71 mw- e lu* lAsoignelpart o a Snny Bôlwret e r o iilethel de - a" Lllhua Covitte tf« lb. = 1u,j igrl Býty,.and lMre. Mo«g for matmand aaug& beirssitchau'acter artio»tUm èiesou ý.... Ane... e1...I ith asMe, lady '-kôom D*vion. oio"! huI edM Hoad4ie flI le sie as Jacobi Ranover. Won lu the ith-Tho haillg anis bore Sndva wau onby Ihe flmbIons; score 5 ta 6. The Eveett 10cm soved ln- ogivesatbeh a vorse buuch of rovdle Ibse 111. Nèv Yonk Gianta. TIhe seat, vu" 5 toa whonhthelicmhiere veul to ba haluhl foi theninth..'MhonBocki w<sd aid stols second. Oleson trI, ýa stegisslé ua nide of third scoing Bock.1 Tb@hex te wo uP were cuts, butîAndrews tirai, lb. bal] aven 1the couler Slder fan cîbe. agur ad the score wag lied. .Telly lin suabtherbetween iret anti eecoti8 r " su',d tlI.te nhurai lifthe crowd knsv nu> bountis. it wasa agreal ilt inning finish. ' U FeIlt.eSp, A repb.ee Ilà me, sud te-haractse »M Donioalvina, Prott vetI. 1MOadd ca isa ý ribe ot reel Indiais 1>iai Baker-Wheu William Y.. oast b. Sbvaris Ibeatre et. $ou 8ude 'AuglisI 19 for one imusf i "Te C" Baker," ho a mpfolrsd by omoine lb.vere ppecouIn be onlNew art et, . Rowland C(ilford, vba is @soàia -naagîng Mn, Moug'a, bave engagsd Chas. E. Einerp or A VAST DIIFRNCEUN IIERDS WUIAT 1EXPERIMENTS SHOW There la maney in the dalry bui- ltliree herds la wortb tu the fariner M ,andi there onght te bo, for there Mr hnnnte vrg oso la .mueh bard and conflaing vorkthepoettrehrs &bout It. But' orne berde rture h ore trebrs thir avuere much moré money than To malte exactly the sanie profit, ethers, andi the dîference le greater cave af tbee tw kinds voulti have lIemot peuple apprecate. _The fo- ta 0e kept In the folowing relative levlng Investigation of fifty-tbree numbers: Ù Houle dairrhords wlil eip ta make Bst 3 borde. Pearest S3 liwk this plain. 1 c0W equals 19 cavew .M seveteen bords recentiy vieltedl 20 cave oqual 392 cave bhe tbwrlter In one lacallty, the baril 40 caws eqnal 794 cêws three bards averaged neariy iv 80 cave equai 1668 cave Urnes as mucb clear profit per cov as One dairyman bore'ropresentel bail 411 tie pooret tbreo bords. The milki elgty cows averaging as gond es tb. vus sld by the eau or volght ad cave af the firt clumu. But*.vhslt lb. pries rockoned at $1.15 ver 100 neighbor * ieison a swel(erng oveu- Thirty-aft berde lu tifferent parte Ws the liaI. vone testoti for one yeâg byt ~station, andi camputing tlie Sballer fat at 25 cont e pr Pound., pnac- SUWolY -us vidu aàtiifereece as lite abov wov. ea diecovM4 otoelventhe odidut a lgegroupu cto»&y ii où, e. Pm"sn, as Per pouBrfo t«f@euiwu allovetifor lie poov predecng co*c anti $49 pur yean --for lie covu lu the bout berde. Tu6 l Cisesof Couse, ns 19 te 1. Hfrl.are tolularerepréeesteti lily' thrse. IMmots bords. The bout lire. borde averageti a net profil ai 844.12 Par cov, vhilo lie Poorest tbree -bords madie ol $2.25 'dlean maney 7per. o', The average cov of the bout tfeiverslhu' at Illnois. Ing ln S-tinte, vaniti like tu cnlvi'uP aud nuIt 1568 cava la get the samne 'profit? Knowa Ench Cou'. Record. Thes. fIgureb are' cal avendravu. SUR1 greten contraste llols hberds cac ho poinhti out. WIiI il eoh pcy lh it.rymaa tu fieti ot vbal tieti ai caie are la bis herd' Anti boy mech profit lie la gettlng train eacb indivitinal animal upon vbich ho le betving daily su mucb feeti anti labon? There te just one vas'- ta veigb lie mut and test ls contents of butter fat-st several periotis durlng the year. Ttýeu the poar covs eau ho dlspoaed &R anti thir places Sîlleti vithbebtter anes. WILBEà J. FRASER, Chiof inl ers'Husbcndry. PMINCT FLffIIT OF LOCU-STS tLLIDUKfNTHIEUIfAVEN 8ilour City, lova -Wltbl a there are swarms ai locusta ln Wash rev vooks the farinera af the vost ingtan andi Montana, andi that tbey seether feld deaztted by are movlug tavard the great agricul- mivllions elc ste olde heasla curestural reglons 01 tbe midle vest. tailIos a loues ad 'be lticusomie ai thein viii heoroftbe Rocky ori Moues anothe lb.eders ecrded lu Montalu secies vblch are nt as fleuterouamy 27, 42, viii ho roalizeti destructive as the soventeen-year and &Sain ibis Yser, tbough fi, 18 3357 -tbe tbrltoon-year varlety." years sijice Mosal d ta the people Since Prof. Marsball became cou. of lercel: "Al tby graip and fruit of viuced that 1906 le the li-fatod year tbr ad sag, hl outa conseume." for the arrivai of the locuste, ho bas Thiis prodictian in made bY -Prof. been dtudyiug means ta rllovo the Wllils Marshall ai Sioux CtY, fariner- fareros tram the peste and docares Wy luofem of a matliematlcs lu Morfl that a fortune avalte the man vba lagnsl Collage sund the aIoux Cty wyul devine nmie ineans of cbecklng fflgbsiool, a scenti snoe dis- tbe ravages af tbe coming Insecte. tiection i tbe nortiveet. Plan for- Exterm nation. peeaute Derien Houveus. "f thoîr lineofai iarcb can ho do- Accondiug ta Prof, Marshall the termlnod. I sbould advlso the farinons gaveutens-ysar locuste are due tbIs ta dlg tranches lta vblcb the lu- yan. and If bis records are correct secte can tall and ho drowued. The aid tbe locusas are on sebedule Ume, rivera yl ho of great assistance ta the nrtbvest. vînde viii sveeP aver the fariner., as countloss millIons of tbe corullelds ofI owa aud Nebraskta the Insecte vîli faîl Into euch cudtho vbeattteldea of Minnesata aund streame as the Piatte anti the Mis- Sot Dakota durlng August and Sep. souri and tbe Red RIver ai the Nortb, tomber viii ring vltb tbefih tram the but lttlo can bchonte te destrey the nortbvest millions and millions ai vîngeti hordes havng the mlgrstory locuste. 1Insint. Starvaîlon, the 'autcoe of o Prof. Marsalal also easerts the thir- the>ir evn ont. la about the oniy rosu year species la due thîs summer, mens af their destruction." a tact vhlch makes scientiste stand "I1 vouiti mate one s uggestion." <ni and take notice, as such a cinci- saidth te sclentlst. "Sorne tImo betore douce bappeus enly once lu 200. years. the let Invasion of the lacusta, before "A base my preditian that this la the vestern country vas turned, into the year for locuste nt on dRy fertile fielda, lt vas dîscavereti that a phopbe's povere," sid Prof. Mer- parasite, vhicb le a native of Cyprus. sballIn epeaklng of is tesson for ho- ia destructive ta locut oggs. Secro- leviug tbat evarme of the Insecte tary of Agriculture Wilson sbould con- vould cerne this yer, "but f romi a fer vith the acientiste under hlm, careful stwly af the condtione favor- andti If e le satisfied thet the locuste abe te hatchln g tbe egg-tubee, anti are cominug. Import'thousantis of tbese irotu the recorda of the Unitedi States insecte anti turn thein base ln the ontomological commission. fields and an elevateti places vbere Hungry for Cornfled.' locusta hatch ta destroy the eggs. lu "Tben 1 bave reporte froin the fan theinelves theso Cyprue Insecte noribveet frram scientiste vho tell me voultiont iestroy the erop." LIMITINC SALOONS. Xcnsaa Clly bas passei unanimous- Ilienso shall ho Issueti for evony atitl- ly tlirough the lower bause of the tional 1,000 ef population. 3tanum. coancli ai ordinauce vblcb dlatlnctly City by the lait tconss bcd a papula- *recMoises the rlgbt ta lîrnt the nuom- tion ai 16.752 sud vblle tilatelucres- hier aifclcairethat shah uoperate il u igrapidly smaneyeara muet lapse tbe eihy. The ordînance provides tbBI before tlh, mark reahe 400M000 The &i stheb presont saloon licenses sasll ttounucil ban thise disposeti of for bo renovet January 1, 1907, for on. nmre time the.tr.lme quQblon yuer provlded tie boîtiers desire anti of consldrixgapfe ofro l hmvemeiplieti vith the lave anti ordil- censes. Hov fa lii prinalple of reg- MWNss. lciao provities that no elatlng tbe namb« of slu s h y MM license s "ah ho suedunetl thse population may apply leanet en coi- ue boyathbat the.cihy bau 400,000tain but 1h praseeta atory lnhetlng 7'i#OA MMM Wbea th. popiclic x- 1phaseor the quetica of poile. rgui «N« 49"» one atidlhlonal salon laiton oi tb. trallie. met Lat 1lwssdayaet lbnytl Doelde Upen Me-Have Hop of Lasilg Oored. J ge j.CJames, Antieoh. mlr-.E !ile, Lihertyvile. SherlU-AIbeet Cenrd, Wmuieg Trasnr-Oego. P. Lynch, Lb.i vile. sept. or Schoois.-.Dsn9 Pet At.lheIn Convention tn Lihortyvi last Tbui'tay lbheLaie count el 'd4tê- uomlnalol the aboie n l t ws at tirer net the Intention ta a *nll ticket lu tho e e, but yiei ta the argument thaltbe *'good the party demaetpd a Candidate eccb of the connutY o()Mes." the B nameti aliowedth te use ai thlor naUl 0f course lu the case Oi Mr. Calsi the Dienacrate have bopes, tbaugh the other offices thoy redWIt i1lebt matter of teeplng Up appeanancos. .A Lttle Content. D. A. Gratiy vas namet inl thec vention for couinty dlent, but W. Mller îulieddovn the prise. Gee, Lynch von out for troasurero Albert fSnee, ai Long Grove, thoi Mn. Lynchi inistei ho did nual i hie naine an Ite ticket. The county central calumittee agalu beatioti y 4lhort Co)nrat. 11EAWD5'LOPP!D IN ZION Cil R.ceivr Ha.iy Tait.. Advantage l'Hie power te Swing Offciai Ai Siesu tîid te tHave Saved Menai Reculven John C. Hateis', oft City, bas forced out the iall9î promîneul mon ai Zion franr il civic positions lu the relîglous ti ntunitp: OVERBEER JOHN G. SPEICHE ho vu beali comleIssîoner., DEACON DANIEL SLOAN; ho laid agent anti beati aithe Induet management. DEACON KENDALL; precise turo of post untuovn. These tbree vere positliVely hot poseti froin their ecciesîcetie tians anti romain of as great pri nence as ever ln the eburch, but ordlnalry citisens ae regarde ai fife lunZMon. Thos' presoul slmply a reversiet the practîce of the vorlt as appc ta Doyle's methode tuf avard church heatis prominent ant ilu tant cîvie positions. àloan le the Mast Important o tria anti beitithe mast Impoi elvie post. Ho le salid la have ami a-campetence aince ho bas been Zion. Comfort ln Church. Bofore cammoucing the serviei the Mothodiet Episcapai churci Berwick, Pa., Suutiby nlght,1 Thamas Itooper announceti that mon vene at ýiberty ta remove I 1 d i. asm,s'r. ýChigo v@rstlrMoi cona te obtaîn relief tram tbe Iutii enablo heat.. Tbere vas saine beel- tancy untîl Mr. Hooper blinself "poleti" ta the shIrt aleeves ln full vlev of the congregation. A gonoral sboddlng af coats iollovod. Doubt]ies tbls vili bock a' vbale lot, ai people,'vbo viii cali It Inde- corae, unseomly, Irreverent and other reprebenelve thînga. But there viii be many more Who wll applauti tbe pîaon anti declare thal a man 1 au woashlp Just as tievoutiy vithaut a coat as vith one, and, vben tbe rnercury stands at 90 lu the shade, much more so. Unnocessary suifer- lug or even dlecomfort la not entalleti upon the varsbîpor by the Scriptures. Hov vauid (baseWho object te shirt vorshlp treat tbe man who beti no caat and yet wantedtiï go ta cburcb' Wauld tbey bar hlm or, perhaps, gîve hlm a colt' t TS YENCIN TIM -Il MODEL~4C~a The Only Fonce WhIh Everi Wire of llih Carpon àprng Steel, The Whie Model. Coatlug Prevents Ruai and Doubles Lif. of Fonce. Prics, Tsxt bookansd Rflilable information on Feuc. for the Aaking. Aýddreaa, ROSERT KERRY, Agent., Wm. WesIc Place. egst of Gray- PadtmY et LUbestyvlle. Ili. me» we drlv- N.Y. About Auagust I'st but tai lUne ol men's Negfigee Sb!rts arrve. Tiger Brand theg fit. Prtc 50t $ 1.() 1 it E. W. PARK H JURST Sehaucitlion Mli. Il .a ..., .. - .. ......- --- -- - -- - 8Stt lt . b hl iesgnsea.Jon X0plisa ottbkt uaaj Mr. -a ad MirW Weulworlb attendaiti brassai ccd ofieg 10 Cnl seai Mir. Wt Wealaoeselsr's fanerai le Ç4kflaTest'uMay. se tlleu.,l. epolies of WBUI lien O a frd eWme honte Tuesda.y for a miahe, aid bave incirted tiCh rty'v.sievssomSvcebruo t be n lt.h00ktuhi u Win. IV j' ividere, came Salt, lb.hep00441«. mn dby ta vvisA it later and idter. l.iti d lat th» pddiler geta1 1'MiesB"dili Mtsshead, of DeKcib, le a b18od la Keilli5b hicrookOd&IR11 0" of*1 Uts. fo Sotin. ~k edetithratolunk: delrslie pute JnTrterhie repor t mn rth a une Mr. ai6" r .ktretniiâ Todekfu noni fM fan ta 111011141eluotine nn. tteitaK~esls Tirday. luait aZl." oot i MclClienae pd. John Trotter$. <lrell ljao 1icte rortsa. eeîid ua 1dWi. -ThofarttaaSudhevdeoce ltvouiMon. fan deap. Wb.*aa cets foura iew aye 1ofundOn - Mk.anr. Whple itevleitin us d ubr, et atet, s eeman l o a ohea fo e irome i.n icagos e. tm gcmitdsiieI men M. MCrh ellroa ndukam eut fileai taisut of M islehaIen mou- ie tabstr urdav nlestl'ueiiwud anaueaalt iibnefat Joh E. otties trsaeStoCicgoMo-.hegvoeftte onvthesicdtbIt ho fo . lp Word a r ee f oia wy@i-ouibmurdert. lu aver il CaaaIbî Ne. 0rad lmiaenB ,cThei wreust pevtfu éleI cgb Lipi n iisn hi@d. e le l Cude they vuerç abit ta Retui'ui Mm ev eried sdlanîyo Wirete î5 ustlfet. 1 ote.a came éo*Mond*b ohnOk Trktaeot fre. spot h.The hae grounbts turabis alassutShrday dte t to nue, oeuti i msel andtwe Eiou inLake te goraud rc'inrnedMou unereofte overe In tvvtiey 1 vlrÇ"tbaritbIdrand M . _Clarence__BS lih r. Love, oft aukegnu, le isitingO naife.Teetr e ber &ister, lim. Elsie LaWrnue. Ties Up Building Operations. M-ns John Wudgs rturneI.-om Fnl- At the meeting bolti lest Mondaj TV dy frie auhean.811ehasbeau building cantracture andi mat wlh be bt, ii', lecadyho basmnnfaitituconsidon lhe situal beau. quit. ealeit. We are Sied ta Say lir. eof Hockada lasrnctibnter. rsultant front différenceslbste, ýx* The C. E. .oily vill givo a "liard the leainstons anti atenIal men, . tinte" soal to lght et the lîttn. of vbich bas 'tied up" vont on ai ev. Safiard. Waterrpln'e i iii -1* -vory building lu tovn In proo served. lof érection, no dqùite action - ZlIon Mis. Mahel Banner, Helon Stfford eud talcen. itla .locrnet a full dis, ,wIng Jeesie umai cttended the lichom.-et- elon of lbe mattor boot place an beoir liig of1the4C. E, et lh',titlled lest TOur.- déision resceibet sort of geai dcly. understantilug liat th. matériel1 ei- lir. Mabel Youncg le entertining ent- *vati maintalu Ibir position, or paul'. [ER; Frankt Wenwarîiî and Mies Cuaoo brvkevutint-s hi neturneti Mandaylunteaustornobile. uniou drivers ta junthe union Btirace Tawer Jr lt-l eout of John that the contracture couti but cf vas MCredie'ai wagon lest Satuntiey, t vari on jabs vhereven mandne îtrial runde ar-e oneneiedanîd the wagoun laîboe reiunset ta baudie non-ni tipped aven. lHarace. trucit the t ee dravu imatéel. cuttiîîg bis bandt anti l'g. Rot1h gabe such Jobs as titi not have on b ia- w,'re s'vi'ral luches lotîîg. jIis mruing material hauloti 4, d- DU ND LKE union teamestens vere "tieti up" so do- DAMOND LA. i as brick ýmasons anti laitiers elle amui' The social given by the Ladies Aid aiet vn.A e eas frfs tare tb. haine of.ai n.dtiMns George "cy ah the méchante toaatte any belli Diamnt Lake on Thurstiap eveuing niMatériel nual.bauleti by union tE ilcci î tsi 9l as veli attendait a81i< about ters and the union tearnaere' di ;W:10 va ed. The Juior Orchestre n to ai Wauk,'aan raider the leadership otnIinatiou not ta baul matérieli Wiei Wli Fermer funnisbeti mune which bcd Ithe iumher dealers cornt1 an ai p sinrirtuado vith maitiug the sOcial c ment as te recognition of t ding sauce«s. The- orchestra consiste of W. mpor- L. Farmner, Faîiuie Fariner. Leu, F. union. Fariner, Harris Hamiltou, CiiSorti Union Mou Flrm. -hOForester, Natbau . Biumberg, John . The brick mamous are fmluraI ýf'teWhieiple Perey Shuitie, Leo, Sackrnan.stnadth emerdéle rtant Merritt Lyous, lieu Kuheisky cuti Grecestadat h eisestelr Fermier. A <itmber af dilicuit jausical lie up vii last unti the ininhor ioti oectious wert- weilirendereti. Mr. 'ens accédétiet their demande. IA niIn rme" oncîtetra la OHe, 0eth11e 111 la iisnot afoctei vberever union tir the country. Rut1h Ilcuyart, deughter ai Tuas. Aadyurd of Chicgo rected material le furnnihed or vhere twa oetion@a sud %%:e heartily encan,'d. 1 supply on baud bas not been exi (100. A. Ray ct-ted 1M auctlonaee ndcui d, but the situation la serious. ea lu apraved vers' ablend inthe futureIbrvahpeofmnecit Il et miteieutngeging hlm as pour euc- settlemtent Saturtias' leapparent1 tioneer. lieu. Ray dessrvee th# Ihanke - a request that thse SUN matre uoi Rev. ai the manuageaienit for eugaglng Mn.tlion of the "tie up" ta become et tthe Farnuîer'â Junior Orchestra, fer tlite Ietl onn nleBtr occasion. vths origlIsSard ri lencoe and IiMnd Park ville 4 Lake Bluff hnpwrovmmw nSsii.fer Sole. INV'ESTMENT GEORGE Lake Forest ANDERSON I llinois JUIFv*4 'ee- until telr KliNG or TtI sm~OW PATUI Aud wluuer of dlamoud medai for trotter. theî dea-)SLON GRATTAN W.ork Song or mie* soI.o 2:233. 501 cio aR-ouONs NsmT roals*. ravu -rrotting Race Record 2:il 1- ---4 ay l-1 Adjudication. Attitude of the hissons. Publia No" tale berebyiven hhat heo Rnubrr dmnltrft th@ tbt BitO 1 Masans andi latbers asert thoir vil- Uarp IL Origvoiti 4,30ss Iedîlatend t@ CouaiCocurt of Lakte 400151.585 tenU ilînuse to wark vbere matorial le thereolbo b.id.etthe, e. OOtlOUg le furnlsbod tbom, but doclare It muet Waukegan. lu eaid 4i i.onOiIUnon- day of Catcher f011. les*beon=d Viele ho"union dravn" as atherwlB& lboey 51!veron bain aiii~ ~e5 ssd stae vlolate tbo very prîncîple of their or- 5ame1" ait Oni'tforadidqaioL ganîzatlon. Tboy declaro It le Up ta ,bP thli fMrr raot doce. e contractons ta furnieh materl It tboy eau conslstently baudie. 110w OUR COUNIIES hAVIE RECEIVED TuEUR NAMES One of tht- rost Interosting thînge trie telegrapb becentrîbuleti largeis' trought aoît by researches o! Illinois to.the commercial succees of that in- ventIon. histrtas l theoriin'f th nanes De Kaib cauuly gels lit naine from of the varlotîs counties Iu the state. Jobann De Kalb, a Germean baron vho Probably ne state Iu tise union drave served In the colonies turing the re,- the nanies of lis Caunîleaftrmeueh oiution anti vas'niortaly voundet i B e veriety of sources as dees Allinais Cainden, S. C.. In 1780. cedluth lst refonl poeoa~ D Page caunty' derives lietstte of eery egre ofImpotane ý r imfrein the rive r vbich In humn le nameti ai eerydogro a imortace rei aiter a French trapper vho rosinet preaients deen te, the lovly Yrilneh aven thie vlclnity sevorai hundreti trappers vba, roameti the Ilinois years Égo. prairies lu thoecrly elgbhteeth cen- La Salle gels Its naine f nom Robent tury. 1>0 La Salle. the notot Frenchi. ex- liev people prohably knaw that planer.wvis effectei tbe-firet vhltesee- Kane cosints' doives ls unmîfrot tment I llilnois andi expioreti the Ruias Keont Kane, a Poneer' favyer, Mississippi ta the guif. Bureau ge territorial ludge, prontunent meinhor ils tille froin Pierre Bureau. a French o f Ibeo costitutlonsi convenition Of treder. 1816. firet s.cnetary 0o! mate Oft Iit- Gruntis'lastreceti froint PoluGrundY, note and ti aoee lime Unitedi States a lavs'er anti polihiclais. Uniltid Stales meor.- senstar frain Tennessee anti attorney Kendall county, uvas entifor a gênerai ai lie United tatIces. Wili Qpous politicien net a <1eldnf' on county.gts Ils tile frontConti WHii estiveof Illinoa . Tie source ai lie a Poneer Pliticean, territorial re. mmut's appelation le Amocs Kendalil, corderor f Jpctsbun ny. Membèr ac ort sicsnipolitiolsI and noe,.pa- af lbe coastfletonal caaveni$oa or pnr mai. 'fie y pMeatergenou'sI1818, anti mumber of the gouersi se mder J«kacland al espanser <il. semblIes of ibe chaite ram telb iel . .Morse, lie laveaor c! a le c- o' the ninli Inclusive. lion of Cratan 2:18, dam Zilctie (dam aiea ni (Ibris Grattan aei8>.b rZlllaadil Ooldti n40;»Scnd4darDoicros. Or<(Su. Kno uo 4. ilbebut telu two andsor r"«sta b hego...ow ptb. nperb iividuàl,%h i oifront sui.One of the beel gatetitrottes la the worid.anti airoady the. aire of a graad lot of cle. Atdres SEAS N 196, 5 JON RTHOMPSON STOCK FARM SEAS N ig , $2 JOH R.TMOMP8ON., Prop., LIBERTYVILLE Addrest J. W.MURRAY. Supt. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? i W. have at:our Fsciory et Libertiville as few &mail lots cf Odde sud Ends of cur MODEL FENCE: Thoea are of thueam* high Carb6n Spring, Steal as Our regular stack, the ouly difference beiug lu thé uneven iengths. WhiIe theg lest gou mou toke gour pick et &bout BAL! REGULAR PRICE. I!IRST CÔME,. !IRST.j Inquire et factorg end take fence Horne with gou. American Wire Fence Company Libertgville Ilikoi CflICGO UI L ELEIRIC R:V R LISMTILLE TO -KENOI Cars f3very Forty -Minutes Fare--50e. Round Tnp 85e. At"Kenoeh a'coniecUion is made witb the T. M. E. R. & L. Co. le cars for Racine and Milwaukee Fare Kenosha tb Racine Me, Round trip 2 ....,,. ~ 31111 - 1 - - - - - - -,k -- - , IL v til c 1 their 1 :Lake forest L ibertgvi 116iuqpo avvemm 1 ý-1 ri