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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Oct 1906, p. 1

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-e a NIAKE WBL SUN VÔL. XV. NO. 1. WILL tQL.D GREAT TRI.; STATÉ FAIR That in, Maybe-Mumrno Baye Illionolo, Wlscongia, andl Indiania will Uit. lu Pair LIDERTY VILLE THE SCENE FIELD DAY POSTPONED Rurnirr bas It nov tint tIhe Liber ty. villa Trotting aaaacistibn track lnstead of revertiug 10 panted fiolds as vas mentioned by thre Chcago preu immedi- ately aiter tbu fallure ai tirs recent meet wili next yesr ire tire cne ai a fair greater than auy that bas f-ver been ireid ln tua part of îher country. ut in tated by soeu. hro éaiîîj f krow that alreAdy tIre. la a plan on font ti hold à gigantic tair. It vill h. a fais represêqtatIve of three itstee iicuWieeonsin and rudiaus, It la «&id, yl l bereîreented sud, vîli s -Ieome knovnuna the Tri--State fair, fitis tugit suci aui undertaking vanld ire s go-at suri-"m r-satra rvery Otarrdpoint. It le tbu geuerlhbelief thot vitirout the big puurpklus and exiibita h cau neyer bu a aucemi. Tire populace viillot turu ont for rarsa6lone. Peopie forts.tirat tire crowdi vîlI not bu there adnt o do not go. A loir muet rt of albus aWr. TIremuntet eismidway. tbu prise bons»s Lid cait, tire faucy vorir and aIL- Then thre people vili attend. r It in viti tu e dratsndiung tiret the. effort-to maire Libutyville tbe iraue, of a great fair will bu madIe. It tta mère timren ruor 10 mIl an uudertakiog ta viriciralredy soue 0200,000 bua.bae spein buildingis ad graunudasaime ad 0 ve May look lorverd ta "Soar. itblgdoeg"omonbu, ll.Auyvay aootblng big vili bu planed for antz sm et Ubsrtyvil.. LaerGoC. Field Day Petpoed. loÇqtsb"telday, thir.dd ait ai *0 Nor* a Iio'a 400.wus.potpmma irons lent satailay on accouai af tirs raie vhlebeai pet aumend. tu ail ides of holding tire Meeting. The felai day vill bu held ou Seturday Oct.. 18 end everting yl bu arrange*i ta Malte tire day sabg ane. Tire sutémobile race, tbu polo pony races adina tact tbu entire program viii bu pellsdjoi s billed for lest Satnrdsy. Summary of Court Work. Weduesday vas doniestlc trouble day in tIre tirrie-da>, session o! tire cirocult court and about nîneteen di- S- vorces vere aired aud decrees grant- ed ta the deservlug. Tire tollovlug suits for divorce have benu diamisaed, Attarney, Orvia beiug thre attorney,: lierriman va. Merriman, Mattie vs. Chreter Shales and Nelle vs William A. Johnson. Grand Jury Riportta bon. Tire grand jury la lîkel>, to report Mouday tire brase tue! cases ver. Yesterday the bris thie casses ver. before the Iuquisitorial body and ta- day the Hucker Young matter la up. Rey. Quayle ira not yet appeared and ma>, nt do no this term o! court. caes of Monday. Cases o! Monday that vere dia- posed oftlu some mauner are: Tire Griffth attacirment suite vere diemisaed. Cooper va. Povell sud Treamer vt. Hendrlcks aien dismissed. Canada Thiatle. Commrisioner of fhIleldi vs. McKeovn, dîsmlssed. General Hicks va.C. & M. E. R. R.; passed. Stelckler vs, Noethling, dismlaeed Dorothy Kilîl va. C. & M. Ek. R. R.; passed. Dan Danlelson Ys. Warner Sugar Refting Company,; aettled and dis- missed. Western Coal sud Dock vs. Gleus FaIls; tricken off docltet. A. H. Stevart vs. Alec Erîckson; diîimiased. Burcir & Barran va. Comrs. 1ligh- vays; diamlsmed. W. Bartmua va. Chicago, Mlvaukee &St. Paul; nit for trial October 29. F. PIeu vs. C. & M. E. R. kt.; dis- missed. The Spry Lumber Company va. varions lusurance compauiee. eleven dlamiissed sud two set for trial. Adminhtrator Coon for M. Minarek vu. Belt ]Une, dismissed. Escir Bros. sud Raabe va. Wis. Cet.; diamissed. W. H. Bakter vs. Mrs. M. A. Baker, Arguments vire beard Tueaday by .ludge Donnelly la tirhe uor Carolyn Davison againsi Lorenso Davi son, irotir of Prt Sheridan. The e la <.on that -was fBled nome tUme ago vhereln Mrs. Daevin chargea that ber husband deaerted bet* at a west-4 ern pontatsee chased hlmt over a good abare of tbe country to Fort Shberidan. After hearing thre arguments, Jddge Donuelly decideo_ to hear the case ln, thre latter part ol tbe mouth. May Dssolve InjunctIon. Att.orney ftearna, associate coun- sel vlth thre clty attorney, lu the lu- juntion case of Judge Joues and Mrs. G. B. Watroua againat the city of Waukegau retraiulng them fromt lay- Ing a draiu pipe to their ravine, this etternon le befare the court vlth a motion ta dissolve the luJunctIon. Argument wIll be beard this atter- noon. Thre grand jury la stillInl session but they are tryiug to get througb by tomrrow nlght. 'If ltuflot thorrgbt tiraI they will be able ta do no. I!REMOJNT MAN IS FMRT UNDP!R LAW, Will 00.1 im .07 to bicorne a Citezen inalead of. 81 as Formerly-Much Red Tape abiout New Sysm. John'% Wagner, of Freemont. la thre firat man ta have the bonar of taking out au application for naturslizatlon under the uew law sud gtving thre oiate $7 Instead of $1. Wagner, wbo la a Germanituaett application Frlday. He was put through tire more rigid preparatory1 work sud vili uot be taken before1 the court for tbree moutha, duriug wbich time iis name vîlI ibe posted lu a pttbllc place. Marries.on Deperture. At leat one marriage yull not be stopped ln Fort Shrerdan by tire cali to Crabà that iran been laued to the troopa there. It vas reported that many iuteuded marriage a il been lu- definîtely poet.ponedl by the sudden order, but twa lovera et Irant iutead ta bu rnaied betor. thre prospective hnirby ev.. The»- are Constance Atroye Han- sou, Of xewilvoth. mam johi Duaie Webster Caray. of FL fSheridan. Trues- Ay Mins Hansson procured a lieuse for ber marriage tram the couuty1 elerk and the tvo vîlI b. madIe happy1 before iterm duty tears theV2 rtrm eaec otirer. . Fed Chickens Capsules. Flndlng bis ciickeus acek end hlm- seilf unsile ta maire tbem take midi- dune, a LaIte counti tai-mer praved hlmsel! ta belong ta tire tventieth ceutur> b>, buylng nmre amaîl ordi- nar>, capsules at s local drrig store. These ire filled vith tIre Medicine tirt it vas necessar>, for tIre chickeJ te taire sud cattered tire fWletI cap- sules about tire bern yard. TIre favl are na vas husky a lot as corld b. vhsired for. Sunghine Prevailing. Mucir brgbt runablue prevailledl durlug tire vek endlng Manda>,, Sep- temirer 24. Tire temperatuuie vas cou- siderabl>, above tire seasontal average, sud lu exceslu dal>, mean tempera- fui-e averagiug 8 degreee. Tire veek1 opened varm vif h maximum o! 90 degrees end aven. At tire cloae o! tire veek minima about 50 degrees vere reglstered lu tire central sud tire nortireru dIstricts. Ralufaîl occurred on severai days1 lu tIre nortbern bal! o! tire state. Messurements lu excees o! an Inchr vire iecoi-ded on tire l9tir or 2th at ChIcago. Dvlgirt, Elgin, Mou-1 mouth,St. Chailes snd Sycamore. At1 Manmouth tire fatal for tire veek vas 4.80 luches, o! vici amount 4.18 lu- cbee occurred inlu1%4houre. Bain la ueeded lu tire central sud soutirn districts, tire mil, lu man>, places, ire- lng to dry ton fait vork. As thre seaaon grave tovard a closel a statement relative ta tire dates or- curreuce o! kllllug fronts le oppor- t une. ' Tire nterval betveen tire last killlug front lu sprlng sud tire fIrat kIllng fi-ast lu autrimu everagea about 176 days. Tire luterval la langeet lu tire soutirn. sud sirarteat lu tire uortberu distr-ict. Tire average dates 'O! tirehast killng tronts lu aprIug ar-e as follove: Southeru district, Apri, 12; central district, Apil 22; nortir- ai-n district Aprîl 29. Tire tolhovtug si-e tire averagea ddtes o! firef kllling fronts lu autumrr: Soutirn district, Octobir 18; central diatrict, Octaber 11; nartireru district, Octaber 9. Thre latent kllling tract lu spring eyer rm carded ln tire soutirn district va. Mai 14, sud thi earliest in autumn, September 14; ln tire centr-al district, tire latent kllllug tract un spring, June 6, sud tue îarlist lunsartumu, Sep- itemirer 14, lu tire nai-thiru district tire latent killing lu sprlug, June 8. sumd tue meant killing lu sutumis, Beptembier 18. LIBCITYVILLEB, LAKE COUNTY, IL4INOIS, FIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1906-12'Pages T - I. ýSTLJDMTS AIbD fACIJLTYý -N CLASH. dituation ia talned nt Lake Foret-Profuore Demand i Thot Hazlug @top. SION PACT OU QUIT SCHOOL-MANY REFUSE Lake Forest,.111.1, Oct. 2.-Studerîts at Lake Forest College are lu openi aud stubborn rebellion against Presi- dent Richard P. Harlan as tbe result of the autl-bazing ukase lssued at chapel aset Friday and bave refused almoat to a man to igu au agree- ment that tbey wilI cease anfioyiug lower dlass men as laid down by the traditions of the sebool. Tbe only el aga lu the college that bas signed tbe agreemeut le the senior clase .which bas uo Mgt lnu tereat l J 'c - ,eh W eng is lait yesr. Juniors, sophomores aud freshmeu have refused aoigu the liaper that the school biard bais dravnu rp and Itilarinderatoosi sud openly asseited tirat tire Alîurni As- sociation.,virich meefa soon inrCi- cago, vfll aIa refuse ta cauntenance tIre stfempted re!orm. Said one strident. a sopiramore, "'Prealdent Harlan vilI find tirat ail o! ris yUl vigoranal>, oppose au>, at- tempte in transforu tire college loto a Qiber Institution. Tirere iras ai- vaya bien mare or lese irazlug at Lake Forest ofa h iarmiesesmort aud anyva>y I do not see vby ve sbould ire expectesi ta lead tire livea o! recluses." As Preaident Harlan iras tirreet- ened expulsion tna alvIra do flot aigu tIre agreement, tire situation la ftrajued, the college authorities stilI -perasitng lu tireir attitude tavard tire alleged disorderl>, etrdent element. Fort> Rafuse te SMon. Fart>, Lake Forest collage itudeuta retuied lest nlght t. sigrg s piedge aubraitted b> tire f.culty not ta lu- dulge un hazing »nd iy tire delars- lion o! President Richard D. Harlan tre>, vi l bu expelted tram the. cllage tuas mornlug. ixfy stridents. afler a mas meeting, decided taaccept tire manifestao!oftIre professors. At- temple ver. matIe b>, nme of tire seniors 10 bravbeat thre sophomores and juniors sud drive tirem lota mub- ml*âion, but tire>, ere unauceaaful.- Al but turee of tIhe seniors ylelded- ta tue tacult>,. Hait tue sopiramares could not be recouchled. Pneideut Hl-an lu cirapel lest Friday marning delivered au ultimatum tantire stri- dents forbiddlug iradnrg. lu grder tiret tier me mlgIrt b. obaerved more generall>, ie askedth ie stridents ta aIgu a plesige. Thins tIre>, refuaed flatl>,.- Maus Meeting la CeIled. President Harlan dedlared hIe vorild give tire stridents rintl lst uigbt ta ign fie agreement. If tire>, had not attached tier names by 10 p.m. bey yene ta conside- tbemselves expellesi. A mais meeting vas callei according- ]y, sud tire metter vas dîscuasesi pro sund coeu.9 Students leading tire attack againet the abolitIon o!firaziug are G. G. Han- rie. Joliet; GIlea Kietile>,, Peorla; George Michrael, Logsusport. lud.; Pauil Sommera. Dayton, 0., and L. S Rowland. Among tirose sidiug viti tire facril- t>, are Chester Wharton, iingirt. Ind.; Ernest Palmer. Nev Villa, Ill., sud Hovard Shrayer, Pontiac, Ill. Tire fort>,stridents retusiug ta sîgu the facult>, pledge bouud tiremeelves lntQ a colleglate union after tire mass meeting and declares tire>, vauld fight tire professai-s tu a flulen. Tire>, a> tire>,vilI cauee a "strike" sud vilI irring ouit tire ixty signera f0tirteir aide tirraugirsympathyIf>,1b>, no aIrer means. - Homemeeker@ Excurmliss. Evur>,Tuessiay n tireC. M. & St. P railîva> iomeaiekers tickret@e vîlIbu sald f0 veste-n pointe tai- one tara plus tva dollars. Inquire ot tour local agent toi- turtber particulara. L .1 TO SUBSRISERS. Subscribers will take notice that tht. peper EVERY TIME fil cornes liabeledwlth a YELLOW SLIP upon thé UPPER LEFT MANDIcre of the FRONT PAE Tht. yeliow label Io a $TATOUENT 0F VOUR ACCOUNT and a lacà wlIl tell you HOW STAND. Thoas who owe the INDEPEN- DENT for aubecrito e a $il -figareoutilJ ST 14"W" TI4EY STXAND. If yota are nlot paI4 Iin advanc. y u mayko tbat'IWAYIOENT 18 DUE TrHis PAPER fi 0150par year to EVERYUOD0Y. But Two Saloons For Deerfleld Monday nlgbt thr village counucl of, Deerfteld, aplt aon the proposition whetber ta, have or not to bave a third salîQon and ta tir gratification of one element of.vîlagîrs and tbe dis- appolutruent of anot<her Presîdeut J. C. Ender vated aaitist the propbiosl poun. 'Feeling bas rn Dhigh, the local pas- tors and church p(4;1,1(- ireulatiug pe- titions agai»at the liquor traffic and gaiuiug until thre'vilage waa eveuly divided. There v,'re many bot dis- putes sud tise end has rmade soute Il] feeling. WANT LISERTYVILLE TRACK. Milwaukcee, Wle., Sept. 2.-It be- irg irnderstood that tire race track at L.ibertyville ls a t ,. abamrdoridd tire suggestion han b..-rr nadi- to tire Wis- consin state' fa-r hoard firat t vorils ire a vIse plan f0nakr- arrnîgements for tire purciame <Itirhe mammotir grand stand at tý ibt lertyvlle course and transporý t It reri for an addition to tire present g[rand J_ïintird -5'- fair grude-. If tire libertyvîPe rîreetinmgs are ta ire given rip It la Jikerly au attempt yll ire made ta orgairar, a racing as- sociation beresud have tire western circuit summer meetîrrg, icir up toi tues time oas beeti tir-d at Liberty- ville, lu thus cit>,. Great hîtereaf la helng taken irere ti Irnress raciug sud there are many rrîr-rrvira ielieve tiraf a bamneau meeýtiig Iere late lu June or Jul>, vould 1rove a payiug proposition. Michael Neacy fifflav saîd firat Presîdeut 'McKnght of tire Western Trotting Association a as splonsor fon tire statelpeut tiret Ltlrery ville vould abandon ther.r.90- YFIN!D BUT $3 APP!ALS SUIT Anleoch Men Noeks Vindication and Card-ls Up Suit-Charged wlth Asaaut on arieon on W. L. Bathel. Jantes WiItou,,o! An$Ici vas re- centlyfined$i 83 d coefa lna Juatioe court for an afleged sisanît ou WlIl. hama t..Bathel.fi vas aserenom- mended by tIre court tiret tire fine be remnitted aon good beiravlor. But Wilton vas not aatfied sud declared IseInnocence. AccordIngl>, bu tah an appeal te tire circuIt court and hie case vilI be beard duiriug tire Octabur tori. SOL>IM.LMV! FOR CuSAN ISLE Boys in Khakî Stalioned et Fort Sheridan gel Sudden orders te Leave for Suuny Southland-Get Paid Before Start. Clad rn uev suifs o! kbaki. tire Fart Shberidan troolîs le!t Wednesday afteruoou for active aervlcir luCuba. Not outil 3 o'dlock yeterday did tire oficera knov viren tbey vould get ave>, or virat route tIre>, vuld take. At tirat lie a mresage vas tele- pbaued tram tire department iread- quartera et Ciricago that the govern- ment lied accepted tire bld of tire Big Four sud tire Ciresapeake & Ohio rs.ilroads for transportation sud tiraI four trajo vorîtd ire at the post tuis afternoon. Everybody frarîr Colonel Pitcher davi ftIrte neweit recruit vas bus>, yeeterday et tire pos t irtirte prep- arations for depar-rure. Thre quarter- master gave uew kiraki suite sud rus- set ehaes tu, ail tire min, and tirese vilI bie dounes fada>,. Overcoata vili lie taken along, tînt tIre>, ylire placed lu boxes arrd Ieft et tire'Cuban port o! entry, wicirle expected ta be Havane. Tire ren vilI stsrf ouf vifir plent>, o! Is)ket mone>,, ba. fon tIre paymesfer made ierIsrundesud everyba4y received a montb's vages. Contrai-y fa tire rsuel cuetam., ver>, fev o! tue mldiers made thirur a> ta the saloons o! Higirvooan sd nof a gise off crapa was lu slgbt. More mane>, Iban miaia sesont tirrugir tire post offie attire fort ta tire homes o! tire men. - Man>, Sidiers R"-nil. Captain T. W. Darragb, thre aditi- tant, vas kept hnîsy a large part o! the day lu svèarnrg lui men vira vîshesi f0 re-enliaf. tan>, viose ferma ver. soon fa expire sud vIra vould bave been le!t bmind' took ad- vantage o! tue opportunit>, ta ata>, for service lu Cuira. The compaules ai oftire ftva battaltona vhicirare se- le td tai-uban dut>, vili b. Ouled ta Ilseir quoasoa! ixl>-five min, and numerouc trauctens vere made from tue firit sud second battlions, vhlcb yull go, ta otti-d, vuicir us ta ste>,. -'Noue o! the oaScii-s' ivea viii se- Campany tire expedition, and It Io sald tuat at least tarr eddinge vilI bhave 1o ba postponed Indeflitel>, ie- cause of the sudden caîl. DO-WIE US P!NNI IfSS IN ZION Once flaiugirty Leader He Cen- nat Nov M(ais.enBosagh ta Oct IlimaeIf to Mexico. MEETING FAILS TPO RAISE SUM 0F $200. While.John Alexarnder Dowie plead- ed earueatiy for- nrouey witir whlcir ta defrsy the exîtenaea of bis trip ta Mexico on whlch ire was ta atart to- morrov, Wilbur GlenrnrVoliva, at a meeting of tire afficers o! tire C-lrrs- flcou Catirolîcir Aîiosollîchcrrrcir Sunr- day declared tirat If tire> dîd irof co- operate vitir hlm Ziair City vas doomed ta duintegration. Tire airpeals oif Dowle voiced at a gatireriug o! ty faltirful lu Siloir -tue "collection ro! lWIeS thin 12 for tire fret apost le, deelulte is assurance tirat ire iadrrf a dollar lu the world. Dovie vept bit- terly wvien ire vas ln!ormed o! tire result vhich vas as uuexpected as t praved fa ireirtmilIatlng taulire fouîîd- er of Mo<n City.. NeA $ney for Trip. Dveaie rlefly ta bis follovers and rirgesi tiat ire iresuîrples vitir money ta defray tbe expeuses o! hii journe>, soîtivard vit ie Isparty o! tirirteen adirents. He saad ire gave tire cirurcir $100,000 lest yesr sud tint ire neyer apont a dollar tirat did nat beloug fa bini. 1Betore tire collection vas taken. Dovie vas carried back ta his room and several o! bis supporters made eupplemental Ileas lu Dovies ieiraît. Tire response vas flot generous. A tew $10 bils vere tbrovu Into tire bats viricir vere paeîed. but tire grester number o! contributions cou- slated of $5 sud $t bille vîtir a large aiaortment a! silver coins. Tire pre- cIa. sum colleeted vas flot dîvrilged, but it feli conalderably short of $200. It la certain tint tius pitiful mcum vili neo psy for the7 use of tire pivate car vicir b. ia. ciartered for tIe recip ta Ocanta. Mexîco, vere tire firet apostle vili make Iis future home. -Membera of Dowis aParty,. Tire memburs af Dovle'a part>, vîlI bc Business Manager Jahn A. Lewis and lira. Levla.< Aasutant Business Manager James F. Petersansd tirs. Petera. Albert Grant and lMra. Ida M. Stein, stenagrapirers; Mise Nlelsene Hansen. honsekeeper; Mrs. Ba Sireldrake, editor of tire uev pape- viritirla ta be touuded lu Mexico; tva negro valets, tva malds sud a caok. Atter tire meeting et tire Tabernacle Voliva calledl a special meeting of the olicirs of tire churcb sud lu au lu- passloned addresa urgesi their ca-op- eration If tirey dld Dat viair ta ses Zion City crumable ta piecea. H. fiayed Overseera Speicher sud ExcelI, vbo, ire aad. vere vorltlng t1 nuder- mine hlih sud called attention fa tire evident laclt of Interest siravu iy msuy ZionItee lu thre velfare o! tire cm-rch sud city. AIl tas, ire main- talued ,meant disîltegration uiues@ radical counter action vas taken vith- ouf dela>,. Tire offIcera pledged tirmelvea ta surpport Voliva ta thier utmost and persona] appeale vîlI be made f0 Zianites to remain loyal te Volîva as thier leader sud !rieud. DIVORCES) BUT STILL MARRU!D Peculiar Plight Former Gurnee tien Finds Self In as Result of Judge's Overaight. Muet Gîve Wife Ilf Pension. Wheu Sarair A. Hovard, alleged to have heun Ilesertesi by ber husbaud, Wesley Hovard, of near Gurnee. years ago,- applied for a bal! o! ber irusbaud'a pension, learning that ire vas alive lu Elgin, III. Howard smiled $1..50 PER was several rlay.s ago rrturrrerl as re- iected ber-aise of! the fart' that ou September 15,. t1ihee hîrsîraîd gat a decree of divorce, rrever rrrtifylrg bis vIte, eo tirat sire was it iiiiiie( tir learir ouly the other day of the legal aunul- meut o! thre uarrîage, after a lapse or fifteen yearE6 Pension Bureau Broke News. And then it was the pension burreaui sud not * tie former iruslrand froin wblcb tire tidînga came. Tire uews of the buslrard's step augered the wife aud sire deterurlned ta Inivestîgate tbe case ffIlly tbrarîgb ber attorney. Ir bas îrow develaped tbat altrorrgb tire then jîrdge or tire Elgin clty court grauted the decree and recorded Ir au bis books, sa tirat It la legal lu forrr, he forgot ta aigu It. Attornrey Orvisanarîounîced today tirat be would seelç the correct ion af tbe records andî the seîtlug slde of th1e decree. Honward la still living at Elgin. His wlferésreides lu Grayalake. Tirere are varion sioilns ahout Lale POLICE SEARCII; RÉTUIS UIHOME Daniel Fane Disappeared et Liberty- ville Races wilh RaIl of Severai l4undred Dollars-Soughtby Police of Dozen Cities Walks Int Home A!ter teir dara of tir'. moat excîtiug chase tbat baa ever corne under thre notice of tire Waukegan police, Dan- tel Fane, Nnrtbwe&eru engîneer re- ported ta bave disapaeared. Mondav walked into bis home at Dixon aund brougirt joy and peace ta iris anxioria relatives. Wh.r. Was Fane? The myatery of tire snam's virere- abouts wbile the search vas an bow- ever grill remains a myatery and noue of the police forces of a tiosen cities are able ta tell wby they could flot find hlm. Fane dtssppeared ten daya aga. He vas lait aen betWeen A and 8 barns et tira libertyville race tracir, near hie favemitt horse. The Bronci'. qrisrters< hi a Uàbertyvllle,*&Ds. Tb!e irov r as btveen Il and 12. 1 Thre nigirt bîfare ue stayed et the Brown place lu tire village and foui play vas feared ai on that day he bil been seen ln a 'aemi-Intoieafed conditian ln -the handa of tva race track avripea. tram vbom he va so- oued as thre aime of bis roll va. known amaug tire aparting men. rothir on the Hunt. Fane's brother took charge of tire hout yesterday aud vlslted UAburty- ville vitir pîctures uad descriptions vhIch aiea reacbed NWaukegau. Every Eiks ladge lu two states waa notietI. Fqre vas reported et Kenoaha on the day be disappeared. The Delly Police Grist. This morulng, before Police Magie- trate Hape, Tony Flemey vas fiued $6 andi coite for alleged disorderly couduct, believed ta have been au at- tempt ta steal coal aloug the belt Ue tracks. Officer Nichols made thre arreat. Tva othera recelved fiues for beiug drunk. They vers ta have atoppid et Lakte Bluff, but rode through ta Waukegau ou the asat train aud slept lu tbe ravine, vbere matted vitir bure tirey vere found by thre ulgbt1 police. Supervisora Coming la Town. 1 Duriug thre veek of October 8, tire city ut Warrkegau yl entertain tbe State Associatian of Supervisors, Couuty Commisaloners and County Clerka of thre sate of Illinois. The commlittee ou entertalumeut bas decîded that tire Initiation of tire vis- iting members o! the association Into tire myeteries of the Muiairera' Union ot the World vilI bc thre proper finale1 ta tireir firet day lu the city. Accordingly. on Ttlesday evenlng, October Ili 1906. lmmedistelly follow- iug the reception teudered ta the as- sociation at'rtbe Pariîh ilouse. tirere ,wyul ie a specisl meeting of the Fln- lobersa' Union of thé %World, held at sn unciared tuatne vas uryorceu. Moi-mannes Hall, for tire purpose of But tue ohd adage tirat ire Who conterrng tire tva Fluishers' digmes laugbs Iset laughs irest vas Praven upon ail members prisent o! tire as- vhen tire othen day tire attorney, fan solatian. Mrs. Howar-d, E. V. Orvis, dlecovei-ed fIrat altirougi tire decnee o! divorce DUGAN ACQUITTED. vas entened ou tire cit>, court books Lasf veek. at Hlghvoad, Rtoy at Elgin, tIre decnee irad neyer beentDgno seguva squtd sîgued sud thua vas veld. of a charge o! maybem, tire allegation Old'SaIllera I-lre. belng madetIefiat lu a hravi on a Tire Hovards are aId settfVrs ire etreet car hireail biffin tire uso! and have lived un vailous parte o! one' William Lndvig. Tom MoDer- Lake count y for forty years. - mot t. suotirer Waukegan man via Yeadre ago tire irrsbaud la alleged taerartlcipated lu tire allegerl figirf, vas bave deserted i i Ie sud ase oon finid. as abe liai-nid hie virereaborats sire applied for tire bal! a! hie pension ta TWENTYFIVE TO MILLBURN. viricir tIre ev entitles ber lu case ot Tvouty-five Wsukegau Mamans per. deeertion. tormesi vark lunlire degrees sud eni-1 Tire application for tire bal! vas joyed a gi-est banquet et Millburu made tbraugb Attorney, 0ivla ta the lait Wednesday ulgirt. geIng trami pensian bureau et Washington and Waukegan b>, bus; cai-iage aud enta. tYEAR Ie ADVANCE. LIMBIJ RGER Johnabna'g Yolatl Win$ et" Ciramrpionship of Cbeeme Ester-Then Dîe. RUNNit.H UP IN CLOSE CAiLL-THIRI) MADlE SICKÈ Frank 2rllller. of Johnusrg. Illi- nois, aged.21, prraved tbat ire corrld est more cireese than an>, other icheese lover lu John'sirtrg. veaît a! Fox Lakte, aud then ire dled. Fred Justen, îrrved tirat ire could esta- most as mucir of tire imbrirger vsa- triefy as Miller. He probabl>, vîll di. fJake Brayfield made s poor shoirotg as s cheese consumner and he leaona desperately sicIt. Such la the rearrît o! a conteet that meut lu Zorsl~~trf cpct for chise. as a Irouaehold provarir lu tbe village andi Juaten vas envions. Brayfield also -borrgirtire migirt b. lu it If tire w as an>, vsy o! settling tire >dispute. 1Cirarlie Smtithr, vbo preides over - tire Johusirurg taproom. and irad been arbiter lu th ireugitly argument, irad s brIllisut Ides. Wby not a content, ie auggeeted, He'd provide the cheie, tire rivale and their irairkere ta 1fur-, nlsirtbeir ovn beer. Sa It vas or'- rauged. Wagers vere tmaie., rieud of the tirrie men bet betveen tbem- selves, recklesaîy for Johnaburg, thre yautb of the country for miles aronni entered Int the epîrlt of tire tiig, and tire taprocim ordered a pleutfinl eupply a! hier. Wben tIre content vae held mach man bad his avn table, on vbIch vas- set a pauud slab a! limburger. Time- keeperesud veigiera ver. narned. tire 'audience gatirered around te tables sud et a sigrnaltire rival chasse esters fe11 10. Iirayfield quit vhSe. yet about a tirird of hi ealab r reAb1k Juaten veut s litte furtirer. MuIIayq, ta umk6 vlctary -certain,.irulo through ta tir ecrmbe and 'vaà* ried ave>, viile hia friends cheers&i Neit day ail thraever. la the- irands o! pirysiclirne.. -Miller'sla.m vas tirevorst. It looked l1km ate peudicitis a tirte doctars, and tie operated. Tirs opérationu did no geoil sud b ire di hzlrtng.& it.-vau ouI>, ater iris deati tiret tire doctors leerued a! tire cire... atng contast- More irerole remedle ers r*»ort. ed tu ln tirecasesoz JàMn ad Br'ay- field. Tire latter la ont of danger, but Justeu's ricaver>, itilI la doubtfnl. STOM PI$YS PAVOC Appe& are Blawn From rae by Ferce Gaes and are Practîcaiy a Total Loos-Corn Dïasged as Wel4 TIre atorme l ttire lut.couple a!fvseko have dons mnucirdenmage lu opine porta aI tir. connty aspeclslly ln tir. sotir- vesteru portions, lu nmrnedistràct practlcsllyail tire epple crop wvieci tli year in au nnnual ans ln on tire grouzmd and vaîlasa axcept for aider, Mduci dauemaW&va.dons tire cons crop lu the ns.giborirooda mont alseeted anM the standIg c nlBon rti bal>, 2nLdrd ttitad. nrr place, Wholerave af &iocks vere tlpa over. On theJ. H. Ievertsmue a virole Seld viicirad matbasa tood up vas blovu davu b>, ans of tierenti vinde. TOLL WEARMATS& Young von.I'umembara af Christ Episcapal cirurcir, Weulcegau. have Incurred tire dlapleasure of tire 8ev. W. E. Toi], tire rectar, by goiug bar..ý beaded ta cirurcir. Tis cuatam, tire rectar declarea. la torbIdden by tire !alloving passage tram tire Nev Testament: -. Every voman tiret prayeti r O prapheeletir vîtirber ibendunucovera disiranarethbabr bad: for tiret la evea- aIl one as If sire ver. araven. For If tire voman ire mot covèred. let ber be sboru:, but Il lit bu a airasse for a *omau ta be sairnsor siravg. let ber be coverd-1 Col,., zi.t56, Tire wvaen se>, St. PaulV advice does onat apply to Waniregan, but VaU Intended only for tire vomea Of Corint b. Tha pastor. hawver, bas le, quested tirmpublici>, to vear bêta cor bonnets viren lun cirurc.--Chicmgi Tribune. DOWIc TO REMAIN. it le rumored lu Mion Cit* a Davîe la flot ta leave, but viiiruqgg ln tire Cil>, or-buifouading.ne l portldta bave nid tht ibue sM2 Weil in Zi4o as Wve s l1.0 l- iterds tdo. Ittla04 enemiet that ire làaf ald beh thre s ct ili Îef o* is ïbîî the cut>,. Ï.;Of i

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