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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Sep 1906, p. 4

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PF6lr. ILJlw ' L. à. COLBY gued si the Posaoge* e t Lbertyville. LU. fflor City Edtor asScoiCesN'tr ?sIe~. Ne . Wtc's RjoWcZxtrs WU5LTY. As.trs ri .RArM uL*m5 ou 0--à 'ebsutge. EKOWN .rx AteLICATION. FRIDAY, SLPTEMBER 14.1.406. b the NEW FASHION IN MILEAGE. Th e big ralroad se atonif t,' east, tise bou<,.Ti:ie atted tu10 a l bave bhem turnng lthe- agitatlu.:i for of ft1, diit,itus(t t them railroad coin )pe-er tares toa ccount by maklabi, nu,. - h. ich le thrifty lu loaklag afler fer te upprt otbtat serent. the littît oddsansd ends. Thse Vander- T1%e Pencylvanla adoptel sausleage blt lisses have countered b>' a boak -bo%. M a 2 ent a hil. gnd ur t - cents, havi gno tume lîmt. a boc. oldai2 cnt ae-ble gad ornew thing la mleage; gooil over a îeelve.Dmnth. lu place o theolad îceaty-four rse and one t eaznhlp bSk ni h ir as sold et a igber rate. lino. The public le certîinly cornlng subjert ta a retund at the finish otf Into Ite 0e-n. HOME TO GRUNOY. Alarge aumber ot former resldents tray. hut also tht otheme e-ho have bave lut heen takiag a trip back ta I letis tmgulted ln the maddonlng the old home lu Grandy ctnty. Thisacrowd. Bill and _Tom mal- livoeith- au s sinaiter cat le tht repîrodluction ing a block of'etuch other la the cty of Cie homne cumin.- wetek of som e 0f and let never k-oc Il until tht home the Nee -E.ngiand states. It lenma conîng iveek bringe them bth at the pleasant tbought andl ont that de- same 'time ta tht olil famliar grouail. serves ta ho borne ln mnd I.v more No meter chat changes tîme bas jocalities net year . . broigit Ir le a draft of yoîth ta lie It lBa' pleasuro to gel back ta tht iack agaia. boys together. o d homo., Il doubles tht ploasure if' Morris Îand Grunil> county are ta be pue. nds tbero nul oni! those e-hase congratuja(ed on tht success of thoîr gober iootsteps bave never luareil ta reunion this year. WLL BLAZE THE WA. 1arn confident the Uitod Statea eve r. 1thse liquil I. being Ue&4 for cUl sulve the Problein of applylng power purposes t0 sorne extent. Hie deuatarised alcohol to, new uses,"e-as ual dlsappointed to Bnd condi-. ibis la the e-a> John W. Yerkes. com- tionsaharoad as tise>' e-re. Re camne1 lmnei' o Internai revenue, siieaSI homo confident. Ho feels the Amer-1 of the possiblîties ot the nec fuel lease ill "blaze thte way." They ciii wbbth maur-bave. expetoe- old show their Industriel bretbren tramn ee lotoet* sneas soca as the 'goverua aboad that alcohol conn ho aid ta muemt Ifisi Vie tex. Denatured aI- great advantages. Whlo he cau olt 100ol for power, fuel and sinslar nus PrO)hesy jaat hoe-fit will ho mmed. dli o e. rom tas mter JanuGr>' 1 Mr. Yerkes, as, el ai other dve- and ina» prominent Ainricans bave cles of thse troc alcobol. teed that as1 etudled the posslbîities ofthtie liquld soon as the tgx la rernoved the îîquîdj M a pocer gnêe~or. Tbe ahove ne- clîl ho sed at an advautage lu ai umk b>' M. Terkce-s a made upon myrlad af different e-ays. Large com-i ble voera trm'aierosd webre hoe-et panles e-ho themselves use consifi- wtb tise vIe- of making a tul>' of trahIe power or e-ho manufacturei the condtions..He toundaIta ehIe machines tisat necessitate certain donatsred alcabole-as at thir com- power, are niaklng Investigations eith m»md the toriguers had made 1111e the alcohol. This, laesepeclal ly truc *seo! Il beyond that o fuel for tise cf tht maltera oU molor cars. Il e-hI itcelin andlfer lluornnating purpoues. Inot h o lngt hfore forigiiers e-ho la Frane aud Oermanv' ho sac no have neglocteil to malte tise best of usotor cars una tie fuel as ho ex. the llquid di li e shoca a te- tings1 pected, ho coul. lantermaay, wbachbeir energelir Americats cousins. . OVERNMENT 18 SUPREME. Pa.tmaator General CortelYou bas This Introduction accompssles the sumtlorie a statemoat setting fOrth 1 statement: '*Tht posmater geatrai Invitez ateetitlo t0 hat portion ut bis the.gpocIal attitumde tocard tht or-; last annual report eatîng taoganî- gaisation or employe oU the poatoffiti1 salionseof oniployez as the lîmset vo- 40 Pertinenttata labr unions. Whillo sillon of tht departmtat. to ho e- tier. tu no drect uttorance ta tise cf- spected sud entorced hy ail offictis tfonté ob)stacles wdli ho piaced la and employes of tht service. tiepecil tse e-a>' o postal emploY'O5 eho de-i attention las lavitoi lu the conlpdlng tire taoOrganise labor unions. Post- paagrapis. remtiYing emplpyes of rusâter General Cortel>'oui maltes It their supremo personal alegiance ta chw rti"sa uch organzatidns are un- 1tise govermntt aad of tht overshail- tommrble if not unnecessar> anil that'ocing authonlty o! tise department." tltey eilI iot ho tlerated if thir tx-, Tise paragraph eferreil ta rends: * lamcelua su' ea>' ditracta postal "Andl aoc. flash>', lot me sa>' met an- employas. tram penormlng thior dut>'. othèr word asu t yoar organisation : ThiI.stateinent la madIe up largelY of Thse departmont expects vour co-pcr- extracta relatot tise orgaalzatomIation. Tour constitution and hy-lae-a ef postalenployes. taltea tram the aholi at ever>' point square witIs tht lesaunai report o! tise postiuater réQulations ofthtie dopartmoat. Tour gmereal, e-ho thea salI: . officlae muet ho employez of the de- "O0rganisations witsIa tise depart- partment. Tour discussions ahonl be ment. ta néeove its sanction In aay cbaracterlzed b>' gooilseseo ald con- deiogree, muet have for liseir abject lm- servatismu and yon muet lteep evor provomeate la tise service or heO f a before gyon the tact tisat over the or- paroI>' tratemnal or heneficlal charac- ganitzaîlon i. tise autharit>' o! tise le- ter. Witb an>' other purpose la viec partmeat, aa Integral part o! the gov- the>' are detrimental to the service, ersimeat ta si-icis yous 0ee yoursr n to their memberas ad 10 thteîpublc." ipremo allegiaicet." TO TEST NEW PRIMARY LAW. Gerge W. Hoisse, a CIook cosîst>'1 îrecinct Mosrdl o! regisîr>' tw e-cteks tax payer, bas tarteil an îîjîîîcîln prior 1u the lucîlos. Ae tise lime for sui lntheciruitcout o tht clin),holudimngthet irmar>' electon la 1908 le sui latis cieutt curtut halc1 'tytise lst Satssîmat IsnApril. tht reglter for tise srposu- o! tesîlat tIhe val dhty 1 le ciased ti.isialfed dledans fur tort>' of tise nec primar>' law. Tht p)etitian 'da3,e. la (or a erit restraîlng ithe eieîîliun: Ail constiioiisal leelurs ebo be- 'commiesionere f rom slgîlug lise! conteligibie buetesthlie irst Tues- vauchera othtie juilges and cerks e-ho: day uot AlrilI omshie year tof electIoms serve aI the primate August 4. susil'adtise tîusmth Satunda>' of Aprîl bq prohliîing uhe count>' Irasenrer troainconte emtirol>' ineligable usder thteet cashlng lise vouchsers. About $50000', becaimît no opportuitli for reglsîr>- le le Involvedlin tise suit. the juges ad povidod. Tisose c-ho becoase elîgîble elerlte belag ltereseeilta tht extenst belceen these dates sre nai entitl a! $5 each. b t reglser on tht desîgnaleil day te-o 1Tise provision afthtie nec statuto 'eeks prior lu tise cil>' election on lise tisailis mail vlgoronti>' sesalleil le tise linsI Tueda>'la Alinhi, one tiastipulales that voles-s ai the, The lac as t stands taseielal leg- prisarios munit ansauncre their part>' Islon lnasenucb as It confines the- alieglauce. andiltise argument le maie vote tu that of pes-pas affillated i eil lIat th. section dlscmlminatee against poîtical parties, andl ont>' sucb po- -tIcs.e-ho biave no pOItIýaI affilia-ls-i tical parties as cau show a total tic«.tbisa upsettiat the liseur>'o!, vote aItishe next prevîaus electlon of "eqlîit> for al.' 2 per cent of the total vote. -Tise lae- Ot011r objectians recittdinl the ise- maltes na pravisian for tise uomIaa- tillo for a retralnlng onder foIiac: * ion of candidates b>'saIiler balles Dr praclainclng tsaI lise voter ciso 1f votera lisa 2 per cent. buia voted cls ont Part>'eta aprimary go fetasmecommt>'prlmarlisuare con- ullection withtn one year I. ineligible cerned, tise 1mw lenogator>' ai tfrc- tovtae-lith another. tise lac ovea I bal, Jol1ml4the>. ctisen te change bis minI. Tise lIoleurtber uncoastitutionaI Voera are requlred tu reglter be-1 la atternptlng te delegate legielative fore vetung at primai>' eleclIona. e-iicis power b>' desgaa&»thtu ie metisos or l a àdhwaculnstlou. namucis as elec- nominations ln eaae o! vacanclles b>' «i- lImemn md for ciles. lnludIng cîtis- aasigulng 1h11 tuanoion 1te bis. man- la thir crp orate limite a tacs or agors of tise recogise poitîcal par tow.s. o0=r anuai>'oui Il irert lies. lkeeise litl segtmin lgatlire :~. isVO Aliel.?thea OUI>'pou poerbauthorlalgtihe cont>' oea- Ie electr 0 ru cmmlees te wIabliab delegate relliffli le 1Pc. aplleat.ota thse district. qat apl ha, tis, lai Pol thi dis lu wu Mc fs- Vi- ha ii ht ti Mal1 nutrition le the osaÀ Of tubr« A SelelsUlloMan. losis in csttIe. Mr. iCanirer's method ls ta tee<i lThe tact timat Braint are îurrounded sproatud grains. lie hes been .1110 a rd outer shahlel proof thst clth scientlfic r6seurch for years. i my are net meant to bu ted in tiIs le the holder of! in patents.mnd iWr spe. - the Birut man to laite out a en T'he sprout of the plant le the ns. tîve pateikt upoil the X-msy machine Ia ira[ and logicel food. \ the Unitedi Btates. it le hie rnost or- 1 can cure tuberot<l.sisil, cattie by iginiides that lIte mustI be ted apom troly feeding th .eni on grain sprotat- lIte. -A seed la hie mmnd laflot a aie my experimental station, tItin et Ilte but ïa oeil composed 0f.or- 'ATEMENT 0F JOHN KAMMIR gale matter e-blch under the prolker te THE SUN and INDEPENDENT. circumnstam4es andI urrounings. con- talnlng the necesgary germ, may be- John Kammer, -the Burbank of the, corne a thlng of lite. ttle tetding worlil. as be bas heenI What Hle Tiseory le. tUY callei by s<lontlfic men e-ho A eeed muet b. treateil. germinate ave watched hie achievements la and be tunod Into soluble salts to ho ec sclentfiteteeding. ut cattle, when wholesome food for animale of any ritervewed a tee- days ago by a re- kind. This la the onîr natural foodl crier fvr this haper. outllned norne- accordlng to hie theor>-. The bard lng of bis future plans. coverlag ot grains he pointe out, le to The ladustry pecullar to Itsef andl prateet thons tram the very use ta etîncti.:e front any plant ut ils kînil whlch they are su often put. Graine nthe. wliole world la hound t0 grow la their bard. died etate should nov. vndei tîsly withisi tht nexît ee- er be ted. The plant. soft, soluble. ntho. A recent shlpment of heoves and eauily dîgeetedi l the only form rm the Kammer plant ai Prairie ot food. iew ismoveil the fineet and best that Wili Affect lnduslry of World. ta-e been butcheied la Chicago thîs Hie method bas heen successful tar -or. <,beyond his groateet hopesandilexpec- Superintendtiit Agar, of the West- taions and e-ith his Invention ho ar Provision Company, wbicb Biru promises to revolutluîîite the cattle %ndled, the beeves. made the redical feedlng lndustry of the world. Ho bas alement that Mr. Karnmer's pro- patente la the Unitedl Staes andl luet came the neameel to helng lIleal abroad. a. ho -a- --r see.-ta1tatfpou-- r graphe cere talten of the dreaoil heevos and -Ithese cmwil ehi'iigisir prlztd'b>' tht pacltiag bouse. Wlll Take 500 Pur Week. Tht cattie cere ot sent 10 thé yard. but an agent cas sont b>' the colÛcern to the Prairie VIte- plant and made the parcisase at tise prIce sot b>' Mr. Kansmer. As 'a turtiser proot ofthtie value ot tht moat lime paclug conceru proposti ta talte ail tht cattle ho could-tura ont np la tise nîmbehr of 500 per eek weith the un- derstandlng that tht>' cene ta have moaopoly upon hie prodtt. Thoa cero all tolie shipped direct ta tise Boston market alter they' bail been killeil asd cooltilla Cicago. May Have 3»W inlaFeeding boon Mm. Kammer cli persopel>' or lit agent purchase 200 steema in tisee-est Ibis fali nnd have them la feedlng b'. raid ceather. B>' epring he boises ta have bis ',station <ln shape lis accommo- date 3,(i00outthe animale and illiigo lmt thtelInsîBr>' on a manimotls scale. He e-hI (ted themu on sprouted seede. îîrepared by bis patent pro- ces. tht speclalîy treateil graina belag mlxed wth cul clover or ai- Ho stateshe oa cure tnhercilois.' A-cuw-fthti.. il......w ..feil t] bis plant,-ani aftere-arde bischereil aud tumrover ta veterinaries. Not a trace of tise gem>ù couli ho fouini.1 Mal-nutrition, he says, le the.cause oU tht dia"es and b>' is perfect sys- tom of nutrition hd bas remoi'ed tht cktse ad put the tht gtrm ta rouI. "'The skeptical and tblahiking." ho sai. '"calilme _crazy. but 1 have pnoved lIa I ean douter tht gouda." Ho tnrther extonde hie lhtory tu the human race. "It I. but tht rouI-' tue ot the day." ho cuntinuel. -for the peoplie of Amerlca lts teed themPIseves unnatural toude amui s his Iurchase drnge cliii ehhto card off the 111 effects productil." Tht Prairie VIe-Iplant Iii the ualy one la tht corîd bence ltke county bas the hunor of holng tht irtb place o! tht nec era la tht rattia lnluetry. This palier bas la tise past given tx- elîmelve reporsteof the mnethaile em- tlo>e aItht station and le tht Birst e-ite-up. relative tu( tht etoea mealts obtaineil by tht cotuderumt systein. unira boy.He-lea avertmssag mustais THE PAIR. e Ipjer for 1600'> tuas o! irot-laisehay. 'Ilcas belter ftram evor>'vie-point la Gela Wlxard Lîke Resuits., than previons faims, but laclted still A mcet experimeat carmled on at of belag chat It ehounli. lise plant put 9910 pouade o! fment This yeam tise mile-s>'eas void o! i) upon 24 elless la 90 days. He claim iImmoral shows, tisongitise faltirs e-haS tisaI b> is methode il cou lbedune at uperatod miniature gasnbling devices i les. than une-haifthtie cost o! tise us- succoeded la several Instances la n usi or unecientific methodl sîîc ila Becing tisose chu playel their tames. vogu amng he armrsnarnel>-. It ouli -seon tu tise SUN tise tais- voge aoagthtfanr r managemeont conhl and shoul bar ev- tise feediag o! grains lit their nainra' or>' game ram lise. mile-a>'chIch state, needs constant catchlng lu assure tise operators condnctlng Il la compi-. a nce eIls agreements entertdiInte à J& JI ciltiste association. Wisy alloe- de-T BlumIMM Ivices chicis ma>'or may titho. as tisea operator cille. aon tise square?"It i Bonnees for i-st la ail parte is reasonabie la presunie liat tise of the city. Comne in anil gel laile tise faim oBficala ceaie theira unrtint. vigilance. unisepecing youlhs and 0 25 SPECIAL HOMESEEKERS el- even men. clîl'be Bleecel. Tisebalte0 cueoustatht fan nortiscept. Frot County Fair conhillbe free front gain-P CS'mcgoanil retnrms $2.5. .- j bllng devices uf ever>' nature if tiseF Flnec lignote'. riehb liai k lîanî lîuîîil, in pnblic's cisises wee conmultoil.a a bolit ut future eeailb. We have' ld B fat aseoxhisits go. tise taire-as a listeil fromi $13 per acre lsî it)iIctîsI succeeis. Prom a fiancial standpuilt irrigateil and nunirrigateil territiiry. Sep It excelleil. Tise races coro gond, anil une fur infourmaioni. la tact. naught txcep thtie pelty garn-' Msing ilevîces marrei tise occasion. VACANT LOTS-lji ail the cmii"land for thoins tiero le no excuse or divisions. Bsy a lot ad eni i-ilIl buili l reason. Itle ual otnongis tisaIIisf yon a bouse ac4eordiig la3-uir ti%'ni -ear tisere wer-r fecor sncb gaines on r pîlamns anud ft >'otm 1îa for it lu icnt ily tise gruindis or that tise management8 installmîîonte. dii closeu- islino gameg." The), shotîlilnes h ave isea ;alluwetlnlathe BUSINESS LOTS-F"orr sale. n Mi-rl. la lce.t cauket ancaveetirig4t priées.________ Scandai Originated ai Drucea Lake. FARMS FOR SALE-We have' tl'el"i balte Count>' again coumes tin tise afi ites anad pmlues. Let n. kmsiw cIt fore as the origin of a scandai andit s-u ctuiît. We. bavei. ihie timre Il ls quiet. eteail>'Duce Laite tisat offera tise.opportunlty. Il FOR SALE 3,000,000 ACRE S-I bas ail beemi discovere b>' tise recet Canada Pactifie taiway Wheat lands la divarco escendail it i cago o! a Mis ssssmîy soutisera AlIe-rta. le.t ne show vou n naveelmmint tisaIdllitae yoa Sae->er and her buib. 001>t pmantitit six moutha. We cain oli fLet sunier Mrs. Sae->er. mamma. youniule opea prairie landl at 1.00 an and Mr. Se-ayer. pape. cere ,enni-q acrv. $X . (NilownanduIbaiefo in uOfve mrlng et Drscce Lelte. Tiselausgh-1 aunnal 1iaymenlt*. iuterst at 6 Par Oetit ter toolt apporlunît>' ot their absence This land ill it lat-7$12 tb 01.)an acretaeoe-lsh m tbrcoce 1s Jan. 1, 1907. We makle speelal oeoewt h mno e his Homineekers rates lu Aberta sud Now. as a sequel 'b lthe romance a retura. Arrange tu go ciii ns ou tihe sensationai divorce suit la gala; on la ,cxt excureluls. Chicago and ail because tise tailer and niother went ou a vacation Ia Tîhe Texas Pau Baudit la the gardna 011Lake Caunt>-. spot of the soutiemt or norîbera ________ flaumera. We bave fur aile 150,0 nu la ge or amoll qaton t z alto A bath cleauses lb. skia mil rida 1 1.0an acre. CaliIon or e-uit. un. tise pores 0of refuise. A bath makes tor Dginon~ - Aus*hm Llbertz*IIe. III. Oasisr. le onl>' ihond the outoRd* of the body bu clefl4ebot occokal usé of a lax atve or cathartlo opep the bocels aul emuthe sentent cf OUte mi ton, lest for' tIis a aro ittîL *e lriar>' VMpr. Ptmmuk W. liob Met do h ~tp or wlO Md 311by Ail Hmrer 116:4éehmb" ttended,.torty- one0 consecstVe aire orthlie Lake County Agricultural Association. Comlng e-est troua Nee- York state lu 1865.. h the frat taîl arttr bis arrivai becarne lnterosttd la thse assocliain andl tram thatilime, has neyer nissaed a'fair. Borne of tho tarleet tain cere on the aid grounds on the wes aide of tise county pour farta and a tee- were held la, Watiltgsa. From the year ut hise raI arrivai he hai neyer missedl a fair. Thusée holding iill againiit the bake County'Agricltural assocation gshould aile thir stato'cwoitd with Ser. J. B. morse at <Imte aItht J -E. Triffl store, Libertyvi le, W. E. Miler. Ps-e,. Printing Frm Looks 10 ZVon. Becau,~e thoro h ceau obtaîn freeu dom trom traies unloalsmttl ch Iit 1i ssii 'ta oppose. tise ClmIcgalurtitng firmu of R. R. Dounelly A Bons wili re- niove part o!lits e-orlts. arong thb greatesî ln Chicago. tb %ion City. This le the report la ZIOB, and it ta further assertoil Ihat lise Donnol'Y have obtaineil contraI of the Von Prlntismg and PubIlshing House. chich they wclîl perate. The nrm ia havlng constant trouble eits tht Typographical Union aud pther unions of the allil printiag trades. it tle lloged. andI magines thil la Zion àt caln obtaîn treedom f rom Ii e-oes. Tht plant han suiffered several large strikes. A groat unîbor o! Zion lrlîters asf nec e-orling for tht ir>aof K.R. Donnolly & Sons and it le said thal the entîro ZVon plant will soon si~a into the firuss contraI. When tht offices ut thtetrîntitI Birui ere gotten oa tht clre by Ild SUN il ilevelopeil that tht manage change and tise plan lraposed.l.i, tateil ibat cere eîteh a stels takea h, wosshd kasse about It. "*There are aI present no iOIoms lin laid off." Tht mgst recetl.Incorporatioîn sf ZIoa Iadnetry proposedIo lethat out t baltery. e-hich cll remuve lai Sheridan road andl enlarge for thet tensive manufacture macd marltl of fane>' biscuit andl bakér>' gonds. Chamberlain'* Congh Rem.dy Acte Nature'. Plan. Tise most successful medîcInes a Lisose that aid nature. Chamberlair []ough Rernedy acte on tiIspis Tale te l hen you bave a cold and wIll alla>'tise coagh. relieve tiseloag aid expectoration, open lise seci lons andil ad natsarstoring t] systn toa shealts>'condition. Tisa ands have teete4 ta Ita superiore ceflenco. Il counteracts an>'tebole ot a cold ta resaIt la pneumniol Pricc. 25 conta. Large ase. 50 ceau For sale b>' F. B. Lovell. Lihortyviý sud Grayelalte Pharmacy. State of lKiko 1a, Count> ut balte. Circuit Court of Lalte Count>'. toiser tern A. D. 1906. Fred C. Stuchol vs. Emna Margai Stuoltol. ln Ohaactry No. 2997. F9atisfactory affidavit tisaItiseq fendant. Emna Margarot Stucltel. not a resident of thse state otfI111nW so tisat pracees cannut hoeser upose ber-' having heen fBled la office ofthtie Clerlt o! ei Court. Notice le tiserefore heres>'gi to tise salil Erna- Margaret Stuc ilefendant as aforesald, that tise atm aamed Complaînaut hertofo'e fi hie BiII o! Conipiaint la salé! Cot on tise Cisancer>' side theroof. o that a sommons Ihoreupan lsueld of salil Court againet tise aisove nar ilofenilpat. ucturuable on tise Bret( o! tise terni ofthtie Circuit Court balte Couat>'. tehobell aI tise Co Hanse lu Waukegan la saldI L Couat>'. on tisetiret Monda>' of tuber A. D. 1906, . .9lab>' lac quirol. ad wchssuit la stili pi Iug. LEWIS O. BROCICWAY. CIE Waaltegau, IllinoisAuguet-22. A. 1906. Hanna & Miler, Cornplaiuanî's licibore. Stomacis TroablOsi Mms. SUe Martnana old and hig 1respected regdent of Faloua. Mi cawus udt cit stornacstrouble tmore tisnsu ix montha - ChaMI ilain'a Stomach and Liver Tabl cured her. 8h. saya: "I caM soc anr'bing I1-ssI mtad am thse proud e-ornM s la ib orlI 10 B.fd ssci «cmmd ffellole." lii'l, e b>'F. Loual.Ubitvle mlOas ga*ple eree. étmae dTeinple Ildg. Wau it.l-I bgoum,,.J. avitas . gy. 1 hn I aeter il;"fVIto E E.lIRiConsi ti 1 m,-10<i acot*m oh bl V of rigilt oftvaY «t .cad Ry in te ....................-J 4004 Rase &Auivibililto ileojaml Linsa sm1"dIng tarin la &W xqq 1toureut Wauke. a" e.......................1 Henry W lMoum e-fitu josgip . 10 Il» te DarlsMs mubdi visoit lAke Fouit wsd .................... 3m0 Masrts1.iMgowea (wdr) tu 00 Ctherine Rot mois -»rit M bk 7 TiffaYs Bal &dd Waunk.ganed ...........>0 Win Cochrane j(vdr) 10o en & Catherine almuelter It r- M bill 7 Tiefays hrd adit e Waukegan ti ............... 1f ). Ailes. Tale (spInoter) tu> n Altiert L Gall IlIl iSutieY@ a Rob Rlghwood i........ 12C n Kathleen A Meïarlane & hue 4 tu Walter B Badwin part of ilt 14 1.1k 294Highlandl .l Park wd ...................... 50( l l.rt l I tl tbLichelor> lt a Alite. Ytmk part of Il Il Il lentle.ystm ilbHigilwuod tic. 12.1 SFrrank P Crandiin & viflit FreI Wilson Il 7 s ami 1) b1 B Ilordi du bar Bluff- Nul) NocrtheChicago e-l....... tFrank P f4adon & wf ta5M P Bidîllecuni It 29) 1<1k 12 Waslîburu tpringo oui- W 'anke.gan wd ............. Kate Hul.lmrd Johnialtn ir îIrîl il ll ergenc part tif It 70 Hiltlàwu<el qc_...... loyd M tBergen &àe-f t< e- Nellie IMattbews part ut It la 70 Blghe-ood & partIlt11; ,g .bWlklHighland Park ...... 55 e-Andtue L Wlbur & e-fltu JuanSiBrkalza rt of w lN lne..x »c12 Fremoutte-w <MO5 Estâte Chas F Taylor bi î~Admîltrator to ChasH n banakie li 42 ani 43 bil 114 Washbnrn Park gad..... 200 'nPeter ÀAderbers & etal ýh tuAlbert fHenry à Albert Jolum Saliub à&(;@0 Wn e.Ewertillit in Aderbérgo ld wd................. ..20<.*»«.. **"* *9 Oie Id Onsnm & wf tO 14ee et Jolineon Il 37 Ev-ert mnui Jefferys eub Higbwuod wd. 12504 tiF,-oeiist0 Lvmau Trustee t<e ai (lharlotte C Wahlmau in 1(m) letlof w 133 0 ft Il 47 Te Oiginal Plat High wood wd fflOt R. F> Fritach & e-f tii ean t' oail a.27)ft w 140 ilItl 7 Lt bih 40 Iligliland Plark tic... i. au P A Ande.rberg & e-f.et al it Joihn Buse It 4 Anderberyrs ng uh inswee 3 rant te-p e-.. 7100 heP A Cummifga & wf tu Matt îePitot It 26 bik -:, Wauke.- ýer gan Highland@cd ........ ed Eliza J Kelme.y tuoG1.& C E ie Yager part Il -4 blk 11) he Orginal Waukeganle ... 8M.1 1 lPope & ut tu Eliza- beth C Pope tract (il ltnd it- ad luini village of Liberty<- LI ville.e- ..... ............... 17(K) F E Parcelle to Mair 44 l'ar- cIll@part It 24--, .ake. r a irest il( ...................... 0< 1e Niary G(I lorrili & bus@1tu IW ito Koetlî it 12 bik 1 Marrnas ex- pub in sec Grant twp wd ... 20 lg E & e-f t W S lar s3 e nCummiuge & Co North ave sud Wauke.- gan wd ........................ 1.10 on A C Front -& w-tto CE Bey- tord Il 37 blit 2 Cotîke..suit ar Wali-kffan wd ................:300 ýn-g CF Washburn & f to A () a. Oullidge It 8 Smith euh Il Grayelake.cd........... 2500 ige, Sarah A ilggins & bue; to' re- Auiirow Petersen - w iiiti th il 10 bIk 7 Exnîuor ad Me- Highland Park wd ........... 41 ox- 0 R Lyon & e-ln limva ilHall Dy Il 29 Lyons sub ut Fair la. Grounde Waukegan wîl ... 8( ri. Nancy H Mut.aw & bus tii l lle E Mutae- 4 avs la village'of Ourne.e wd ................. 018 Brown 10.J A Salmon Il e: 26 Washington Park Wau-. Oc- kegan cd...................... 1 rT Pain From a Burn Promptty Roit by Chamberlan$ Pain Bain, de- A littIe chlld of Michael Straim le Vernon Canna..cas recently fl l ibis, pain from a burn on the hanil au, rei cold applications only lncreased the Inflamumation, Mr. Strass came to james N. NichoIs, a local merct ioen for something to stop the pain. *el, Nîchols says: -l advised hlm tu Mve Chamberlain's Pain Balmu, and lIed firet application drew out the lu trt, mation and gave Immediate relie tnd have u.sed tbis liniment meelf out recommendI l very often for ned bumne, airains andl lame back. day have neyer ltaown filto dlsappo tot For sale by F. B. Loveil, Liberty urt and Grayslatoe Pharmacy. Alto Oc- lu these days of rush andh Te. conrtesy le oflea forgottea. la end. mail,. peil mell rush of our lite1 thînge are done to offenil tha rather remalned undone.A t erk. eaten meal and is resultant1 L D. ache rna3 cause us social or finai lons. The cise Mau or wornan I So- one e-ho relieves litl Ie sof this by a lîttIe dose aofiCodol For Dyi nia. Il digests chat you eat and your atomach bacl t mbshape. thly by aIl drugglsts. for Adjttdicatioss kber. PublieNouela = yb, gven lt apu 0 le t in 901 00 00 Wdi) ti '000 <000 4) 00 10 00 K) 001 Al 9) "0 (0 O0 (Io (X) (0 50 01 eun. n Javm, ........o...24« Bouton M.eh-------------------5 Lib erty C o -b n to , pu o n - O Choica 8. O. cJapsne-ert, 'c...i F ancy 8. D. capa, 00e grade-....soc Osylon and Inffe, a aipc ut ...SOC Boat Englie Breakfast----------....... Îc Young Myson or Guapowder-. S ..5oc Formosa Oolong of rare qnality .....O@Oc Vo onsu md isklY ruomend thisTma .Mso. rWt Wjas Pitt. per dos; ................ quarts pr dos ..---...........-...--.... Extra cape. par dot-------------.......26 Rnbber Ringspe dot . ...-... îandl 10C Friit Jar Fle.Eacb ............ l Paraffine Wax. Poundimckes-........o A iserleet pîiv.ervativo fur jelliee N. 'Y. PULL CREAM CHEESE . l8c Fiee>' Cdaoid o Prunse. per lb .........OC t.]tole Evaporated Apricota. per 11) ....tic Extra Evaporalsd P«ebes. per 1lb ...lie Gallon casTaisie Syrup----------.......ic quart eau Table tlyrup-----------.......0SO quart eauN. 0t. uIawmm.....-....---..tsc OdutleSsd Raisinq.Lpouan«is .. .... sac Theskaulvlng ciuaaed Carrants. pkg.1t. BbwmdedCaconut. per Pound .-..... G Pui aOsfewa, large pkï ............. àà leweNes.2 kg ........- ....1 ...sec fefflba Brmkllît Food. Ver pkg. .C -nos ei hs t tondpa kg ..14C -~ffirS CHoCLATI!. ke . . ose C& WS OOOA 1-b ib. cam . . 20<1 U id i a lIbs ....... 1..... ",yS M pet ib.............. i Bok =E OsIdtat7 is .. M Oraaulated Yslow Com Mealpeër*lb... Îl Arn> & ammer Soda. 1Oc pkg . SeO Sares iIDoU Jper eau ..............S Iuiported Sarimeipr ti' .............. s Mocard ' '- - --... 1.:O 1lhbec ............... l... c Plat Bottie Catonp ........ ......... O Mansanlila Olives per battit -...10c Preperediluatared 1 I ... f ( -Moaareis Condeased 5111k uer eaun...10c Yacht-Club Asaorted lioap pea .n.IOC 2 lis cau HarI>' June Peas---------.... 2 2lbeum8eet Corn--------------........10 3 lb cas dBed oas.,.... ......10c 3:lb c» Pumpkln ..........,..... SOC 3 lbeau Egg Plume.................... S00 3t lb ea Ex traTomatooo .............. 13 Packalge Fine Table Salt----------.O... 10 liai-s emux Sosp------------........S3C >10 Crosm asLnndry Soap-......3C 10 MaeloGWy Sop............... 40C (L, tissaWool "oP--------------.... ......e 0 10 lean. Anteican Femiiy Sitae......-4C BOsaILump tàcS lin hîîkI. lier lb-...S Pouad pckage Glose Starch.........7c Peecýtion qe pr a na------------..0...... ,0 Extra atrung Aanimoaia per IsttI ..10 Perfetion Biuing par hottit ...... ... 'i IoWashing Soda...-.......-......---ýs t, icourino, per cake ..................... cý lipoiio perrcahp ........................ 7c Bon AMI par cake ...............a Rlsl ina u tuive ' loi ..............Sc >Ashestdo Mate. pcsh............ ......e .) iloen Ciotsal'in#..a................ Se Tenglotoot liîicky FIy* Pîper, :1 1 double ehpeta for--------------........ c E. E. ELLSWORTHI Libertqvile, lM. OUR WANT ADS are still BRINO INO RESULTS. -Are lhey bringlng VOU auy? SCREENS SCRE!NSFor Vour Windows 6 )ieved rm great ini as so Mn. ,chant, 0use Iflam- let. i culs. andl polal." ha rr>' hast>' iseail- rancli la tise el sort lmispeli. id puis 5011 SCRVENS For Vour Pordhi Leave orders with Oymond & Austin. LibergüuIle sa" A Door Co., J. IIAYMAN, mgr. UJbertUOile --liimots ATELEPIIONE Diefies the weathsr Saves lime Protects the home A few cents the dey Lake Countçj Telephones Connect wtli Chicago Also your friends Lame CoemotgTeIspoe C. 1ORfMhi kdht Sale* bat he had ever seen. lu fact photo, - . 1 fi ji u ti lm u ti a 1'.

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