fflu pet Manda af laâb A. Wlhintot agent satur- Miada a? bis homeat Cryotal ?oapp a a cty !iaitwr oie daY ja pcilias returneti roin iwt*ka visit wth relatives la the A. J. King axud Misa Anna Kiigge o icheformiera parentse t - De »Pew le a guet tof ber daîxghter ~AI'- itaerati a penxting a feW î?beLades id cii uetwith lMr@. ~rmas, Wtieatay Oct. 17 t 2 Otta King enjoveti Suntiay at home 1fIr. andtMmlIrarvinç Paynie have tsuVd front a tour i the nortlurxi Ed.payne bas Roue ta Ogana, W la.. ta pescbmebis Crstmaa êvergreens. 1lire. Ltlirap le entertaidet thtI bsoua0f ber aitnera lin arenawaod at Mr. Rendrlchi and familly ram ig. wod acupyixig on ai the Holcomb ettwgas atm. Fraye W&@ luntc city WeduesdaLr. mmisVanPiev, t>! Wbetau, le vlating hWt ater, lir. Porteaus bore. À aumber of young peopie attentiet ii. C. . igR aft Laike Foret Fritia )Èé. lcery took a trip ta the cty -- y"aloai ur poplar young men, etaeud the dance t Lape Zurich Saftrda evexing. Mr. nd lira. oa. Gesebe ara the proutiparents of a hady boy bora lion- Ur. andtidlra. Seip and Misa@.lenaie vitammsdathet h al gaine helveen Ken- qss*y.Gàati anti Palatine Nntiay. iuTfllaHokemeîer rturuet Sun- "al eter adei ixg a foc dava wth ber .lolir rank., Mir. santi re. J? D. Pink returnet Su deyeveninmatr apending their hoacy- MM aunliligeunanti Cnad. * Thé, hall gain. betweyn thse 6rasé;Y Lske&.and Lake Zurich *as woni hy the Omur akt oe. score 26-1. tqubmiptioiia for the Lake Counit INI>PBJDasT takex i t . î'rank'a Lakt Q#Ite a number turxied out ta th 9daboce.giveux lueeSaturtia niglx "j~ke eig solt. The Ipolti mcdi wu. avrtiedt >Misa Carrne Koflin o ldoke Zurich as heet valiser. -)m a. LRnear, W mi ues -' 'T. du I: W!o , aiea cull visit a Ost eý t Oippava rals. lbgun Stickeli wbo bas been farmix 1 japhuM., the pat @sisaon w ~~~~Zwf &Deavtavfaon. lire.Jaum labeter ant i sster, Unx L aà hativIstedt ieir aiter Mr@. Ge( $- (N)pph a? Gialake audy - Iiiil$Iar iâvliting la Waukegun. iceFanais Wllet chu bas live i ti tbebMmily of L. K. Willet sinea iltt llt*aginboas gone ta lives ith a hrotti .11lii. Buur uGrayslake. ILR a. linlla, of Baran, Wi., vhc w» wl dinlaAuat anti let tbree litt edrea, viShbave thexa careti for tM Otiti ellava Orpbane home4 , OMM B", W.. lira Loren Warren who bas heen Wn.ama feW veek returneti lbr. aidira. John VekcI. attend t*a pret etclurch watdinget tAna lay-i man. lir. Kelly laOthe your tamaofi Mr. ant i r. John R ,I sae.y of Auiloc. li1a. Mary VauPatten anti lra. Ban tàlbe- rearnatisie Mondai DII WarS Whlai. lt for Donapl lia, Wdaaatiay vlre lie vill six mof aith is iter. NOTICL PeNte sotine lan herehy given t tiaBoard or Local Inprormetet teVOIslage a tbotyvlfle. Coati la" Md State aofIMBacia. bau à lhetia oty court of Lake cwù UMwus. a fofltil cat the Uifga ,Ieg inurovent bu befn c - wan tisa lit Sceal ni $11 t aU te ia 'quiraismeei fise Wni rihecefor tha coeptruci tg theamm, te-It:. Mas e caus 1 - tam eta i aele iystam ai lioa atu sely pipen'togbithi 5worbydrants, abatus? offv a"su , , atiir ,iOouvar iunct3a"an00g i, satiagi laid ln. abusag aind at V U*ft avenue 1.54 oher stret a1«2« a ethe VUilageot Ibartyl 1, a - Ï . ÎCouudty. lllinoEb, ndra , amum ta du rdinanixe ofi t» 2vlth day OfJuly, A. D. 106,5h FeUlbertyville SueclalA»smmeul Mid court docket nmber 1. A" tfurtiier notice la hereby gl j' mt pptionbau been ma"i aid ousS~ecarider anti dter w5oier o natthefaëtas tate MId coirtiflote' arc truc. Thi boulog WvIi bebaiti upon saId a ciaIon Monday. tae ItUtdm1 Octise, A. D. 1904l, at the hou tao'claek la the foraxioan af 1-dUat the. court baume lu Waubý la mui LaboCoaty, mlinoi. pilestion on or befor. ithe bour ci eD0o001lau t.e farOacUofnidud i PAUL MaeGUFVJN Extra L on, Pend your hair; nourlsh cive l somnethlng to live i Thon il wll stop fallîne, a wIIl grow long and' heai Ayer's Hait Vigor 18 the 0o hulr-food you can buy. 1 'W yegrs ht has been doi jus: whmt WCe daim ilvil.,i ilt will not disappOifit yoî asAyaait LO ts i lira. Houas enteriaineti relative Chicaga, Evanototi anti Pelati jjtfgciberante tati coi gôbl Uunber-Sa&turdtay, Oct. 6 lira.B. Scblerding entertifet 1Suntiay, Oct. 7, it bcixiglier hirthi liarrieti, Oct. 4, Mien Munie Bel anti Jobn Frauke bath 0f Lake 'Tir -ay Irladawlah them a] antiapaupy ane. The' W.- R. C. belliteir ne lu the liceoncic hall, Wednee.tiay, INGLMESD$ on last Friday Rd Canonwa by a barge wbie tabiag it fi *pasture eindauatanc<i a hatiira Uic ieg. Dr. Reuclgrave. ot La, e as calletianti et tii.brokea Rie aie a aviseti lr. Cannn uta là aspital anti SaturdayDon taixen tu Chicago. lt wcul lue vexý -go Isard wlth hlmII as lue 1, noV er eeventy-nmnth Year. il. Dexieen*newjiae W lafat rompletioxi anti wii le ret -occupancy fsoon. Maurice Micana, aur geniai rageat hanjs jxt ciiltt e ottage on ltsuhu clie »r. Freundi. tI Msiexry. la &i work. ty Mr. Itichardeon, of Graysiake, e tava takiug ortiers for coal last lira. Grace Wiîbensan arc Gai e a pleasant caller Maxitay. lit A great many bunters spent i a? the fabte anti judging f tm 01 atrixige oi game whieh they car tisera muet have been saine ga0 ing doue. Frank J. ltuh the iue Maxi is aya lew daye lu Cheaga. in' A few of.our peaple attez lis lecture on Japau ai Labo villa *xovenitig. Miartin Stoffel, aur rural ma ig bas beaun tak ng bhW two veeke vili Jas. Larbin bis subiltute atte the dutice of that offlcu nwln Ira It is raporteti thai Aldermnan Z vas blltiup Sunday near Foi polltely. requestedti t dioinso holdup was matienmare forcie 0abrt gun anti the Alderman I'dlcretion ithe better parl Mie conspiiet i wt tise requeat anid ber of hit hqrwellu. was toldti tagel ant i ca home. TiamI a , ose bt perhpeit vont acca tie ongglr. _iapale says lu who it cas anti lu yul tabi at have the party puxilahai. D in Narraw Escape <ram, [, to Henry ller. alidta, luier bbc., batiq, miraculaua ese sie death l~ itsrcat car near ili FPriday and ut the saine ti 7 r isa ta tva atonies. anc c yandi anotber af uttemPtet Il acîther oai bdtoea therE w9wli haia lau<met. bT henb ioomu-andi cas te car ths, ,t cromd et a brid boar statle that tce traeka aaead ai them wvien uheY rua acroaU tce bridge. Ho* deaty ont of te durinesa tat glidintrou? of tecar 'r He Be as picked up bY the Sied &ni? theeLarsonl & Conradi "ir7, reussvets lmta heiebogil loy- bi nirsevers fouadte tae 001> ut acroas t.ebridge af ti "m- mncisr ae nti scra-tches01 ao- Drs. Fatl and Boyaton a" udpronsoucaetheUicmin -1 cee a? au rions. b? vua foui siti vas tintais antiUi the OrY1 ý&U that lu a irakea stulbr ta the. vroug aide ot the tr bis efforts ta cisoape ccx Mievas strucis anYvaY. mlti basa robbed anti beaien. Ii on gel aiftenigit polkce oui be558 pacisets ensItieti. tt Of Thora iraisoe a repart1 glysa juspeti la front af thc car letaaitseamatianally. Thc a rmina naunce toù$ stary ubaurt cudin lafir la regaitietiai an se hai a anti simple. appil- îr of Thc INDUPENDENT Ii nova vbue ItIl neya. kegan reelon wvu S; ut bahai paralle>eti payA. od mus of ton daY'HE Day, lIMa on. and ly For )Ing do. U.,- ttiar b«" Ia. UAL loegtram ay trm th beture 0c ske Villa niexber Sto s val y &Pt i w- in hi tneari stiy fo jtatial ypmstt: tetraci loing il c as i, qt week. liger wl tSuxida th.e fax- 'led hais d abat spexidin Willaas Knetiuer la oa.tbe sick-îlot. TIO Mitchell la staying with bar aun1t, Mmiralobt. Boue, of Rockefeller, tiurng tihe absence aoflMr. Raise who goca Wo lira. E. Tulli3' la t presSai visitiag ber daugbter, Mira. E. I. Mason and t xilY. Casuius liason rturneti fron S p ring- fidPriday wlere bc atteutict the state fair. lira. J. A. Mason la agnin conflned to ber beti. Dr. Taylor ln In attendance. Ber maay Irends look for ber mpecdy recavery. 8S* le Miuou anti T il Mitchell visteti witb lr*. Sain WaÏelieldtiaat Everett onc day at week. fithei Kuetiier entertaineti ber cousin Roy Clingin, of Chicago, Sunday anti Manday.- Mir. and Mlra. H. A. Knopb entertained, Compny rain Cicago ? d of Long Grave, apent ngundai with Mir. anti lra Stelling. Barry Mitchell lias again resumeti hie stutioin latIe Waukegan BuineacoileRe. Mir. andti ira.Chas. Overlybhaia tbeir gues? 0,cr Sunda lrs. Sam. Blaiedel, aiChicag. r. m aistieli laa poetmse91fnote. lir. a@bd lra. A. lWehreaberg ara the bappy o&renteol ababy girl, bora Oct. . Battie btancififla Loe Buff. la vlitng ber fathar, Wm. Stanclifl for two weeka. Mir. andi Mra.Eti Tripp bave. rettirsut Ito, thoir homern a-Herington, Ka@., after @penting several wecka with thoir pxarent@ au4ethsrPIti. Mir. ant ié(. Fred Berachbareviited éwith their brather andt smily .4t Joliet. recsnty. Ui lire-anti lra. 0. N. liee.ell ere a.Chicago vistoras aturtiay. Mir. andi lr@. W. Rd. expeet ta leave foru= ca oionat wbh place tbcy eotnpllg maklng their permnuent d- home. e lira. Saph haî %turxsed tram the eat 1' accoupaniby.berhuabaxit, Capt. Saph 14 wbo la home for a short tay. r.ir anti lra. S. E. Kactiier entartaincti e, Mr. and lira P. Steen anti farily, e. ,, Seegmiller anti Messrs. Ritaenthaler anti inMisa Bitacthaler Sunday. Dr. and lira. Shaffer, of Downera )g Grave, viniteti with thuîr parents.,lMr. r audrM J. A. Maseon recetiy. antialira. Chao. Stahi anti tamiiy spent Stiday with tbe formera@ parente; ne t Long Grave. ý hcgbstm't ~. Mir. Wixdett. o hcgbscret be @pendi the wciter. with hie daughter. lira. Chas. Overly. in Capt. Saph iat a telephone put iuto 1 the illagP Inn this week. Dr. Trary jw expecta ta baveone put in at hie bouse. E. B. Maoan the Worhiptol Mater oif &y Virtrixiviuo Lotige No. 81 attending the ge meeting of the Grand Latige of Muisons me of the tate of Illinio Oct. 2, 3, anxd 4 t- helti at Medinah Temple. lir. Ila sl nowaerving hie thirti term as Worahipful ýgMaster of bis lotige wbich ln thse igheot bonor tîxe memberiî cau be8to w upona For Soit Coal,* Lignite or liard C1>al Cost of Stove Saved in Fuel As you bnc ane-hali a9 soi t coali hgaa-the entire gassupply for ManY Chien adt town» bing made tront the saue kind 09 soit coal Yu are u4ig. TheexiÎntofunbgtflcd gafeSi in harticcal isshowa by opeuing thc>magazixt o cver af a base humier wben thes extraoxcygen supplied ilis theentire stave with fianting ga. Odier stovez allow this ga. which istlxe bet part of tihe coal. aioa large part af thelloeat, ta pass up the ciuney. This waate will averagefotm$10.00 ta 55.00 ayea r for every f aiy and rmillonzof dollars ln fuel asthxx eatcdannnally. The Original Cole's -Hot Blast stove Saves Ait Wested wlth Other Sto>ves Coe$ Oruigl MMile Da., by means of (ou l'tented Hot MetBirai at uset n connctian witb other patenteti teatures, distilla this gas fram tii upper sur- face of the coal, uîiliaxng it as a heat praducer alog witb theIinedat carban ar coke li the coal. 1On accaxtiofthfed patenteti air thbt andi gai tigbt construction giving perfect centrol averthie drafta: itai aso savez thé beat usually wat.d op tie chinxnel.[ $5 001 W rh oai.bard coul, nait ccal or ignite, or a 51L50 ton , f lack or coal aftings la thua madie ta do the wark af twlcc thu umouctaf tuel la other toves andi the cent of tuovOda seMe tii. V aavd fuel euh -lut«t. S'J.JWorth cd ulsck willi hat your boannealuinter. five ious ut 51.50 a tan doca tIc war k. Buim ôonly (One'Fire a Wlnter Coie'a Mot DBlum la àsa P4 in hoconstruction tual dre keeps ail nigh. ant ulen Icsdrat l op n e lsmoraini will butax tua or ubrea hauts w~th lie hnh.or sagtcoal pqt in thix night buore. No ather stave kea this. Fire. tieretare. neyer goeu out, kindlinj fircs la diapensud i wtlx, au theraoins are kept at au even texupralues ail th. limen. Rea«ds u»Ckrante. Wo armtise exclusive agente for Col'& Oig"ll ? last.apd sl i4 to.sia cc Mpan ypg guarante. whic!x canafnt lc matie an aîy other heatixxg stoa inlxxtS. warld. If yoxx Vaut 4' ta save hait yur fuel bill and would enjoy tho iuxry oi getins up au Bwa Sisas a warm boueon cald vinoter rutxig. .Stkxidlind f.r.. b uy Cole'$ BaronOrigxnal lot las: Do.. Avoid Imitations iesa . 4t i ',Y mdmt a o-' but. or lird a"i We Uarme.ilitet lther.Mais m liibc" erm qe .ta tue bo-a M& . W» unthea sa do. isbs' bord Cam Pm la teev Sil me W. gaeoditeCW-a ages thion uboa. an'u se i un -pa Md aw he amm "srW b.*.meags liard cool or ileek attrasilc. The abêvere g.ranel SiL.ndici i tt h &t%- be operatcd accrd iD w t- diretioii~. artl set aiît à guond due. lmattions ai this Original Hou Blasu are xnanv. Nosse oi uhesp has the absalutely air-tight and gas-tieht constructionl throug!i- out wbich Cole's Hot Blast bas by reassn tof ils nusieroUs patents. A Patentod Steel Coller conntvctui the elbow draft ta the sxv body and cannot apenx by action u! thie firrce.il hxat. The, Pattetd Compound ilgeoan lIse latter draft canixot warp, a";d tirait door closes air-tight I)y is otv:s . ight. TIhe gsareiitetd .5isoke-proof Fced Door prevtnts smoke, titst or gas es mh i wa fuiel is put ia thse stove lmitatloDS soon open seams andi cracks tthich spoiit them for keeping fire anti cause thse gus haioth Ie coaI and muids of tii. beat ta escnpetsp thse chimney. Sec thse name 'CW9es Mot Bles? Irons Ch=ago1 an thc keti doar af our stove. Nonse genuine without 1. Ask ta use tise patented dustiesa eh caver for removlng eshe. Our method IoUnseoaly dean Wey. Hé .Bn.EGER endai tha e ar e iloxnMii. iasan lias bail a on MELTON @ata ample ai granite set hlm frain the I zl ail carrier = rntemn nbi ami iri MeS Lizzue hlteiCouba atbn ali esa uUiao trviwBg colcu. heme.lr. anti lre. S. E. Kneehl. f Chiîeago,.SE vacangt on.paei i ua tireiclam building The infant child ofi Mr. and .11ra. IRa- visltei vith tIse lorxi.rs pareille jîer tudxag t tra i'lant alarge granitecoixtraettr ofmussexiliving near Cuba cas burieti SUntia. bile. Chida a s agtiating for theamine-ic Suntiay aternoon fr:nm thair hanme. lir. sud Mlra. (OtttaJsni eosI MayoleThi lobe s ff ie jnvestmant ini 1ev. A. Beetele. ni the Salemi ehureb visîteil vith te Roctueixach lauuily Sun- LaC antilaVirginia viii bu a valuable oune. preachbdatia hort!sernian anti a girls' d"y. U I nt- ' The We vlebhihm the heet of luck. quartet coxiaistius f ai liie ab liab i hes Hazel xnytier anti Miss Ida Bura.s, abie by a Stietexîhoefer. Lanis op ioser. Myrtie af Glenco. spent Suiîiday witla Mabel S l y i tbinking andti lmeita llaggc fuisised tihe Horepheraer. rt valar' ingsng. Rev. Kinl, of Chictago, prei-ed inlithse etbenk on About tbirty trientid i isLns St. Paul'@ Evangelù-îti cliureb Nuntiay te acke au Boeehxer gave lier a surprise party ait uring the absenQce oif the parson. iicus lîke aber bo ise a st M oud ay e Veuiisg. T he M r a n M m J . c u el t e d d a thaC E Wi- evenina iras spent witb games, xnoaici.an i.J .EglttsdiDAE anigngnialoceniiarex eciu(L lu knovs Z ign n ucho 1ù -aWto at the M.-coxiick êitennry i atepe ta anti cake w-aqsearveti by tbe yolxng ladies F1 vengg ofiheparty. Thome cha attendeti the -irna 5J..atC l..L 5'"' M >e Ella, Nueher andi Frietia Woltb- lly'" at Lobe Foreot Fiday nigbt arn Grays- Suaday. bacb, .JoSphine Bietiratedt. Luiui ce f ram Mr. anti lira. James McKSY enter- Plagge, dt Pettis, Irin anti 1 .. MAL!F DAY. ILL. taineti frienils tram Cary. III 45untiay. Margaret Plagirge.c o am an dugtes Mr. antiMm.ire , af Chicago, anti Ârne gave lira. Frank Plgeatitagh Malr. Lapp, of Peanorvania are vlsitiug -f robberY n1~~ IL é,îv Myrile anti Laie ccxv Chicago vie- h .a tie ckinger tamily. Tuestiay atternoon Oct. 1) Mr. Hermon B. S. Fr!Wte 01 aI Onsauk. ri»ite inl F R e acem li - VU ts~IV, UV. Oesise ant i isaIteia elricI vera ecr " i? eb -Unitedtinl mar in latheir future borne J. L. Gibian anti family returneti home iductar on. on Grave ave, u r. Gi iel iibauFia rmtervst id-Ohio. Age t tuis bore ant iseUaa HinricIs la Uic sster of M. Rarelaberger spent Tucataini verecicr M~ '~ - eoneHliinricb 0of this place,.fier haine W&ukega. hegun tae etds mcmeava Oak Park.lir. land Mné. B. M. Vaut, eebrad A-com ple wever sud.Tneiday evaning a temperanue lecture their tweaiienb anniversary MoDday caer a&won guven lu the tavu hall hi 1ev. A.veing,oet S. About fitty gueti vire illelr pop- miner. i1? cas nuete icauspices of t ae nt A dalnty luncheon vasnserveti and vas !very Accoomodetioo Y- M. C. A anti music vas Iuraissbai rth dinningroon whieh cas veri by the, Barringtoss band. prerly dacorateilangréen ant i te. se car crev Dr. anti lin. A. 0. Gisae era Chic ago Tbqey recelvei many heautilul anti usetul ambulance vsitarWThuratiai. iruent@. The ont oI toun guesta ucre: tai viiere U_______lr. anti lra. Brockway anti itieLeuras. onsat Ila aLlta !,an Msr ant I L. .M. Par- S C s nce nti Bra aow f te usea L ipto pnde Stxnday in County. sous., oa i cgoer. ant idlre. Henry ie nue nd Te tret ow f te oo a fll lt Mlblk, o lira. Mubibe anti ntihe -fane. Tutiay vhcb mksi one tUilk'inbvter sr Thoma Uptao pasaed Suntîy liauhbe, af OHiRgland Park. W. K. u3adad l alegb: onanautomobile trip&lon the "rt WiLnt anti Iamlly of Waubsgan, lire. injuries ot Franks Scheuer spcn? Sunday a? home. ahore anti vate guoat.oi Louis Y. Vant, af Waukegan.(Oea. lBraund anti Uthe lra. N. BravnaWedilionaurelative@tS ~ifvt eailuncheOnuet his Loke FOrai Iumily of Highlandi Park, and Mlr. anti md ta h ira? aif thi e ee. home. lante cvsalag th oact lira. Harpe ofuChicago. mcpted la Chares Cashinarala able. ta ho out gave a tilaner aitithe Anfas:, atvhich lir a. Ihie anti taughter Laura hl 'Mead agala iter a long *loue ai acinss. vr rsnilD ni ia o I fHighlandi Park spcn? acterai days las? riais anti l itesAlla. Lux entertaineti campaxiy Swft, Etvart ift. Nelson Mrriecs. cU i .Vnat aly rain deuils rainChicago aver Sondy. Ediarti Mrrie andi Ur,.nt inMs. Ar- D lilns"lik raon lias beex vlisilag tur Mesurer. Tetertia ibateoanGUN lAi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n h- ii ra Jt aiiSrTaru vteietisi--~ ..e Lmtaortis Metcail anti- lirm, Capt&ln Vot- J. Irvlng la a9ain buay laylng cerent South Shore Coutry Club andi In thc Henu Sheparti bave been attentilng the ti ic an' aievibala hietav. venlng attexiticthe iba pngfuaaithc W. C. T. U. convention atliaison ibis tutv Cuse y esati galn. ks.New ibamier. MevWs the guest ut we9k. tha behadgsu dinerofAie4ndr H R6ell un. ppi1vartientertainedtiber ta kislI him- lira. ayniond-Keliey andi lilsDoilie tlnra lxdrH eel ia Scaa Ponter wera Chicage vieittra on Fxiay Ater, the ibeaier a hla l Sir brother, Oea. utchînson anti sife soun Doutis ro- ut.Tioma hoxior vue given by Etivard day. liaEderCutylae ofg-ltngMMia ira Eiza Wakefildtiwasa aChicaga acdnt ure M.tcrCur ngtig ors veitar Tburstiy anti Frliday ulici u el yanti expecta go ho homeoon.________ Qulte a nuinur fron bora attedtithe Di-es et 9O 'ara. C. EapIe hoae Tl4 .x Matare25ol-3 h al gaine t Russell Sunday vhlcb a ax bîe wuG.~ u ba ~ aaWs? lat 5 -3 JornnWhieteaan 0, died t ais.M Di oAnnie W irth leaders. hk Thoa? la Utae lUr. antiU lra.,O. .Bartiett apeut a hame la RosecranSs? dya tie. Bavard"Ozentertaitetlber Irliti, lA ~ smcl an U nday la the elty lavebk. Waukamx relatve@, nadably bis Mise Turaqulat tram Chileug Suntiay. 1 Nonsteat, receWlv. etncaone f M.anti lra.R. B. Dîxois @peut Sua- saRYD. The. Mi»N d brmd DLay th treetirW.d ed nnedyet aie @pent Suaday ut h@e., TIse funeral vas heu t Il Sun- day lu Rusîsell. Cptain Tritissvho bu o basa llig day tramthse olumirosea Hickory, 111 The W. C. T. Il. vilI meet vli lirs. Uqiete Irlande hure mta'SUi the ii. Ur. inWhite vas a meubOofaihicWonu Helen Mteait Frîtiay Oct- 12. ICEL )0 Mli 15 Dvine vtsiteti a? Taylor iss1" Pas? Grandi Amy>'oai tc .10. Mine Mamie Haines la vlating relatives Grave tie ist afatbieb. ekpublie anti a veIl.isaawuicitizen ofinlaChcago. A KBALVER MmImm eac B"id la able ta ho ont Loaecoan>. lira. Daiis le eitSutail)iig cosispun &Pb.u tta vweek. lir anMmUs.Tboe. trang oes? Ton roa~ ed PENDEINT Wat U etY 84=1. ïUb ULcousu. SLoebUAOOMhea iTn? a Ouï WàN'T AM. arc. painga aers. U etgil J, Frip e hbase ttie vinter. 4 w» utie coetemae 910 gopoua. Are Uit, paylng you? Libertyville E US ABOUT and Gang Plows soline Engines isilage Cutters )rn tiarvesters %ND TEAMINO WAGONS ete line of farm machiney at close prices. 4ANCK BmROSU, OU WANT A BARGAIN? I few amati lots of 9cd amnd Ends of aur MODEL FENCE; "Thoa. are of the. ame htgh Carbon Sprlng Sisalas aur reguler stock, thse only difféeance being in the uncycu lengths. CiULAR PriCre iRSI COME rMRSr t enda tesfeooe home with gOUO ~rcnWire lence Compauig L ~ clwrwlk. Imm*