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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Aug 1906, p. 8

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«OSàTAm miM MMMA." Ahîruetel y tttdpUral 'vailset 'a ObUèM la the Schwartz building,.aitich cneOr of Watar and Sut Oenesec otrests, Tuesdey neighban reportai th.*,mater tu the Police and Nigît -CWieU" Vogel discoverai teat a mothlai let 1er 3-year-old cdO l* tu tI.hIe roamu of a third try fia ille she mlended the performn- Mm eof TilIy Glson at the Schwartz libe cli criai for tully tirae- Qunytflrsfcan hour. olicers and neligh- " «satt. càpin9 ot at the top of lits voie. "a taie me, mamma; Pléalle tai*"» Tbiailng lIaItichechili vas blng * imrSueSU ance ta loafeIï , luél- boe r neta Pearcescrner and . poIOhcoccurence ta the police. A lafgc rovi vas listening.and corz- me0timg oa Use cries ail about te buildingvIeiCptalu Votai came on nc odicen ventflpeain ijute the second MsTofa the building, gulding hascht by île cries, but vas at Onte unable ta locate tie chiliountil a nelgîbOring voman taIS III ta go ta il- a uhry. 110 flnallY succeMd inluenterluf thc liat sud lIert agaust tae door vas the chilS vho.vt tear-staned face. lad beau lamenttng the tact that lis - -anCen su tor VoMIWo mt laIte S huousc Iur Oison. fie cdlertound the mter ai 11e SChWart . Htal nally and handai thce eh over tàbher, ater a stlnging * r0primazd. fie peopl-geneally condamned îhe taict lIai the cld vas lochai luaa fiat cionetiree stories Dp. Union$ ceuse Tie Up. fIervetrom llln s oing un the locaI lbon situation Monday recuit- lui làa aMneeting lIai ulgît lu tic WrlBt block at vhich ve#e present lir, oculey ai the matarial men, a ecualttee r#Ps-centng the varions buildingtraunions sud GeS. P. oden. séceoany. treuror and boni- »0« e9aget for the pachlng hanse teamulersO! Chicgo. Mr. Golden r i theti local teamstan aIt the Atar somc gmaensl dIcussion traat- ung Ou iealrabillty of Immediate ad- »8uehupoath le diffrences vilI pro. sage ser09s trouble. Mn. Gourley vas asicdý "WhIl yoD abJect ta your dru-. - ereomisgunion mnt Mate * quted by tic commttea as saylng 7Tee." This marnnng Business Agent c014109osilci on Messre. Kirk sud 1o*a"i sa"s ha goi lbe lame an- Oven. Immedlately tiare vas a conferenca 01fthceeln. a4tlority sud Il le do. élared a completé lia-up airail buli-. dtp-t. o suo fie ass meetig cf hIe time.of the City for tic porpcee cfintereet. lng them in tic comlng ieuycrvlsor convention, 10 behoIli eInluOc-. 101cr.,vas helut hnitt in thée coumlycourt rom in the court bouse.i Whiie 115 -puel wu asot lsraclyi attended tiose ree tveetcmi vorkers of tic cty s~ i etn vas an enthualtla as 'to prophecy1 thii eariy a complets succeéa of the convention. fie meeting took hold cfthUs.déeca vt 'a viii sud startei tic bell ral Ingby appoinling a conmmttce 10&M- 1 vlth tic mayor la makig srango. onts for the etrtelelng of thc fihe psogram for tie Ibres dan' convention Intoudes tie vorh 0f theé Convention, tic metihg of tic guesha by committec tram lthe supervisor. and tic citlhene, as informel rep- lion by tic citizen., à banquet sivenj by tiecilisen and tic final day a steamboat trip la tic Whte Cty lu Chicago.* cmsiCit aà thecher Party here. Thc county yul give tic steau- bat ride and theater party, but tic citiacas vill attend. - Of Cour»eIbis vas but a rongh draft ai tic entertaimment sud it wvi i ho chauged more or les as probcbly lu the case ofathticbanquet as ticre le, no place lu the city Ibat vîlIl e capable of holding te number that vouli attend. The convention lu ta b. a big one. 'berc vli ho about seveuty-five cou- ties of the state reprebeanted anddas four vilI probebly come tram saab eounty tiere viii ho about 300 gueula lu the City. Dravlug carde for tieCity are the laie.ZMon City and Chicago, Al vaut ta, sec them aud wyul corne on thal account. fie avent vii le a big ons and viii ho a great adiarlise ment for te City If aseviii but laie adiantage oait. It vil ho. ha saiS, a splendi& chance t aaverUte City, but tic citixans mont varh viti lthaper- vizos o 0maie Il a Lcc M lr. Hend e ith. ecretary af the uMate comtxtea. 1 CitylamssesDocument. la viav af the tact tt e bacuy of Waukegan bas sqcurcd tIvtenuiti annual convention of thc Bnlpsvilsors, tlounty Commlissoners aidCouty Clai-hi Of the tte of nUnol., to ho hel tun our City. Octobor 9, I0 and Il. A. D. 190M.1Itel thMt t la tie duty oi cvery citizen of Waukegan te lenO a helplng band ta make th15 avent the greatast In the blslory of ths assocation. I ha% salected te flloving commlttees whvich yl ment August 21 ai 7:30 ociock p.m. at the county court raom for the pur- tug von il Wauiegsu IlI bava te, eutentlanment ofthîe guesta tu bona affecteS vithin anten tventy- aur cîîy. four hourr. In tact lIere la ai hls _______ Uimc but lutie wvan hip ragreas.. MENONT NA H AR fia building traies, tirougl vari- l-lidNce oftheN AcT THE FAIR.e ous pilans, conirol hoesu e 700 anS -b iies ene e tact tat Wuisgau M00mon, outeida tha carpanters, and uiesmnacbgulg1 aea vlan île latter are lnvolved or atiactive Inteit la the Lahe Caunty ]saut idia as a resui o! other brandhes fair fi tle tact that Hein-Ornuen quitting wvan, the number vill reacl Ca., Wsukagan and Laha Counîysâ betvesu 1200 anS 1,300 men. giest stare ion vomen'a. misses, and Vanu Wonkmeu Oignlxd. clUdren's reaiy-to-veai- grmus Agenis ai the unions bava, lu antici- have decidai ta lavea a andanà, *apation ai île present trouble.. axanted bibit aBtheia comng tain. Evary *lady erY effort the past fav dcys ta or- vIa visita their aiibit vill recelve a gaLs ZiOn City vonkmeu angagadInl souvenir and also have thls oppartu- the building tIndes, anSd aim 10 bava nlty ta secrc ea heanlifal f511 outfit, Succeeded 10 sudh an extent Wauke- conslsting 01 lors, bat, suit, stc,..au- gan contracturs vini, b. unable 10 gaI tlnaly inca of charge. fiere viiil e Mon en tu10 ork. ItlaIsegtinatd <or na gond» for saie 51 the fain, sud this the 1L6S6 orkmnn l Zton Surings fl nl&«t icsîou0ft. vot aI leaut 1100. pelaicOfprosperity. 1,000 are »Un gill ho given svay sboutaiy free ta taere snd coli they ho luducai ta 5Mone afaithI aies vIo airthel taie Places ai Wauhegau union men trouble ta vislt ticir auperb, display. lIer. vouli ha but ana resuIt. Union fil ta ecdIies.tu MY that tae ladies mgets lesttay Ibave île giest bnlk vill ho on th. qui vive for fuii pgftie- 0f1Zion labos orgaulai. lors, vhlcî vu» sppear l heirsai- WIan elleS up i11s mornung 10 con- vertisMenis getIffIL e. fIr, the report thai Zion building traies lad beau unlonlxed. Ovrseer no Shoritsg Whsteve. VJasanoeuncei that ha, lad notb- H. I. Biddiecoma, clty collector, vas ing ta eay outhie matter lIrougl ou aturday interviewei by c Daacou Hausen. SIUN represenlatire un regard tuala. Latar Judga V. V. Barnes vas lu- legai ahortages la bis accounli vilI tervlevadInluregard ta the matter. beiges and Laie county. NIe Promptby daubeS that Zion buli- Haevas ashai le detail cancee-nlng lau traies or any other branchez lai tha accounts sud stated thaIsamr a ban aOrganîzai Into unions and Ilaer ho kmev there ycro no shartages am"edi0th le affect tisaItley ver. vbwateîer, except tiogg "tlcagnc not organized as fan as ho knev anSd; tram possible eairon ubooikespfag thMabledi Dot belleve thay vere.,sud that aan ofIte,lad beAadai Zion hbu always opposed the lahai- justei ta the aatiaiactlômoaithIe peuple union. Involvai. TIc iniference la that only that par1 fi Te "Satisfaction" flu regard tu thc of lIceZMon building Irades laoai-gan- cannîy records milfuini of Mnr.Dli- r lue tiat vorko lu Waukagan sund leconws offlcai pmltio la on aie Horll'Chleago. an aulside of Zion gen- iu te Suty -reoebrWs 1e snd eraliy, sud that Zion la stilIlschlug lunhoku so ail rgit am otetaceptai. uiaons. lHp van rneodle a e1igi es- paelty wvhtb 1 oWyai Areases, fIa IMM Bcila ouI sud about &V"gainagtsaci pyllMoa Md *hI olai -~ ~ ~ O 01 a~islaa typholi tarer. JWooime of Amsmu Atgusta 111 iibe a great day for tic colorci people oi Waukegen. On that dai y s vISoclebrate tic ennlversiy ai ticefLg of tic Silevea aht utlê e IN tic occasion beg oflclclY bhua asEmancIli iont Dey. 1The Afrieu Methoiut durcIes o1 cWcukcgs. La»ir oreet &Bd Glemoce rbave unitedd 10 malte the day tic big- igeaI cicr end mmcmli by tic htindrcd ae expecled ont from Lakc Foreat, b lencae and Cicago. The erahos of tic day viii bu Pr. a. P. Roberts, of Chicago, mmdEfon. Perry L. Peun»aend Mon. XMr William B. Bulock vilIbe aimont otler speakers 0f promine. For 'dlaner, Usere VilI ho an 010- lime bar»ecu et vhich an avanuton gchef vidi proiMe. At 8 ln tic even- sIng User. vilIleh a bond concet., The vhole day viiibe orderly and pleaut and eh noon a apecia table vili b. rcserved for business mes. Fou Sets Ovcion. Ths congrensioal convention lu Chicago Thursiay vas lmrgely-attend- Mb dfreryihing vent oit .moothly sud 1tic convention vas as proplesiad. an 1ovation ta Congrcsmman Foin. R. U. Wilder, of Evanstan, vasý alectcd chairmenmand Charles Wat- rous. of Wauiegam, secretary. fi.e full lAIte uelegation vaa preseut and sevorsi visitors canseacchmpanled tha delegatua. fiers ver. about tbirty- efght tram Lakte caunty.at the conven- lin. 9 After bis nomination Congreusman iFous -made a speech. of a hait hour, lu vhlch lhs oulinedis wvan vblle lu congrus. It vas vldly recelied and b. vas mucb applanied. lir. Foas us tic only man 10 receive the nommna- lon seven limes in Chicago. Il bclng the ueîantb lime fiureday. Oua 011- or man reccivadIit six limtes, but tic 'record vas braken hi lir. Pos. fie convention PosseSthe folo- lng resolullon umsnimously. It clearly shovs tic place Mr. los holdo un the 1regarda ai hi. constituents: Remalwed. fiat va. the Republiceus tu the lent congressional district cf Illinots, in. convention assembled, do heartily commenu the, record eaIoir raprosientative lu congrasa, George Edmund Fou. For tvelie constecuve Yomisheolas beau car member le contress And dur- 4Ing tel lime las alvayu bae fait- yfui. Industries& and truc tu, the Inter- sets ai buls on.tueucy. , We approc$ah l@s services luascce» ing for differont portions of our dis- trict neeiddpublic Improvementa. and particularly do ve apprectale his suc- canoai efforts i securing for aur di- l rict and our stale the Great Lakas Naval Training Station. Wc commend hia for hie greet von lu building op lIa Amerlcan sevy, and ve are praud of lbe higb position v hich he holdo lu thc bouse of reprc- sentalives as chairman o! One of li great commîttees and a leader i lia coneil$. We furtier commend him for bis layai and unfelterlng support of Presi- àdent Rtoosevelt and the policles of the national administration. We especel- ly comment! hlm, Wr lis dlean record. bis bigI charcter audis splendid statesmanshlp. Wc trutt lI e viiicontinue la ho aur rspneseulative in congruas until Ie sttor ntionsaoli'Cali hlm ta hig~y.'uL3o On L At a harinanlaus convention in Chi- cago Wednesday for the choice ai a cougresslonal nomînes, William «Young, oftIhe Chicago Daiiy News, v as chosen as the Damocratic candi- 9date for cougressmnu ram the tents congresabonal district. Diel A. Graiy. of Waukegan, vas chosen ta raun for mamber of 11e state hoard of equalixatlon.- fis convention vas barmonlous and amooth ln lIe extrême. Batunday lins. Frai Amn e at, ou a Oive or six veekil trip on the laies aud lu the est. She vas accons- paici ta Mukegan Iy lir. Âmes sud tram thare gS taBuffaloanmd Ni- agarafalisand lisrughthea ia51. Salurday lu tic circuit clerk's of- lice vcs Ouled c trauscript 0f tha 980- ipis against Engama Wiininglou for iburglamy. The case oi Herbent J. Nlson sud William Sumes, ecu- tars. va. Edgar T Nelan et aI. bill10 construe viii, Charles Whitney, at- torney, vas alan filai. Wltb the camlug of the supervianna' covention in October, the most seri- anos ting that le troubllng those lu charge la the bcusiug of tise gusests. TIare vl mot ho roam n th îe hotels, ktt lanid, for mare than 100 andas about »Q0 are ta coma, Il vill be secfese.-o lad rom for about 200 on MrValefailes noon tu là, --of ber daughter hi- mous Cob, Nia John PetermonMm. Prank TIbet, itra. Frank MeMullin lirs. James MoCrea sud Mn. WUliaiu iCreler., Preeidng at tic reirel. ment tables wre tic Misses Panay Prentisu. Mêlth. Sexton. Romne Wet. Batelle Tunîson snd Nelle mnd 1011h Cochran. Quayl eiasMuch 1Pcaged. One of thc fost ple.sed men ln Lake couiiy 10 10cr of tic capture of tic Mot machineiroak tie msaounai wOiàm Blckmas, oi LaIe Zurich. vas 1ev. T. 3<. Quayle. seorestCy of the Laie Counaty La a" Orher ]LARgue Rai. Quayles chief vork le thc eDresimo f vice lu tbe county and the capture eitihemachine vas oi much satisfation 10 hlm. On Wednesdy ha' vlstei thé sbarlff's aeae and eav the machine standing by the vali. Standing ho. fore ilho ledîcO Il ta moment vblle a broad stalle spread ovar bis face. flan turmfng ha salsed Sberlf-alIect Onin by the baud sud pumped it ilgono, - . . 1 el nt 10 congratulate yon." be cld, .. You dinobly. Dld YODCcp- ture Il yonnslf?" Uir. Grib dlsclaimed any active part ln thc raid, but pointed ouit Ua men lu tic oSee. vI a baidouesno. One by one they vare cangratulatai by 1ev. Quayle. Oue oi tic meu pullied hba adle ai tic macbine sud a lune vau started by the nusic box Inelde. Agein the lav Mud order man turnad and looked at IL. He vas probably tblmklug vîti satisfaction thet the munie vas Bot announclng tic Iosn t ofnmepon ssinblers money. Fathsr of Dam in Waukegan. Whlle Orville L. Stanlay, of Wauke- gan le rcaiy enuOngta admit that ha la te Ic atier 0f the Fbx river daim prolec t ta today nears successful culmination, tiare la au incdent ta WbIcbhoh modeslly forbeers ta rater vhlch nevartieless la iuleresting. Il Is the story ai boy hoasucessinl- ly bluffed and held at bey tvo hun- drcd husky farmars and Ibeir sons vlaen yaars ago amther dam vas put in for tic eame purposa as the one, ftished loday. MORSE 18 STOLEN. C.,Lazzarni and Sons report the probable tiat ai their borse iran, the barn au Utica streal. fie lame of the animal vas ueiovared Wadnesday mornlng aud reportai ta the police, vbo bava conmnunicated l tb the po- lice o illter cittes lu an attempita catch the thiat. The hars may bave Jumpai the tance ai the yard arannd the harnand ha vandering about lovu, au eetray. NEA-RL.Y A DRtOWiNi FATALITY. The SUN le intarmad that Mon- day lils Mary Mines, ai Grand av- enue had a narrov escape tram deati by drgvnlng. sinklng tica lu the waters oai]Lake Micbigan north éaofthe nortb pler and beingrescued by man vbo cama on the scana at a citîcal momeant.. Tha SUN le iniorned that Miss Minas w#9 lu batilng with a party thal lncludad savaral othar youug ladies, amnong whom vers MieseWood- ruif, ai Waukagan, sud Miss Kelly, a! Pbicago, vheu tba accident happanai. Sha vas uncousclous for sainse m but l ail right today I lea tatad. Mns. Lana Hagen sud daughtar. Miss Manda, returucd today ta their home lu Kansas aiter a visit vlth Wauagan and 14ke couuty relative. They hava bean bers about tbrea At the ragular mesting hald Tues- day of tbis veak il vas votad ta usa the manay danatei by Miss EditI Fovler for framng aý picture ai Mrs. àfcAlistar ta ha buug in sanie sultabla place 16 tha Hospital. Mr. j3ert Wells bus returnad tran, Minneapolis, whare ha vas_ tha sala tranbotist vith the Raîlchert baud aud has nov acccpted a tva veske engagement, vith the Second Rugi- ment Baud et Indianapolis. The crean,,les,. hoffas and mstI ai the meat nsed aetie lunch boom vere doualci by Individus. The solicil- w" Io giti~éd ase heItte. roRd UV thIe lê *me-tom Uréumiè anMt e Keos Raes e» Md o points. Eldem sNe.1.8 That the roi as eboë n sssfully1 Etvienes Ne. 2z Thst censtruntien wcrlc wilil Ica« Whou »en. I. J.>Douglas, Wbo rep- resenits the local Intereste of the project. vould sey but lmuts. «'I am not aItus lielu a position to b. lntervlevedp ho seid. "Oura plans anc rapldly taklng for, and lu1 a very short time actual work yl besin on tbe construction!' Speaklng turtha% Mr. Douglas salO:1 "fie projeot bas been tIned and1 only mlinrdetails romain t10 be par. iected prciinary ta sending engi-1 noeersIntc thiel.10.We vii go aheai shortly. *"fierosa uassurs bcyond every1 question, but 1 cma mot toay furnish1 (e0inite idm&mto 0the SUN.'- Today tic Wakeg & North Shore Ralirosi Compay reelved fron, theC hicago à Northveeern Riwimod a quît cdieu deed ta a plece1 ofprapqrty In their rlht of vaYi near Beach tbat belonged t10thb. Northwektern. Tbe Northvestem 1 bail ilt feced Ilu And bas auleci.s and gravel tram thc property. Il Io about 300 test long and 1001 teet vide. The. onlderation vasg $300. The place acquirai givas then,1 a dIrect rlgbt of way tran, the north lina af. the Kirk lumber yard tran, Wftukegmm ta Kenasha. Thlnk Ics Moutes Ooming. People lu the tavn of Salem who bave lebored for years ta keep Pad- docks Lake ifree fron, the encroech-j mentit of the. blg Chicego les compas- les are now fearing that their labor bas been in vain. sit le tbougbt Ibat Citer years of effort the tece compariez bave finaliy fonnd a footing an the lake. Wednesday Ibere vas Oued vtbthe reglstriar ai deeds a deed for the trans- fer of a tract ot land on &é shore ot the leke frtran Fred W. Churchbll ta Mayor William 8. Bullock, of Wân- kegan. Thecoensieration ves $6,000 and the land trsnsferred ls lu the nelghborhoad of elgbt acres.' 0 f courset it;1e possible thet the, pro- gressive mayor of Wankegan la pur- easIng tbe lend for the purpette of erecting 4 beentiful nommer home on it. but some. of the people inlerested In the lake proparty bllais Ithat be la 'acting for agents of tbe Chicago con,- paniez and tËO .In the near future an lcebouse yl b.i built. Tbe land lu question han beau transfarrad severai timas during the past tew menths, and other transfars hadi provided thet purposes, but the* prestent deed con- It sbouldd be used oniy for resîdence teinsDo sncb provision. and It la ciaimed tbat It la an overslght on the part of tha maker cif the daad. Nov tha deed le a mettar of record and Mayor Builock viii hae free ta use the proparty for any purpose ha may ses fit. The proparty leaone of the mont desirable places of proparty on the latte and It le sald that the mayor rond. Tie vilI maka It possible for switcb tracke te ba buil.t te the laIte. Evani If tha Ica conipaulas build Ica bousas on the làka snucb action viii net Interfare wlth the use of tha prop- arty by the Oid Sttîlara' AssocNation. but the peopla In the nalghborhood bave opposed the comlng of the te bouses on account of the tact that the bouses always brlng an undasîrabia caos o! people ta the laItes. Il le ex- pected 'that oma nova viii ha made by the new'purchasers of the proper- ty vithîn tha nait few veeks-Keno- eha Ne. Wants Insolation Wsrd. Dr. Carter vas presant et the Au- gunt meeting o! the Hospital Associa- tion and laid bafore tha ladies a projeet In, wblcb be vas mucb Inter- ested. Ha bopad an annex mlght ba huilî, entlrely leolatad f rom the pres- eft building, for the cara afIinfections dîseases, vlth especlal reterence ta those vho,-could net ha properly cared for lu tbalr ovn home. sows:Em*bOa ne asai ubieOton 0- I$MLN trucs the l"*Iaoth et- Uees trie 1 e î M e.y9 8 . .Q .e »eMbto . .D un a i. m. meth. 4ugst il. mmS amsyvu UMmm VioreMc tea. Most of Use Mmb.vm et he As@> ciation dasîre 100e bt]Wlnd rift by t4e d011 for décoratint the wvaSe of the> Hoepltel. The Christ 'Ch .0boor Ingica mionder for 110fr m»Duoe emeent et thc church cotteae at Drues Lake. They ame to g onoe eleen Osys. Mm. J. L. ""Oyr. Who" Condition lasi vehbromm Iencouragement in lj.famly sAM blemdz lu agaie not as Weil. Dmoisameentcrtalned as 10 ber rooîery. Colonel 0 . 1Uardge,MieLI lien aud Mr. làster Partridge. Miss Boss Balrtov ad Mlr. WiI Taylo bave returnel trou tice campmeml At Mnneapolis. seturday, lantic circuit clerks of- fice, EIIwàirtJ. fSeydecher Sied suit against Che$"iiaor. Heydecker. et aà.. for the diViss. inqproperty Icoft thon, ln union by thelir father. ,t la.;.- dciidonsted iby Mrs. Nl- son Steai. and Mrs. Lansing vas ane of the attracîlone ai the Hospital bootb et Electric Park. Il vas soid by ticket under the management of Ùm. Barvail sud Mrs. Clarence Smith, and nttai tle Assoclatian $100.1 N. J. Ostrauder, accompaulie by Mr,. Nevman, bis slster-in-iav, have aneta Minnesota, vîsns Mm. Nev- man viii remain vt her son maS Mr. Ostrander. citer a visît vlth rel- aies tIee, vilI vieilthils ephev. Allen, Brovn sud graudaonStanley Caa. Two Wives Bock, Divorce. Tva divorce casas vere flai lu the circuit cierlms oMeie Weiuesiay. fia OirsI vas Francis J. ilveeuay ai Fart tSheridan Vs. James P. Sveeney for desertion. P. L. Jargeuson ls tle attorney. Mrs. Svesney ln 1er bull do. clares Ihat sevas marnaiedte âvseney, vho ia a private lu the U1. S. army, luBsan Antonio, Taxs,. 14- vember 1a, 1993.- Bbc 1used vithi, untîl January 24, 1903. vhe h lalaitFort Ouetidan ton service ln the Philippines. She reaelved a montbiy aliovance tram bim until Pebrusry 1, 1904. vhen t vas stapped aud she las heard uotA- ing mare iran, hlm. Efforts 10 trace hum. through the anmy haie provai fruilaessanmd she now asks for divorce. Fred C. iltukal, ai Lihentyvilia. alzo salis for divorce. He accuses hilevite or desertlug hlm FehruerY 26, 1904. He vas mari-lied10 hbnrha scys lu Nev Ulm, lilun.. Octaber 20, 1903, and lived itul er untîl she dgserted hlm. Ha thinkm she le nov lu Nov Ulm. Heuna sud Millearenabis attorneys. Reaceplion for Babies. Tuesday aiternoon the annual behy raception vas held et the home nf Mrs. C. J. Juet. an Julien uîrest. for the bepelil ai the Lincoln Park baby sanitarluin. Qulta a numbar ai mothers and children attauded, ak- thaugi the rein kept meuy avey. The silvar offaning for île Lincoln Park sauitanlumn nttai $6. Ico creain vas served ta titose presant hy Misses Ethel Hinger, Laura, Garlen, Eva Wilbur and Beth Trestrali. Mrs. Just vas assIstai by the junior commttee. They vara ,_Mary Bout- 11aI, superintendant. George Brenton, uli ilushnail, Con. Hinger, Meradith Maody, Leslie Higginbolham. The names of the babies union thrae yaare of age ouly vers register- ed. Folloving le a lsi o! thon,: Juna Summers, 2 mauths. Ruth Wllbur, il monils. Margaret Pulse, 7 mantîs.) Ruth' Hanna; 2 years 2 monthe. Robert Brown, 8 menti,.. George Brawn, 3 yeaas. Richard Shatovell, 7 mantîs. NorannHart, i mouibe. Halan Boutvaîl, 3 years. MargaeaiPlarce, 5 monthe. Haxel Pierce, 19 mantîis. Wand Just. 9 manihe. James Waodman, 19 manths. BesseaBlaachand, 8 moutiu. Alice Wynn, .6 manthe. Inex JRead, il monthe. Ruth Barsîav, 11 manths. Fred Bairslov, 2 yaars. Helen Donahua, 8 yacks. Helen Fard. 3 yeare. *Daid Doushue, 2 yoars. Baby Dortieil, 2 montîs. Marlon Kllag, 5 menthe. F~~~'w aSO& t10ab.rt es U _.W .........j 125 00, a Agi".........400 00> olcorporation lit fpÀuléal1 MndO80scam . 9New- port twp Il ............. e818 00, 959 té'McF x men18Ji rrW= ÇdISd.. 1200 (0 Usbee"b Itsooleto r mou"'" apartit lk bh7 ScsinNas oint leo cv WrbsaaOe . 1760 0< Oy. Scs"en frsesil Vercat d e...........i 0<> wohpbont side 2nd et Uberyvgblewd ..» ........80m00 0 C E Oesgrl te Joue if Shoot lit7 bI ik 61 blnnd Ice Co lanuiames20 21 sud 291 e Aitlochtwp and tu sam ad 12 wAuioeb wqe ........................i00 C If W.Ar 00to C w &4 8 RYCo Mrip tbrough nw % sac 8Vauhqantwp qe. .. 3S00 0 EÀ Cdomings& wl to JaM WatrOus Its 211 212 and 218 1Cnmmngs ead Cii Nortb ave Vaukega wd... 1187,0 PnEt lis 8 ani 4blk 14 .0 BuDt...... *'.........(9 W 0 Wth.relto C w toky y, - tuna part sec la 0raot twp (te...........,.......... 10 P A Robinson & wto W F Jabot It 24 bih a Baller. *halle tub Orayalake wd.... 75 9)0 Jo.eh No &ey Awsl to Mary Barrt 2 Evran 'ph i bi "E Highland Park vil.. .................15W00> soib algwoad wd........;so oo L 8 Lloyd & wf to Mathilde, Lehunan It. 38889 bih 1 Lloyd. Hlghwood vd ..... 300> A W Pertai ta £ve V Sehneider 7 Its De.rhuid Pa*vild...................... 10 9 A OMMI wto 8 iei:"l 75 ad76 Commialge di 10Nouhh Olh.. wd.-...«. ........&>o0 0 Robart Llady & wi et si ta Penny M Dix it 6 bih 1 Moierwells son Vaukegan wv............................ 15S00 A 0Coprto Rose A Mulvi. bl i75 ansm, lu e % me17 Wankegaa Iwp deed ........ M80 E A Cumminge & wi ta Frank Roummalt4 bi Il Wauke- gem Highlands d............ 350 (0 Honnes for rent in ail parts of the itY. Coins lu and get Our lust. VACANT LOTS-l a&Il the auh- divisions. Buy a lot and wa viii bud you C bouse according to your owu Plans and let You pay for k lun monthiy inotaiimeuts. BUSINESS LOTS-For sale on Mil- waukee ave at rlgh4 Prims. FARMS FOR SALE-We have thein al mses and prkces. Let us knovw aî yoD waut. We have it. FOR SALE 8.OQO000 ACRES- Canada Pacifie Raliay Wlîest lande iu sunny anuthern Alberta. Let us show YOD au invetinent that wiii maie you 100 Per cent lu sixmninthe. Vs CCD oeil .you nice opn prairie land Ct $9.00 an acre. $30 down and balance IDla ve annuel pilymente, intereelt et 68per eent. This land wiii seli at $12 lu $15 an sers by Jin> 1, 1907. We mette speclal Hd.nesekers rates ta Alberta and returu. Arrange to go witb un on the neat excursion. The Texan Pan Handie'is the gardon 11o2.0f tbe southwest for nortbern fane. We bave for sala 150,000 acre@ ln large or smail quanties et $5.00 to $10.00 an acre. Cuit on or write one. Dymond and Austin Dealers in Red ~e omsIusq"oc

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