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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Aug 1906, p. 7

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~; / Il EaU erm pensSet Fa w. m 0yuWb lh sl.vr th* umbotH wmta g * "ATUÂLDUOZESS M~;rTAfT TU * Bisllad 10d.al.a>I p tl . OiDy at trllgsoiiwoIi lu h couItI7. Write for full informion. IL À MUSSilflV Prés. *C. B. -MUNON XXXX Fwdred Sugar, pe lb ........... 0 10 " .beg sIW lidOmis.............. 25 4mm sSwet c m.................. 25 6 boxa $Mdine.............** '» 25 outupm oun*W dUGround spie.... 0 1 cm gDamm..So........................21 l God CuteaiScrim Per Yâ. .......... 0 Fine La=, Cuetp".per yd ............. 2 14"89s itiSuppoter. 8 Coitm oTwcing. per yd ........... 0 Drus Giaghuus Per Yd ............. 0 si l la. pe id . . .. . .. . .. . .. .._. .._i liiley& Carfield Dept. Stort Grqssk~Hadware Store W.I.REI4BFN, PoP- *MATTIRESSES * We are oeling a hlgger lot 01 mattrPma bedo and springs this seaeon than ev * efore. Right goolde and right pricf e theee goods. Cal at thïe rays@l& . E. Furniture Store and look~ over our 't0 * G. E.STRANG, Prop. fi(rayslake 1- hUma EMMONS-MERCER LUMBERC EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r LIDERTYVIjlLE.ILL. ho.47 67 w~i w - -- - - - 1~W AY3 >iI~L . IVULI i W. Otoo, of Lbr 'fille, Wms a Volo Nidlew. LE 1- er 5re .ntb .Man Cr.e horet .----F. J. CRORO, £dtor - Ph0r? ,s s.gu.t jama wwk. r vrernoubcc.ntre t-IXe a" Thino ~ Petainlg Gv~sIakeand. Mise Mairie Ford, of Chicago, @POU aU wBr.renne oreten b b . basound c L am TM1 S 1 n fllWirdPrbA Bu fl sak tnday and Monday with relative@ hem .uCdy Aatter spendlug morne lime w thoftàri"bdf« 'y'!.' -~~~~~~ ~ ~ A. j. Raymnd lit attendiug tu l~bl O- . thaue a lîbdearo utU horpesa.eenh u ioilitP W-ll usesnty uin pringfield Ibis week. a oe w wnd mîll for F. Wendt fint Fn- ail wbo am prisent. Makre il a&Point 10 Mien Kiltie DoweIl, of West Frernt day. b.e there. J. . Dstoru a Mlneaols, a.a RundLae aiHaieovll wes@pontSuaday in Vola. Mis. Dortk, of ('licago, vistodwith [ Z z I I I I Y. "om 01Mineapli, wn a Roud Lbât M Flinevlle wre Wil))Krelscbmer, of Cirago, vlsitod relatves aI Wadswortl, frut Tuesday.GR N dt . 10 buld Zmezet gofl. Orde fvlle bTob.sr eut y uto - fiendeiniiiVola Suaday. __ There wililihe a dance at wadeworth se. dlrsI mm WIWOsaon t ond Mr n0frs G. Kebe, f q r y th e n<i eeu hauryRnort Cart ba i atv mo isn orMr. :25d.%5 tta hld latwsmoea Ma ukiestricssdedlu gotting about lhîrlày-fve Frla he21.Music l'y Llukenheld, IoetCals b nateuo uduutbc ae oltiidfy ngrdollarsmtJohn Of hi.e . and Mra. Chair. Cham. died Monda Miss er M@onie o y le hof asbenaoes lueMit Knigbe aad dauther, l leo Ber ca rdo rday wtbKîti Dwl uiay. Meen Fie- Kerloclia a n brn e luW t e gaure ulatiMn l i . r I o t e w e . . y.t su d l d y lri ud, orlhicagoay in C hic g . S t rd y bo r ier o t h l C intaga . Frs051 bicols aong ew is.J.eer iRudLae li.Miml e pliu ied (R iaie Feelir Bd acb aiShrrnrvile Mm t Kruger.anaMd d auy arella, ofed a sit uuay t olathe Wlut lo.e- tJKM nk,' eently.liaet e. VfM. su. edShetrn oni eir homiseas. h.hlaWiltsoenId Ms. . M Busn, i De Mones a, sISeblooser place. Iowa, and IVelleu, Raymnd visited Tii. sterlalniente given by rtue rad!lr.AetSauo a Jon mal ndFan Cllno friende lu Lbrtyville Friday. Illinois Coredy Co. wer largely attend- fanily mepnt Sunday ere. Chic wr gueela of Dr. E. A. Crane GAGWS LAKE Mr. and Mir. Win. Dillon aInd ed, the teut b.lng Oued every vnlg î' 'aîe 'amueetSna oveir udj .....................-iArhur were in Chicago Sturday., hems pplrvoiglayr-ai hie Mdn. Frank Fendergon bas întrned O"cr Birooke return'-d toi hileborne ini Mn. C. 0i. Huson and daugliter ceiviug tbe dîarnond ring. Miss Jonnie Mre. Nli dneof llurliugtan. Win., fru l. raue ilardbopial hee o'abilfer a ten daYs Marlon of Lihertyville speut Wedx)odiiy Sibley wan second and reclved a band- is viiting.with belr minier Mis. Chame. ,biebas beau the pasit nine weeko. vrs lwitb frendenbore. nigbt lu Volo.mrbalt. Mise Auna Wilson returned ta ber Att hurcillwas Chcagoùallr Tm Mogsud Missi)rurmond, of Mr. sud Mre. George Walton visited Miss Lottie fonce, and lire. George homne Sundoy alte.r spudîpg the week lu wr.ardretl. relativett in Chicago suurayad Sun- Olcott have reelurued fron their visit to Chicago. 5N ~ ~ ~ ~ rae@ AeCbucbll wi-aChiagocale ornMog Graslke Studa Misouri. Miss Muriel (annon of Wintbrop Dr. E. A. Crane eulertalued bifil brother iMr@. Jamnes nd dauirhter, Mr@. Flood, day. r.Srevlewoele otectyHro pttFia ihýs ae ai Cicao Mnda. Iviaited relatives et St. .lue, &lcb. a few Mni. Win Clough aud daughter Beasl, Mn. Sorevillbyhe rions a lledtatelity ra dtiln. rdywîh~e a ofCiaoloday. tdbelasI week, ai Watouda, were 1in Volo Saurday brabrb .sfeigfonl Mn. Florin Rout and children oi Gar- DoMIhbehant sud îantley ai ChlcagofrudtSunony duer -petla portion ai lb. week with are speuilng lb. wek with relativeslu The funeral ai the little Wertse cidObituary. Mr.."9and M. Claude 200. tis innîy thévent.WADSWORTH. wbo dled froi au o ration ior apporn- M. hitPoawshr Jt Prof. F. D. Sebreck, of lb. Art Imati- Mr. Pille baïs arveral tourne haullu eaiiefr oine? Zc'.pwa Mm.Tu y Cn u isrrnauy. Rhu n rm t 25 tute watt the guesit of Ch"t. Laugabaugb grave) irani oby it nitwill grave iewabrfrcr h iii mbliu yi emn.Seem rn hr lions wib tb. ha n ret bit Hne- Laeve illbdatibLý19 whic ocredtb Saturday lent. the lied of the llajoiuîng is propoty ,Mr@. E. Philipe boasreturned ta Mil- titrs. Herment mavrke t s omc 1,v eVllII.l e 112wb b Frank Biley, of Danvîlle, vislled brolb- Will <'Neal alobas aanmilliar ofteanwukoacunu) a i the SeiSlileesboo hye' uddtd oit util 3, 1906. S h leh ed rr cou a odriinwt.abolbodCon rylk.r J. C. Riley lent Satuydlay. Frank base haullng from the ONpal gravel pli. <> ai ber father.iu-law. wit b lrompton sudrQulia' s-uiption nesnly a year whieh was tbe a gond ~sillon wth a rallroad ConliG dysiaknet- 4paýnyasudWîlliesent ta New York this ________________ e u evryb8 b..dy - A. N. Tffany tvan a»ichkg, passbenger cause of ber deutb. jalt.te 3Gadinr.tlng up coin binders. Sot Sao iaturda to u h ai IBeolShe lea;eïrto ta rn berlune a »Àot1ýjGadne.'oen,4û.Our new bultermaker. SotLVy Chas. Sbe ok teli tB lîushwrative d anyer da wt, hirî .truI . e ut. UUmoved hie farnily hrsMouday. laet week. lw rltv sstdr a y nibs ý iTopo n . .Nvleto-EVERt' bTHER Mnb. L. M. Doerk wbo bas heen vieit- R. Johouette le quite mick witb typboid CARD OF THANKM. .41thobufnmsnind .V ule ran- ing relatives lwre haé returned ta lier lever. ews ttanou ind bri aced lfuss l (kinsgthealnsda home lu Chicago. - The Antioch boys were defeated in the w.l t lakar red u 11ev. allon Cgoaokd ewhYboIl game et v NIiEht H ilîside le agate vaeated for the winter gàrne of hll)witb the aeVaby eg rierectheur0 iudlynassstd oe dur- Chic0o letwe hc.osdNwlr but wlll lie open again next yi-ar. Sîinday Wîîe anud mother. lat M auday. M ie. A. Lynce te on the sick lit; aloi) M . C HRSaîy lTAI u)F MILT. Mr. Loms, a cltlîing uwierchst was Tliepicuie given liv St Patric~k'@ churh Joiht Porter. tall.daI rayelake ior two daym witb There will b. a grand wan largely attended; aIea the dance.il Mr. aud Mn@. Glenn Craft. of Kenosha, a abroken auto. the eveniug. visited ber parentle bore Saturday andl Mr. sud Mii. MeColliu. of Ravenwoofd, Mbs. fH. Dietmeyer, Mrs. J. Herberger Sunday. DR. F. A& CRANE, a unêofA. W. Hareyand_ e.and son Joseph, call,.d oit friends boe Mi~s.. fyrtle Zeigler le visitiug lier 'MsFlssie Strang bau reav-rel fron'________an ______hors 7 biedre. LAKE Il oficetl u eon A N C E ours 9 1a.]ni., 12 ni., 1:30 tu 5 P. M. 7 fdon.LONC AK.ANTIOCH.Eveniigu l'y appointainul 5 alter Godfrey sud wife @Pntstinday! -ai- John Ggp ficagpeut Saturday Scn lo wth tiroir daugkhter Mis. GCeaý. Mac- ai( Suciday at J. B Converse's. NTHZÇRUNDT) ofcinlarbudug 0 Naniara Mr@. <iodfrey remainiiig îintml Mr. Junonott bau typhoid lever. A (iraysiake, Illiuois, 7 Wedueeday. i~IJ.~ Miss Kat, <lrnai }laiu..svill.., viéi- trained nurse front Chicago is attendiug 2 A. i). Duel @penit Sunday wltlî frinids Severai Chicago peuple spent $Iunday Mrs. Watson bae been (fuite slek for 9 at Burlt. dR udLae I. aI E Cleveland'@. Ihree geswillî typlilîlever but le o cril f511UIR M audydSn. owhflWuegns and Born, fo Mr. sud Brs. Jay Graliarn, a the igain. IK ii ui w Satrdy ud unaywîtî riudsani tIle daughter. Tho lutIle libre year aId datighter of Mr. lm. C. . tm DWiI M.Il. R , Hookof WNaukegau, ioit.ed The next ane wil be on Mrst. Nellie Tobin sud celldren isited aud Mn. Wrtz dled lu Chicago aller aiD NT 8 relatives here Tiuesda.y. relatives beire the firtIfthte week. operation for ap)pvendicitîs. D NTS Audrew Harrieýon ha.@rn-cd lik to Mns. Geo. Straug and Mr@. Ed Adsms __ John White of Chîicago, mpent a few Àlocila'i ite ebus n and O.ral Surgeon. e pent Mouday in Chicago. S E-PT Idays ai Graham Brus.' satiloS âe i. tlte'sbme Mr%. Wilknson, of Round Late, bas Born, fast w.ek. ta Mr. aud Mnî. Guy Mn@. Laura, Schwartz aud baby, ai Jbsmplaln Building. et$ à MadhliOa tvphaid lever. She la dolug icelY under Book, a baby girl. Troy Centre, are visîîiug at the borne of tâ; care ai Dr. J. M. Palmner. Tout aud Jay Graham will attend a Mr- and Mmn.uirn, Parents o! Mms Street*, Chicago. Mrs. Fred Batterahall e ick ai her shoot Mondsy. Schwartz. borne ou Lake sîreet. Waukegan Clerk OverComa. Mn@. Mitchell has heen eutertutiniug Mrsb. Lena Gaggiu wjll fra'th the As Grayalake eh aMnday,8 toil2 aml. dl& The le, crouai eaçisl whieh tva. en Tnesday rnornlng Gea. HutchInson, relatives front Cicago. ;,rimarysroom lu the Autloch mehool. sud 1i to 6 p. m. at tbe Caitiregaianal echbIMida.y lb.e veteran towiî clerk, wae overcoule __________Jolin Ierman wbo hant been lu the_________________ eveuiug W&@ a soci-al aud fl'i aucial fine- hy bhe at whule t lis post un the uteat markt for Tbaysr & Hinbrook ce.RUSSELL. for tire pont yeoirbasl eigued bis court hanse and wasf frced ta cesse Moiîdav wast the bottent day ai the position. dI AI Mr. aud Mrer. D. . White sud fainily wak for the day. sention.* Tuesday sud Wedneeday were Reno Smnaley, ai Msalowoc, Win., imC r a cm and Mise Cors White are @pouding the eorge tvas doig his work as usual hotter. visbiting bis auit, Mr&. Sîirmnus. when suddenlTheislisaiServiceeSuonay eveing was t Mnm. Mack arrived IM3nday eveuiug Mnr. A. W. Iradway ha lb.h mrisior- we udnl iTed rpei ovry fine. Msuy Ihants are due Mr. aud front 8t. Psu) for ber bousebold lim es. THE GRAVSLAKE ICE CREAM 00. lune tu fan f rom the ébeps lfont weet his desk and lie vas unable ta cou- Mn. R. B. Dîxon of (luren.. h.atImtota l e u urr C& inunring lber hip so hadIy that she ie un- tiune. He revived enougb taulie taken $lie w E. T.lMelcilleCitudlMarloutufeFarr- able ta lis about.Mr.ET.MlilanMronfFi- Manufacturera 0?. t Lest Muday ilernon Jolit . oit i tsl roonlInhe court bouse tower child, Wise. are viitiug frieudesure-MLL REKce and rein-e relu Lois Moday ftenoo Joh Lutaswhere lie lay ail mornînit. tivm e ILCEKýes ber..eIc C m * Who wattmalag the goode ai Wm. * Johus t tbemoaId Scluseer Grave metI A doctor wasa îmrionred sud an- Mr@. Kingmau and lire. Shoîliif. oai Mis Nora McNulty lu epeudiug ber __________ with a very serions accident. Hie te-ant nunned that the hieat had heen ton Bristol, mpent Suuday witlî Mrs. J. R. vacation nith lrlendo ber,. heame irighterued at the Six oclock far rucb for hlm, but tâtat noîhînit serf- Carris. Mmn.V Neal is eîîeraiuîng lier @inter, Special Flavors Putup onShort NoticiC whist), and larted ta R. Be agt1.1. Dixun sud wife are s1ening a Mnm. Lantîmi, Iront Chicago. lt. A. FRANK. Man««mP . Ihie insdetrtldt tuHeghe t uitn would confou iu. 1BY nOcn le few days with tiroir parentes ad friends. Ms .zyIym sSedu e ________________ b ~ a uIt wat caugbt hetween the wagon and had recovered eîîoîgh ta he about, LuaGaabutBri Jleo ay tbue a4 *4 leportepoleand truelhed verv badly was unable ta work al day. aura Grahampnt andpartie ou es, of dys-aI------ 4 a>ot the beat] and shoulders. lie lin _____Mine______with Mm.. L. M. Doner suderî@indel. a very serions conditiomn. i U.LM.Bnean tedd Il T OU gealnlcnrhhtstt JOHN 18 THERE. the picule. Mre. Cea. Wlusteikil l w autegauN 1Y NEW SPR.NG ANI> i. *4 dates of 29) sud 30* for their aiuîil Papers front l<alîspeili.Flatheafi N.. Wlbam îsmobrier Ite eemt lizt pte wivelabtinherle.s omrSa.l r H cme B gde a very in, addireoitatî-elIme pei ie i 'lde b arvemt ofieriiig. Godmiand gao <uty. Mont.. withi margnlnttos ,isrvrsrêeitatman alsu, was ex*-0ai tIi. Catholie celmu rcli. 10 I xllli sO peakers have been eînployed snd thîs -Jul gt ber..' ndîcate John Austin ceptianally good.M.lrigad r..Leinbe ae year'em is. xppeted ta lie botter than ev-urMrIvigad r.W mnb,, te. whiclm is sayiug a great bload. bas arrlved ait hîs destination and Mr. sud Mrs. Hemrv (jundersion aif ien%- plues plscetil it their hontes. Meliville's.bcut meetu Tuesîlay Inening.Ka te11811 teacli. TIIE GREW. J. Tberewill ble aliaketsoeial aI Haines- teewMelesiiîtlgdou uK l K es plt uayatW . Miss Ethel Amies was semo a.ur, vil), Tuesday eceniung Aug 28 an Mr. lispelI.p.J . see ssawvîîpo iug. th, Tiimue haI Iis -miiing She lltai. lIsE evR 6pl Whitmore's lawin The procedes are for Mr.J.A______________irvng l' roI elO1iis(011lg e'§" lb.dienr:retil ai sehool.a base ANS, A RTSMary Carillon lsha@ eu taken tutahle Mv, audbiMrtbsf, Gil Gbore 41'f Wadstorth;1 ~ laies n :euluets. tabrin a bske GAIS FAE A ARTST. hospital for au opptrationi for appende- called itthlb Gilmore fanîily Saturday. nt S* le with lunch enan h for two sud the b oys A Giastlali' ,îîng mait, Chîarles icit),. Hl-l.t îau induhp tr~ Ms iîiWlinsi a eundt M AIS t~TIO their G . a yet -lîoos 5 , a s the g u s L o n gab au gh i i, ga n i g co uid erable s1.edy reeo cey . W a ,lsw o thli fste r e e îding sane i ne a I JoiîF. A. RvKIa nd i C lagwa e geil fame an accîtiit of bIesketches -sud Mm. lDr. Lewini qî~uite paiîrly . rs. lier bore ne l osecraiis. vititor ah Cûamp lleybold Suudaty. drawlugs, ou-eor which have ap Fairbauk in staying îith bei-.!Mrs. J. Kelly is entertiuimtg te Misses Tom Grumtileliee sud wie alsi) Mrs. peared ln u cirîîît magazines. Mrs. Pitt Siver lias biien entertaiiip Ieiliiiond frant Cimiago. -- Ruth Thayer recently rturned front the Langabaugli las been for site tinte îiijfli rontîu Waukegan. . M. alibiMn. Patrict OHaare eutr west for the. iait tiin tIwenty yentrs. a studeut li lîw Art instîtute, Clhi- rLoretta Keneela sui Moita. Male taiming tleirdatnliterNtrs. J. Dunning . rau.siake Bkr Mr., Grumblehi-, lices lu Nebraska, a riuiiîed ho tb, iity Sunday. aller spend.- fruonWautegaht. m short dilirsuce mm b monument ai , aud bas inid with speedy adl- ita esmttIloîefA.C CtrieîwrdaiRse1naeeî J o in IB r o w n . ' b y a e t t o o f ts a i v a n ce m n t . li s d r a w n g s a r e a ttr a c t (' o n. MClhu W l i a d e a x . i - a i u r s t re e s o fburs y . w s e George Hoedn.. ng mucli attention and have rus. îsuied ttirent. Franik Smith i îlistom Nellie alitaRe tau an Mrs. Hays, of Chcago, a blister of Jo ce ved favorabîle comment. The irKt passetîger train on thie uew tarwood, of Ibis place, died ai ber home He la niakiig a specilty of wurk \tN'etm i. ase lrub sfrit md fronti Chicago atteuîled the lici- i in Chicago Tu,.day. Stnr-dsy car,ýrig the officiaIs of th e ie rs WedneiayMesmdL chsSr d Mr sdMm. mes 'ad r lfor the Noruliwestertt, Recreatloin. rond. M- - adoH urb«Se o ou jarns i uIl aublr iouSparts and olwir fied magazines. A Auathei r iilrîad camp bai hoeenesta - e.t. ail P.ThoeuTble FnlàPaetd o tl a ug r brIlian -tlîîs predicted foir te lhilî.l ea.t of ltîiell G.aeM.blSt. PAuice TabVle t young artist.TMis barcest 1ieiv %%lisa' agrand ev har Mns. A. Frazier bas Ieeli euitfined laonu atî.eicts. Thie day tva. ideal antd al bail a 7:45 a. mt. Ex $iuidav SAS a. mi.u CIGARS and CANDIES' lier lied lbe past wet. ga im.-8:0, a. ni u niidav itly 9:,10 a. tui Mrs. Pet Botters who lloie r. Iet COOL ~RFRSIgond.lme. lvîgclu-Io2us4,eMe :01 0P.. mii .. 3i)~ :55.ml .i I - OFIF for Ok I Ia. na, rpotMelviille mne îîay last W-i-k. 5:10îIl. i. Ex .ui6ay *:11 lp u l'houie No. 19. iausly Myrti Cuirris u-ttirtuined a lin oflier P-I :1.p îl'-iîl 7:12 j. lii Frabk Wintim- lins aun eqgagagetueut a Colrsesigdrn gi rfiuds8iirlsy atternooti. I :2~. îu. Saitil,lay îuuly 2:371 p. in, : MSS £MMA GERIACM. Prop. day aperator r1it he tla tCgond thfese botdrins rs.i.t.îliyseutmaimgîl- Ne aonadwife have îîuaved it at oo hs o nd Ms .1, ob setr.iigcb. te C.Basaorit shnte.dusty days. Youwillfmnd tatiy fiont liti.ahun. lieCt.Mriîhue hebesiatthe il ilA Th.,Ladies 'id Soe(i.ty Nl meeltîtIg 6680fl 1ilflêèllfl10 Thi mauty rieuds ai Mis;Knotît wil30 with Mrs. A. C. Comm-is. As il iste t-6 begldtohar@o a rtrndfrmannuai imeetimng n large attendaiîue is P Et E FRvi<. FI OD L th hospital. desimeul. 4 A VN1 Miss Valeria Esty of Grimnes, ls the GraJstake PharmnacqDT K D A T G O U A G M ,' lius of lier grandutioth'r. Mm. lWhite- A G Tc bond slake - . llinois UG UK 40 inch faucy dress goods in red, bine, brown Mayor )iattermuhallioin flte buse ryl il gante aI Chicago Tueîulay , Mt. Will MeBritIe. a i Cteigo. ,s.nt a greeus and black, Mile priCe .......... I E. B. Shraîransscel business lu et "w ntAd ro mîslys with lier elulet Mmes. Johnu 33 inc dress goods in plaids and fancy Sauhillnd.md Tursay tr. uil Irs Nlsn avhes e patternls, sale price ........................ t IL- ý 1=7'ý -1 1 - . I.- y - ý*. . fi.- d.« 1 ýe iz;;;ý i t-C

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