Special A ssessment Lake Forest, Libe rty ville Hilghland Park, Maywood and Oak Park Special Assessment Bonds for Sale Geéorge Anderson LAKE FORES T, ILLINOIS RNESS - - SIIOI I 1, tsun Dow locatfetin timhe laie it) iJ. Trjalulti it Spuague strcî'f. Tilm's sîp curas outfnas good w vaia uaîîbe clue nlthsesute ( ise usa trial. 1 SOLICIT YOUR TRADE AND ASK TUÂT YOU <IVE1.EE A TRIA O. 1. LUCE Libertgville hliboii BLANKETS 1 have a first ciass assortment of blankets which 1 can offer ai bargain prces. AM wooi blankets................................. ......... 2 25 storm Duck bianket ined ................................. 1 35 Stable bianketi liiied ...... ................................ I 50 Good ail wooi fawrl 7 lb 85x90 inch ...................4 25 Ilarness and Ilorse Gffls of ail Descriptionâ CHAS. IH. KAISER Libertyvile. Illinois BAUM'S STOCK IFOOD ALWAYS ON HANE 000D, PRJNTINU ...... la a necsééary element of business succesa. Or( for Job Prlnting placed wth us will b. promptly and oorrectly executed.- Rush jobs our delight pR0 ocae SPECIAL ATTENTION -ro ouf of Towu Ordors An& - Shippiug Trade BA~ mnd CONI Uibertyvâle Telephone No. 46 Libertyville Exche.n ECTIONER HQiTEiL8 AND RETAILERM SUPPLIE[ WE DEU VER TO ADJACENT TOWI M ad "Ili b~boisa eeduew t ht logg:, for (ber some of- the loge were lo gtogtng Ont of place anduittme were pliit fautoplotbmud.that wele Itili bd GEORGE Vlu draggt be wagons ttirough the ld&ai.. Y ruud reache» it was uecessary ta stop toryfw iutes ta gie the borne, Petmr I ~. b~ K flk8 EGGLF.STOA oubrehelag spei. OnPah 1 11 -t e. ]R n k e cRY -tretuhes It wils 'rien neéeesry ta Iît stop forlalt au bout. or more At a dte.'.%Ani i~Thus hecaravan moved lowlY On- Imu 1984. fier I lletelés a * Ce 1. Pom. U6 111 11116Av»-. %.y -'il ward. wltb îîîîîuy tîîltfngs end mach of M =Zý) -eirilens.A t41I Thu th wok entsîaîyon.'I'ue Then Duncan went ta itim'pect flihe mca dathe glo en mo a n. mreThe p 1greisof the work. Auction baies. Sï affecesof their overwork, for eaeh WUas Huîcing.u clll niy firi 1il e. I i tele iWarktng for twelve bourg of escb HPIKtXX.p liauutîî nil. î.îîse 1îil. tweaty-four nv They grew suliso T as siter 7 o'cioi-k aoitilarknees i.iintli .-et is.lville o i.î liIaul.ev , na"'.dy àm= udsowai I wdcmpietely tailu iwlteu B4r at-îve.i.. 1and1-i 'fouV ileie tOIl Ille IlH1 and dy o mi andslowof, ail- basrîeeived 4;iilterd î)uncane Tfieî >i; \,,.iii utwr . m. l 'r. ment and of reepoufa.. lvery beîy i. j eegretfthîc 1üîî f or lep .."l) 11e*, .l.. 'hait, ii.s eutire ( s if 1s- few more of thora gave op the' tsskr, e c ISewltlilr iù-«o oale hotues feîitiiiîsli) iitheIligliest Aurn ad Duncan bosa erouiy ta creaoressseiu iîeso calsit lijiderr itiîout rernrve Fn tbata whlesae qittig wold Oeuro»erstor (bat àbe vawu$. te graph CeOuigtiigof: 2-, liîwilgradie iolleteilà su I tba a hoissi qitts vuit a1 ur-in sending messages or l'* ipathy aud cîv.5fr.'il..*4,1) .îili.llll1 iwith (ait tn apte of the enormoila vagesle"resuace 1 sliriîii le wliacii' 1,si i . Žmt tel 8 îîth payiflh. bssuir i nwout the vords, '111lI <o iî lieit," and olti. 1i bll twu. yearc uld. 6-year ,uId th1 yptm t iirilutoufo lospd the lnatrfmelît iii riier that hLwiy iar1. i1100 hîgi a ifO :I-ý th suptm fdhemijei ovto rog* shlie utiglît' attend t)îîmoreI' irçeging w 'tIiit j2 111. l unîIi y smil'e;iiî.îri lt overmtrain. n i bm an t eo-thinga iban telegraplif i îli:tttiiig. iîîuikne.%itaie' ly Ringîîîaster, 1-->14 litidm nia.. iquemin hathe eouduct aud caunte- Stie suxnmoned -ber iiigru boy fob 5lîic h.'i h wt 4 14Wîruîl igeLîu' d lma it t, nalîces of the men. Ilis soidle ir aserves1er lianrto hndîth îvt 14igle10, y'ril0 bat taugtbi lai also 1mw large a part Wsrea irpoetriî rmtybî-i"vbu. 4 îiii îg.a 144 .edn9pyb u ubn aeasti.saliieti forth lttathetIigiii TiihP 'ent ,iiair'colt 12 tios oui. iow Irqi-liwith Est" feedng lay lnsucha cse s tis.grucerles knova as "lisi lte" vere rai-il .2 m ide. tire wagiîns witiî dtis) li Ile tberefore mîntteir luspectedtheUi accutoned ta be 01-11î îi'rY late ut plîriîkm, 2 seifutud silrri.y, rtililier tired 52 ontaf oormes kieliu sd tuntitnigit. But the cerks Ici- fu ofeuri- rntlaiut. weîli'r. îîilvi'rizut. pitai, fil hicag of careesud Incouipetent Brea ei-rel u. yilggi'r. cu3eltivateur, ualktîîg itîlti- Est ner woe who kuew neither bow the negro sierving boy, p. esînte.i ber- vutîr, plum, i)eeriii grn tii hù:hr, t. Scook nor bow ta make-foo<t tratietve f f.lrM. iîai u irîîlîîder. eu1er. iiîaei'. bl ta apîeuracf'.er in volume thiLu aîîy llcy hllit ver oin J bl- pou - rîll ii'liî "Temeni est îî gool dalii i'i"be ca esîvset. eseu .front theIielard u~.tof aitlgîîe- ... -tur ,îneilir iii to Tempie. "but .tbey art, not p)prielv juirr wleurasne .t~mr h a . t ste~ntie i. 25 acllr. eilliîî nouishti i.u, reie->' egan Illeorderina tiîriy ciîgar curi'din sbock, osel do __ud sluiply muet wln iis ttruggie, ick, hem ins ou p it--ed te'iOf Ie fquiut..s..IIi -rtbillust.) i. îiîitiî i 1. r vireiu*îMu1t 1.00h and we'vre otily sI deys mr. $bich followè,& ibt l.ilPtî' 'Jewte een eau keeli the menî lt vorli for ix îh;Ys ordere for- four keguuutiîiIise.six li-ill nIii t..îî ). 1.; and Itilîttmore ve*' il pier finish ar boxe% or imacaroniia uurri.l of rte W. HFi'ii ..ul-iii- Ltfmillx faîtl undt au on îbrangiî bil t. It;$1ire Iflvas î hii a itltevery us î'îî ta the. stoîisbiment (if Ill h hmIl a tînl. cii'i W lng i..c.uni> Bkirbark's libonne. oit the gave mscareeîy a momentuî1.ii111i.' îrfîing ,Luî.i~iill aloilît liii i iu'tuirl T telegrapelà aud hout n lltt te conversatilonti fluic severai artlel'ii- ,l4,tti')Mnedto ~. dH.î , î. .atb. wth lieîr over tie vin'. She was tIMA îreat ber puirchases .-;w .li" of or-noilou't'inilld. Nov. i, '01, vi-i kept imlautely laformeti Of bow mat- dluary detail. Tbey l"nîîtoaîmiv-i'n l- ii ai î <444>,,'lick'lîP thei'.8 iS ter§ ver.. goluz wltbhlm, sud abe vas stand, bowever. wheîi î-îlin'tthe fotto.ilim igîem-riiied prouîe'ty 'te).%%il Weili igb steeîiee5 vitte iiniietY lest gootis eattitat aight iý -xîrî'.'ito tbatl h-uit- .a, wit iuv- it i Nior becfrai n tits crowlng undetaklng. station ontie Illinoi's C-f-niklratraliroat so01ue siiingorc lialatim' iikers.ttîii wbkb ly earet ii' "-i ieof liml-2 Y'iO îîlîl broiîihure 11 yre i t I 'Turtiug away fnom Temple, b.. went istîtiueret he irieof t40 1) tiii hrii..12 Yi.1. h t 1540.8 to lhe telezrap ul.istrument, olîcendtford t4unean'a Operittîtis ted dlret'ted -gray v'b..-. 1 y t-c îlî%t .,t) . flaiJ-k'r f thie ircuit and) îal'd iBarbara. île ex- that the lbi liesent iii lut thuu' x -a 1444.lnitî Jijtîtiewt 11200). iuaiîîs'l bis new iîtfitclty fa bersud National bank for PsYI'.i-ll mî-k virut:1 *yr'. .lîi ust1200,4.24 siioatstel te iltîîrtfnee of providlng flet- Barbara made short vwork It lier w*'îrti"k # ) aiuer iî-'îrti-k ter cooketi anti more anadant fod. *. uying. Wlmon it was ilite q' iii irle<t eriài lîler. i-îîti plater vithi ciiev-k "4he.mnhlive t.....'iiving on mess pari;homne sud packed a s'niailttrm îla.M-iiriiiiik lîli%î:oe; 2 r. 2iriî City mect andl hait bakeil dough aevd ta Some sml1eogtc rle w .,<l'~ uk nlItr -v 2 hy sale tlienifor breail are enougli ta break thei At 7 'clock themaext itortîtug. îî.oi-.., rukulîti .2 ikik wagonm . ltîiry ila. stpirit even or veteran soluiers. Now. t panieti by thie negro iboy Rfobert, she Pr.2 a akbhlils q kecpttie mca al vink fres.I amr e, ntokthe train aud i..-trinouin foun ole lu. iîiiwss . 2flair fly imets, 34) toits vs shhe e t work foa r esix 'Y* 'r"SuC-herseif et the tttie s'Itîi8uîn ta vbieb titîi,,ti.iiy lunibarni. 2 mtuî-ks illeiiî-Ï, cens. if ve rnt. falture in Inevtable. L1sellebatl orderd the tnî'î4ht sent. She 2f4,niteýs i-oun iniî u.îiîk.tboy iîkroi ns, '. want you ta boy' a lot of the butete Wevs dîsappoltedtet fil cthat, aifbough ptii..andîi carrier. c-rdieîslier. grtnd- Ba provsilons you cami get iu Cairo sud saad able bad ordetedtht.e guida sent liv Px- eii't ' vlicoeilîîirroviu. s-utvartt, them loerSe ariy tomorrav morning i ldsg l'kuetnso adr change of somnebody wvlo kuowa boiter.tapres. (b ey had not î'iie bu' the train 2Fe,iliik f400Il.cmets ti ank heler, hiisie. ai-ni ane of m>, batik cerks If 1 ouvhlch shebadtntrulehe. ,4;i grainear-ls. 44 îîîîiik îsilm, 24 gu you can't do better. Send sons molases. 1 The ralîrodat ai nl >y teiegashic î41iîîksm, piatio.a. ntnd :ian entir 1 too-la kege. flt battu-la, baut-cia take f00 i ortlerslntoedyads.eeai rtee to ivle-lst, i.Iin l tanK toaianilte. Seuil eggm. butter. r.iols ir.iat5.ee Inîiis îo rnieîoci.îî-iiii macaroni. onions. luruttus. caerna and. 1 (lists mal station, iliere ver.. au Intru-[citai'eorne. abos ait. "ea nally gooti caltes. iment sut au oterator. NMsklng use of ÎINsu'itiLER, 1W. IiH.lPL Then. if possible, i vaut you ta sent these, Barbera iliiutred eouceýrnlug the proie. At me ane or tvo cooks wlio nssliy know ritan a týe ofneriviN ic1 vliat coolktng mianc. Dont heitatefrghsu va uutei0fl rIvioie about vagen. We'it oa' any Once. If by s train due at 4 'elock. 1> O-iu.nly(etolier 27 W. A. aou raau onbitail ivto cooks vho know Sble spent theii..îtrveing time lu Tlîuîtof. uit ui il iviiselft ubîilic ani. W the diiherence b.tweeu brotting lisef ndsecuing wiii vt or tu iaalbscti.,hrJm om ht-n burnlng flt. Till tour coâtscoma. l'm a w u'îî il oreotciii1 i ufi.hu'e.loe hce gaing ta take charge of the rookingtiy'- hornes f0 escli. utndt uvetmthe freiglit and htarii itiluliits.Ii siti tiutiiie ii > sef. came lif vas iiiîieiuont ibei ilh cii.e ttî'uiitieiue at 10 îiu-liu)-k epari. ri And ble tbf. Guilford Duncan, dis- particuler catri. - that n ace-Iiets tingutahoulmaen of affairs, aseoclate might occur fil itil.îy the' jottrtiey. fi ilavittu decide tot quit taraiitug.1 uofluanclitnababls.,tiauk preeldeat the road albailti-i-i e-i toieratîiy goot 'iilI tselifa ofulic aîîctloî onnthe' sud president of this raitnoaul compauy, one of the wagouii ttght hauve uarrled Mary A. Price fana,.:1 imfles siuith- M4 sut hour lifter houn on a log or squat- the Joad penli:i,. but tîte ruade were wesi of Gurnee or 4 uiles east of tel before an outdoor linre. dolng bis execrably huui.âiiil Barara wît noI Grayslake. near Grange Hail, titi : tîtae platlil su. fadeuifsmlned 0 tke uîî rlks.Thîîrsday. Niivenitîer t. 19064. etîn- ri7 iectto fakepltbeotlfosuf iddt aeayrgi.meaclug at 10 o'clock churnthe f.oii 1 as vere f0 lie fouindila the camip. Wheu the iiîîili,.ir as idonclit vas oIgppett-i 3hadf 1 *uts a sonry task." be sald f0 Tem- uearly ntgh.tfaull. luI fhue -tîger girl la- lowtieng prtert'.o-î.1 0 hoati at 1 pie. "The tuffisii*tfit te teat uatibenft ssted upon utarlig liiedlat<'iy, ta jîvti ilnylîîg oif coltîg lnlu.ii aboutt 2 Iwuîîten wbo lougit It. ('oit elp (lie tho proiouîiudl lî.ziit ofberun er . ntha: 9 2-year-ld beIler"; 7 liorses. ciîinsssry wbo stotilti have Issued Il The iretfeuti iii--. eofmrildver.e euiccoIstlnguif 2 tirait hanses 9 andi 10 as ations, evea lulite stanvation dsys best tén milesi. uu'i te drivers agsureti , enrs oit veight 2600 lIta.. 1 black of the Anmy ut Nortiierti Virgina. The ber sud by iii,,siiig uîuoî a tant chat mare 10 N'pars olti velglt 105(l. 1 Non- men voulitihave matie ment of hlme. evenug iusteuad -fvaiting for mort.-tuait lonti mare 7 yeanuu aid veigli L- But t eau ut lenlst make fif look a tttie inabcsiemauagil Il, lover tiîat part of 11400 Iisa., vith tuailiby Wm. Tihom's Sa 11l more palafatile aitpenlaps Improve the distance tiy il oclucil. Thon siehoreo e -r,1 -erol e lis lavr a itte lt th cokIngtil esablibeda iup. cuîss the butwes Ilng veigbs 14DO0 ibs.. 1 2-year-old geldt ifs ayo a ltti iiitlu coolugtiI tatllsbd aing veiglis 1100 lita., 1 yearling colt. Barliara sentie freste suppies55 suid somns ted. gave the druns a sflot sud savuny 1 ail tbree clts inet iuy Wm. Thoîxts u capable cooks." supper and a'lur-i bénI tfa lie ndî.tiorsp ot ilbitrn; 8gooti siîaii4: i9 uWliut answcr dîdtesle make te you ta stai't egai it iiuriset. lifgs 2t muretes oit. Ail toois neari) wbeeu yuu feiegvnpheti?" On resumitig Illie'jouney fn the uev: 1 Champition grah ihn tr.i- 'tntardiy ann at nl,' b.. anaveret. morning Barbrii geut the tensters Deeriitg moyen. puilverisen. 1 2-bourse et *'She clicked ot. 'l'Il do my besf,'an. ait their best enîteuvors. ro-enfoting buoy rake, 1 2-hona.. cîifivatîun. paît-% then abut off the circuit vithout even a ber plea for haste sill a promise of el bobs. Plauken saeeder. ujik wagotn. word of eucouragement or'aympetmy. temptitg moar'v revaut for each of j oi carniage. 1 3-lnch wagoni double l'm serlously afralu she ls Ii. Ton thora If (bey siîottlîf ompiete flie jour- 1 wagon box. caitron kettie. 2 lhs> knwAllie oabares our anztety, and ele ney that day. rackls, 1 vaîking ulcîîfvatar. hog rack,.C hasu't been sleeping machu, t Imagine, Thé drivera diii nucîr mighite« to grave] aet, cornu heilen. 600 Ili. seau', grlîut tout', nov clint,>paie, 2 tntlk since our troubles reacbed a criis." cearli the revard. litt the tifficultios lu iv'agon poies, vooi rack, vire treteli- 'Tbt'a your fanit." sait Temple.; un. 2 sts double haruessa. 1 set of s "Youve toit ber t(00 mucb of tetaîl. lest ber fly nets. 1 leather fi> nef, i If you ever gel married youtl learu rew set ai 3000 Iba. wagon spriags. 12 ta practico certain reslerve l tte yoflr tbia. gaivanized tankl 12 bes. woot vite-for bier sake." - tank., post maui. 1 nov stock ftame "No, tvont." sud tublng for a 20 f. velu. 4 hog "But vhy so sure?" . rougbs, vheeibarnow, log chali, 110J "Because if i ever marry, my vffc fi. of V4 Inchboby rape. 6 tous ai goot viii be a certain tiltde voman vbasee -f motyby alt barn, 2 stackls of corn, flie deeriifiaionlt ill e t sh re,:t0 o ghbaeis esa ' corn lu crib, 20.0N »" bllt mdeteruaiknand If viii b. tes, 'l'il boghes of nats. i3 bogheis yellow Dent mseily tthempbs sudt my ow, 'vseet cor-n. 40 good hens. 1 buabel rot gî ac sla opandeoere fis Nov. le ul milletseau, i gont coal stove uearîy ofa md adlii n ost cr 1 (I age, ut. nev. 20roliodaaiwoveu vire hog feuce, of ct oe be.at you, tiagineof 1i -t. extension table. ruboor tire reet mltheer soevhatexp y eithenorthe baby buggy nearly uev, dash clinu deri li t f oreierstence fA e (i 's. / 10 galion park jar, maur ailber thipXs font t' umeroua f0 mention. tnha r Duncan had searceuy finisheth(le noon. Term's ot sale, ail sulmo af $10 dlshing up aoflihe uusavory cornaid beef, ~1ant unter cash; ail sumo over fchat (he only matit ai vbich vas (bat it ~amouat a credi f aioue yoar willlle a - vas suffctently cooket, vhen a dis- ~-j given ou goot banltabie noles boer- patcb came ta hlm tram (the New York ing 6 per cent laterest. Ail goods 00" ankrs bon hehalllof lnchage f must be settiet tan betan e nmoval. thaers wln'sIom ereba ltt hae f -Tva lpencent off for cash. ge ea}cpltl. beytelgrahet *'jj. co-ti ar vo dosuglie-ai (IR. C. GILBERT. Prop. t -g eilaia.Te eembd -hto at r a cfohrt E.VOGEf,, A<ctioneen. f Tandy reportsef bat you havé cOMipetely the.Wvly proveiltat be mucli reter OSCAR WHITMORE. Cleril.t tauiittaf0buillacroa.-e0uty lino. The __________ others 5v notice Ibat. If a, lbey yl ( han evea tley hald anticipatet4fo delet roaulta Patueah. Tandy offers the tvo great rivera had at Isat b2z WILMITEIS NEW ENTEiqPRISE.. aubscriptions of vast sum trn citouuies, ken over (beir bnnks adt (1.1 waters Fieding H. Wlhlte, former Lake tovus, Paducab andi hie Mempislansd ver, alreaty apreadîng avoir the face county superviseur fm-m Zion City sut Ohio roat. What asuer aiait vs Civet -# ue-la. Tuele couai'y twogh Bea-, lanvetbih frhm Lake t'ounty Titto & Trust et'scts of Tithe. Titiesoita unie Teîîis tiBidg. Waukeg [Alm J .. (;tui ; ; ; a - Tt. uîî!iituîKîtiui-umîî luIl , tlitni W to.iirfti pi 14 . I situ ugh 741,1f t ilrtlifrt-on ah itý Couurt 1132 fi îu.-t ufil ,i Mt INtînk.gati ou....I. ai :, soie 41 I l %%itltaîîils &- stt',. i utlu l.'ii'5tii 19mf) uîî-u iis .,41 es.:I0 Wonîeuiit . ....'. 7941;7 lit) ci il A1 Higgiue A-humlins uu si Nleat It. 10> ex ws-50 l t I lk 7 Exio atiulul utgli- und Park vd ...... ........54f44 Fcomotaci & wl lu, %i 't P)lifinoz Ift 10 lilk 3 lue 'scWgt)Burt) ugtuun ...... .44si4f 440 aI.MailiiT & luie tii red Su-bu lIt fi Vaeliiii'e' iii ai it 2 bit; 1 McKayi'a id add Waukegan cs'd.... iSc> 04) E il Aumtin & ;vf ta A F . ' .vwney ifs 11. 12.111. 24< f lu tak , liairtieft's MOIm, aile Fuît-est w d-... .......... i (H) Uiattlbe ss Il2M (.1k 2 Bayt's -emuI l uigbssi.a wil't15it tgr of Mlutiu nTiali'ier 1 eu-'il crisfui mllets Hut ta ,2 enut-,3 1.k 17 Lake. Bluff s-il............ ...74 4 ato ES M iàt iar(tiecot o 1ik 55 sut Highlandi Park steil iug I% livre's iin is-%/ oss 21 Icesotiuiip a-t........... 2t14 004 C îlit-uic & ssl t is <i utie t uil villageliti Wvo',itda au.....;..... ..... 74t 100 j m-Cii rlîs at. i lEnulna (; Stl.iuiu ptiIl."1Iinuit 14 tisi iuls, iuii il A t-1 i wd i...... ........ ......... 1.o4I t<) 1, . ititriTa. Il Aictilî It gioui:..................... 1204104 amais 1,Bu'rtuuisi ins gt,. Mt H .1 Kt-iictiv& viluIlui ljef1 sM. JI tirant twIî wd...1;.IK54) U00 urtîn $ire Fui A I&uupiry 'o. ofireucu uu-cl i intii $104g))044ta $ 2440>40 etttha Il Dlurcir & Nsft tiiNieioaie l'auille 'sNet ai esînfl j it 7 filk 7 Ladtui&4,.(ielrge'e udt Wituuegai i l................. 280f>)l00 :inas liiatuni (il Fredt iuiiire.itt Ifs 4,11. 12. i13, 14. 1., laii.1 Haîunînd '0 ad tul Rii tavfeIIenoui...... 1250 i4)) F Ecereott & wi ta Margaret i) ým A KstAiai ini' .1 ulti est !, it 5& isest . % t 6i lik 24 LiiiuîitPark wa----------...10.il(: lt)u arlara H Tciwnw.iimttA Lus ici CHI L.awrence isIi.S, t). ahi1 partIt; 1<4)Luvuii. imurs Lake i'ure4t c e........ 15 ): i4u l ' lanitf a T Hethertuglon & bus tu C H Lawrenu' lte>M, il ont pit t 10i.nwruu-p's oisi Lake Fuireeît il C.......-.-100 )1 t V Pierpont & sti ta C H Lawrmnenu-s f, . aussint10 iLswivuc's; out) Lake Forîvaf w' B Sieiitiil& sftgi)t C B Law rente i MTu tavrn-e's sclib Lake Farest q ec........... :110 01 JH Laîi.etum uI I lutter e% It 10 and %s 201It iatIt and 9 ilLassreie's osif Luke Fiinisfvt............ ... ... 444>44 luirtin )liui&A st fuiNeii lilimeIrias4 and , seut, aif Il 2944 Lake For'est vu].2<1) l tit'leuie Kaicurt- c.Joihn liouliru 20toeces in 04 sm,'2 ý%Nest Aittiocl ti fss . .tT...... 4 Il P Maulîuts A ai toIilf'M tirs,. n luit1 1bt;2 Leiiat .ii) Northi Cica-gou w d-.... 20.1 liq Irtc 17 atnt 21 uitý 2 Lenox club cuhiitiicage wti... i:I-. m luit-ali A hhiggigie & Illis tii Ni'iry iietiilg iI lî Ik 11) l'xh irlu1.1 Il igiuid P'ark sv......... .............. 11004(Il) isurgit)A Itigielmî111,4tloj Il Kine Il :t Islk fiEx iiionr nid Higitilku iiPark wsyt.... lm11i0( .1 M Dat- Ast-I tvsi- Farveil1 lit It 991 Lake Foret wti.. :1144 if Ni J Kellogg & vi t.. m Il ,N-Calite> it il11bk 14 Extuiain iulul Highlaund Pat-k wti--------------------... 450Og .Ciago Titis & Trust Ca tii S J Payne It 3t bu l Chuicago algblaudsdeei..... 10 (lu W 0 Barasftabla & vi ftu j j Flies It 94 blil 1 Bsiructf's - add Lake Villa wd---------.... 135) 1)X Eîlvarut l teianovic'z tj Frankl Stephian If 1i lki11 Walobburu tSprings wvt..-1.. >0l) U( J B Payne & al to E G i Etber mouth 67 lit If 1 tiluiiie.u' adt Highland Park wt ...- 1400 0 i Maister in Clianeerv ta Caroline t>aggitt if 120 Raviniaitseti 2958 1f4, Mary H 1maure & linfis te, à W )bott it (k 14. Prt <'lintan wsd .t.............-....-- <W00( s C 4)rr. Tinette cf ai f0 %Iartiii Meiaty ut lit 320 Lake toreit wvu........-....--120>41 e i'ropasale for Wat.r Suppiy for County Perm et Ltbcrtyvilto. (Ba-lIettlng ut coatract) tIeaiet proposais vili b. reeeîvesi by flic Patit arm Committa,, Llhertyville. tor fhliaying ofi 1500 test itou pipe ant flue 1iiaiing aifil hydraufs saiue f0 4e dun uaccordauce vifb (ha plans aud etpeificafkuus Dow un fileaut theéofie af 0. A.*Appler. 8ut. oi Couuty ttcrm. Btt i ade atWetuest5y, Oct 31 Th m: m p n ttoffice aoflMt. Appley. The oummttearemerves (ha riglit te rejact any or ail Qdis il cousiders it ta the best intereet aiticeoutyeototo. W. Fi. Ct.ow. Chaituman oft Paon Fanai (.ommlttee. The INDEPBNDEINT prints (ho tievaws whe It la nova. That la the tesson vby it, bas bat suob -u un- paralleled grovth. liras" V cr kP. Wi- e si gc.. Vs. stîW. rt-s Wsabsr. arta .' I- 4 . Ju l'" G .Kg -ui i I P *n i 1 hWB--n Pa' m.s e.1 0 la a'-ic". tisuuu4ll'-.i- i usan snutGr' Iiaruto'ii iuuul. bis vilsliu& tghIandibebsuil .iit iluers, lore stu.C hi f..e ltIk oueet.it. tl ,1, 1z-iuic.-.u T iiiven-. Heurv 11--ba lierp soitur.W @r -,Je.s Ft5lk Wu li-Il't ju5te'. 'tit »ad buiitl cub ol u ui.'sdý-atî< .-,eî reco"utIDu1luB-s-k useet Oc t ,," sudtTUnkni-sui neçs, oa o iuuorlibed li u i. ill of i.otuplt S*tUS.týy hs t'uunv. --AchiuitfLi- unI nti but-i. îe i leý. Joli.i-. Ofumsud ti a l'e. Titcruu lrsosua&Bdn îsona i SellaS il»s tme..4 fufîig1'. B. etuvîg.ie__ mot ussuiel uoibsanI tm 15051W-uUW.bis Wi5- Jumu'b ului.rg. Ge.-rue Nuivers et nd . M--vers. hita-aile, l'reuk Nu vers seul=j w>1 ivr,ltstl'P. Est I-a Unv nd 188110,af hésir. DcIU-, I>".'i'alileb, b.sba w, miI-, Novr. HIir, N 45.Mea Fremirl"k Pg.lo4D t 0 M a 0<55hif. Iieî't-u' 1,1'. lIntiliciySukaalJc Burttt. "nk raoac d n.hlr oouk 16Ofoimortse a u ne" kuown ownars nifuet>sat e ul09 0 Imilee ' t. lil of11a (toinr'atut" defendanta s A*te-. sait. 1hee1 eh" aboyanauielub110104. Hlat e Ir hit-ltl IimmplsAIliiseul on,$a fils Chmsnuryp ile ilto. sud sbafâc "M. moeie theu'niîpnn isseýdet of ni e 0o atnst ts h-ubVe nane e mdauailt@ e aria biS onuthfItret day of the Tasu of titi (Itun <otaiLake Ounuty, foDlie bid * ft.e o unse la Vaukefflu. 0e <ouf, or Lakes-nu the. Ont 100611la D-memt1Isr. 4 D lm, Ms a i i1W Adviîi aefich19@l panulft. Lavis . BB5OCXvY. Cak Wsukcgs, fllnie, O(t. 1131b. ts r... MACOun'tts. (omplinauf'a sobifet&, State of Illinois, Conuýf yaiLake, mgg Circuit Court of Laite Caunty., Da- cember Term. A. D. 1906. josephi L H. HUftuhinsen VsL IMM, Mott; "Unkuovu heire or devhseeàOf. Eilln, Mott, decessed; "Uuku oav- ers of certain lant and rosi est&4 li the Bill ai Complalut deacrbed, to" wif: 'The S. E. %4 of the S. W. V& Sec. 23. Tp. 45, N., R. 11, EL Of t4.1 r P. M. (excepf the Southi i rot thte-i ofi).lu Lake CoutY, 1flhluais.' Saflstactory allitavit. (bat the abOya named tefendants. Blas Moft; "Un- known heira or îevisees a i u10Mt, dscesed;" l'Unlmovu ovitersOf c.- tain lent and reas!estate a it h# Bill of Complatat descibet, to-vt: T11s 9. E. 1U ai the S. W. 1% aif ile.23, Tp. 45, N.. R. il, B. aif(tie Ird. P. M'1 Iexcepf fthe Soutth 1Irolltli.reaf>, Lake Couaf y, lluois,'" ou duc t1W quiry, itannot be iouud. se that PMo cescanuof lie servet upon (haUt or anuofutb<em. ant that tipen 41111ett luquiry. ftue Place Of resitence of s68t teteudants cannot b.. ascertatned. havlug lissa filet un ihu' Office aof(the unulersignet. N'oice ts therefore bereby gîTen 10. the sait Epla Mott; "Unknava b4i" or devisees ot Elias Motf, teeeosct." i) 'I'aknovn uvuere oi certain lend au;d reai estate intae iel fuIiCampltt- ilescibet. to-vit: "lTme S. B. U ..Ofthéi 1. w'. % ut Sec. 23, Tp. 46, N., IL. il, E. of the' Int, P. M. f excepf (the Soeh - i rot thereof>. la Lake CountY. Blie- nuls.' - thtfthe above rimat Cali- plainsut honetofore filed lita 0111 eOf Compîsint in sai Court, ou10 CliaucenY ite thaeotc, andt ilat A alternons theroimpon Issued out of sait Court sgaiuat the abeve nalutdc'di,, fendants, nef urnahie ou the firet diy 1Of fthe terrnaiofiaheCifcuit Court Of Lake Coliaty. tfa h h ai thfe Cot House in Wabkegal n lasait LOi Cannty. ou hfire tlfmouday of De-' 0 cember. A. D. 1906, s8 la oY 1mw giq' quiret. sud vbich suit i 181M eut' lng. 0LEW*IS 0. BROCKWAY. Waîkegsu. Illinuois. October 84 A- D. 1906. State ofIillinois, Couat f aLké. as. Circuit Court oi LakaeCoiut!. De- cember_ Term.' A. D. 1906. Auna F. O'Hsre vs. JPatrick - OHere. In.'Clmncery. No.* 3174. Te Pa&i'rck O'H&re deicushAttü:, the aboya attîed causé: Stf*0 tory aMfdavit, tiat theo howbîIO detendauf, l a ucn-rcsd.a0t. 8seb procesa ca - not ha servet "M oeù% baviag-. hacufilet la the aGile <fl uudet-slgned Clark of the CircUit «ul1 ai Lake Couaty, IIlîtuo11a, ec*t tierefare herehy glivea (o. tbe 009 Patrick H. O(Mars (athM . u bO namet Complaluant herdtafa* MM,5 bier Bill of ODiilIlntta ib WCm1'Ç on the Cbmtmory alt ierea."- (bat a Summnoas teretPanlsU 18 '»d a f sa it C o u rt a g i sat th , - -c naed etdfenteat, returnable o frt tayof the teflaof the Court e a Lit.County, (o be o the Court Hous. lu Wukca Lake Cauaty. ounb la Deembar, A. D. 10.a rffqiffl'ad nt hbsuit 1laM lac. laeWI . A. D. 1906. a i i Let Us SutPOU You Before..de Pnice Goes Up You wil always fiud our coul to be entirely satita- factory and the niost economical you cau buy Prove i. by giving us a trial. We give yoi, fit weight and prompt service. EMMONS.MERËER LUMBER CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r LIBERTYVILLE. ILL Phone 47 671 1