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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Nov 1906, p. 1

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- - and WAUEG~1VElKLY'SUN VOL. XV. NO. .7. LIBBERTYVILLIC, LA.KE COTJNTYI ILLINOIS, FLUDAY, NOVEMBILE iR 115 l ~i Ia 'ZA XL1' IPD %7'V À 0 TX' A "17 - i CAUGT IN Cat3lesram PuiseBriish Polie un Their Guerd mu*Bde0l1 Taren «on Ladins AGUk .ES TO RETUILN AND FACE CIEDITOUS Taking bis cue f rom a'SUN article ihat advanced the theory Lbt George Hockney had lied to bis relations ln sugland. Joseph Libal 'ot Warrentofl cabied quietly acronsathe Atlatnic 10 lingland and Monday ,norning the ln- telfgence was flasbed back: *We have Dira." Anotber cablegramt followed askjng wbetber or flot Libal would drop the prosecuUïon If Hockney returned vol- untarily and paid uma ait of bs r&Il -1 tpr word tàMa he would and ne arrivai of Ho. knei la awaited with Ieen tlia. IÀbal claims that tbrouzl, the chbat. tel morgake sale of Hocktiî -y's eteets he goI only hail enough to cdisebargo bis obligations witb Hockne-y. How the wife received .hebîîtwelt corne intelligence can flot be learjird sitbougb an attempt waa inade lu communicate wlîh ber.- Se beileved tu hlm rip to the lant and Ihougbi ihat bis atysterlorla disappearance nteant martiern Assistant States Attîîrttey Miller bas the case ln charge and lihe Me- Cormick land agent, il. N. Taylor, 01 Liberyvllele a orkirîg on il also. Later Mr. Taylor Intormed Assisi, ant States Attorney Miller thal Hockney hud ot bis own accord cabled bia wife to the effeet that be was living and well from a smaal vil- lage ln Engiand. She Informed Mr. Taylor and ai once Mr. Taylor cabled lufilnd ont wbetber or flot Hockney would re- fan. Te cablegran bas trot yet been beard from. (Flront Tuesdays Sun.) There were sartlIng developmnet in tbe Hockney alleged disappearance case Tuesday. leading tu reversaI of publie opinion on lils msrlta and ball way clearing Hockney trom t ned flighl. A week hetore Joseph Libal cable- grarnmed It develotis Ibat H-ockney nad cornmunicated with bis wife front Peterborough, Englaxid. to te effect that he was witn wealîh laîîdowîîing relatives iiu that village on a visil Wby be lett so siîîddeîîly and wtboff explanation the vite expects to learr wben be lands ln tt-la country withit a montb. Meantimie arraîtgetieflts have tii-e made su Ibat Lihal will ot lrosecut when theTmant returrîs and he witt dis charge ail bts obligations. Temperance Sunday t o Obseri<. 1flUOn Uonday nlght, December 3dA Fé F More Head% off in Zion. 'Worlds Temrperance Sunday will beo th Ie annual meeting of the Internation- 5 U~~ Friday, coniiîuing tlits poicy ot observed among 77000.000 ot Sunday a xoiinAscainflt ctigOtMryo h ildMno achooli tudents and cburch members TALE Of A aIExpstinASOltiitl 1 e A SiRANtiE :hein oi tnîaolce atrRelr on he ourf Sndy I Noembr.Hately dismissed Foreman Nerriott, on thesound Sunday lacNoe ofer. ER Percheron Soclet y of Anerica. O D T ON outhIe lace roont. The-înaee vas tri- Waukegan and Lake county are urger! .rla.'JFIHoseAsocaton -on tbia dey, which cornes on Novem. Americ5fl Cotlswîtl sheep Society.1 IrY ltxeedndci aasu- ber 25 10: Walted iniValsn (umaide Saloon AnrcnOfr )wîAscaioi alArae o iigprise lu bétb MrMerriott. and bis fld on id0 pca xrie 0rl[.w soito.MArneor L 'n 'lh many friends. snteea kînof f pecis exicîe Douro fur llusbaud Wbo American Suffolk t1-1-k Itegstry. Wollil lOut Hie ife Baya Ail distnissals ihat have' been miade Attend tbe ralîy a prograrn for Speut Ail in Drink American Clydesdate i- lrse Associa- practfce la Cornson uI the factory bave been without no- wicb isa being prepared and which tion. - Ice and the men are dssatislied with in Intetided upartictarly for Snnday 1>MUNK HIE CAME HOME Amerîcan Southdowiî lîreediers' AS-F STATES HE CAN SHOW Ibein. They do flot know Wbo wyul be Rebods. TO WRÈECK THE flOUSEsa MANY LIKE CASES the ne\t, and as none of them bhave Superinteadenîs ot Sundaya- sl, oion.-eriiynntalrtaîithtaor teachers In the same. antd pators are On Wednesday e%ý ingh l raliettr ld ou I the. anv ii ail aulced10tayotr the occasion witb The woman stood In the Waukegaîî The Arnerican Sh,it-Horn llrsed-l '-Theje ar i taîîy Ili wauileg.1'îWhIil lîo - ao iltrn. ayo nome pecli retereaces ln trir police station, wan and bopeleas. Cs soito.1r iig.ihvnei o theIb head mtei of the tactory bave tlki3aiandelessons. She was tblnly attired. altbough the eTse Ao ian. lîît-tîAîîs as- viv g stilPeerYîom int ut tir- been let fontlîy the teceiver. LclOtoitHaeHp. morning was cool and ber fate scaIn day wbeii he was iaken lîctore rOnt of the familles.thie tBrothers, Locl OtiniaS lav Hoe. showed traces of recent tears. sciin Magistrate Hopîe tu aîîsweî lu tre relurnlttefir old borne lit Fiit-gsîîu Springfield, Ill., Nov. 13-State Su- , .This la the tiret time 1 have been The American Glowlay D B-eders§ charge or haviiîg letten oui- w on the 141h of tbe monlt. Mr. Brot 1ernteadent Houghtoa, of tbe Illinoi toreed ta corne tu this-this place." Association. rnkSae.eswt eea teswsdsise Anti-saloon' League, tated Iis mata abhe said with a covfrt sbrug. The American Il, i kaiire Astsociat- During the haýarig VaîîkîuI il cutieott tilite.ago. ing advo- Husbnd and vite ha a imali tam- The Hampshire b)own tireeders' As- lietiitiviiig witb the womsîalîiî t R.NRA ANN cthawol Ihlcopti h onne nîahv y.They wory vascommn o onn. and fe.ssred vIliyen oghbt le o mext legislature, and tirat teonly vOs14 -'e NdtP bap - >,s -- - - . .bl boldjwçl iîanimal Mee. Machia- isNt ortmea n Catinîîî eriît te: thlng ibe friends of local option hait lhèy JV,,w tý oeo br onEue-.ailniel L0.',,,hs -o thve boterofhl On Thursday altt-i iiîîii uc meri tiet hê Îaat- Wmefeiîarkable 5?.tte- Nlilbiiiii. Sîifflaymninut athIe age -~ uc~e ~ lthe blbe' fbm4-ent wvicl c-Iised tiolice officials t _ f7! Y<-is h tnrivi i "2 candidaes, eîdorsed by ati-sal har, n a afew veab âr 1 -> gap1tss foî b om nerei cagile 51Republican. 16 Demorats adrift. a human derell, with no cure C h vnn heîîiia aîîî Yankîîs liaIÉ. i-n ressed foii' fr-Il ieko y cetiet ery. The laIe \lra. '. Prohbiioin bave been elecled.for the freight that be vas to have China Breedera' Ayi~iatîiiî and the terInformiîatjinsaill ha )ielatîiCiiuitutinide tr uae i ad mi'carried bis loved actes. Yorkshire Swiite Assoi-iatlii it-nt. foetaof tThîit tîenlh stîet. almativeut Cmin-- lat ýÀetl-euvii i* : Elmesas wbile ofthuboe vborn the leagîte i- "Many atm, alithe woia5it The hotîr, room nd oth<ller tartit- viib a woiaiaui îÔ is vite. the w 'iurvivisrs t.floigs)I:Em tioseil. ?q oîly have been elect"d, E:vlIth shame in ber volce, shame tnlorI ocriglaho hu e,.mkingarailmn-a eti, ut It iliuiî. î\l if iteîton. lFred or ttepublicans and l16 Democrats- Mr. ed with a love tirat would neyer die, ascnenn -î- tte--rue-naiiî i g iiti i 5ilil iloighiun sald a pubhlie' inderstaiîdinlt 'have I stood larithe cold- oulside the, Inga vilI be pos;i-d ,ilîîthe tbultinît ba.inît andut -fs'. tiîr 11hew- e' ýlova-iiwi.Es t lViv aikogan and another lied liea had wth Speaker Shîîrtleff salooas ut Waukegananad valted for i huards outIhe ashmgomîlîdilrhuît iý f tht' coiiiitiofi law îîarîtagi- atis iitSitn Ii ii ,alotîts. rTheliiiiiiil d My hnshand tu caornuOt, hvee.iteetd i dlot rt-cî't lî'glslatiii. lems tioi a yt-ar aga. 1 bt if rp-elected speakser he vould îlot "As saon sas bondraws bis psy cbeck tbevee. EeiSîliîHa$î-Witttti. opipose the localtoîsn bill. e griles to sorne drinking place and live stock 0f any lid stiiutd i.ike air The tirait atso ciîyly stateil htt w- TRAINING AT FOX LAKE. gels it casbed by ordering drinks al effort Io attend tit-i lt etingsti. had a rial vifs-tir the aoui ciii Dave Barre. the pugitisl. bas corn- arotind. If I amrnotnulsde t lu;s ______u ît Ihat mire vas living viiiî suîiîîli.-r!I uie-îîsedltraliing furbis - figbl wIth A Harvestpr lirai Huaks Corn. hlm for the rnoaey. be vill spend lit mn ywo h4hdcide uoKle tKtnao naoi For a qiîater sut a century the ig ail tirairvay, and ve would gohua,- '"'h togllhiîs-l ustl-!l atttA- v vetu.tTAFTtriîlt a o harvesiing niachine manîtfactorieît9grY. That la whry i stand tbere aid - AT oug. SIIERIDAN hîmseîf another vit.i,ao ke. Bryistannge h ave hiîst- rîvînul lu perfect a cori t, ait aifor hlm ta corne staggeringeA T HEIA isl nte ie ae 1hunker that vorrid do cdean vork as outî ot the doorway vith vhat should - ___Mrs. Sianien sitated that lier hui- GlGod'hneSrie veli as; save labor lu the fieds. Make- eluild onouoir hontce iinthetill o f the DmeG1eLca FrtlaSe Cnd'Pahondeit Serevdic'e.-iar si sittsbav e le'n the oniy fruit ut salooniceetter. Cadlios tWiLca iris Oa ESes Candi-laud tht SI Taesday veriiurg u giveath .ibese efforts and tCoreli ailithtsarnet Last igbî be camehume ad tosWthbsnEe and dtrai en vbe s a lo s'ti dout' Nar Ciolitolile ofthWe gaî romrsealn' t aid railfor human banda contes front ithi out cause, at leanl vithout tati Consider ProspectssioreEroarging wiltheii vas I esbiayo evi tn oîiany.h the greal Wasicrn corn blt,.tr-ic ssîshdIn lys> vin- Station. eet tttiiWtsîaatd5i anather siîs't ugbsielr la Atrora, I., elgbl Years mn. A dr>vs ln the h<use and crtatd a dis- SceayWiiai1.Tt fttte s-onaiythsle op s Iba aértkonils Managerid l seislabisite xceis NI. Holenbw-t', tnacknowvi-t-il ai e-.îîrblaîîe. This vas is vay of tom- uaîed tta as WarDel.Tîaft. thetent, arge htYénýwt Oidd41enevs i eclec l- chanical geniqsu. and Vernon ct'tc ig borne. - Urived a otsildrVart hîs or.g ent lu lice ai Nortit Chicagto ht-tfIersrieaî br a u n euille solatian efuii o .d aliai- ts-not haetor evea veeachaen suite t10loout0%os -rthe tprospetds for* sie stayed oi Market eîreel. iîorly takeit or aîrsvered caI In the horthWlldnul lbavethehoîîghl(ofut st."cb ffla ingte fortuiiidoublete is tres- Came Bock t 10Beat. U fie ail eveing. a remarkabia wort. Ws.,vastalr th sctieet hlrg tent size. Iloeven, the mandd ulrei indreda ut catis muat have corne la andI t efir labo rs and r tnt fou r vars hc S i e as no t a p roh ib iion o ra o r, or j H a e i t e l l o y t t aMy t c f e b c , ' it e v o an t i ncim u î s u Ii oficti e . -,ra h n * bave licen eapeinîenllcnîng s-auiv îhing ot the klnd. ot cvefr on entHe dacme aitheuttona aIthe asy, Hleucotb'alokver. 0,,,,nberantaont.lrtvifice.lt iiryil Iville. atering Iis and irtipart. ea- vas deaply affected by ber simple re- foresdether-tofItouallectîhe ads, l tateat em mon aec.and pourritlecOatelan gaYvle exce let ervîcal deavoring te overcome every short- citai, and lail ended ity a reprlmandhevasrt andken uidt-rieresealer vlrl ha, ay esitubra. 10ndt IbtexhaRen avIeeelndluvic comme and detect, and thitttoretait ta the utidutul husbaad. h- a sorlioo rthresttuOn thhawY e fotea. Ytkuvltheu i SNgandmuch apreclandasIo ail objections. Tbey bave huit aud 'WhY nul the blilcklit?' asked buà.ne esriosoni. nthredteroand, She rins the raer a' Llne uhvbîrc eaine Ih reJecled six machines. Tht seventb lblie satin PrSETEDWIT RIG ron i.she rin s N 10 cuerLte he c n vlthem abas just beemi cutieted and lparents An officer Iaugbed- - e Sh ne ouitilde ad eactNeG. eured aor the amore impiortant de- ."The bliacklist la nu good" he said. Teofiii sdlaiaîîu heC ay ds.Se s aîîdsloist acesorSUN tPeople prete coud seih rvic pas vices ('onildlerîtluralit hémachine 'il doesnot vurk. If ve couid takre Teofcasadtaie fteC ac rse n iltacsol meeta every cequirement the mInen- the blacklisted men aud iead theat & M. E. rsitssay presenled Mr. E. S. he charges, aud ha litotes lit a l itPpe hicagueiaehond evcpand e t? tor have itlaen il lualthe JohntiH a- arom d front saloomn 1a saloon il m ight Des Jardins, t11w retirig sureriiteid. thoutg it ite aumtim es gives ber $22 c ela.hia o Te e h e C m an x i unaltu arai lu thetlovu ut IA Prairie, work lîîît saloonkoeuers elîber cati ent sitb a ilt diamond rilu t îa veek abe ilu neyer ablete l Ieet a Tire utomaie stndln corcent.ek.I1 License To DivorcoesRefu ed. . r 'o uultefr euisr kii. loto vl treinlirtTee hlvek Tht sii sttIof themano fice i Magistrale Hotte fined Yaakuwilz Etidentlyit u undrstamdlng the - tu uîonalcstninI<oa us'la" ie ynaitlf t iethan ofic ndoreedth esoatou ifth ue tvguerofgniriathsdel t'y aoieae liv air elutht' uihuir-t-vt-eafc .Pakuadloei 1mpower gâsoline engine. Tht sitp- FAT STOCK SHOW. itildinget Ill-iLIiood and Mcli. PF. f urnittîce. rela vrinmrigsadd» i pina rails whlch tatît'the iflis flîtul Munru nmade lis- 1reseiilatiou speech. The mans tory of vitoiesiate (-eFzaA aks n oe st the staîksartînt' ittîs.ut he,(, cil- liadditionuî iiitht poratticlt oaOiAI the sil illhe Mr. lGreenth ie ce wediock<la doubled, ail te more he- 1 L M1loaider, liott ut L.akt Foresi. s.îofîthe mît ut .Thttlndîl nmestar t tri aiotiSrîtrttsîne ansd tee ir tng trattin iatcet, wu.; preseniteil cause te vuman. Who dmlttldho,. 1 T'estIay. aîtitied for a marriage il oit b nlotcitsm Te Is iisearnlu atî-,hrssssoeaidsttpvlba gii td sih.and Mr. aud Mca. iîîg bis urîlsyttîl vie, accîsed hlm ut cerise advrritue i Iegnud Iit amial uuedilthe rtiiyaît xlîtim atseriroit'tad calNaurrtes St -- cii a goid vaiciu and bleing a rt'gular Mormton anîd utfbac-.; tiaetParkes hlld it lie- divocced for -r and corrvyvtiren totht Irterior ot thtîoad dslîIss. Wve italehave ibis ytar a fine set ot illrware as a vedding Il ie ie ives . wo en ieqîerot asskda ilvcbîcle. vitere lhey are dettly husked. Ititîlutii f lire-ciiassociaituttilsoitthere Wemthîqeeinsent.edas cleaner than cairi ibcouncli,'band, tie fi-eliot l-ers sud ftedt if ____AOHRZO IVCN.;.stte utru ieapiaî a aîîd iitlly delîvîr tireur ready foc thte oic titi fln- taodseuse - tîteir asoct ruiei colif * m-.t lvel attth ie autrt CASE WAS DISMISSED. The John Smith Lumrrber Cunmpany, tirat hi, hsd un hovenîber 5 on f;, 1406. The 1loftveatsurs daimbeenbato ttieetrut - e WOOD IS FOUND NoT- TO BE GUILTY Yountg Man Accuaed of Serions Crime Frced la Court-Kasper Mergert found Guily of Simiuar Charge. t Last Satnrday, ont a charge of an' saiit and batery. Jesse Wood vas trl.d la the circuit court The jury bas not yal reluraed a verdict and the court la valtlag to hear vitl ma- tura tbey wvîlI itg la. wood vas arested lest apri on a charge of assault vithit ltent to com- mt tape. Thte complainî vas ilied ity Eldvard Blanchard, af Beach, vbo clamed taI Wood had assaulted Clara Ciristensan. a girl vorklng toc chine vli lake tare ut front lilteeut ta lveuly acres a day sud ps-rfuruî tht lahor of troîn tweut.-ttve It tîtct in. Titey have already tested il la a' softfield imîîîedialely atter a ramn storuan(sud ute re'dy ta aimest Ihat It wyul rîîuu tuer an isk îd out gruund. ln a isitufut tiis 0,v iwteof huai- er the tolluviug acgumntas are ad- vanced: Cura shutuld neyer lue altawedJ lu lie sud cure ta the stock. Thte pet- ceatage of loss utader sncb conditions la bigit. Culiing anîd stsckîug sMI the staîks la oliIaled lis s machine vttich takes the enru fi-rn lhem as lbey stand. Witen il la couceded ltaIt - ficleat spead and traction can nul ha provlded by horsea. the tise of gaso- Uîne motive power vitilibe ton mucb mura economical and convenleitt lu evary respect. Il la eslrimated taI the itusker can be sald on the marketi for trom 11,200 10 $1.500. Local NnlC c Ce' Nuls of about every v lety enl hlm. flîS tdUOf ni flehi. pi onuc the.. AI is hearlng Wood vas baud lamartet bu jnna '. L -m.rabotnd-1 te grand Jury on te charge of sas- ant. The local supp of oteI la par- saull vîit ltent th commit tape. tlcuîarîy short. Thera la a cail for The ran juy eange th chrgetoiskory nuts that can not ba filed. The ran juy cangd te carg 10Thbe bard bacut hickory nuls might ha assainit and hatery and Il vas an tiis had la tdirîy large quanities, but peo charge thal Wood vas trled Siturday. pie do nol like tem. Tiey say Ihat-q Thre evidance vas dt<udedly lnt ishietote la not enonet meat la titent fayot and a verdict ot l'ot gulty" and caltocr .te sheil harle hickory wu rtllI'ied nuls, but titay are mucit higher. la Thte testimon yof Miss Ciristenson tact, tbey ara scaiy to eha il td la sad 10 confilit vîititaI site gave any price. Pecans are aIma scare, exý et tae basting, but tiis would not on- ceptIonaîy au Itis year.' ter tutu the casa nov. Friands af Thora la but 1111e hoaey lantae Wood cdaim tae vbolo lhlng vas stores taI comas tram local bives. made l' mornoe tesson the itees <11<1not flad made up.tha lowers tbey vanlodtis18summar. - Mrger Found Oulty. antd consaquently boaey la scarce. Kaspar Mrger. vbo vas tiat ni'lTheto tailors ara chargtng 20 10 25 day on a charge ot assanl vithIn- cents a pound card. tant la commit tape, vas tound guilly ________ ity the jury 1ets fldaY. afternoon. Detending Atorney James Van Dou- SHI4P SUGAR BEETS. sen lnsmediatly anked for a nov The augat bot gravats oftIhia sec- - tialandIlvasgralea. argr l lon ara nov sipping taeit hats ta 'tril ad i wa grated l4rge laJaneaville via the C. M. & St. P. 'y. noW out on 8500 hall. .Tbey are belng loaded Ittae Grays- jake station, and Il Id premicled tai W#4tci te TILLOW LAL on tventy cars vilI ha sipSa. the fiaât page ot tha paper. t teleB, TM ubesFm, our ueoripllno due. Walci thte YELLOW LABEL. ciii artist and live stock men ot Amier- Henry it.ux, i Wadsworth, and lef en ' - at wtîsJuatanîe daya go and Ka.iiisutji-ts f mmeiat Ineret rday tried on the charge that th, lad n setrnpnagetcre ii ak-ctsdrbef-n w sa reewe-to.ulrofl.cabge. prosperity. Onîe ofhe Incorpora-"I ý1.> >111drbefo w vr -at 50W onî)jýtso i oiir 1eoi teril et ram the Chie-an, Milwy, ault ee .tors is Deacon Johnison, of Zion Clty.ih ic-se was flot tlven. tha no cnfrnt urpeole wil b fom he hiago iIel knuwn here for bis former conu Parkes wit! bave tu watt anîd witllis read alid dIsciised at the tt'lrila- Paul, and the charge agalnst hlm va8s 1teciion wiîh the John Oouriey Lum iatelr-nrriithitryh tiona l 1.ve Stock Exposition, Deceat- dismlssed, th,- îefendant being dis ýber Company. The capitaiizatloîî I nevtenty e-r. ute uryh ber 1 to 8. :charged.1 $25,000. eietydsrd The Officiai'Vote of Lake County for Its Various Candidatesl -County judge.- - cîunly Cierut. - - Trresuer.- ----Shrif.- Sup. t Schoois. -Rprsentative.~-- Benton 1t .........-.....-- 44 Benton 2----------------...179 Banton 3 ................. 121 Newport-----------------..137 Anliocit 1 t ...........-.--- 101 Antiocb 2----------------.122 Grant--------------------.. 66 kAvon--------------------..24 rWarren-----------------...14 îWaukegaa 1--------------.25 Waukagan 2--------------.'369 W aukagan 3 .............. 279 Waukegan 4------------. 33 eWaiikagan 5-------------..13 .Wankagan 6-------------..10 1 Sbieîds 1i- ..............-- 194 Shields 2---------------. 6 Shields 3---------------. 9 5Libartyville 1I-....--------14 Liliertyvllie 2------------..15 Frernont ..- ............. -- 0 Vtaiiconda----------------..117 Cuiba--------------------.. 63 0Vernoît---------- 54 West Deerhielîl------------ 62 Deerfield 1 ....- .....----- 181 De»erlield 2---------------.91 Deerfield 3' ......- ...------ 118 Toalis-------------.4281 PECULIAR. ROBMVR LEARS ( Corner Stone sof lbe Lihrary Bmuiding'TI of ils Vlnables.. hMAIES MOCICBRY OF TREASURE CUi Tire corner atone of the Caraefe Library Wassrobbed *biIa l.the i< ing was ln procemabt construction. - C'oins of varions denomlnalnadO value placed there vhen ltae stli~ vas laid la place and Sied viit eM- ent vere removeai tramtlite coPer' chest and have tire Ibis beal elpu cd fot vhi8ktIy or passed silong la trade. As far us thîngs or value are elZ ceraed the cornter ituie domtail *Utf9 haîg vltb the exception ut reprsnf e lve copiesa of lte local luspers. 014 doumntas and a tew postage stauPS L~.ther .articles Of iptarest. e-Met'Peculiar Qlww oui Recod.- -- \ Vbat la nmorel la Possible Ihat thlure vili lie nu prosectlotiof the Pîcealric criminal vbo committltl Mottl pectillar crime la the annaie el' Waukegaa ur n dccii utthet alale or -Illinois.- .- To gel tire proof tire builinmg W"i.4 cubher bave la ha riled of the corner atone, wbicb isaithetlue 01 .utWàaeW- ington sireet and 8hIMNIRreai F t ltme atone, viich ls a cholice apechmweii, would bave 10 b. drilllad open, a valu1 lama proceeding, ince il would thonS te spoilad. '- Hov lira Slory Le& adIOmut The story vouîid neyer bave itectime krîuwn bal nul W'mason on the Jotl, vho la nul mmv la the business of il~ ing atone. grava taikative 10 a 1171 1man nome lime ago aud revealdtle vbole matier. wbicb vlj cretel5Ma- ssternation li lt e canka of tht rie- .erent. spefnîstion smong e bourlons1 sandi borrsuit snîng te membefs of tig ? ibrary board. The ex-mazan, vho la novl inAor other andi more luîcrative occupMetm, Sasys that ha vas vorkimsg on dis e 5ýý l- at the lime the llbraty *as 1b 1 ecected sud kaovp poslel UWa whiat be gays la the Iutit. e RifleS lthe Corner Suas. - " Ha says ltaI the atone bal heéS. i put ln place and lte speal agis "prayets sait! over l. the coPt r " " brasa cittthal contaninniatt« 101l poslerty tu dig ft i te ruina bavW < been covared up vllb cament',, a- Icrovd had irons away and lte flb*- papera had sons 10 press vitit t4 açcpunts o!flte sytina ofthle011-- Only himeaîf and otiter Mnale vwers ln ltse building -- Helrngqiseer noises, heaffsaje t vent, to te place vitero tbe atone b"", bteeuleftIanj sav oaae ofthlitmm.-au the job vith blrnsurting out btho01 andî gelling rid oft Ieim lu bis pokl The fresh utortar bad been dia- imrbeai. Allaged Tbief la Brazen. r Wbat are yorm doîng?' lie sake i l alieged thief.11 "'Nune of yaîîr business," rai i the Iouler. coolly srnaothing lte m5à!ý lac o lver te cupluer chat agala, 'VWhat's the use ot ieaving tibs "« 1 hetre? i arn goiug l taupnthe lb pi 'q You kee-itsthlI abtout Ii." Froni that uiay lt tis hbask Il uîjulioks'n silemnce over the aifair, bu1k lte uther day in a remiaisceâ ant ido le he let the stury goý ME LOVES NFING BrETTER TirAN wift Traita Him le Fox Lake and CX«iaa His Love Says. "Eh, ha Quiet have a Bite." Becauso ber huaband preterasaàbla aI Fox Lakte tu living vilit bar, 111l Mary Waudrack vanta a divorce fiel John Wandrack. She told Juldge VO Evea 1londay taorting ltat ber ha baud disappeareai lu Joue,.1190&. - "i seaciea fot hlm ever7bwe1 aald lira. Wandrack. "snd fa»W ' learnad ltrougb friands that Jobu11 been sean 51 Fox Lakbe. I vent -bM and, sure enongh, I touad hlm. M had rtged up a lent <bec te: *1 shore and vhen I got 10 lte$ pbw lm vas lua aboat llahins. I called 10 hlm; 'Job4' I1si 'vitlon sartit art iot dotmg hW* Corne'bons9 at once.' Iut o « vaved me bacut. 'hh lu isialib"~ a blte,'baesaid." The complainatsld that *~tt gel hem buataand 1 tetunaw»lbW Chicazo vers frultlas. T hte suit vas lakan undet ",«M nient. SUES FOR WA485 i.cqutted of te lbeft 0 I cria Sauhel. o WaMi ltat ireallegé ea t1 tveuv4y-tbm 111 elvolOs- -e. ,JIN i 1.11 j ri:, ge ýd le P* id le m- ie 18 Dr to èd .,d ý6. SI.5O PER YBAR IN ADVAINCE., ý, ý,, -,.Ul .

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