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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Oct 1906, p. 9

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i te ou.fthe mlà iltern 25 58 ~~ le u _rpusU ... eh. tEr, eun dasome qîac Cheviot coul for Lades. tiase, 44 lu. long, pochais se4 akabe velue ............ 1 V sud mlassà Coat $0 lu. long. Mmd. s. qusllty ligt velgbt brsey; atire ia fuaid vti good quallty cule eoflnald velvet, egigegi lapralty scilaisd loop dealgu,*vlhb vide mlltaery alik brald; the sîccyce are laid lu aumer- oua tue mat abovee cl u«.ad the satin liniug la faced ,dovu eccbfront sud around ueck vitb vide allât brald. Coat la eut loo en sd full sud contes lu black ou»'. Worth $SU, but for oui d Autmu nOponi gah 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ire style Cu'vme, waterproof, fuli length snd a variety. off colore, worth 8700. ape«alat- ..... .g 812»s Up to 14 Ysars If t lis poalbIle. or Uns of ChUldreWa Coata la even more attractive tha.n the. one v. ares sowag for the grova-ups. Brlng lu the littie foiks and see jut vbat va cen do for them. CbUtd's Empire Cool, madie of of gray fancy mlxegi materilt Front sud back trlmmegi iWl atrape and tancy metal bht. teom. Coller and cuirs trimmegi vlla souleea.nd pull brald ad lnlald vtb rcd velvet. Patch pookets trimmed vth buttona. Worth $6. but à apecwa F..for OraAutam 29 Opening aI.o. 29 Childa Double Bronsted Cost, io of fancy cheviot cogtnIn;thie background bains of solld colore. The fAU oollar la g edged vlth velvet sad over- ialt-with anerous revu of soutacha and seallopsd brald; toU loeaety bangles bock vith j j the alise openîng ah botteai vlth aimulategi button tentez- tuas; large outalde pocketa careflî stltched aud tail- ored. Navy bIne, browu and our Autema OPenILug2.75 Doule reated Cas, o faacYCuidae Double Breasted Coat of elegant d'aDoule re"d Cat f. uey quaity gray check Scotch coatlng; bias etch gray Mixture coatlag, madegie lh stylîsi ticog and vide storm coltar; la asome collar. cuefs sud <l Otg- et vltb plentiful fulness and tu Most lob bave vIde Inlay of velvet, trlmais daintily finlsbeg wltb regi French Itannel tii Town of fanY soutache brald. Gsz- as buflae~tng saddau trimmlag at coliar ut la eut vith ample full- snd culsa. Worth $8, but as a spoclal « an sudavep l eader for oui .9 Autuma Opeflng .......... 3.% Autama Opealngat, a.h4o9 at patffa*am te M t MW *01 W futaduwho uam MW usw u w eammsmboe 0M namaa the. ou o p. rlan0 t 1imi Ldes' lasaer5proofaf ls«thee. neWftIl ins W e I meba&Wi sylea. vorth 9.0. Ault-maOpenug .. ."J s" prfeu ePrisaI»oue$, W rth$1 vet .ea........ $s - m"O Wh. WL*&nt 10 mpr.a upon you oùr uperer ablilly te serve you Weil ln the. purcha.. ef Fura. OrneasIwel Quarante inbock of every -.MI*_ and ur ogkanta. la hachai by lthe manufacturer, t«.. W. S _ _ lir.e so lasly-cotnn.ctod wit theii.leinq furrier of the. country ttIw. are abl, t. eliet about Iwhal lima aveae. marchant han te puy the manufacturer. W. mlv. ouï cuators the mtir. boesfltote i.savinga w. make through tbis connectlon. W. are aorowlng a truly rn1agnic.ont stock and peativoly ssure you a savlng, of 25 per cent. frens tlhe pricns chargsi by oth- ars. TqiI yeur friands about tAule and reat nurai that yo« wlll fini this ululement backed up whan you'favor thias tore wltmà aiti. lnae e a.en- net pies.m. ybu sut of stock, w. wvllI taks you bo the clty ad yeu cen make ysur solactlen frenu the enormous stock kept et lthe manufaturer. brench houes. %Scpacermite us t. cuit Ïeition te but a fuw of the many valuas w. offer. Brown Coney Scarfs. vorth $2.50, l Chincilta Coney Set, vorth $9. for AutumuI Opeulng at ........... ~ f or Autuma Opeulng at ...... $7.50 Dark Brown Coaey Neck. Hece, worth $4, Alituain Openlng .........e Blaek Near Seul Cat, sold on State Street et Gray Squirrel Neek Plece, vertu 37.50, for Our Autuain $1450. for Autuma Opeaîîig t .. 33 peuing et ............29.00 RARE BARGAINS FOR TUE AUTUM OPEIflG Thare lk.positivsly the savlr4 abowy a 10be AI-I THE AUTUMN NOVELTIES IN LADIES' 26c Fine Hoasaeai......................l150 maie on every Iem listai hors. Space dees not STOCK COLLAS, JUST RECEIVED FROM 35e extra Fine lHo".et ................. c permit us te dive thom lhe praminence they de. NEW YORK. 9 serve, but a carefu) perueai of t'bi lia illii 25e Collars et......................... joc NEW D11ESSINQ SACQUES AND KIMONAS prove mast praftabie to yen. Thome prbcea yl 2,000 50e and 75c Collera et ............. 25e In pretly coloq ansd trimaici lu vasiable rlb- prevail eniy for thi. eal*, and are mais n a LATEBT CAZATIONS IN SELTS. bi àpeclal Inducement t10meure your attsndanc& nandsome mE.latlBelti vtksteel sa ngleasOc tDreaelncg c4-caet ................. n $1.c Corset Covers t................... ' made to sail t at ...................1hj 75e Dressing Sacques et...... ........ 490 *iooCose ovrsat..........49o M8eDresalng Socque& et ..... ...........75& 6Oc Niglit Gvas eta........... ......... 25a SARGAINS IN IIOSIERV FOR LADIES AND $1.50) Long Ilmoena t... .............. nc $1.00 Nlgbt (jovuaat ................ ..sOc CILi.DRENI4 $ 200 Long imon«aeth................. ç8 $1.00 Corsets at........................ 790 lsc Fla In oe......................... 5 83.-S Hdavy Elderdovu Kimona at ...81.88 (. A REMABALE SIIOWING OF FINE -AUTUNN SUITS AN AUTHGu1TATIVE OF AuTUNNSTYLES We have aureli' surpau.i ailmur previeus efforts ln oui prenant show. lng ofet ylisIs fait end winter enlta for venn. Fer genuin. style, beauty end dlverelty vu have n. heeltmney ln m*tng lime Merton tirat Il yl ecilpe sny sbewing yen wllilfini.lewm tIlla ma&s up tram thie a~eatderahls offerlageof iet lemet a dases et Mre lnWugU mnW&fmsme nd Il semaine net only thse creem of lueur stea Mdsoi mais productions, but ha bien snlarged and strenghim.ned b>' doaaimaofexlre"uay almarcsWrngmale liaI were made up 10 eue spelaorder unier lima pereenal aupervision ef oui buyer igrinu hieme- journ a tnhre Ket. Feebln im edecrea n.tiln awoman'a Ialerei mata that la net representai la thie ernaer euwlng. C"Iofîe Lenonu sndParis modela wUt ha found aide by aide wlthliebhait work of Amsrlca' ISnfrmoat dosignre-the-îsaratseand irees smitla, 0lie y aide vlth the. more aimelo and inexpenelve kinde. Yen cen but agi.. when yen sas thon limhaI auchrnvel- ues hava neyer berna offored et aaywhsre gar thme reasonable pions wvhmno prevail. Wa guarant.. pi~fctlttngs ad urgle sary vuman ta riait me. ani vlaw tli cbai-ming suhhhIl, onud-er sie viaimea tebu>' or net.1 lf i ul aa pleamare for un la show adiliaI etw. ha"a net exaggerated. Ladies' sud Misses' Fly Front Coal Suit of Invisible stripe BSclc suit- lng. Jecket la 24 luctise long, sat- lnu 11ud thronghout; ban the usat manalatu hait Sitted bock ef the Prince Chat, effect, wth deep pleas IdldaI tih bothom of tii. aide beck gores. lnlald velvet collât, and ail seamns, edgos, etc., are IcoNe stitehed asud cprefully fliolhel. The sksrt M a is-gore, 'having daep pleategi front ad back pasnals, aad contaius apleudid fulînessansd fiBre. Ceiln mediume gray mlxed or ox- ford gray ailxed. Worthi 18, but -specil for our Autumn Opcning at ........... . 98eY Ladiea' Fly Front Coat Suit of fine voot Scotch sultîng. Ceai la 24 lu. long asuite la led .hroughout vlth goni satin. The collar lu pretly stuaped, of fine v'elvet. sudthie culf tengtis &W 'slmutated, au on men's garinenla, by rows of stiMcling. A ____________peat veti flnased breast pecket sud <f utside flap pockets lever dovu iTita)]R I)lAi r y .sov thie' results of Mau tallored ITNAO B IN A T vrkmaaship. The back l of easy FLEMUM HOSE semi-fittegi shape and I iutde thie conter fi' opealng andi the Prince Chip cerner pleats. The zkirt lnaa geaeronsty fuil il-gare garaient Firne Fleeoed Hose for vith panel front and deop kille on Ladies and Children, reg. each seam stitcbed fiat ln ut be- 1evthie hipa. Browtbls mixture priaesei, speccal at. -Sc and oxford gray mixture. WStb ____________________ .823. but for our Autua1 ?5 Opeulng, apeclal at.à Itmoardlaary New Pail shirt ~Waat, macls0fi worstegi matoriai sud Tis la rgain la the 'talk Of hUm btowu. Lateotaagiseefigray' sud muxhurea, alec in bîde, black sud brornu, 85 valu.., upecisi .t .... -8 Ladies' and Misses' Double Breasted Semt-FItUng Coat Suit of band- Bone veratcd fnished suitlng. Jack- et la 24 la. long, full aatin Beasiand la fastioned i vih a stytist I nIalgi velvet coltar, seajas of the back gare. Tbree veil flnisbed pockes tend ho, the triai llored appear- suce. The. skirt buas il gors, he front and bock panels formais vide double box plealsand shevlug aIllaide gerce as terminating lu deep kilts. Comnes lu aish gray plaid, ln pretty satadov cecSk design. Worth $12. but speclal for atr Autumu ng $6enS Ladies» sud Misses' Fty Front or Double Breasted Suit of extra fne ail vont broagictotis. Hau a alght suggestion of the Norfolk line.. Jacket ia about 23 ln. long, satin or atelta lined tbrougheut, sud beaullfully trlmaied by meas ofa the shaped ulk edged taller straps, freai umderthic loeensd of vbich extendg deep aide pleata te botteai of garmout. The back l hght It- tlng, while the front aiotds but alUgitly tovard the valut. Thse sklrt la su l-gore pleated medel, vith pleutifut aveet, sud graceful fultuesa. Black, biue sud duit green. Sold ou State street 51 $80, but for our Autumu O I Openiug aI..... ALTERATION DEPARTMENT Our aitoration depsrtmeflt taln charge if an *xporienced lallor lately f rom on.e f tlne rst eeak mai "utlhausa, la lihe seautMia work la boyond critUclum, and ln casa a garmnt needs aiterIng, w. enaiaeure sur patn that uhen Itloueves lthe lwu'em, Il viii pesen maI at bselute perfectIon la fltfer wiohe is llslnOmflu re la oea"i. Exra help ha e.proriieli for the Aulumn sale amui wd' oimé sue. haclly and out-of-town patrons -* 1p ielva'y 4f goi.-- - - - 0. The oIneIiy up-l4e.ilcharacier et wmbaimil. efara tathe Hein. ornaum4" e. pre.. troagl i mpreessevry vieller t0e Mr stars. la glvlng aur extensive omiare ta manufacturer* and imnemre, great lscrea eplaeed on bath qualîti andi etyle. The. naw tti imb orar ov dealy'«cemplte and artetof ferai eur patro n t ltme losest peu1lameul et pseof Fromt nov an w. allr aaanab. hugi >aetumnm*atluaprarnr.. esmlcei shoppare can aslet st mb geie at the low*Melmie* ver qu.ei e.suequel qualltisu .ud wlte, bats fet Tbey are snrartiy vitli -wide, ettaadlah. Many of the aew >oU Milonsbacks. Thia la sat~ up on tihe modushbsfe yeare, but I a ot lakenid sathuali.m Ir yeunttho bave sw tuas. thla vlater letI Il le broynansd gray. Tii. Cà net allurins or wltdly becs la very faahlonable. -lAce wil beu"usgiqulto gavu bs v later nm vNuit =lm wma Ipatfew ssac«&. botelà ln favor of Spanimbh laes.ý popularlly 0et he Wq0sai Pink la a nopua.,ab"*s and lier. la on.shae* u Pink tiat la charmînge « l cd blond, sa Me s.7 m deep vins e&idan puSmo lemon colar and Pise will appeur on maU e suite. This triama Ilt attractive on mi" em* tleeed coshuaie. masofralacke"lam ti1 same elacta la whllisc been snosairt, fer 0l Thea 1theorareu #4 yakes.,fichus a" out in blaek spauhb k AIlt he.f5telle. tou cf oremnsss or faucy brella Navy bIse bouoiom M tractive &gava lu he dkr an ltcutbed laussM I foatUID e i.beonbu q blak brali in s5 About the I aaU 7Mi aC: finish 01 plaîhel white zoo lut cufs ou thoe hort-elB' plalhud adg. 3,71>10 WHAT la WOR tokma 5wea»-s«d Embrald.red mIlan 0m snd attractive fluaI suý saibrodcrPaS gheir eo" .t of 341k, wmbh o ite Su oovsr butte o â&la Llgbt fait hatsauosetele ealy ttll va., tr e, ia id The Prethy feebtectet lu ei sashes. copIidt ram 1 dren, la belng tekS uap Who are Juma t uIle iret ultous e ait lis. eak vide rlbbon-the sot t. l finîseffl vlhh a fffn e kaitegion luas"pie set M ton. acoardlng tg10 pý voeu long ene0u- fWtM corneté0thei.«7 *4pa-et se lu Paria. Just lcnt. la *Pi e of a tn»e«Wf maud for a largebat t teý MW ' ovait a zalipi et the turbse. It laê lei la boa nu eat tee b TIme lnlmml« 19l bOcek a" It ilne et sersl amort w a Paradime ttl 1 se e oretffus Onee kaW» test *0 t rcs PFUI Iet a Iý db w t "' daIOtI m ....Soc sS i Tes .lie lms 80 ... i .ile )kg.lOc .uc ..14P. .20e rlb..Jc s5e .e .toc ......loc ..100 .409 .oc' .c .4TIl' - - ------------ ------------- - - - ------------ pývo~ w*ý - ----------- - MMMWJ" ---------------- ---- - ývmm Mff

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