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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Oct 1906, p. 4

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:M tie i~ldockts the sanie1 h<sB n=îauw ein nconvitered as ~ ~UU uriugthe paît winters. et havies lire.breaiç ont iu the! 15557 wlter past conuiderable, ýM IsXirtby lire and somewll aie ý 2 li res tai by spontaneoma nom- *SIM$U. Tb"ey atrt ini the bottomin b*' pise of toal and emolder tor- ,sai Ul liaily tae, break Gihrougai thie top sud iges or taie ple and h TElOFlC COLLISION. A 10w. du"smm 0 "ti lu"Waaàter- illio elea"i betwesa a bIcyle anS auotorcycle on on. 'oftaedw town çbstea.both comnbâtants r.-i od*miug injies« froux which tliey are - .eng & ek in front of hlm, taie ,smasnthe motorcycme stenred te taie ?iht. Thae bicyle niau comisg fron t he utiier dîMetion torned to thie loft snd biecce bit Motorcycle wit a crma. Thie cycUast ws knocked alley wlile taie notorcycle mnthad bis souider tralued. -. WRIST CUT. Lfttle R. D. Hudson. of Wamconda, feu I'sat Sunday, strlklng bis lett wrist on a liroken bottie whlch eut taie wrst. severimmg thie ninar artery: Dr. Pier dressed tie,wunud and taie boY I -qtilD4 Play about. L.ake Front Case Up, The cae of Stone et ai. against taie cty of WsLukfflAi for thie possession of taie- lake ends of Madison, Wter sud Clayton streets wliiae argued soit week lu-Caicago accordinit to Cty Attorney Persona. KK. lF app wlll leasaaoclsted i#ltl iVity- ttorsey ýPersons reprensentIng the lboit line wich Io aiso a detegmd- sut. Yeterday eta hiearlng M. H. Bus.y, avl Q.Har as E.P. De- Wolf cere ettuesue. O LK& INITIATE. Majr Vot-au, retired chapain at Port Sheidan wau lut niglt lui- dutei lultaie mytetea of "taie Wsii- kaganE.1P. 0. Bla lodge. He ta in echare of taie education and Amerl- msling t tle ilblinos and la loved the. Uuited States over for ails good Pour other qàtdidates tool taie de- greea 'sud there was a banquet. SIXWI[gNTH A UNIVERAY "Y , tae isqxteentai uiveraary 0fr rGbrges 1Cstf.,la belug celelrated F«Bffl*dlu 189, taie dste %la tksvd everohm am.sudba.alwasemaisne nufiaiace as io ler lt h e elty~ 'i ron s OY wvîR reflye taie best, extraMs 8M 0OlW-*Raet, th"t -rs Gerge can sujpiu and aer dîsuere are fautons. To lma". Enp.rt.tam. Umwsaoievd, Capisin Will S. Reed l building ôýeeof thé mnost'expert dril- lut boiles ltaite tate ef Iltnois lu ttb tort of taie ioodman drill tes î ,1sd léfore lhe gets trough vîta taie MOU under h a ils' lihave 'au exaitai- tien drill teint, that wli fade awaY aith~le approsch of aune. Captalu Reed la thie besi drilnmas- ter lu Wanleai as he siiould ho af- ter sîxtedu yesrg of experlence lu thie -Infsntm-y eoft taitate Millila. To tmprç;ve Camp Logan. Z Startilueas smon as thie seani aitte ' -ange closes next Suliudsy. Inpruve mets are to be made aI ('amp l.ogan which wcliimaI.,.it unue ofthe fOest, esMes andcanpsIn tecuty yjýThýý erk will poa ake he t of the winaet bftthex ThbAhxl6tovemenuswic r uew gun ise n an -am i sion house aetu's uito Tteete lie Wtty f efoo square and are tobe two etonies hiigh.' New bahtifts are te bult for thie . liatsecond. sev- F.)~l ~ç rho1li-cks are tu lie conistrncted .f ycrete aigu. TheWM2t i4j-4 la te be extounded «a-Vlsare Thé; Pres0ut *rawage ditc la isto aie vteuA4'2 f t Sd lsdeepemled se it wIil, be four feet below taie lake IeWEý tI ill t eui4draimr taie rtbe grouadda nluinlg taie eroction o Inà iii wt thie expectation or a am i.nlU alrespecta, tlat Ladite Mus,:u ibetr's '-Y rt t. e*>*?L, v Ladies'fi!in ,-.Goawua.4 worth 75c. fr, taies.thre,. aùïracta, 4LUIL -uie Oiro* A, careful in~cinof the,4ér.ha<sfor butrO git at sale whichil h. given on, h.*.a.uei.a.*A0s10.e 'fr5 7-i! iéioà, sdiIB 90Sai S B .u-trtrlf * -Il I -" ~ugu~uisu. wW.u WUcommîwe the nioit s1keical, that ne, le. TefS1dé d4 o, o4r oow Great Sale of N4ew Taillowod Siaits IVo ssgsert wîiihot tear of contradictiou that thla la poatively the greatest collection ot nec styles evrer gathered under ose roof at 14.98. AIl taie new ideas for taiss esson.1 Norfolk and Prince Chap Jacket Smilla. Fltted sud seml-fitted styles. iucludlug taie poptilar blouse Etons. Very drefflY styles; lIn tact, cverYthuîg tbat la alisoistely sew la among thla collectiomn. Clothw are fine Broadcioth sud Chteviot lu black aud colors. lu- ciudmmg maîîy Ilgpt sud darai mixtures, aise laie anialir checleed elfects lut browns. blues Suid greena. anck-r pis ail silk and sallin llîcd and tiimed vm-ry titste- ftiii wih braidsansid self straptngsi. .These ai-e exact copies of $30 samd Sm,- auis. at tais.three daya' gi-est sale,$1 8 Imiice . .........*....*"'..»-....$ 49 DuirlImutheso tarot days tou miii haye-pyerom ie felectton ln aults, easily moi-tI mni) - tn $19.00, fui.................$ .98> 1'hose comprise hîgg*ad ae mixtures. fine Cimev lins and other maost desirabie fabrica. Oui- shteratlon departuemit la coimdtmcted by tle utost expemieiieed tallor oltuimmble. I-is woii- b ni tue higaiest çrdei-. Chîldreu s Muslu * Dwaers al aimes (up te li) like givlng 5titen away. for taes. ±hree dy Taie Iprtant features cf*»i e *a sa e êp < ie l Aun «traordidliurchseansd sale of 30Coati; rectuess of the Styles, the. grat number cf modela,»n $5 and $20 quality. alisome Cas for -Wo- thtae chelcentesa efthtae falrlce and taie vIde range of mues and Mine. For this sale, colore thie ceats are âhownin.li, TheY are Dot ODlY 1stpecil e t...................... $ 0 0 beautîful cota. lbut theY are practicai sud service-1, Te cmrsfiealwlmxu«ýÉfni ale coas. Styles surtable for sreet or evenlng paTs hee omprIs fie ail ernsmIxtue Uthsu wear. Modela snd colore becomîngto teieYoung splaar lecked su snlpen 20ad $pat t s erse y cls coman as weli as aider women. Broadjlioths. Cheviot and heavy twMjed dlotais pre- Au elegaut lot ot 4omtluate. Body and aleevea satin laed citai vehi-et $22.50 sud $25.00 coats a----------'.. ola-.u...s...y..ares .fhhsl udli lThis la a dlstilay of citicai voare trn* preid n idlle n ute.Mniluga aise sfatitpe rd andilit Flue- dressY blackr Keraey and Broadelotai Contst u dvletrm ngauseftap sye. loo%@ sudseufi-tiglit fttiug stYles. $16. A aiettil An exceptiosal bargalu. *vamity. Ail made lu artistie fasblli wlth man tallor-jA Extra Speclal. Durlug tles- titi-e days oui>. lnglu collarteleabsd bruitd ud ecvet trlmmod et-'A absolmtely $20.00 Ladies' Wsintet 129 fecta. SatinmiUned body and leeves. Soume llued (,()t (tri black or broca> fur ......$ 29 .,iroughont. GlrlW» full leugth Wlter Coat (up te aise 14)., Chioce of lot for 10w-r 49JO to select froum lu uew browli Cieviots and thes,. thi-oc ilys otly---------------:th tai est nmixture~s, worth $675. e« Ladies' al cool blacki Korsey sat'; éb" For tbis sale ai . ................. loîng, ye ansim leeyea liîîed ctai stin. 1 Côt trimu- n'ed with mîllltary hi-aid. Pull sweep, very band- Ladies f ull lengrai Cravouette Raimu (ea", 0am> spulytlord wrh$1.00,. 19 8 Sinemd a bai-gaiInluChilcago - $ 9 Foi- this sale St------------- *11..... ...1 .8 al100.ai . .................... 49 Ladies' lit Inchi Broadcioth Ceat, Il thrdWb.1 Ail colore. Conte cari> nsu .,--ii-taie bet out witai satin; anlU iu Chcago for Q fltselectlos. hott. Fo tal sal spelal i- ..~IV ~ tils Coats lu ail coinrs. up te size 14. Regular Ail wool. bliack, 52 Inîch Kersey Coat 10' ý$a <0 values. For these three For timse three days spectl .....i9 da> s..................$29 Ladies' 52 Inch ILong Coats, miade uniluIn 005 o lats ae elitftBasie lattie ose d Sol eve wool i mxtures. Regîmar îrice $9.50. ,m eaiere h et $ ght. o the e tre d0 SO ey et nFor these three Ussouip esze>s 2 8 For________________............_3______ nt$500 Furs that are st>lish practical and economicil ....... 75c (Ileîii- (.Anierican Fox. Svani a, duill--or Sm- g l-.in Sa le orIisabella, Imitation Chiuchilla \l iffs eryI iti atfu, l ied nilii Sklun"r's satin.$ .9 ihese ai i, ya iew ni the,- iîuîîdtw'. utof nUo ihinllga we have ln Purs. Ouri hue is bol)', 0 tifl a ift oxpleeenibrscting evei-y&bing ln i-ors, hem a i5c ra, f lu a tf01 Seal Slilu ceat. i-taudsaun:tie iofu Nuits 'Veililug and Bri-Ild lné Shirt Wales, worth $300 tel$1$L9 for tlils apeclal sale at. ...............$9 ..Mmým , . i A Flne Walking Sklrl.made in mlxed and plainu colors, wortai $4.5t). For tais sale. special. at------------------- ...... . 7.9 Ail cool. black or- bine Panamia skirta osver 390 to select trois. fennerly aoid at $500 For titis sale alt----........... 2-8 for Ilunely tallored black Pauama Siirta, e s 0 incudig many new patters lu taienoer ffâf o popular mut now. Pisîted styles suiengat the n aJority siocu of every coucelirable, trluumed effeci. A RoumaIntS kîrt Bar- Sain. Thene tance days osly---------- 5,0 * f for SuikSauna ts flfie chiffon taffeta. qisyURal ever liex plsltel style. finleitaller, , liuWwektéied pite rutuaing 12 luches front caatt liuic. Jîst theakikrt for dress or afternoomi ceai-. A rare liai-gain ut (als pie The assoriment' of goods purchtsed for thus great smle by Wqr.uq*Ieacwd ~yf sih exception the hflnst a dMost com- plets ever shown b>' the Hein ogusteln Co.. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . Attraotions -. ii il aU mo-e 89 Ps 'y,ti-I d Hasinlack aUda coor . ...............$4.44) :lasp Ki lînesit whitos aual col os.Regular $1 Mvail ....... 98C W. feel postve that this sMW will provo oas of the most sallmfaatowy te o bienad which we have yt oser. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I. I I Thronge of Ociober buyers are takiug adve b4tweeu' Lbo hours of BeaitIuI~4hishddee ma tbree i?11, 4veoro .o ibSt0dy aftt nr g ade' >olç Mel oerized I Chldeoas Coats Costa i lmesvy tousanstyllali mix- tures.c-i S e Ifor-titis sale seil." -I v I ýj Il -ý. k, h L; - L, Lý !j Aý î"iýàWNOWNbO~ WWW-W-4- % -%p -W - ý ý 1 %---w . -1 ý Wl- 1 ýw , 1 - ý - , ý 1-7 --I- j

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