77-7- -- ---------- ------------ vol Saturday, April Il .19 Ing bPWNO OPENINO SALE F OR ONU WEEK - BEGINNIG SATURDÂY, APRIL 11, 1908, BOLDLY, RADICAL- LY, WZ ANNOUNCE VALUES THAT ARE, SUPERIOR TO ANY EVER OPFERED -.AISES THÂT HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE ONLY BY THE MOST CARE- YUL PLANNING, AND PURCHASING AT OPPORTUNE TIMES, AND PROM THE RIGUT HOUSES. TO BE OURE, YOU WOULD LOOK FOR SUCH VALUES IN AUGUST," OR POSSIBLY LATE IN JULY, BUT ONE WEEK BEFORE EASTER-HARDLY,-AND FUR- THERMORE, NO OTER STORE BAS, OR, WE MAY BAFELY SAY, WILL OFFER ANY EQUALLY GOOD BARGAINS.= Men's New Spring Suits Made by the best makers i the country- Every garinent is eut i the latest spring models. Work- manship is thorough and reliable. Suitings are the new browns, grays and fancy mixtures, plain, navy blue sergey black day worsteds, and black- thibets, ahl are hand taiored thoroughout. Every suit is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Rteduced Prices on AUl New Spring Sîit $12.00 Suits, reduced to ................. $800 $15.00 Suits, reduced to ................. $10.0 $16.50 Suits, reduced to .......* *......... $12.0 $18.00 Suits, reduced to. ............ $1350 $20.00 Suits, reduced to............... .. $16.0 M2.00 Suits, reduced to................. $16.98 200 Men s Suits at less than cost, n.$~ $10.00 and $15.00 values for $3.98 and8 Mens Trousers $5.50 Trousers, at ............$348 $4 50 Trousers, at ............$2.98 $3.50 Trousers, at .................... . $225 Trousers, at ...................... $129 «These trousers are of thé very newet shades, blacibMue, and daric trlped wormteds,4 perfect fltting, of etyiieh, becomîng aLppearance. MEN'S NEW FAI<CY VEBCTS $3.00 Vests, at............. $198 $2.50) Vests, at............... $1.75 $2.00 Vests, at............. $1.48 IMNS FANOY SIT Mén'a $1.50 Négligée ShIrts t 90c. Coat shirts, =linorpaitedi bosoms, rlch strIpes, dotsanmd <~éklgbht d dark patterns, best . 0 $1.25 and i OValues, et ........ 0 Mé'a 60c Sirts, e ai ....... . . .....290 Mous% 76e Sirts, t .. .......... . 430 Menos 25e andi 85e Necvear, lu aIl shs.des andi latent grIpés,* yur choîce, et *.............. 20 Menla 25c Pancy Hait Hose. t .......... 12/0 Mense 15e Linen Collars, at ............... 100 ** Men's Gooti Fine Suspenders, vorth 35c t 20e ** Mé's 10e Hsndkorchlots, t ...............OS * 1 75e knee Pacte, ases 5 lu 16 years,t . ..39 ** 200 pair of Kuée Ponts, lu al sites, varth 45c, 19c Men's Hea*Y Work ehirts, t.............39se Overalîs andi Jackets, at......... ...39C MENS UNERWEAR Fine baîbrigan shirts and drawers, in white black and pink A colors, al sizes, 65e value, at. 3 Men's 36c RIbhed Baibrigan ShIrts aud Dravers, ae..... ................................. 20 Moun;.S$1. Union SaIs.t .............. 89C Men's Heavy lUbbed SIrts. ai ............ 18c Boy's Undervéar, t ....................... 22o Young MNen's Spring Suits Made of splendid quality g*ay and brown mix- tures, in correct single and double breasted styles, sizes 14 to 20 years. Such suits as $7 8 usually retail for $12.50, now only...$79 Fie ail wool, guaranteed fast color blue serge suits, the correct confirmation garment, hand made throughout, single breasted styles with jffl the litest fashion wrinkles, sizes frorn 14 to 20 years, this suit is positively worth $15.00,, sale price .............. $().9)8 One hundred odd suits for young men, sîzes 14 to styles. $3.50 values, for ...............$19 20 years, $1Ô.00 and $12.00 values, for..$4.48 Great Values in.Boy's Easter Suits Boy 's Suits, 8 to 16 years, i blue,'grays, and fancy mixtures, made in double breasted, two piece styles, $3.50 values, for ........ $ 9 $4.50 Suits, for ......................... 48 Bov's Confirmation Knee Pants Sîut's, exceedmgýly well made, of ail wool, fast color blue serge, double breasted styles, this suit is positîx clv 3 worth $6.00, at.....................~. _________________________ = = New Spriiù -,Hats for Men Men's $3.00 s of t and stiff bats, the spr#ig shapes are ideed attractive, i black and the new shades of brown and tan, at -11$1.98 Men 's $2.50 stifi and soft bats, in al the popular spring styles, $i4 M en 's $200 hats special at $1.00. 'Y ('('yil Great Shoe Sale For men, women, boys, isses, and ebjîdren. Un- equalled values in good stylisli, serviceable shoes. Men 's $3.50 Patent Leather Shoes, at ....$248 Men's $4.00 Shoes, at...........$298 lleavy shoes for wet weather, and niedium and light weights for street or dress tI9 wear, special price ..............$ .2 La dies' $2.50 and $3.00 shoes at $1.48. Boy's and Youtb 's $.'*75 soes $1.75 Misses ShoeRs' at $1.24. Children 's sehool and dress ,shoes, at 98c. TRIS GREAT SPRING OPENING SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, APRIL 11TH, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, 80 COME FAAIRLYAD .8UCUEE THE BEST BARGAINS. IT WILL PÔSITIVELY PAY YOU TO VISIT THIS SALE. THIS WILL GIVIE YOU T E GRSATEST OPPORTUNITY TO BUY YOUR SPRING ANID SUMMER OLOTHING, BHOES AND FURNISHING 4300DB THTE H»~ MVR BICEN UI IEWE, OR WILL AGAIN BE OFFERED I THS STATE. TW I-IFNTON -ST'., WAUlýEGAN, ILL, I For ight mngo6 tore I Aete 'tly .il. il m m 1 u à VIETS WIN IWITII EÀSl IN TOW"I1 (Prom Wednesday's SUN.) Now that itla ll i'over a»d WuwÀ. . flan lias gone wet, wets and dry& Ml!k. sigh with relief and are glad that they ; are no more uncertain. I ln a direct mannçr yeterdaiLalc. county generally, witk, the exception of three townships v46nt wet, the dry townh belng by the vote of yesterday as follows: Benton, Newport, Warrenf- The wet towns where a vote decld- ed thé matter of remainlng wet are as followa: Avon, West beerfleld, Anttoch, Vol, non, Libertyville, Waukegan.. Town@ that are wet but whera ne vote was taken are as folows: Grant, Wauconda, Cuba and Ela. Towns that are already dry are PMre. mont, Shields, East Deerfleid. This makes a total of six dry townshlipa n Lake county and ten wt,11% o one-fourth of the terrltory poiltieally spéaking. FOllowlng is a tabulation of the vote ln towus where the test vas made: Towus. Wet Dry Tota [Graysiake, wet ...218 180 298 W. Deerfleid, wet .... Ili 92 203 Newport, dry......... 108 132 243 Warren, dry......... 34 134 168, Antloch, wet......... 290 189 479 Beuton, dry........... ... ... ... Vernon .............. 162 70 232 Libertyvîlle .......... 356 297 632 Waukegan, wet..1,753 1,113 2,861 Barrlugton, vet.,................. Waukegan vent overvhelmingly wet ach to the Joy of the larger vêt faction and the discomllture of thé drys Who, however, sas epected, stato that they wili try again ln about two years, or within the légal perlod for 9.nother test. The Waukegan vote lu detaîl la as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Wet.. 266 451 195 257 321 163-1763 Dry ... 200 247 193 277 136 60-1113 Total................... ....2887 There was much jubilation lu thé clty as the SUN bulletins apread thé nova trou, the SUN office. trou, the stage of the Barrison Theater andi fram a hait score other placez vhere reait, were obtainoti tram theé8SUN Windows aud telephones. The vêts even had a baud out,'a real wet, ralny baud lu tact. and ILa members paraded the streltasnlte ILocal Option Baud, drawvlug mugis 1sand cheers as they marchéd along thei eioppy streets. Wét Cltles--Sprlngfield, Bloomlng- ,ton, Pekin, Aurors., Danvîlle. Kanie- kée, Edwardsvillo, Cantqu, Murphys- haro. Freoport, Elgn, Moino, Maom- mouth. Rock Islandi Kovanee, Geée , se, Marengo, Mlnonk. 1 Dry Citles - Decatur, Gaiesbug, Rocktord, Paris, Urbens, Ohazupaigu, Pontiac, Mt. Sterling, Arcala, Sbelby- ville, lllboro, Utchftld, Vandalla. l Carroll, Taylorviloe, Dixon, Cita- 0ton, Pairbury, DeKalb. Bycamore, liai- 0taon. Harvard, Carini, Jérséyvill. >Number of saàloonis vîpetiout . . .. 0Net anti-saloon majorlly ...37848 The tallowlng counties are nov ab- >solutelY antl-saloon terrttory, no or.-. >ateti by the votera yesterday, "am*a laddition la the six whlch voted lut 0Novembor la baulsh the dram toe:« l' Bane, Brown. Chainpalgo, clariti 4 l: oles. CUmberiand, DEýWlt¶f, dIei eWlnnebago, Edgar, Fayette, GaIIaml., 0Greoni4 Hamilton, jefferson. Mao00s., >Mércer, MoultIné. Plait., ltlchlau4. >SbýelbY. Saline, Washlngton. wa", >White. >PROIIBITION COMYEKMI~.' The Lake County ProhibItIonhtb >bave cailed thelr convention teUMuM >lu Tempérance Temple, Waukega Monday, April 131h, 10:30 A. M. Dl >egates have been electeti tram the 0various precbncîs ln the county andi a > Large attendance l s xp cte i. The >People ave been torogby arousét On the liQuor question and tee Pri- hbhtlonista feeltihaltelhs viilmenua, Sgreatly lncreased interestinluthé Iaw- er aspects oftihe problem. - The convention will Pect delégatee ta the state convention andti l the congreslonal andi senatorlal conf'er- onces. A couuty ticket will b. recours Smendedto bcbeplaceti on thé ballot et the August primarles. and caunty çows mittees wil ho chosen. A speclal effort wilU hé matie to elect a Prohibition mémbér to thé iower house o! thé Général Asse=bly,- lu Ihis leglaadonal djtrict tisa yst. SLake coanty wiii prabably preaént a candidate ta thé sonjtiorial convéntioo vention ai 10: 30 A. M. a"t 1: 30 P. IC In the ovoning Ibère viilb. a cas. Smeeting et thé Ârmory. The Armory ta b. adtireuséd Ip Wm. A. Brubakor, ot Ciicgo i, 1