as ý .-~- tht-oi b.a id, . a 4W"oi.To cMr5 nau IV itti aideatil. bolpe aous by chronlc 1 mi a.voaMu and chilai Vauboe- trliin Axe. la 4.For jeaho lie blaen u lm Ueeitiat b van aconstant a mImown ligure on tic atrets and andhbay ar7 ke and'< a lienul Ol *» liei by every ans vho kmev f55nu Orapic com paint vbatever,to sitbougi heurt dinse vas litingt d SWcedau Yafteroou about 2S acloci 5U5P0t04.m r TO fu ni m deat!i ln beit; at the The loquet van atteudei by no VUMOP »M onasmaret streot. 5Ou"i lIfeaturen vwhatsver. th ~q vs eptoei n ausclult K. P Ablnded. t 'a t" msu.' retOM y.Tueediay nlgt 0ne af tic nmarkable Instances of ta bu v«eliebd anu at WsiedaY pythiesudevotion ta 104150 principle uosuluq io van calsi 'for breakfast va, fornlsbed Sunday vbeu elgbty th but dli mot unver. At dinnter tUne Knigitn of Pytbias flom Wattisgaf er j* eVjn estii$aga. but Da anvelr sud the norti shore tliined ont tea t- li wm vazseivel. tome sarci van made tend ths funeri of the lâte Otto Lang. e fjr hMbut be van net founi. vater et liavinla Par and vitiaut »out 2 o'eloci tiec cbmbeinllid inovu kiti or kmn. lutoicithe rmul 0 arBrangeO it i*iii as an mnover and feal iî wu khon-led te aui Toy's boiY cold burt by au lectrlc car vhile lyluS Inli lu tibcd.o& Sho calsldin. Stau- a auppoceiiy intOctd condition ho- V brkteprliritor of thebote]. fonetie gat« of the resort atvwbichri "»c pouce vsreuotilei an van . ie aostsor Dle,wvba nuoivod Me T bodI-to is udertkingraëlis.DvorcsiOne Dir; WedsNet bolu i u ýneretil r4u. ivofflin othicago saturiay; mar- Y licaninotho luli ven d r. Tht le thecOf JWe 4dO.It;van prohabty omne Unis charge tb.t liM.m ira, H.M. l, of!i la the ulgbi. 327 Coqoty treet, maken agalunt ber Toy van a gensiaibaoy man.. lie former buabai.,t vos a ploter, a machinltad sunv- Bbc aya tiat tant SatuA&Y abs Oh- «Ut otior tiings.. Ho van inovu te talusi a divorce f rom bhlm la Chicago a evm>yioyaid jet wvankia&lcuat n Otgronnis of cruelty and adultery.T the vend. goe vanabout 50 jearsaid. Suitiay lho van marriei lu St. .70e te * Aman0f trag osnbiitle. Sarah Maboney-and la nov living t I mm of asaatge 1af iitou orie thottiEiund.h 4W nst t dae &d, a o f b. vn ovr Intense excitoment la surs to lhoI *MhOugh ltie a r h utcome of the seusatioinalU voeu tw belp aujone_ sad is death charges an bath Mrs. 1Milleand ber mmalc sit #%ai gt. & 7former hushan are vell kuovu. S la thi mu an fouet!se' oral bot What tops the viii taie, If auy lnb timeoff usicine, an Toy bai l coufel- the matter, s as nent stated, and ing Mi fo a nMort tUne but bai noim- the outoome vill ieho alted anilouly mîsusino doctorL by the close frienis 0f the two. Toiba aalier lra.liia, t~-ug George Mavinan. eîroneousl e in Wasimigtor n. i laMoisecQ A <tporisi te bave dîappesisifrtrm opu' , e lira. A. J. Keiiey and of tic Laie Bluff about i yeam ugo uniera Mim& es.Hobatl ved thein and ln Laie mysteriona creustaucen, bus reaP- Mwft éaNor" ateDevelopi. lu anwo, Itaitla.politicianuani At the loquent 0,cr tic rsmnins of Chicago uevs ngegt vitih resiience att Toy in athe rev moums, It L5ke Bluff, vaniabed about a tvelvo 5Ud ioei tirougi a relative tint the mottiUnago vin ineor beaitb and 1 mm% ruai nme van Michaetl oy. tien van mucb vorrimeat about viat1 T» .:gifl t c-tioe sàjury beesats cbhm. Efforts are'bobs maie tlUnOui aUne trace of Manie Poternest, a T.year- Idchili vboisapffarei uuier Mr&. teiolis cioeuistaiices on tant Batu-~ agy aft«ern front tic home-et C. I Miller, lu tic tavu of Plearnnt VIa lie, norti of Autacb . it la aloe tbat the chili haen suidoappsd by ber father, j. Lu Petesu, sud it la hougbt possible that tbs bas been takeu ta St. Louis Min. sEmma Millecr, the' motiier of tho child. la tic divorce,- vifs Of Pst- ereen sud for nome tUme the tva bai issu spairing ovcr thc cuntoili of tic Tie fainily formeîly reolisi lu St. Loi sud thenre.m lq1er securei a divorce ou charges et cruel sni lu- bumau treatinent andfaMure ta Pro vids. Bous time later asevan max- rlsdd ô ltter aud tus couple came ta i.e Plouant -Prairie fard u ulive. rbey braugit th ic Ue -gil, t.ten - 6 yearn aId, vîti thi nsd the chiti eeemed tu ho perféctly aatinsOsd ta re- nain vltb the motior. Notblng vas beard of Potemsu un- til tast Wsineaiay mornlng, vien -be came ta, the boue of tiecMMutera and anici to bave a tati viti thec cui. Theumotier coussulsi ta tie uant sec- ing tic chilI and vie, be left the - I ~ ~1isnT~ I ou s Oha«»e tIddnaPPlugt bs 1110 girl. rihe CM J0issailute a forc brigt 111e W M she vans agrpM favorite. viti the Peopte t*éusa thilrn MleoMe. Mille11r bods that tieen-là mo,4oubt but tntheb father tbok lie chili roul the 0P and sbe ia bopoftof belngýabts lu loc4to theu lu Bt. Lonis. . It la staffl thut beforo Mr'. anod lIr Miller wvonmaWded Peternen v0Ui repeatediy fcutelu uotchili sudn tiat at one tilusthe tittIs girl van tkae ticthehome ar Peters«s! mother for neyerai veek' vicit. Mm. Miller dedatars tater forr aband lu a Îd;uuari and tht ho la une &a t peinas lu have the cuidsai tiat sho viii1 uatant i,-set la tic cmou f liuneut ansomon an tic oM- com con 0* auy tises of Mm, .The lillois p ell inovu ln tic soutier, pt t Pieunant Prairie and ane sid ta ho very founi of the ittîe girl. atock Lii Brothers. Jli,,suMd Water Cria thInkt tat brotiere shouli stick tfgther sven vien ht contes to gettlng iruni. fr1- day tiey potUds bellef inoaelOcu- tien a»i p-ceic to drop ail tie Uiquar ticy couldi Inidotionmelven. Tus eniut wvs tbat et nigit tbeY vers arreotei an drunks'uni loiged noua. ne seeusu i se enlu thecityatinl 0.41 that tic chili abouti erisa lt the Cto as ciafgh u i u tic Milterborne. Tet Ilobda ih n ntl Ou Saturiay afternoan ers. Milîler case, as lu the one of gttlos drunk. vent ta tue 'village of Wltbiop Mar- tic>' Jolni togethen uni severety br evingtis ittie gi at boue and viippei, anotuor man lu the saloon at wbeh eune h hl twuugis. antleecorner of Spulus andti Water sing. It van ilncvrci lator thatai is Poernen liai heen iu the neighbor- Tbis h. reetei uni svore out a booi durlng the day sud that lie bai warrant tiat causci thir airent. As gon tute illuer home la the afteu- h aldt a t glettete Moon. vers .iismlnnei alter a atgt ln tic . The voman dlscovrei tiat Peter- juil as mars dunia. non hai drIven ta Waukogan and It ila suppsedthathe ooka trin rom Thu. Duan, Mai Deley sud Clam- suppscitha b.tooi atran touence Diver bave enterêi the empoy tiat point te Chicago. Mis, Mililer of the Chicago Totephone Coupany teets certain tint theechili lu vit and vît ahlu the laylng of c9nditn Ptersn,, ad sie bas sent aJbtteoint norti o! Waukoeganeuai Wlntirap tie police o! St. Louis makiog an ef- Harbor. camping ont ln the open viti fort, tu .séurete a5w of thesmmsa tuir ga o f lahncr t"' goattre lps lu cte for t pqmw ilf iàélty ,tie gv*pmsllt pot oeg &MdW s have =ad* moloecon telu ae nme"o au ab& as thte socv Oise bave a propositio for the govrueat tluou tih taI&Meathie carner ot Shorldsuroad and Lie 84tuoan sd tbey guarntes ludonat* the extra property tiat s e osar lu Wit the Wloteluthe apuclics- 4ums &u" Ir noeuarfy viliidouate lad li5r lu tb e raine. Uwwwy 'the foliovlng tale- via im sn ent to Wanbington: Bomdes the mma-In ii, d.tbore are about te, otber a anove namea are boing adde& Therm vin be a bla tint beini the propositon. WaniegauAmuut 13. 1900. Slupervlalug Arcbitoct, TImaury Do- partuont. WanbbzWtn, D. C.: Tié underaiod beg lu respotfotîy ceai attoison to a MaNicOMOmt sitel vent corner of Sicridon rosi s LBke tneet-eJlreBy ovuci by t' governtu. Bise. 123 by 204 let And adJoluinspropeity requidte 15it spécifications viii ho doâated. Sierlalun roni le of nationat. fanne; tartlng t Chiuagoand rtittlut noti ebous Laie Mcigaànl imonai Evan- ton, - iut lna.Fort leri- dan, Highland Park. Lake Foresat.uev Naval Trainintg Station, Wankepno, Camp Loagu and Kenonia.ý W. respectfully request the hoior of an intervieW vltb ticetioverument Rsvloving CommitteIf nucb la thc usuat itraodditre. The opselflatiun catifor aàlo 145 1 y8lafoot. *s the lot tir a fev foot aboit om j~iua rosi, thc sath s9er.are readr to i.nime l ùm oovwituet tbe " 1the propewty botveou It sud tbe risvue. Tbere ame'tvo lot&. on. le ovasi bq Jobhn Vomalusand on It tic baci. or bave a oPAN Optiou. ,Ibis tiey vilYdouate. sud Il It la vantod *lIl bava tic slovaimnnet. fst i. no Bce sari.condoms tic Sulti lot oMthti ravins ané viii psy tic msor n ! on- Laie ouaiy Democratn Tburay got lualnt icVUt v.s ~Other 0000- tie«i la Mois vboa m ' TIrurnaya convention t 1Ubeityvitte W. J. Eryan van imzoroe& for tic Veo- cratte preeliqutW al nlatiqu. The cmention aim:-Brava, Clark. Dovitt, Gneene. Hcoci,, Hari, Hampton, .Iacioou. Jersey, Laie. liaso. Shelhy, Wayne.Woaifori. Tbe Board of Rsvlev la buny ques- tioming atueenors s W apparentdils cropaucios la tir book%. It le- gen- »raiy tic cage tint poisons Soaoid lat ycm aud onot thii have uovsi avay or d411., S oue intancen ai loversi anasmentn have beon si. plained satisfatoWriiyltictheboard, vilie lu a fev canes ail dosaonot ail>. pear right ani the Oguronhave been ralacd. Thoivery serions lilunS of lis. J. L. Bvayer, via receutly undervent su opsiation, but vboae condition le far Diagmama, photos and plats viii foi- fram .»auctani', la causlug lir. tov. Svayer no sud of vorry. snd accottt CHAS. CR.APO, for bis lndecinlon vben beleged on E. W. TOBIN, ail aies ta altov the use *0f hie mams Aldermen Fit Wurd, for abs county clerksblp. FRED E. BELLOWS, JAME MORROW. TttOa4fay lu the recordera office the Aldermen Fifth Wrd. sale Of Dr. Prlceas residence on J. C. MERCHANT & BROS. Grsudý avenue, fron thie master ln HENRY F. SHERIDAN. cbancoij ta Dr. Puice vas recorici. J. G M-EE, .D.The plae an ali soue yeamn go J. G.MICEE MD. by Dr. Price ta George Wiliams. il OSCAR CARLSON. paasi dfratanWilliam'. bauds latta the FRED BUCK. countY's bandn. It van sold at publie W. E. DREW. auction te Dr. Price ln Bepteuben, FRANK T, FOWLER. 1904, and the transfer vas recorici Descrption of site. toit>'. JTue site vbceetbey desire tic po4u - Bain taulMr. and Mr§. Ed Shorman. oMie a i thti corner of Lake andi a son. thus nornîug, vslghing te, aud Sheridan ronad. Ou It la tic aid flst onqiai ona 'e Car Fore Re- fuoded on ai Purchasesof $5.00 end over 3 s : 12 North Genesee Street, N4ext Door to American Express Office 6.0,.AND. NOW FOR..... 3AiKGAIN DAYS that wil.bring a thrill of joy to every wmn»«ho @cane uhee3prices. We hae hostaied for soins weeke, because of our Inability to replace any o!- the gooda we right list -~for a special sale. Heoltated, yes, hesitated, for the reason that titis store prides itasif on the. rompletion of !te stock, the seasonableries of the goods offered, its unfailing abililt to udersIl ie Chicago Depatient Stores, and tihe tact that we neyer mirepresent nor quote a price on au artiloswe cannot provide. This làs ON[ store where deception IS NOT ToLèAIDO A sale 5 ot considered cornpleted until the purchaser ls compleiely matlafled. (ThouoÎndo of çustomers wi» bitfy to thue fact). But now the tirne is ripe for ciosing out every dollar'à worth of our unirser goods and the utter disregard of values ls only lu kreephng wlth our establlshed pliy.Note ithe prices quoied for this - One Hundred Dozen Lhtgerle Wiats, torehom'Ilace inaertion,tucked and plain, certainly the most remark- able values ever offered for the rnoney; oftered aa.a bargain everyviiere at $ 1.48 taturday only . . . - 9 117 Beautiful re>nama Skirts, in aah colore as wel a plaids, .rost of theui worth $5 For Saturda7 opiy at . . . . - $1,98 43 Elegant Suite, both Bolero and Eton styles, al-wool ju t th e th ln g fo r , ta l w ea r, h v e b ee n so ld " ' .l at $12.98, for this sale at . .$59 We stihi have about Ililty 'of the. most rernarkable values ID'Cravenettes thàt yen aveever seen. We pur- clîased a cou~ple1 of .bundred ai less titan a bargain -price. They ane worth up to $5, but for tlils special ai $198 améd $4.98 A choice aasortinent of (Joveri, Jaaketa, both loos and tight litting, value@ rasuging from $7.98 bo $10.98, for tlii sopec"a sale at 29 A splendid assortinent of Children's and Misses' coatsL aU colore, shades and styl, e will et.rt them at '. - - * - $1,98~ WhIte Jackets ilu both Eton £nd Bolero styles, braid TriMming and pehri buttons, ineat and -à servicable ,for ibieS pécial sale at . as ohràoorSu, i aveben ooelleoreen s we as 98, sacrlore, f hav sale at - - <PI .70 A notable assortment of White Jackets, trimmed in bine and green, both loose and tikht backs,worth 9%0f Up to $6, special for this sale at I50 Misses White Serge Coats, loose box style, gilt buttons and hindsomè pockets and cuits, worth $29 $5.98, but we are sacrificing them at - $298 We are overstocked with Misses and Childreus Dresses> There's a great assortment and for Saturday we are golng to eut a dollar from'ail of the $ offer them at 9&-7U STORE fer îuRIMn S. i4fi K Il 1 ffl ý 1, 1 ~iEMi lit petiemuaa 71-» Yaoicdl7 m , ulus. omlusdo»i tro O~C~5 vt thte Vintavalry.ý The, oqulpuat vau niaicidown lova WÈatea of st ths camp MM le "ML .Thoen tic auna vere dravu to- ObU.a isntance of thréé!mIles. Bat- tory C bai the Dgmt Pick Of theOaui- YssteoL w"vs.penit lu gettlng Set- li and pleking out the bornes Bat- tory C 1,6 ths Orat pick of the ai- mais an tbe inet arivals. mut,»s StbiesSerenut. sers.Jsnins0Io Alu ctne asstable sergaut la pance Seert Toc Iluc ondit eun not beh1OgiSenBOr- gusof Jonklansonfor bis seectlon Ot tie monti. Tbey ame tbh e hmtu battery bun yet had. He. van sit* ad1 lu is vovi bY Corporei Hi"is Battery C van aiven the pIam A0f honor lu the artllery camp.,inlU -the toit MW of toute ou Eattery qtreet. These bave alas i thertO hained" to -A battory. By u etiay afternoollïChe Wauke- gan artlterymen, md nettisi dowu to. work but tiee vasnuo drlllug. - orA MssdInepeotien. This uornnq the men xodeivent the fini, mmutsdInspection thîat Iher bave &ver bai. Always before the cavalry, bun sood mneti lunpection aud the artllcry ha& atoai dinuount- ed. This yar under tarder from Gen- eral Young lu colpmani 0f the Fourth Brigade, omdltio vers reverni. TuafOut In New UnIiorme. Battery, C turned out ln new uni- I forum f romiblase!tuofaot the nev l clothes baving heen Insued yonterday aftsrnoou. 'heuWeuiegau mem recelved the Ihlghent mark of any of the troops os, Inspection, three batteries and elght cavairy troope, and saruqi agalual It rnot a alugîse mark. 7. uInfact Captain Suitha Ofgbtemn me- àcelved tva stars. vhlch mens that v hs, the final reportla renderei thF.> 0viii get apeclal mention. For the comlng soîdiers' an4 àalore reunlon to be held at Gmayatako. Au- egaint 30 andi.11, the arrangement.Eom- In mlttee han efurod IThomas H. Gauîr, lan oratar or renovu. Benidea Cen. J .. H. Stubbas, vho an ai entertainer lr, w ithout a peer. viii bc on baud wlth t ories. songe and anecdotes of arnn. le. or Born to Mr. and Mmr. Nichols. of IHove avenue, a daugliter, Saturday evenlng. Slate's Attorney Renne returned tYesterday front a fev dayn' trip at ad Laie Goeva. Wls., vlth unbifs land ----- .... - -- in, 1 zlý-w