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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Oct 1906, p. 2

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'09 Ohhu. spet'Sun. S* wulobsaibses mork- Wt lMenday for the weet m'KO"as maenon Our treets reeelved a carload of 14. ut reeovriig train a ',fai.bas beu the guest of ha id ud sife, of Lake i.u enertalned Suuday at cm ofMr. Wum. flerioru.« c.Kn nurlxg a sprdued suRIe. L ihenp 1.11 Bunday for su ex- 14 euelthe lb.ty.. am Udmelide bas began mork ou ov atome jU5ifg on the property webiisdor Wu.. auliocu. rs sa .joyed Sund"y witb wsa&M brothm e.re "0w Beshr uliteil Suuday mith i.gr. J. ayuesy. sMruret Alvod wa a gnesetf Cuzenffti. lty a fem' days of tbe à tuI itell, of Prairie View, le «M a tam' weeseta the boue of ai Mat.1 J Boue. le Aulolnetis Remi, of Chicao t SUuday at ibe bome of ber fte IL Ptprid atr a weeke eday lu faUtas retemned to ber bomne ber,. «" KIMariited Sunday Wtlb ,. J. Gossweler la under the doctor à Dresse, of Waupa ce, Wi., wai a. 1411 bis paret.oe erecetly. la Mia Boumse sjoyed Saturday auday wth relatives u inaVené- dL & IL Oneder and dauçbter, MNs. I. i Lwishinu took a trip to, the cito, *eyvi. taie *.létrc.1 e emantsal sI sd crossingipot ImProvud .appearance lu -our ». D3obard Sbsa enertained cou. r'oaday reently. @, Ulou Cuboore asu d Mm. . 'o ' 1lled ouMdiess darnie Wendt » deo lait Frid" aymaiquite a M Mary Blum baigone to Wauke. mry &choser le building safâne new âard addlby le ou the 5cR lit. x- Doumue . Ph. o., of Chlago, bd t Is vielultyOver lluday. MsalesDoyle spe7t Bedayà ii ts#1l IP Zi $ iis « im "e. the at hahb elitma ~ frens or.2. Evaryhody cone 'vsau aiie UmssMary Gelllgbervisted a day lait puinukin 7010eau est sud lisu 10 a & meek mth ber uster, Mmr. George gond prograin bho"~. - Cshuore. Mm. Waddell sud <Gien @peut Suuday F Mm. Uay Kelley aiba Mm. L. Sebeuer et Imm. E. Si m'eNwaukegan vsitorq on Monday lat m cc1k.bsiers ndfri e moveilte Liberty ville miiere they mill visit te Iom'i. make ibeir future home. Mir, sud Mm.Oseo. Siver clbrated Ums Mary Carlson, ofrUmse,,iletheir teutb snUlversary remenwy vlitlng frienda lu the village. E. A. Reeves sud Oscar Andersen have Umis Dollie Lux, of W&ukegau, le gone to Dakota tu look for lond.f viitlng relative hors. IMNs. Lewin rides oui a littie nom', SUn- Eddie CuddahY bai been on the sick day @ha bad dînner wtb lMr. Corde. llst. Mm. locurn spemt Tuemday wlth MU. Bob. Slmmons, of Chicago. ePeut R. G. durie. Bunday et the houe of Mm. Reynolds. E. L. Murray, of Denver, le viaitiug Mm. W. Waddll and daugbter Glen relativesud friende. @peut Suuday et Rueseil. MmeLM ourlf atTus MIRe Shelley epet Sunday mith f riende for. Lf MBR m'er efebe viiivieil be bems. . brother, Fred Marrie sund ninerous Mmr, Elçner Curry m'bo uudemmet an frieudi. opeaion ile home agaa and geitiug M. sud lire H. W. Waibburn, of aloug nively. Waukegau, mere calliug ou frieuda Tue@-« Mm. George Brtltt wai a Chicago day. viiitor on Tnesday lait. A. Dizon entertained opauy tram lire. Wm. Kiret also Jo. flerberger Waukegan Suuday. 'ci ma i vstlg relative@ bore reeuntly. ________ Saiuel Wltlcurb mai amred George D- Baddack bas houghi the1 Tuesdsy, Oct. 16 to Mise Maude Ne ainyfo laund pmj m Halloway, of Chcago. bs ne rnaciCy f Br purpoie Mme, Cales Tueker returped home the Thomn brick bock sielcb b. rue aturday trou, the McAllister bospital by Chien Bros. We m'lbtbem ignoes.,' Sho jereceveri*grapldli-. i'ieuiBamtlet iii buld a large eesti Te Tupra Rallygiveuby Orange hl&o umhoti on hi» propety north of Hall Seboul Frlday mas la«rgely attended. town libis tal.p . Fr excelent m'rogsrvedw. énerd MilssMary Blair ha. beeu ounlb.esac Preement wer se- d.lit the pait meek sud 'dIqe Ber"baJamnes - ise helping ln the store lu Um Blair'$ place. - -~~ Mm. Freere mll muroe to Milwaukee Miss Peari Russell epent àundayiÏ-ltb soon to u e m'th ber mother. Gisyde Stewart, UlesSylvla Mue a isgone te Evanston VMrs. mille retumned to Chicago Setur- to work near ber elter Lulu. dsyatter an exteudeil vlit mith ber Mr. sud Mm. 1, R. (listes, of Wauke. dugbter, Mm. Haines. ga, also Dr. .Cbauuey Sherman M. D. lie.Knox, Mm. Sborthouse and little ot Chcago, vWsted m'itli N. S. Burnett'i daugtr tront Worcester, Mas., viated family the pait m'e.. fcleuds bere lait m'eesR . The Rebekah Social Club ba bien Mm. D. C. oeg fCicg n re-oruized sud yl bol egullr social J. R. Camp, of Ruebueil, spent Wednes- me tInstrough the wluter. Tenx day mitb Mm. Haines sud farnly. u.ing mill bc at Mr. asu drMm. Mm. Leach mai a Chcago çi-iitor Osmondes, Nov. 8.r Thursday. Mm. Oveiton cadi Uns. Charles Srith Mir. and Mm. R. . Dixon attended ariveil home Tueeday havlng vllted churcli at MilburuSiiday evening. mi »spolie, St. Paul, Madisou, Elroy nl other Place of intereit the past five Mir. Miler mainluChicago Friday. meeke.. Little Marguerite Thorn, who bais Mmr. N. A. Ribardson visiteil trieudr beau suffrlng mitb blond. posoniug on in Graylake the past me.k. lier band lernnc bobtter. Charles Pom'els moved tt the Baur Miss Unzie Blutchinson wbu bas ben Ileice cottage thîs m'eek. visitiug mii lim. Appleyard returned The Republican raly wu@ quite m'ell, borne Saturday. atteuded Mouday eveing. C. E. topie Oct. 28 ",Livingstone snd Sam Gibert le agent at Mucmouago Misions to Africlaus iu the Dark Conti- on thie Wisconsn Central rafirqad., ueut sud lu Amrica, Pi. 68: 2"-5». ,Mrs. Albert Barustabla milI vioit ber Mm. Elsie Brow'n, Leader. gareut@ St Rocktord, Mr. aud Mm. The Rarvest Home Festival leared Rbugart the net uonth. about $140 te be nsed lu repairiug the kWoodmnuhall. The Harvet home will OUr 'WANT AII. are paylng others. bea a nual event la the. future. Ame tbey jaylng YODT .*~-m*m g.. g~*mmq~. j, E DAYSI * 'b 'b NTIL THE 'b EN4I'N#* 'b'b'b )F THE 'b'i 'b litai Mêle I - P ~-W W W us1 - ~W - -- - - - - SATUROAT, NOYVEMUER 3rd IS THE DATE AND IT IS ONE 0F SUCH IMPORTANCE TO THE.- PEOPLE 0F WAUKEGAN AND LAKE COUNTY THAT EVERY FAMILY SHOULD BE REPRESENTED AT THE RECEPTION WHICH 18 PLAN NED FOR THE OPENING. KINDLY CONSIDER THISA, CORDIAL INVITATION TO YOURSEILF AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO COME ALONG. SOUVENIRS AND MUSIC HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR THE OPENING AND WB WANT ÂLL TO AV&IL THEM- SELVES OF THB PLEASURE - 0F & VISIT TO THEE tIg.ad-16te-u ,be fua4iac&Y the OWING TO THE FACT TEAT WHEN PURCHASING OUR STOCK WB ANTICIPATED'THEE COMPLUTION OF OUR BUILDING IN TIllE FORTREE PULL FALL SEASON. WB PROPOSE RIGIgF NOW TO MARK (390DB 80 LOW FOR THIS TillE. 0F TEE YEAR THAT TrnBy wiLL movE FAST ENOUGE TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME UNTIL THE FIRST WEEK IN NOVEMBER BEFORE PUR- CHASING THAT FALL OR WINTER GARMENT FOÔR MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD, AND WB JARANTEE PRICES THAT WILL MAKE; A LEAN PU RSE GLAD I. 'b 'b * I *1 UWWM 0. btp.ý For R*àelnn Ada.- b FrOoua JuMe- For ILntyTreesWer oraCe V Ulm bly- Forc Oowity up, ofSchools- Ch&s. W. rasiley. For Seriff- Ullwortb KMaait. HDVF. P. SMMJNK UNDERTAKER sud EMBAI Hall Day. Ilinois Telephone Cenatrai Maicu Oolby le tu Virginla looking alter bit, property hâtereons there. Andrew Decker bai seured a position lu ths ralirosi yardsSt Roudout. Win. Simpson la vluitiug hie da icter,> mN. Crampton la CbIcagn this Week. -lire. Fanal. Payne visited with rela- tires lu Nunda luit week.. Oui teucher Mr. Burch i vjited with his brûther et RasI Chreagofst, Saiurday und uday. The choir will meet next gaiurday evenlug at the borne ofUmis Agnea Payne.- Bar. C. 01. Ada.., of (!car Falis,- la., wasbrouigbt berofor burlal Weduerday of thio week. Mr. Adams waa closeir con- nected with the early hiator 'oft the lvanhne ehuvi-h, bis pastorate bers ex- leuding over a perlod of ton years. d=uriug ret ye,5N rbe ba lived , wlthdbis Falla, la. Hie 'ai about 93-years of MNs. AuD ie s eig at the I'reebyterisu h 1P 't 'o l un C b lsi' h e e b u n d e r w e t eu oerationTurdy flait week. W. heb. that M.¶'tsledlg as Woef ai berfrlends could hope for. P..4 Grialu. , 1 will gend feed, corn sud cob, Butor- day of ou& cbwsek outil furthem notice. FitRAKDOc.pM. Ivanho. - Aptai% wm vrsbroubt boiefor bai lait aturday aofteodb.- Te@tans ss»wrvee hd ut :Wo Bn -le, Tb@e internent lu tue Luthe, meutery. Mcr. luke'e sale ai m'eU attended Io ad annrd~>sd e#W Chb old ae eoaIsefor O<ley lbere tbey i inake thir faim"e boue. mm. M. flans sud flaully entertal L relativeg trou Darclngton snday.0 Qut. a guuuhr of young Deopie fr [MER heraftiaie srvices at rairie VI B qdyvmbla. -' SURea-M. OB E huebil eip.ri. las.. our. Llbert.ywle, Ili Prie@.1 ast FOR $UR12 toms bey la baru. SW. .Tsomu, lUbertyvlll. t 21 Il ~mmvi UN .Reyder vlstsd wltbhber Vrvents, Mr. and M ru: Gruel, of Highland Mr. sud UN. Frank Wells etertalu.d Company trou Chicago over Snuday. MN. *m. Edwsrde sud MN. A. C. Richrds spont Suuday wth'Mm.Jo.. ichard.. MN. A.G. Mar sud MN.Mad Knoll were Waukigaqvisitors Saturday. Mms. Annas .a@DD4@riBi ig reatlleS la Chicago iis week., MN. B 4urdy was elected delegate to the 829d echool convenîtion to be held at Waukfgan this wveek. Jenle Kiedler, of Chicago, viglted with ber pommne over Bunday. UMm. Frank litote le, packng lir housebold goode proparto for b> renoval to Xewa , l. h Mr. Rente halbougt= an lg l.aud where they expc to Malte their -bfture horne. MN. J. ManUsou la improving after ber retn evere ilinees. Wrn. Stanclif'. uew bôuosenje lmoot ready for the plasterers. Mir. aud Mmr. E. Ht Maso. attended ithe surprise Party tlveu Mr. sud UMm. B. Geeslt t unday eve«ing, Mr. sud UNi., *et leave sbortly for Vrgia their futur, home. Hazel Tripp, of Libertyrile; vislted with Mr. WudM.e. A. C. Richarde for eeveral days lait week. Mr. sud Mm. -Frank Tollya t Saturday evening Ivith Mr. aud re. E. B. Manou. Baverai trom bsN atteuded the 4fuueral of MN.iSiurm, of Aptakisie on 8aturday. Il --.--~-- - .--- il ____________________________________________ DI4MOND LAKI Mr. aud MN. (io. Ray bave retumed 1 rorn North Dakota wherp tbey have heen vislting thelr son Paul. Mr. Gerber vlsited st his houmeiliday. Mr. and Mmre Eluairn vizited frieuds at Barringtou Sunday. A nuinher trou heuatteuded church ut Long Grove nday._ Mmre John Whitney ion. the @ici-,llet. Mir. sud lire. Otos Smith entertaiued his parente trui1 vaulîoe Suuday. Tm'o of Fred Tom'nere valuable horme dWe lait week. Mr. Towmner sud sou Freildie viited at Lake Forest Souday.- Ails Hapke liq on the siek lîie. lire. Henry Ocet sud cildreu have gone ta Misouri 10 viit hem buebsud. Sunday gechooS at 1:30 p. ni.-sud chureb service following. AIS corne sud heur %li-. Max well preach. . Teesie Broctiiot i as been ipedlug thé paet wpelr urith ler graiidmorther, Mre. Wmn. Rouie. làr. sud lire. H. Kano and son EarI visited mith tbe latter'@ meter, lire. Wîii. Brockmnitîu Suildrry. The next meeting ut the l)iauioud Lake Centpiry Association vill ieb, leld miih Me. J. Ni. Cooper Thursday Nov. 1 ai 2 p. mî. Ail mciîrbere please attend. Misses ,euuie asudnaHruhand AleaPlugge meN Dundee visitors Tue4ai. _Théi.m'unal Keyeîtone League and Sunday school conîvention of the U;. E. churcb m'as held lu thie Salem church frue Mandsy nutil Thursday. The Isuons mere held morning, atternaon sud evening under the leadership aof1ev. liorloeR. They ivere quis m'ell atteuded snd greatlv apprecated by alm'ho did 1ev. sud Mm. C. J. Frey, of Chicago, attended the couvetion bere tus m'e.k. Mies Amna Sirecbfawden, of Edisonj Park, m'ss s Barmngton visitor this wytk. The Barringtou hlgb echool gave s ili Aon the Word bym'ay of en- "Tectal1urt lait Wed esay evenlug. Tbe peoplem'ba misbed totairethe trip started frm the scbool bouse, w're vableleam'alted thein sud coueyed lieu i4 the diet l Gaiay thle home nes.. krea Gruan Iuuc masporiaien of. meother stops woe,-à"d, Itely, China sud lait of ail Obleego st m usa diflreut boues. h m'asa Unique mode of ent.ctalinsslt for twea$3-tlve conte sud also added ta the blgh sebool tris- uy fod. Prof. Horn, of Chicago, mai m ere Tsesdai. Mm Misaile Baker leai; theI borne of H. Âbbott, lu taie abçwea0s ot Mb. Laura l1 ilefuler vbo le I91. INOXALI PMINTS A paint with »as trong a g"arntee baok of It au any A peint that coo ul. eu ,money. A po.int that do.. the work at DAN.0CE tkrtel's Park Pavilion MAL! DAYI IL 89191111hi01C. 21t,'06. jMusic bg Ilertel's Orchestra -Every Accommodation EVERETT. Mr@. Jog. Bradley enut a few ilsys m'ith ber mother Mire. GYIore. Mr. sud MIeÎ. unhan mpeut Suuday, at their summer houme. Djr. MeKali»sepent a few d'rYs4 with Jaînee Hunniford., 1Thomu eCooueY mer.t Sunday mýith Mir. W. Joyce L ---DEERFIEL Lait Tbnreday evening a pleasant cuansd dinner m'ai glven Mr&. C. W. etti iber hamin u onor of hem flty-eigbth blrtbday. The. tables mai prettl>i decprated mitb rases and erilax. plates mer, laid for tm'enty-tour, only inembeNs of -the fauily being promunt. Mm. Pettis m'ai the reciplent aI many use"ulgifle. Um.SadieGalloway bainimturned trou ber liit 10 Kausas City. Mb.e Mahal Segrt bai taken a position la chicaga. Little Dou laiton, m'ho bai beén nerouel il IIwlt brbonbitiog le rapidly lmprovlug. Um Lulu Plagge ha& returued to, Chlcafl atter speudlng the pai tbree »Umat homne. Tb@ Deortield A. C. miii play the SeaNe, Roebuck tes» Sunday, Ott. 28. 1. R. 1ebu bhas purcha.ed su automobile. 1Mb. Louis Rqhu in risitîongin southeru IMuiois, eh. lutends staylns about two uouthe. S. P. Hutebison sud tainily visiteil celativis lu Waukegau Sunday. f. L. Kuasek sud fauily eutertalned friendi froin Obleago over bSuuday. 1. A nuber of the mueubera 0f the. St. P&0114 Evangellcal cbnrub sîteudeil tbe Festival given at, Shermerville Sunday by the LadiesMlsslouay Slty.' Mb. Gardie MoweNe, ot Llbertyville, apeut daturday mith the Cres children. Au&. Winters sud fanilly bave rnoved loto t ba lom'ec fiat et ibeir new bouse. Mr. sud lire. AlbemIrt nomare Rvluglna the. bouse formerly occupled by Mr. Wnies. lire. oyt bad returued borne ater epending ta uumbem of m'eeke m'itb tela uEvasiton. li-e.& red Parsons, of tChicago, @peut sbrda# vîtte lir.-P. Raton. »aY. 0. E. (iveszL 8-i MARKET DA-INI Wednieay of amg mmt. Brlng your produce o b l Wheelng inarket. Bruy S AETUAe, Wbeellng, IIL M-2 FOR SALE-A Buter CbaPle oMgnSu ât it abkI for large baIl, sebool or.2bureb. A@! good a m'.W . DÇBote 3-tf STRAYEO--A etray ullcb cow caine WANTEP-Two good groe.ry rletk,. to ny prernîses reutjy. Owcer uay have by pro ely ldectlfylug sud payig for -thie ard.E. gBEDDrLFu, LaRe Comrs. 3.2 FORSAL-Coliepnp.4outils oll.1 Mms. L .Houmme., D ad Lake. MAN AND WIFE-Work m'ente& on faru by imnsusd m'fe. AddreseB. BoARD wANTELadm esreS board sud omuiln Ab!rl;vU",Z.Moden m-n provernent. AddMitssgFPENDENT. 4ttL FOR RzrNT-tizioogiltat luqule of J. A. MOATtS. t FOR SAL a éOnR ENT-Tb. Rondo" Creaiusy ItOated omi taleElstrie R. a FOR SALE--CoM Obredder ln o-d = Nlti u l& s~P a m BHoot, Prairie UI . . . »Msin sud stock aimm'th buildingsela 14Bp connty near WadIm'ortb, lit. eau ev ou "Mardi 1, 1907 orller deM.flor addres Mufle Lui, Wadsmorth. 111. 2-3 2Mood ;Te. res..C. MmuIIHANI' kB.o..,;Wanke .Ill. 4-2 WANTDt.4aelar r etabljshd .dvace.lifreLs.Adrees, wlth sapJ.o9. A. ALEXArigIi. WSukegsu, FOIII SALE-A few vory chou" lferk- sbire boar pigeslred by the grfst Colnrbue Le. welghlug 700 lb- aud îout of sows melMg ug500lb..Thes e'îg combne re MWel e ud ili. Pre reaeu~bl qualty onsidere4.( AI IBUSINESS QIMAOEtý-lI omdseroue v ------i-- retlrinà tra ou ui olaoler 1*ey tueL WANTED-Flirot lase-..grl -for ot geural neoausfor sl. '-sea.Wor.Les, î l bertyrille12 4»414 *jiskVilla 1 in.tnitc mm. - WANTED-WlIllauînC. MoorekComps KENOSI4A-Tbe liarden storo, Keuo»ha m'ant mure salesumen to seli their IHi 1f l1hap justinîstallait a eoniillet.. miail or.I.-r Grader Nureey Stock. We juày jjjknbj depr;tîdeut iiithpir t.igt ew Store .în .ormibsloue sud furulslî ail ouris àf> m ll on requopt »end luostege piS riý. WrIte or i-ail ut ouee for particule ar iP ofor ie't -dwuî- W. B. APeLrVY, Manager, Libertyville. ctiloitiie. .4-2 2-.-, __________________________FOR BALE-Abo)ut 1000 ettueko eS, FOR SALE--80 aere larm 3 milex m'est jcoru, 100 toux liffiothv liay. lu of Gurus., L.ake Co., 111, Weil iiîîpro ved, Lierty v llS. 111. 10 room bouee. Ilarm. Thoughly tiled. - Gravelroade. Easy payrnta. Low FARM FOR SALE-113 acres is lutereet. Inquire owuer Màity A. Paies mlles m'est of Gumuse, Lake county. 1il I Guruse, 111. 1-U RiLb black nuit, plety of fruit and mater "*" A =-It ad. ..God buldIng. Apply tu A. luxvs, Dem', in Lake Zurirh. Pricee$704>. Mor landîfdesîired. E. Ftut.%;lake Zurichi FOR SALE-2 full blood Ber.k.ilile boars. Price reanonable. Rafter faru HaNnt L.awuzicit Mgr. 52-tf f Homesnkers Excue"tou.. Every Tueday on the C. Si. à&lit.P rsilm'ay homsekere tickele wili'Im quis to western pointe for ,,iî.fare plus tm'e dollars. Iîuifo."u lcagett turtber paltieulame. b FAR FR EN-----------h--,- -0 acres, Env. Boy»s, Libertyville. MltfI ,COnemvatorml4o5e .. To Am.i PulîOre WHOIlvMAY CON- tirs FARM FOR RENT-2 miles frontIA,- Notitijenherebygve that the unduf- ertyvîlle. 14; acesm. liîquire tus ofilce. ignpd. Dpeuison Rutington, Coanser- 47-tC'H vatoir ot Suphin A. Woolf.' a feeble minded îier.suu. will malle application t«> FOR SALE.-iliiluling allies ai $15 prithe Couiîtv Court of Lake Couuty. in 1004) test. J. C. I-Ir:iTi. Prairie View.! the State of aliiîia a regular terru lit. 521-3ithermat, ta b,,field nt the Court Houae. ini the Cit.y of Waukogatî. ii) eaid C,,untv SMALL FAR -For Pateriear Librty. i " nday the thirid day ol viAll ARpmf no ae noetar Litwrty- l>e r, A. 1). 11«, beiug tii. tres viille oS)ars. diiil. oorîvnîeît. aPuu, day of sail Terni ut C ourt, for aiit<inter îîîr.e t mterm'idmuil. iioeui. Iiceasrd deî-rées ot aid Cojurt dirsi-iing j- r s.ý ruasonalule W. SiTF, Libertyville . -f mchCnevàtrt el i Ithylt tte asid interset ,of said8uSuphia A. Wruloti ________________________________________ i andu tu tire filosiig îîescnubed reit FARM FOR REfIT-3tinSse trom Libuer- .e.tat». itiîatu-d in oin,îîtyrtLi. t>-ville. 82 acres. luqulire thie office., asudtate ofui Iilîuîje. to-m'it: ae 1-ti l'arto<rtihe Southi Haluit oftire Cet _____________________________iitu - teSouuth Eset quîarter.-,i KLENZONA-The grerît lleair. TSih-- il t rhirty-oue 11) in Towiustip rîuly fpreparatiumiftr rvelvets. Ieatbu-ruu, iFrrt.,-tur (4-1)North, ouItanuit,.Tu'm k id guist, teilkmre rtton adwoe01 auu ,î,,iîtli lit uufthlisThirrI lurrii, l wooilu. Agent L. A. D ,Nevtlrrry avr.. andîiru uiîîu~lsîluu--îsu u Librtyile. _5 ý,IIUM:Cutnipeiî,tng ai a pluiit iglut Lubertyville. 1 M) îlrws: >toitlî mofthrIe Nortihait carner- _________of________Lot;_____________ j o South ,uut FOR SALE-Oentls Shetlsand pomry and rus rîrii lee uuhuru îu'>ty buggy. Cali lit lrmitir1e. (9)ri;te'(îeu West tu tIre West lia.,uut offie. )rugStoe. (rsyiake îî. eid lt;tîmentu Nurth tutus (9>)vudm office tgr$tae. 11 .ast ts tire laves ut e-gniiug i-ontaiuiug tour snduone lrait acres FOR SALE-19) pigm. W. T. Si YUAu, ureor es.fgir thre suîppîrrt aud Libertyville, 111. 44 :1isiuat4tinazi-s îufaid Sophiia A. Wooilf. _________________________________ lateut tbis l7tli daii uft (-tuber, .. FOR ý,AàLE-242 acre stock aud dniry 1). 1906. fai, %.mile euutbeaàt ut Wauîonda. Dv'NIuuON IuT!u-ruCuîierVatiir r Lake eouuty 11,uimproved witSr uewllîlupia A.. Woolf. .14 bouseN, bain n sd m'eilsuitmil] aud___________________ neacee.eary out buildings, rîrcluerd timuber -_____ _____ sud 41ue f remb m'str pound- Cluuse tii inland le. Muet be solu t rumîe tiiuI Q 82 Acre Stock sud dairy fartail m tiles iIO I fU II & t mest 01 Glenvlem', Cokî.oumty Ill.,ont b-)h id@ o Iilanke ve Imr-ui Housses for reut in MIl parts mitb good bouse and barn nevîr 1 o hect.tmei n e paluteil sud nem'rouof on biarn. Uood rîmr liet. orebard sacrifice for $150) per acre. 120 Acre Farm-Near B lue lslard 2 S25 SPECIAL HOMESEEKERS ex- rniles fr0.Mîbldlothian station improved curiionus t the fur uortbm'est. Fron, mitb goad bouem, sud barn and out Chicago sud returu $25. buildînge Good ori'bard sud 27 acres Fine clImatsp, rich bIsck loauî lande, in tlrnber sud îiantire excellent for dairy a belt of future mealth. We have land tarin $100 per acre, listai trom $18 per acre aiplunbath Have several gond farmnem'hich muet Smigated aud unirrigated territory. .sesl b. muid chenil for caih. Address estate us tfor informatin. of JonN B. OvERiurus, 118 Ashlsud VACANT LOTS-lu ail the nuit- Bd. Chicago. 50-tt divisions. Buy a lot sud m'e m'fll bulld you a.htouge aecordng tu your own FARM FOR SALE-Plaie Ruomn asp latn ansd lot you psy for it lu monthly John Bannir tartu, 81 acre., ood bullil- lsalnu iuge, eoutbwèst corner 01t Frenot. BUSINESS LOTS-For sale ou Mil- Mueat be sold at once. Addrees GIOo. yankee ave st rlbt priele. BAugE, Wanconda. 44t FARMS FOR SALE-We bave thora ail------sd-p-----.----s--u----a MONEY TO LOAN-On appcoved "a e- t% l se rl y Bc». . M i, L E U ber- tlle - 3. 8-df FOR SLE-El -a---sud ---- buines cbeau ounaccount of old ugo. Herar Suiv, LaRe Zurich, litI. 39-tf FOR RENT-llasu of 145 acre. 2miles nortbwebt of Llbertyvillle 'Wltbl baill ull-ofndl plifou.Good buIldIngs, couvulet tj eb ium.1k on sîther ot to rlîrade L.DAvu, Liberty- ville. 2-ti COGKEREL -ulI blod bynot Rock ccme sfrsl,$1 ec.BRos OLEr, phone 464 Lîbertyville. 4-tf FOR RENT-House m'th fumuace. Corner Milwa'ukee Ave. and Laie St. Inquiro Lutu MAe-rocte. 4ti4 yAR M FOR RENT-Kuom' u ai le . .Davis faru,-175 a«ri, good buld- Iâgs, <mlIe trou ulRplattoru. Iluire yUat mt WeaUeitu nwwa -o FO ALt E 8,ave00 ARES ý OSaPALfE 8,000,000 ^E S-ladef suuuyPaifibe RW hIa. bt usdshow y u a n in u e t ue n i t ua I vIlI ia k e y o n 100 per cent lu six moulue. W. meuoeil you nies open prairie land at $9.00 an acre. $8.00 dom'u sud balance lu ays annuel payuient uInerest at 6 par seul. Thie land millseÎf at $12 ta $15 an acre b Jan 1, 1907. We make speclai V. ken rtes t. AMortea. retucu. Arrange ta go itb uns ou the next excursion.- ThoeTeuai Pau Haudle la the gardon spo of the outwest oc nortberu ftar. We bave tomrsale 150,000 acre. lu lamge or ernal quautien at 85.00 te, $10.00 an acre. Cali on or mrtte us. Dgmond endI Austin DaeasIn Roi statLo.m .a on.ce ui a, Pl ,aa c .-, -L là*& 1 1 jj "l" ---------------------- P*l ý 1- V ý 1 - - il' L - 1 1 rIL 11 . 1 ýl, Il- ý. Il 1 F. DI4MND LAKE

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