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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Sep 1906, p. 1

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JMJII and 1 WAUKEGAN YSUN VOL XIV. NO. 50." LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL!NOI$S1 FRIDAY. SEPTIMBER 14.,1906-8 Pagesi $1.50-~ PER YBAR IN ADVANCE. IAIft *AAIlise." and another of the crew ahoüted VV~~WfW"Cut lbose." rA ILS ~The signal abould bave been a second pIstaI abat. sald Keyes atter- ard. e to Makes Descent. Prom thse ground sie was ess to sake ber head, apparently tearing Thoumude B»e Madisme Laeain. she was n ot blgh enongis ta permît Drop Wh.. ]Pusaéucite Faluth tisarachute ta open out and break To Woek Propewiy. thse force of ber fait. Keyes sbontsd agala and abe cut oss. ACCIDENT ACCOAIPAN lES The ci-aid gave a cheer whlcbsd- ASCENSIO.N AT PAI R. ed in a silence of boni-or. The para- chute wai sot opening. It fiapped Amidcris o woen ad goan ofloosely snd tbe girl shot toward -the Amldcrie ut omenanilgroa steartit. In an Instant attendants were fear wruni front the ips ut men. flgbtlsg bacit struggllng mien, 'womss Madame* La Verne, as serlalint. feil and children. This tInte the girl did 360 test with a balloon parachute sot rIse. ttîat flileil to work on tlhe grounds of MoldiCrosid et Bey With 'Gun. the Lake county fair at Lîbertyville lnstantly theze wss a pentc In the Frlday andl sprslîied hotb ber skldes. thrOflg that 8usdei the groutrds and The victlmt of ose accident and re- people surgeil about the Injureil form cslllsg tbe geath or ber platerIn l a Of he aeraçaut wlth cries of sym- balloons drap, Madame Lýa Verne was ahy, servons when the great bag was In- Keyes, who la the starter, drew is flafeil for the second ascent asd In-tarting gus, whicb cas loaded with sted on specilpalns.,e _.-., -A~ .dges. and fcdthe ta fastes ber, ltnally eoitt o the tbrong whlch waà presing up too air o t1011 the contr. ct of0f le i th the flireat ta shoot the ber anaer. hos conrac cale firut man who came searer. br m aln a whss ontdracauted The tbrsat tald for a tîme and then drot a alo seao s aah thie crocil surged in agals, A country Thd scninofMdaeLpVre constable dlsarmed Kiyes. The girri he nlasceIofetai« a rye, as found loaded wlth bianks. cuairîvat lîfe le o M is ary ý Injurîk Are llght. Quariel. chcb ad S dîas- Miss Quartteillcaz taken to tbe eltrosn otofMer ass e hs omne of Mrs. Matîlda Miller. ot Liber- aistnce t MaagerH. V. Keyes. tytVilli'ct hmse a eslv iih laonl 17reas od.In ber tret ing during the fair. Her ankle cas trial Misa Qnarttfil fell tes teet and brokeri. joe Kulas. ail l8-year-old t'hlcago Ahborne cas trlgbtened chen Mlios boy. hecame %entasgqied i the rope»jQuarteI tel., and il broke loose, in- and s-as car>ied ,up twenfty fe-it. Hi' jurIng Herbert CoMfn. 15 years old, et-ap)ed wlfhout' seri-ouasijury. Mra. Ralpb Kerstes and Frank Stone, Relesse Too aoon. 12 1)Iears old. The- balloon cas rels-aseil a secontgd Misa Quartte-ll, who la hiîown as trio soos lu thiatitret fllgbt. Miss Mme'. La Verni'. lies af 506 CIt- qaiarttellPs fouit %auiuth<Ie- rOpes bhure avenue, Chicago. She la em- and ahi' was swi'lt altove- the- leaiNlspoyed hy the Nortbceate-rn Balloort of the crowd that had lîrissi'd close Company andl bas madIe. forty-elght about the- balloon. Kulasa Ieage-d toi a»ce-giaons. aave ber. but hi'. fo, bécame et'- , t know aomethlng cill happes, tangled In the ropes.- The tco fill she said yesterday before the tret as- ragether. The boy cas uninjured andl cent. "I sever ilid g K on 05irIday arose at onîce, but Miss Quarttell lay that aomtblsg dldn't happes. I cisb for some'mInutes betore asit could i--1 did't have ta go." gain ber feet. She looiced about assIf Wbensn 55t the Miller home at dased. Ubertyville lent eveniag «ares ad- The girl dld sot reply. but istoodimitted that the balloon cas sot as looking on as the halloon cas ri'cap- hIgh lifthe air as if usatiîla cR hen f nred andl preparatlons mades for the the filr aeriallst drope. Hi' als ad- second trial, Ail the traillsg ropes, mitfed that be bail ot fired the e-c awepf clear of the crowd and the bal- onil shot, the cuttlsg -1005e sigsal, but boon asd the girl mouiteil rapidly in- had mereiy shoutedin t the girl.- f0 the air, Whes shec as 200 test, The balloons cas a sec one and hlgh Keyes fireil a pIs%>l. the signal baîl been useil only tbree tinmes, the for ber to drop a hundile of circulai-a. tii-t tîme being a fallure. as cers the Thes hi' calleil on ber ta -Pull the second and third, THE FAIR THING Of THE PAST EVERY TIIING WAS VERY GOOD The fair Iao er. ln tliree beats. One took seven heats Evsryone has gorge honte hlot. dusty to decidi'. and dlrty. Everyone who looked forward to Record Broken. the fair la uow as glad to sece It draw The total atti-ndanee at the Lakel to acloe, yt eeryne bs hd aCounty Agrrultural agtwxiatioy fair at most excellent titne. . Sie. J B.Mre icuding padaeodi - The fair thia year was gond front'm P.J .Mr nldn adamst é-'ery standpolst. ions ý, se.Prîviege tickets and AUl the speclal festives were tully horssnîsîis paoses watt about 28,00o up to expectations. The cattie exhtb- persOns. <Chi Thuroday aluni- therp, werî- lits wsre fair. The art hall was the e«iiii' 15.,000 ltoli. n thi. grougnds and tîest ln lt.s istory and wth the In- over 12,000 paid admissions that day creased room even the big crowd of flot ineludnîg miinb-rips. This ie the Tbîîraday was able f0 be accommo- bggest day ili tIi' hîstury of thge fair. dated. Thuraday night there were nearly a The racing. too. was the best the thcîgpand wlîo remainiîd on tlie groundo. fair bas ever known. But two races The appearance of tbe ifair grounds Up to during the entîre fair were declded. înidolght.resetileulP4 a little Chivago. Large Clasa Confirmai. Monday. -at Fi-emont Cenfer, ose ot the blggest days the village bas secs cas observed l cil the confirma- tion o! a clasa o! about tirty boys snd girls by Archbishop Quigley of Chicago. Father Tihele. of the Fresmont Ceter cisurcis, cas ln charge and if cas Inoblba church that the clasa cas recelveil. Daily until October 31,.4$33 50 ta points in Calitornia and ta sorth Piscilin Coat points. tlfy reilhieil rats-i rniadi t many other pointsecet ani] iortiiecakt via tIse Chicago. Micaukee & St. Piaul railway. flalt ratestfoi- ehili-es iA haIt-tare agi'. Libirral stop- overs alloweil os aIl tiek-ts, Tickets4 are gotud istrîriat sîes-pera, Foi- urther! infotrmrationu rigai-ding rates, routes un,11 trais ser-u-. see ean-st tii-let agent or write-F. A. MiLiEu, (eneral Paaesgei- Agent, Chicargo. Libetyville Trotting Association GREAT WESTERN CIRCUIT MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 19, 20, 21.AND:2:à MILE TRACK High Cino. Horaca froS Neurly Every State ini the Union to Compete for $2 710W000 IN PLJRSES Corne and See the Best Racing In the West Admission 60c. Oilidre n over twelve 25c. Special Train Service J. W. LiiTRr-rnz, Preeldent J. S. GIDIBy, Sec.1 SYN !ARM. MIi»abetb Cossdeil, of Rond. out, Fitty.flve lears Oid Works 65 Acres PLOWII FIELDS AND> the rallway stations wthln a bnndred mlles of Chicago are posted bulletins glvlng tbe number of hands requlrsd to handle the wheat harvest in the northwest. Al the way fi-onu 100 to 500 banda are needed at single sta- tions. Al of this bas belped to de- plete the ranks ut tai-m workers near home, and as a resuît women bave flocked Into the fieldis antI In maiîy In- stances bave dote as mucb work as a man. 1 Ooea Al Her Own Work. One Illinois woman tgrmes-, who does aIl of ber own worl<, la Miss Elizabeth Condell. She bas a slxty- fite acre ftai-m cîblîrai hoftu-s ride o! Chicago. It1le-s alorîg fhe Rocke- felle-r braîîcb ofthIe Chicago & Mil- wauke-e EIecIric Ralroal. Misa Con, d'Il lives atone andl voi-ks alune. Sheq fakes care of five acres ut coiru, as mouch o! oats, fiteen acres of meulue. a big fruit anil truîck gai-heu. attends 10 ele-sen cocsanadilthe vanta ut a variety o! poulti-y. She bas tco horses, tbrec cals and a dog. Miss Condelî. iriving ber two borses, Pete andl Bet, ploceil evi'ry, Inch ut the landl that ahi' bas ln crolîs. did llal o! ber ocn crlivating, crst ber-hay cillu a nowiug niachinîe, rakedIl itulkanil baulel Il lit. She la îow engagei lin preparirrg ber fielda toi- fal ploing by lauling andl sîreadiîrg terîllizer. Sbc la 55 eara Olil. Misa Cosill riset ut .5 ocîock lit the morning. She vorks ail day, i-asl ber îiaters alter stipper andl re- tires at 9 oclock. She aays f bat ahi' Is 55 ye-rs olil, but sertoes sot look to hi' a day svi'r 40. She dresses ln a plais glngbam skirt that reaches the topa of bigh-laced coarse aboes andl a sus bonnet rossi-s ber heail, Hundreila o! fine eqrîlpagea, blond- sil. bigb-steppligg equises. coatly auto- mobiles fIlled citis tashiosably dreas- sil mes andlcomnsfront the Lake Foi-ent asd sortb shsore ultra aociety set, pas ber baor andl ses ber et work six dayp. ot e-tery week. -but 'ie sesa few ofliseur, for abs doesa fot stap ber cork ta look. She is almoist sîîrrounded by the- tls .of -thge wealfhy fai tai-me-rs, but ahi' ksows mors about scientlltt soil tilling lnaa sminute than malt of ber cealtby selghbors do ln thi- choIe ear, Climbe a Wire Fence. ,To sti-tkingly Illlustrate one oît the traits of thia womnaî tai-mer, It may aJUItU RANS AL TOIL. ire aald that s555 cOurbma a voves-cIre - fence ches It laetueare-r t haitxa go tu Work oft crment Isigely bas serseil a gale. Her rural tie- dellvery mail tri bave the crolis orthIis. year. One box Isont on the roadside. To reacîs nuay ride ln aty directions oser the 'Il quickly she oScalî- the feruce by the tsi-m lande and Ilid ski-ted ail sus- IaId o! a bew stepîîing glarilc despIte bonneed frm wrker ah. bonete tsm wrkea sockisg gi-ai the tact that she bus a gale througb and îitcbIng boayti-om early daws un- whicb the box may be- reacheil. tII Iste af nigbt. In masy Intatnsces It bas been by the-coi-k of thon- their coi-k bail tabc mails use of. else sanda o! comen ,J srrcb nervi'agud the ci-opa coulil fot have bees hasdlsd. muscle that cropa that are corth Thers la a giest scarcity ot'tarn $1000000 have: bei-s safely garutereil help. nol osly neai- Chicago but tn and saveil to the ariciltural cealtb the ceat andl northcesl. ln moat ut of near Chicago lenIttrry *this year. DROWNS IN LAKE WIIIL! ON DRUNK Sam Smoak of Channel Lake Crosses Lake te Trevor for à Drink; Geta hit and on Way Home la Drowned. Black listed-in i the saloons of Aiti- och by bis vife- and usable ta get a drink there, %\edneaday slght Sam- sel R. C. Smioali, operatar of a ste-arn lanneb at Channe-I Lake. took a boat asnd started lu Tret-or, where hi' git a drink. bouglut i tI ltak anuilstartedi home. He' neyer-ea( i Iedil bs cite arsdl rer cbildrsn. on te way oser, drunk, liei tell front the tsarat i iadrocned. Ths searcb cortriii'd toi- !orty-e-lght boni-s wchi.,lui1Irniy cas founil. Smoak luail h-lwenin the enulloy oft 0. W. Richarndrî. o! the Richardson r Cai-pet Companuý of Chicago. as the- opsi-ator of a st-arn launch, Hi' cas a heavy andsi erilcal drinker arduIl 18 suppossi tha lire feIl ovi'rboard '1i1i bis drunken effoirts to control the bout that cas ta bte taken him home. 1 Vhs verdict oft the coroners jury cas accidentai death. N onoe couhl irrsy a silboat witb la alcays that îossblblity ot a ifftle ton, much cml ttut makea a cautions mas afrail to go unproyldsl. Vhs tiînking mas, v hoaesatomacpi sone- limes goes back onu hlm, pi-avides for bis stamacis ly keepsg a bottîs ut Kodol For Dysipepsia clîbin reaclu. Koilol digests what you eat aisdl ie- stores the atoniaclu to the condition' to properly tuerfoi-m ls uncttons. SlI by ail druggluts. Low Rate@ ta Elkborn. Greatlv reducriaIes ilîl be isîrîre-tii EIkioi-n ad riturri Septei'iuer 17 toi 21 count Walwuirtii i-iuuty fai- via the Chicago, Milwauke-e & St. Paul aIilway. Tickets wviIi hi' oirsale Septeniber 17 10 21. Good for i-itii-n util Sept. 22, 1906. For furti-iîinffomaifonse usai-est ticket agenrt of the C. M. & St. P. 49-2 Homemeekere Exciamoa.. Every Tuealy ris the C. M. & St. P railway bomneeskes tickets clî be solil iro western points for ose tare plus two dollars. 1ireI of vour locAOa get for further Pulm fers. CAPTLJRED 1»oya Cbarged Witb Burglary And Holdup. Tuken by Hlighland Park Police WELL KNOWN YOUTHS ARE IMPLICATIEI The police- of Higbcooil and High- landl Park belleve that they have st lsst roundeil up a gang of. boy burg- lera who have bees Inteatisg the tco tacss for sosie time, at least two robberies being credîteil to the gang, while ose of the number la accuse-ilof having bell rip a Highland Park citi- zen tco months ago. The suspecta are: JOHN MARONEY. TOM BURKE. STEVË SMITH. Smith la sot îîndei- ai-iest; soon atter the secs of the taklsg tatacrus- toily of the others becanie knowîî le akippeil focs. Vhs police are look- Ing tur hlm, s The crimes of wbich the gang la ac- cussi ai-e as tollowa: Robbery of James and Johnson Ex- press Companies' offices at Highland Park. .Robbery cf John Hartsa saloon af Highwood. ..- Woman Discovera Crime. The burglary of the Johnssons andl James express offices cas liscoserel in a luecullar way. Alexander Robert- soir, chai-mas of the county boardl ut supervisors ast(] the boar-d o! revIew, n'aides îîext thi' offices. Hi-s, Robe(t- soit Frlday aI iusk discoverel bita of cation iîattlng, wi-appîiug îsaîer andl twine cllrîglng t0a acooi plIe lu the i-e-ar of the offices arnd sti-ect about ýthe grousil. Police Find Door Unlocked. Hi-a. Robertaonî basteiterita the lh- pthone and glut the police oithfle cIre. Tbey respondeilta the alarnu and tounil that the door ta the expriess v-arehosse bai beeîî left rîuîocked iy the drivers, o! chons Franrk Duffy lu the ose In the e-rsjroy orîth1eJohnsun express, Vhs express office bail bees loofeil, valuable merchandisi' beiîîg regutoveil atter packages bail been rifleil Invade Through Celiar. Last Tusîeiay sîighf. Maroruey andl Smith -have contesseil, tbey litted the sldewalk gratlsg leadiîug Isto the a- loon cellar of John Harf sol enferrug the place throîîgb tne cellar clrîdoc. roluhedI t of cigars, tobacco, whisky andl champagnue, Hai-t cdaims ta have seen ose of the suspecta le-ave ls saloon irnrediately atter the robbery anil the ai-resta w-sie maIe at bis Instance. Bought Stoien Gooda. fDoc' Blelsuehl, o! Deerfieli. boriglit liquor nf the thi-ee juil this la aupposei tri bave ire-e-npart ut the l0t. Larsos la the ]oser ta the exterît of $19.20. IMuePeudeot Want Ads Brng -Repges Exhiýit Drew Attention. Ose of tIt'e xhitblis that attracteil consaderable attenîtion ai the tair at ý as placed os a wagon and cas iear t e' Kits u the grouns. Jobs J, Burike, of W'ashiiîgloi" street. iruat ceat o! the city linîlts, îlaced Ithe bouse on exhibition, If cas made by hîmsf and la an ailver- I isenient of bIs work ot plaafering bouise-s l Imitation of brick or atone. To do the- cork hi' sheets a bouse and Ihen furs lt up and down, On f hese lie Places Inch lat b and plaster over. The foîrs are placed elgbf or six Ini-bes agîart for grester trength and the haift nrh iath are useil to giVe the flaster store grilî andl make It i-mer, !LLOws e 011 ýd-Ë I 1% The Cartoonist's View of Pres'ident Miller and the fair -r -411rh- 1 steinbucke, or Dimm.ud I4k' m, NOo imer GuiOee Tu - Thun Tb.ePetI lua gulgd. TUIS8 1IX1E TUBY PEAST ON TOADSTOOL DINXNEN Sunday, Auguat 26-Fred Stalebgek $hot by Constable Lanahan, ef Ch&i cago, while poachlnq on Diamend Lake, and rlddled with *hot. Few Oays Later-Cliarleas lteils. buck, brother te Fred, la held upý beaten and eft ln auml-conaclouscet:.: dition on rond near Libertyvilla.- Friday. - Fmily 'of Fred I8juIn. buck enta toodatooes in the bellef tfft they are mouchroomneanad &Il narrewty escape death. laetigere a hoodoo following the fam- Ily, In Ithe bellet that. fbey cere eatlng'. eush, rooma. the estirs family of Pred, Steinbuck. cho waa recestly abat for allegeil poachlng on Dlamon lLa4~.- partooti yestsrday of tead atois. Fred Stsinbuck, bis elfe. a ase asd the hired mian cere ait takien se- verely Ill asd for a timte Dr. Taylor, the attending phsysician, bailta cage battis iiterally eli gitsi death. A frienil. hose nsame ca nt bu. learned, aise partook of the deadiy tad atoie. He lsft earier aud chat berame of hlm la sot ksown. nea k cas who brougbt the supposeil Moab, i-nmste the Steishueka ln a satchel and gave f hem ta the famlly for tis» Mns. Steinbucti cas the mont suri- auaiy affecteil ot the quintette and the Physician worked over ber for, mm. eral boni-s before aseshoceil any siuge of recou'sry, IREE LOVE SECI UN lION CliTY The. Abolition of thie tdriiagê tga The Strange Toaching -of &MMe Crosby Who Leads Fanuticat Cuit calieil 'Molineaa Society."> Free love, The abolition of the marrlage tie.- An eruptios of thia strange doctrine occurred in Zion City nome duaego ail the tollocers of the sect eblol teaches it, îsd by a Misa Crosby et Australia, had actualîy begas ta erect chen f bey were stappeil by the au.- thorities. The toundation cas ln andlcork.. mes ce-ie busy chen thi' Zion au- thorities sîîîeared andl stopped opera, tîins. It ta sa&jilthat 50w iembera face expulsion from the cit y, -il la saad that Misa Crosby came trom Austali i-al fh Voliva, ta chonq as cas known andl wlo appraed ber, nlot kîîowiug lhe att ange ci-Qed that sela 1%slleged te bavs bai up ber sleeve. Ater ase got ltf sthe cdlv lbe womas began to preach. attackisg tise mariage tde asnd hoosting a susaber of atrange doctrines of ber own. atrtc- lsng te bîîlld up a sew cuit ln the ci«y ut ose cuit, She gaineil a considerable tol)pW,- lsg andl itnally lrolioseil tbe erectios of the temple ches the Zion bouda were "put os." The cuIt la calleil the "Holisesa Se- clety." HOLD OIL 1.EXPERIMENT. Ths $tate Board-of Oil Experiment bail represestatives et Wblte'a farml near Miîburn friday. C. 0. fie:. kina, of the Sf ste Univesiaty, snd Cousty Superintendent Gaggin wes'e citb the party. On tise White tai-m are tirty-Sv8 gleces of coi-s of ose-tent seareaeue being treafed witb pisoalisorus. lime. andl legumes and resîsitsinote&. »»s suit shows Lake county WUi deicieet In phosphate wcb scan ha re- storeil by treattng wltb boue sab or rock phosphate. Thse Geological Survey. , The work of tise geololcial sui-vey party tesatIll coStinuing lu Leke epan- ty and tise cousntry weat of b" e10 soc betng cavereil. Mi-. Loweit b", iet foi- coi-k laMinnesota a«d Ni'. Matbesy la 50w doisg aIl t fh* trave5i*ig. Tise levellsg pai-ty, Henry Bce andl Han-y Utley, ai-e soc hm ud are corkisg ln the western put b cousty ta b. aurveyed. Tka »w l pragreasisg rapldly. ltisoq %v take a littho longer ou aee.u#of' Ieaving aof1Mr. LociL 1 I lia expecisd thit k the firat lpart of Oba* Ife claîsîs the co-k luhi' as sfron< and lr R1i- astaose or brick and much cheaper. NUDE WILD MANI CAUGeII N WOOS. Grayalake Mars*îal Arrasta Insans' Man Whîo Was Raaming Woods Stark Naked-Waa Sent ta, Elgin. Roasulîg rîaked In the cooda, Jobs Lienbalil, as insane Germas, cas cap- tureil ne-ar Grayalake Satrirday mors- lig alter haviîtg fired a shot at Will- lant Doolittle and alter wasdering arounil no une knuws boc long Lii'sbald cas captnrel by Frank Fritz and George That-er. lie' caa tii-at diacovereil bY Doolittle cho cent tt thse coodsa ater bînu and cas sille et by Lieshalil. H-e cent for help andl the oilier two mes captîîred fim. He put np a bard' iight, but cas overîtowereil an4 cas takes f0tistye Grayslske Jail, Hi' cas brought 10 Walikegan Monday ntorsing andl cas gied ln fthe county tourt that atte-ioos, i' cas ratiosal Ntortday. but it cas easy te sec fromt the testmnuîy that lie cas insane andl the verdict case returnel as sucb, He' case sent to Elgin. Wbsn captured Intflic wonde, lÀes- hald ilinest bave a rag on hilm. He cas scratctied by the buabes andl sai-ch taieil 10 receal bis clothes Hia gus. -citb cbich bb adillettt ai Doolittîs, coutld sot hi'fousilefftler. Wbes askeil chers iehibail becs, ienbalil replisil that hehi bailbeen corknKto- tise Northcsesters rail- road on thissu- eat cut-off, andilIate- to- the St. Paul rosit. He bail quit andl gose to Chicago andl got duuk, That la the last he- rememberas xcept that hi'c aîkeland ilakel. i la thoright hi' cakelea- trois Chicago te Grayalake. WVbsn apki'd wby bhibailremoseil bis clothea, i' replisil that some voici' ls bis ear baill toîd binu to renuove his clothea on the raili-oad track, chicb be dld. At an- other finie, la bis habbling talk, be salid tbat there lÏad heen a comas wlth hlm chîs badîil hini lue crîrlil nol gel lîsto Paradise rîslesa hi' ie- stoveil bis clothes. Il la thorîght tinit bis trouble'- as be-en causeil by driink andl that a iew wr-eksin the luospital cul cure fhlm. Hi' salit today bc had beesi ir an ini- surie hosîrîtal In St. Lotus onuce andl ball be-ci diacbarged, Pbeaaants To Be Oistribtod. Ne-arly 20,0100 iheasanta bave becié htcued tibis seasos on the preslervea o! tiheIIllîslois gurn' comnuissrrrionl Sarîgau Conu.y State Gaine Comnulasieser J. A. Wheeler v.aa active last chuter ltu lmportiug varions bi-esis tif pheas- aglia. nany coming troni Eurotpe, and ibis season reporta remai-kable suc- ce-s$tInthe batelleries. These li-la wlt- II hi' ltrlbuted 10 the variotns couguies of the satf and tai-mers akhei toe'Vve thenu protection andi assiat Iii their incresse. If la bogieil f0have thesaebeau tiful trîrds mtimserionîsln the fields and foi- esuts o! Illinois as quail asnd prairie cluicki'gs. Nothlng bas bees dos as uet abolit tIre distribustion., Bua Driver <n Trouble. Ai-i-estei for crliîîiial careleasîtesa was the driser of the Ducs bita o! I rdeaide at Liberlyville Wriilay. Aîbaril 5 flittriight the mas, cho cas arrr'ated oru- a John Dos wa-rant, r'- fîrsing 10 gise bis usigne, ran hbuil a burggy contaliîng . W. Slocuns. ot tRasselIl, the acene beîng near XMilcan- kes- avenus andl Fair af i-et. Thi' pole of the btua cent through the buggy top andl bit Slocîîm In the necîr. One fiugei- as lîrokes, The lbuggy top cas amashed. , Ths alfair cas settîsil to-court rCosta. There la another carrant ouf for the si-reif o! the driver Of tise "suriprise" bus, chu diabeil a cheel on. Frank Miiler'a bs. The Charge ls criminAl carelessneas. ti h h 0 t C 1 b r f, a

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