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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1908, p. 11

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-LAKE COUNTlY !NDEpÉNIMKT, FRIDAY APIL 17, 1908 8ÂSTURZDAY is the LASI DýAY 0F OUR EASTER OPENING AND» ALE Hlow. irétify1ni te see eues efforts crowned with succss-while we ieally antlclpated splendid resuits et this openlni we must admit that we have been sutpriued at the enormous crowds in attend& nce 4-eech day. The occasion has proved te b. a triumph over &Il pust efforts. We wish to express our appreciatlon--to lie people of Weukegen and vicinty-fer their co-operallon in helpini ta malle this openini the success that it has been and to thank them lor the mny complements paid es on our lHues of spring merchandise. We Invite yeu te b. present Saturde, the lest day of this openini. Chîlurens Dresses One very strong dopartrueut of The Globe is Childrens dresses, lu ages 2 te 14, we have a splendid slection umade of chamlry sud giug- ham -ic plain sud fanoy colore. Pricea tram 4"C te 3.95s lu white, ages I6 te 4, we ha-ce equal ly as large a variety lu Bune sheer materiaisj~ Prices trom 87 18 to 8 Women's 1Ëaster Suits At an Economical rics. $7.98 For those who want a good tailored suit at a rather modumt price this sipecial offer isbould appeal to pretty stTorîgly. They are mad e of ail wool panama in the Prince Chap double hreasted and eut away styles, colora are black, bine aud brownu; coat is lined w ith satin. They are ricely tailored, vcry nobby. and easily worth 1-3 more tîjan tiie price, spetial 7.98 Women' s Sfirts only $1.98 ')00 womenIs aud misses g alking skirtn made of mohairs and panama@ in plain colors and aise fancy stripes and cecks, pleated and trimmed witb folds, Il Values to 83.50; sale price .... ......I7 Princess Jumaper Dresses Made of chiffon taffeta iu copenhagen and navy bIne, golden brown and blackr, tunniunly tailored and specislly priced 0.5 at.................. ........... Chilirens Coats MIe in the eading etew styles, of fancyn kti and shadow striped suitings, agem 2 to 4vas for this Eater sale we offer two spec lidue meuts, onue at 83 98~ and the oth er O S .987 _____________________ .1 T Facinating New Easter Millinery We have surprised even onrselves this season lu the extensive- nez@ and grandeui of our millinery showiug. The new #priuý 1908 models that are se abundantly dil layed are the e!*»t copies of the most chardilng creations Éxtra care sud attention bas been given to their construction, the bleuding of colors and materisls nsed, We also make a specialty of deigu- ing aud making up special orders, guarantceeng absolute satis- faction. A very spocial Saturday offer is a McN(rry W' idow" 4 . sailor extra fine etraw inlu&al colors, trimmurd S- elaborately with American beauty roses, at $3 7 Modish Footwear for Easter Those who are particular about their feet attire will recog- nize in our new 1908 modela a rare touch of grace sud beauty. 'Worthy oI particular mention is the charming new liue of mens and womens oxfords in tan. We have a very extensive variety for which we eau consider ourselves indeed fortunate as the great dem>nd for tan oxfords is really ýreater than n.ost ierchauts can supply Prices $2.00 $2.50 and............. U J Womens oxfords We bougbt a sample liuo of womeus oxfords which include the swellest new styles for spemw and summer, they are lu shades of tan sud aIso black, button and lace, medium aud high heels, values for which Y011 nsually psy $3.00, ru the lot are also kid pumps. Choice per pair * 1> Womens H ose, new line of meroûnîzed clotton, Hale, and larçe embroderd, lu black, tan, sud fancy colors, 75 per pair, 250 th....7 c "Esayser@ Cloves lu venetian, l'île, mes- coerdgd uiIk,..blaok and Il deir - Mens oxfords we were fortunate lu buying à very desirable sample lot of meus stunning oxfords, sud as s resultiti affords a substautial saving for yen. The lesthers are patent, veour csîf and vici kid, bluoher ot, they are in twe lots specially r priced *$2.50 aud ... ........... . 00eU Car Fare ]Refunded on. ptirchases of $5.00 or more Suits I Couts altered .Fre.etfCharge Charming Easter Suits, Wonderfally Lew Mcmi Tîjese beatiful new Spring suite that we are specially pricing for tbis Easter sale at $14.75 are pomitively the best values tbat have ever been offered; moine would ask yon as igh as $,26.00 for tbem. They are otplendidly tailored of chiffon, panama, and serge@, botb plain and fancies, in the Prince Chap, liuttertly, and vestee styles. Are elaborately trimmed aud very stiking modelo, specal 14.75- Stylîsh Spring Waists made ilu we bave about 400 lawu, madras anI lingerie waists aIl the newesl styles sud aîtraetively trimnmed, sîso tailor made. They are aR good as you eau find else wecfor $1.4H498 At $1.98 s great variety oif styles made of white waisting with wide pleats, also fine white lawn, tuekcd, lace trimmied and enibri dered fronts, and china silk in white, bIne and pink, ai 19 cxce1tional offer t.9 A t $398 women's net waists in white and Ir trimmed very prettily with lace inserting, and medallions, very attractive styles, aud a Ijargain at .... .....43.98 Easter Clothes for Men at $1 5.00 The time helore E*ww. is uow very short, perbapa you have not yet bouglît 7ýozir ncw spring suit, if so, tlîis offer ouglit te quieken y.0utn akîîîg hie purchase at once. At $15.W0 we have assem- bled a cî,Ih eticli of spriqO suit& th at eaunot ýe Iluplitated in Wsnkegan. It im a showing that represeuts the rîewast style. Materials and cI 'l'li Te tailorin., of these garments excels that of suite uit freqnently Heil fur near]y double the price, snd maktmr theh ighlîclas merchant tailors hustle. Il sa a atuaI case of gie i g y> ij est a trille more for y our rooney thi ri c are in the habit of re- ceme cg ciscae1>. reý. SpeçiAl $ 15 ,9. Boys' Eater Suits Thare le a .,,îtie. meioney saving for those who bey their boys' clothint liere l'X,an instance we are offering at $2.95 boys' suits that otfierm will charge y00 about 1-:1 more for. Tàey are made of blue seigem, black andl blu.e thibets, and faney worsteds and camsiure, regîlation knee pants or knîekerbocker -style. We have orme c1ecial number, with wb ch we give two pairs of touscrs, on e kîioecrbocker anrd tbe cîher regulation style, special at U.95J Youni Mens Suts Ilere are garmieuts îlîat are really worth from 110. 00 becanse they ari of tonusual quality and exceptionally well tailoredl. Single and double hreasted styles, izes 14 te 20 yeilrp, Esster offer.............. .... juvenile Suts Ag?@ 3 te 7 years, fauoy oheviots aud novelties, aIse pla.in bIne serges, Iluster Brown, Russian, and Peter Pau styles, trimmed with emhlems -- - .5 I Dargaîn Dasemeni Under M s very tmpin gly p'cd CesseS eoves.fine quality, yok.-f12- rbeflbeadlo, labe edi...... 2i ilniat gswas Rgod mus Med tncked yoke. , 49c o es ndcidrnextra AO Mbec,, lace or embroideredule 49c »MUWtt5 fine tocked sud s.................. te $12.50, 7.50 1.95 Cruih Tray snd soraper, heav y nickled c eoybandle sel ... ....... 5 Halvasz and FerlEs crucible steel, nv- Chocolats Cram à-Candi 2 EJ ia la ,Tum les fine orc71 5 LAKIES I TX CHEl ' PAJU BY NORTIIWEYI LESS THAN THOUSAND DO LLAR4 0OF TOTAL IS PROTE8TrEU( Check is Largest that Ever Ent.cs4iid Treasurers Office Fromn Rallgu . and Totals Over $33,000. l1From Weduesday's Suu.) À The largest check for a rallroad tui that ever entercd the eeunty trett- urers office eofl.ake ceunty carne la today from the Northwestern railrosd . aud wasa recelveil by County Tra- urer Ames. At the samte time a com- pliment la paid those who Ievied die raltroad taxes as only $998.50 la pro. tested out et over $30,000. Thme totalof et ch ds.:ý utinla e Ibat go te make It up: C'hicago & Noxthwestern. Mllwaa- -- kecDivision, $25962130.Objeet 'ta $883.99, leavlng a pead balance of $25.078.31. Chicago & Northpru (Lake Bl3ng culoiff, $3.610.86. Objeet te $114.51, Chicago & State UIne, $4,948.36. The tax on other ralîroaris, meut of whîch la pald, la as tollows: Elgîra, Joliet & Eastern, $1389418. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Lib- erty ville Division, $5,542 13. Same road, main Ue, $14207.52. Wisconsin Central, $9045.05. ____ Waukegan & Mssissippi Valley, $1,068.67. Chicago & Mlwaukee Electrtc, $23, 139.83. OVER MILLION FQJ NAVLSCUO New Appropriation for Hurrylng ons the Buildings. Washington, D. C., April 14-Tise progress made on the naval approeài- tien bill today lncluded the adojptlor ut that part ot the bill wbich appre- prlates $1.095,600 for the complotiop and maintenance of the great lake. naval training station nsear Chicagô. Money suMfient to oomplete th., buildings whilh were anthosldby congresa in 1906 la supplled. Beme hundred and fitty thousand dl1aws willi be available for thîs purmoae &à 80011 ll& the naval bIhitaslgued by th, presîdent. One hundrerl sud tiWetlv tbree thonsand one bundred' do8 la approprlated te complete lb. et.,> trical mains and conduits, the h b mains sud conicrete conduits the ing station equipmeut the polz plant, the water supply sud ROBERTSON TO TIEFM Appeale- Again ta Chicago,~ M~ biliats. Expressing the hope Ia hm' uorth shore ctîes may follow lb. ample set by Highland Park lu appue- Ing frankly te Chicago motorias ta avold transgression of the stade apeed statutes, Mayor Robertson oft ilii- land Park yesterday addressed a me»- oud letter t0 the Chicage Automobile Club lu whlcb lie ollInes bis vieva aM to the relation whlcb shoujd exist hb. tweenthie officIis of suburban etie and automobiliste. Mayor Robertson expressed bis àde- terumînation net toe establisb' s poUÏe ambush, bat to secîrre th.Ahcne , numbers of reckless speeders anA commnîmmîcate with the antornabi8 ecu luIntIhe hope tIaI the resulte d&-. slred may Ire accompUshed wlthout r.- -' sort te tIre police court. JACKSON 15 ELECTED IA W . Defgats Appleton by Only 192 Votes Other Officers Eiected. lu a hot contest at Lake ïorestk yesterday David H. Jackson wua gIgot- ed mayor. Mure excîtement was dis- played than Irad been bown at &U ehectlon for years. Mr. Jackson 1Md a majorlty et 192. TIre other candi- dates eiected werc: City 'reasurer-LI,. . Spideil, ma- jorlty 18. City Sîrlervîsor-John Redniond. msjorlty 28. .Marshal-Tîmothy 1{owe. Aldernien-FIrst ward, Edward I. Baker, second ward, William C. PaIt- emhoff. thîrd ward, C. C. Pratt. Thre electrlfIcation uf thre Milwaukee read, tram Wilson avenue to Evans- ton, la to be completed May 15, and the Nortbwesteru Elevated trabu w111 then mun through tfrom thre loop to tbe north shorejuburb, according te, a promise made to Assistant Co poration Counsel Wetten yesherday by ropreseutatîves of tbe Milvaankf road. Nelgbbors In Argyle Park îU110 EstahNiahed 18 .OpJWd1 ~b GObe V'l le ta 1 1 1

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