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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Nov 1906, p. 6

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se-sItUene .t0W555LT. AiiVRRTUM80 IiiiM sMA.U %M. fIb iviu. N5b550. . 0,5 Un APPILC.ATION. MEDAYNOVEMU~R 2,11906. OIREOT PRIMARY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Counly Clark-, James L. Swa.yer. REPUSBLICAN TICKET. For United States Senatr- Shibhy . cfon. For Mlltste Treasurer- John P. liguleki. For Supt. Public Instruction- Francg G0 Blair. For lMepre5entative la Congress- George Edmuntd Fous.. For Rep. ia Cen. Aaacrby- Frank R. Covey. Edw. 0. Shurtleff. For Couaty Judge- leWitt L.. Joues For Couaty Clrk- Albert L. Hende.. For County Treasurer- SFred E. Amea. % For County Supt.* cf Schools- T. Arthur Siipeon. For Sheriff- - aiiERMAN-8 FORESIGHT. Lieut. Goy. Shermuan did not smen- %mie hope lu that. In the mientirne.. -Mo ti. rimery law lu ie opuei. ve ate going toeleect majorlty aud apeechInluhie Tventy-fiittii ard. not mlnority« candidates lun Lutke viiere Lewis Rinaker lîves. As .he county hovever. - liaS denonnced the. mesure on lis Tii. prlanery lait denosîncesa by liii. passage ai "coneeived lnl a refrigea- unoi' Lieut. Governor niay b. good; e- and boa-nl a front." furtiier coin- euough for the. politîiana. hut the. tâtent vai regaroed ai unnecessary.- peoleiln this iay and age thlnk for! chi""gojournal. theineilves and have concludeil, taloni - trial. it certalnly Is uçl gond eîaough It wvllibu r.called Juat ho, bitteriy for thein. November 6i the votera viii Mnr. Siirma fouet tue puimary law eleet J. L. Sitayer lu lAke eouuty. end hWa demnisiaton of the. masure H. e othe candidate of a majorlty of a. thse fran a mdcheat It ha. proven. Republican voters. thosîgh tii. pi-- SBut thse loiilature la golng toinîary la* inakes Mr. Hendee the, con- an. dIt ve are 101<1. and lier. ls vention candidate. THOSE MINORITY CANDIDATES. Bjeakiisg o? Lewis Rînaker, minor- sible under It, for tiihe pie would it' candidte for ouUty Jnde ln vote for a number of candidates andi thie on. vho got the mnt votes Cook' couety, an laAMr, Hendee for vould bu nomluated. eoaty doirk lu Las. county, the Chi- "Tet, vhen Rinaker himeelf vas- -Mg Journal «sya candidate for county judge before the E"VVle thi elfeture vseIn le prianaries, and vas hedly beaten by IIAO aeca session Mu. Itnaker Charles AMing, did iie prove 'is ablsemd for tise new prlmau-y law vo- vords ver. true? No. Indeed. He eUM0.11; Itvu a 10b. a grand and tise bosses got together In a WOt aeaur. he ssaured US. sud réooan atuck a tiletto luto the pri- Weaulé frver fiee sà,dOvntrodd.n mary 1ev, and then vent into the, »«Oe fmSouthe iatefui 'domination convention viti a story about dele- 09 the polilcaiboat Wh.u It; v alaes Mmd t0ookthe nomination. DUhaedboseas Inut as elI retlgn "No Seceat. t»-inded man viii tbuir povea-.srliseur pover vould be vote for such a canddate, nomlnated t&musfrige tlsome y amokas of tih'-iiy trnduSand crylng out hiespautieaai- 1ev lise people vouitiimmlve aie. uiip. Rinaker vould not abîde by tbîaIp ai tise, aoia»inlg acintry tie violhez o? tii.members o? uis par- ami eboosetiseir ove candidates for ty, and nov i.eiibould b. repudlated "bilie ofe.. No trlckea-y va pou- by them."l 0000 110UES NECESSARY. (lovreer Beueen declarea fou- suci amendeS tiat the puimary candidates. revialcof ithse prlmzy 1mw as vîlli sa»,nmînees bing tue candidates "desplte tue convention," but- be- lleves Ip roWetaig déente couven- t-joua. ln ther vou-da, be favors an ar- rangemnent viieneiy the people's de-j clelon as expresseil et thie prlmaries shi h final mmd may not b. i-e- verseSl as ln tue cae o? Mr. Svmyer,1 visetutglit tue inajorlty.cbice etq tise pralaaries, falled of nomination ini convention. vheu-e Mu. Hendee. the . niinouity ciolce, vas declared the. reg-1 tur Ilepublican candidate. -Opinion differs as in tue nece.aity1 of a convention. If v. bolS prima- vie tien vrhy a convention? Or If a conivention ia to, nominale lu anyi event. asdtregerdless o? boi thte voteraSadcde. t theii.p-aaries, vhy lscldprnmarles et ail? levir, If the. lav cen be so Isee uecelving tise noat vote.viiere1 the. people decide. are ho b. thè'can- i didates certilled tb ln convention, tien tisere cen be n objection toa a convention. For purposes o? malntalning party organisation and lterest conventions and their necesear> niacbluery serve a purpose. If, as the. goveraier- aya, v. niust have bouses, ve of course must bave conventions for thei tai dominaie, e sort o? game for thena te play to naake It really vorh hvile belng a boss, but If lie boses e ubaSl v. shouid, as furtier euggestedl by the. governor, kick themu out anS put lia guos ones. Hia theory scène that for sake of party organisation bosse. are a necca- sary evil, but they mnust ,he good bosses, anS as lhe govereor ha.su-* peu-bu- knoviesge o? politicel neceai- tie., v. boit acquiescence to bis sng- gestion. fdoudarls Court Worlc. rosent the.plItf?. Actuel wok on cae began ln the. Judge Donnelly wlll reture to the circit court Mouday wtii dge bench MondaY. Hse wll probably Wrb onthe enc, ad th eu ofviat here on other business tomorrow W l gbt on tIm. u ,su. te ii. caseo, but will fot hear any cau es. W lile WiliamBarimu v. te Cîcaohere Stete's Attorney' Hgnna wIlll Milwukee & St. Paul Ralway Coin- probably ask hi& Intentions as tu PAUY li occupytisg the. attention ofr di"cor il ext Tedy ic the cort Thas mornlng mations 1lion day. vuff. hadadtO i.c.eW1 Au the crîminal cases start Monday .55.4! and Mr. Hanna would n6t iliii to Bartluaua Iesulng for $2000 dem- swear lu a jury on Monlay tat. mas. le l a emSen oDeefled.would b. lnconvenlenced by the. work LestM Nai' iiwaa drivlng witiihie on electio» day he will suik Judge wile o u e nd vwille croualns Donnun.l whether or not iie ittinda thie ut. Pataacise wae con do.. to adjourfi court on that day. ' i ¶Ie %vitevwu kllled and h.cva bâd-As acon5.asiie finds -out the iudgels 17 Injured. pi". Mr. Hanma viii make ont the. TIh. curtains tu the buggy ver. scliedule or th. crminal caes.. He dcv. and lie cleima the, train dld 1staedh. di not et nwthe, rotp- MoL ring the. bell for blo, the. vhis- lion un whilci he would try thein. Mtto ornyielr fCceg.amsit- I 04 »Y Î . T ftk« & am g "d. A vent md. ln the. INDPIUZ<»UNT jlea apormoWalletter 10 15, oula. ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ~ t0 i lieEvrt i.PRONT PAGE cf thbolwiagr Coraediul dfi*AIoj*Jrulileace hinBat- urday niitii a ,iier. ii* lvng: ',, W#11 EdIter Jhast brif e nd puiy anser tih. foliowlno: Do yo~u acknowledge the volldity obf the. pri- Oc- ouretard th*. Repubileai, nominees as havlng reoelved thoir noimiiatinInietrfit accord-' The. ltent of that »aemingiy U@Reea query Just àat this Urne le ignificant wiien on. oentiderttise eMiett though thus fer vain endeear to Inveigle mon poliiley piiOliment In this counity, district and etate te telce a hAnd In tise 10mi elitical situation, te corne out, and borate Lake. cousity Repubulnw wo are avowedly "Swayer mon." to tate froin the pla.im that Republicans aheuld vote for Mr. Hondo* and flot Mr. Swu"'r. . MERE'SIT14a CI4uIt. $peaker Ghurtief?, of the HeM"e .Rtflknstatives, la teomd- * iress Waukegan -fepubHqoni et the et* attht Schwartz Thse&- *ter Tuffday nlght. There oa baisu.t ue hoMe.t anawer te the. Inapired questions ln S*tUrdoy aiiti's Oflbtt4en d the. ciever and for seeing Mr. Mande. figured the SUN .dit in qualifyina hl@ acknowledgment of the. validlty of the . uwpOsmry 1mw end thet the. Republcmn candidats ,jhimlrnf lneluded> . "elegally nemi- nated, would of .seoeamlty ettack the. m*um enad thereby aggra- vote Speaker Shurtiefi inte mai open defiWue t Tuesday nlght'a rally of tihe 15w, end inoldentally Mr. Néaee It Irritetes the Mondes supporters thée et net a single Repub lican rely during tiie proaent campoign have the orators who are prominent In tua ooupty and district een SI:tat diinguisii as bb tween Swayr and Mndes..'Tha e oe, mnd whilchIotle i only ons ln Lake county of whicloib er.s am doubt se t. the outcome, le car.fuily avoid.d and ioft for Republcans te decide ai thie polie November 6. Expr..ed la politicai vernacular, thora la a disposition among -acknowlsdged, Republican leaders te allow Mr. Monde * te ukie hie own ukutik." N ot on. ha. iad tiie,temmrity to off.iisndediy decide tii. question from the. pltform niad ay Io Lake county R.. publicans MasseYeu are a boItr;" nor would ~ -~Z~-if they -dld, other tiian te furniih scresmmlng iemdlne. fer hi@ paper. Tie'i.u e umt.Thei. *fi gence of the rank and Ile of Republicinm in iis eounty ié.-no t et the calibre Mr. Mnde. judgea. Our votera hiave made up their minds as betwoon hil and Mr. Sws>rnr. Tiiey tested the. prlmary lmw August 4. B, a mjorlty of 190 votes tiiey chose Mr. Swayer as their candidate for county cierk odiltiie Issu. that Mir. Hend's twenty years in office sufficed for hlm, tiiat Mr. Swayer was coin- petent. relieble.and wortiiy. Tiey nid emphaticmily "w. select Mir. Swayer s eur candidate'.' Thon under further provision* of the "voilà- primary law w a asmbied a cou nty -convention whoee by delegate vote. Mr. Me.n- des was *legaly"l nominated, the doiegat.s theroln reprem.rting the. minority vote cast et the primares anad reveraing the decision of the majorlty. AIl of the ôratora In Chrisendom can not convince Lake county Republican audiencea they want that klnd ef a primary law, or that ln voting for Mr. Swayer, the unqutleaed m.jorlty and pop- ular cholce of hl& psrty, they sacrifice on. loti of party loyaity. They will vote for the. balance of the Republican ticket as candi. dates thereon woe. chomen by thom ut lte* primeries by substantiel majorities and are the. populer as wol as thi. convention nomlneee. A vote for J. L. Swayer for oeunty cierk la an expresion for direct primary. choica 0f candidates. and that la wiat the. votera of Lake county desir and demand. Mir. Mondes'& acharne ta, force Speaker Shurtleff te unwittingly mlx in the. local campaliga in hile bekaif oniy demonstrates the crowing deaperation witii wilciiLake. county'm cleverest politicien antlcipates the peoPl's verdict et an election tuhere every vote .courts one.. speaker siurtuif a t the meetiug Tueeday niglît in nie way rpierred t., the OSwa.'er-Beudee contout. Tiie senese failed. "-Sa .pe. eard smiuruag hie ..... 0 cloeand t.sstiigî eCalijugatly 1101t tbéevotero té letor ien mteti. tg-t tintDoeliaail ladtgfuwi *kpt -ii tii.1 Thî'eglefauroparau1«vey gorezthoa. ltii. oiri" uneo lie lhaie a recoud t inlg vottid on to t e liartasatt W .les»a on e-rriquesition ir i aru i"iou i w F . o in iiBde.o it hi# ouvetiné nd bs jdgemt aremdi oudenis.oetaeuicmas, 01tég semon. y btti beyced dbiebt tue féinerleajI îumieul onds fiuu-a andblO hi " M lari and tbe OGil" Tise o*loldei eOies Ilietos.................!= favorites and ttise eho acrualisesgrave Pacy Sn .... ................ than alxty bsmutIul show 8g,1,11. 0n ' Mreuo Th iseCly*Saker-WiniiaeV. Mona'.s Meud .......a............... tou laagnt fg ~IeaMuchaid Jv ........ .issàiag butor, gobé y om l.ion, peur pound ....AlO fa y -is bmsa " a = 'rei po mai of banianciiaracter. .bis plar, a ' f~Tb Ckva llaisr." la of lume sas-ooe0"bo .S.O. apaat, verti M5&_ *truction. EvMwbver. lieo tor a" F" ey8. 0. dapa. don graide.. ~are prefectied Ibo mudbmu su mas Cyi.a nd In"j. a epidiat. .. t vt is eSea fsetD«.,léit Eaahreakfast..... .fl pm'md"ttegaresiofsabopor Illi Ysgg peu e uapgowder-..... lsdog acto r . Mong. Ore01 ieFoeip 0$"r~~: "it vue; tisa tri tulg eerMidtYPUL LM delineator of chaatr."Anu IbisvieW (Sflcnecu TableSBr-p ..... ........& b.. unigaseit by bdiueneesbrouglît Ila conimly aeepted mnu uouajbo ~T" rp ... r. ...1,..he ,hearuponhlnî ltwemeidofb it et, hiia eplai. Rowlad eaardN..môlif ......... f under tboee management Mr. Mog e aO" 899dd fllain unSpkg.. ...stc e there lanot a man lunthebtate legiature bcbng tou-d lia,. glvsu thia attraction Tia iil; tisa m= te. pisg is mor lghI.r rep,.ced h ie hafellows fine , uportiig eut mnd ithe play' @ad Pemcersai. li-g pkg ......-S than li.. No bresti of ecorruption ha. mouticg et girnt heutatydit the ape Nuin. 2 pkgs .................e been bu-.athod egninet hlm. Sciiwarti theittre WauLo-gmn on Sundmy Pettijohn'e Breakfast Food. porpisg. .Ioc Mr - i-.(ibl.sîis bhm beeii'a rwigilnt of Novie4r 4, sya wUa.taBreakfat F itO pkg.1.. 49 DAKEWB CI-OCOLAT cake.. Ille Lake cuunty s.) long thit notlîlng nae. An braiee ctozen astt hereatter BAKERS9 COCOA 1-2, lb. cani . - 20e b. said f is, record in private lBf..' u wante the-edito"s 10 nind their Panel, Bird Rice -lb.--------...... WiikIw~radtb. taatI.IIt niev business. My dear Chiu-ltli"M lb.. .....k. tr,-tfe'hert twâstlnefrlend. did you ever reflect. lna"j....... .1 againut bis wili and Orly alter bis tio"ede otempltive moments. viien theii.tlk olfleS se7 lbo ......... llé hail te-aWdhlm carnesîly tb do ii iiimouirla beainlng. vhen theiivlpor. Granulatud YeaiIow l'orn Moal I peIi.. 3c nov wighe tfi have bis work et th ii. ii mtge in the -tree-did you ever Au-m & Hamnier So)da. 11k. pkg Sc siate capital indorped by btiug honoraS reficec li suscb tiu>esu pon tbe idea SardinesaIlu oh per cau------------.........Uc wiii a rsturn and luarnaking a huptling tual a liaper coiflalnlng ongly accotants LmPOutud Sardinom pi-r «-an.: ý ........lac of the edtors owan prîvate business f KuttaiS . ........... caéptign t- tisaI end. %ol be apt te prove inonotonoua In 1 lb cmn Salmon ..... ................. lac - the . genBralepublic? Th.y .n...t....lut.Bo.t.e....u.. #O O S P H T E R I A I N O U . N E ý ista n d ik fo r a v b lle, b u t lu t h e. end It lio nav n h C o n d ens ed M ilk lie-r van . .. E hO DIPMTMERaIAora nNtheaide nd aYacht-4lub Aasortod Houp peui-a..tC Gurnee faces a diphtheria score would esaithoen lu tii.ndele mda 2 lb Min "riy Son.Peas .......... . .§O and ail meavea-messo1'lbe flatheandmIl th th bcm SOweîCons...... .. ...... 10c adal eastcelti.icness sort of thlng. No, brother, the true 8 Ili eau BateS Bore............. 10c whlch already has ivo victime are ediîor'h business hla inmakes every- Salb camPumpltlo---------------........10e being made.. Tii. uchoold have been, bodys business bis business. That'a 3a lb e g ins------- closes! for a weeit or until smtehlngi business. Ho there's no unse of mak- 8l lb eu xtira, Tornnîoe..... -.l.... 3 furtiier develops as Il is thoughl that Sit a cbronlc kiltker of youra.if for Pckage Fine Table SaIt ..........8...s ail have been ,Zi.osei lbtheslck- any one. 10 liers Lenox SoOp------------........Uc ne-q.1 * Ci-san LenndrY Hoap, ... 40 Fou-est, the. younger sou ofAMr. aud' TIHE PROHIBITION TICKET. 10 MpeCt op----- 6 bau-s Wooi Boap .. .. ...............i Mmre Ed Ray and tb. daughter Of? For Stale Troamurer- 10 bars Ainerican Family Moali-49C Mr. and lire. Letci are both dovn Wrn. P. Allia. IBut Lump étaein(l bullt). lier lb... Sc wlth the. disease. For Rop. in Conress- Pound package Glo sa tarsh..... 8-e. c Malcolm G. Harper. Perfection Lye par ran ................... c SakuupaPeito fr ichu.c FO R laea. Assembl- jExtra atroux Ammonîsba rbttIp ....lo lu t gh'riotConurt ofii. o ireas es . For iu-mn . P.rge-Ibo aabiga .........o........... fou- séel"-ternotisiu-Iift" tiniî. nthç (io..TuiudeM. lie, aruca............ ...--.kS g; %U-r of Ou Ln-isreo. Sankut. 1- U Il, ai For Couny Clouk- icorinepr cake ............ ............7 Toit eoi-at. . vza H B. u K. M. Chas. F. colin. Ring Sun stove Poish ............o [A adi ofae 'fbe flm..For Oot-ih MM MWkssaor i = c D i= ,"AnîFO _touiyTressurer- Asbestos em. ........ . ........... Se d5iois.Oaoen. cae l -î011HormsD. Wel. o F.wti 5 dom nCloîbes Pins .............. ls mue OoMtrià&, a. aeI c Dlim-lie luFor Couniv Supt. of Sehools- 41 roo 101Y eî au hsw uase.E. E. ELLSW ORTII tiadn d boo- k bt. sa bva te 9nio. I ElllabvMortb M. Mettait. s.sar hreis? uio. I U Stqtléhi :dr f lb. tours O~ bisbs lb ufodLubam e 2oth Century an ce beêfffl âme &big ash Store' Y 14L. o- a.Lie-u 0f aeI~sa. me,. suIli osuerDvao, Stockof witer Suite and mat111 e Overcoats han arrlved. We'vt. t"=oo ovrooate trem #5 te $16.650 tacoe iJ " -,aSuite frein $7.560 te $16. Maeh'd 9Ci mevae iaa h.:- oivt.15 f tle sud Sweaters, CarMdgan akt liTSiit i sovaWool lined comti oopflo idption and MI Leather and Corduroy drame t .a te *éh.d liuc-b' .B ohasReversible (boats, Mackinaws ti rug ii d t an sd f-ieet-i <i8ith.sisd dIsMit MIiJlau all.wool Panté 11h da, of4 bar-. Cownles' -King Morse' '(love.t LI.Cu. Hutchins & Potter Dreu r loit Vg01utL Goni. Iloves andi a fine lino of aber tam D. ux en'sand Boys' Winter Cp 1e 0l-tWe Joli, B. mli.as . a 1 0. JonstsuMi JOeepb AUIlfor cash. ni etJ nIl E. W. Parkhurst iifefEaefkL~s~'1?uvi jSchanck IBlocký Whai Editor gaveu-y Baya. IS Y OM E WAS dseedi Editor Savery, o? the. Qu-ysake AKIG ael Tlmea lu luet veek's issue o? bil paper A 1% &K G - - han the. foloving te amy o? the rMll at tisat place Tuesdey ulgîsî: IciaPeeî eodIasle t bt IIW!" la Pr h1nts edk'sa Liaetof de "Mir. P"ewuvn oloved iy speaker * msou-y i hsWo'Luvs or ShurtIeff, of marengo,'. vho eullgiiten- 1 idi. _____ E o ed ic otra reeuthy ivlg iie~i Te attack tpon the extravagance ,011011111 A clear and accurate expiation o o John Aletande ui.il oes the. vorkinge of the delicient state hs dniu er ia ibr bisybanS esefam iirimarY lavm tiiat have aiready beau.. cificaili' a purchafe o? ilvervare and l. lmu siopted. sonexplatned many primary cia1 o hetvuyfit wdin n lava ist ave eau sggeeed. ir.uveraary forma tihe central 'part of laergb, Shurtiff's Shor-t taiS on the above the ond Installment o? Geueu-aîWMd suiiJect proveS lnteremting to al. but Oth oive".sor~ uLa e ti viien lie evîtched off on te local poil- o? emerliu. ouI tor v ink. Voilva de' tics and attemPted te maire the votersa'or ee iii beouet,&aI D. ovie va eu-Zh.eiet of tbis ectbon belle,. that they iating (a kng. order. ed should vole for lieuS.. for cotanty After relating the ?oundiug o? Zion 0!DS clerk In preference tu, ivayer. , eCt, t hiitoy ?Doi&uamu made a hut-uit. Not le Avon. AI- unIformeS guar tteetbhai eutotiemt tiiough no outward expressions o? dis-'f ii cor an tueesbelient o? b apprvalver shvu e lie seakrs lon's publications, Voliva spealte of varda, a sieeP feellng vas prevaieni !the "lirt apostle's" trip tbEurope Ilu tw<if I aaeoug a large inajorlty o? the votera 190.Tleaielats ptheit n i. presteet that Mr Slaurtieff. an ie isreluri as foliove: HObrel7 aider, vas trylng to dictaiste thein --l visitesi Chicago tobebpreseut ai EL. ou e question tiiat they are perectly a ue-eptîoi> gîven Iu hie honor; ad.vie.so capable of settlIng aniong thei- ,uu. le t cotaiS b. plalnly observes!Osd s selves." v?.l tuatIlncueased riches, notouiety, GRANTEO CARNEGIE PENSION. power, anS Iufluence ver. iievlng This veeks Stentor, the Lake, lor- ,theIr effect upon the. man, and nmie vere troubleS. 'yet tie inajority had gi est Coilege paper. shys: "Puesldent 1 no algivlugs, but believed that ho Heu-Ian hans mat recelvesi Word. rOm vould recognîze the. decessît> o? tae 'Carnegie llouudatlon for.the. Ad- kee»Ing close 10. cGoS." 55 vancement o? Teachlng libaI Profe. 1 ~Ln or -alter Smith, formeuly bad'of', REFUSE HALL TO DOWIEiTES. tih. Departanet ot Pilo.opiiy-et;j Chicago follovera of. John -Alezan- sloi~ Lake Fouent, ihas beaungranted a peu- 1Ser Dows-i, itho in former days wor- beath" - gvent Dovie tabernacle at Mîchign q aveuue and Sixleentii. pîreet, vaflred 4 More Munlera hn Dack. tué streetz Monday .seekiug, permis- Ya If au actuel conusu could bu taken Blson to reet a hall 'ln vhlch tocn the"cotaty votaiS prohably show m'Ore duct Suuday services, hunIers than ducke. Altuougii It lit RefusaI o? the t*rustees o? the Wo- Éise.t Imnpossible ta .Seteu-mine tue numbor i aen's Temple to paruat Dowie mcml- 0amenaS of dtacks X glaane ai the record loge ln Willard Hall vuaes acopan. * boolti of thie county clerk and Pity led by'a denunciatbon of Doule and cloutrt Thackeu show, tint te date'507 bis methods fron Mra.Mailda B. iiunting Deies bave beau Issued tu, Carme.,viio remaIneS uninoved by thei Waukegan peope anS people liviig pleadinge-af lIses R. Caru- au attor. lu the. viclnlty. I womd heapiain Basides theîle 507, many of vhom nyviona.tsaplctn are In Waukegan, (ieu-e are alun: jMdgo Landie in Cicago Monday hüelers vho have procureS tueir Il- SeuloS a motion for the iecharge o? Munes elsevhere and alto tiie vio Reeliveu John C. ilet-ely, ln charge come out fron Chicago. of Zion Cty. Petitions granteid by A duck voWai' laveo r chance, it Itie court ver. 10 oeil thse W. Cl. au0 seeme. ,vitu no may hintern lu ti e frni, tuenter nagotlations witis John 4»nnt7. but the meJonlty o? tioae that D. Joimeon coucèrhilng tue leasing ofe SIY acroefftue comtlitmeinuge. w cmstue jmner yards at Zion, te subti- - cae'If tue number of huntera In- Vide 1,580 mrue of jand lna nS about Ott" islg!uiob v.mai' lieglate heer 150elOt,and for lth. receiveor teru- ofaMmene $as oeur lathe Wis. lin4utesIaumileontea tla the. yUlor conel Woods le Sean tiane. June 11 i se o trtmouey ta Obvie. paaa..out âlai today indîtâenhbIc on the" dressiug talube of geatlewoman or' -gentleman. Nol only doe a PompeiaAk, Massage perfeccly cicanse the skie, hast,4 removea wrinkIles and'blackheads, tla ieac tWIhfieu of thiefacîilmnuscles, animatea i tae, and mnakes the flesh firniuad mc [n use Pompejan Cream aiteu-shavig' xes the msclesansd -takes ay . i hav orenessa: Most women recognize the val of this pueparation inai sntaining àa des and heaithi' sun. A SAMPLE PRE AT 03KSTORE. rie56e andS8 I 00 pear a - *4

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