00 Iwil b. pre-.nled by *tbb 4t tsuIdieno -riatL Our sibibit in~ tbo Art -![&il.&- particular. below. P. N-xWe r ftT W-lJ 1, 7LI OTHING lems than -the abaolute ieceemity of oeeiiritig tite ronm'for -Our fait ýôod@, Which are'arriving diily, lirould ever Indue@ ius to saoriflje theee bealltiful eprlng and summer goode the rway welare. Those who attended mir sal 'e tast wêéek wiII teili Y*n that the prIceà have boee ot right in two, and'for thls sale the prîes are trinoed again anîd this Uis so Iow that every itém bed for the sacrifice should go before the Middle of the weok. Be on hand early and get-the biggest bargins yon have ever secured and at a time wlhesi yoneed thewn. ~NysQ-'Lts fo us in*Iftg onOyf, f oir y ir 1t î ', ,,< - - tif i* 1 m lt e the Cut 60i. Coas emd Jackets We tuiihave a very nlce aeeortment of coatit and Jacket. for ladies', misses, and chidren. The amsrt- meut is-so varled that space wiii riot permit detalod description, but vo have them in al sizes sud styles. OnWy a fow enumerated bore, but bear in mmmd that an equal cnt lu price bas been made on every olie. ThoSe pretty white coate for children. glit buttons and handsomo coilars, t4old at *2.6X noireut to si 5.89 Some pretty cream colored coate, green collare and cufs, gilt buttons, wero soiçi at $2.48, Dow cnt to ..$ 1.24 Grey Cheviot coats that were -,;od at W3.65, now eut to $. . 1.83 Handsome red huntiug coats, jaitt the tbing for falit eather and thb beglning of the school year, wore sold Ait *5. 48, nov ent to $2.74 Nobby bine flanuel coats, were eold at $3. !8, now 1.99 ,AnI Extra.Choce, of Couts in Light Gregus and'Checks for Misses Thome that vers sold at $4.98, nov cut to $2.49 Those that were eold At $5.98, nov cnt to $2.»9 Those that vere Bold at $4.75, nov eut to $2.38 Those that were . old at $6.98, no w eut to $3.99 A Sweil Assortieot of Covert Jackets StIMi on I1a ad Those that were sold at $6.75, nov eut to 53.38 Those that were eold at $7.98, nov cut to $3.99 Tho«e that were sold at *9.98, now eut to $4.49 Thoae that weresold at $10.745, nov eut to $!5.88 final Sacrilice of Fine Dress Skirts Inceluding white, gray and matiy other coloria. 'rbtse.that were sold at $3.9m, Inov cut to $1.99 Thoee that were sold at *.% îîow eut to $4.99 MagoiruceMt 4A àt t-oU $1W Coats, are Included b te Saicrifirce Those that wtre @w ld aM $7. 98. nov cut to $3.99 Those that vero sold at $8.150, nov cnt to $4.25 Thome tiiat were sold at $16.98, now cut to 57,99 Tho etory of the coates 9unde to good to b. true but if you vili corne iu yon viii find them ail here and evein more and bigger values tban we have told yon of Shirt - Waist Suits Among. the CSacroced Ail of our short leeved shirt- waist suite. ineluiding lawu, ludiau Head ani linen are placed on sale for thisocain Those that were $1.9es now cut to 99C Thoëe that vere $2.98, now ent to $1.99 Those that vere *4.1.8mnov euttto 52.49 The hîgher priced -snit44 are eut in the same proportion and you eau find a vide range for selection Ladies lauîidsome White Wash Dresses Those itljat ero s4old at)«.4.Pg nov cut k> 52.49 Those that were sold at $5.98 nov cnt to 52.»9 Thome that vers uold at $7.98 now cnt to $3.99 F~ Shirt Wàists are1 to b .e Sacrificed' dà aia udsd from *au unequalled variety of handeome shirt waiste are iwîcbnided.- Every short aleeved l valet muet go. Those that soid at 7--c nmuet go at 37c Fancy silk waists that soid at $&,98 to go at $1.99 Some Peter Pans that sold at $2.98 mué t go at -5$1.49 Som" fine lare valets tliatcsold at $4.108 muit go at 2.99 Genuinie Baby Irish L&-ete Walsts that sotd at $15 muet go at 5 7.50 About Twenty.--Eto BIero Suts ore to be1 Saroed There are no two alike, but there are checks, two dark reds, as well as a number ebades the darker colore Thos" that were eoid at $6.98K now cnt'to 53.99 Those that were soid at $1L580 now eut to S5,.75 Thoee that were sold at $10.1l'8 naw eut to 55S.99 Those that were sold at $25 now cut to $12.50 To see these nuits is to realize that you have befote you tbeý opportunlty of a Iifetimè. Jackets from Suits Indivldually worth from *12 np, are placed in one lot Your pick at 59C 1, Great Variety of Dresses for Children Titore are .ailort. and Buster trowno. unweIl as nunjerou. other ,tyl.. Junt the thiibg for achool wear a* well an many nWe white drem...u The natria ala. cnno hpurchaaedfor the. pricq.we a-k for <h.. .a.iy înade gamulients and you'l a hegneWhonu nLt Those that were eold at 76a now cnt to 38c Those that were @old at $1.98 now eut to 99c Those that %vere sold at $2.48 now cut to 5$1.48 Those that were sold at M.99 now cut to $1.99 Tiiose that were eold at $5.1)s8 no* cut to $2e9 Long* Kimonas to be Sacriliced Those that were Pold at 75e now eut to 49c Thome tlat wereseold at $1.98 nov ent to 99c Thoee that were eold at $2.98 now sold at $ 1.49 Ali our fine 50e -beits muât go at 25C Alil our summer parasols muest-go at haif what the price tag catis for Alil otr suiser -milliniery and fiowers must go at 20c to 25c on tihe dollar.: This le the last cali. If yon want to share leu theBe peer- lem bargains you muet make baste. Spring and, suxumer goods not diàposedof wben wo are roady to opon the fal season wlll be disposed of to a doealor as we positivoly will not carry over from one season to another, and to thie determination le due our remarkable prico cuttings. 100 in Prizes to Ladies who Attend the. Lake Gounty Pair, Libertyville, Sept. 4, 5, 6 and 7 and who visit the Hein- Ornsteinà Co. I3xhibit in the Art Hall T,. uhow ounr ite ti lf jthtLut-ounty e t'Y -sx rh.. .nut..tint.-tu ..ularo.. the. vrele of tht. ofýr'.@Betiaintante. nnong thet. blle.c i the ,un wuà eill Malle A bantdganw txhjbit lu tigteArt lnUl at the. eoroirg fair and WILL 'IlTBJE LADIECS WITR HANDSflME PRIZES, aggregawàtg in vftlu.. qSO mud .wl.>j-it)t uil Ibilowirlk Youlu' stattend te Lake Coutity 'Fair and visit our exhbitin he rtHall. There you wiii be given a souvenir ,-wlth a coupon attactwod. Then write thie firm a brief letter ton the foliowing subjoct: UWo uknps and its business boues shouald Mêle m active interest in the Lake ComaUnh 'i la" wulwno ire e. umiter of your coupon and MAXI, A 0UE58 AS TM> TUF. CURCKS TEIT WILL DE RECEIVu» BY OIJII CASHIER ?UB MEN IA!M 0F OUa FALL OPENLiNO date of t-brti yl 1 Eh. Mtip pas.n.TIIEJITO. OR solik- MEIBER or YOUit IMW u" efl us M dmiAg o osM 0 th. e ffel ay. of ou? fail op@04a .itie andi band te ht.tred couimpriw whi you mi-lvgsd ut thé fair to our .'ashier wlth tOur narute viaa4adres. pIallwrtt.q, tt.eren. Voun reed îlot mate a pureha -JueL chit tiw % tore, 'lo te Jadim wwo.niply wlLh theme .. Irtetionit and who çu... tiiW, n st tuthe. eorr..et nnjjrpi of sale Pekwhiils willl l rpcPved hi. aur eambler durîcg ths' ..vtn de>. o!utW. b ell jwrong, w iliI b.. ward.-d thrtel.andumm- prit.-., Frst Prize $40,- Set oUf urs Setond. Prize $25 Suit or Coat Third Prize 5i25 Îmet lacandI.guens6s waéWl 1 va~stIv.bouet .1'h. IWO«wha tt tane . w li viiiOMM ofk0. m Fpor thi ei id. on thwue ft h, m m to the m«ib aOf the ,hydh w. advertWs. It lIp attend the fair or visit this store dnring our fall oponiug, but who vili write the letter and niake the gnose, as above s3tated wiii be awarded threo, speciai prize. hirst Pr"zeAng $1OJ&cket SeconÏd "Pize, Ang $5 -Skirt Third Prize, Ang $3-ý Waist t lCaà" of ie gueus, 'Le prise wili b. awarded an te menita of tite letter, l tî aine manue a.lte L itl uaSprizes. PLEASE NOTICE that ALL ladies who oo wish may take part lu, this luat conteet and tbat yop'do unot need the coupon for thie-slpiy write the letter aud utake the. gue oitïr--m-ât fW ln y Sqtbm2h .~.'n ~-.' t j ES ý q