Of. EVERY DESCRIPTION We are determined to surprise every- one who attends our opening sale, and have prepared exceptional attractions. Amazing Bargains-Greatest buying ~~ opportun ity on record. ~OAPPA i2I., v - 1~ftI IKI Mi/ I !nvited to 7Grand %È Wl ish 4o PqLr- Not Fcomplete preparation for the à in ail grades of most reia- ged in large assortments. âg El A CHOICE SEISCTIONq M OMATIONS.. £ i 11 % s 4 -I ~11 V erCoats, Walsts, Sklrts and MIlinery -.OR WOMEN N BELT DEPA.RTMENT rmvmnv OCCASION, THAT HAV EIN KEM. IN 71.41E COATS MANY oUT GLOVE DEPARTMENT CORMET DECPAETIMT &DCLOTH COATS.IEYDPTM- 5OIValu. olng n lboa &sNeckwear 'Z CI-ILDREN PUUmaRF q rt Cloth, neatly 19 " TSWA OHILDEN'S DRESSES [à ............. 1 WE HAVE EVERYTHINO' TO M1AKE THIS OPENINQ SALE THE GIANDEST SUCCESS £VER EXPERIENCED- IN LAKE COUNTV. à..»n-ences on'Satuirday A pril llth, and ùf i131 -- -- ---- - - - - -- ---- ---- - --- --- - Some of the Many Special Bargains for Our Opening Week. NEW AND DISTINCTIVE MODELS IN WOMENS' SPRINO SUIT$ IN GREAT VARIETY ESPECIALLY SELECTED FOR OUR OPENING SALE. As a special attractioii for oui Opeming Sale we have a handsome lot of over 2,000 waists. n Worth up to $3.00. - 98y c Your Choice of these, at ........... One great lot of iawn and, Over 3,000 exquisite net lingerie waists4, trimmed I Iad 1k witsYouthwill Q19 orne ail over embroideryl=- Worth Up to $Ua.75, prîce1 - when you Bee them, for. 5 Dressy Wa1*sta of imprèssive elegance. Grand 5 -00 Display of 2ae, Net and Poudechine Waiats. - - Worth $7.0 and $8.00. This is one of oui spe- -cial leaders for the Grand Opening Sale- Costumes and Dresses LINGERIE PRINCESS DRESSES. Special for Opening Sale ....... ..... A SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS 1.0 Ail New Modela, ispecial at ...........- 00 ELEGAKT SILK FOULARD DRESSES 225 The $35.00 and $4000 values, fr........ 25 A Complete Selection of ICONFIRMATION DRESSES.9 The very latest effects, A"lJÂ Ur~ Specal Opening Price ...........T Sklrts for 1h. Openlng Salea There is such a varicty of effects and materials that yoil -iresure th find a style that will ternpt you. New Spring Modela, Pull Plaited and Gored Skirts, made of Panamas, in black, bine and brown, neatly taiiored and trimmed. Slm- ilar SkIrts are reguiariy retailed for $500. Your choice, For Opening Sale .........29 New Serge and Panama Sklrts5 upto-date spring modela, very full, amartly trimmed - with strapa of samne material In scitloped deaigns and foidai of taffet ilk, I black, biue and brown. Inciuded are a number of Whit.e Sicilian Skirte fu plalted and trimmed with rows of tucking at bottom, a charming new model. Sktrts you'd realty expect to pay $700 for, at....39 New Spring Taiiored Sklrte, made cf fine serges, chiffon Panamas and dark mixtures, trimmed most effectlvely with straps and tolda of same fabrics, or ot taffeta sllk, the grandeat lot of Skirts ever seen In many a long day at au 10w a price for we deemn them th e beat f 82.00 values. Your clho ce at.... HRIgh Clss $15.00, $18.00 and $2000 Skirta, 1.9 Special at ...................................9 PETTICOATS FOR EASTER. Exception ai Ieavy Taffeta IJnderskirts, -in ail, ceoqrs and black, made in several stylolé. Some have large sectionai shirred and others em- broidered flounc.es.' Wonderful, values at the Spocal Opening puce of.............. We Invite ail to Corne and Se. Our Charming Display- Our Great Store Ha. Bulît Its Reputation Upon the Prîncîples of Honorable Merchan- dising, Showing each Bk esson Only Those Styles Which Are Ab- soiutely suthoritative, Procuring Our 000de Oniy Prom Makera that Are Renowned for the High Quality cf their A pattern ot tris Jumver c0*tWàmisl ln six aisea-from 32 t a 42Incie Measure. Baud 10 cents titue living number (3M5. a t promptiy torwardsd to Tou bY il lunsper la finiahed wlth stitchel at or the material. A pretty fuUbl given both hack and front iiy tuchsaia the ahoulders. la thse a thse three tucka nearest thse stitched to the wast.Tb1av«,. close fit thiat la mot deatrable ft t figures. The neveu gorefi Plafte * le tn round lengils and iOlzudIpt: waist. A sbaped girdk- fOahboB j gsrment If sheer materli9111aucis & voile or marqulsette, areMPOO m11k luning will b. necarZy. If 5 f erred. the stitched bands a"ud uttt can b. of a contrasting. mtts color. For instance. if thé. mu ý browu marqulsette a danser .badatý loulalie allât may ho %ted fe thse and glrdte. JUDIC CHOU w, VOGUE FRIU.S. CeIessd Embrold.ery c en au a f 10 Smart ShIrt WmIsts A new shirt walst shows th* hW$5 coUdly tucked and thse mhlila glatiwithout ttri fr lac» o4 msson, but embroidered lu dotll e or. Tii. collar and cuf balle tul3s tiss idea . A &Prtty home -e* : $ u.edlewornen la to embruit b plait, cuirs, collar and boltt ID tk" I i~i lng Upon Workmanshlp of the Hlgher Order. Business Methode of this kind Have Made Us the Leadîng Ladtes, Misses *a Chldren's Outfltters of the North- West. ISOmOR oaTEE m à"40*4 - - - - - - - - l' hé pattera of thto chUte s &eu iln cut ln tis a'. ""='<0Ž on*, three ,and five S05Orf Cents ta itse. eitim"tiseu thse patter(aan<~ id l i hi 15 forwarded te yen biy math. * dota. Thse edgse MaY blie flâ * ernbroderei ecaitoe0laboul lzed cOtton. isbe gmisiriw&W t uta 1-d ai drmme InluRa shrt Md FU*àh. smre materlt tan lu ataLok= wvts a aiferet blouse, tbhOq MA~ te he denied thutthle iia5gfar and the Jnen shirt are1WM vitis talorefi Butta. Shit vaitsi ut a aln am inade for Thse eut et ts tuS dresl FRISBLES 0F PosslblIffles el Ise s5. Thé Nowest JUMMWl IThse semiprincesa dr.o à merely a dress wlth tise walat joined together, la popular tht.s priug. It la vrr take a separate jumper w&Ws bine Il wlth a plaited skiai. two and have a semîprlnese The newest jumper bas a u of the ladder sleeve, Lu wbich tudW tend from the shoulder well d.zï '1 the arm. Al ibese jumpers aud JO, e' er dresses are suttable for blouqs street wear. I the lutter cas* are generaliy voile or chiffon. pas or taffeta. For tes or dinuer d» tbey are dellghtful In llgbt colos tiate, veiling pongee a.nd raas over lingerie guimpes or waimte. IA model tbat can be eaui.y 0058 chown lu the design. The m-