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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Nov 1906, p. 6

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- ~~P m.lu -----------.~ - X(o eb W *"for .xâmilnation Bho'O@dlouSd The cit>' bor of education la foc- Zibet>' ns a bd stete of affaira ln the town - higl i li. 111000= .IL LARl2 The school han an Insuafllcent nm Ooe om.ve Smith & Davis bar of techers unid8t0*gomet à num- phomqU 55 Ileidence phone 761 ber of studentu, e. that sema cof the imiU to 12a. mrn1 inoa and 7 to teachers actuaiîy have' t. face 160 P. M. tudents dalfy in thir classes. Uberyvlle. Dinoa IAs foony tudents la a aumber Iliat __________________________one teber ean bondie adequately L TAYLOR. and gve eaeh one enough personai at- DL J. teatounta guaradtee good recuits. the 0We VEEM i0 a AL' situation la serious and the board ln l10 a.m. 2 tO4 "d 6tu l"king for remedies. P4~ . Thun far the oni>' rernedY proposed ai",- on BreaAvwa. OPPOsteP%5k-t. e the erection of a high achool bulld- 12wvie. DaniOs. ug cand the hlring of mare instruet- ors, whicli ceornetue logîcal thlng ta Dz C. IL GALLOVAY. do. onor tan s.ovuu,'cls m ontae. The matter of a igh achool site bas long been up ta a site cornnitteo sand 1o --ociteu8& and ô ta8 p m. :bide and sites bave beon sdvertised LbcWel'll. Ilhis, for with wht are consdered gond re- IL&HA TCFL MD Phloica ansd Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Parai Ifhigloul. fi. Phone 882 cute. Hoîevei-, tise board does onat con- ider ltself cafe la venturhng on tbe prject ot a uew foin hlghB Ccfiao building.until tuniher legai stops are, takea, uben the remOiy illI bu ai> pled. Ed. and Louts Iook, Oousins, Choses Berne Weddlng Oay, Semée Tallor and Bl rn an o*o-le Misses Effie Maton and Avi Doolittle the Brides.' t1. net t4) lue ulm ail cIt cIt tif an mi co Me nt af Ci A% se au .t tb El gr tK ~Pant Fmneiy Equipped. b »M OLIVE &- LA CHAELLE Macinury le hou beiag laetalled lunv' ll.wRaUm'Niî I.fthe plant a! the North Shore Eleâiica BANJO, GUîTAR ND i aisjs tCampany. The plant uhen compteted w iil be onu o? the beet eqalpped ln Will Organise Cliii. the state. ...~u t '~c 1 > tue coadIl ueetlekg - - liioît- .m~ ibe~cveicgtise eceWty ,or theicretail merhante dellvered ta te aldermen a tirade agalnst iinrnît t PAUL M C GRMmerchante. iemandlng action againef I, ATToRNETy AT L.AW. tlem. The caunicilmen are of thI opinion ibat tise pi-usent pdilnance làbertyvhile, Ilinlois. cavera lie ground. Mr$. Chtarles Lyon ies. DR. E IH. UITH. IOtiMoaiay, Novemiser 12. bMunie ornrwr. Smib ert L.yous. ailler an> illnetis or, arnc ovs nsa cinit Sli tibres iays, pacsed away. She îas ueeu-S ta 12 & a. nsd 1 tu5 p. m. bra in Wesf pot. Cblin>, Auguet 27. DAILY. 1874, and cpent ber happy ch diboi Ubsatvhllie. Illinois. and yotb Ia Chîcago. Bbc uas grai- atai uit honora f rom teWest Di- MR GOLDIN visionti bgh echool la 189:1 andl for scv- DENTIOT oral yeare îas a iiuccencf ai teacber In Bouse 0 te 12 a.r.-1 ta p.m. the echoole of Che ciy. Suie sas papa- Kaiser fBlock Iar n tneibo ccet>' af ber many trlende Ubertytille, Illinois on te west cie andi sas a charteri mamber o! the Maibeon Club and ai- 3 . F.uUr waD uys oneofo its malt active membens. VWNUINAE smsou'< Sînce ber mariage ta Chailes. R. .,, ~ Lyoen, la June, 1900, elle bas taken a ~ ~ promînont place ln Waukegan saclety. __________________________ here her sterling qualitiee o! gond foloiship, untnag eners>' and frieni- LYNM MQTHM S lîness enaeared ber toalal. She es a active member us! the t ~ Choral Uion, the Preebyterlan choir Lifuly laoomcti.. and ualdentfled s'ib otier literai-y lias 88u L4hU*vllm. niI. snd pillauthrople iork. Mer ucusuai ablit>' #Ad ethushaul alecgliltoer>'y, W. O.RAMIIL'-D C. rtistieand musical ulnes mcde ber su -' Vtgi4si~ uêgus c i etat Impotant factor i tbe lireo! Wau- amos, aw Day kagan, ubere sie wlli . ho mourned lu P. 0. Prarie Visu mauy circles. Uboli ý'ii uerai sfr-Om the home. 'Pionws Ubertvhlls196 317 Sheridan rasa, ai 2 oclack, Wed- couda>' aftruooc. Burial pri-tete. A. K. TIAINSCehebrte lgh#leuh rthdcy. L4WY= mma George Kmocbe, grcudnetber 218 VSI5<êia Blue . .V. Orvi.ofet hîs Ciy, colo- Wmaksgun.bratai 'ber elghtleti blrthday part>' ________________________thuuria>' ovenlng ai Iremont. Tue»- DR. DWAI) . srr~ ty-lte grandehldrec suad grent grand- chtreu--preueutod her with elt>'Y 015Mte aodReelOeopposite AYOsleY'b caruations. Rsfmehrnents uer. serv- store ed sud ihere s'as a genoral social R li4u. , ltia"time Imua the spiit af uhlcb the ven- erabie lady enterai ta the full. PIlos Lberytlle 44Bie bas reildod for'atlty-iua yeara _________________________ inlaFrernont and la c thboughiy loy- Abe and bloved chai-acter. n W I VIIISIN I[N V Mi. sud Mrs. Orvis atiended. eHoussefor enti ilpat attb:t>. Coreluesud get i Cmi SPECIAL 4OMEBEEKERS @y- eusiffl te tie far nethwesi. PromI 0>. lmaekih black loam lande, lu a a hm» e fIse clil. We havi land lsi fin 413 P.-, acre up i oti InsB5m bi ulrlgaedterritar'. Su VACANT LOTS-la ail the sub- diides. Bu»Va 1 d we will buMh " *'b oues aondhiito ytoua w $UINESB LOTS-Forsale ou Mlii- *W*m 0a"Ve ariitpriea. PAIMS FOR BAE-Wa have thsrn 4 dm J5LLot lu know what FOR BAIE 3,000.000^ARES- * 4~da PoMe alua ar banda ila1 aay asobeaAlIÀlaL Leus jIlai Imn Ifttps4t "q tiIuil Mae ou Copaomtodzmotha. emblesd 7um lmîs oçpen »tIs 1MWat,09.00 as 48»e 2APdou mcmlbaumaesluli Bts = #mome ourmM 6 ersent. 614 a 815 m ce$ld~iacre 1wie ,1907 W. mai@ epelu gemaëbu ate*ta Alerta ead Uatho ieff usg tgo uith m n ethe 'Il..TassesP«,sadbe la tii.grs spat of y omPa* W~for mesibera '-,lalugeeor#uaIl quims at 06.00 to à%u<s4i. 'or rt s ýJURY CRDS Obýjecite Verdict ho Considers Unjuat 1dm AgrGrlaThe, TwleMon Gond sd rue" For titir 'Lack of Sun».' Nover bas a Lake count>' jury been acori the uay tbe prefout onm wu b>'Judge Doucali>'iIs morulang. The Iraie jstrht pannai forth a toro of is cuttlug ionds on the heiloe twelve lu tic Jury box and for set- oral minutes tlraiod bhom en their Iauk ? of naee uni uttor unfineeft ho Juiymou. Tic jury buildbreughtit laa »sel verdIct, on the case e! Oie People vs. john Zeluski for rebbery. Tbe luise opeuai lb sud i-ed the vret of -40t gulity.<' Irnuoilatel>' ho tarnei on Oie Jury and grilled ccd roated them for sot- oral minutes. "There lo absolutely ne ssuse la fiai verdit o! net gulit>." ho sai. *"You coul ont bave iolpmi net bilcg la a verdict af guili> If YSi bhadceuuldsred tbo ovdence." The outiug cansi mach isabis- nttou n Munger arneng the Jurymen. 0» saI atten us>' bai returneilho the lmryromin, "Wall. w. iii Wbat îe thoght uar4taud If h. dont 'hike îî 1we muoes uhat ho tc»do,* Merges Sing TriIed. Toda>' thé caof.et l.People vs. Kaspon Manger h Io big triai. Nkw ger l ha sgod ulfh qeauiug sud afttmpilag te rape Mra. Anale Trais. lu the icods nuar Tesih aineef on the aiheorlestApail. 1Attorney' James.Van Deuselalude-I feadhng Marger. ulula States tiet-t tic> zanna and Assistani. Miler ance broueculg. e' mi i ageof twnjyoaug mon Prend. lent i tirayoloke - ie, zM and imLois ïîe..k, enoias, wlio #lentanàç bbeedlets )il %*ieswda.y ofthîa wsek. tlnknowng m esch otiier tic twu deiuled ta conlnît1 saition> andi eboooe the sante dar ]poil whliilta wed. 1 Fuati.n t'ioen luit. 11w>'%veut ta the1 date taila, . %nu. Johnis, 09 (irayeleke1 id cboome cuits Iruinti e cmm boit a ati,. lnfilet the ouIdy diffemes lu îui"' 'ie ;V 'uîîg us.n )shw lit that titi'> cue ditfe-lé Kirls. L'A. Ifunk lis thei ni!y son of ùMm. 1ilhIle4iardîietr aud 'le te Nroprietor nIt a i-st cissmuarket ed grkin'lu raysleke. Bis bride le hit 211 eoa1riiut and al- >upibe noîg lady, the dcugbisr 0of Ir. Mar 11asn.Th.> %vitesuuited lu iaîriage at Wa& guWeduseday fternuon by thm ev.D.ToIl athe histcchînreli vicermai t higlini. The. iarrnge of Lo)uiso Houk cnd Um Av! Doolitîlu, a graduat ofai t. Mary's siiooi of mtusie maid deugbter of Mr. and M tra Caaiue Dolittlewlunecellebratied t the a<itei Morrisan, ln Chicag, le lie prm.se of aIMisseMaryv Ho.kand Eva )Ot,,iutle, sistors uf the bride and groom. Mn. ýand Mri. Àd. Book are spendlng hbeir boneymaon le Si. Louis ibile Mir. M r. and Mis. Louis llook are 'ielting Ledlngtou, MIc. Bath couples Ébre ver> popuier li'n asboîitilrayslake and6 have mai>, frieude twho 1olin as in cieliing iteilla .Itfe fuill oIhappinees aud Meuib)ers af thýe hoir <if rieLiberty'- vlle IJatholie cbarch <vil give an enter- ainutient and danreeut the taten hall ait Libeît.yrille next Tiiormda>' uveîing, Noveitaber,22. Ail are l,îvitrd. Road to Beuify Grounds. Thot the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric reillay Intends te take ite Initiative toîard beautifyling Ies prol. erty lit Racine le -evidenced by thc fsct tbat R. J. Mobr, the well kaown local flortet and handacaple garden er, liai beeji engagui b>' Oie company il. la>' out lato a îîark etilp the entire rigit of îay trans île prcsut depat et Tueltis treet ta Asyluru avenue. The grosundesasrrauadlag the dopa are ver>' spacloue and thucu bave been I plaitei and set lith flouers uni sbrubbery and nos' the cîres of mua unier tbe direction or Mr. MoIn arc! worklag tb île soutb. A strlp of grouui fty teet ulde on bib saides o! the track le belng iuvel- ed and plantai uni nexf year the en- tire rigit of us>' ill bu througis a veritable gardea. The compan>' ln- tmndc ta continue the wark ta the norti of tbm deo auastsi-as the rap- Ide and te eveutually have evor>' fob of Ils rishi of îay la the vtiiIt>' o! île cli>' boanthli. The stop ha a commendablo one, and wull aid materal> It he appeler- anc. -o! the country through uhiçh the noath passms. li le premmii dalco mtuailu another year the cempan>' Ul croate a park sud generai rocreation gran above the rapiseand that harle wll be fauud s& Ite meana e! dIver- sion sud enjayrnt Icident te a firut- clsa summer rmont. The ChîcagalA Mîtliauko. Electie ERalli>'Company', ln order coi ta ho impeedeat upon the stone trust for Its baist bas beugit tort>' acres o! quai-r>' landut tuie rapise tram the Hllick Urne & Stone C0rnpsay, for a purchaBe price. o $38.000, and lntend to erect a atone crushlng plant tiiere. CLEARED $1800. The recent fair beld b>' St. Joseph's church. Catholle, 'cieared $1,800î. I was a cuccesa uever>' way and tormn- ed one of. a chain of annual events that are always tageriy ioaked for- werd ta and generoualy patronlzed. C.mtrm a u bm tate C.Lasen.. CharesA&Takaci, Manager 9 The Wolids geie ei an w 14- PAJL VALADON~ t:agie er-xh lulu tI ia othur country, lncluding a srbe of the wierd a»d^fscuatingmolonise, amongwbieb "The Golden liutterfiy md *,be'WtehThe. iaflor and, ceanicd mouko>'r." Prlces-25,8an. W, 75. and 100 1'a the lI dy oftbein ail. Cohen a"d Harite IUt tbali pbenoqWa.l muial bit 1mtoriginal Compsnj' Tbt thea t f il I'UICU-38< 85,00.71 leste ai~*ieud end that 88e oui> way te! corret the a1so n ndsad eais fi> palitica- conventions le a th found lu direct primaries. ln Wbite's article the> growth aud nature cf palîtîcai graft, l met fort>i at consîderable, iengtli and mih a verisimîlitude wblih gives evi- douce tbat b. mcïa s hat be la writ lng about. Thie magazine writer tram nKenna kmaie the genas polk tian. ail seles, countY, atate and nastional. gratter and non-grattai thoir habits and the raies Of tho jx IlilcAlgaines. Asection of bic$gArtice appoars herewlith: "*To break thie influence of corruPt mono>' ln politici tho people am ma, ing ail over the, mddle îest. ut Isas' towaud tiie nomination of Part>' ca Iddtea b>' direct primarige. A diract îrlmary lai uhl give ever>' liember of say uotcal Party' the opportuitt tn vol% direct>' fer ever>' candidate o is part>' béoe the, poopie. As thi îystem ueî stands in mut Amertou sates. the voter belpe tuo ce dèle gutea from is e an on Precicet tI the ount>' or district convention rbe«,Çoegates may -ho icairucted c one or tue canidates'for localofices and la certain rare cacee lbeee dole gaies have instructions cancernîti one or tîo candidates toi- etate oflices bat the vate'r bas no cholce In ilt hl CoîfybsdlËt ric t or bhl or tickets. Under fthc direct primai law, the vter bas thbe narnes dtfal the candidates -for part>' nomînatiot beforo ,hie>, and lie citooses hie candi dates tram. the higeOt office luil h etate to the louest office In tise towI ehlp juet asa he votes lies ticket laie in thc year antfthe getîcrul lcoa Tuie metbod of nantine liant>'cani date elîmînates the poeasib.lityv tradlng sud dickering lin conveniotE and ihereby mckee tic eailtig o!fith prafesional politîchan uta cagineer deals and cornbinatioaîits eless nuE With an Instinct born of theurar anhihilation, the ralinond lobisylots l ever>' Arerîcen siaf e are flgting fn the oh csyetem, and ai-e wiling to cel cede anythlag sise ha order to defea thse pimai-y laie. For ihen fuie pi pie naine the canidates fon offli without tle posslbîlit>' ot deais ai, traites and combines. and iben MO ma>' rua for office îlthoat coccuti ibose uho cati malte traies and deti and combines, the power of ei-dbk mono>' la Arerîcan palites la ha gene. And more iban tuici. iben bh veter choocles bis canidatesclicotes et baving them choe or tai-hm, ho ubai mucb nearer beiug a selt-goveri lut cticen."1 Mr. White le in direct contilci îît (interner Deneon ubo le hie late Ce pali> tour ovet- the siete ai-Bue 1 trong>' agalaat direct prirnarles s lu tnavor ot centaptioce. Theogo 3ernar, manhtecied a ulillangnese tu pe mit the votera ina âggest *cames f corne of the offices, but held tiiat thi L auli not satel>' ba tructed te p cames on tickets wItbect revision1 politiciane ha conveutions. lu th tconnociion the governor I ls iR evicla speech sai: B "The crltllm rnoseftetu heari the primer>' lew le that h shoi lave aboligeuithe convention. 1 i not agreilti tbaseeubo urge lt la a prînsar>' lectlon at Detroit ai a jaltor ubose namu began uh t louter A got the nomination becai bu beaici the lIst. That cugge hu iaiài- ofa!primer>' norinatil ulitaout flic convention 80 reVlew 1 votent. work. I vouli not tavor m plan for direct nominations uniesi decent pluralit>' uero requingil. sa>' pur cent ofthti total part>' vote.>' t dloua nt eeom absaittel>' ceii tlat the eluciors are sa dangerai Ignorant as tbe gavror fears, ai- la such need ofrlavlag canide chosen for ilium b>' convectionp tilîss. The Detroi tisase instan, b>' the goveruior wjboie a janiteri nornlnatei le net pesitite proof e! lihical lacompetauce on the part the votera hn Oie primai-les, hti be passible tb explala the janl auccens tu Detroit wuhiut progmu that the voiers ln thé primaieu i ton deneel>' Igcorant tu malte luti Boni choicu. Tic janitor mc>' b boon as capable us otuier canili and bava ion nomination ou ngétts and papslanity. Wbether votera are oomptent or nett b cii candidates tu direct primnarles, cgeona airnat certatIn that lb.>' demmani and obtahu that right, willi permit ne aasombly of ponti profomhonals lu eounty, sud a oouventiens tb rvtletheir * Dols botuet candidates are ln able tram convention: nornai as Mir. Whie trul>' says. The1 ticians, ubon tic>'gelboaetiien ceonvention. fcl ai once toe t 4%c doeeates et a oandhdta f« ooce garetaraded for iii. dalegate aeSndidate tfen tomeu*te e guibe reparim.ot t ha o eilte e Il WpUL 'au isua. ve. tee f "i~~u~'i-:'--v---~ -v.~,-~- ----------------. ------I 4.a.a--~sOd..-a ti.~le~ tue vanicua orne.. muer us ut. cria i - '-'-' e"- - sn~.w, tA d p >feeemuithé m M, cg Cenneet wilh Olueg Malo yotr friande 1 mo Te 1 foes KuIik ciionc~ iiiaIlt 0Ub-votera. -4b4tmdB~.9 LA ts.T~eGaals BIrd of Oeath. LusJ IabçBc. f ml lg uigu1. C E$a.lr àwf taoFraclaks à i Wloo-.o.Stalck ltii 42 4844 and 45 là It was a long drawin. mournial blk 41) W.tchhhiu Park wd S* 200 00 d nouai ibat struck a chil' mb o eEmma Wlcks &A1hile tu o 1heurts of the bearers, a vimat soi Ethel A Churubli lt4 & w oe 25 It 1% 8 Wleke 2nd sante Par'ty gauiieffl alioait a brigbt firesîde Grayga'laks wd................. 509 091 lk etrength outalde. .........etgtdl' roi iratio> id "he ird f datb" gapedone o bfloTitis &TYU*8CO t ýr, he earrgwit palid-fac. 4W.hHt- R BPfteehua 119 blk 15 >tvr i reisauel oin dat bustrae, l CioDeehldopd .d 80 00 6 te e àrd tceoe outh ha s boen m t es l m10 thAnd bhere bou a e iiiibîcithe sf- b w0 l w&aud .a...i.... 490 00 rt Aeu r etrn t otaso an Mary âhwrtu& bue ta J J y9th3lie Deoodid...... ......... 1 0W0 0 4 lae our infdeathanbid oa II amen, WmIl Zewe & w toca Wi a- er rlvallng ingorenth r bayo 0!10 4uttebm e1art14 5 1, nt herbecloeorsout Ies n cl h Out- ta Sund land e P ak ogau 5 0 ef pas, ta elne grea beyad-oaM n gîvos d ........................ J850 0L te mouruful îannlug of the fligt? CeeduS huikis>'& Cri ta Heniry Keru Ite18 A 14 î. If thevre la net, wii> have on mail> blk 7 C Y Wright@ sdd Llb- Gc un people heri the strange, sabibing ertyvilis wd................ 500 0 s, cr>', uppasedir of a bird, belote cornie Jabez Matis>' A il taui e- bouse viat lo vlltei by deatb e few Hnmeiuaiii>190 aseain sec 4g oîratowrwAntlacbtwp ud ....... (00 60 DO, Harnk.t A Felows tu WamINC Bol Souind Thet lua àMyterî. Mno 8 esluwc le TÉese are the facts ln the case. aîîd part ai 3% sec 14 Cuba Tu -Ja.~tn 4i5~o'ejb tii wd .................... 715>0) "ario«-bidl rprenffitd -ié "8i_ u i l s ars a % @%v3 r>' tîrnes etronger than vivat of a moara- mec 3(s1 ilerliol(t wp wd ..... 4) 0 Il foi; dove." bas aften been huard be- 1 A Cuîininge & if tu Autun on fore the bonses ,o! Waakeganltest Marohlsl lis 13 & 14 blkr 10 dil- ini ihîci deaths have snon aviver -r Waukegan 1iblnds id 54X) 0 IFrank Hienkel & wl tu Norali îe cîîrred. Walton It 6 blk 2 Srith n.l The cries are heard bint once andI Adams n add Waukga& er thea subside. farever. fit 861 1k 27 Wa5liuTi .a The "bird" lias never beeni surît Park id......................'l 06 Il- ~o ctucile ba clselletIIl lioIn $128ait & Co tu deai vif- No nturlisthaqetanttid fi inl(_ý & umt a ntZion o! li sepecles tle nakiowîand«un îî> City .......ertilceate f o! î.rporathon c, placed. except for the- staternent that ltla M Hie & hue et ailto J I. se it "rofembies a mournlng dove.*" Sebati part 1>k 21 original ýrv Itlit; raidl thaq cuveraI nntit ide Waukegau wd ............ ....*»4)0 ie. àamîlles kaow the sobbilag cry of the Heir of Melvina A Neacîl (dperd) ta F L& T 1) Naîcîl o! nlght aderer. înlch le said vu gîve tract af landin e ecsil1 Si lnlils warnlag oniy la the darknes, and 12 Newport tir qe.. .... ..... 10 for situdier when mention la nfixde of h., F i, lyluont et ai t. 1) M an- bat ao nanes arc available. Linuiesrry It 7 Iiymondés sal 1Libertyville id...............:300 <0 at What One Man Sald. 'rti.e.. taliow tu Elizabeth ta- Sali ane man,. ubo desiehis naine i F Lainîg 5 sers ile us 31 se :e îtbed '12 Deerfield tv e......... >~Ca aid "Yen, 1 bave heard the bird or W F 51.4<-r et 8I tu Marc SCa tondeth btI have nover seen lt. and 1 Mm-r Ilu5 6sand part It 4 Wil mu deab, batblk "M" llarington aud né Ing do net believe that any one else ever and sdjolalcg.................. 10 Gi &lu bas.1 W A Aleaner &litlritu md "I vould not write up my expert- Exmoor Country> Club 44) sif once for a million dollars and 1 assure acres just cept of Highland t'ar-kid....................:15(M 90 th >ou that I arn bonesti>' scarei even IMails Herseliere r i ed ai the mention of the incident. ta Fred Brocktua It ut la in 'I beliovo ubhat tiiere la a 'bird of Prairie Viw qgd .............. 200 ru- death' as you cavil h. because I bave Lai Caunt> Tespbons Ca. ofinresonptalstck hourd Uiceîurulng cry thut fiutteru. tlm$15m0ta î0a0....certiicate i 11do net bellevo tivai tiioro lemoi-e Fred Enderlin et ai tW Philhn un- than one, because as the bird bas aud Mary J Benalaer It Ie nover beon heurit! a more tbun oui, blk 2 Lbertyrvllie wd...... 2200 0 md Place On a nigit." E G KlIrbii» et al te J F frottntu%ace oinoutb-west ,v- The SUN ors the &tory, fan ihat qate e 83 Nwport' >or. It la Worth. twp wd ........................ 75 00 for__ _ _ __ _ _ W W K Nizon te Ot CJ J ey Se01mrit 5 1 Ni iwd putdi Waukegawd ........>150 00 >ut James A Miner & sel ta by e vFanu>'FI Day 18 278 Lake Lhie E vU ry Foret wd .................... :17M00 0 Ra- Carala P Barnstabis & bus ~5* ~ te SIdnvey Wallace iet 3 1 fT w inutes It Il blk 2 Bernet'aadi tu o!Laire Villa wd ................ 125 50 nild W insartable & vWl ta tan Physicians tell us that ail Sidney Wallace h 4 blk 2 hin. Burnett'sa d te Lake Villa ii. the b lood in a healthv wd ......................:......... 0 0 iece lhuman body passes throîigh E M Clark & vif tu Jno thi te ertcvc Lareon & Wl h 2 Clark & Lunher acein evcry two îatimer's eub oaItlis51 and ense minutes . If this action bc,. 52 Lake Foi-est wd.......... ..()<> 0 Wi log cornes irregular the whole F P Dvmond & Cri et ai ta the body suifera. Poor health Ch&ýoPhillilis Sacres soati> of alec ralroad just uesi of su>' folJpws poor blood ; ScaWts Libertyville Cid .............. 100 <0 sa a Er'.nulsion maltes the blood Aunis Mines & bius tu Ers J Prim. paît h 67 Cary's F35 pure. One reason why add Waukegan wd........11300> 00 Eva J PiDe à bus tu Annie tin Mines 140 acres an north iaîy @ide- Grand Are one mile weet of Waukegan Wd ....... 100 00 are O SaA fa . 1i05 ~ ?fUI~ SION Rîrul ilUintoreet ine state poil- of Samuel A Kea n l West acei is such a great aid je because A Antioch q ce................... I 0 was AJ HirmehI &lit ltaJai-emlah was ipasses se quickly into Calles&Hai nteiest lu asiate il Po the blood. It is pantly di- ai Samuel A Kean in West ce t f before jq ee e.a..... .n.............. 10 nay 1 gesîed bfr tetï h B Pai-ker & Cif tu C E to' stomach ; a double advan- Wasbburu t 4 Proctai-'s îlng tage ini this. Less work bah Grayslake wd............ 350 0 . W B Paiker & wl 80 C E rare for the stomach; quicker, Washburn lt 5 Pioctaor's euni- and more direct benefits. sub Grayalake wd............ 350 ()0 bae 'lOeT test &Mount L H Lloyd & wf tai Leonard latea f ieast pOS b2 lie86ad7 o t the atpo- bk2 , lde ub igh. $th lbe effort is the desire of b. wd.................... 300 everyone iii poor ,health. L H Lloyd &wutooupmla i, lit rsEmlio oc ua ub Illgbuod wd........... 150 0fi Win that. A change for the and better takes place even be- Mîhra.eamut icol fort you Cipet it The DIumctroi f the mhluruMutual etae nsuranS 'Company' have ivlsdau WC illvoi Y" a sssmn e 96o u olr "Millebien. xV ir e cents, (4i.65) ou aacion ns eus tit tvie tbou.end dellars toteumsdteparythei 10u5s, PIefslàhthe. M-tSOf< looes ef 08017.20 .ibat have occurred poil- a" lce kon v. ive q u bte jour. Amnistieit will he -r limy- bluy. Mliburu, 4n1., Nor. 8. 1906. bug Ct- a.5< foils 17-2 Joulit A. TciN, .SeCreiry. 18C trriage Painté-Back 35c i ne 40c Carmiîîe 4!k tes at eut puiceo D. A.- YOUJNG FARM ,eta&U Klnds ]REPAIRI3ID wlth Th.orough nese AND Dlspatch VILLIAM ILAVCOCK ,CO. Opposite SI. Paul Freight Depot L. BAIRSTOW narbe ood Gr.seç- monauno ;emetoey Work'of evoey Desciption i.rrespondence bon cted4- Wankegan Sorne help ring bouse as Spavins but s'o oumstube. The troatient ue give leu thu bont. 'r ais'b A ýr& in uhleouvlucmyou -t)i.tIe have giOnth#yco bave besu Iookint fer.- -u MB Eý9U'- -ALL KINO- i od Grades at Fair Fic. CORS, WINDOWS. MOULD. qB, BOK'.LIME, AL.PHA >RTLANO CEMENT, UWERW PIPE. DRAIN TILE. ETC. Ml. SCIIANCIKI Libertyville. MI. SPECIAL OR TIEN DANS Love Pipe Eua.nd

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