Tobcos simd Simes va BLOCK LISRTYILLI <JCONDA4 ~correspondent suid ft vb lt ev reaial$trgipe vIilue n oomle as vîlI l t he cowalks, The romnit a lbatheilîtofatiievilg board bubahesu Io jauourYi 0. aleastly the.loger of e amutmurf sMr cesocsla Ins by it il usud lbi» dW local Improvements ve veture ta eacii il b to cause a t.edY 1-3e-- ln ur ummr Patronage. @Aàusv iewd miliifoc W*iconds nOv suos aimarei. A MmtIng o rciens vas bell lu the vilae bl onday E ev'enlng sud couslderelleIiret vas lmnitete. ff e hinlein sud son Auguai, are the prime noverb lu île pro t and can ea!aesty sul>parWbs y ttiie estm omnnty. it le propoisilta parclu baStocuer lot nov occupled by ios. N. Frsand'm bain andl ta convert thet building Into a Mill ai9exi-ci@nA capaciy ta mut the i-arouflce unlil ni-st prlng. vaben a ni-vbuilding viii le erscted andl eqaipped ivtb a complet. set oi the bet machnery, viAli c50 hanse paver gasoline englue ta fnrnieh paver. Put your shoalde ent the - heel nd msaiet iu making tSbeentecrlfee qwil .#w cou" l . omognm i Il _ 5 'i moiher, Mmc C. ilatchinson, ai0 et1i-s M. andi Mis. L. C. liaaini family, oi =Sue vr as a Chucega visiter Weukigsu sud fir. sudil Ame. Mexl-eh, of The Wst Bide Pleamute club, ai Hobit Day weeuees ofn local relatives ivaànhos v ilI gi vs a dance elt tle M. W. hi.tsamctsd business lu the andl frieu Son ay. A. halLet ivanhoe oun5'rdax nigbA of b aia. -A iresb stock oi lutenatuonal stock ibis veusk. Au -ayitec mrpper viii le nchaffer, of Mclieury, vas ea food ch the Waoonile pbiirmacy Invitas iecved. Meuy froin boe are pannn g ta ulier. the ttenitiatu ai eviry tanner andl dsiry attend. Cieck, Oi Barrlngtoii, vasea'meuiisviilliy: ..Doa!i fog the Scense et th union viitil * rlnd a John Blaine sud so, of Lake Gi-aiva, -Depot at h Okefi-ler Unionichool M". em wibWis., i-neguastet te bén oui-tf . Nov. 2. I IW nydtdwt Sondad. enil Mirs. Wm. McDovellcil nd famly Mr@. Ro der @pont si-verai dayi vilh qu 81da. te bsnesSetnrday sud Suday. b ler nother ren. Ncoly et Lelghtau. È W. Sovisa trausctom bsnesjudeadMoKbmtuotfo MF tb firt of he wflk. tlefil omerin coula4ge et Lake Geneva, Mr. sud M ni. Freye are entertaiag the1 8à Pýoveca v1ýhoae Condition vas Wis, ta Chicago, regiateresi et the- Jeuks farmer'@ brother fu-çn the Cty.1 lust week le reparteil ligbtly boelles t Friily elvsniug. Fneil Theis, oai«limer, calleil on finonde Mr. andl Mm. Wmn. Shawv sud sou bers Fridsy. Ail Mma W. A. Crois, Oi Cary, Vs-mou, f Ninda, vIited ai the homïe Arthur Berghocu cpi-t Suday et vlth *relatives ansi- munda. bers ot Mr. andAMrs . J.B. Tarnmil sud boume. family auay andudSndey. emenirer Nov. 23. wea"v exteuilouïr Congratula.- tIicrJ#l Tuuuimki- sund B. Weaver; oif M. aud Mm. Dean Ayuely visiteil ,Vu-alys vamwee long ou3 Cary, and Mise Nina'Patl, ni ibis place mu-ails et Dundee Subday. sg uplA»d neye, are pepring ta intreurli theueive@ Bernardl Swanu I-fr Taeday for île .i Mm..J. Goldng andl famiiy uPuantheir eciu n lueatbwesteru City vherene lviiamelt Edpaysvii Wmules-to isure or ihir ni-v Colado. hie Cristmes Iree.. iior&manet Tesay.1. LH arrionuiiteâ with Chicago WinuonseiM dy*vng .1 ca.L. . Brdlk rtarijreleives Snnday. Hi- vas accompeuliled t Weukegau. an his retuai by Mcc. Harrison vho bail Wbd&y v eeln cter a fi-w dilsysbei-n enjoiug a tew isys iiet the Mr@. -Sheramnshmbs citarai-Ihame j* crelmatives and friands. Ihmeniof hir pari-n ts. M. cddEns. D. M. arter avis-L'e vist vii t' aives lu tle1 *T. Allbrlgt, ai Michigan Cuiy. Buingesu. Cty. Ltg.adlugtheveThehebue Fa Leadier snuouuîeso that il bail a John Ziminer sud son Lo, of Long tlýrste Mc.-esud Mr@. Chias large dose oft vermiuge reaily foraus las Grave. vertin tavu Sanday on ihemc Iw i-e. Tating t t tnieuratioa ithe way ta-'A aukisgan. anai-Devie bus retîunuei Trom tact that h vas wiihbeld, vi- astursliy ise Anus Conkhlti- spi-niWedaeeilay Ivaai&eve.sbehahmi-eu mstag infer thai the uboys" resuil ed ndin tbu it y. me wlsb relaitives for th.efi-at tvoaeppreciati-il the faci thet ibsy ni-d iilAilesMavme Meng aud nephew, iii a. varethan diII e. D@lieý vr qssa h oeýo Mis Caherine and Cla Freundl Focrlbth e pit f ut lîiee aimahave'thei-rpisne acr gesie hatbehe.f ý st te horne 01 thetr iel-r, Mmr- e.ri--ictbiight humlook anp)lime loca tt rn-e iii m.Gia hthr Sncb la the City Satacda.y ead physîclens elhi-epîm umnibmunirs wai-abes1 -Boa Alvîmuil eeut lest vus-k t homue. T.. *, 1 i-unai it auliatili- r, 1mnllisim tIrm hi-cc Mm. Sionnoîuus sud chililmen vho have Mdi Mr&a. R. Graham @po-nti as flunas: Ur. C. fi. Wells, No. 102; basa viiting aitb ber parente et Evas- tht thomeansoa the laIte-j Dr. Jas. Dawson. N. 3; Dr. M, E. ton elurnesi bons Suudey. Wig Isççof Iralture toibave oround the bouse in case of sicknessor -feoW pSee tut ý IS OUR GREAT SPECIAI -OFFER go woba itisltfu large S1 0 Morris Chair for $4, or better stiil, Igou mag bave tisis char YRtit witbout eau coot to gou whatever Or purchasieçi i gto the aouint - I 01 "0S5cash $4 in moitet wilI also be entietle,0onle Vour fater or niotherwoshd be deightrÀ witho',ne 0o these chairs (il tie oridagi Vos wiI ai bave a chana 10 gelt iti cWar end if takes gou on Mand n4 @ÈiovfUlerr. Se.ser- aIWmaicblves sois Rockesllr sud SanMud 4*5.Sa»&>.. Fred aGs eW., b4d snme bey baied lest À briday perty ve given in bonor of Welter aGoiavlllssTussilaievsmdug l ieln h1 neveutscith blctbday. Quite a nm r aofyunga pevers pressaS. kIl vfahed hlm -mauy more sacb happy birthdayi. Mis. 1.ena Keller vimo bas bei-n kep- ing hanse for bar brotber for sons tins a Freinant Center bas r-cign- d ef hons et présent. Dled, et ber home bere Sunday norning, Mca. Nlckoi.y, Sr. of a linger- ing ilîneeu ad ege. Fanerai vas m-id Tuesday afiercoon et île Latheren cbutch, Rev. Humnel affleictlug. lnter- mienS vas et the Lutherau cemi-tery. Sevéral of the farmre in ibis viciulty lied Abeir -arn abrid-ilthei-pasi week. M. Umbdenstock le lu rather poor heaib et proment wvng: Mn. andilMme.Wil Smitb sud t45tily ol Palainesvers île gueesotutMrn.d Mrla. W. Kietiper sud iamily Sunday. bpi m o bi i r t pioynett, of Henry Itoloif et Barrlng- ton for acO»uplé weeke returned, home 8un4ay. Mr. Luire sud iamiiy bave saluilafe- well ta, Long Grave ad are now oun thers- wsy to Germany. Mn. aud MAN. Flsbing, ce, Marie Wiuuece, arettic parents otal 0lb gir bain NOV.89. Cougrstnlalions ex tendd. Dà!@i], ut lh4 home lu Paletinie Octaber 30, Mr.Vnogt and one wi-ik tram hle deetb Nov. 5, i s wi-. Bath are oid end mülcli i-cpicti-ilci la-usi. Funenel was[coin the M. E. chmmch sud they were laid ta rest lu thd cemeteny on thre Billelda. eMarriedinluPalatine at tiii- huume of bride, Wednesdy, Nov. 7, Mile% Aime Vois eldest danghter ot Mr. aud UMcm. Wm. VasetoWuin. H. Zuellick, of DemPlaines. They wiii ci-ceive their many fiende alter Nov. 10 iu the fiat formerly owned by Adolp (larinp. Charles, Me.vers, féthpr ioi Mme. Wm. fDobermann, vas burt hy the cars, thçy 8track hlm on the back oI lise liaila f eeke&go, ho vistaken tohisqdîughter'e and lies ueousclout- Set. Mmm. Vauflon hadl for ber guest Mr. eWells, oai1Ivanhai-, avec Suuday. Miss Berthe Pepper, oi Leke Zurich, i8 t aking a terniuidrCEnimat ing with Id r. Hastings lu Palatine et preoeat. The ledies ai the W. R, C. are to gise a buzaar Tbntsday altennoon andl eveuing, BNoir. 28. A fint cimw supper viii be setved. Ail arc lnvlted tu be preseIýt. Mmm. Aima Si8i, ut Evaneton. le viiiitiug celatici-» aud frleîuds luPaltine Iat preseut. Mc. Hamuroar papularyouuiit iiuggigt was niarticil Saturday, Nov. i10 ru a lady lu Chicago. Mfay tii-lt lices lue long sud bappy. M. Richmnduilascafting ut fnuin l tPalatine Saturday. .BARRINGTON. Misa [Rose Lnndwu-n laenîtemtaining a lady fr-nil iront Ubleago. blias Biaîi:ewS duiig. ni Pl'atline, Iattendeil the celîcarai ofthe Girl's Cadi-I baud hi-ce Tas-adsy afli-rnon. MNs. .JothniWVi-cli ad daughter. Miii iAnnaelle we-îe Cicamgo vi8itoce Monday. le Union revival uuiuetiu gs are lu proitr-ai nrh ulialeiîln chii, 11, ev. Guy Pic-lji-,of Iowa beiug tIhe eccuguliet. T'flia ptiut Methodist, Z:înil îu lu churcheiiare nu-nee m-ery esiiiig at 7:30. ýdMise Rua Naetii-r, ai Chicagoî, mesn Suaday a et ii- iini- of hi-r parenta. Mfr Isud Mme. C. F. Naehi-r. * Prnt. Harrie, of tChticago,. beld lus tirat W sisma tiof the- Choîral sîxiety lai-t Mu day uigbt. 18 Mis@ Junnie Landwer. Laura ahi Jaunie Linmuti ai-eiDuudee ci4itiré Su Thuceday. Arthur Bloeiiii-er sest Sunday ai Wbegling. De Mr. aud Mcc. Tiliman. ni- eEier, r iSHighlaund Part, vigiteil: aith MNi SGi-tIrude Sehai-minSuuday. it LAEZURXH eý ta rade out dis $100~ oued REGLLAR PRIE $10.00 r etntiou je particularly iîelied ru the hecuminim is linn alosmg sblbibi hla ir li»îuit. Notice lii. graceiul carvinge qumlur vtbe.geni-i atliume. lu consti-ucton the ta aiele huitb torîîaghly seamoned dry-kibed stock lunmali n ly gulebed la ,icb golden. Sei ut lii-theiiprovi-d open teal sud sprng construction. Back le @iea holsted la i.xcedhigly soit sud reilieut. A fiatari- wothy oiflots is the ni-w style broad back. leudin# siî, dln-lty b s.The back boas adjastebli- allai ui-nt ahicli pirilla aof te beiag raei-i or lowered tuamay deslcs position. le Of bu.t iaterla uImitationnolive lu.thec. guuaid Sgar ......f.. 100 1 lb Teli-umu> euil-i Raisgins ............1 (lId Muisal Flouaiper 49 lb Back ...1.1 ....cRvusOt na. 2 iiii Ouir Bestt e Ts ..............8 Ceeeta Fboan lir 49 lb Ssck ....1.0 Bmu ..................... 1quîart iauNi-w tOrleans Mataiss. 10 - Wes............ ...... 1 N. Y. Full Creain Cheee.............18 Vtos ............. 25 7 Ili i ersey Baet Patatom ..........25 A fll nov lino of Ponlneular Steel -2 ............... s5 SBnc Utivaitit Sgoal? & I 10t. Bar.... Ranges sud Haneroa for wood Or coal 7 #D omW abng po d-r ... là P shniolii- S cp ...........................25 jus t lu. ac aur p nices befor itou buy. Wnashng PowderAil -2 Bans Gaivaaic Koap & 1 e lipg .... Every ane guaantsed., .............. 238 SBans henni soap ................... - . ........ .U 12 Bars Vit-are Susp ... I ............ 25 W.CNWS.Palad.& .El- C .r.n...10 12 Bas Noali Saap ............... -2 tnt-PLtailroail tickets fon sals bere. s it LA Roland Bai-ti-r visiteil bers Saaday. George Prumianeauacti-ilbasinies lu Chcago Tbansday. WIilRami-yen viaitad relatives hi-ne Satardey and lluday. Lau Gaary viitadin laWaakegsu hat vesk. ý John, Wolf and tamily movi-iltheir hL..JA .-..4 O.êthe K nickerbockerr oalu--! cdftffa hei Mm . FRosit visited i vii rends la Chieaga aver Sanday. WIII Ahigrîiandl f cenil, of ChiCega, vers <n on a hanilag trilp ber-s Suuday. Mr. and Mcm.Selp cnd MfSJeuie vWWts la Waukegsu imi pk. UmsaPearl Dooflte returulng vltb ibem Fnilay. M. Bmni&h one ot aur coal sud iel dsalers vfisitesi aI bis home et Carpeuter- ville Sundey. Mm . bheming'e brother, ai Kankakee, viited bers avec Buuday. H Papper eippeil a fuil bloodeil 1. 0: E boa toLloyd, Ioa, ibis viek. MimePaline clausins ansiMisaJaiia Thacatonvilistact drmemakiag in the front moins above Me'ereestars. Finales Wiso as easgted bis position si lenk at J. D. Flek's store. Mm. W. C. oiVisitas in Chcago lest vsek. MT. andl Mie. John polin vere guesate et Win. Blokuase ver Buuday. Mms Louis Seip and danuiter Malel viiti in Chicago aver Senday. Tb*YUI Dw la15 pesAi On Ti th H uc.edtu ehi. buretarued froc. lir& b" Vo14 _Ç lamiouslyfiL, l.p. ~ z»mi 0e. oi-.. lwlbber. ,Le. lwesworM&m a buiness trip ta Quo Manamt et.rdeY lu Chirag.. Tin Mhitchll as sutenialusalby ber ter Mca, J Dolismir, ai bertyvllle ni-. iAl Lau. Ad ieSvh Mma. H. A. mohla w esk Thursday citernoon, us i.=. Jalned au Ihet day. Next oiSth1 l i aieA vltb Mrs. P. G. Mmre M. A. Waaner and chililmen, of eysake. vialîitedvlth ber efeter. Mdmr. G.Masiber avec Sunday. Mns. Llitbefl eand Mca. L. Roder, oif lockefeller, vilttad wf AhlirM.a. B:Stslling id cnlenouPrairie Viev trieuds mureday. Mr@. Harvey oon callesi on Mmc. reOrly saruriley. Till Mitchell sud Ethel Knedler speut luusdy night wlîh the latter'm aunele, r. sud u-s. R. A. Smith ail lncidently iak lu île show et Ruckeeiler. George Amen a anil cildlte, Mary and artin speut Satardey -sud Suaday valtimîg relatives lu Chicago. . Mr@. a. C. Richards and daght.c ilyctie were LlberiyvillecaîfersSatulrdar. sue Mam sos MAWednesaylorDoWiner#. rave wbere sbe wll he the gues oftber oiser, Mr@. Dr. Shalier for tw.a weeks. .Mr&. Henry Schroder sud son MarshallI u9led on bsr motber, Mu-s. Vom Fnidar. Mr. ad-UMm. J. Sil.ldiey, of Liberty- ville, wseeprairie iew caDi- lait veek bmuiday. Mr@. Fred Ois sud chililmen visiteI tbin parents, Mr. sud Mme. Fred [ernebberger ou Suuday. - - - - - - - - - - NOlSE Of SET-OStvee Av.roit SALE-nul booithznioulb Rock. P&~:08PiWdL 76 --- MSeit FQW USNT-UOU u uivwsm smo FOI, REV4T-4 toou~ boum on IIus* -tu. to th~b MA~MT DAY-fis Ws4a.sda~ o acmotb. Seingyonr pffuo4ue b. Wbln a*.5.Rt muv RAi Wbselu. >Ma «W12 IlR SAL-AnEs10Mplrgnsu Sable for sange bail, echool or 2bureh, As gaod m MW. L C. )DfOM , -tf BUSINESS O14ANCE- am de.rous of retlrjug<trom business sol oSer my. stock 01 generel mrchnl.efor sale 8-tf D. SveoÂm, Lake Villa. lis. FOR SALE-SO acre tam B miles vernI FO!Rns S Lak80ee a., Ii. ilesrraved of ron laue .,Bann. Teil lmy usd. G0rvelmilsu. Blarn*. Toymets.Lie Intert . UireovgyMmtYA. Pss: Garase, flil. - i-tf new, lu Lake Zuric. Price $700. Murte lendif des= d. 2E . .. L-k. Zurkch, Ili.- - - - -- - - - --- - - - tf- I. LL 1~ . JOan " Tomu. 7 I FOR RENT-Rause la Uheryvu. 5gggy LÂ'wahwu, Uhswtjvluls 74 P~WUALI-A tbre.-horse tweed powsr lied mutleg-sad c e:ber wlc. b.- sold ch.sp. W. J. Sfge, Gruysieke.- 7- FOR----- --- ---------n iî a. k. avenue, ueerly ueW. RarI H..Oorlett Llbertyviik 7« FARU FOR SALE-118 acres me, mlles west of Ouraft. Lake (couîtt. Iii, Ricb black sail, penty of fruit a adwater. (Iaad building@. Appiy îîî-* B Iiuxmut, Garni-e, IN. 44 MONEY TO LOAN-On appcovusl real seté escuitY. B9X. H. MILLESt. Liber- tyvile, Illis.38-tf FOR----- REI-T-Atarn -o--24 -re --o- ai île ehss gricelru 19ARM FOR RENT-Near Ivanhkbs, ro5 hoou acres, Eliw. avas, Llhertyvllle. 49tf On' cattie inquire IH. GZIRL. ANTED-.Fînt clama girl for'~ secoud *ork. Caîl Libertyville 124 LOUT. 3 Màes. Ruair. Grattn Stock Ver.- 4-tf From MOy1 liCLNON-h getcI-nr.Ti ouly preparaîbon for vevet., fs-subers, kid gluves, eilîs, a-ilion anudl oolen <ouai. Agent L. A. Dvs, Ni-wber ami,- hlbertxue. 11-5 bu ,,w eidi., ln M chigall. le iéte Mdet9 mbueq FO vieting eliItivem and callhug ou oid FOR SALE-tne ul os i O Division lit, Litiertycilue, barin sd 4)ty frend8. chieur boume, % item- lot. Addlsema X venit The Village Inbas tien cio@eil, lMr@.-4IEI'ESîEcarl. Sapi' having docîdei to q uit the bueiiesi. .J fara She 1.11 Tueapday lu join Capt. Saph. Au A extended Clit la Boston and Other iFARM FOR SALE-Plâce kmowe' meA;f casteru point lie planueil. John Rlanc-frtrn. 81i acres, gand bulfi. W lugge, outhwest cornler ut Freinant.' Mr. and Mcm. A. 0. Meether and Muet Ie suold et once. Addnm sGzM. WAI eilîdren and thpir miiter, Mr&. M. A. pAuER, Waeueonda. 4.4-tf milsl Wagner and chlldren @pi-ut sunday wlth -hol< their parents, Mr. and tirso. Hansat COCKÈRELS-Füiii hlnod lYrourl hi Queutius Corners. mock tai-kerpis for Klm,$1 eaeh. Bvsos B. A. Knoph spent BaturdaV aud. Cnîaîv PhoniE 464 Libertyville. 4-tf Buîidcy ini Chicago Ni§titeg witlhli@i _____------------___',_------------- 32 une. Congressinan-elect Phil Kooph FOR SALE-A tew Tory choieRa Il-- and wife. chics hoar pige oired by the' great WA1 Mrs. Auna liusoil aud Mm e (-et and Cotumbus Le. welghing 700) Iho and out froir clîdren ilot Tuesdey for Virginis. M. of owe weighing 50)0 fi. Thee 199 iii Gi-et necedeil them lest week. Mn. and combine great àcize aud quality. Prim mms (Ici-t sxpect to malle Virginla their reasouabie qualit.v considered. gA'L, future home. CON!IELL, Rondont, P. 0. Libertyvilie. F0I T heew le adail dgseeb4-5 ni thie vcntlsw ek, a luabe hound îi tbcluguta Orile Fot.1shaKnFOR SALE-40aecmkoneoonCou'ru c p to Cthabl s. ei- -c ldoe w_._ R entier farm , lu Frem o ut. G ond s al. tl iitt-4 elth. o e ilr.[ as stdîte a01Becey Boehm Muet be od II icebeau malthatr i o a o toc.Iqieo .EiRL ias . nîsd. lakil i.lF.PD. ld f l Mca.ý Chas. Oc-nly enti.rtaiiîwd lertua ro father, Mr' Windett and lier sien, Mrm. FOR SALE-43 cille for $5.2 tuS aildc.a Wiide sud childreni of lIdiana lest ietk., sillo and 10x][0. J. C. HlEREL. Prairie Mr, and Mrs te. N. Maxwe-ll are Visa. I1I, eutortaiulug their suri ithîir.FO f)jioi titzentbslor andlfauii-xpre-t e)thT tr 1uO 001 tu e E E. Eiîsiu mo.11uunw JLui occupi-il by George Aimnohn, ni-t s1,riîig. lirs. reighton, Daisy Bradley anîd hie %fris. Frank Route Ivio hba hieu ou jo lhe mick l limacanin nlttitue ont. Amai-crepiut lluilay with relatives a811 Cliarliji'Sturi aud Franik Kiltoy wil isel hur grft e ai li iact as caritakera tlthe- ViIllîirlxîîIu Ms illn r'tafadm ihc untilthé»ii.reiiocali i theii- i riltur- l'y Mis Hoag~laîil. (,aie t. andl ilrm. saîîîîî Tiie ard clb là-di i î.i cd part ' v Nit. and lins.John Tully cand Mr. and Sslurday nixhtlt tIhie home of Mlýleii-ilii Mfrs. lFrank Tiîiiy vi4tclt w itil thir )Yom aud ail report c very fine tfle. ~ ci-o-r. lIs. E. Il . Mim and ai iland ul ,.. stheur iiotlier, Mro. E. I jli- lîîait week. U N 12( m Card of Thanks. 1Mc. andlrmic. Ed. Suiiitt are eiîo-rtiiiîî- i We wisliita thank oui fritifls îind iug a siiti-r tf AI r. $iîitîsiiimuilin hli <suirtiors for thî.ir nisuy kiniîesaes tii Mcsa. vii lias lii-iii îInitps c farui neu duriug the lonîg itlitit-andudvai ficli wk 0oîr aile aud mothier. (Go0. STURI7iAND 45FÀMIi. %I r. and 'Alra. W. W. Aiiiuti.yîîid i.îrtu I ii it sturtdiay for a trip ttnouili te,%mit- 1 i Mcam. Kat- Staffer visite-f tii-ndseta Fox Lak u Siiîiy. Ars. (irabaiî alînwa verYmiick lai-t wueL le improving. Auguot Efanéen, 8. Berîsouiand Tyleii-c(lbert havi- bail heur ucoi Pehreddtai. Mme.Walter White wcs c Chien~igo viitor Satarday. Ilitiord White hi-t for Mississiplul tact veek wbere be bas acepti s position foc the vînter. Tiers vil e au oyslec cupper st thue Monaville schooi bouse a urday night Nov. 24. Supper wilii le erved for 25 cents. Coine aud spend l ep-aut evening. Thoos.Murphy vili pinothe vint-r lu Chicago. Mr. andl Mm. Wm. Caine anut Suuday wltb Mr and Mu-Ce. ayet Ricbnîond. lur-î airt- royaily i-nti-utiuii-il ticlw ctiN'liui-cuii Tuii-iaY attu-ruisu ii. Ecen-yonr lur-eciut repîort» a gîuîîd iuwi. . l niiiiis-r of ouir r-sldpite are thavitc- trluiliiîiesligitu.d bthile acuiraiy ru.- <tue ligftui. Laa'renic Haines c-hueu-il tfrîmiah i. visait inm Chicagco Wadiauu:haY. li c broken last wai-i-k tg-ting aloîgic iely a adi-c limecari- ai Dr. Joli-.. Ralpm Chittenden a-bu vss quille 111 je abl- lim be aroanil again. (ieo. Dehlel uni-i itb a painfai accident Tnesday ly stePPug Onu a neil. Ens@. G. Dsvcy viited vblh ber parente lest vsek. Mise hydie Gerber ytsltedvih ber parento S.larday sud Sanday Wh ;. .1-tu - .. t ). - Mre.Dea lavleSin vit reatIes u M. Gerber @pent Sandsy vitb bis Nundla. iuiy Mn laFaruvorth, O ayi yîla Mn. Gi-o. -Thatcher sud childrua ca AI ma r it e at r I r . u i visit ai vt h ber par st s o ui- day la.ât i Chamberlainr. Bna eola :0euc olw isa Apeseraynelea pending a ewa Sads eples1 m0ti-arinfothoe veeke la Chiego withbhem ni-iraUMie. iu9 aud yonnpepsmetginh- natuAmen. avening ai 7:30. Fine veather for haakinqç cocna e î Elle aud Fred Tavuer iîited et Lib- ilcys more like lest veek vull mes mont of ert-yville Saiurday and Bandai'. the fiide ceared. Fred Tovuer tranuct0ei business la W. P. Beach made a business tiup ta Lake Forest oui- day lest veek. Lattavilla, lad., on Mondey. You cma hear the âbemsders bam Ibis Choir meeting CM ibe parsnage an - i-i-k. Baturdey svening. The fixSures foc thesni-v saloon arrivai Um Ada, Kuebker speut Suday ai Sanday. hons. Ed ward Crati le on the sick limi. W. are sarrY ta repart Asa JoicesOn The scboohle planning ta give a enter- the sck liS. talumentin t he echool bouse Fniilay Ou Friday night (hanighi) the WeSer éeaug lOy. 28. Bide pheaurs club, of Ivaunh os, vili give Mu-. Koch viitadin hi Cicago a feu a daimcalet tie M. W. A. hall Many -rsda"s lut veek. planning ta attend. An ayoier sapper Mcr. â l Mc. d Mitchell vimeil vlwth vi» be 5emrved. île former'@ brother Geo. M(itWaLi WutymWbes us of the marriage o TieEf.& ,ciraibaeailui Wo r d Ptomjr. fusteai]W=a bWu. tvah usse for ther mployee. nt n Lake colDt.. Icated on Dmd '2y.Pilles frjîîî (luuse y tffld and wili *tahle -W hest ior moré. Woi wat-Sdwe. 1C. LiNuitu, Ournes. fie. 7-4 ITRAYED OR STOLEN- u lae, a pair of shosewand bat. s, FA. FRSLE1-nf-lu-tvle 71 ai-ces, finf suil, i-Il waters-e, »W- huai-, ,&Onclistraa ndIcliii. t1 . Carv, Libe tyville, li. 74J r %ister aniiigsuý; watlimodern con- - ise on South illèdirick st. AMna in fon sale oc relit. luquir- ot JAUrs ikegn. . 1-t %NTED-Hcîuee and lot within !A' le of Chicago in cii-bauge foc ease- Id anl funuitare of good peylng sstab- id no)ouîiiig iiîusi. lumîine,. lient 9inîtinie $103 fier nionîli; veluei 200, Fine. lsaâtin. Studdifîîtd. 2 Prairie A ve., Cbmcego. 7-3 kNTED-Farus ithililaeinte rutle; nn 40) lu 11M c-es. wilt- oc aiihouit dirige. AdiIci-au i. .1. EtulNI~., flms. 7-4 R RENT-Farsm of 145 acrs 2 miles tbwiet of Lilattyville. Wlthin hall e aif îlîL plaltotm. Uood buildings. veniemt for ahip1ulug mllk un ciller twoi iiils-oadis, 1-E . LDais, Liherty- le. 2.Uf Feed Grladlnir. i ii grinîl i-i-il, cot and coil), latur- iy of ofi i-aceh iik until lunther nutle. I-RASE DULi-H, f vanhai-. 4-4 OR SALE-242 i-me stock aud dairy ru, % uiilui voutheasl ni Wsuendm, tke i.iîiiuty III. imprumil wilii uew ,use, humt siiîj wu.ll n suif i ansd "essary outl IuiTdisigs, irclsrd hiiber fineîu fre-au wat-rpil. iîstri iiin tati- Muet ie sîld ut ic- to c.- aili-cltaIe. Make offer. 2Acre Stock andîîl iiin tari3 iii0p- -est ot (îlenilw, Ciiik vîîîîîîîl li.. on intod a ud la-w nuitfîii barn. E iiad icrîlad -lhefort81V<) pi-r acre. 20 Acre Farm-Ne-ar B lue Islandl 2 iî. triiil ii.Iliiutlîicn statioin inîirovpd tii gumI d iiise. und lianiiaiil out iîlGa t;f< m-thardît ai 27 aire imts-r cui team- r-titii-vllrfittîr dcry nu risi 100ler aci flaceai-ci-rai <tutuftams whiv ii îu«t ai al i fiti or ucti-i vo. Aiiili-acetate .lîiisic i.<'(uI. 11M tiAshianil DEERED1 1~ ar,- viiitiiig ailliJ. C. uùr ad family. Miosa attie Natunlilie, iiiChicago, ais-it Suiîlas witiitt M. aîd tire. Ed Misa MahliClalpper, oi shi-rmerviil, visited iatii Misa He.ieuCurrie Widuesday. Tii- Misses Igabel, Frances and Jî>sephyue Beeirsedt atteudeil the Aujunal Concert <iieu by the Chicago Musical cuti-gi- St Orchestre hall Tue&- day evëinug. A înmber froui-ote tetnde4, the Floywer shavwer hld inChcag last'tteekr. SMie Cara Ender retamned home Setuu-day alter spening the nommer with selatives ln New Yock. Mr. Mayer andl femîly, ai Park Rldge gpeet Suuday wlth F'. E. Noyer aa la[nily. Win îr **P'... .... . __ people ai Deerfiilare enjoylag the play Ben Bar held lu Chicago. The ni-mains oi CharisS. «11mars vers broagt to Deerlield for huril Wednse- da, o. . Theervices %vers bsid la the avacy Prebyen clumc,Cbl 0. The B1ey. W. i. Stwar o0 lting. The AmitY Club vili mmeut vithIMiss Amamdeb Knaak Tuesday evenfng. Mr. snd Mn,. Breve., of eauthecn Illinois, are visitng with tbe Lytle iaiuily. Anyvoue wishlng in subscribe for the qiNDmE-~ENv Tor psy eityees submerip- tion do aitAh. Fair store. S.'P. f Hutchisan, Prop. Mm Bertsbecg, af Chicago, visiteil with Mmne F. Horseberger lest veek.I Cari of Thanke. We wieb ta tbsanc urfienls and ail who amimted ns for ibeir kindu inleur ni-ecent urne af trouble ibe deaili af anc heloved humband sud lather, Mec. CHas. 8. 0GiarSÉ katM lF'aUILY.' AdvevtlBeIlathie 1(U~4UiF [t buesthemcircurlaionh- -A 1usd or pof tits tsor jwwv. Ask a$50 Casm h cMrd. làm. la0 ai b titids 1. 119»itOUDivWob 1 1 1 loi ------------------ 111 Il. . 1 1, ol -1 id 1 , - 1. .16 l 1 11 91 z 1 ---------- p