Loa tem 49of Umte .Ub Pickd'Up>Mm end'a twsek. its, lu )vedt 1 , ipet ranhoe, d with lay. aiti andi attend. frieusij bt of thte visited d days il plac nencing Citiago '11h lier .vimît.ed nd Mré. ?r Alice tof two Canada parenlts le. ruand imercial 8ubday ciweekue ircilii, ol Andti Tite Wa"d Niss vibitini Mr. Thel Day w lit>' on Bigi Ten en Eçonomly jars iapdwth liV' laid upon its side. The riik ruse ontward tram ltecentre of thie apparatu@ otahie point aud fllous ackundrneatit drippiug Wtheit nez t eif. Mr. Segert ha@ liat inqitir>' nmade' at the ptent office and inSds that hae jefDot infriuging nhion an>' otiter patent. 11e cdaimse as ativatîtages for I ls aerator ltat it lia@ far more surface i titan an> otiier invention of tk ia;tntiandi titatieeaati haputIinto thewa ter readily tas îueurng a ver> lwtenîparature. Titi'aerator wif Iha er.inontrate t tte cîtuing fair anti slould attract eonîsider- ,Ible intetreet. leidtents et Libertyville boini.ail i qtarters of the tout> have 1"11intiittci auttoyatiof iLtebY a gang of Young ,b'ooligan"w wto mate tieiiîslves obtiezions ta teextrenia b>'rowdyisme aind uacalled for fooiisitaeiis uring te laIe ovenung. Tite> hava baiided te- 1getiier andl have miade iltteir object 10) gteai ap pies andl fruits, hav'e etiunu- callet f or languaga svitih for its Pro- faity anti fouliiesa inst ha condemneti b>' aIl rilgt tliinkingeople. Vthe>' iave seureti iquor antim tti iis hava matie themeelves tenmore objetionabie. Proteete have comi- front varions quartere anti severaliof te young mîn's iomes are on file wilh te proper' auitoritias;. Possii'liitheparent@ oet Ihese young men are net aware of lteir eons acte. At leesl il uil ha wehi for tbem ta know witere titeir boywiarê anti tram lte homes put a, stop 10 these unseni>' proosetilag e hoe il grows ta sncit an exteDI litat lte aw muet step ln anti place a bight upon titeir mon'@ namieswiiit IlMay teke yeare to lu> ?;et&"e. Rturu ofthlie Ilinos COmdY COMpn k one *sek sterting sept. a. Lad,«s bo admltsd f ne Monda>' eveahagU ac- conurnistib>' pgentltaan or tro ladies ad tdos011e lieket. a m'Ir lbs.f wonon ere gre »betc )bcomé C enadoM&H. fg or (h.mm, t ètioiatOrPreseriog J«410 use todagThe Wise60il bu Eco". jard m tiothlng e«.. OET WS J, ELI TRIOGS PROPIIEOR SL.IBERTYVILLE MARKET and OROCERY ,e Readers 0 New Addition Oontistisng of Two -a tories and: Bsemrent Ar.ady *444* E44~ Started-Gensral Improvemrents et Oonsiderable Cost. il the vaca lTLhe leke Counuty National benk et mily bae vcatd th Li«rtvle nto bud au addition te, 'nîng te Chicago. lte rmat of ilsq building of twent>'-ltre ictiîr, of Chicago, in lt anti Ove inchem, ot brick andti wü mcmli Mises LVerne strig iteighî basides a basemeut, Cousins, ef KansasTe okle4eunuer -a , lday at, li@ home 0f plane itavi g ben ot on utle 11.Lln9.. Toiteiiprovement will consiet of la iciiie anti dance et Hlfveuit titreesmortes in iteigit;thlie lower tîdeti from titis vicia- oee eing lunlte batument andt 10bu u@edi s a starage place for documents t-r titan ever. iTe anti apparatue that la loin alu y1>use. illîPan>' ail neal weeh. Tiie main Beor vanl il ll1 open into thé bsnklng reemi wilie te uliper oes uil Pritchardi anti Florene ha a privale repoèitor>' for the use et Wednesday vlitlug Ateorne>' Paul MacOuniin. Id ~.. tf Pletie ~ The main tioor of lte building wlli ho, ,a"t feu tiays <at t~he horinughiy remodeleli.A fowiih t-r. 1laid of tiling inth ie patrons' antrance. Ll'.-ýrtyville woodmen New partitions ulli hapiacedte taseps.- initiator>' meeting oft, rate te counltig roîîîs front lite public ukemgan lest Saturda>'" portion of tha hank andt new fltures installed. A directore moua i ll occupy pw of te Metitotiet te rear portion of ti' lmor whicli wili Outitoor Party' on te1ne , i Tuestiay afternoon.1 face upon Cook avenue elhth b>' ail. .The tlui,@tories wilit prepei'î a neal lai'. itihan !Mon- andti tii>'appearanea witen Iuisiteti, lte Pr lr',. Eleta Watersi- oiraca lling for a çnmpletion of lte ýi-.ifel with titeir tep job b>' Nobemfrer 1 ., The ubole buildi- Jajîi'.. wlîose itealt i lingwili lietilhaotwt.Ct umter anti lavatory 'arranigemetius are it'. moving hie office ,eiidWtepa@ ntefen r Ile front et Smith & seildl.tî ln.O ieicn luhs patients uiil Snd star>' Atorney' MacOnin wilI baveaa <unitra ulien ti.>' nee. large anti commotions ibrer.v antislnd>' 16 lite rear et his pret receplion roont. fzlbors wiiiomt iViTe uhole building wilhl homuchi i- altnîe.Thoenext provret. VThe addition anti general un- Mwill ha on W...:sd. poemne euderatoot iulîl ot ist.,,. n .. ...He povmnei e e fIllinos Conieti coiipan>' ail uxti Mins Ada&<leRinge bas been qui Md is galng silo>'. C. 0. Powers *ad famil>' remov Asila the fi rt eoflte eek. Misn Rona Crosby, ef Evanelton, 13unda>' aitlite Daniel Lee home. Pihi Protico ia vistingIdesoanal AJW eDsis, eof(tenoa,.for 9a week. Elore ValnM And son of1va visted 1sedWL. James Montiay. Mrs Rubton of Elgin, viiel Fred Crokor anti famîl>' over Sunti IThe far le ainost bre ontceaga iof course overyone la planning to a inis@ Blanch Whitney wlitedf Mrs. H. B. Eger anti ebidren1 relatives iu Ciicago severa] recauti>'. Barman Git Iformeri> of thii bunInow of Chiicago @peut Sanda. frienti era. New actei, tîcu pi-tnrm, new foi Hfutisou'oi tant sliiw %wei'k eomin Monduiy. Sept. -;i. Ilies Elizabeth MacCrYstal, of C bas heen vigiting te plaI ivek v. autt, Mu. Farnuni. ise R ose Bacon, et Evaistan. aIt ithompe of!lherparents. NMr. au C. o. Huson Iis uset. William Fuller anti dangitter returned Wednestay frein a viit weeks lu Minnesota Sud lowa. Robert orummii, r., l for te iret otfte week .te oi Ie i wb bh ave iteen lteir for nme time Principal J. W. Keru in baîtk aga readY le commence scitool alters@ te summeron te roati fora, con bouse .Miss Foea Churchilil reluruedk eveing froin a viil et lue wîthliehr brother Dr. Fred Chun St. Chiaries. Agroan> are pullingin eili whicigestu (show titat our, are wlte suake 10 lin adve which are allowed tem. Quit. a nuber of ISoons wi wiu e«tok lunte Masonuiepi Itevînla Weduesday relurning ovsing. iThe day was a big oue Mamons etflte count>. tineer approacit of W - -tour eyes. A fakir et in now andt lna. A lent or tç beon itrii th ie grountis ai traug fces with lte sigu of germ present are about. Lest Sanda>' nigitt 116 fare rag op on tineIhietre car comt fr,11, Lake Bluff. Thie greater the passngerp b>' far wete ri from seeing Titi'iiitpire wi played at te Sitwartz tat ever A namber o! Otit ïelinws bave a 1roect ta forati a local ehier organizatiol i utitlotige rooma Iare severai niambers otfte 1. 0. tiisvillage reient len andt ti w i ltaI litelotige itasnot beai Ibefore., I ise Lonise Caler will teacita 'meat in tae Lihrtyville iigi iAn errer uas matie lit weel sftatedt litInew leacitere ha engageaI for t ie higi t eciool woc Caler langlitlin the bighi eitoal1 anti is re-engageti. Blerthta Eiimert expert opt 1149 Jackson Bird., Chicgo, Mrs. )ueaierrya LihartyvilieH Sept. M. Careful anti painaskin natious of lin evée. Pricfffo ressonable. Ni>onue urged 1 .iorteous trealment te ail i faction berailîn. lh. A. Wiihur thii week. rloî* lrnferrig bis farti. ireps sr stock te a Chicago merchaut nike possession nazI week. T fer clle for foryfour acres; c tien $6,500. VTe tarm à; situet tlree miles northeesl o! Lib M r. Wilitnr ulîl remove le Calif Heur>' Segrt, of titis vill applied for a patent tpo a m=k ..Ualor hitehlv graItmprovemeut uver an, lutat lino uhîlcitbas heen pia lte market up to tbimtilime.1 tar consiste oft tree drip8 wul fali otfive antia a laitincitas enei-v -hs.-.1nciu ur u- ar TtuRf! COWS ARE KILL!D 1BY RAI1NI ty waler Ithe WjJfIouraléi' eîofî le Norions 1citizen@ tatinlewoolarlhetn luntaI direction. Ost le Boonging 10 E. J.- He antagl« Vle for thesuers is hing distributei Libertyrjhhe, Struck by Ens abont town qd lte work of leanlng up J. & E-Boy ho a ro ,11h thieir tlin 5 1- t orat needtiadîunn to a Nro' îlcnic et perfect wat.e eyeîenî uilîl iegina&t an rla te earh> date. A sleamdigger bas haen 011 TuesasS>'3 come ielOni i' for telte grooad for nme tinte andthie worraHea er ildb wil beruled mt nceit e sartd. train ou lte E. J. & E. lte fair Oneof et li met hor"esaIlite troting i sîraXgges treck antilith est in Scott>' MceBan'@ mles southeastoo! Ubot two have training stable, ll1w Weil known Nodoubtete son of Hudfman, mitev id a feu Isdeati. Tte hors wansa most prois- ltein, bad a narrow es ,f tae fair ig one an04 bas '.kiwn wonderfui pt. iiath il hlougedt<o Dr.Miknueai ef Despiles. eah 'o eeanti mas lte pri' tiffSciity's inart. He mas drlvlng the cowi te@ î eAcute Indigestion wtam tité.cause ai Ita lrack miten lte train butt [ing wK early demise.oftecw athwnsi rpar t o ie oofa irons reurning d- athie cernas bit tet lait itas Lut Flag. te barber. Su you up*li nlng. forthteafair. Four chairs ruîning ai ievl.hemsh eon foot w..k. No delays. but net hurt. r et that ,O ece las kîllat I h i.Titan oters mare bmdl>' njnrac. â oàr1Return Enigagement of hlmelalmage nt islt n startedi-Vt amaetl the Popular Ieaatid. a1iZ 21tto.ll(flQ ffhIfV-LIGHTNING KILLS ek when iLLItJ J 1 V ,munî ntitieetitiof eti rt. MI@@ cowe helonging le PeterD lasI >ear HUDSON-8 TEIJT SHOW Irente part of lte Hecitt New Acts, slruck anti killati by lgil ticiion 01 New Features . Coma mare lu the mcode t. Ill@. et ' tnigudrate h Saturday New Pietures satlgtne rew ng ezai- truck te Iree andti klled or glaises Ini bu>'. 1Oc=TO ALL= I c iColS Sh1orage Plant C ted adeal Reserveti Soas5lc Extra teldelrllrm te .Ii ~ig cd alilhie nm b rtnngoterI» L ho uhl eclien. We sethei ret Thit rans- Liboryville Omi Wck Sariog the thrmometer la tbe ie considera- Stt 26degre$.e. Freoteclatu ted about te beeves lianging ite îî. SEPTiM&R I 906 tesytebti.mý lia ___________ T aci nele ice i improvedild thesa pipes thte anmeonia 'lm le hoa e Ladies Free Monda> NightI-oni'ldytr&nsorued jute a v yting inlumfeouit ie-eh gentleman or lt ladiew VTe frosteti pipes cool ti laceti upon admitteti on otue ticket. atmompten lte coîti air suo Titi sera- -------te lte lower part tif tit i attil u oors li t n7:80-begints aI M P. In. baanty ove itsystaîn lemliti andtwoair anti lte leanliness initi --il Centrai Stt Theelme Co. Lesce I Charles A.Çakacs, Manager Saturday, September Ist, Win.Il ,1'.iulinpreusOcr. Figii and uttl sleti oman>' u;(à it ieuliiirilCarie', best effert IR , 1matrCome net enes Prjcm-2i5. :l, 50, 75,1.00Oa ti1.50 SUNDAY, SUMEBER Zd MAZIE tRUMBUL A n ti t Ml t c o d p . - n t g DAI' I OL8à PARINR A ieal Farce Comet>' Ail Speclal Sceuerv PRIZES 26-35-60 AND 75C Mouday, &*atober 3d, LASOS DAY Rowlanil & Cifrds lieu bg dremeatic Tleru and kOrl ge es1 Mims Ettua ESes ndon anti special cut MATINBESPRIGIE: Ciltren 15e Adulte 185c NIGIIT PRICES 2535-50 eut 75 1 lms Osnusau et #@P». BIG REDU ÇTION$ IN AL-o SUMME3R GOOD$ In order to dlean up our sto(êk of summer goo4z so as to make room for our fali stock whlch Je now beginniuîg to arrive we are rnaking big re- ductions in ail summer suitrngs, dreos goodo, lawns, white waists and sommier notions. ~ Ladies' $1.50 white wait Ladies' $2.00 white waists Ladiesl' *1.00 wrappers- Ladies' *1.25 wrappers Laidies' *IebqIV7-, Ladies' 25c sunhonùnets - Ladies' 25e lace and fallcy home Ladies' 50e black silk beit@ Men's bOc -colored underwear Men's $1.00 straw bats Men's 50e straw batm 79C 89C $1.15 25C 39' 79C 39C 1Wç alobave a lot of odd diahes whlch we m cloing out at rldlculously low pricos. Just th thlng for thrsbng time. Libert yville, ebone 2 Ilinols Ldy bruised F. P. Dymoxu, Pires. C. P. Mr ritnte GOo. A. WRIGHT, ViCe PreS. F.S. Euh' ,Aion i One was LK O AINLBN e' other wIll0 L IK O now belng CAiTsr 65OO .O TWO. OM turday two Nelsonwhoe A Snug Bank Account to Draw On utuing. The. la ant i ere N'lon you are mick or out of work le far mure satisfaee.tory titan an>'s &Mo tie llghtnlng o! aympatity. Wa will do ail we eau tu asset you lnastirling ltaIfunti: 1the cows. cumule. Mir. Triggs now bias one big itildta tr- ege mont ini operntion w"it ro<îni for sanie twenty-llve or thirty beeveo. Another rooin, hie olti ice bIox, %% iii ha fIltteut andi pipati coon and t1iîie ulli gi va roouafor nearly as mnac>'more. Th.pant le mn by imrans of i gas englue iich circulates the' aniutonjîs thirougitlitae pilles reduelug tlwvaporized tmtna t liquil alter it lias golie titrough theii' iping. Titere is maidif l h ver>' ittle lIna. of anîmnfl a .y lthe ollerat ion ANNOUNCEMENTS Titi (iriotian Seiv ents t jl l old their regular weekly îîîeitinglitlthe Nlyotie Wnrkor hall over Smiîthi andî Davis' store uiday eveuitîg îit 7:30O. Soiieel: Sibetan. In thte Circuit Court ef Lits t.ounty. 111. Otoher Tenu 1005 ltaIs of Ilinlois Lake (Iounty. es,. George W. Jones la Attairitn AdoetrtT. Rose IDemand. $16a37 Notice la haroby givai, ti Yeu. the sal> Adeibert T. Rose. titat a Writ o f Atacituent bas been edtio thé)e office et the lerit of the Circuit Court o! .ald onty of Lake at thte suit ofthtie sala George W. Joues. and againsltlite oBate 0t yenliteho ulIlAdoibeit T.Rose, for thlrtY sX &n4 671 Dollars besides Intereat anati 1othistiroesediig direeteti te thte Sier% .n1 dd Calanut, le ex- saute- hi esldwrit boasbeen rsturned hi suld tberfi euted anidthiYeu th& salO Adeibert T. Rose, an clieu.and have ae à slu st mla. abset frnttasAtiNe Irt el sIe Fou theéan à,ep s the (jîreuit CouvI t saiS ma en 1h. a on ie aoda 0 w-w exi p* o-eon -t4i ;nvi3. $2'WaiÈltS for We juot closed ont 28 Ladies white aMl W from the well known N«"eao factory lune1 They arernuaaed and emre are aoiled, but tiI.r made from the fineat abeerest lawns, with embtc ered fronts, lace yokes and combnation Ume and tucked fronts. They corne wth long and st eleeves. They are worth from $1.00 to $2.501 can take your choise. AT7.5 Cents N. B. Just received a dozen pair of long W siIk Gloves. THE FAIR LIBERTYVILLE.' ILLINOIS WE~L CHMECU H oide of notes m -hem n ith »nefor coW partv t0 <ail and pq. pald, w. hoId <lie" 4 jecito ordor@fit&oWo OF uBERT BUY RIG HT....O BuyYours of....... ANDREW lIUSS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Preserve Your Fruit i Miuses Anale i MicCarI>' p.t MiseDas' a Some lwe'nty 1 alleadedte inbg taI intge il ait nigitt. Vin Junior Lea .-hnrih hbelti e, sehool bouge ]a%% .4u getlime ras1 Ou Monday X&%, tana anud hm sisi ni Waukegea, vi latter. esaseuLJI ver>' pier. Dr. F. B. Kart, tet teroonus over Davis' store ant b! btiere la tlin I itmsrvîcee. Vin Royal NRoi tain. F Frank Km i conlemplêlllg a1 en tbrocgb tous e d at. W@ !do Bot r anti OeHingeuwili enter tai Chtarles Auetin are ait Lake City 0 s >'pt aol1a.r; )t tnow if il le lin Cal ef .- s Up for the- ai Get a bat. O)ur bats are the kind that the 66déessed up"pp eoPle, wear; tbeyp wear them because theyj are the rigbt kind. Wear Our bats and gjour Friends wiII, be pleased' to see gou. You will look good to them. NOTIE TIIESE VALUES: x Ut) 1.001 1.-50 Kiîîgtville Chicago Leader Ro4e.lyuî FulValue 'King, stiff and sof t 2.00 2.00 SMITH &DAVIS TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS LIbertyvilIe, 111. il d e. le 9 al by ré of