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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Nov 1906, p. 3

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£01115 0. BLAIR, S.-IAWI Ko U L. MAtOU. e.-MML CARRAS Su &kaon& vort-tbselcctsd« . cngeeves- nIas-sel, Democrul Detrott, Nvw ivs-o-Wre Jvi i.cpntroi the Delaware1 and thée tire Itupubican tate ticket joitre titi îli elect a guem hairé béés emtesà h 110M0 10 »0- ~ unifait Ates Ucuatai- Alées, »>majosiy, thc epublicoengouloai Ucan. canildtes in eci 0fol.tvtelve Midi- lia,, diatrieta bave tlipen elected. an&d - NortisDakota floubtkL the Bepulicnsvwill have a argé nima- St. Paul, Nov.r.-Bcissfr josity lu the Mste lefflslature. vlth R mai-et. Fi-go andt Grand Fonks, 4 po.hbilty ut lis entîre rme siilp. su>' tissti the election luthbat a Uiecn. Neb- Novr. ?.-Ialn tlm i soy mach ln doubtf Bathchi are-s« that eldon (Reli.) Ifor m~uî et thé Rfpublenan sd Dcii iii. ien eiected by a plurality siigbt- stotLb centrai cousmoittees are cti ly In excepa of tbat for Govemrot he eeectlon. Mickey tvoassago, vhidli Was 9-NoewTaork, Neci. .-The Worl ________00). Witli ltheed proabhy lu eleet- hneemcatad ed the balance 6t the RP.&ubUcan state that Calr encal t Olilcago, Nov. 7_-llilnoils» gos. ticket. pendence Leugne, vas eiecteit1 Repubicunne u »MI, the oniy irift ln lies Molîe., Iova. Nov. 7.-For theé sut goveruor. the Démocratie loud liing die gana rtUlime lu mnny yearsthe gaies-nu Chîcage. Nov. 7. - Dll)laice - tala resnt lu Iowa la In doulit.Ai- of tno represeutatirea ln congres - hougli bth Itepublican ait Dmo Asuolatel Pi-eas show liit th, - l'ster la the. Twnt>-tbi-i district unit craotteranages daint the eleetion or publicaus bave elected 84 repr, Caldwell lu thé Twenty-llrot OSienker dieu- candidate. far governoir. ail the ti-es la caugi-esa the Democi-i Cannon cars-led liisdistrict Db>se' tiaoI returus eclved np th Ibi ntlng in. no returuhavlug beeu rec"-lvt, mrno-ty. dîcaté that oni> à couiplte cousit wvIii70 dluta-lts. The Democi-te Returus ftmhi. mlt>' und rtramthie detes-uine tho i-nuit. Thé 2M0 s.forga coty Of Cook vee oBunnanuil liw. cincisairesdy reclvéd show a iom'for - a aneit tvo la llinois, Enougli lu knovn, liovéver. 10 biike Cumuneuof neariy 40 pr precinet, Missouri, two ln 1'ennsylvania, soie the derlai-tion tMU thhi epi)- vîîclif mnlineit oulit moan thé 0hio aud on. in Nw York. licou, part>' bau carri-ed tiie city Of Chi- election oft Portoer, 1Denocrat, bY a - caga by 40,0(1 for Sainluk, the candi-a" joiyNe YrkNo..- wt date for ster tressis-, sAMthe coun- arnali rn a . Li A. NMDz lew oi-k, etuNsov. . -ail 0 ty fCook by 50000. Tiie Indepenit- LAstaBicomple rtis i-ou al enejLeiýne poledg bqÊ ~ 4000 votes. Elan ellausutii. Damo=oea a- WRBT 01M TBE ALLBGRANI si-n11eros- ly 40,000. ~~5osaié*Ilihign. ovauni md-'St. Pauai. Nov. -7.--Gvemra Johinson wtooomâ. ichic. Ioa andlum, lié esre-eiected gavernor of Min- 7.-TieRe~ taover bis Itfpublcan opponent. #aite ticket, heéadeit lY Covernor, .1 -. L. Cote, b>' a majorlty of t lat O,.Tavidson, awept tth.e5@tsIje l 30,000. Tiie Dispatcb, Repulcan, con- =e711 s lection by an otimatedigo- iel. s. in a.curun s-ity of ut leijt io.«O<vei- John A.tho' I)crcatic state central commît- theyvpi tii. Deoc-utic candidate tee, lama .loins.n's ollection liy 40,- and*his elleugues. At MliA tiue se- 00 tus-us uiov thé, .-flecilaa of eght le- IThis majority, for a Derocnatlc cau- pullcmna i0i ddt*o Dmocratie con- didlté lu unprceceietetd lau mîiiest. psmn. Congrman Babcock Pour yearsAllgo Van Sat, Republican. o(Bsp) vu beaten lu a bard race la thevas locteit overuon AVa msJoelty ef d'w i <tri-ic. 50»00. When thé complets rotai-ns are Prncticallv opiete retus-nâ tram ln Si vouit Dot b. surprslingL Jndglng %wpkécotait>' give MCUOoveraIpd. fiot thosé alreedy ln,. If Van. Iaît's e .4é, tu dimiiel ttauney>' ant 2M0 ;iijority, shoulit b. beatea by Johni- pinrAlIty'. Thici (Bot.îDeus.)wua h*IsOlis- - Ssféteouipemtor. Okahoma Go"é Uéuie.eslo. . lndjuîipalis.No, 7-Repulicami ah-e .TNv .Técud bave leetedIt tein quUt. tMate tket la Gnthleý . T. Noi. Mb oi 11041ma by an etliuaé ulujod«-.w1-ie wvi-tten bhp t)îutle,-,Vefa hétvon 40,000 sud 0WM0. Tiche it Witiig, ssci-étai->' t the ,Okebomu ~. i. pbllo lelunevil b. MIWbian. Re-, Bepuicau centrai oosumittese, coun - ugo h publcs auuhvecicot <IX OÇ5gienebcodes tua liemocrto *trés dé,*. bas hefli electedt goverot01 lit tdis Pli-t. Sxtb, S.venth, Niath. gates, nilee iig-jl-*ë »Wmn, f Tank &Ate aven William X. 11é Tent nfsd Thltteentls Ujtrit. -Thé the Dernocrtic coinsitte, éays tîérénoitaée of the Democi-ahlOp« Dronas-abve esteit t*o ln the vîli be nt lesai spvsty.élit Démo- th ladopedene Leagué ii> 'l'hlrd ad ?FO0isth il@Mt-l$. lepuhui- ciatte deiegates on tihe dBoas- the con- Imutel>' a pIns-mt>' of 40,001 An taté Chairesan Ooods-lch clama te di o.y.sAg oeorUWsw élécton orfisol 14»lxln b eElév- vedio og i-aa oreulnos'Hgics w élth. Di)idiatld Vblrmn uO'Brien -' Loobu Lika D~lhs or édon héiteubuca6t0k t c lalsusthée detion. of Mori-s lthe BooId aho. Nov_ 7. -C an Ivclfb ad Adurl a thébiWtii. Johinson, -et tUe sate et aeiélf5coin NyEéta iola ACaumuis, ., ov 1-TeeIndice- mitice, gives oui theé fallwing tate- 'Fiore v4a manié dqulît sipre -.k~are» bat ithe Uspublicala havé ment. "Fio. pi-sent bidcaton t tthefate of- the Demaci-ati t$éote"A*rmi i lompége" teoeea fDemocrat have elsegtblié 5Oe-ui, depecie Lý£eetickets oui astei, suitWr eur e éMats tIcket liy secs-étuiyof atatse»4 sa majoirit>' Of1 Reant.sevoral of the New Tai sigae piurliIti.vi«e ni*thie legllaturo, lnsui-g theé i-elédtion paposu vhlcb have liseslIt is the - ntéynoietu eflrs- ci hunct tntthe aubordnate oai * ~lut the Thaakin# souoiULté nerw U h sé. f beuscm *. Usk i e 5. te 17 cents, tbéy tbintk. wfli b. the.0Pm lu n .. e mn4e prai" jette, mont., Nov. 7. - IacppMs vlIing quotatians. ÎtcCarra: nde a btter n<itaaest tutttram frl t'4 atate indieste thé Farmers who are feedlng turkeyll Mettth latter carrIed'thé barougii lection tae onre» or Charies N. 'Pray' for the Thanksglvlng, season sbould 1iy a $MAUl purality, probubly4.. lad 1Honry C.-rith, candidate for the. net forget tbat the fowls need consld- At ome t00% It serned tint Hughes bastate uPreme court. Republicans ap- emable exorcise If they are to beluI béeu gU»oaful lin'r%#*,yu, but thé ieartali milngSanet ouhotprime condition for tie rmarket. la 1 wr mistogly l a u tt. ____ Plenty of feed la necesaary, but It »rer ft 1i lerncratie candidate. j uaiiGo" sau Venat.- aholild not lbe placed too convenlentiy -a. eén I rn given a fmarty of Rat ak, t", >Nov. 7-4'be lew for thern. Considerable acratebing nely lmiO ln Manhattan ad the pniitas in- Uahj a vi. feetd he 1tbar viiimake tliem talc an a bealthy Broux.,qqu9eng couinty. vhlch lidludeSsÉtats ticket by the cliatiplurlty. re- appearance and tliey viii i a elgi Long ldïmcIty h»aiebfor Hearst t8ning JOOMb iHoweli ta congrece and lietter. by troua UJISO t. 9.000 and Richimond MInJoehB rd jsiefte (Êtten 1tamd) ban aio given the slecting courtE rd usieu le________ Dinime dcandidate a plumaity. epo~écn*.____I Chattel Mortgage Baie. Ont in Culitiu'ia. On Saturday, November ith, 1906. seinit S TEwiB voit «&.»V Ban Francisco, Nov. 7.-Oilott. lie- i wili sel t public auctlon at rny - publican, for govemnor, la prpbabiy fairn %bMlle eut and %4 mle soutb XerhWSiocs nlue Limé 0 .POe« electéd by, about 10,000 majority, wtli Of Warrenton Station. et il oclocli time udgéé m er"w Bell, Démnocratie and Union Labor, a.m., the. foliowing property to-vit: Au WU generaiiy érpeêted Heaat secoand, ad aiud d nIdepe~fndêe Four fresa l .11d-cuve, eleven rniicb abi>od Ie, geatel: srengh lathe ongu. thrcavawsand nineteen cova ,thatare soon sb<>ed lm reaeetutrugt lathéLeani. thrd.te corne ln. and on. "Angss" bIll clifle thoihout the. stato, and tock ________ (regiftered). by vutue of a certain ont et tthé BePublican column a num- cliattel marigage In vhIcli 1 arntbe lier of thé more important nianicipaili- rortgagec. I vi l aiseoesi at the tisa vii* heretofore have beec li. aarne time and place oue "Gallovay" pubic*%'. Alaong th illdes wiilch gave bull (regltered). tva "Galovny" henn a puralty os-oBafa loh- eiffra (reglstered). saon ta corne este -, T -Ys . oElmmra, lRome, Lit-lutrt-xbo.oe rad o. VCW94soonta corne lu, anc pair of goad ne "0 lolînsjtovu. Alof thèse.b ack -sres, 7 yeara aid, and possibiy e*e Vt«P4, aud Rome vere RepuhI'-. mar 11 M E sene ailier articles. an two yetuf ag<>. Hughes did flot gain________ W. H. Wiirnat viii lié the auc- a ingié dty. The htepulicau ticket lioneer. va uffl tg li. ut sustaiéllousAm (Fi-rMWednuday's iaiîy Sun.) 62-t -OSEPH IBAL. loue. ii yrmcue. lovrsill, An- Started probahiy liv thé careies sterdua, tacii. Schenectady, Wster, Iniaging of a cigir or cigarette tump ~ cln tavuersu tePlattNewrg. o a vooi ahed. thé premises at Juil- HavIng decided ta biOve ta Cali-1 ~ ii ~ r aitBluf sreet cagli afre hisfarnia. I viiioeili at publie miction. clr i ý nrmig wagèd fr.thé1 adBut trescag ûeibs"n tlie aid GeO. PattÇtwan farm on the Jteiar fflet nin m-lby a' comnîtî nrigan h iedpatnn idMiwaukee rond. 4 miles nartiftreat afi i~-"~i1.Choute 1an ear.miur and a short baît vîgaraus Waukegan. 2% miles nortbvest af and eïc~ %I.NtuunB.1". Î'rker *». Par- 1 lattie. Electric railroad dopot on Grand av- .-wa, -ý . thougit liai nmrnen broke enue and.2 miles norheaztof.Irne.. non-partis an ldidates by blg pinrail- lept thore lait nîglit, ieaving tu thé mence ut 11 o'lock., The. following1 ,lie«. tatitSenlor Thornas F. Grady. marnîng snd llgiting a pipe. cgarettý property: Il bcad of Duram cattle. of TAM#Hall, lam been r-eli<ted or laaselftpsib hrwn 8 cons mllklng. 3 coming lun-saon. bal- Tamm7 cgar s le ift. oasbly broluglance lu February. i bull colf;. 6 bead oves' ThoséasRock, nba lias beau the match soide only ta bave It start of bai-ses; 1 ebestnut borne. 10 yeams knova bà the ennlalgn as "ltlght- a conflagration, aid. veiglit 1400 Ibos.: 1 black Normian Has*t e t@* land wlio aiiegîid tht b.ha Thé premises are avned by E. Mal- mare. coming 6 yearsaid, voiglit 1300 hab.loma ý4Wi-kt4t" iy the Indepead ioen. of I<cveenav Bay, Baruga Ca., Iba.: 1 black Sbire mare, caming 4t oeut Michilgan, and 0. T. Gall. af Wauke- years aid. weight 1300 Ibo.; 1 lirood , about the- sînte tliercbauslicou tan la theagent.ar.1yarai.vglt10lb. a notble falig offithe b vote tram Daags aeig-. nd nfn ta vith colt 2 monthe old liy Kng On- 10O4' viiib na a presldentl iyear. aaago.sed. lgltad o we ard: 1lblack and white paclng liase1 t1eldè aiowedthe aldy; 35 head af belle, IIIfattening. Tue trpulen teketsbaed ~~- . eiglit 160 te 165 Ibns.; 1 full blod1 eleloie vgit y agebual-paiaiid çhlna boar; 1 Chester-vwhite said: "li k iii along iehl ln and chilna sow; 2 paland china aovs the. laber ote. Every 1~ulble tiiing I pge ai sîde. 5 ahitu; quantity wan due Io mrecver Il. tout 1I deknh ý W I L of chickens; bauseiiold gonds; Deor- vîthmu il." ng coanbinder. nearly bey; Deerlng Id*m Ati-ormn Fahlait SE GREAT a ob; Deering Ibover; Pulvériser. ne;8siovel sulky cultivutor; borae Bo4tis la, Nov. 7.- lb Freéiout bac sot Iran lver Odrays; coi-p1 couloitr Douio-ratie challengers, on tit crueber nad grinder, lava mover; 3- advice off, thei;î-îîuulie.uu coiitteE. (Prom Wednesday's Daily Sun.) inchitir. bain itagon; milk vwan.1 Iritavvomw téd ail preî-lnts, thiovu Ativancé orders«from the east Inter' sîindle back runabout-, speéding cari;j t ulU Md-efuged bail. lu Bebcock t a thé demand for Thankagivlng tur cutter; pair liglit bobsleighs,; mg eofflty thé Judgt-s refused te admials- kyswl esmwata ete o*rcki; vood rock; yard and haif gravai ber tth* *èJh ta thoe.chalilegod amind svi léaaebt bveteaver- box - 2 eider iairelu; à 30-gai. méat poie l *~ui ta vote. Tisse are - 55e tht. year. Chicago e élers are lors'-vire tretchen; -o aa milk tank; C&bdoM 0u m le. hos the nov qutlug,14 cents for the. live fowavi, a miiicana; cm ihoting itv;u- - IOes.tn _àuaiît hsaatuMî «OM a aprise Maidtu Ie the hilgat évér of- gy pole; barrel sait; 1o bua s- t. Tbey MSua't 'V V W V W V g~ v v v V v v W v v $409000 CIothmi Sck ,corner $409W ------00-- Théestime $40,000 stock aofKua<u Ci*tbIg Pnbnw, 223 Washington Stréet, Wanhegant conifing of thé finest rOMy-to-vcai-SshOver. cnia sud Tree.. iili e s.1d by Max Lastes-, Attraq &t L&w. recéves- ta satisfy créditai. Ents-o stock regaudieus of coat. ThiastMore van opencd Séptember 8,'1906 vith a complet. nov stxck of the beat gradé af CIthici and must be, mold t one Meruihante viubing to boy in lots mnust sae Isceiver. Fia'mreI« mW gi-Store for i-cnt. Sale oponu tomrnnr-av at 9 a. m.-sud viliicontinue ut.i entire stock n sa'od. Thé boit oppartuuity yan oves- Wadta boy yourn miv intér Sults aud Oveecats st aabout hai( pricé. Ilemember the adds-éss CIothlng Parlors Waehington St. *Mdba.mand Çsàtr Sts, Meadior te. HoRstelai DÎq gStore. The 3d 0 is NOW GMIug on MIa LUSTERO Attbftey at- Law Receiver ilnd« uecasth;llno pinratrtofe ledM'is contlaînrtla. A00 Courto tiErou. ponLDuau e ot SgatfIinoé,abonaméof ruibouronfthakru tsi-m s t the Ct»MisOowt oth Wintouateof Norh, u is y Meaven'r the kégan. Ilinos, State of lîlialu, County u cmerteN. 3A8.D.1% fendane.'v*.JohnyWie eror devise of Péte csed" an"Unknovno Soth Weso ti Quaster t Wef thértes fteNA4IU Foi-st and (3)WNoth, n11. Eatofth- Cty 0flà Lda téLkCouny lln1." Batuisf acty adavi Ib fen dants 'ninova y hlro ovidne ann boea0 poves anavuérservLoteo Wrester dtof the a La tuth tiertof th ier Nof ,Ntice South Wçét .eQua-tf 0fthe i PincWite, ,UM oNant s»of aJonin o Western Aditio nd tbo Wast ofete hrn Avenue. i n daeue nuIllicnnot b tfriiu on dlithe bnult pltf n r esî ee cao t b. caide ht rou annt h tupo tn orelte fta lgienst te n hovend tt oticabe on thefretb411W terr of id '-nCirvniieimu t i aeu r haldakef thlmaovn avnrs ofLo h Wesera dditiola n ta Lie suit-l ul di bauWs a eto Westrn A Stltinor is"dfndant a f tafore Bledt01 - lle0 tiierof. A.t1thatW Margenait Oeill ntd < thé Circit Csout e'. .eéganfslockua *0 Manda>' adéce'e > Loy Pou req(4)itof sUuindlng. - pot ortheN rthls th. South1 Wet0, u& - ut the $Md col sM s% w~J L-JOIIN Y. 810113W. 1.- M'5~aAg. S~-#1

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