wliat voulil amont ta $11,600 b>' the time you an- 70 yearm aid. lu ayng this, w, aumea that yau are tweuty naw. If emaemall a star will mrak, jon Independeut, why not open a saviug accounit with the. LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANRj LA DIE3S AT io An unusual bargain in such staple merebandis. as ladies Home; 20 dozen samples of the Lawrence Mtg Co. lu 50 gauge, double sole fast black and tan Hose, excellent 15e values at only IOc a Pair THE FAIR LIBERTYVILLË. ILLINOIS Tiiere are stlU oolme wlched peoffle ln tii. warld, sud lb wonld h. dmneru.o for thent ta kmiuw that you bave mnue iu the. boume-or bildeuo u thi.PretMe.. However If hhey know it la jour habit ta kmmp jour aoney lu tiiebank, yqx are luaun>danger af helng tua. leuted. Sa don't delay, even tIsu* yOD 'sh ita nue jour amo nelt weehd. (le t t " 1 for jonwheu yau uedlà THE FIRST -NATIONAL Bý,f1 0F LIBERTYILLE, ILL. , 11ý Je,:1 T IG Buy Yours o ANDREW HUSS ~ LIBIÇRTYVILLE, ILL.1 BIG REDUCTI0NS, JN-ALL. SUMMER 0000 In order to ean up our stockof summer goods, i so as to make room for our flu stock which 15 now beginniiîg to arrivem.e are making big re- ductions in ail suxnmer guitingus, dress goods, lawns, white waists and summer notions. Ladies' $1.50 white waiste- 98C Ladies' $2.00 white waists -5.39 Ladies' $1.00 wrappers - - 79Ç Ladies; $1.25 wrapperti89 Ladies' $1.50 wrappers tUe'2.5e sunbonuiets.., >'- Ladies' .25c lace ,màd fancy hose 15C Ladies' 50e black silk boits 25Ç Men 's 50e colored underwear 39C Men's $1.00 straw bats - 79C Men's 50ec straw bats 9 We alobave a lot of odd dishes whlch wo am closing ont at rldicu.lously low pricos. Juat the.. thlng for threshlng time. Libertyville Phone 29 F. P. NyiOs, Pr.m. Ora. A. WmonT, Vice Pre.. fil -A

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