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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Sep 1906, p. 2

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'IýL.C.Price. ud dugter The MuaeLaums arflat, ai Chifago bd3 IL Orvis aiOfl aukegan j and Raille CMafflu, assistnt Princip t go he irst a01ithe week I1 of the Pslatmce igh echool mer, Ouet@ IUlugtuu Suseîtd w ber, at the home of Dr CW. Bowlu t Groseno andRoy The. Mimse Mlie Delly and Estels J. . (roveur ud ayGrecs, of North Chcago, @peut Saturdsyt 01 fu ,.teu<atu s a d dSunday at thelr homes here. reT. » buorudMs Eloie Jenko. J. J Bulc, o! Chiago, apeut Bunday1y psqfor WIINton. N. Dak., with local relative&. su-ekeliait wlith Mri. A. lir. and Mmr. E. L. Harrison vsited aMi Mise Ull ianTdmambi. wlth city rlative. Sunday asud Monday. T£1 We" ansd daughter Esther, Cofirmtion service were là1el d in the lu aurhefir village e kTranfifguration Catholle chureh ,t1 = and ir"le a orvilg Wauconda on Tueeday ateruoou by the bit ' F Rt. Rev. P. J. Muldoon o the Chiago1 id Lndblad, of Cbcgé, w-a the Amh Diace wha ofimd h lui. Ethel Dueras8unday. ,sacrament about eighty Young peopla g8msou, oiWaukegan. @peut o! the coîubiuedclaauec of Wauconds&snd igleb local friefids. Fox Lake îiuriehffl. The Bishop was ber o! fine Plckerel mere taken met et a Point about two mile. mt o! sage Lake liunday hy Chicago toms bY the Wauconda mlitary band and a large delegation of the. men of the âd lirs. H. E. liaimau viited wbaicd a bees beautilufly decorated for Mg Grave relative Sunday. the occaion. Mir. Woulie and ele n W. Soie. mwas tbe guet of vietiiig clrgymfenl preceded the Bibp a frindâ Snday.ta0thie alter White a male choir sang the iodn reo"dt eotEcce F.cerdioe Magnu." nie orace Ir Slîgrpre oBl addreeeed the erowd plamlv sund intruc- to reaume bis tudies at tih e, yep!uugtirul btca mreabout ta take; then ho ecoflxud 8.111ie Kers, of Chicago, ulet 1iuadb eeou lsdwt er at the home oi ber auntlie ttcon and Based Scaeno h euh.c .a rwe ta its fuilet tapac- iy.ga.vouud ocrupie. the center ityV yet could accommoda!.uis about *W tocansy thie week.hallth. e Pe. MMY DAY il-bEPMELD* _j MSc meet Stlàbertyvville this idra. L C. Hale sud danghter Racle, petaipal attraétion. are viitina im Canada. Pgiow le o edinga s i Te IThu Mdisse.Matflda sud hareeker p aving bSeau ,UhfomniatheY#astepding a ev days lu Chicaga mitb chir @inter, lima.Am-on Lapp. lh Ir li th gsczng home owued hy lirm.Jahn Ruent sud cbildreu. mho »Wuoa wMlirace saturda et bave epeutt he enamer here. lft for thir li i te . 06 elsas, home in Rediando, Caliorula, lioudaY IthlirwWho lis lue on thaeveis estM ale o b abut. " . .N. Rbscock. ai Topeka. Indisa..- ~b mlii' tohe chat. viited oaier aunilay mlitthe liutcbiueou p hlnbad ch. meortuucicil bc at tScmyau . tbbt T1. Ladies-' D)<>ns Socety met Thrs- lan Sathiilt. W55 dat aitersoon witb lira. S. P. Hutelh- bLeeForest hosptal mberas». aed mple ft ure li MmR. Weaver mas auddeny called ta a.~ bb quet as ue ~ Ceveiaad, Ohio, Satnrday, hy the deatb the lswadicancetMr. sud lire. Bs" Lord, ofEi'r bave -m etteding aclool et movud intea ch hanse formerlj"ccupied 1. t by Geo. lly sud famîly. pml 0!Vof cr maO contrt- lira F. E. Idayer, lirMm Marty» sud Ou« l, gown.Atprent lilasHoppugattesded the lieiasary ba buildinginoundationsat St tizhecd in ah Park iastThorsdsy. sa. 'Ir. sud lira Renry Segert vlsited wWs Paltisa Ca.. lest Preet fieade in Edgebrook Susday. skl>uelsl. lira. I. R ebamvisited ber parent@ iu Md 3. C. Schraader etteuded ch Chicago Modar. ýIMw%" oSiete tair lent w'e F. E. Miayer is vuoisga ctma meekâ' * horms mta h. cou- vacation. luh.Nikel mbo vmss The îMise.Viols aud Ire e Rchen .8, ta taka part lu bath retnrued irauischir tlp toNiagaia, alla it lsnhed behlnd th Moudcay eveolng. lils Ire i pend dm it at h *2,000 tlu remalader of ber vacation mitb lira n» sI ter wimblch a ms Aimn Si lcenbek, i lu a!Day. . 1 .bupreveaed hlm Mism iI.Arsold t caveraI dsa bg Wbatlbci. capable a- bc le bot meek mth ch. 'tthinger fsmlly. 01 lutter. lit Sbs mwason ber may home ran Mon- li Ipr. husba t esteacing Germas for cepsst twelve 04le tahl.g an s praeperaim 70011 T.. Tho lprovemente os the liraGodfrey. of couthurn Illiuoile, mas M. uotta belouigbcof. Itheguest aifMr. and lira. Mtthewa Waeblp of Vernon man el ooked Tedy tbe ezaspIary tomuship o! chu Ed. Brown in viiting with the hie ýgoodruade, still lan le uWecvr iamîiy. iourcomlsslanere tafurtiier The Uslted Evangelicaîl church will Fie Dem systers af raad tex gireas "Bazsar" in the eburvh Frîday mMth mltb.ichdeterined evening,)Iftus m.eek. Every ana le in- m bas clu ardent support af vted to be present. buo lock ch. adverae stand. wicb A number fromt hure are attesding te rle c.OPerstOn g00d roada - retirehich 5an hung held at the Dem truck iu Lihartyville. ine malta conteet t Hertel'@ Anyoue mlebiug ta ashecribe or psy bot Baturday nigbt mas a mont for Imat year's sutscription ta the Lake su" entert*lina aBslir. The Couty independefit, mil lu the Fair ga mss distinctive fot its cougea. store. à& d cblity. Eeprebeetative . P. Rutchicos, Prop. Iro.ail the surrouadlng W lire. Paraoue, ai Chicaga, upent the Iwe there to particîpate lu thlu meek with ber daughter. lira. E. P. 4 pqante. The content mas Eaetan. & latereting as it wma difRcult_______________ Io detarmaine ta mhont the honor, s. The deciios reculted in'u 1 ch. prince. taMi"s lare o! or chu bout lady maltxrsd * A Miler ai Ivauboe, frhsOgoi- ur ,yant A us9 "ur. Sept. 27th apotheroppur- rl* lu gven ta thohe mbo recg- à graeefulseslu excutiug the op Prime. ill be awcrded for are B-unging Lg and gent. eil trais mdll leste the nem Resulits,» to 'O thers &lurtyvilleat7:31a. n. osi 1 aad 21 for Elkhoru. Wis., toi hors countjy fair Round tri m .85. Train arHrv e t gauaj ~ i~ o t~ mit. lleturning train Ilaese t j bo tY u PL 492 )Ô YOU WANT A BARGAINl? W. have at:our Factory et Lîbertyviile a feu srmali lots of Odds and Ends of aur MODEL. FENCE: Thoe oare of th amne high Carbon Spring Steel as our rogular stock, lhe oniy différence being In the uneven lengths. WIiiIe heg lest gou may t"e gWa p"cket about -lREGIJIAR PRICE. !IRST COU! FIRST usr et !ectorgend take FeSom11.1ewitIi gou. Amria Wire- Fence Compang tpvlk - - lo" for hiq ti bm o eo h SI de I i c.aA sassa dasu )ver Sunday. Wallace LackbefA buha. gain Uq,Wdles at the DePlalnee4 ils helng lt@lc hIidyeartm',ivçl 'Mr. sudâWMas.ha. OverlY. :a. baadlug lh idre. R. CO i. aumuser have inoved their1 Code luto 8. T. Foota'a how tao the scame for cajear. George Richarde aifQulee le brother A. C. "chrd@ do work l icago Iutsetmt The achool opeued litli OtY- earolled, a a .mentage mue ftramPr& % iew. lira. s. 8. mtanger sud eu ave returued tu their lc Wreinu two meeke mlth1 . a. LKedier. lit. aud lirs.kS. A. isas ai Mr. and Mmr. Clins. Albrecht Si M. W. Kaedier !e fuat healtb and busagais rmou. lira. Wm. Ede waa a Liberty Monday. lire. B. 0. Friteh @on CI! laugbterkda @peut iondayi ber ciater, M ra. M.- W. Kuedier. lir.-and lir@, S. E. Kuedleri and Mr. and lima S. B. Stat ;udaZ mltbtheir parente,il John Fmre at North Nortbfield Mr. sud lir. E. H. liaon AnaMlaéon speut Sundaye Mr. sud liMm F. TuUly et Evar Katy sud Mary Antans su î-lcitors visited mith tbelr g et Framout Centçq Sunday. Mmre. apb le viaîting St wbere che.joined ber buasd,9 lirs Oea. Richard@, of rlsited wlih A. C. Richarde Tuagdcy of lut! week. 4 Mir. aud lire.- Selden i' lsmlly visited their parenti )Ira. F. G. itchell renetly. Anua LAwkhead. Who ilais marked achut cuad Who le pu art ctudis et the Fine Art Chicsgo recently epent 5usd, mother sud brother. lim. Geo. Guidler returnedt et Highland Park citer spx weeU miti lier daughter,à Knedier. The patrosou the rural rreueeted ta buy atamped befare cold wpatbernes ias a s cold job for the carriers their glovesand pick up the the. boxe. mitb the tuon zero.* ",Suzanna.L' the monkei at aInn. meut out for an esi Wak las uuday. A mindow hsviug beeu isadvertently lel availed berau'lif the apport, in sud left a trail o! wherever site went. Lam proved vers interestiug plai clter hreaimg ali aftbeee a ber bande upon chue chemedi af tbe tamly Bible and tare lenrea suzasua has Olten gaiued, ber liberty and wheua sli. perpetratea a raid upon dgla &U 1the. damae pouibl Thorm milI b. Quarterly Friday. sept. 28. at 8 P. IM. AI, mersae requiaatedc nt the buine-s meeting, in with chu new .nhurcb sud co pewo. uday, Sept. 30, et 2 wW U becommunion aervivm P. M. the laylugof tbe conc thu nam ehurrh edillce. Prm wm. gShptt, ai ChîcagO, Rai N. !<orthtleld. Rev. B. F. Ebh Is4d Park and the regularr Seegmiller, milI be preseut. eordially melcome. 11ev. Seegmiller bas return vricit ta hie home in Casa' 1occupy the pulpit si; uual 81 lng and eveuiirl. Eeery one lias Edytb Wilson #peut lu Bail Dsy. Doris Kaisr, of Liiertyvil ber cunt. lMr». Taylor. A. L. Willur aud famil Tueedcy moruing fur Lalif tii.y are tu realde. Quite a number tiirued meetiug at Orange hall Si noua. Blloom snd Fruait on S The INuEPENi)SNT le ti = eiatof a cprig o! sapp pikdfroinatree whichl time bore ripeued fruit. mere braken f rac hebrcmne licBride, ai Rockefeller,i froui whlch tbey came beloi Obencuif. T-he occurreut uusuuai ou@. Starvlng t.osal Because ber'gtontach W. ened- by uaelese druggtui could sot tat. Mnr. Mary of St. Clair St., Columbus, erally sarvlug to death. ..My ctomacb mas go mes leeu druge tiat I çould uo not helote I mas given up luduced ta trY Electric E the wonderful recuIt tbi meut began at ouce, aud cure folîowed." Deat heal eartb. tOc. Guarautfed I LONGGRO Tbere mili lit no ger Evangellccl 1LuthuranChar day es accountof thecausu fetival st Plot Grave. R. Milieu bcd tue misior a comfilet yack . Wili Butt ha. boen diug corn cuttlug for bîl e elb corn binder. Mir. and lins. Biereunterte front Palatine hunday., Renry DolaS and eildrem ton, mer, thi. gueste of Heu lamiy Sunday. George Unadestock, of cslled au biS parente ose meek. Willle Bire hua gos. tu forsesveral days aytSc b rotber Henry mth hieco Ilie»a ~' lsdh.m4,bt alibut a pélscb social lu Te'a." Csia t bl Dm uunre.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Woh. e1Mm fle r is enSutertaIlngber cousin, ihîo Bel ~Désirer la teacbig the achool aEnsiWàua' at timu a le haviug st Grass ]Lake- its ImohsuWbefanaoher. et Wnt. liailim liMr. sud lira.Koebhr rsscled mord of a ave0" ittied=uteorfor mblch o, ]WOped theomarrlsge of thefr mas William lanme»m iuaîdanai! dwV.e cretrDkoa lu t o. Did et bis home laPalatine Toes '411ar -Boyaup of Uberliyviile, 'w s iauucibmm. Fini pflussenta hul r e* h other day. He irom tche utblù tch, burlal of was accampanled by agsntleman oGerman cemleiy lv. roehgïUî un Wrrenfsrmsea ies tatest lMr. Iloyer's amclatlsg. chia lace or th euculig Mr. Chaziese Ystîa sd lira. Lana urne aitr juar.Thuradair for Wsshgtcn, D. C. TI ber siater, While oprstlng his throehlug machine will vslt riQ.tivesud seau a ewd *at R. C. W. 1yer.lst Tueedav Frank sgt sigsud sai for Europe the 21 entertaii.d Dolpb met mitÈa j> serionsaccident. lu gtae luaday. , sape ay hbelé bnd caught lu the gear. lilslMarthe, Brand ,of Hamshin * ie is lg, badiy crushiug the flugers. lDr. victlug relatives lu Plusab Grave I m. Tylr caffied sud dreeiu'd the calliug os aid frIends lu Palatine ville tller mosdvblinla doiug a. melil as cuuld tve.. lue expected. Mies Edith Bises, ie epeuding chiaim fitoansd lima.Faeket and sos Harr*v stteuded lu Arlisgtan Heiglite taklug care of uigbctwitb chu marriage of the former'a iicphem, aut. r. Mr. Fred fisnyard, lu Chilcago Weduee- Bertha Torgier wha bas hes sud fanily day oi Iast me.k. iuvsld no long, la faut recoveriug oger apet Dr. William Payne, mbo lias, tien ieàlth, me are rel o a sc. r. and lir. traveling lu Europe thé pat -ear, M ise Eloda Baldmin returned iran d. wAs the gueat af bis aun inte, s trip lu différent p*rte of Europe su ad Ilira. lMary aud Agnon Payase, a short tinte plEasedwltthélusîglit slng. 'eniug wlth Iniet meek. Dr. Payne met fr0111 lîre ta lMra J. Jcppa let Sunday for a rett. . seale Wash., mhr ho mîlI loeate. mith relatives lu Nem York id thei city R___________________Iochester cîtîca. grndfatber .Mliyor A. S. lOlmsed~.u sd -for1 geeSuuday bi@a sou, Dr. Frank bCleveland sdfni Capt. Sapb A Eu.ROlyeasuigrc and fcmily A Z litchiensud _________bis neow houas@fromtEveretc ha w. Mr. sud hdd thent euipped is front Sbermrui " e' ParkQuito a feu ofliMe seigibore are bl. arito!fiirteis P rk Pavilion bhlm witlî theIr teultis. lursu er 'Tht niedai -for thu onize maltz lit teBuildingr Day Saturdcy nigbt giveil by ay mitb ber BALF DAY. ILL. Hertel sgalu came acrosta the @ide of the river. lit!» Jensie lare ta bier honme Joseipli Doriler mere theecoca eudig fur Lai iin WaI .1mI cople. Tbev ortaiuly deserred, 1' 1routes are i James lare le maklug eider. He1 i euvelo we veral ~barreis asnliandav whilb uit 1.=te aîd Griffith & Co. Tiiey P. enie inMusic bu Ilertets Orchestre l'ud tbeiemd b f.l ater Weow Tma yearaago they bougbc froîîî tmtelebarrots. It lea fine drinîki It ch. Village smeet sud tiey oel lois ai it b, TY - É~ verg Accommodation jug full. o .T uht x opefil hu retors tacthe clty lu aalîort mbUe. tuyt stili aurely lue mwesed from nt r eigý devatation bond. îp hims2yaCorn cuttiig le pragressiug sice 'Pe coulisY ac camr of* bâtd sud some.very bâti Stilli t tg a ut several lira. John Richardsou mas lu Chcago course as a thlsg thst canuat Ilie h lu tbe past recentiy. thu selonbel nu sdry. ver @lie dosee MieFrance s aing. a! Roundl Laie. lira. 'Raaglond sud lica§ b ler friande apeut Sunday at homse. Fielding. of Chicago,, are enj"yli le. Mis Boule Iuunili baq returue t bler short vsit luncluécauncry. F Coufereuce haine lu Voloa steraru extended visit Pearl Wholer, Neilie Keougi, .at the hall. mth friands et Prcphets'tomu, IDI. Dawson. Grvâce and lieoie Ce roai » lue presentt Mr. sud liraGeorge Kuebler, ai attendlug bhb chool ait fi irlnu'd i, cnuevtti<iiiDePamnse et.lu Vola Frlday nugt lMesuei.Everett %Inmuu and ueruiug the 1Mr. snd lire. Chas. Par'ier villâced Hertel ie painting j., H. C i'. ijei ~ .~ frInedinluGrayalake sndcy. 1tT Cou ensd !anily huev* P. . tere Mm l a Cirsa Richardson. oi Round e an suet 3 th = ime ome sud r.tîirued t Lake @t~ i oa penit Sunday mitb relative. ein city lfar chu itr. h eidagîe lrs, L. V. I.îîk and Mlqe Rîttiel Tapproie of l cl gEti-tt cm j bert a! 8.1gb- Domall. of! West Fremoi, mere in Vola a pliîue.îfuwvna. l.k pistor, Rer. Sunda. . iv. . 1,,,e1l- rre ijuil childleu Eteriî ODe Miases Mande WaltonandiHelies beeun ats dî h1 lnou.fa Raymoand mer, lu Grayalake re"etly. MrP-M*.eDuiladai îad fraDm hielé r. and lire. Jilin Murray. lot Wau. : ,'il i., wu.îluditl da. and viliicouîde, were Vola aîWw londaylapd'otbuiill.ii L.tor Wl iuuday mil- eveuîug.sulie er a ils meome. lrsd iaWTiL., lunersi ai lils Mamie C "iv Mr.andMrg siares 'og, fNe orth Chicago. mas huld at St. l'a York- and Mrh. sud ira. Wint. Cloîiij0 f retery os TueadaySept. 18. iWaticuuda, called at A. J. amn* ..... -cetl>. M mn~s lr. and Mra. J. C. Douiabue,of CL tWedsesdâY Mlre. Rsnush Kiuee andl Mr. aud lira are visitiug et Thos. Carolana. WilRifle, a! Waukpgan. @aent Suuday Chester Wolf sud liela d%ëey ile, la vi4anig and Modayait Rauglit Brou. Aptakiait, @peut Suudsy ai t1to the J. Carolan home. Mir@. Ed Snyder, of Manavilie, @pont r.sdla.Mrnlilî ily eft hure Sunday lu Volo. r.rnlfan t c pleMatin ut cid tamris mluere liurned ro ata.sntt * DAMNGTON. Mfr, and Mra. lM. B. Redmonid da> -is iaStlkdn fd lacrk. gose to Nem York for the fait andj a nrinviitiug et tbehe o r A .tosoape c îter inNem Orlean Gieske. the aoutbern state. Ramue Trse. Lact Suuday evening occorred the d"th ai Set. Henry Mecier ofibis plae fis meek lu Ris desti vas eause<l ticacncer of -th, ýpe blasmeat ecut rontmmi h lie ad boen suffer- Othé &âmern:uga long tinte. Funeral aerviceul s the S. J. Palmer ia p nttlug damna ti The loom Salm chu rci Thiiraulay aiernoos St 1 weil os the W m. Hall tarin. ehbbv Thontas oecock. I a u4br !buigci aud, the cree i o u hr fbnigti iugs ta Ilike Ilila Flarence Peck is entertaiuing bier your coan retember A. G. Schwei ce le a very cousin chie week. & Caj., mtilI bave s good anon lire. Luella Austin. of Raveuswood, band. visited friedudg sud relative@ hure list lira. M. Klpo ha@ renteil H. tii. week. Me.yers fri. he latter miii reti ras oa meak- Miss Rolertean, forth grade toacher The puble acheool t Fairfieldc ag that sibc t tihe publice gebîol. îomîuenced ber again Mondcy mitb Minec Bertha Hr ILWaltere. mark ofl th ent iersMonday, citer an sasteaeber agcii. d4' O, .. mras lit- iliuess af several meeke. (' C. Hakeioeyer %vili 9001 n re Bble mrlteg: Lamsos Eividge, for an sy esrs work at the bottling plant. -ait froid ues- peut c reeldet ai Brriugtau, died at C. Rruckeuburg and Fred Sciai it lepl; and his homebere lianday eveul iog huarte tant: in the race.s at Liber tu die mas 1 trouble. Mv. Eividge heesme Il mille îiWedsrsday., Bitcers; mti bi& carpeuter work Muuday siternoas M8 .SheranS. pn tt Improve- sud expired citer eevl houri ai'i'Une@@l' .F SiensttS. pu à a complets, He lecrves ifie. 1wo s-ouesud two dcv asd Suuay iti bier daugl lth Tontc ou daugitera ta mauru i, ileparture. Fun- Cicago- by P. B. IAV. eral sertlceu wmii ha eld Fridcy citer. E. Webre. aif(ilenview. mia mill noon. Sept 21. lue lsstalled as minsater in Brazil, MinAmncd Serotiler le viitlug Amerim,. mode a iaremell call i frens t Elgin chie me-k. Cateus the tIret parc ai tbet%*eek. iFred Rawley died st hie late honte lir@. ug K nigge miii lecve for 1 vjee at che MondaIj nIigt alter s lonîg @loge of entier- in the nesr future ta apend tie. ch seit Sun- Iing and iline.e. The foneral services yull ti ose oailber dsugiters cher,. ia liuuouary lis beld Friday forenoon. lire. Adolph Stockey bas lu, Tii. Cook Couty Chautauqos astartedIndiaambere @lewmllI romainut( rtn ta loue Toeedoy and le lu full swing. Good ou t- houas for ber oncle. Mr. Stockei of-to mu speakers sd ingere a. el se to folo m ]&ter. - - cosalderahle local taleut are makiug it c cucceee. Arthur Rail bas sald his sorte] ors h mîbis __________________ hich tout; tirât prize et the lail Durasd, oi Lake Foret, a! thset aii5d relatives Lk OngIneedlt Durcnd & aper hougit tien t Leke oantulgwèpnden ntaofI $460. n, o aing W uoLyle Lemker, mio ia bot ,nyMleandg. d oke Chicago baapital for a sumber o! îry llier sd aui udergolua trestmeste for Ose Lehe Zuich, W ekIg Se~ aa ~ .Y,l1jeye shome cgnlu and lntproviul 1evaeslu lsstTii. Re k Sua.ipeihel Daý _&_irl-Jo, 5~~ BnstzSale Lake Fore st , Lib tyvle Hfighland Park, Maywood and Oak Park Speclalý rhey A ssessment Bonds for Sale laya tbit Ueorge, Anderson week rf ber LAKE~ FORE3ST, ILLINOIS- i ber well ij t . a ju ,i u t, tisit and OlmaSEIE US ABOUT ~ bidSullky and Gang Plows asoline I3ngines EI3siage Cutters Corn tarvesters ,:., FARM AND TEAMINO WAGONS er le A complete Une of Iarm machiney at the close prices. ,ni SCHANCK BROS., gui a îr' -Best Ever Sulky and Gang.Plows te Ne, rsi «.the MOU*C Plow Ceo i my igimted aMd lmtroduced ève the firmi thie whel low. bus thire ben a» mcb enthulasm 5Wr mm gthe lrmm md deekes over amy toc! na ttende eBUST EVEIR foot "bf sulky mm anmg -00ow Mr.There Are Rons The plomu are of beautlful dgrn. are siple. have abundat mttemgth mid do the wotk withmotoe e th= my other plow. of The bighest grade of Mtetial asued. The plowa are of thei double at beil tylewlth direct bisai hitcb. Viten raied by thei foot the lave frmme a automati call eld.This la a future ncter belote t successully &cc=~ mbi e a foot Rht plow. Call and sec. lave and UBER1ETYVILLP! SHi B.- EGIER ILNI ilar 1 an - KING ofr TII! SNtOW P4TII And winer of dîsnond m"dal for trotter.. 5?er SOLON GRATTAN. 5155 utop liss soto 5:33. USCAclec@N5ONK OF Nie Fi s? FoALe. -Trotting Race Record 2:111-4 her ville o !raasi, damZici dmac !OraGats2ll) lad ceaoucrecuS u da hegO,8,Oaflots.uperb ludiviuc. 51gb aeios front tur- cdat o th@. aaitadrottera lu he,,rld. ad eady ýthe aIre.o.1 inl ____ gad lot! slis.Addreea _ oon '~L$25 THOMPSON STOCK FARM eoo z SEASO 19o6, $5JOHN R. THOMPSON., Prop.. LIBERTYVILLE rtb 1ev. Address J. W. MURRAY. SuPt. upase liter for ÎR CH ibertvleExchauge :~jSPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER the 1 in c T.o #ut of Town Ordirs Libertypille 116"9oi eeke _______ icjy And Shlppin g Trade HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED. Ier WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWN8 8 'e t 1- 0 0 0

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