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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 May 1908, p. 1

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'tir; INDEPENDENT.. and WAUK1ÉGAN WEKLYSUN VOL. XVI. NO 34. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MA.Y 22, 198-8 Pager, BY tuS lATIIER n one o the strenget murder casesa thé world ha.*ver known flw fact that havé devoIpd moa pIt appear that aWtr mklflg asuicide pact witii hie fostar son, Wltr Knoble, Henry Rudolpfi Amannfi ed the amal boy laudanum end fInding that this did not kli hlm etabb.d hlm to death, the boy barinq hle bremait to the. thrust. Afterward the father stabbed hlm- self but made m'tailure of the suicide and le ni4ciosoly guarded at the county ja i wiiihher hoevies removed aler a short stay at the liospital. The tragedy has Fort Shieridan ras- ervation as Itasetting and il la aup- posed that iiad the laudanum whicii he admits gving the boy taken ffet Amann would have casItihe body ln- to the. lalce. At au lnsuest heid Sunday It waa sliown that Amnannos lnite had pene- trated the left ventricle of the boys beart. Amnanfis own woundo are alîglt. 1 The srtartling theory lis advanced that lnslead of tiie tragedy being a suicide pact, Amon slow the. boy to gel revenge on the. mother, who had refused tb marc>' him. After barlng bis breatit for the fInal stroke and closlng bis' P)yca In slr.eP 1to aalt Ils coninei. a 12 year old lad miet bis death ln Fort Sheri- dan Saturday atterrnooi at 2 o'ciock aitthe Ianti of a iaralytic whom lie hati bepn pet staded lu accP,t as isý fat li-r. Father Staha Son. Here la v. bcu. utshetirt ieats IHentry. I aîni reati> to tlt- and ontt boy does not watt to10liv'- I)oîtl 1), afrali to stalie utc .It lltake It as easy atnd lont t urt ne att' motsi tban yotî bave tu I want to <ie s. iii you,lHetnry, for I love sou au Yoi are golng lu die,.trent pou, Henry?" The lad diti fot hase lontg to wait. %%'Ixh lontg antI trenttlliîg batds te littie lad utîditi his faîbers cloties anti then îreîar'-d tu leep for the iast ime. After about two hourti, the fatier moveti about, but as the littie felow hati lain bis curly heati down an bis erm the ditturbanre awakened hlm. "Don t leave me," the littie lad pîsadeti. I* am not going to lease yot.' was the answer fromtIthe fatber. Wtb that thte litîle lati logectishaeYes for the final slumber. he neyer awakened. Henry Rudoît Amanu, tbe father. tarrieti not. The bnIfc soon bail sougbtit h mark. whicb lie littIe son ant i is fatier liati narked out prior 10 bis fallng asleep. \',iîiingly the littIe lad. Walter Knoble, met bis tieatb. Asbl lits les llooti streamreti forth he reacheti nît anti kisseti bis father, the murderer, gaylng, "We can at leatt die ta- gether.' Murderec Seeke Dth. Wben Amann saw that tbe lad was dying be sent the cruel smaiî hunting knlfe busard bis own heart antisuanr tellbeie bis own childt tadie, falot- Ing front the lotis o! blond as lie tell. However, is sountis sers 001 fa- tal. At 2 oclock Sunday morning. weakeneti from the osis o! blond and in a dazeti condition, lie sas hated hy the picket sentry at Fort Sheridan as lie staggered patt the guard line at te rear ot the offcers' quartera at the ear of the practice range. Untier guarti, the fatier. sito admît- ted te killlng o! bis chîl t atlIe time of the arretit, caleti out, "Dont dont 1 bave kilieti mY chîlti. I silI tell you al." Murderer Conceale ldenily.' 1 AIl daySuntiay the murderer l>' on a cot at the hospîtal, strappeti tiown, and two assistants watcblng ie every move, anti le reftseti to tell his name or the name of the boY Untîl af- ter lie bail heen confronted wth Dr. F. C. Grifitli, to, whomn the murderer stgtei, -I have killeti My boy. He wanted la dle and neyer wanted to be separateti front me. I wanted hlm 10 leave me, but lie would flot. I even begged 10 tell hlm 'wlere to finti aid, but no, lie would nfot bauve Me.' Tlie toctor then askpd the man if be wouit I lke to see hie son'q lifelefsa body. "Yes, yes; brlng It ta me," the man crieti, "anti 1 will tell al." The lifeless body of the b)oy was carriet i nto the ront by two attaches anti laid on a cat at the opposite tilde of the room. "You saiti I coulti sec the body. 1 will flot tell anythittgutil 1f eee hlm Then, wheeling the cot nit close to the one occultieti by thee~ther, al were surprisedt t sec the 1n brace uit. reacli out anti --sa-liteUndthbrice on the moulli, anti then say. -Now yoo can take hlm away. 1 will tell ail. Good bye. my son." Father Telle Story. Tbe fther then wilittgly toli Pr. Grilîls the story atnd also told hlm of pant tacts anti connections of the lite of lioti hlm anth e boy. Assistance Arrives.. As the ftîler crieti out that lie wouid tell al, Dejtuty Coroner Edwarti Cotrad witb Stats Attorney Ilanna sud a SUIN reporter were heng hur- riedt 1 the scene ln Alderman Bldln- gers automobile. Tliey arrived to findti lat Coroner Taylor bai contmepnced tlie catie limpannellng a special jury anti bat titen gone 10 Chicago. leaving word for ail to await bis return. Mohier in Suspense. W~huIe thisa cene was going on Mrs. Knoble andi two other smaîl children were tnxiottsly awaltlng to heur If Walter bail been founti. The boy bati lis ma am: wt A: for hai lit ed ail tec r ef bo aba au W( an un 'a n i Taken ho Hospital. The murderer sas taken immedi- ateiy ta te postt ospital anti medical anti surgical aid aummnoneti. Doctors at thte tort sorketi avec hlm ail nigitl util in te early moruing Ibeir !atb- fuinesti was resardeti by a fu con- confession. Tells Where ho Finti Boy. The tan nos tolti wbere to findlis victit, laying oul a route coi a piece oft cartihoard shîcli le bldin b t ia pocket. Searcii foc Body. Tite searci tocrte body sas taken up lmmsdlateiy by the itospîlal at- taches. Fbnallp. alter a 150 toui- bonI, the littie lad wsndîscovereti by a Mmn ber f the sarcing party Iying on bis hack wit b is beati on bis coat, ap- parenttIy asîeep. A tiny bondi o! violets were IYIog at i. tbroat, itavlog heen placeti titere ity hi. tatiter. sho' 4d taken ibis ta bis dea Lli by lt theBUfgeat sui- cide pact ever kcioVit.. IIAVENER REPUE!S IN SCRIPTURAL TEXIr New Developmente Pcovo He Attempt *d te Stop Raffle Seing Con- ducled b>' a Local Minister. Writlog lie SUN via the Grayslake poataoflice, aetsliicli Miss Auna S. Whitmore, the postmlstress, sas ar- resteti several tinys ago. on the chiarge ot openlng bis mail. the Rev. Chas. El Havener, inounces bis plai!orrn on the Las anti Ortier Leagin- flghts shîcit bave gaincti prombîtpe n bils littIe village ln the hait es montits. Since the arreat. the vilage lias been tilvitietiloto fartionts tver the question. One factiott heîievcs ihat Miss Whitrncirc houlti be puritisietias a violator of the fetieral stattîtes, while the otiter beibeses tbuT Rcv. Hlasener la a horrîi utId thine - auo lter,-. Practices Economy. Reccittly Ite mînlter 1ra(itetia sermon lnn whichb le rebjîkedthett, asit- louable Young womeno f the sillage for btylîg te liats tliat cosi as mnucli as $10. He toltibis congregation that be had recentiy purcliasesi a bat for a Young voman friend and pali only $1.50. This action alune on tbe ipart o! the mittster la alleged 10 hbave cost hlm the sympathy of muny o! the villagers. Knock Waukegan Mnster. AcccrdlntTO Misa Wiliores sym- pathizers. Rev. Huvener lias rulileti the feelintgs of the villagers on pre- vions occasions. Tbey relate that lat wlîîter bie attempte tu t stop a raffle o! caîtdy. The raffle was ar- rangeti by a local minater. antI was 10 obtain funds. for thç Grays- laIte Epiacopal choccli. Tihe Mnistere R.ebUI& lu answer to, thetechargeade iy resitienta o! the village otâr*ayalake relative tu bis being a 1~e dis- turber, the Rev. Cbarles E. 'Havener makes tlie folIos ing reply tbrougbi the columna of tiL W'auiegs.n Dailyl A consîgoment cf black h o-., To Thu At lie meetiug Recelue blareiy, same number is to follon n a feu days anti the movemeilt la tortsultin the restocking with flsh of S ofu the countys depleteti and ,%tqtflshed laItes. Congressman George Edriiiti Foss. Postmater Charles OG.u aTrou, andi the Waukegan Bachelor Clubi brolglit ahoot the slilpment ot the tiih and the bachelors are doing the ro-tocking- 'Ple flsh were amalier than a minute of time anti coulti bardly b, scen liy the 'i.ked eye, but wben it is consiti ered that there were 800,000 ofthIein or 800,000 bita in proapect for fishler- men in a few weeke, tliey just hafi to he smaîl to be crampedi loTo ght milIt caria B Ca trq li ar Sl N, fa st er n b4 b hi eet kîdoappeti byýhas foster ftIler SU*-.i iany times during thte bast few years Sa>' Cironic isturber. id for the patt fes Mouti bati liveti That means me. But shy arn I 11th hlm ah 1012 Otto street, Cicago. sncb andt t whom? oison bat! livedti sll Srs. Knole Goti says ln John 319, 20 ant i 21. r tweive years, but wben ber bus- "Andtisits t the jutigment taI theP nti tiiet eight years ago lie ball ligt la coule unto the soriti, anti menn gged ber ta mari-y bini. Amana. loveti the tiarknes rather than thied o7-ever, tarriet it the home anti act- liglit. for their wonka were evil. For I as a father to the chiltiren. TbeY everyone that prectisetit evil batelli il calieti hlm papa, but It was uPO Ilihe liglit, anti comelli Dolta the ltght. atertiat the man lavisiet i bs tf' lest bis sarks Ehoulti le convicteti.c ections. But lie Ibat doetb the truth cometh ta They bati been together day andtihIe iglit. that is works may he matie ight anti a year ago, shen Amnann manifetit, becauee tlbey tire wrouight fI tbe bouse ln a huf, lie 100k the lu Got." ýoy witb him an4 sent ta Calitornia. wacnîng te Sinful. [e was partlyparalyzeti anti Il was i arn a --chronlc disturber" ho everyF lardi for it tlà make a living. person bn Graysîtike anti commnittY lie wrote ta Mrs. Knole for mottey that ignores the light of Goti lýrthe nd sait that if bl i ttnot get Il he rigitteousiesa of Jesos Christ, anti ol kIli the boy. tramples the moral law of loti, lie- Mc,. Knohle sent $200 10 Aniauco Iseen mati anti mati, untier font. Ln lie return"d lu ('hicago lasti Jan- 1 amt a "chroni0 duturber" ta every ai-y, ater, atter a quarrel, lie left person that volates the iaws Of aur fliln. taking Walter with bloc. siate anti nation, anti intendt t le se Bo>' Louves Willingly. as long as 1 live, for a man that ls The boy sas silllng to go ant i d true ta the itett interetits o! bis fel- ot even bld bis mother gondbye. 10w citizens silI always cause a dis- Wben the mother heard the news o! iturbance in the -Devils Camp." las deabli latt niglit she alirieketi anti Thiitk o! a oinister iving ln a ecame bysterical. comrnunity over wihcicbte embient of "My boy, my boy; sby tiltnt 1 our heloveti nationt waves. sbere men gave you froni that man. You loveti ignare ilal#Ws anti bave lttle regard int hetter than yon titi lour mother for tie churcb titroogli shichIt l bas and gase yoorlilfe for hlm. but 1 ga-dInt ts %re-eminence lu the wocîti, woulti give ni ail ib the soriti to have anti Itssp quiet because lie is araid yau hack agaîn.' of public ridicule. Sucb a minister Telle of Leters. lsnut fit ta grace te platfocm of a When Arnann began 10t telIlbits country talc, let aloos stand ln the tory 10 a SUN reporter axgi other pulpit o! a churcb for an example for membera of the Party, be mentioneti peuple 10 foiîow. Got i pty aur couni- a letter anti several that lie bat writ- try whea te lime al;rives tbat the - mnster o! Icutit anti moral rigliteous- en ant imalleil on Thursday evening et Lakte Bluff. shere lie anti the boy nts bave 10 biti Ibeir peace ln the slept during thie niglit ln the wootis. presènce of a defaming anti demoral- A letter sas fount Inb Anattns'1lzbng people wbo trample untier f001 pocket whîcli le decîtredth le boy te loyal citizens' righttu. EverY true, bat scîtten, but whicli Dr. Taylor las. abitilng American silli ntiorse the thinks lie srote biim8elf, ant ih methots o! men wbo have te courage te man confesseti to liavlng written 10 stand ot againtit sin in every form. the lrs tw setenes.even tbougb tbey are lirsudeti as men the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o lis 5 etneo ow pciidciple, "chronlc ditturbecti." The Lttcr. CHARLES E. HAVENER, 'Please hucy us ln one grave. Ev- Grnysialte, 111. erytblng sas agaînat uti. I do n0ot________ sant 10 live sithaut MY father. 1 go of my osn free sili. Pieuse liury us LAKE RESTOCKED together in une grave." WITII WALLEYIED PIKE (Signet) "WALTER" The Second Lelber. Eigbt bundreti thousanti walleyeti Antiier letter wctten hy Amattu pUce, eacb tour days. aid, arrived in gave a description o!fliow to finti the Waukegan Tbursday on VIelr wtiY boys body. It ran 4 ta Thîrti Lakte tram Ithe i batcbery ««Please gel my boy 200Os yards ait Mentuta, El., anti were cemovedt t notiteatit ot Fort 8herîtian; dosti by the Baclielor Club resort tiat tnom- the lient, 300 yards nords o! te nortb- ng la 8 milIt catis by J. J. Dlelmeper east corner."l andi Janes P. Hull, bath members ut t1entinnst on paite Baclslor' Club. 3OY lIED TO TRE!E BY. mIlS MOTtIER Front North Chicago cornes the or>' of a fearful punisiiment rfilut- I b>' a mother upon her smaii son. Here in bniefla tth. history of the iag0: 1-Tii. mother ciaims her son stole 13 front h.ý' purse. 2-To punish hlm sho lied him to a ce wilh a piec f clothes lie mak- ng legs and armes faut iltei reporteti. 3-Tien il le sald *iie beat hlmn. 4-lt le allcged hhat aflter thiti .ie eft irm bound »s ho was. 5-A passerby 100k @ity on the boy mtl cutting the. rope freed him. %Iany pteople wlio wiTtaneidthe sctne were extremely lttdigtutT 15) ep a timaîl boy, about 6 ypuTrsuo age, ed to a tree la the ç(itllTt raTi ltt1 NortliChicago. Tlie chilti la tie son of a foît'ign fmily anti bis motier clitet hall stolen $3i from lier andti wTboTher Id- r youngaters bati sqîa.ndered the money. lIn, ortier to punisil the boy asie trst secnrely lied hlm 10 a tree nearby. andI eat hlm onmercifnlly. Tber. lthaIflot being sufficient punialument. he was ornîelled 10 stand In the rain for hours, unîti a passerby stopped anti un- lied tlie lad, anti then lnform"d bis mtler that If she ever dld sucl an In- ouman thlng again lbe wouldti bler 'ver to the proper autlioriies. It is' ald that the mother who thus punialiet ber son lis Mrs. James Pa- reppa of VIctoria near Green street. Northi Chicago, anti that a Wankegan lellvery man eut the boy lonse. Detala of the punishlment are revoIt- ng anti the threat is matie tiat If It s resorteti to agaîn the police will be callet I ito ilie case. CARS TO MILWAUJKEE BY JULY !IRST Receivers ho Make Other Changes and Substitutions anti Wiii Finish tie Road loto Miwaukee b>' Juiy 1. Cars on thie Chicago & Milwaukee Electrlc ttailway tompanys lins are expectedti10rtîn info the clty o! MII- wraukee by July t as a resuit o! action taketi by receisers o! the roati aý a meeting heldi- T 'tiao Fbay Thte issuing of iccii rs' certificalei te lte amount ot $1,(io0.000 sili for- lihthlie necessary ntoney silli whbcb ta complets thc roati to Milwaukee anti wor kistlu be itishebl as rtipitly ". possible andti tie msy lie ortieri lssuedti t have crews aI sork day anti niglit. The -receivers base reorganiz- eti antiatiministrutis departments of lte roati andtihbbc tîwly appoititet of- ficers have been itusTructedti 1 putil the soi-k o! conîîfletltg the uine b,- tween Chicago and i lwasuke. In place of Mr. GeraghTy. wbo bas been citie! engincer of the nes elset trie lIne anti sho hati charge of ail rigitl o! way. continuiug as chi e' en- glpeer. the recelvera ofthlitsroati bave selecleti A. L. Droit o! Chicago au catieulting engineer sitb full poser lieve hetit. J. M. BraînleTTe ot Deroit, an ex. perieticeti huiltier of lcctric railsaptu, lias been nameti as superintendent of construction to socc,,Pd Johnt Scott, who sas ln charge of te construction wock until the Frost rompanp sas forceti toa asign. The recelveru bave given Drunt anti SraniletCfullttîor- lty ta pusb thte sor andtoi liet' gtte- men helleve te ruai 'un b('comn pleteti by July 1 anti cars uilIthen he runnlng from EsansTtn to C'hicago. Monday Emma Young sas ap- poînteti administratrix in the matter o! te estate o! tue late William Young untier bonds of $50,000. NEW INJUNCIION AGAINSI VOLIVA Siterif! Griffin of Lak~e cotinty antt WIibur Glenn Volsti. durIt browed ar- biter o! the destInica o! Zbon t'lt, ran a raice Toestiay. Thte race on Volivas part was t toove bis general stores Ia the sec- ontd flour ot the Zion cbly hall as sono as possible andt 10têIte possessiont o! lte vacantt lots utea P île cip bhail. pers tn a new Injonction againtit Vol- lia, rmstaittitg hlmi fromn dolng hoîli of these tbings. The Injonction waa IssTtedlly lutige liontteliy early Tuesdss jusi' tif ter a former Injonction liati een dia- sîtincd anti uhile 1tapers were heing filietionTt aTtd gotten ready for service t was VolivaS otove. Story of Injonction. Tht tir"t it ljtnctlott against lîr Gieni Vollua natd members of lits tac- tion who soutglt Tto lease the Zilt city hall for three yearu vwith a prlvilege of two s cars rettCw'Sl 55 s ihis aftrnouit dissoiveci and a itea otne lToktsT place. 'lhe lieu one was olfereti at.att amendotienT to the old onte and for a day attd a haIt bas P-uzzlel litige Dont neliy of the circutMort as lit was contettded thal ithe llrtt itsjunetlotî bill hati ieen draftletuita bttrry antdiwas not thorotigl, a itracticai admtssion bhIle peT itionet s Il i'S C<Tîttetd edti ta the bill was wea< Iloweypr. thie court Ibis alTero oO. jistl efore atijoTtrrnent, atitTedtihe antettted bill as a new one attd lis ternts aTe essiimttore strlklng than liTs Terma of the New OBill. The itesu ltjunttcîon restralos the Zlott coottrîl trom closing a ]ease wlth Voliva for the second fluor of the Zion clip hall or the vacant lots ttear il. the clerk. W. H. Fabry, from slgning a lease, thie tefendants front taking possession, lte defentianis irontmak-~ lng a transfer or cottveyance or from moving Into the second floor of the city ball. What Charges Are. The charges bn brief are that In view ot the fact that Dowie gave the clty the proîterty as secuîrity for a $30,000 bond Issue wbihlchle gave 10 Otto R. Hansott tu aecore aInani of 1$30.000 on a nttoe, the Iantia court 1a llkeiy to order the city at amy tint 1 -retoro the proîTerty to the estate o! LZMon and It may nttoh ave any riglit whatever lu lease. The oilher charges are conaplracy on the part o! the Zion cotucîl 10 letise the properTy antut Trtt il loto a VOL iva heaiqttarters. To ettulanger the bet I nteres 0 f tbe crttt , atnd even to make a fraudulent deai. IT la claimed that the rigbTs of Zion ute prejudiceti. The ijunctiott la not permanent btt l issiîct by the court Itseif, th( liraI onie belng Issuet by Msaster Ir Cbancery Clarkte. Attorney Claire C Etisards relreseies the anti-Volivi section anttthe cse la known as W H. LlchTy vs. W. Hurd Clendînen et alI Tbe parties 10 the case are the seai aas in the firstIinjunction Tt le saisi. y Court Now Adjourned. a lrettt court atijottrned untîl Jun, 24 Tttesday itoon. The Mothertibil hcase wlll have t bearlng at \Wood estock a week front Friday hefore Don ynelliî .1Nxt sueek Attorneys Heytiecue danti Field, Edwards anti Popte ant il: 1et, attornteys of the Lakte Cotînty Bai ,fwii îay Judge Donnelly a persona f.visit ut bIs Woodstocls residence a svbictTirn they wlll conipiete the ai gutrnieiit andti le.tWeotlon for a ne, tilai ilu the NlothêSrsill Iliel cas lgit heicaseo.lauc gls ae in thide aesofd3ay nîrîlngt Sargîe, te jdeuedymrigoerld Rhe fue Spraon Ris î eblil cf Llrtyvbl. w Ti ougiA ' K ttopeLileti luI tik- in-.gTh be se abloseti ie ailfack- Ing o st evbg boer heantti boose anti boarti, altbough abe titi nat cars 10 ite divorceti anti that abe lie allos- cd lcmporary alinîony, sas refuseti the samîe Ttesdatis irtng by Jcîdge Don- "Do not bu>' anyting at those gen- eral atones, net a cent'. wortii. Ratier than bu>' a penn>"s worth lier. I would shanve te deali and have my carcas hung en a telegrapi pol. ýý0o nol patroniZetiir laundrn>, I wouid ratier wear tie shirt I have on until next Chrielmnas than have a shirt Thia la the wa>' Voliva went aflen his eneme" Sunda>' et à big meet- .1uIgc Kiesaw Nb ottiioLandi lu 0, erneer Daniel B3ry ant, Overepr XX i. iamt Hamner Piper andi otlitet n utý excoriated sud revilied ln Blilingsg'te of ait ecelesiastîcal order It lu naid. Peuplle o!f te oliva congregatiotT whlrb la flot a timali one, vere for- bitden to go to the Pip,4r or Bryant meetings under penalty of excom- munication fronit he Voliva tiock. Thet Injuiaclion agaInqt tenew lo cation for the general storeasusas raked oser the couls atnd toasted attd recoursee o tHo- itiglest court wue tbreateneti. Voli ta thireaTfSu s Tfo tart St ontce a new laiinîru and a ttew ivery atabli ln opposition To the receiver. WAUKEGAN GElS APPROPRIATION Special Message 10 SUN ln Reaponse 10 Telegram Gives Firat News.- Sonate Now Geta Measure for Passage. The pubîbo buildings bill just pasacd lie houe. carrying $2M,000 increase for Waukegan. GEORGE EDMUNO F088. Washington, 0. C., May 15, 7:10 p.m. _ .Tie SUN wss thi.firtt to e rcp5ve lie news of th. good luck 10 Wauks- gan b>' means of lhe abêtie lelegram which reachedth iere aItithe lime etateti. Wattkeguns total appropriation, lni- spîreti and carriedti Irongli by Con- gressmaut Fosa, la $95.000. or the orig- iTnal apptropriation o! $75.000 plus $21),000. Vastkegan hati fot asbesi for the extra $20.000 wbicli lowever la wel- come ettougli as t permits of a hetter building anti the purcliose of a respect- able stte. sornething that the original appropriation titi not aliow as avaîl- able sites are costly ln titis city anti patriotismr suttervient ta the almigbty idollar. It ls now probable that the super- vising arcitert's office will take up the malter o! a site anti plans for a 1building bers, Interrupteti by tite con- greasmans requetit for the extra amount, and that Waukegan wben aIl iti salti anti dons will have one of fthe finest federal builtilings ln the state. Il wlll have post, anti customs office fquartera anti other tacilities anti con- tveniences o! an up-to-date city. DIPTiIERIA IN FERRY HALL EpdmtSat ih oeTiolc One o!flthe Members and Stems 10 Have Spread. Diptlerla bas broken out lu Ferry liail. the faslionable flnlsbing scliooi on thie north shore afnflateti wîtl LaIte Forest Coliege. Elglit girls, ail o!fIlien daugilers o! wealtliy parents, bave been removeti to the isolation bospîtal an tite laIte shore anti are being cîosely watcheti to prevent tlie tpreati o! the disease. Tliree otber yuung women have been removedti 1 thebi- homes suffecTing front diplitheria. A strict quarantine Is be- lng enforceti. One huntireti girls lise lit Ferry Hall. Tliey are nol allasei to leave the building. Guartis patrol thes lasîts ta ses tbat the quarantine la enforceti. Suntiay nîglit Miss Marjorie SMoore, one ofthe Ferry liai] girls, complaineti of a sore thruat. A ductor diagnaseti the case as dilîhîherla. Miss Moore was remuveti to a roont apart fron thie other young samen. During ltme niglit aux nîber girls bn Ferry Hall came town silli the disease. Yesterday, oti ortier oX the presitieut o! tbe college, tlie3y ere aliremovedti the isola- tion liosîtitai. together sitb Miss John- sotn, a tresbrnan la the coblege sito de- veioped symptoms o! tilpitieria tur- ing tite day. Threc other young somen, Miss Pet- ersoît. Misa Murphy adl Miss Ejeller- din. sho contracteti the tilsease, were taken To Ibeir homes. "The cases are very liglit,' sabid Misa Frances L. Hughes, îîreccpicesu ro! Ferry Hali, last nigbî. 'We base 1no tsar o! a turtiter sîcreati of the dis- ycase.' Picked Up Drunk. Mr. Iaaac Raines, the locatl op)iOT stivocate, ws agaîn arrealed Friday evening oit a crînkenutess citarge. At the lime ofthIe arrest Raines sasunoable tb navigate. ingh it laWd b>'tomre Autkcganliles Next morniiog he sas given 10 dtis who were present. l n the coîînty jail ity Jtustice Hope. NIEW CANDIDAn FQR L. E. Meniscl Now inthie Field u Wil Have Mr. Olson's Opposition c bie Latter States Formal>'. ELEVATUP TRANS " Express Service Disrinq Clay >ti m Shiore, ton Mjnut* service to-a~a Fcoen Evanetion ',ad Othi.' Filature« b B"gin. - Patrons of thj'Chdcago àA M*a Electric Ralcoati company 1thO~, îocnlag recelvel notice tisat nencing Satuntiay at noon the ton extension o!flime North*mm Elevaheti calcoati soulti le opssosE. ravel beleen E'fanston andi &Uo tIons ta ant iinoluduig lte anSasI in Chticago. , Evanston stations are aI Centwgi ,u 'layes, Davis, Dempshér. Mlsiq*ft4 Dtilvacy streets tind stations lot chi-.;' cago make Il passible lu connect 'w1t Rîverview Park and allier remortt, wîthout naucit trouble. Thte meanlng of titis la Lake Cut .s that a trip la Chicago liy trolley s4~ sievatedta is1105more titan a poiâaIMV t>' as lthe SUN lias toidthlie people Lake Count>' toc sîglteen uost4 N,ý witen Ilie plans ofthlitsElevated i eÇ became knosun. Tliece Is direct connection tro#l'S Ihis county, In otlier words wttb~~t loup stations anti sîith ail elevated a surface uines In lie city o!flre An addtioal teatune of tbsg tîouucetenl la the sttsmellt ~t- express train service la @aUW Iseen Chicago and ail gelnasOW electclu costi tram Evanston txCh càgo every len minutes, or dvtr t olgitt ail nigitt atole frequent, latW40 vals. Chticaga anti every city betwéea 01*1- cago anti Milwaukes eweeooe lthe announcements titis marning. Tb* streel car'anti. rail face la about thot same, the street car face belng sti*t- ly cheaper, except where a comIlïmn tion rail ticket ls useti. Chicago, May 14.-As a resaIt of a0; lion taken totay by the receivers ot thie Chicago & Milwanke Elctrin. railcoati. the comxletlon oaf the. lins wili he prosecuhet immedteIy. aitt tbrougli cars wUl he In operation be- twecî thIe Isa cIbles, it la sait, bi Jully 1, The recelvers, who met ta reor- ganîze the constructive andi adminlis- trative tepartmenîs of lte roat, corni- pletedti beir taaks titis morning. Verdict of Coronen's Jury. A coroner'ý jury at Seloîl Mantiay 1brout Ini ls'verdict that Mr$. RIS* W \atts o! Woodstock, III., came to h.a, tieatb ln Beloit trot a Ceriddsnal 0P4 seration, but til t lsuggesî silous glitq ft exenscaheti a phyicien lfl ' saltentiet the womai-MilwaiLueuO S ýý UIne]. JWdltI- L 1.0 VS 1 . 1 > 1 1 a tE ai si Pl b ti ti ti &141 $1.,50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. A new figure lias corne into the figlil for the tate senaTorshlp in.lime person of Albert J. Oison of Wood- stock, wio announces today that be la oun boppositon0 to L. E. Mentsch, also of Woodstock. Mr. t)lson owns a large farm on the outskirts of Woodstock anti is an ex- tenilve farmer. milIt dealer. poultry raiser and butter maker. He removed from Chicago some years ago and ha. sînce operated fhe farm. Mr. Oison la a former alderman <0 the city of Chicago, lias- served a member of the legîslature andi ls 00w a Woodatock alderman. He la ai> aggresslve anti a progressive citi- zen anti a mani of about 45 years. He lias served as presîdent of the MX. i-inry County Automobile Club anti la %vitely known boîli in bis own county anti ln western Lakte counly. In con nectiop witli the Oison au- notncement the new primary iaw dis- poses of the olti agreement of ye&ra ,standing hy whifP Lake, Boone eis< McHenry counties 100k tbrnus t elect- log state senators and repreenta" tivea. Polltiiamns cee that the ne«' law will not permît of tiIs agreemmfo exlstlng andl wlIl hereatter 4im'eq thelr efforts ta eleet their own meà la« their own counities. resentative ln eaci county and tW&o for senator anti no ca-peralion b" tween the tbree counties., l It ls reported that Davidi Jackusai ,' Lakte county w111 came out in lion to, Attorney A. K. steama. . representative. Mr. Jackson h&t tIhm' far madie no annfiuncemelit but It W understauti that bis plansam arew definitely matie.

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