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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Nov 1906, p. 11

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Twres corslerd Law Suit. ~p M AiOhIeT omltîiy rnne. A tirseeCOflred leVAUnittook tun' 1 Of viePpes a8d0d lh l t12 inilglt for stlm au vin mmsbugle the. erection of dey evein In thie court 0f JusticeS th a Moy ta 7 lielsiat on SpylDO van DeuM-en. om Nl50O tret aMd by the. améod J. J. Doyle sld Fre ank it4ue at pac thie CÉpRaty.ai the plat tes-ao hersa nd -êffted tu Puy-, , ~b eubed.ment tva notes for i135 and a'clist* id ltIL M.,*ler Company nOv tel inorlqaê, One iussgndti ssukleoi bandeanad lia a gut notes anÏ laier vliên La Revas t * *Ig mahins la liotien. The add. hart up it ta alleged tiit the. mort' s1 ,d ,, Oues evoiil ive mous for 100 gagsva foreclosed and the. P-rope 1 t*o bawls' md , double nuine lorS elaiticd. Aftmrvd il ta claiOd -0 mo.The hird tor ari.ta lu ulat the notes ver. givon te James 'ý opg t*d 'vtbin thirty da" . Lyon&. Doyle roiused te indor»I tl ne ,Me atn tated oapontions on alleged. the. note s blng40 aOePtd t t aisug muielu tih Urd story of the. face vlue. 1 seps blilding On Nori Genesee Wben they becaino due Le Rue& et tao yôan &go. Its business lmacoul not blie iaund sand, vien fauIidb deuble Md trtplod and incraOgd tld Lyons about tbe forOcOure, re- M« oid ais ice tien by reaSOn 0ft ulttg n 1 a ut aginst Mines. Vwpeelad tair dealIng and -upriglit- Doyle and La Rue. Justice Van Deu-e Mogs. Hiuelthe couat grovthiMd sen rulei ln lavor -of al tIre. defend-t usueuiothe ionuactutiiig plat. enta. IL Aisebulêf beada ithe concern. tnt yVIch W&uk«sm tales pride. INTE ~~N OiJNT;F ~Na5r!~V~ 4il~4~ Grant Stafford ver. bou ers -moulin denhi*t vbo vui soulet Ime Spaldinga Corners coretery. Tirty oge rreted. on e charge aifassaiut Yomauimu ii a* '7.taff rdtlved Vmeftffed iy lire. Ale Johnson, vaan Butrick stre.tfIi5 ci8-tty. Ho ta ts M mtng acquttted ft the ChamgeaCoustn tao leson E. lord and hbOlre justice Mrrie. Tii. doutAm it d et the age 0f 77. The remeins vlan frt rrested. aie Unie -ega, ere accomtpnie.d bore by is sister, dseirod le vould prove litisei bira. George Hakell and lier on tultlesiand M n o today. George. He vms lefouded by Attorney John P4p% Mev al tate.. Attorney HjSnne .J0ANSTAD FREEO. »MOM"IOd D. Magurl8ale leader Deciding that ta fre the. culprIt aMons tthe Armanites ta Waukgaan. vas btter then'naioriety lait ntgbi ge las w.ver been ln troubleofai«Yi'Charles Johinsornarrenged e trace khaà belote, lie seya, and Ia sali id byvltb is vile and the. tvaappéaiod ta Or. Roberts. for vbom lieclias vorked, the. police ta glveThmanaiBjarnstad, te lie à good mia. tbeir bourder. bis freedoui an condi- _____________tion th&t lie sauld loavo tavu., Blond poiaoming la ieared in the. Ho let for Racine lutainglt aud eus.0f Abert soderman, vlio vas ac- vbat Stde fair tab. one eft e sensa- .elntilly alot by huniers on bia tian..aithe day camne ta naught. 1 iMue ou Grand aienue soveral day ______ âg andi let unalded. Pour leaden pellota potrated Sadermen's leg. The ecrelan? ai the interlor hai re. vorsed the pension dectatan regard. WXI theiPomais"O f tbotr averseer Ing te caseoaiSarah A. agatnst t5lOlugth ir 1iyts the tpeopleOfaiKesIe> Haord and there vilI bc a - - - ---* r.A... Inwâdf200 55St ames ln the.relstou S lontY Dard e u eà eSirl. viioc>m ho 014 it kuow tzeept by eight tu go tu a te theater laft .018 kt vith I itan d 1 316eolam an tndmluent tvo ticket»i 1e fnesea, a dollar for a $hae and l "oir incdeontaIs, an( lodgiug for the p Diglt, a mmionCty mta aceptai thte ohaUtlMnge, aShedtle Young ladY vha accepteil la the. spirit orthte Éifair adG attended the. Eddie Fay prtarm-1 non I l itIs Cetlier.f ýThe %ffait m2enite luhave boon the outcooe etfthe confidence of another Young mma Dthe.gel. "She vanta not accept Yaur Imivita- tion,- ho muid. qI knov that 510 wonld not. Ilie novler met YOU. More ,re tvo ticets, eau lier up and ait ber ta 90o«viîti YOÇ d «si I loh "Yi yen ya en uue liemeticekto." Another nMan ofierea the. dollar fori expons. monêy and another tDvited1 the youtli te corne, lu bis bouse and etge for the àwight miter the. show. ,Xhe boy hoverOd between a dostre ta acceiand s,-biturÎ&i md .1eSoDing bbhinO, but finalY mecePtod the. challenge an 1 *1 ~rlby telepone.wceb-wff" xàilaoped -pturz behr -n miqt spirit aofiv- th Iok hlm u.ta, tiite disoifture of the firat Young, man 'who lcnew sIte wouldn't go." Views From OId Negatives. Robert Ingalls. possesmr of the col- jeU. etofaiplot>graphtc negattves be- queethed ta postertty by the lae H.i D. Hayward. bas Issueli a sertes 'o twenty-five souvenir vioe taken ,frrom the atd'negativos. mont of vhich vtevs lncluded are: Genesetreet in 1870; the -olà court bouse, deatroY- ed by fire; tlio McAilter and Glen Flore Spriags in their prime viien bundreds atiended and dreu thie [waters; theolad Dr. Price residence; jtlie aId Hpiscopal churcli; the Congre- getional cliurch; ie and scones about tovu; and, the gem of tlie collection. a vtev ai the harliar and tovu ai Lit- tle Fart tn 1847 anmd 1848. sink Cluhhause et Grass Lake the la vanite reoat of the. beauxofa epast generaUcun. Thamos pamgavale ibis mnangt t " ft*that tit lea dan- cerou ithtb e .'fool wtth another munlie viswe OncedBE.lliniski sr- resteit hlm et the.Northbvotil!nde. pot aIl ro4y th le,. for Racine. Biomrstad. wlie laa omely Svedtsh lâd of SI, boa0W eit t Charles John- am aaidvIfe St. 510 Ractine aveue. Ye.terdaY, it lea s&egod,,the humhmnd feft'tue iiousW wth the. tunctioti that àjoentgd end hmietle mhold Pau5 awW Ythe tilDe by plairlig carde. BJointat ay thai they pl&Yed eards for a lime and itnally the young vIf. jerred«cae, nmof ai lttl he iDeitteit on putting ln lis mouui, lie «sYs. IWO stateS blet thon ho toal lier ot' lis lap, fooflsly, lie admita. but minI vîthout CV i ltent. Wliouithe husbmnd tntarrupted proceedinge. Blorist says that the hnsand roastedlito a aturu, but mgreed tu drap leal proc.oings if ho,'vçuld 108eve' towD. ,to whiciî the lad Sgreed. 'H. vsabout ta leave tavwl iien ar- [istow. The beerlr la tint i4. t. says p~e-et tiie the humband han long bn jealàà abut- thet hola inno- rcent ai evil intent. Bjornstad liad $70 n bis persan and.lias a bank account ln addition. CUBS CLEANED TI'EM Up. The. pubs met the. strang Fart Sher-1 Idano et West End Park ln thlie t ofnfwciammere aifot ball ar theseaaon et 2:80 yesterday aiternoon and cleaneà tliom up tathie tunne oi29 lu notbing lu e splendid cantet thiat vas vtitnemsed by 600 entbuiasttc people., Tho featuros ai tlie vork vere the field running of Blly King and the star gaine Of manager and Captain Edvard McItemtt, son ai Alderman Peter McDermott, af the second vi -rd. The-Cube yul play' et the arne par# on Tbanksgilng Day. soon address the ne.' association et Madion, Iis., on the occasion ai theý opoaing ai a nov building. ~ééé~6é44&6444é444*446444 * ** **** *** S Rtwte We cater not ouly to the traie of the older men but ma.ke a great point of pleaging the young men. Our Young Men'. Depaitment is on the Second Floor which is given up to thie department with plenty cf ligit anud with elevator service. We are showing immense lines of youug men's Clothes. - The popular single breat.d straight front s*~s and the wide. lapel double breasted suite are beanties and ail the very latest styles, they mun in izes from 1 2 years to 21 years. Sets *5.00le $1800 in price Al the very liets'obaflu'in Oveots.The loug lBelt coats. Thle Varity mc dol Formn Fitig Ccat meduim length is very "fetohing". The. Box Cost, kneç length je also a etaple style. A gret lin. of colore te show You-' $700 te $1700 ~Prce 4K great line, o Suite oand Overcoats for the Knee Pant Fellows ages 8 te 17 yers. "T1he Grea Ohthead Sho OUTù or BS The Entire $40OO Sfclo KingýsClth*ngPark 27.1Wase go Sre.Weukgan, lhis, Conslstlng otthe Flnest Ready-to-Wear SuisOvercoats and Trousers f~WUbe oklg MA LUTf , Atorog e àiw, reoever to satisl¶j creuhtorS ZEntire stock regardless of cost. This store was- opened Septeinbeu' 89 19Sg, with a çomplete new s tock of the best' .3.mMercharits wlshig to buy in lots muSt see Receiver MSale opene tomorrow at 9 a. m. andr ill continue untp. entire stock Io uld. TÉhe bot oppotllDity you ever had to buy your new wînter SUIT und 0VERC0AT at about one-baif price. Remember the addres, KINGS CLOTIIING PARLORS, 223 Wutëh' ington Street, Corner Washington and County, Streets, nuit to Hlýlloteiii'si) rîxg Store, Waukegan, Illinois. Sale Dailt from 8:30 a. m. to 7 p. Mn. MAX LUSTER, Attorneyj at Law RECEl VER $40,OOO Clothing Stock $40*000 Clothiog Stock Saves. Ail Waited, With Other Stovez, For liard Coal, Soft Coal or Lignite, The waâte of gas ini burning hard coal is ihown by opening the magazine caver of an ordinary base 1humer, when the oxygen supplied finls the entire stove w ith fiaming gas. Cole's Hat Blast steve burns this gas in hard coal which, in ordinary stoves, escapes, on accounit of their leaky caoi- structilin, causing great waste and endangering hcalth and life when it escapes înto the roome. In the ordinar>' magazine bard coal .tove, tliree-foutis of the coal is partially consunxed in the magazine, where it gives off no heat, as it is flot in contact with the radiating surface. The one- faurth of the coal in the fire pot must be kept at a white heat combustion ta throw the beat into the roanis, thus. causing great waste. Cole's Original. Hot .Blast The combustian chamber and the magazine are combined in tliii stave and the Comnbustionl lo PerIect. The stave is filled ta the top of the ir.side cast Iran lining. This large body of bard coual is burned under perfect contrai by means of the abso- lutely air-tight constrution af the steve giving perfect con- trai aver the drafts. The coal la kept et a slow, econamical cherry red combustion and as the heat is in direct contact with every square inch of the sensitive steel radiating sur- face, ail the heat is radiated into the raom wbere it is wanted and not blanketed iu and sent up the cbimney. liard cu ut Cbsrrjr Red Comibustionl brnis 48 boursi-while ut white bat it là cousumed i tram 2 lu 8bouts w. Guarantes Colos Originel tiot Riait ta use leus '-uad cool for beating e given space ilion aay base humelwr wlth the saie beating surface. Requlres attention only inoinag and nigbt vilh hard Cod.war&roAi'dNY and night. No escaping gases te edanger 1f e. 'The bheat wasted up the Chiuney with other staves la saved. Burns Any Fuel-Saves Ilf Cales Hot Diast is nat only a perfect bard coal slave, but is generally recogaed as the mot ecoom- bal uni cleanet saf t coal sa i .Sof t cool t&lmgf gsa $3.00oton ofe&of t cou or a $2 00 ton of sak jmaeta do the varli of $9.op vorth of bard coasi as- the gubisbl eutilized as a bet producer. Itl hume maM" ceai,, bord ceai or vood eithout any change of fixtures. ScientIfIc Constructionto Col'. Orwginult imai ha an ab"misieyr-tlht and gai UtIgtIcontruc tiêhuaghut, by remi»i f i s aumeOus ftsd improvemenla. The patmted Rot Blautdraft maes -1.'ApateW obim 0 ltheuatm* bodyan actte made teleskair by aC:tciiOt StTL the f msI maCBflOt arpaid te domor las ir-iglit by ia a-vn4t. b u ino t be o vifuel I utbtatf tPetect cenleuO, re, fni mi a CMffOt4.LII ailceigumiiss~ se' Orgimml Ra Bl.tim.4 a fmlreeaie iiydontbm i. atrvTi aut 110,8Cele'u wIIbfOint p Ii en fbra vo~ oe eàt . 'e eme vlboe gt CULi 1 Store for rent. ýwýw bu" ab» 4 là» COAL am; UL lor Manager. Fixtures for salc.

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