ýOu~ c ITY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEKLY SUN VOL XVL NO 29. LIIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILIJNOIS, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1,ýO8-i2 Pages $1.,50 PER YEAR lIN ADVANCE. >URT DEOSIONS AGAINST MtGIOWOOD t Case May b.s Made of Docision rhlch May bis Csrrsd uP te Su- premne Court. -Mlghwood Fases Cetta. 0cr oid Hlghweed seemae te be ing It ln the neck right, as the ex- usion goes. She has now suffered efeut ln the courts, twelve cases segard te, the wheiessle sale of or being declded sgalnst her with ood show cf the assesamenta of s ccrming te her also. This ls bad, llghwood sn in fInancýial #traite ne i, nd only annsxatien it le said save her. he city of Higbwood was deait s v Saturday wbeîî ai the ir- court It ae antiuuiiced that ge Wright bsd iiassed upo)n the Ive' cases wblcb were uîendIug lest M. C. Conîrad of Iligba'ood lu ch be was cbarged wlth lîssîrî ated lbhe rit>, (if lilglrwoîs orîll ce or lu itîber altrîl, liait refuse(]l uiblalti a i-lt, lîceis,- tIi îwn andî rate a w'bIilcalî- lîquor deilot. bpe, cases arc, of niai,?' uîonths' îdlîg. Th e ilrst c'se 1, nugb opii settled, but ai) aîiîeal mas, takîti. m saine iiroccîdlng waH iîrîîîght iii cacb of the follua ug icuses, uiiil ge W right fsinls- iîuk thi tacts,' ,s uridpr aîlvlk;enieit. bel' resul t waus ln thle aiini rîcc ut ruadc Monua I t wa, brîîîgb( oui, St lb, juilgte atter cr rfîî lri%sii 5z i lield tbat the lllgiiaoid 'ity ilusale llqîuri orîliiaiu' wagu,,tt alita tioxiai. he cass nase uttractî-d cii,r - attention for the lasI >1-ar or su nicb as tbe eulîre drty of ltigb îd aa Iîtî-rested llnuncialIiy The ory la a greal oh,' for Attorney arn,, lnasnucb as b.- rcîîresrîts îrad aud iîastucb as e ha,, ai ýs held the ordinnc.- to lie orîcoîl titional. oesiderleg the fart 19f the de- daut wa lîrîugbt 11110 thc case îîîgb a eiiruruons, Attorney Stpartis ýle a motion Iodas that the rît,, of :bwood b,' Iustructed tu stand the rt cosîs. Jnudge t)oineully agrî-ed h Attornîey Stearîîs, but1 the ruatter I be argîîed out later ouî iîeta'ueiî anis and Gebi of 1-igbail. udgî- Punelly, a'ho 18îî i'-idiiig the c-ourt %fondîa, andi hio ruade annouiice-îlent, is jierfeilî a'yîmlllîg teste a test of uneu o! the' rases anîd iiigbt lii probabtle- tuaI nue (if the. es ail bi ,sî al.-aId tii the 'îttlrlme rt fir d î-cioîî Affaire in Courity Court. ?bi' ç-u'uu,î c'ourt las 1t-rniot îîîîeun i nîda, uiorniitg and a ih il a niiass ut hale niati'r,, a ii s.-ttI'd . îuî,nîî of g,' luîî.rtauîc,' ilformutin, m s'e, filci ugni n t ce Fox lute lîquior dealers for ou, .tlng 'aîhuit a lvense and tîteir ,es m"ere senil for lînnînedîste Irail. e> arc George Jackson, nluugiide; ornas L.urkin sud Johîn NrMabon ipieu lin sliurenît lu the case of PelseletI againsl . ey and is udarnen. Perry iL. Persons and W. Smnith, was argued XX ciiîeday. f9, case of M. XW. Marvîn for the Sof T. A. Simpson aguluat Fiueh )gan onu a echool note was dismissa on ilalnllff's motion. Nsw Cases Pîled. %ýrng lb,' uew cases fiied ou, the cuit court dockt arc found the' foi- ving: Vauufactiurers Autrimalir Spîrirnkler mpaey vs. The Chicago & Milwau- e Electric Rshlroad - mnechanîn's nl. F. C. M'iibur Lunuber Co. o! Grays- ue vs. Benjamin Rosîng; mi-chunie n. North Shore Fuel & Suippi> Coru ny vs. J. M. Buwer; chsucery, bill 7 finjueîlon. North Shore Fueli & Suuitul> tuini a>- vs. Ruufus F. Dull; corufesuion, the rlsa January il, 1905, are arbi- trany. Nt oniy wili t taire a speciai ap- propriation 10 provide ail officers and goiders who served ln the voluteer racits wth medais, but the extension of the Issue wiii men a great deal of work for the quartermaster generaisr office for the armny braech of the serv- Ice and the prospects are that the je- suiilg ot the embieme wll become a husintesof a braech of the 'war de- partaient. Simlar extra work wil lie requlred ini the uavy department where the record of al the' shîps msnnpd for volunteer scrs'lce a III will have tu bie zone over, CREWE FAMILY RIE- UNITED UN TORONTO Muet bc Ready However to Corne Back et Amy Tîmne Summnons Reaches Her Prom Officers of the Law Here. Nr,, Maîîîe (r-ai-. a bu aauidict *d l'ytire gr and jury of the' Narch telri of court ou the charge of asAailit wittî the finterît 10 comit niirlir îo the lite of one Arhur Nichol,,cf? tht,, clU uthe '-149 trai Tiwstaa i- teriîion for Torornto. Canada,.a bere,, togeiher wth her husaaîiiandl bei eight chiidreu, she a il mre lierfu- tuîre-home. Viou belng reýlEýascl froiorutie court- 13i jalthîs ruirniîîg b% Juilg,'Doiiicl y3. afler mtehc be, couî,lled t,, sigiitbonds, atîîouîtîii b $2.îîîî,, aiii, ru l for ber ahîîîîaraîîce lni thelircirt court omn lahe cotiîîy rt sey tiuîe smonied j,,,the ,îbcritT. NMo, <rewe aiked thut ber eght childreu, ahicli were belîîig cared for liv the Mlehudist church tpeople a1i helr tlu atil? itiorîat L.akte 1lioffI. li u nimnoned anîd that sir e 9'alîîaî*d lu leave for Toronîto lnidiately. lier requlest was grsîitpd h> the state snd the cir cuilt court iîîige. TO SIETTLE ESTATIE Of SILENT SMITHI Masona and Rosabachs Are Living Just as Usuai and Thelir Share sn Not Vet Cashed lu it s Said. Finilsh,i-llemcuil if the greatei- lait' uf 'Sient" Smitbhts hlch Sri. 't A. Rîîsbach. tuoris uf XX atut,' eau> s ioneof the ,is esiatcd fur aliiiuuîuvt s,, as In i lb,- indhte fi- lure, lu,,? 'b- l.Eauslu,î nucuea e anîd fi', mlfe an- not uhloin'ug thenselss lu, luis art> sîc-lu thabonut ti r.<1eo. XL Xlsou.îue1.1?lis homeuî-au117 (iroli stretici'? Esîvlîuî. uni> u'u.erduî aaîd houitanart ,luoioilu' .ljiaotheIl, noirtli ylol,' Wîi Not Corner Autos. le owsub utitmielsoin. asuuuislu tuuI îlaccd au,, <undur,,for uddtional car,- Nelîher bas bu- rderMl a mitllin doi lurs' a urîb f uit ,ii 10re. rare humin ites. Carrara itatuies and i .tneîe brlc-aliîrac Mother 81 Years Old. Nir. Mavotu spvnds i nticli ofhihs hlulue Inspecting reai csateanesd dlrecllng the Installatiun o! "'To Leî" and "For Sale" signa. Besîdea 1he Grove street bouse bhe oane a handaume homie aI 1550 Oaku avenuue and tis la uoa 9e- lue retodelcd. Mrs. Beatrice Qfmth, mother of the ilient milihnalre. sud now 81 years uf age, lives aI 1220 Rdge' avene. 69e declines 10 dîscuiss t9e affaIra of the varions legalees sud wahi nol apeak of the reports thal Mrs. James Henry Smith leshoot 10 open a mxn- sIen at 441 Grosiener s"uare iLue- don. Mrs. Victor fRossbacb, 1021 tee street, tormeri> a Wautegan aunuan, a s15er of James Henry Smith. le equaily ruserved. Waukegan Team Won. The Wautegxn 91gh echool basket bal l eam defeutcd 19e Burlîuîgtuu A. C. at the opera bouse a1 Antiocli by a score o! 34 tii 19. iTh,' l te.ia'-ua ii ot thei a.ci ETE ANSOf W>NR Burileglon leara ls nul t of9te tog WILL GET MEDALS est Those abo et a;9e Abert1 Hal-uh Hall. Fumer DhIgr holesale DIstribution o! Campaugni Steve Rynakel and Lloyd Robîllard Medals as Offlciai Souvenirs in Nuuw and "Dulch' Baîrsîsa. Unapposed. The tesrn aas given s fine supper -- sud a dance atter the game; lheboya There are about twenly Sîuanivh' ut the team acre derîsinîf pieaaed s ouericanwarvelerans le Lake couuty tbcy bad met some of the Anlloch ho wili benefil by the proposed legis- girls whenti 1e> aere In Watukegse. lion ahicb contemplates presenlhng The jutie of the trip ae thlat afler ,every ofilcer and soldier of voîun- the dance one o! the Waukegan boys era wbo served In the war alth tout an Aetloch girl home and in pale a carupaîgu medal. The ar surue aay gol ls le the quiet village. Ipartoteut bas declded tol interpose )objecion, ou the grond that the Tfhe îurovuedings ofth1e Lat,' Couuty rusent restriction, ahicb limita the Board of Supervisors Rivieg a flt accounet o! thuir laet meeting snd the sue of sncb medais to those o! the business@ tranoacted by Iheru appuas on -gular establlabméttt wbo were on the leside of tbis paper. MIES MIS5 VIEWS ON SALOON QUESTION Declares for a Wet City and for Sa- cons But AI so for Law Enforce- ment of a Sane Order. TPhe ioloaieg article le front tir, e-n iif L.A Lavere, secretary ut the Besley Brewig Co)mpany at Wauku-gatu: Edîlor The SUN: It affords me a certall-sii ' tii cumpl> wth îoîur roqulesl for ail ex- pre-ssion ut oIjiýn er-gardlig > utr etîtoriai oft]ast Vediesday onl the saloornques-tion, andt Iat îueasre ]lies intre lb îosslhiliiy thut abat i bave lu say nîuvIii vori lght degrcc cor, tribiultit ti' iioiuilion o!f a 5cr,,'vexe(] qîlest lit lu-I ne iii y 1gb at irIle-ou lu'? ta? Iii-s uîo'î ,11 nu owvrî ics. i haseý HOl rlgb t t.r auîth o lvtY , viles k fui, uiiîuîrî' -v. anid, ruo, îîîî a l Il rd ni, naoîe ataî-h(,i, if iitlthai uni llt, îuîg fuio , oîîîti tr îitiirict> luoit lu, l'ail,,' i iî'1 î -1 'ci i n ti -ottld bav', Iov utage nI Iii, îîîî ii' anduibi'ru ,îl it,, stnndl i hînu Ini* uruiu iii.'of 'Pbursdaui'îu ui' Port tt, w ua itb 'a luuiitieu iani." 'a l luaof îroinc, "- a icF' ' air alîi-riiat."etc. Arp the,,- g,-itienieti asbanned f their vu-a',, Ilal iiey hbitate 10 dentlfY tbcniuîelscithalbthe utternuîeev tbey bave muade or arf- tbî-v afraiuo lra- rîuuîîî e,'mlciî(I-l xcioplvIiarndlaho sel hoard onontîu,' iîuhu' or tlhe îtiîcr oftI great issue?' NI, attitude, îon Ile saloonrîquiestion, or nul lier a-. t,, ahellier or no? there ihld l,' ,aîr 14.lufeint> a11 hi derutoîd. I blîi cii'ni saloonsu.i lhiv h quoir huie-sis li-galieîlanîd reeug nlzed bu, thc nîationual goî ýruloîcuit. il iv utelther a rrimîe lu drink lituor ni iv il. a c'ru,tu, dispensîe it, anîdif Il la t0 u e dimpsiiietl ,uîer î,roîîîr r, strictions asit sbould9e. saloon,, a'hlcb vurulNli nrs places a cr,- lîquior uîîxy te obtaînîed, are s nec,',, aity. And that cullto lu ru md wbaî I convîider the unreaanalîle sud un tenuable ulostlon taken b> euaay aho suoted ut the receat election ta abollsb tbhe saloiîaa'Ple> oliul>svowcd that the- lresenut agitation ss et against tbhe use of Ilqoor bîît againet the sa- loon 1 conîiend. Nir. Edîtur, tbat sncb su attitude lh evacive. nt ta su> t, auîdtulent onuuthev face of if. The fuel-, are Ibat the uiajortty ut those alto sol,'d unnl-îuloou are Prohibition- it bî' art sund are uuiing the anti îulomuîucr,îsade as. tuî cutering aedge tii lIialI i brluîg abut prhii bibtion of th lic nia ulre Sund sali' of lIIqior. servance ot sncb hours. If the law said saloons ghould flot du business on Sunday, i wo'ld revoke the Ileese of the man who opeued li, rlace ut business ou Xhat day. i woilî regard as a specisi offender the mai, a ho woild sel] ta a minor or au hahiiîal drunkard, or who woîld shlow gai ilieg for mnney on bis lreîîiscefil short, i favor a strict obserianc, eandi eifremeut of the iaws aa, iiiey stand niion the statute bookl, iiigii w,- slîold be caratul nu? tri 'nut la, that are tiereasonabie or tat are iii, lu accord with publie sen iui'ii.iin? above al Iinga. deliver lis rt liii farîtîrabri, even If wani-I'iiiii craîl t fi r* being hontesti te h, ni i>t mlent ni frîstrate the ti ii , ni i bas fl i ,ew, by overdoing n. Theii, ton, we sbouid do oiielliiiig te, belli lbhe man wbo linî a rensi', eoi'ir,îlled to Malle the saloou his en dî',ioi-tiý, bcause be bas it,, ,,îher lie. o, gîanîd this refi, l.î,trî lai, t,,tiie y9uuug menî. lii li -tr, t1i t'(ani tuago aspeil ii an et igin, t1w oibiiille librarîr oî he,î tain gol Io -i lglots imeetinîgiitctttli ailtîii,'r,,'i the theater: hnliiilien s ni ialtp~laceinalWaiîtîcai w lii thie iî ealed worldly >o,îîtg mnain go- a lac,' ahere b9ecri ini-i 'his fi*rii, eaer,'libecau cet Oie- titiil% lîs,er. andîlthe periodicli aihie lie rau eijoy a sruoke If 9e anrslIo o tr pisa- a game of pool or billiards-, or doîninoe,, or olheîdwlae li ,ett>en- joi' inucelf Aud as bis raitilea(is ini t,, ldotuetbiug. be dirif.-tsii the salon as iabout the unli ilac' lfiiti aaulublc to hire. Sou,,, place, I ex., sboîîld ht, t,îî il il a ber,' oîîng meni cano gi ait, i lien Ilt devol ves ition th i e w hot arr- îot sattisfied a'lth the itiiiii, iii o ,lb,- saloon lu Inaugurale iii,,- iitoie- ument aloug the Ulnes I baie sîggest -L S ui ha place musaitnul 1,. oui titd Ib the churcb etber, anîd i sa t tht,, w ithouit dieparity tlufle i hurcli Tue iîtltieîcceseurroundiug it shutîd, of course, le a bolly resia-vetuiti ,, t sbhîîid lie q place abere c, cii the yolîig mani aho neyer I-r, er, a chuiirf coiild lie nmade In feel ut home.i Il sboold 9e ,uder the ruanagemetelof the business îîîeu oý 1he coiimoîiiii, wbolly oun-sertari anad itou îolitical. aîîd Ibose abo latruirize il ibould 9e lu, i ted lu part ici liai ,lnithe rcîtuct of lu, affait.. M-iae shalbaie doue ,,îîîîe tig iiif'iit he iiitl1Ihavec pointcd ont, an t ii,?tlîlb.-, ailiii' bave tnt,',, al iýrtîl ta i'tta iî ilffsîttiug tii, l,-t iii, tiff( ti a gtg-loli Trlio, vot,-d itIli'tele etini, 10 alie iii the, au.- coffle waolunkuoa ver> ouI l,,- valoo,cu itiîg thet rurn,îh, i su-il tua? l,,->ail b,'ahi,' lu get al there nul' ,, i, m i)uîî, )at lbh' liiiut, ii,'> îî u il t beru av-Ives, a bter tliîre aie -salonor no ot. i releilt taItii uiongus iqiior is inuunuifacttiueI aud sîlu. saloons are a ileç,v'iîi ,itýai '.Ittid he recoguized. But ?di, nutit iiiindertand mv îposi- lion, L.Ieause, 1iieuîuslonsneare s nu ci'eity Il ditse'it o tolu by sut> uensithut I aji t' c, c îf-them belue oluralcul av uta,,,ofuti lnruare at the pi esettimte.ljiOnte cuîtrxry, i an pinfuliy usure ilIataIhe trsffic needa regulatlng anud hat Ibere are mxny places nov' uiuvrninie Ibut sîbud 9e cioscd out sud niai,> men who are identified aith the business abo shouid 9e drlveîu out ut il. but leIc us go ai il in a rationul sort nf aay. i stand ailb those a ho respect a aud order, and aili 9,' glad tu co- uperate wilh Iben, lu aruy effort that bas these ojecls n, île, hut i have nether lime cor irnclinautiounu 10 ulteeil the Impossible îr lui ssist fI scy movemeut thal ici ki 10 delrive a cl izen o! the God-gicut piiilhege of ex- erclsing is righs arcnding lu chu dîtatea of is couscîcii'e 1 agree aiîh lhiriîe alîn believej there are mure sâlonuîîv îîîralluc 1- day ho Xvukegac anîtf u'uiehu'uethan tînre la any necessul> for. I fusor ilnîilîlrng 19e unruber in lut oîrîloîn 1 the pupulaion-sai on,,'tii very ,,00 -un the ground that the bîusnessnia>' b,' eufficienîiy profitable tlui 19euc a do engage in Iltii bheclu Ibenu front r,' sorting Ici nethud8 that are objection- able ln urder to rnaf. a livng. I believe also lu hîgh lIcense, lirai, on the ground Ibat the saloons this restrlcted le number cnuld afford ho pay mure and, second, hecause a large prporion o! 19e revenue thus obtaîni cd comes lndlrecly froru people wbo do flot contrîbule le taxes, lu uni tna leril extent, througb other souîrcee. sud. ton, becanse il aill ifnere a bel- ter and more respunsîble ciasu ou muen li19e business. Ifthe9 lia provîdes for certain hours althia which saluons may be kept open.I aould favor the strict ub- ha%,ti. e ,î-tt hoiu,'là',uuof îîruu,î,uiî> aI heurt andtae aîundît]%i iuble lu coin( tributtc ,;it. h il lt i %i1a, (tL)îmt ho h coullI ontitbuut , t$-auih Iliat Aotul raise, $.,, hi., t,, t ilet,îc uit,, thaun 1,ii,, îiî", i,, f the" ulule dotiil)titiic$ .,, ia thl rai',,'an- other $2,00o, nui,tic,u atotal, o! $10, 000. Suc, a uitît îtlt i iicel, equipia sultabie hplaeu'etmi nî,raîe Il for a year.i1îuggeît a, it Iviielhlng like that and tr>1th,.vxperinient,1 ialîl gfsdly b, one tf ot hiii $100 csch. or on,'of 0f tOc o gi,' 5$,)o each to sel the planu len11motinaitd ailassisl ail t can tu rais,'thie, balance of the1 money lu Itiiiultf t1w ,,posie 10 rise the aboIe aînoit 'uuand great gond should resull fi ni ',tîîh a movement. Wbat dou iii uul, 'ilr. Eîftor, anid1 wilU youu givese ',utLu 'mnuuîmeut youîr CO-operutloii? h A. AVERS. Arrested for C,,uut.u.îjt of Court. Averring 19e? lu, uuuuhe au affirma- tion lunrcourt ilait,- ,sie tblg as cbxiug the desîl a, ,îîuuula eoup. John Sprecher ofi Ole coîunîîY la stili lu 1he counly juil lice',' e aIl? nietherseur uîîr atiruti in a cage lu abich 9e Is clied as a is lnîes 10 bfs brthers ail?. Th.eOgle,' u,uut an taiis si iughî mbt court 'Ti,-sitîtatdti îalutui n- cd hie stand. liceîtîtd t,ît be lenoui dofnîg an ythlrng uuuîîalni? <'nn ta> In ixil for a ahihe si, u Sîrccher appeare lu bc a île,'t ,'sn',,bie cnid man, but sonne pecullati fl. i.îserm u h stand llnits aay. The appeal bond in the PI,,iert, cae was fixed ai $2.500. George Quentin for Chaîrmun. There la a cal ont for a suiIaI session ufth1e board of eontnusuper- visore at 1 on Aluni 22 Ihtte coiinîy court room, at abich in,, the chair- ruan for the year ail i bc chosen. Accordleg 10 prescut plauns. xxruadle tis aeet, George Qînenîhnl of Vernon le in the field for the cbsirruuusbip. As far asele knoan nuother candi- ulules have been annuunced. A PROHIIBITION COUNTY TICKIET Number cf Delegates Attend and Par- ty Maltes Ambitîcus Bîd fer Popular Pavor Titis Vear. Pr091911 Ion lts lu cîtiviutliii i t Tcuîîîeranîce Tempîle on U X hitigtoni n reel Mondd îcriîed Il, puta oi plK iltiotuty ticket iii Ihe fieldl an ita II tîli,', the lîsme îof Jbs. Andi,runtotf ,at,- Forest for their canidaîlte' h t iio escuntatîse ut the cougressîutiie i iîiîffcreiîîe a? Itarrîniton lu ii ld Ma, "licruornilg sesesioni na,, opicîeil ut lii ';îî wilb Elsworth M.INltccalf ni <hirlti- lu the chair as lcruporarv i lia, rrînand îîlR. R.O wen of Zion Cilty asti tniilorar> -icretnry. Mev-sr,, Sileîîrîtof <urnîe. Rich- ardl, utfluarrigoiiaîîd Andlersoîn ut lýait,-Frirest? acre aîîpoluntcd on the coiiiit( ou, î Ilc-<, c rvetiaIs and Messrs. S nieli. iff îlcrsîîri Oinu of Iiigbwooil. Rtichards'on andîlE. E. Ntui'h ou the i lîiltittc-t ua iiiierîtanent organiza- tîî,ahich r i'îtlii'sý,deodl cîsre Ilîia lb,' teî oailtgani laiot Iwîmnade t ut1a ici,? Chair Appoints Committees. 'Tb,-chita, îlueî tiît)ioiit-d -v i i coiitnuitteî-',, aîî,îîg theintihIe fhumaý lig. ,Nlevsr. iMsu,Slieîarii antiAndîer- soi tot,ilecet delegulciî tu the -talc, cotigre.-sional ad a ttirîonial îîînvca titi t-. 'ttî"îvt ciffi,rsciti.Sheliar, d [iii ard i. Mu.'atcsh aitîl Sriîbt, cltiliritle tu iîîgget usinîes, Iofil tut a cîlitît therefore the Christian, patriote shoiild aso band ln a bulle, cati,,,'aud vote the tîrobibitloîi tickt t Ici boli-,h the Eutllug be îrged al tl i e ptar ota, to lue thristiaui',,arndl ruget lb,' saloon a ler,' Il nwgels t,-e testof the a orid, aItheiblloI tbox. Great Telle,' of Stories. Tl iwi,' ktîar mau,,a great ti-ler of stîtrit",. bunîtroîis andîlyîaietic, sud had hii, audienele li, il lit, pIël,dillî. Theli,' tti îîg îîpei,, i aîba tpiarn solo li) Nli'- N M titre. c. icbvas folI liiaeti iih, lîîîutîîîbu Re.îDlr, aîîrk iof titin, iitti','re greal Coiuuîidai iiiîandî,i ut,- rtilYI lerest- iug arîd gond Mîstaken for a Mnîster. At oune pointin ,,the ' rutiug Mr. Brubaluer ristoîîk lDr."c, 'itîtfor a jîreacher and su cxl)tii i-id iiniseif. MILITARY PRISONERS ESCAPE f ROM FORT Prîsoners Schneider and Fowan and Their Guard Private Huff Mate a Desperate Getaway. Taon nllitar> lrîsoîters sud Ibeir g,îard escaped front Fort ïheridan iiaîîrdav îight. The irisîtucrs acre repairlug the rondsir aboutith1e post wbee PrivaI,' Thiiît-îN. llaff andI the lau lrison- e-rs. l-'lilliîî A.Schneider. 299vears uid and Bierrnard Cowaa, 28 i e;rt old, ove, tic,,' a bri,ý, he ýhad iîeeu place-i as. sî-utr> - Th 1 clu,,tii-trhon eujouîrlucd a51 oi, liciîus nrolced. Aiîo tli i, r îuîîîceutral eoniittecc o,.,,,,,c fl,..d Purs u e is to fwlînveit for t19e cusuiog lau i ers. l'fili so inr l. tîtr iunîpon't itbuilintese hufîtnu-the cenitioutliiiillu anici- uatîcltallb,, uanînng outhlb,-ticket sud the chulce of cundidates ailniot 9e finîîh,'d îuil ieur 5 Ibis csenlng. Toulght auth1e Fat?,',> C urnîoui \X lilignu A tirublakr. hctid of thie state prnbhhîilou parti.endtulhIe ciii- venitîion 'ath att sudresi ut the Bai- 1ery C aunilur> onu Coiuuty street. He 5111 vîlcut oui"The (hucb vs bbe Sa- The tu of' s he11exp'cutil',coi- uitîe anti the posîiîtso ahi hlr îy acre ciecteul tht. ,ul,iuoon a,,' ai foi oas: Chaîrnuant Il Si pi-utun ouf Ct nie,. V'iceC 1)51,uuîîuttut I ceandX Ntcalf uof rtr Trîasuîncî ' a1' Xl,, i ljhiit, 'tille. I'hte lif? h iut,. ii,r , f t l it ,'tti cessur uft uutd ui u to t,,lutcailiop cutuinil I rohbtttut utîtiontlitiiahFat- Iciý i C' i arit, M tIi, uI ilglit. XX ilhiamtuA.tIlrubiniu r. utteul lroi bllot, ut, aI,, urc. ilIl,,- hostu of the Christiah aut it utagaslthe 'saluons It, iuteauu'oftl- ballot tbox 1usd lu the ci,,use oi a flni , lina,'rît,brilIanIl y deliî,'red aitul fasehnutiuigiy Inîeresi- înug uddress a'hicb bsd for 11v tupic "Churistian tlzecsbip." Nesbitt's Notable TaIt. 'reeding bIs sddrees. baaever, was, aat rcslly conîstitutcd the ¶aîic of the evernlug. Il axe couaprlied lIn the iniroductor> rrunrks of Dr. R. Fi. T. Neshtt. "A burgiar le resptbleu beiside a saloîikeeper," bc ilcelared. "It acre bctter reail> or ut lesf juil ai gond lu iicentse tlebiui glar us (o0 merise the sînooue,'vr "'The locail hpeople haie reson tu' congratuluute' berselses. They icave a differett\\auukcgs r tuth1e Vîu- keganti Ier fonrd lb, e'niouths ugo at the- sîart ut the wou k.Il la a bel- ter XX atitigail "X\'iaî uaîuers il if iltukes ta-n. tl,,,','fîî > enrs lu, awiu' Are se nut g,'îiiig jo> out of h ie a on? Are ac nutit naklîug couîverts 10liu', cause,,'of 1,-un,,,'ce-rngb t uunug?" Brubaker Address Gocd. Tii,' ddrcssI', u,"WiiamnA.Il, uai, i-i wasgond. li' suld that lu spIt,' ni loucal optuioun tIhe'ptr cauît a contsotiuiioni of tiqîuor buis ibubIliîîu twelty-fixe earcus. Ihat the- conusomptîuion bsicreased frouu, Icr) gallons in uanv yeasv go 10 twety la-o uer annuru îow. 1h,' tolîl boa the "rulots o! bell bave lîcen opcced t culen1the manîhuud of this country loto sots and druekards." le declalrucd thaif lbe Christian patrlollsm o! 1he counotry demanda tbe destructin ritthelilquor truffc. Feurged lînat as lb,' lîquor dealers iare bandcd logether 10 5igb? for lbe letercats of the traffic at nul une but every eleclion sccurding lu their uarî constitution front ablcb 9e read, Coiti XXValler O. ]FInle.y, lun -ciirniuaud of the pust, ordercd a provuet gurli. cîîîîsiîîg of ulruostthlIe cntîre gartl sou,. 10 usereh for l'he'deseriers. The fields andthIe prarieln iithe'vlclniîy of t ile fort acre sroured lrn aIl directionîs, ba t aithour succesit. The soldiers acre re-euforced b> cîvîllan scarchers winch Col. Fluley imoted a reaarul of $50 for the capulire sud rcturn lu the fort oîf eacb one ot the men. Guard in Unlfcrm. Priva?,'Hfuf, d reeaed iî fullunlîi- fornu uîî bearing amis. wss patrul- unei the grounds of the fort, hsvlcg Iîecîîordcrcd t10 tecli 'atcb over Schrneidecr and Cuwan, abo were lu i ivillans rirthes. XX icPi, the olhcer (if the da>' orîlered rol ,'ull a' 4 ,i'ecck i.reparatory tii gutarul nîîuîîut uni the relief ut the -,i-itrle,--,t wau, diecovercîl Ibat Pri- i a?, lhuft a as inissinîg a'iIlb,'plins- lu ist-,udogt Ibat 'l ic n were ai.1 itclbu,,conu feilerates. BUILDING NEW ELECTRIC ROAD lion. Efaard t). Sîurlcif of iNla ri'uguî lai hieorue asnrhlateih ith Haisuîhîu lt n-sua uicla h.,te litillig <ut ui electri lu neiofruulmmMarenugo la Elkhurii. XXI,.a idisance outIhirIy- six uoiles. The ruud ailI pasa through Hzarvard andu Late Geneva andtlunch 019cr resurt cities of uorthern Iliînois aed southerut Wscosin. Mr. Shurt- lef bas becu elected preeldeet of the nea compati>. This road ail e a feeder lu btheiEgin-Belvidere lune. of which Mr. Broane le prealdenul. TIie rad from Harvard lu Marenugo s'as projected sorue lin,,'ugo, but l lu only reccully Ihat it bas hee dPecll ta exlend the lîie ouiluil, XW'i-consin. The new rosîl aI be a connecliung [Jlikbetacenu ccverai ol,-r lectrlc roade, and ahen t toîuîchei Ihe Elgitn. Woouieoct uad Lake (eneis road ut Lut, Geueî'a sli forinpart of a loup) ahîi h Ilhaie Elgin anud buke Ge- neya asi lt-s t ru-ruitis.Constructionu wort ha .al> tey e,, 'trled on 19e nes'roat and sîti l is îlnîîid thave It: li o1eratiiiut iui tut Rar, AWay trom Home. 1 Elsie Gra. a girl lb years o! age,1 ah h liii,eni., îissluîg fronu hem hnome1 lu X'a,, kî'gtî i, ., fu ,,,ulb> b ,' e plicîe 1 of Kenuuslttou, Frihuvrorulug auîd late Frldu uveuing 59e ,'iusuured ta returu ru bei bhome wahhe9r faîber. savse K,'înebx News.v The youîug voutunst aI the police office for huturs FYiday, 'seeplug cii-1 llous lears. S9e deciared ta 1he po-1 Ice oftcers tbat ah,' had left ber home lecutuse -,be sud 9er tt9,r dfdi net gel alocg eldi lgether and ebe1 declured furîher 'iban she wasa o! agei and aJble ho tat% cane et bersuif. X','eni the falluer came 9e wase ready lu forgîve sud forget and 19e yonng wuman conseulcd hoa relurfi 10 Wau- kegan wlth hlm. FOSS INDORSED BY THE COINVr-NTIÔPE Chicago Paper Tries te Get Fous Op- pornent Out of Pormer Chicago At- dernan-Had a Different Stunt. "Iuel,' Joe" (aunun secured two uoo e legates in C(ook county Wed- ueeîlsy, but fsiled tii lxnd two others sys the Examiner. lu the Repîîhlicae convention of the tenlh district lu Beenetts Hall, Ray- ctiswoud and WiI.on avenuc, Wednes- îlîy aftcrnon, Ruilen A. Keys o! Ev- anitin sud James Pease of Edgewa- ter aire sciected as national delegat«. ailiot instrutno f aey sort, thte disitrict folloalng the example set Wy tb, second last moutb. The alternat. acre John D. Pope of Wsnkegan and Cxi leton Prouty ohfVîlenetka. Reso. loitions acre aîiopled lndorëiug Con- gresusu nFus', for renomination. On lbhe side lices hefore the convention wa-icallicd 1 order several of Ihe del- egale,, gruiiicii tast T. Fowler, forumer aldermian. a., a rival agatat Fts Fowler ha,, hecriapproached by 'everai deiegslionn'tdîrieg lb,' ast thrcî aetks. but bas not anuounced bis attitude. Nir. Foaler it deveioped was ai the conîve'ntion as s Taft boumer, accord- log ru Lute cuity delegates wbo ware dlnîed ai the, Sherman House Wednes- ils, igbt byPostmasater Watrousi, wtae headed the collet>- delegation, and At- toi'nev Ber i Mller. David S. Jackson of Lake Forest was chairman o! the [conveution. DIEMOCRATS 110W COUNTY CON VrNTION,, eryan ln Commended for Prosldency and Gibbons la Endorned for Mlnority Reproent- s Fcatîîres of 1he count>- deuaocraecy convention heid bere Salurday were tb,' endorsement o! William Jenngu s Bryae for president, a strong speech - made by John Lynch et Liberty',i1leIn favor of Nîcholas Johnson of Mina.e- sots for the presidency. and a lot- ad- dreslu favor o! local option by J. Ce Jantes of Aetlocb. Delegates to the state conventiona A' wcre chosen as foliows: Wautegau Danlel A. Grady, Pred' S. Bellows. Peter McDermott. Antioc-J. C. James. Lake Zurich-W. C. Spooner. Hilghlanîd Park-John Sheehan. Libertyville-George Lyech. .Deertleld-Deunis Gibbons, inou'- 11v reiiresentative. Represeîntative Gibbons received a stroug endorsement together with Brysit. One prouiluent Democrat gel to the conîvenîtion laie and stsrted le tei or- gsîîlze saif play polina oeiny te ied that the session bxd adjoureed and everytbiuig asa ail over. The convention, was beld at 109 North Geneseit street, above the Me- Derteott saloon snd was go annOlifl- ed on notices malied ont. 1 However two delegates, M. H. Bus- sey sud W. E. Miller, were deiaYe4 buntiug for the meeting place and dIt not arrive rnitl t aas ail aveu' &Rd everytblng iloee. The state convention takea DISCO Aîîrîî 23 at Springfild and the is.ue are ai known te SUN readers. JULY RACE MEET US POSypONUe, Very Pew Hersemnen Have QuaiMfis te Date, Limît Seing AprIl S, and Meet May Have te b. Dropped. Beçause Bo, fea enîries bave heu. recelved for the greul staku eventa lbhe trotting meet ,,cbeduled st liber- I>ville for around Jîîly 20 ban juat about been cxlled off. Secretary RILU. Bentley ai lnul aay posltively that Il la deciared off but the entrlua, ahich diosed un tbe 9tb, were se kew lu etumber Ibat the meut wlll sinreiy go by detauît. Presîdent F. E. Marah declarea an effort aili bu made te bave a substi- tut,' lhree day trotting muet. The reason for the deflcieccy of horsemen entesting la sald te hie 112 the tact tbat thuy are af raid eft he eserners, a tew from the Grand Ciu- cuit belng now eeterud. Dlck MoM&- bon le te taku bis string ho Canada to race and Itl a net likel> tbat d Geura 'wUB put up a sbowing. Jpast bew mac>- entes bave boim reoeived ta not knuan but the DUISb* la a siim une snd doua net Metb. eeds. V ýjýâ