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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Oct 1906, p. 3

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Two yegrii aso a fariner known tu soine of aur reador..m arked a one (dollar billani then @pont it for au axe at one of rlm borne hardwÎare storem. Sonie weeks later b. uold a buneb of hopgtu aanelglibor and to, i surpris ,-h.recesved the.. mine rnarked bill ini part payien'it. Re pald t out blat day for soin.. .ro.eriea ten bis boni. tovu. Later lie reMeved it &gan froni a taniner tCo whbui sold a boiter, the. iru.cer liait ben tbere huying potatoce. Six tinie.. tiiet year the eau..e dollar bill tîrned Up. About e year agte lie mnt t toj Montgomnery, Werd & C). for a cap and lie lias never amen it mince..Deie witb your boine imerclbant#s and mse wbat y...bhy andl get fuil value for your nioney.' Come and 5«Us Igey & Carfield -Dept; Store .1 Tasty Fat! -Stylesi in Ladics, Missts and k. Mr. ea. Mitchell viited i teclty nýF!.5 OBffUCE, Editoi' - ;Zn4 .Csntrallin Weditesday. Thingas 8on and Meard PertainlIng to Grayolake and nue day lest aeit. - ------------ Vienit 'dard thoâowiller <ail John IBar- oeooeeseeoeoeo Vlciityberns visited thi e ttefair atiSpringfield. ____________________________ On______________Il _Mr.__and__ ia. Einsienbhave returned - m herviail:tOtaowa. C. P. Bantow, ai Wheaton, canne pn . c. a.&aSt. P. 'lue Tis. William Bneshing was sten on aur Tuna n okhm ils auo hwieb v. hàArrive Gmyse Isîreeta Weduemdey. b. hadà left here on accaunt ai bad roadi 7:45 aý . £m Exsunday 8:48i a.in 1 Mr. and lim. (eu. Thatcheranil family lest aek. 8:05 a. M.a ul[uiity ly 9:80 a. m vlited ai the latlerts parento. Mn. and Daevid Wbb and wife and friands i :1p.n:Diy :of.~ ia it eptr Wakesu &eu Sngaywih en«.4:00 p. nu. Ex Siiriday- 5:010.9nu Master Fred Towiîer visiledin h 1 Waniteansputt4ntly lîiBnj 010 P. in. Ex Suuîday 6:11 p. ni Palatine. Sanda.- Lafua ud arnly.6:05 p. ut. Daily 7:12 P. mi lr@. Sehrader aud deugbler Mincie The Rayai Niglibors ieî.i i, meeting 1:;25 P. nu. Satirday ouiy 2:37 p.inm- viiled at the..horne oai her matier. Tneaéda>- evenlng sud lire. James Hersh. ,Oa bî.yedfiuaaecupn berger vise talion inta tii, odge. 1 e.Winyadredapmig Dr. E. V. Harve.y aient Satîîrday andl () lin. sad MI" Vtt.Panken were giUSg ts SiticuineLakte fou'a ew.adayn. - dyl Ckg.18 m Suit auid f<lmily lu Chcago, Misa Fanny Buicaoui îiaited Will Suney n Cîcao. unday. 1LePmiper's3 Suuday. Richard Seau-s and farniiy a-lu bave M ils Belle Bail trauiiea-ti'd huin..a in MisastMarguerite ont is; o th ii.ari ',penit the snmmer t- e iu leautifuI Chicago Tnesday, heci. home et (Gagnes Laite, wilh umail for Europe 1 "" " " iuie tx ineStdys'îa IbmontI b.ra latbe 'ih a ixR SCR .AN 1Siet 1:30 1). i.. rtiuncb servie... folawing. uiîontu.. i travling.- -.-..1.riat 2 81 P. ni. tir. Maxtell aishes tg) At. . Buelliin n Buringinhua uveti. 1fr. Km'onaitt treturuedto us alter 15ïé' the eburciihit lAil cameand eîjay P. C. Kuabkitn clehlgtla s atute i onfeuuce 41d i Chicago ast asei the iti'mton. cash. M* Buel ilii naite bis home Mn. Mo@ Our fîtrîier petair ailI ho aith' Horace Andrews ,isited at the. Henry aili bis mother at Burlingtlna: teh e t Sailea and wili preacii the Katueborne Satturdey endl Sîînday. future. miUtug s Si,. ir. Ku'ouamgauu aihi lira.Warrn huit sd dauglîen. > iath tl.e veîtttg as tiauai. aoernganotlien i.iaresondentJ aere thý guooala of lier parents Mu'. andl MiPach viiti'd tirer Surîdey aiti - iR<bert LUIiS'r. is oitthe aicit liât. ,lin..Brge. b.~~~1 hrsuinter, lin. E. tiurrie lu Fonst (li'n i.unltIs ii.dugîetrc n - E.Siter etuiied Thé umeeting o iii ite art Set huit) a i bnu hve returnM d lathehu' home in Mu'. and Mn.g. J. lii.lr etrud h boni, of Mýai-thta Leble Seturdey Pbiiedeiphiet attîr. vigiing îviîb litir irom hein 1.4 iiiWisconsin (Ie«yevngw,1 I rporungafi.. ue. V. <In.da 'eenig ws hirgi'hv îttended. Tbey1 parenteg. reprtng fne im. nly bisue fou'ra' rg a une t.a (leorge I Theii. aies Aid willii îeét aith ti- lirs .J. M. l'aluni-r sud cluldu'eîîarc' h.ealu saturda.vu-i-iiig t. 20. !Ratant Liii Su'. ola. il..Everi tiidy vlsitiuig relatives et Milton, Wis. Lina Wlligtin-ri and *huile (iiiling.. iveere Misua ihl Turnerepent everal lay8 sseie,nzud 1 M -mtir. Jolutu Wiliaswn. Or ehetime. - M. axel t l)ttu' neîvin hiectar.eceer, tir.«,Maxa... a-itî tiepa i Aninch ne..nly. I IobetRu 1 w a,)if). ofaRichmoutnd, lireaciiei ai the -hurch Sunday - He il! Thp luuti'bavebeenan pndittg i.. un-days aith kt. h.. aitb us f(Ir a year--cotunPar ueu Th . C. T. 11. gave a precpionutai Mn..j. D. dM, the. u-boa) teaehera e te niieaitilsa I . irv fdiemwi atSnaýMs rc tal*swrigf .M Mary Smith Fnîday eveugiug. A lin.'lnë < ai i, vî î-t a- t:d~ istrc ui .aikugfrC 1 lunuean w-ns aeni'edi sud t. pl..asnut l15r--ir-- Wlcîx eveuling suent, ti- r. andtitIi-. Crow- er are th.,- prutu i 1Mias Nome Bixl,'r and lie.JaiE May GAGES LAKE. ua'nsa 'ih î~ attenàded the E wrbLegecîven- JikFotii,. i a vengeaie.. C O T N .S I S jti r et Chicago tionday anml Tuemday. J. fi. Ieil.r inîs re.-enti *y pureliased.)a LOON J.AKE. Mr. 0.Walmanspeili mrera daè *inenewsurey ttiI'fr,-vi'Misem.1.je Soje $ ii iatts rettiîrnd ta New nd Lp.toDatevutitig frienda in Cbic.agot Iis we..k.' Arthur Bnyd..r it.ahI.. ta b. our again ultîcagiî alter .pending ber vacutioin Ne n pMessrs. N. B and E. J. Higlpy end alfter an attaci if aptwiîdi,-itlis. withbebi parents. Mir. and Mir. P. thir'wir. ist.d el tre ii 'i-go Mm. O'Neai and f arnîii bave nai-l Sor.neen. 1 [LA -vesday. rlaivsinriiag to the Barris 1.-inînt boua..Misa Srthit, Wit.. liai. given nu) lier LatTliîrmduy evenitig about twenty Miii. Hughes f '-sîterai Neit Yor'k, telîtîai duties. et R toce'.tuacademy niln -~ ~. . ' ~J ineI l.nti@ltu'd tMrs. P i-and. it trs. Wiil (>Ni'ýal accotint of weakn.esio) the eeu. lire loae tas arty at r.aMr @. 1 awîthut aei Roy and Bhîi.eeeboi i'isited ailli iiA lrt aa,1 ;.Niay etou'ami Mra. trs. Anies[lias.gi.-t.,the.-.unitarjlîm irienîle in.Chi-agi. Saturdayatnd Suuday. UL ~I R Y WIL E ILL, Iileta filît'ni. Neisatlsa hyi t (ttowa, IlIl_ -hr,- ite hbaeta Mtr. anid lirs. Frank îi4k.lif (liue, imnp've ia beeltI, risited iith N'ir. îand Nfrv. Waren liook Ed Haxk um itubaffliitii.--Wtt,. CmaliiisI E.L. Bancs nu- , -aifi-r at tirs. Sundey. plae ii, t-lMut i' .onitbng('ardil.Sundto . Mr. liidtMise. P. l'...rson. of C'iirago, POUND LAKE. tda g ~Mmn..Enily il.Isieit.'-l(i %i. t ~îil niant Stîîîdiý iî,otIiM r. ,and Mrm.. , Bn".iiIret. -îii'il iKiit.-î ut ,Ti,,Warren CîeeyAssociattioniil aii Dtr..M. Palîtier trauaai-te41 ,iieifsu.eMm.. St..v. ioualaIît Tlttrsday . Ptri, "ut' t itl,>i froidattlait. li t ,t- ta. tonday. Oct. 1.-»f..ir ini Madison. WiK, WVuednesday. tiMr. Soans as ie ir:-iiaifed th.. fat-ni J.iMaraiu iand daugbter lyrth' ai't.ît . tii.. is. Sho~ ah l te roed hyi itîid o a\ i i-ndy.. ttî.day and 'tîtndity n tiirelatives tn litil ~~gete Tîseîiii n.u tti i,\eirbouse. Hlë wili .eon tai..'a six Mr. andl li.. t.-%ec 'iotîig and faniiy Waukegan. %ii.m tî'îîeîiln -iry Edwar.ls, re.idents iii Warren as it iii a ruueî-b . e..katrip aeet. 'expet eaoon t,, ii)vi.t'.e titi'nortiern ,Mise Mary ticCaun is spenîding i fet Il.truite and idt.,. Fl.. Flders-e ineed huiiiîriivemn.î,nd ifor tbe publite l.oiFrankt traneai-tted titsinîse iiipart ai louth itakîta %ti lureMtr. 'tiutig wiieekswîithh er caîaine in Cbieagi). ,.tiî,î ,iEn'er, Stir nieting ti..id gout atid bht it wili be liberlît'iî'g eiisl ýt Itangclit tir.'ut %'aitiast Tbun.d rgglddt.A reciknpedneriCiaodifia y. bas ae aim. ti,. aîd tirs. C. L. VituPatten accalii. Ti..- an.., i))et.iinis.,e ili b.- serve.) t theii hotne ai M.F. tir. Jacoison and iiaughter, tims tr. Ried,of L,an.trai, ias [li et t panied tiîeïIfriend Misti LittietuiCbicago ie a-i.t. aefill .ibrtelng i nswswett-h. Výp.Ce undhi 1.lauu-sShe.rman acre Waukegan îisitor. heras patoir tor thi.e ,iling yeu.'ar. 'lday. 5h..fitas returneu lab. ier ont ti. r- nandMn,. l'ui,- .vimitetir îuribaseil tlrei. acre.. Of land 0o, tire. ceet Wni- We(dge. ti Weuki'gaui. iall'-i on gai. @petit Simîlay ,ith Mr- and) trw.1 E. Shbelian mixent Sunday liiiChicago. 'i-ii.'ntsmv. titNlirm. iteitiiîati Suuday sie uit tiie .xmetery of Mu'.hBi xen. Thircie iu. iii y.. Ion.Lanuli..W ison, o)f Oek Part, hbas ua rs lsd u ana iiti Wî.Edal. u lagii"Hze.o i. Chas.,'Thîayer. oi Wauitegin, ueturned ta ture couintr'y for a fow' weeit. Mui.ims i. t-iu ig aiiiiiîii,ir tranc-eannittî'e. Tii..assai-ittion warl i unet Wasuî.gaun. 'al. onanio]ifrientl.li eu- iie n ianeadiîiy Iidi. O atudyOtyovuni b.et ,.u.t. ,u.uiee' il, Clii.,iigîu %t>înilay -last. aiti Mia..Cynthia Harris %Wc(dnffldýit id.y. ai Chritian Chri tenson aItdiý an ilineon tlirS. (ea. Rtihîardsion itteiidpd -iîuu'cbfoîrenî@un Oct 17.(. W'. Keiser, iii South Bonti.cItwnt SUGTUCK of tire. ives a. He wa s enteenver -'fi taiSund1i. Mtrs. ],aurau'e hîîts e r oo aud ngtwt i ag1--M .1 - b rotiien., four livitng in tui icinity and .J.kStadthl..ld anîd iilu' vtsit"d at (jet..-) ai paralysie. Funeral %'as h*.tdýCîilad.><ét. James Tr-iggsJr., lias iieeti bavîngfa oîiCiaohoisaetedte i., i.-bardeouîs Sunday -% .'nug lut the .haome <n -S4unda.v aiti, tii. Caud Bout uucased e drug stare in baditiuue ,îîtîia lare cerbaici. on bis rlae i î iunai iarkTientfanraI wau ______________intenet iti.lrue'retr. Southi Bout,. d., at weit alere lie band.et the haone of big brother Tuesday, Hynreneal. Mesdames Siiepard and C('rrie tiset auad hi@. iif..il) move in the neer lulure. Mu'. art,]l trs. .O. Colby. ofi tusiiell inteument in the. Oaklaindl cemnet'ry-. .itt1ounluveit;uoa t Mtoion. TGCravalaire Phailacy fothe pastyear .laugt.r Mary, of Kenôa îware Sun- jutumn n edding thi.e intractiiig parties ti'8 uai.. Vase bas retuu'ned frou. al ad h. andp bis wehaviirem e i. si.y ittsaIBynCby[ I Ii ± I i ] fiin Mudthfi Pdet aubtr ndtrai t hr auhtrMr. s irat Wu'h tf baedoa eu.. b iIreîtey George trogulen bed quit.e aperty of tira. Richard Sbeetentalsd relatives .Jay Ktiidelldent sino) ti r. and tirs. iDakota. fio- o- - fMr ndMs.J J ro akfnlsSudy KendeIl, ot Elburn. filI. ler. Walton, of tîMr@. AIL-n bas la'en vtsituîîg iiends îin Don't forget tbe big dane'.. t the t. iafford, Mr-. and MMrs E. J. Griffin a)Oitfaiea ls ud dira¶tslaite 1eonind tei..nug cuemnYi Wilmtte. Opera Bouse Erday evening. Wauitegian Mr. and Mlis. John Wooley, Dennis Riorden had a bars, and buggyv wb àbnau tbsbappycaupi..one.. lilasr Ad m sarWhtmreofOane.ooenuiabo fro ZoiCtywh i Maude ite u Wuegan, was niaid of iMin oti . rof (JnaJe. itho ies' Miss Wlniford Woodford, of Oakt Park',i. ratislscrW itnurea0Oagesolingbyafo roi i. H o ity hea MudeoLaked Ch aulkino rohrbeen isiting the..fanihy ai W. Tuck iter ho-he i.guest of tiende tare aveu' Haillandtir. end Mr@. Sein aiNorth o un . eoe h bstàl ta.lndCence lkien onan. A er ~la euadlat.Suadey. Chicago. hors. ndbuggy andwilreceive $50 .-uenn .uniptiouîsrepamt wam erved 1Wil))Tuciter six-nt Saturda. andl tir. ueo. MeNainare retu'n.d W tb On Tuemday tire 111h lt t fatstfdmgs auh ow feli.atnt) Wednssday mau'ning tiire Wm. Bulles lias conitethle seel) et il) thi' diuiug roorn. Aboîut forty gueaét. Suutlay in Chicago. ý ber tuothar trai Russel Sundey îand meucuryrg ' r 8 bv.the. Wadswortli saloon. Il i.. -169) font vers in attendance. They wen.. the. tir. and tirs. L. tfanz'r au'.. pending a ahiu't the day bee eites. __ 2__________d..p. tetipiente o a ny euiu n aube e a8wt hfrsn Mauxera tieas Mary Bliuue bas g>ne ta Wauite. hi aut fthauielnbe fwdaawiht.r ain.,. aa'. Pet Sullivan bas purcfiieaeipauy for Ta Discuss Road Improvemeni. pres ewaic are l t>: ti esteny ' Misa Jenni.. Selryv..r lias returtieul taoibis childrsn. - gan wal ie h. ill romain for sauetime. f rieutis. The bride and groom .scaped'-frienhm e ay.M % .B hemnmietStu y.Iunpuovenienta of roada wiil b.. dis- Ethel Leain entertained >v.eral gir) thieluon] tlov aroflaiced ' lti'iu' many Mlhta feanitn e arns d SMn E. B. tbeniensn t etida ussed et every tammera' Instîtute ln friende ueceitly. cai usueflae siturie.' andai e. iy e esafe dy. end udtyuheii l.51.tatis faland winter If the CreSc u Fosclano tiiiti n e m l e a vl e a e v e t uati e i r d o h k.ie't d i se ffyi e 8 Mn a s o i i t ' dI lel i a î un o i s H g i i a y C o m m i s s i o n le a ba l e W a n ie g a n . v is ite e l e fe w l ey s i ii I b i s îiianuat l an uîtrunil.' ti. ed Cati f 1haak. Lberyviletuda. b nîcut quallfied ta preaent the viiniti'. cnany frii'ndis Ater Nov. 11) at Eburn. : W.. aisiita express îîuu' gratituidu'ta MiesaBertha Wagner spetit .Saturday work of' tti- oea state departuient. .Fred Ray andl !amiiy ail) sononleeve __________ tiiome aba a.re soitiund ta us duriug the 'And Su.day et Long (iroi'..akH al fArra «eavfrOlhmaweete ilm P I Waer S fordeatb a) aur hlusiaiud and fathter as a Cona il..FrtNtoa n .all.o uroe, ecrtarv futurke homS leueteiina Proposas foy Wte upply furIlictewh antuibuted hiaaers. . Aicie omofte tNainlOf th.. Illinois ]Fariera'Institutes, sp- .ti ttuebre Connty Farm at Librtyi*iile. M- - , H. CoNE ND anCicagoetirguea t. i 1ul ere o tii..commission at Ethel Cariiey tepent Sundayat hiomue. Sealeil phiu'îi,. swil)lib er'ceived by H.Cub tgsLk. Springfild at uIt meeting lit the. 1), Iteardan ta,îk a plëasuint italk tot -h orFrn tamt4ý LbryilALBERTA LANOS-Wei awu îlarge (ie'rge Adanu,. a.-onîpeni..d hyMisas emr bn bidIgadnetetdZion City Friduty t.v.ning. tic~~aieii Paon Faîtu CiuiinutAt , Lbertyvlle, t )builfdintiiattendthue dn'-. e liii the leying ai 1500 fiet iran pipe, aud tract ai land il u siny southeru Alberta, Ana Mncîicin au'e tthmt speake-rs lie aalgned ta eveny' WI),'tsaltb u'iaytten ireg. e the. plecing ai 6l iydrantu ine ..ta b.sWesterni Cautadia. Suy landl diret from 1('bieagèî. ,asot rdyeei <ion..in accrdance.aith the..plana andi awnens..Spec.ial r,'ieled iar excursion, ArthuarCoot.., of Wauitegan. w-xas lt5itute iîeld lie coing seson, lu- iTic ladswort thall ti-ain aent ta -'pecifeicansu»()W an file ut the allie. of every Wednesjay froua Miuneapolis ta guest of the Wilson fauuihy Sanday. titutea art- held in uearly every one. Rueseli ast Suidiy aud pleyed tbe C. A. Appley. Suptaif ouity Farta. Bida i Letbbriuige, Alera. If interested ille tTii. Albert Pick family aho biave spent of the. 102 totnties In the state sud htussel testaîii ai( ere defeael 5-4. will Pd O 1 ut1:30Ifl. In. rit 'O Pu-etc. Cieusilrate- No chiarge the.. uinier ou tlîeirfam iet GagneaLakete Iis aili enu-aitagreat deal ai adull- Tie Russtei feuajusîplayed hard ziue lfcer. ÀAplîle,. for saenge. C.W. Ka Ci.. Sant ohave rettiried ta them Chicago home. tUonal aurl, for lie commissIon - i.ougi ta oi. Tii..ésaine leaîu play et W. F. Cuanw. Cbeiu'îilil ofiiP tar uriveaet.C .K t A. ako Wed..aort.li, exi Sunday and ti Mi les. Bdg, Minneapolis,. tinn. Iaira &3onshbavebeen euîployed Some..finte ago ensignients ..ei 'saibae .pt'itrina eina W arihoti.a iduildinsaxrvn tii..puId ade for spseakers an road tapies et, liey have got ail Iinifl of uuaney to aekaii AVriht trniabic wasrecntiypurtweertytao intstituites, but owing ta 1 their tesail tri i - it in understooti. ehaeeul hy lichiard Seans.1 . abatcs. Mi e rvia atrus n Ciieaguî u-iitiîn the greet demand for discussiontufi ~ atrly. road preblitts Mu'. Hall decided ta V L ~ m ..r J'tire a'e'i n l Chicgo. speaker for every In titu e In lie! W ill F mtl i)ienl S urtluy anîl S ain W avt a bigger and better 1Une of, stoves. thaul ever, titis yer.Cornein early,,andget firî;t - The Gragslake hardware Co. W. F.REHBEIN P .o...E P + one Third of VouÉi Time.... + laIs peut ini bed. Wby not have a comÙfort- fable be t leep ini when you cari purchase4 one at such a reaaoîable Iow price at * Strinvs, Furniture Store Obituary. Mn.. [ie .White ivas 1lor11 sepit. 10, 1849i et Capelait.. tColubia t-aunty. N. Y. reuuoving ta Laite î-unty ahen but uine yearii o) age, ini tarci 1855. Sbe wéi unileul in marriage t.. Niekolas While June 24. 18(111. Tiey lived on thpir farmn t Long Laitettntii taa vean. ega when they rernoved u G rayelîIte ta m tait. a hut.. iith ir ej'deugiter lin. S8id CarlitIi.d, the o uly chili) ni their To -veryauie ah.. tas tuowu aa "Aunit Belle" 'aud t)allahiie erer gare a.arnihe and a heiping -baud. Si.. was bighly espect.d and) be.r ii.. was au open hook. During ber final ilineas ais wes a Pallett sufferer and neyer lua murmur of cani. plaint esecped ber lips. Four s1.1er. and ber father prec..ded lier ta lte aorld beyond. Beides ber iotier aba aur- vives ber se..leaves aester, lin.. Allen and tan brothers, Si u dt Ev. Ctlver. Tbe deceased umade ahi arrangemient& fou' ler fanera) eecting the. hearersansd mnister sud ste" gbeu' lihas ta lb. dete. RerC. Te1tr, ai Waakegau offletd et the obsequlas sud li. nsd -Mr&s T. Welsl, of Evaston, "ag liemiey Mauensd friend ftoat a d% tancewefrout. statl Engitteen A. N. Jobnson af the. day un Kýi-osita. commission litas aready been esaîgneil Misa IiiAlun iito:. u -gt. ta speait ut fourteen places. Josepithv..uug ie1,iî Krau R. Fulkerstm i ofeseyville, a mem-, MuslinDrît-sui, Oranger-, of Nlu-H.-»iiis-. 1u ber- af thte tammlso.aI irSa ývi.iting unt A. J. -ilsymni-le., fine nstitutes andf Profesar Boiter of! MisaAtiutda Hutustîuiiupent nuirai lhe Universty ofIlîlinoia bas heen as-1 lay-, luttytk ri t tihînirul l Tiîn ispiti le algned ttuii-e placea. It aill be ntec- it tiint Lake. Hi-- .Ftlr tWt essauy for thtie sateecommission t -tuiode. n i Viii, Stiuiniy.3 find ant1i-spieaker Iu orîtuirta 11 Ms "flaH stl ifS1,to, a)) dates. Wl.., sIc-nthusi w-cik u ilt ueifr 1î ýhuiee, Mms M. l>ugan is visitlng relatives@IÀ Chicago. Thomes Mprriman spent t;tinday wîtii bim pareiltm. Jaîtiet.Counîolly. of Weukegan, eisited friends bere revently. Misé Margterpt Merriniaîî i@ zagain able to ie onît alter ae week'.. ilinem.. Mrs. E. J. Carrolliml viaiting with ber danghter, tire. .1. Lynch, of Lubertyville. Ml.., Lillian Seltz apent Sanday at borne. Our &chool ie clos.4i thie week on eccount iif the. ilinees of tiie teaeher. j LONG LAKE The MlissesMerceli, who bhave been spendi,(g a few days at the. lake returned tu Chicago Sunday witlî their tatiier wh.. camne out ini bis auto. 3mn. Walter- White, wiia lias îlot flien well, i.. better. Claire Wilkinson an.)taiiy. of Cbernung. ie vieiting in tue? vicinîty. Ed. Horan and euater oif Chic-aga, mepsot several days at the Grahiam botel. E. Cleveland bas been eatertainjng ('*hicag6 Comnpany the last week. Thué Fort Hill Sunday ecimool wiil gire a i e ulpr e t the honte of Tyler nib et .F r . i g t. lV 0. A s hio rt "ý'prograînS i l n, eo.Dfot oîittlng a evening .enterain.iet. The. je..creaun gociel was a failure owîng ta the. weatber. go tbe weatlîer perîîîitting ail are invjted ta ..anipandi belp niait i one a succese. Meeeerm KepL el anîd Hende.. of (iray8- laite liai'e takpn thi. contraut fto builul a oceupied b, AI. Wiliania.'Tii. old barn was destroyed by fir.. ri'..ntly. Johin Titus-put np a kew wind.nill MrNIDday. Mie. v..iotir spent Siindiiv witb ber Mjetpr tirs. Wtiiace. I MILBURN John Ilillingte. of akota, usix'iaiting bis tnîîtber, Mrs. tiitiings wbo in rery ,uî'k at thie. î,îreof bensuîn, red G(lilinsig. He. iiialoorailingo ., tier reatives tif thii Mr.i. C. H. L.iveltiîd andl lijldr.'n re.turriod tii tbiir boit.. Tburmlay at %liltuette liaîing. epent a rontlî at the. Johnbî,Trrotterlhont.. Lloyd White' ai Weukegan. retiirneîl hotume Saturday and îttended thIti. n-ral ioi John Whîite, of Newport. Mis Hater rptiriied traiEinti the. huit .of thie woe. A tuiiii raîntt i lKiurtviýlli.. lo i tarii was wand..riiig aroîînd lier.. Siiiîiivý Tii .'.E. Iiîîjnpeeimiie.ting %-Ililb.a lu-Id Friday ..v.ning, O..t. 1-1 at th..- l ofn (JeorgeJaetion. Air. and Mrq. W. .1. Wite andiien Luî'y Spafiord attendeil John1~lît" fanerai Sunday. Itei. A. W. anîd tMr.. atin i are goiîig to tait. a two week's vacationi and Miss Foot. is going on an exteuided trip ..at. N. D. Pratt will lie,'harge oi tiie servies. Sunday, (Jet. 14 inthtie abence tif 11ev. Safford. Tiie eveiîing service ai b. apecial a mong servie.'. Ererynne knows Mr. Pratt. It'. mure ani cone Sîuuîlay, Oct. 14. Tiie. wedding of G uy Hughes and Mtii., (jasi. e Tbain o.arred Wednesday. (Jetoberi3. Onlv tbeileinediae'rlativem ivere lnvlted. Mr. and Mra. Hughies will Maire their boni, on the. John Hughes tarin. Mr. and Mr@. Johji Hughes and faniily are golng to rernove to Liberty- ville sooin. A..cpt congratulations and beeît wiahes froin ail. lira. Hardy and daugbteî' aud Misa Thain and LlJoyd White, oi Wauitegan, attendsd the. Huglie-Tbain waddlng. Tiihe aatern Star Ciiepter was invited toCbkcago onday. Tiioee who attend.d froinlir. ware Mira. A. K. Bain, Mrn. and lira. Dr. Janileson, Mfr. and Mr@. Alfr'ed Mesad, Mia. John Bonner anud Dir. Geo. Stapieun. Mn. Cbretinu the youiig tuin *ho was hurn about a montii agm), died Sattirday, Oct. il. Be baseven brotiiers in tisu country and a fatiier in tiie aid country, 8wed..n. Funieral Moaday. Mr. .Herbert Matheas r.turned fast Tueaday tront Minnesota and a"o Mr@. Çharles tlatbewamain Kenoha aber.. @heoia b sen stending a wee.t Bouse. tor rent in ail parts of tii.. ity. Corie iii and get ou r liaI. $25 SPECIAL HOMESEEKERS ex- curmions ta tii-,loer aortlia..t. Froii Chiicago. and retnrui $25'. Fine ecinaite, rieb blaek luainitids,liii a boit of future wealtb. W.. have land lmted front $113 per acre up ini botb irrigated aud uniru'igate.d territory. Se. us fotr inforniatiîun. VACANT LOTS-lu ailtIthe uli- divisions. Bîuy a lut and vie will build plJan. and lot you pay fori it ini rnoutily iitallilieuits BUSINESS LOTS-For mal.- on Mil- .i'aukee are at iigbt prit.... FARMS FOR SALE-W.. bav,' tient yoîti .walt. ' vélhave. It. FOR SALE 3,000,000 ACRES- Canada Peu-iie Railway Wiieat lands in siiiny mottiiert Alberta.. Lot ne show you an iivu'tieiit titat ail) niait. you lOt)peu' centipisix uiont)îs. Wee an sel you nice. pen prairie land at $1J.00 an îuwre. *3 .00 doan and balanitnireui tiniusl paymteritm. itnteret at 4Lper cenût. i Mu. nudîîi Irs Ileitui. Ce<iut,.aiand qJanW1i' ut)ý uatu- apîtell flAIL1I" augi tîurî. ofIoi ni) h'fttc i *11i't ilotieoren.rates tii .Albertta und ahi. P I TS vl Suinuia. rtUru. rruigc te.. gi w i tlhuisou the tua.. tmamieîc Vuiton sial -ttTliusîiîiy ext ..xcurian. tînt) idai îi'ithlt-g iira ttt- ltiiert I Thle Texas l'aguihaîîh- is tie gardon 1 iti>iti Luake. "'hot met the stiittiiwest fuir non theru " paitît with as stroiîg a Miau.. tauti - Eititigei. s huuuîttiig huîî erîlamers. Vie have fier cale 150,000 acre guarnte. ba ofit as ay aeationu ut îrea-uît. IllSruith. l niange orîuusuiall uantie. et $5.00 tu guaraxîtes back of Round0fll akitei.taking lit-r ii--tioutil $10.00t>uin.aire. Cal) on au' write tua. " paint titat eosts you legs I carrîî'r._________ Mu'. ànd Mti. CimPIuutie ltclardtsonîand) rnoney. baby. ot Elgintare.- vt.ituig ècrelatives& tuèer, o da d A si "paint that doeui the work at Mn. and Mn. Neil ýSitltes, o ati cii.. D LFUJd Au ti - gai ahueuul Sunday utt htunght Bruts ulanrtyvr., Ilit. Gragelake ...5rmacg Mn ,Arthnur Couok sud Mni..Wui. slnl. Goagmlake - - hNheOIS of rauou.,are Vola caellen.rs ~ W J.S sU ~ p The season's og may be slight-may.t to eariy treatment. b next cold wilI han m longer; it will be I troublesome, -too 1.,1 necessary to taire chi on that~ second one. Sc Emulsion is a preves as welI as a cure., iwhen colds aboundt y. ttIllte no cold't w lien thecold is con di I it checks infi till. Ilails the rnem Wt1lc tliroat and 1 -îuî.1 tjî k stue cold out,, .s-ît. for free smp.. SCf ij & BOWNE. CI.uIow Tii' ainler terni o) echol fui5î <Ici, t, alti MiWa arguerite Wauitegan, as tombher anud attendant,.. ai eome twenty fi"' Alient Boeft and femir ha"e for North. Dakouteauiha cro furuittirs. Tb..y expeit Vu, mate, place their futurs. home. Affbert Follette. son ai Fred Folbtê uuîder lb.. doi-itu"sa carse t presee. Mir. andi trs. Cliarlea Barbeas reiuoîve.l taPalatine ahuere tb.1- nieke their future honue. Ajugnat Girever sxpects to a el »q heu týii.camiug.saturday. Juta- bayo a iegiiadboume wani,-:d toast-. tir. aud tirs. James FreeSaU,, lumiî Grove, insus. apleeseet atnong friends iu the vcinlty 0of_ eu'ners hast Satu reay.- RUSSLL The relier ai deaîb bas carne ua aid and iigiily esteeuue Itassl away. lie wa 87yan teT faneraI was langeiy ea=d (l.A.mUfrom Wauiea cametud te' their beîaved cainrade.Ba! in the 1 1ioi ceielery on Sue4mg, famîily bave..thb..sympaly o t'ouuuunity. Oùi linday ei-eniig Oct. S, Melvuie Reevps, al f i ..U Pamed eway. She liad bose l' heihfou' some tIme b ut bsrn camne a a siaci t thle carnrnu»Ny7 taniily have the sympathy aif &., li n sd lira.J. R. Convi wq Kenoâaeviîtora Monday. Mamm n ett aed Ho!e ' main, their narthen'trip a baving purehue.d lstd ta ek ', A. C. Corris and fenihly bidiai lgui lira. A. C. Worthî, of Wmekga the% af the aeL.'A lin.-'Oeo. Siver and Mm..PIl~ and chlldren visited la Waewormýi dsy. Mn.. (leo. DeForrliasmreturmd i heu' viat tu Bpnlngfield. DL El A&CRAIE DENTIST , Hoursae. m.,12 ni., 1.3q lu ô p evsnlngs y eppoleteusa 015.'.e lu Bankt buing. sS, 0 and Oral Surgeon, iJhlain Bauldig. Stmê a Us4 88-88,1luag. At tirayalake mach NoàayS tu 12, and 1 ta6p. - MY NEW SM~NG AND~ Sommer Saques ut now on extNbIIlo Tin WM. JAtNS, TuE T Graypsiake -I Meals MWd Lm 0 46l CIGARS aid . Aiimme IIL

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