N1rt eneset~Strtt Next Do«u to Americon Expres Otrie et Cent on t. t-~ ~aL ~ 't. f ,~ St ,t s - 4 èaa> - *d i>. ~ £ <.~A34.* t~ ~ -~ - -'j Ï,-ï'ë"t Cleiring 13ale of Summer Wuar wll provido moqwy savlng opportnîiitlegtêlat vil mako It the mont. cJable event of the jear., The suporb assortment of summer gooda that we am oer*nae marked dovu to a third of their actual cool. When vo tart tu clear for anuther season vo adopt no hail vay mothod', -bat wevoarifia. vIh a iberallêy tut is a constant oesuwIue. Thiasale vil!brig customers ram ever> part of lake County, for It viii be, the greatestcieartqle la er igivon by tbisstoreTh.gra shin il not b. consd t a humbut. M iluclude every article la the stem .W. urge yoa0%ta attend liéi. ale, If otily t,)look arouAnd, -bût If yon desiro ta purchas, plain prias taga, markod ln rod, makes It paisible for you > about asumke jour ov» sleetlons. Eveiýy article montioned hoe àta be.àsold at Jugt hait what lhe tagS caiisfor. la other vardg, If the. price tag calle for $10, you eau buy Il for $6. w" t tamakeuhis satomt euphti-Just half.aNot a puce bas boon marked up for Ibis "sae.Every article 11.1.4for Iii.smale represonts a clsar lois ta us, but it la a loss vo eau afaord if aumure lhe ront for aur hfail ooda. Remouaber, for Ihiasaie 60c la cult ram. oach dollar marked an the pileé tag of every Item listod. buNMWOg oflineLots of, Kimonas Bwel lot f lhem, mado up lu DJtod Swiss, Crepes and Lamua, eomthing aiways needed, at 50 Cents on the Dollar Clearing of' Fine White Jackets lnciuding Br-illiantine, Serge. Poplin aud Pongeo, a great varioty la select tram, at 50 cents on tbe Dollar Clearing of Misses White Dresses Fine garments, lucked and trimmed with lace and some vithbInle and pink piping, at 50 Cents on tdm Doular Clearing of Fine White Shirt Waust SURtS Made of Rune linen and some of them Dtted Swiss, ail the short sleeved ones, at 50 Cents on die Dollar Ciearing oUf rntL.eather Iland Bags Every leather baud bag and purs. lu lhe store vili * go during this sale, at 50 Cents on the Doular Cienring Sommer, Parasols Every summe r parasof wvI ib. sacriflced at thus sale for 50 Cents on the Dogla Cieartng of'Eton and BO ero Suits As-pretty an aosortm eut as you vould care to see, ail vool, just the tbing for fan vear,ny price yau want,at 50 Cents o'n die DqmIr Ciearing of fine Coveut Jackets Black and Tans and a largo seloction, rangiug lu value tram the. obeapeât ta the boit, at 50 Cents on the Dollar Ciearïug of Une Coats [rom Suits Fine Blues and Blacks as well i; a tew athhr desir- able colore, at 50 Cents on the. Dodua Rare Bargans in S"11 Rain Coats Ail $30 Coals ta close at S-13.98 Ail $20 Goals ta close at $898 AIl $12 Coats ta clase ah t 9 AUi 9.00 Goals ta close aI $2.98 Cleariog 9f Dressg SiUk Coats The seléetion la so large that itl *ould give a desription, but they ahl go at b. difficuit ta 50 Cents on the Dollar Cieari*ng or Young folks Coats A cloaring that will prove interesting for mothers outfitting the youug foîka for school, as the entire assortmeuit goes at 50 Cents on the Dollar fiorst Arrivai of New rail Mats lu the very latest styles and lu the new Leather Brown@ ClGearing of Summer. Miiiiner'g AU that romains of our special summer bats and' floyers vili be offered at this sale at 20 te 2 5 cents on the dollar SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL We have purchased the entire sample line (É ekirte and petticoate tram a leadlng maker. No tva alike and the. aaortment Includes almost everythlng lu the Bkirt and pelticoat line.. We expect them ta reoach us lu lime for Ibis sale and vili offer them at 50 Cents où the Doular For on Ibis great occasion we propose ta excoli oiery previans effort, Wo viii have, without questionhemtsprbleairayt-argresta aveereosov.Aage Wsionsviii nol b. fonud nd l hicago. Any. gdtlly vo may bave t.it lun-he pat lu solclng the rer boitt heq. ariro tmanuiacturep produce, la a tbing of the pàat. A yea ago vo vore vhat, nigh"be«Ue"getinacquaited." N v e kvpov aur 1usd. a"dare -able to citr ho thedemanda of theo otstidiona. Tht. year veaa tapingt notbing-no Investmerit la to largo and,- oeffot viiibe spared lu securing asltively tho bo et. The *ennine aalatotlonvê fe lad l b. mliplie4 a hhouald l va ucstomer5soiMe qrul7 r. kbýpurebasos ve bave mada lorthms. SMOsiof 1h. tal goode are ln snd-others are arrlvbgdg.J, "d Vbiii. v a, MpIn$th p' ulpdr êver for sr 0a»ap n#ng 7011 ca. b&ypa ee4hlo l alf « X1 U7I i. am2 s 'I 1 >e*00000010 %L l S