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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Dec 1906, p. 5

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We are SeIUhg IghuiGuade xl MEATS AND GROCERIES Order bTelq9eph nd uwe Win; do the rest. Usq sur muets ud'ou'il bu peosed J. E3LI TRKIOS The Jeweler A ndrew Lluss LIBER TVVILLE. ILL. Witer 1s Cominj ,Bttwe are on1 dock with a good line of wiuter goodtt consting of Mats and Caps, Glovesi, Mittens Rubbers, Overs,4oes and rfelt Lined Shoes Underwear Childrente Fleece Lined Ladies C(otton aindiwool 1 l5c and i 2S an itîi Men'ue Cotton andi Wool Fleeeed 37%2ac and t Ladites Veiîts, double front and back. fleece lîned - - - 5c SMITHI & DAVI'41 TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS Libertyvli., Ill. loiL"cikes Ietlob-eut .PkkedIJUntho Bora,, aturday morulug, Dec. 1, to Mr. and Mir#. Aaron Stafford, a boy. M. 0. Jobnson le movrng bis fainily lasso the Ch"s. Smiîth bouie on Cook ave. Born, Saturday morning. Dec. 1. to Mr. and Mr@. Charles Klepper. a thirteen finudangbter. *Misses lc4lJrtuey and *lowney of .lansvillî', viiited et the .Albert l.îrby3 home citer 8tiny. Mr. and Ms.. tephenîTiâviîr and Mias Famnie Taylor vst.d several days recently et the C. W. Taylor home at Elgin. Mr. anîd Mn.. J. E. Wan.cer, and dtugbter, Ellcie, of Walwortb, %voie gul oI'utMr. Wrner'si brother, 0. E. Warner and lassl , anuday. Hal W orditnan, of Keunha. algo @eet Sun- day at the Warnec home. Atty. B. H!. Milr tale ast week pur- chased of E. W. Parkburat bis barn and torty test trou> the mac os bis honusprop- ety at the corner of Park and Miwau- kee avenues. Mr. Miller Uli saove the barn to the rieur of bis lot thua greatly îuîproving the aplisace of bis home. The Lîberty ille Woodmen eleetedl ofiker8 on haturday nigbt tor the. ensu- iug year. Those elocted were: Consul, J. J. Porteao; Advioc, John Treptua; __ lauker, H. . (flensoD; Ulrk, eM mian, J. Keirl; Setcy, W. E. Mller; Manager, John W. Lynch: Physîcians, P.lro. Oalloteay and Taylor. The Saturday Xight inclà club wne the. gueot of Id. and Mrcs. 0. E. Waraer rtei.'evcIIig uofco. 30. TheIiit i rize W re WOU by Mr*..J. L, Warnec aud J.. l. oulter, second honors guluz tu Ml i.ftncour and Geurge Hoag. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kînby r..ceivel the two imiuorîly lîrizee. 'lti'fre,.hiiient.i were i»ve.l lt the c losee ofthe cotst. P'. J. Bockelman is ttue week rîîehiug th le rernodeliug of bis ibuildiîng t. o o- îIîtiou anditwlii' donc. wil have a very lietaid rooruy »bol). 1l, will have a large aliiofu floor âpàie unciip-tied and is planing ou inâtailtig pool and b tillardl uclilc. The iew addition to tbhe eliol> im tai, t.rie". utflbrick, anid adds e,îîîie tlirty tect tu, the lengtli ot the 'rr oit.Tti*tiric ide of rtei chlop wali te. iîî,.îwith îîri's8cd steel hclietinig. Toniglu fTitur..dny >1.the ~n iglit Of thie -iîiarried peoîiec "datit. lt ivilibe au ail arîîuiid etive occasion. AIt the olud ejiiaril dalnîe,. ecI..aîd iiift<]illtll will hîîîd eway sud the mnieoftSe.' ode daye wilil b resurrecteil fur the Occasionl. It i..s' lt.îInl tiose Who. tînt.' long Milice o»ettleîl dîiwi and have toreauorn the 1rîeiured tcead wjltuck tlîeic "kidh to iwd anîd %vi otîiy glide Out the r ear do"r anuit own t,, the. towu hall tu 1i1uce nMOre inake lierry ti i cluut "aIle. ule ît anditswiug witli your partner.- - Chas. Woolîidg.' ho, a lieu wlich îe mmuà-j niikirig desperate efotsto Wattain s 1lposition in the hall 01 fume. sile jus! e- - a colnon ocdinnry towl trom genecal nppvaiiltut"c aud aien Mle e lys a double: i ýolked egg liiee îot eceil fonder than: the av.eraige hieu tlat layN the @ingle vaieit.y. But the other day ebe ot idiii. Iliiicseltaud depoited a ben fruit tisat had thcee distinct yolke and was of al e u tlcleut to turnisb a complete raa frone (il the Woolcldgs oadr Ic. !Woolnidge adi resnd the president'î 1 îlieseage to ber, give ber a domeo IPerunas and @ses If h cannut ludace ber to pertorri the stunt reguacly or tu ay one jwitl r jr olk s vecy other day. ,1 1' The seaer aork ijeftnat;draw ing to a clo se. (otractor (Green expecte bu gel ail the tils lu the ground hy the middle - otUeit week alter wbich bis work aill lie finiuhed witb the exception of plactinj the mauhales, onnneting il the see witb the septie tank and redncing the înnch deg op etreets to the condition le whicbh f ound tlien npon heginuiul wock. Thie reliuildiug of the etreeto whieh will b.' neceeary alter the bard usage they hiave.ri'eived troms the biiudè of the ioltractc aIlentai] a large ex- iendituro ou hlic part i lie leace tiîn in anlv ndition hllitusabie andîltihe village i, iin~aig tronlél. it je unîlerstood, on this 'accounut. Tlh.' cîîtract ie i. ittie .lasitj0'1otilie one' itemi and it c îpossile legal etepie will te. reeorted to force tie c4int,1ravI or t(i fuliili tiieuagreemei'întastlii city îînîerstaude it. Tii.'IVelihachi Street l.igitirig C. wiich operatee anywhere ini tIhe world fildiug taojplace' tuoar iîge and noue to ..mnli tw attract ite attenti onîIl.mal tl ii.'. îletcIîreîe)itiîînet., t1iievillage to turijeb it wjthi treet iigbtm andl i the cîîuji meeting iieid ili tihe'juaf buîiding Mîîuday il a comiîîittee of couicilusieni ans appointed by Mayer 1Macfiuiu t.. look ito the intter and iJecide nsioniti'th esiilit' o! changing troni the eectie arc aud incandescent lip ights tw hie nethuet ut llglting by gai. The Weiehîich coucer boas plateda lp samuple igbt at the. corner o! Bramnerd Court aud Cook avenue. The gop ill lie !uruislied by the Northi Shoce Osi p onî;iaîiy. the poste and fixtures to ueîain thi.property outhLe Welcbneh coîpauy. TiePieautfthe guispel in 'c1tiîat latter igbte are turuuebhed. the poste anJ lampe inare tac neater tissusthe unsightly puieseof the electrit lgbts and tbat the.'general satisfaction le btter at praeticnily the carne cest. A ilve yens' cnutraet ije planîiied tor tht. village. iEdwin Austin.ofthte, realestate tirui i i Lynond & Autjn, mailes etreinouse e: ~ to t he staterinent tbat tbe popî. -.PtioB.ot'thio village bas lu any masier deccease in the let taehvemsontbs. i affirme that abile thece iuay b.' a murs ber ot vacant bouses in town that t!s nnhec ut usw one@ bulît durlug t!s yex more tban maire tp for the n ub unoccnpisd banstbe ahumer o! peoph réident boes tlly squalle tbat o! a yest alo and turtber, b. dtates, there le f resljty a @boftage o! whet may b t ermed modern bouses. It lis lbelle tiaa thebmprple lu LbsrtyvillW arle es qu te liv.in a t ry but dw@asilg»a -.e bl.1--s ï. a .. .cha ho te gJgba"IUe P--frg i lu ii. mat lIsueo!yourvaluahie pape] qW there appeaued ai article statlng gtata *g local mian bat! dicruvereet twenty.!oui «dS f sptbouses Iriitoali suad the gentîcunai a eMed taate n cather pesimugnstit ~~ visal tut'refo!unr village. Tbd tact ot th. .casel that thece have bees IftY-nwbousesm ut sud Bien bam Born, Monday mniirg, Dec. 31, o mode bornes for theuiselves crather thai M. and hMc. Tony More, a dangbter. psy cent, sume bave huilt bouses t cent and nu t une désrable ni-w boue Mcm. M. Pcodlige-upet Thsutsiciving 1 stands empty at thhs timne. it you with hec sinter, Miss Alice Davis. ai inormant will mate îL ai objsct tg GJenou. re uralng Saturday nigbt. aatcb Emnionse-Mercr Co., thie Bowi Fiorcthe nsxttteadityo.ountil Dl. 17, botel and the tactocies sent o! Ficet Il gpt ateeta cabinet pîhoîtos tocthie price toc a day ho wllh change bis opinion. W o! oic.dozén at BF.SNW'K'î. Sttearî.v uc have a hous tucent anJdchen on jour Critinas phuitiie. 10.2 tiiily moved ont a single want ail hl yonc paper bruugbt tfour opportuult'e I. P. Schliaeei.. 'if.. and dangbtec, to ent. Tatiug this tien' of thing Dell& aoc. lu Chicagio Friday, whete ILiertyvilîe la on the boum ase mncbi tbe:r atteuded the tianijuet sud dance 'ever. A TAx PAYEu a fine theWhîîiîclbaJ eo t E-The above ltter waas baudsd a fie t me.this asek aith greqnet 10 publisab i Geocge aud Alex. Biathecalet, Of We glsdly du. The lxNDEPENDuwai1 GrinnsIl, la., wbo are attendiig the mnentoninig the tacts as brougbt tu ou Rush Medical iol in Chen»signeut attenition wase not desicous ot "knorn TbankuigMvng alth their iter, Mm.. inge' the village lu the toat. Neither i Fred <roker. William Elwade aud we "uire tw mate ,lostatements. W taimilly, ot Waukegaîi. acre al gueste. waueh wt tell honestly the exact stage c Mayr Mctliluut li i.uncl nesi jconditionse. 1t ha@ heen a tact that It ing Mdonday nîglt gave out a tatentthe seea ea.vr e a that tisae W»aet ahe..promut tue l he:daieo tamore juta toan because of t! vllasge treaeucy the muni ot $4,936 05 lu exorbitant aint. Everysebere Libersi ail. Warrants bave been daan auJn lebsde eughe saforsi are lu tiie banda ot lndividnale (orctLe, village. But evecywbee.it obas h hants euflcsnt toceîii'e the sangi tsMid that it waa Impossible tu com about 02,500 h. isates. husain ite toan. Noa aben thece a chance to cent empty bouses, ahi Mrgi. Mary (6. Kilmaii,. ester ofiMire. 'sonne are vacant, is thero any cause fi Itred G(iabhe. apeat atirIdayc receltiy coneaiing the fatt? WilI It tigbte at tlhe trahlis ,hontîe ahillencuronlet.' w yone aaay anJ male film go eh. Cîitiorniii, ahuece cli.' ili spend tii. i here to tatle up abolie slmply igecaua ainter. front lier lete iutî' L ondon, l ie leurnes for once that there jes a plat England, aller. iii.' live. wiLlî lier toc hlm uin the village?! We are accus Jaugliter. hic. Kilinan was tornerhy vaionsly o!f ucuisbing the "chgrot aehl kuîîîan lit thus iciuity. grumblere' aud "ealamîity boaher@ The dir polon'-r has erpuelou c [witb the kind o! iaorisbment thcy yeai more. Thie tme il nmii the lituje fox, by arnumber o! peuple Who wisb terrnor Igelouging t, ii liert Ellu.. that cenioruns. No tea baie accused asi feil vii'tiîi toeii I. îuî, î1hîai hoîil eligits attemnpting wo injure thîe village. Hl li Owue ork . aîid ;-i'" etuttthece ji' WP'e aieb gay that ail Wain tb iifn euîroa arnuîuig the.Ii'ld tren ot the home ttîer #1.50 for cubeription to titispapi IloR1 e iliîicug Ui iiii., thOsborne' an ttiey ahilget tacts ser.ved as tiey ai I' ilnot prutect one' cloue 1 4l0c4rg-- llt i Iuîi îI,.ii1-n îcîîccîîîid, Wihn h w'e.uoneallng conlitione. We beiete'lu ithn h.WLe. [lgf uture tfor the village. We si Tic- date-s ofti. Vi'i[ietthe 1ive gIad the inteet the.actucle-bas-aroîie been eléanged front th.Ii'nghîit of>ec. 13i t choas @the lla muiETjerail. anîd 14 tu the ightc uofluit. 14 aud 15i ___________ 'The conctert thus, with-unie uLioaFriday anul taturday niglits 1>ofîextt eek a idi Lre, Il. Freliman bas gone t i her c oaiug ho the cxteuiiiveuecc u1tltie' home in hMaryland ahîcce ehe ail 4jee arrangements a tull attendant.'. shîîulJ ltiie' inter aith ber motlier. ho ont. Tie concert bide fair tu i by litteui cabinet photos ail! [M ivî tar the bet ever gavî.ii y local talent. for tic. prieot a dozen ou ail ittink Dir. O.E. Grattait. of Harvard, j tom the tli to tIie l7tlî ot Iecemiert brouglît lIce. Frant Wheeýlwight, aster BEBNwuCKi.. 10-2 o! Ed Hubiard anJ Mcc. .J. J. Purton, hbMsti ofi-s ttie wurld wl a' lui lies i Hacari . ii LitiyiI' hîId tbcY. l anti nl i'hi'tion o! officers, Satncdey lu order to u hl iusultatiou their hall]îouîTiui-îla. v teuing Dec. Il. wýith Dr. Taylor in recird to a <hronuc, L. J. Locke, Ilec. alliment aiti abhicli eue lias h.e'.n suffer- 1 ing. The icro doctor. iiagnosel thei1 Cham.Tuiker. ut OGrange Hall, le caeealite snd hoth ogre..'dthit abc ve lW- uet îinrchaseul utfiWilliam Kelsevt t recover ahîich nea.. wilut"hîc ceeted i aili Ibounse aud lut on Iixiiou St. tformer rîseasucelE.- byfei uiagiîtLibierty ville: the pcoperty o! the laie Solonon Kelseý rende. iles Wright on Wedncsday conuu E. W. Partiarét lîae rceceihv col] lve matedl a deal wbecehy lis pucciaeed tl lots in hic enhdivie.n uimoutuofutcige lbouse and lot occnpied hy E. A. Bishgi ele.tric tracts. Tii.' hrupety ils choice aud helonging tu Chas. Boyes. TI ani]lwall maie îi,t excelleýnt lots. property le at tiecorner of Lakte c Chas. Bcunum. o! Lkei Bluff, ahlI hulu a anîd Brainerd court. cesidence oiun'Oe "'ithte lots ut the The regular mnontbly insineces meetit Icorner ot Milwaukee avenue erecting auJ social ofthie EpWorth Leagus w it otcenent hlotte. This ail ha the bit]d aithe home.o! tbe MissesBI tirât hbouse ot the kiud in the village flcld Iset Monday evenlng. Ater t tbougb lit us probable muore Will hho ut transaction outheisbusinesthe sote in thé future as the block le hecumiug ahuîur wagé greaily enjnysd by ail, Soi jfavorite. material elseabere. Unique gueng gamnes asce played si iOn Dec. 12 the Newastle buteaiilîl c.fresbmentsascee served. Schâtan bandeahic. snd Mms. P. Moacce Mr. and Mcc. J. A. Rutchina, of Wil! Iretiling front the managemet and Mr.Io. Vu., are i guasta.'ot their nie sna4UNia.John Coksr aneflng charge. Mc. .L.Tp sdfnal.T Mr. Co 'I-ruanthie bote! on Plans a attned thei. G.A. IL snSampment Jitlsdlfsit ibathose puruusaby hebi înapo les h asser and have ait 1proeemseore in as muh nas hoa iih cou- bae travelling. Tbsy ail lese oon 1 tiens hie retaturant bness i et esouthean KanangaWan ber.ther all p 1101191»srrl a"eas taSU hsuc.a&0lu bis thc. ater watla Mair son, O. penn location. Under the. outloung Hutchine M. and Mc.. Hutchinsi b inaingemebe hsbs beasaea declded aelf tnow~n la Lake connty. tcredît 10 the village and aitb Mc. and Mm *c.Goter in charge as may b.aseureet Friands of Calvini Boiese ail! hé ple Itlaat tbe standard irill not lu the leuait 10 bear that h.a wauuited in marrie ftanl.' to Ulemsel Quine, apromnlneniyou Miss Mauud Proctar and William aceybleo Ublcs "a aestade aRoaen wrequnty accled etthue ayNov.2', The bride 0 Msb Pocorhoe nrhaanungMvng d se ou blaie acbarmlng a :day lu the pre-lence of ouly tbe immedi- lM)CeZ~ ulucgly andd ba isgrose ate relatives ufthtec contractîug parties. oedn uk nedb i re cOuil M@ rtradM.Roacu tireThe ou Co? le 1et Thankaghe BIN Ms Pi-ocsdec t An %lot suZ. ad Mr.. E 9Wofknowu in aud abolît LibectyvihleHnbdai.arsogt lau happtyeirrnuy rjeu a li eatheM.i anauJother points ou a short aeddi e bapy jnruc'ytcoob lie. i . "Cal' je auditor toc the Swa ,ePotrla rs teo teWatikpgan ii ist eo u nChicago. TIc.yi le bih coclne ntlhoetî t thome 10 thir tu-inds aller Jan casliier nt 'le- J.V. Trigge martet. ut 1027 Jactson Bvd. ~.Mr. Ru 'eîu ... igine ae(uainted lare' Chicago Milwuuuiikei' & St. Pan!ul rinîtai Do it Now. L n auJhenniY fiende in thisvillage. Ace youu aying aside a muiicient 1 I] Brin g 3'oîr pl. tit'es to lie traiued lit itfour earuinge againet the time w' lEc4wlcK's. lBrand iew iiuidingt, tour tut le hbouse tront 10-2 ceca»in ialgepiil a _______________________________ :youar listing al little aptl _____________________________i__dollar ai s tîrt yoii if yont-ail plare muoto,.sunitby makiug su utofWDT UID deploit3you cui 601oniaus a il rl tîm inn IIDIL littleesun whichwillî ai thineilmuth ig Central 3tate Thueatre Ce. Le sec draalng itereet. t Chares A.Tstacs, Manager W. mneure absolnu.' satety anJ ail _____ pI.'ased in, actomngiat. you. Conte ath and opeeus. il SEI'À, EMER&à FIRST NATlINAL BANE. MI TeEomsTriumpb Lihertyville.1 tu 4.....~J L. TAY.u., J. S. GILY o A Stocy Fromt Lte Praséenteul lu Dcaîîatlc Fortu ANNO'NCEMffNTS ,le PRICES D25c-35c-50t AND 75c Te U. . w ili gageaet thi.' i, gir of Mr.. Julia Kelil on Orchard ct ut I The Csnntecy muc'cty %vilI ii-et Fic F.E. Wrigbt'e Blg Mus"a Cooldy attemnoon Dec. 7 at -the bouile if nif 1 5 AI I larrteon Brown. le a Noble Lits" ail!hé thé sermn tu M- J i lb.Meibodt cbuuvb on Dec.. 1 as Bttecfield ail! ho the leader ot ite Tine Groat Cent Hed Thi That Spworth Langues meeting at6 *r ÂAfuhly funuy Conisdlan Straugere are corclialhy Invîte-u1. àr WILL PIIIBRICK in "ne nt ntetof soubr.ttcs <3t your cscds prliated liy the ts ITURNS. lier MARIE IIYLAND AND dO iainNotice. VOL. 1. Doceember 7,1906OhiNO. J% TALK WITI4 THE MOTHERS. CiIAPTEiI lit. Yon expet tw get quit, a tew dinnerm yet do y cii not'! hetore you take you departuu's trom among the tbronge aho daihy mit dowaa Io a beatty mkd-dy mitai yon expect seeinilate a number ot gucef wbolsoeon '%oede" do you fot? As yuu look back qver your pet tîme you i"al»s oa a dinnar at a tinie you bave iirepared dlners. dinners andt dinnecu.. But have you al aym Iabored to ad vattg. Juet tblnk o! abat ail thos dinneism have c.tyou .And bave you purclhssedalelyl Or bave you gutten iito the habit utfpaaebasig pcsctically the saine old ete of nient. the mne olJd dliîaneie wltb the. @ame uld mamelle@s o! the scrving? VKAi'TER 1% Corne to ne lot ues how yîîu. Have yoiî i"..r seppeil tu inquire ilito thie great varusty of palatulîle imîcîtte e eau turnieb yoii? Wby, luit try eoinethiug different? Juet give youn purchaeing a littho Llougt aud ahen your iînuîauîi couic,. honte, and the uittle one return laugbi*ngtrom Wsihuol.mati tlîieir iheurt@ glatil ith ia happy surprime. (lavefem ,omîtiuîg le"', cmetliing yîî bave tound dlitreut, eomethiug ft ounr ecioje neiortiiî'nt ft il i lese neatu., lina grocecic'i. uetwy FMj kViO ii uiii i il îiiljl u4' giiui, LiUbertyville Phone 29 Mlinois F. P. Dneoan, Pres. Guo. A. Wiauui, Vice Pro,,. F. S. Kua, Al LAKIE CO. NATIONAL BANI( CjL~ $65OQO.,OO A. G. SHYRMULN C. IL GALLVAY c. F. WRIGHT iG V p.?. ais ing yer FRMN OL wil SWEET, ORR & CO. part Make of goodis la known as the beet ln the counti 'htel] Their goode are the bigheet priced but they a? ipou One well 'worth it.- We bought a big lot of their mailBise and Stiped Overalls. ERWeers, nest JaCkets. Worhhug Shrts, Siune oMd e lu Doublu Breasisilanne? ShlrthiWorIg lie and Ail Wool Pents, Etc. At a reduction ot180 par cent belo'e the rogular price. oh lot of ,uen'e asar ans ever ebown lu Libertyvlle-not Iaot40aM1 * great eavl n uprie wblcb uugbt to he asight coaleratloa too. li.ie us anopportunlty to show you mamplea aMd quot. yw iles er. îîîne Mreet A ]ROUI 2Dafl-gan moa DUO[ 1t desire to intere.it a pariyutjnvetr* 1 ilhI hoeaE. Pu oplt5 luna hoice tract o! land ln the oleratedth eodtadfuba mise (luit (ost country' ut Texns, 20,119 deys of Dsember I 1the acrear Corpua Chrisiti at $6.00 per mente for the . MIl U st aceSIghl.y împrovsd, clt-h, ail cuit- (Compêyo i. able. A rare Inveuimeut foc future euh-W l t ,D#lldsdU i division Velues rapldly advanclug. -O IN- (Jet furtber particulars and arragi- tg)94 g%) witiî us ta ses tus land Dec. 18. FIELINliIl. I II9TE, 1! yon 6oc't adortie.à*" 15u8 Lafflie St., Chieago..16 M rnors*es know tluat Y.,I ______-for saet tLthe The INDEPENDENT sud the Ch!- buy IL. MtselàI cago Chrontelle or nter Océan. dafl , t* for one s esr$3.50. The INDUPEPM> Iai oky by 115.00.. 1%0 Il ENT sud the WeeklY Inter Ocean1 pUNDEiT idc.This paper Costa you legs thail 8a Mt aua cents per week. But the Monley leI_ M4due tu adysuce. WAN m . miw;,, 'l.I 1 ma

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