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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Sep 1906, p. 8

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k~ Wose il Chautauqua has KnOck qfonefltemntativeu-Daikem »» bt . ,Beat him at the polIs." nb vas the Injonctoni ofHon. 2E. 1 has of Chicago, la the peope lait nlt attaitded the Waubo- Obautatbqua -Ru reference'olathe ~yfor the state legisiature o! 13. D. Ohurtleif, of MclionrY «.Akt ho at session of tac legisia- ý,M, as speaker 0f the bouse Of reP- ~ietavea, h o ld the people Ihat i 4Ui not knov enough 'ta decide 00' fI",Uwssivoansd vitb Chairman Ç&*tsof <ho Jutclary Commtttco, wh, vinot b. eeuat lb. tate cap- *U-agan, diefthe icconnty option &i I Li thest of lie session bold- So baci tee iogllature even from ng Ubocauie he vas afrali bt aIti iuiinot vote 'ib. o-fiahln Boat Takes Fre. lif a minute or Ivo more hai ialuei crRy Buuiay morniug, ho- te lie govet'menî crev ou lie tug. 172-dgar haicidlAovo'e a tire that wus ragtng on Uhc Smith ishing tua. UdMe Neii,'.tho litle tng thatlai the 'Oit mrpe.nttlveof the Waukegau à*g business vouli bave heen humdi te te valor's edge. ft vus bouit 1 o'clock Sunday inorn- lég wbezý-lie vatcbman on Uic tur. âib vas lylng at lie sonli oui of b» barbe, sv lames hurs mm rothe lu& boue. Itie tug vas Iytng u hi 'Vestern CÔManadiDock aiip,. 1bSq Me bai moored la csca pe the W07 svoiR ami vas ied frorn eacb - vas»'Wv w]Hont lntheb.slip. 1± a tobout lie sam uime theolire lMu iseovorciby the Iunary-' le». Uiley Lasley, tii. night valch- MMe ut he cool docks, also discov- »Mil-Ê t"adlned ln an alarm te lie JTbe 'lndistry," as acon as the fire MatAss, vaslaid alouide lie1 a "BRaie Neil-sud ber crev temod ont la flot tie lire. When diicoverod. the vboie peck bhouse vas inlu lmes and It wva bard figbt la put It out. c Hard vorb. bowver, on tie Part of bthe goverument mon succoedod la do- tuIg It, no tiat by thc Urne theoire de- pertinent arrived aud bai sîrune a load of homevici on account oi the darbuesesuad the obstacles *àud dis- stance of the plug, toob severai min- utes, ltelire vas aimait out. The ire trted from a box of aubes-that vas leit standing on the decb of the tug. The engIneor, vben fixing up for the ulgbt, emptied the aubes frorn bis ire Itt a box snd thon sel the box on. thc decb, Instead of ernptyiug IL. Ho did not vol th e ashes mulcient$y 10 put the coal enllreiy out sud dur- Ing the utght tiey btrod through lie bottom of the box and taon througb lie thick dock. Ouce Inside, wbere lie voodvork le as dry asutinder, sud fane by the hrisk breeze, they aoon onveioped the vbole deck bouse aud burst tarougb., Tic damuage vill amont to over 8200 aud the tugoi ii ho laid up for repaire for a Reaset tbree dagu. Thore tlino Insurauce carrlod as fev of the marine insnranee companies viii Inaure fishlug tugs on account of the dangers of tieir vork. DIei-At the home of ber brother. James Couvay. NoartiChicago, DM, Mary Couvay, sister of Jamea, bMlles, Dan, Mrs. McNerny, Mn. ienherg and Mrs. MiNliben. Funeral at Hoiy FamilY cb,îrcb et 10 o'clocle Beptern- bel' 18, Banial aI Everette, Ill.., b car-, ris gos. INJURED UV CARS. MrW Jacob Oabes la coufined in ber ,home on North Coanty street hy in- juries liaI she receivoi et the Norti ChIcago transier station of tae Chi- cago, & Milvaukee electrle.c. fing Imom one car ta analier lu the dtm ligbt il la eiairned Ihat she fell sud vas crusbed. Another foot vould bave moant ber deathitiln said. Much Activity Sean Where The Gsrmn of the Great Naval Sohool la Reoivlng Initial Growth-Basln Fast Being Oug.' The progneas maie on the ua.vau training station aI Pettibone' creek has been greal sinea the. atri as maie ti Juno and te one vbo had seen the creekbehforo thc vork start- cd. 10 gu there nu o venu ho tasec a revelation. This vintor 200 mon viii b. cm- ployw on '<ho vork, whlcb la being rusiedvli to Wgsonly on Suniay. etren the iggin yl continue. An tdea of tbi «tent sud ceaI 0f the vorkcam hO gainod vhon It la kuovu that M9000 Ivas pout before mc shovel of unirtvas turned, ail gotug for prep- When spring cornas the place viii ho difernt ooking îrom vhat il vas a tev tuonthas &o, as even nov a change la noticoable. But vbeu final- lY compieted and rea .dy for openg, tao mieut sud most beautiful, au veil as the bouft equlpped aud oreclel na- Val training station lu lte varld i vii The btggeat change ta lu the creek nea eti e re near Wasuga. ttself. nsear te mouth. Where il vas hofore a amail ci-eek wltb oniy a fev Tries to Burn Himoelf. luches of vater. l bas nov for s dis- Aiter POurlug a quart of berosone stance of 209 foot, tualie lie bRuffp over bis heaid a houlders, Peter becorne a chaunel about 20 or 30 .foot Lehr. a cernent contrae$or ta Wtl- vide sud il foot deep. In il. nlgbt lu motta'., soltire tsi bis ciolhlng @un. lbe mîdat of the vooda'lies a dreige day lin sutttompt ta billhbimmeif. liaI la husy diiging ont the crek The set vas cornrntted aimont bo- ibcd aud wviii11ualtstop ount l t bas 1r«ecboi a point 800 foot hock from fore the oye, of bis vife and a att theelaitc and the foot of thie bintes ou tn-lav, Mrs. Josepih Lehr, Who, vitb esch aide. the assistance of neigh hors, succeci- Thtsvii mabe an Immense mnindecIn uextungulshiug tae fiames. Lehr basin. fuiiy protoctei from the wealh- Jmsy recaver. or by the bluff@ on eacit aide andIdeal Ho vas uncousclousfa; orne Ie for lie amali craft thal viii freciueut sud refused la expia i b est. Rt la Ir. t vîli ho iredged te a dopth of thougbl be vas dcefiqted, fer il vas il fét nly au u lrgevessls illfouud Ihati he bad set tire la the shed ho ajuie ta enter IL. lu vblch ho tîourod the ail au hlm- .AI lie rnoathlh illii hoprotecîod jIf riolyl*a feedh hy coucreto plors running ou nto ef rvosyI a erih the ipbe. While the ureige la digglug vouldi bih himmeif and ail veapons in lu the creek, a dam bas been ralaeditIbe bouse bai hoeen concealed. et the moulb of the cresk aud afler lie lulani drodgtng le comploted the When Yeu bave a caRi IIIle voiR to dreigo viii dig the harbarirr the ho Tory careful about ustg anytiting laite. At the sanmelime the piers wmi hul viii cause coustipation. Be par- bc bulIt.tlcuiariy careiul about preparations be bult. Icontaiuing' opâtes. Uise Keninedy's The dirt that la drodgei outinl Laxative Houer' sud Ter. wbich stops loaded mbt smail dump cars.liat are the cough and moven the baoies. Baud Tbe vork viii net stop aRR vinter sud by alR drugglats. on a temporar>' tnack laid lu lie ra- vine. This track ruae ta lienorth. SefoDah ior, bink ai the ravine sndi up Il te the J. W. Frye bas started suit againat surface. Thene It ruse voal la the the Chicago & Milwaukeeo Electrtc north hrauch ai the ravine Ihat la ho- Ralinas Comnpany for $500 for the lng fibi i n for a ile for the bud- ieath of a trotting borse alioged ta lngs ai the, achool. have beeu causod by an eiectrlc car. A baisling englue ta usod ta drav 1 Frye dlaims liat ho vas drivlug the cars up tram lte ravine as they south ai Lake Forest Lbor Day a,- are iaaded vith the dirI. Thore are eniDg wheD the. car, vhich la aiiogei fort>' o! the cars ou the lrack there tae av In use. bv been ovrlosird and speed- Ing, slruck bis mare sud kilici ber. 212 N. Genu«seStm«tIWi I NrtbSh. Sabsu~ paay WNMe Lglts Lake 8aboi.frnu, Evanston Io Wauhsgan Ha$ Massive New Probably thé flent fautory build- tn& gthe bout equippai for lie ork 9of amy la Waubeganor tbf. part of the country, la the nov power bouse it f the North Shoro Ulectri c Company athMt i. bolus bout on the laits %hore àat the fontot f Wator atreot. j Whou completed thi. building, viii b. as modem sand complete anuoese- tricot plant as ca bc found lu the 1United? States sud viii hc one of the bout put up.luidtup ln this secUion. The work'on tbe plant lt soins stoadily foe'vard aud tho construction work vIII be flniahed lnl about ix eks. 'Tb. roof la not on yet sud 1 bIs nov bains done no the macblucry, nmorn f vhich la arranglng can bo lu- stailod vithout valting. The work la flot; rushcd. but i. bains doue lu the bout chape posible, vlth full cousid- eratlon for every dotait. Massive Consmtruction. The construction Vork of the plant rta massive. The wbooetbIng la bult for strongth and durablity. The voila are tblck aud heaVy. The biors are ail of cemeht, trom the basofliont ta, tbe top floor sud ail tho watts are brick or cornent. No isoahinerxe vhatevor la lu the building nov, but vii ho es soon as 1tho roof la complott. ,The vIres are conduited Up to tboe iiildIng sud are rready for the connections mastie. WIII Operate ln ^prit. The vhoie plant vîil ot ho finlshed esad ready tb atart untîl Doit sprlng, about April or May. ehe'bn cornpleted. everything viii be knowu ta ho abso- iutely colrect snd- rendy for unse. Thore itu nôsllgbtlng on anythlng ln the wor. The pLnt Io ta ho a main station of tho company. It viii take the place of the rnany âmalier stations betwoen here. andi Evauston and wltb Evans- ton aud one or tvo others wiii ho the rnain stations of the coxupany. Pas- g slbly ouiy Waukegan and Evanston vîlI bo main stations. Plant of Importance Hors. 9 u In hs onuection It bas been re- 3portoi that M'aukogan Ia to stipply ail 1tbo power hotween bore sud Evans- ton and vith Evanston supply as far as 4,& Orange. This votuld mean s tretuendous amount of power would hob genorated bore and the plant la be- ing bulIt to stand It. Officis of tho compauy wlll Ilelthor deuy uor confirm the reports, but they corne from rellabie sources and It tsa ~dmitted that Waukegan wlill he a rnain station. fidepeudeiu<Wdmt Ad, w*Osîeugm v kru& eu mile lo*bet ilthe varions tq 4 bat.bave benz proiosi. It. vas toUbt once before that the. site oomnitteo vas bore but Il vas aftervard ienlei Ila &Md ati 10b. a ure thlng thtas Urne sud, tbat the .onittee la nov la Chicago vth Intention* 0f.roturn- lni vltbntu Io veeka vhon tiieir de- cIsla. viii probabir ho given out. ' A nov site apDon of, on the. ground liatIt itould cause a spreadlng out of tbe business district, Ia land et tbe corner of Gonosee sud Grand avenue, ovnoi by 0. B. Pierce. TWO CHILO. FUNERALS. The fuucrais of the lîttie sono of Stanley Scbubert, Vtctorla aud 131h lSth atrects, aud Authony Prîco. 913 Market street. vere boRd Ibis morn- lng. Both vero buriod lu Bt. Mary's cemotery. L.ake Forest Coliage arteYsear. -Tbe Laboe Forest Colioge, the Acai- orny sud Ferry Hall wvii open Wod- uesday of f011 voek. The college vîli assembel ln the Itoud Memronal Chapol at 2 p.tn. The llveroi hy tho nov hoAd of the Eng- Ilsh dopartinont, Prof. John M. Clapp, A spectlIinvitation la extenied to the frienda of the college ta ho prosent. The openlng exorcises at- Ferry Hall viii lako place aI 1:30 o'clock in the Ferry Hall.chapel. The Academy students viii con- vene Ini their chapel at 3 o'clock. MoresI>rase Thieves. t~he omtclala of the Corn Products Refinlng Company sud the atatels at- tornoy's offce are suid ta he confident that they bave ut amIs rouoded up the alloged gang of bras. Ihleves that ha, lnfested tbe uorth ahore. Several arresta for tIIs qfenso have been -made of laIe and there to a hunch of honi-over people lu the county 1811 vho w'ill have ta face charges of thefts of brais. The Corn Pro<iucts Comupany, the Northwestern aud the heithUe have beeu partlcularly severe suferera. Two builings are gaIng up on the streel an Grand avenue west of the UtonPta lace and three ou a tract of the old Snyier place, neit ta the De- WlttBpailng Lace. Wagch for our AUTUNN OPENING i ffl Chautauqua Drsws Crowde. Friday vas W. C. T. U3. aisht at the Chantauqua sud a iiiletýnt vas Promeut, The pragram consist- 4J ed lni the deliver>' ai six ara- ti<rns Ihal bai van diarnd modale ini W. C. T,.RU. contents. Nol a chair vas vacant lu the lent when the progrsrn ularted sud durhiz the vhale lime a 11111e cnowi va4 collectod arauni the door va>' ai the lent vhere Ibe>' liateued ta the prc>- gramn. RIn the Kega.- a slrang lempersure speech, vas weii delivered b>' Lilu Gilbert lu a pleaig manDer. MiesAdelis Bastion reciîed -A Vision ai Darbuesa sud Light- vlth mach farce and puýrposeI. Tbo plae vas a Strong ano sud vas dolilve with pover. MrB. Mabal Courson gave the de- ~l~ scriptive place, 'Bbifting Scenes frotu thfl Ie Lufe ai Neai 150w." %N'hile goDer- aily ai a mare quiet nature than the lias lu il ta sbov the eoaionsi abli- ity ai the speaker. t vas veilidé. livered. Perbaps theo nardest place ar the eveniugta delivar vas 'Who Kiliai Jac's Babý"" a poveriai piece show- lng the affect Of ram ou a pescofal man. The pioco, mach afiit dialogua. vas vali given by Miss Belle Broyer. of Druce Labe. "The Bridai]Aine Cap" was strang- iy and sbly reciled b>' Miss Helen Ball,, of JOilet. The fiuai speech, "The Court ai the Lait Appesi," vas recited b>' J. A. Jacobsan, of Racine. Ho Passionately' cbarged the liqiior traffl ic vilb mai1- tudinous stus and calidon outlb pe&- pie ta coudemu il la desti b>' their votes aI electiou lime. Ho dolivers the speech vabi. FOowIvng the adiresses, Mrs. ,Louise Bhepari, the proaidlmg oSlcor, 1Ulnsaiev varda, sali gaad-bye la 'the clansansd presetei tbem viit theIr diplornas. "Rev. J. G. Briggs, or the Baptist cbarch, aiso adireasac .Ibeinandi astihe vas giai thal Ibis eanly lnu litelte>' baideclded'te lako ap the lomperance cause. tThe speaker ai the eveniug, A. G. Waifonbargar, of Lincoln, Nebraska, reported nomîne for Prestdent ounlte Prohbiion ticket, siiressed the atl- dience ln a fov varia. As Il vas thon ate, ho diiD ot deliver bis ai- idrens but tali ln figures the oxtent * of lie saloou crime aud euied b>' opeabtng a short place, aimilar to ".Joe'aBaby" lun vblcbho eCRarged lie volera for bcjng the blame for ga> crime cornrnltei b> a man lu drink ou account of IbOir alloving the Rt. quor lraMe cta go on. Nadt Domtto Amaelcaa mcmce TIS NONE TOO EÂRLY AT TRIS TIME TO COMMENCE TO CONSIDIER THE MATTER OF THAT WINTER FUR~, AND WE HAVE MAD)E Ï TSUOR DECIDEI»LY FAVORABLE ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS THAT WE CANNOT REFRAIN FROM TELLING TÉHEM ABOUT IT AT THIS TIIE. IN PUROHASING FURS NO ONE THING I8 MORlE ESSENTIAL FOR YOUR SATISFACTION THAN IMPLICIT CONFIDENCE IN gTEE FIRM WITH WRICH YOU DEAL, FOR THE OPPORTUNITY FOR I)ECEPT'ION IS 80 GéREAT IN THE* MAKING UP 0F FURS, THAT IF YOU CANNOT RELY IMPLICITLY UPON THE GUARANTEE OF THE STORE FROM WHICR- YOU PUROHASE, NO MATTER 110W APPARENTLY HIAND8OME AND WELL MADE THE ARTICLE 18, HARASSING DOUBTS AS TO ITS REAL VALUE AND WEARING QUALITIES WILL DBTRACT MUCE FROM -THE 3NJOYMENT 0F VOUR PURCHASE. Yotur Sitisfaction Can be Doubled 'by Making Your Fur Sefections at this Stor.- Money Saved and Quality being a Surety. Fol m IOF DVmiyIR, UEWHICE LIAVIS TRIS Rous£ 13 OUI PULSONA&L GUASANTI AS WELL AS THAT 0F THE FORSMOST FURRIER IN TRE, COUNTRY, WITH WHOM WB ARE S0 INTIMATELY CONNECTEI) THAT WE KNOW THAT EVERY ARTICLE IS BUILT ON HONOR NOT ONLY WILL THE FUR THAT ENTEUS INTO THE-. ARTICLE BE THE-FINEST THAT CAN BE SELECTED, BUT THE WORKz MWANSHIP AND LININGS WILL BE, 0F THE BEST. IT- WILL> HAVE SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE, BE, IT INEXPENSIVE,, MEDIUM OR HIGH- PRICD. N I WIL B EVRY PENNY 0OF BEAL VALUE THAT CAN BE GIVEN FOR THE.PRICE YOU PAY. THE FUR BEARING CREATURES 0F THE WORLD HAVE CONTRIBUTEp4_ TO THE EXPOSITION WHICH WILLBE FOUND AT THIS STORE FOR OUR AUTUMN OPENING WEEK, AND IN FACT, FOR THE WHOLE-OF THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON. SUCH AN UNIQUE AND EXCLUSIVE DISPLAY WILL BE lIARD TO RIVAL IN CITIES MANY TIMES TuB IY 0FOpTRIS. AND TiitCES WLL Dz 30 AITNUISRINGLT DELW TROUI PitVAILINO ELSWRERE THAT BEARERS 0F TUE MOST MODEST PURSES WILL BE ABLE TO'FIND SOMETHING WITHIN -MHIR MEANS THAT WILL ENABLE TUEM TO SHARE IN THE COMPOBT TUÂT COMES WIIEN ONE IS'PROPERLY SHIELDED FROM WINTRY BLASTS. THIS WHOLESALiE FUR ESTABLISHMENT WITH WHICH WB ARE CONNECTED RAS A BRANCH ROUSE IN CHICA«O, AND IN CASE WE FAIL TO HAVE ON RA&ND WHÂT YOU DESIRE, IT WILL BE OUR PLEASURE TO TAKE YOU tO TUE CITY AND LET YOU MARE YOUR SELECTION FROM TUE WHOLESALE* STOCK 0F THIS MANUFACIURER, AND IN CASE !tOU PURCHASE, CA~R FARE WILL BE REF111bDED. IN TRIS CONNECTION WIC WISH TO AI THAT IN CASE YOU HAVE A FUR TIIAT YOIJ WISH REMODELED OR REPAIRED, WB ~WILL BE @LAD TO UNDERTAKE TO HAVE THE WORK DONE FOR* YOU AND GUARANTRE THAT TUE PRIGE WILL 4E RIGHT AND THE ;WORK PERFECT. --am w4ur KePft'on Paie , Who Nomestadsd Land whieh Emerged from Waer Doese fot- Uiko Dam. The building of the )tcHenry diam acroas the Fox river Mud the conse- quant rusing of tb. vator Ilunmre or the laitos ray blait the hopos of Bbhorty.11 hum boat keeper on Orass Labo. of galuing a borne ou lands for- mèrly ubmeid. The vater of the labo bas heen tgel- tint. lover ami lover for yeara. -t'Bhorty" rnooroi bis hum boat on lani Ibat ornorgei out or tbe vater two yiours qa qnjunounced bis Intention of "hodr«-Tffliug."1 The land la uow tvo foot out of vater but If the dam causes tbe laie Rève] to rime, "Shar- ty'" tvo veary yoars go for naucht and hls bouse boat, agrouni for so long, vtll float,ý,Agaln. t la claimed that the dam *111 cause a rise 0f thit' ty luches. Making Monay ail tbf Time. Asleep or avale, "Bborty" bas dreamed of maklug rnoney. lu hl,< vablug l4ours 'ho la allegod ta ho tho proprietor of a blini plg sud of sun- dry Mlot machines. Ho alao tubes a boarder sud roorner or two. lu blý sleep hoe ta puttlng In UieoIhat at the end « tbe legal porlod lie can claim validable land from the goveru- Mont by rlght of possession tindit- puted. Nov the dam la hlastfing is bopc aud as each " dsy ho vatchos the wa, ter lucreaslng on bis domnain liC maurna. The Fox river entera the northw. -t corner of Orass Lako, sud 'SborIt 'e' boat la moored au a peninstîla aie.. t au hundrei fret wiie uc-ar Ibis cm-' uer. Bought Stolon Brais.. Friday Offcer Frank Tr>tr_ of tho Wankogan police force, va- bailed at Kenuard street. acra'ua rp the glucose rofinerles. by L. Cave,.t. Junb dealer, vba poiuied out a >i plous purchase he bai jiit r consIstlng ln 300 pounds of braisat. machiner>'. lie bad î,aid $?0 for 1' ta, ibree Keunard stref.t ros3ident, i sald. The oScar. reqttîested hMit..i ,l. ont the men who had .,old If and v Ith Assistant Chier Tyrrehi arra-c'. f io tbrefollowlng as té,Oilliitî,rî: (HARLES YERGAN*. MMKE HOPPA. A. STEFI'NDT. One trled tx akai. aruu shot lt bouse aud away. but the aSceçrpe g.eî hIni.Threc- huiîdrei î,ounds of bra-' vas lu the vol'rtion. Thea police 1i. Ileve that lb" men were ln the buit- neess yatenîsllcalle-. ast lb-y fom':tl tbru.' pairs of ocales lu the ba'iée '.1 s heavy type iised for metals. The refluery bas hen ou iîîg hy ystemaîic braisa thefts for Pome mantha. ----------

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