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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jun 1908, p. 12

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'W. l>;ï a% Our factory at Librtyviue a 1ev ammU iOtloteiteatttrtut ,,atipr0.1 r e. .Vr odtai maisofau IOELFE(C. n*h b4es la orseitaon'bau TV. W. D4 "00,. isgb Caiban prlm< Steel s@ air reguler' stock, theoffoly si.t suufs UU r@W5a are boea > y ye ý vo Ji.*X. * Fd.ér andwlfe ta Ir. P. jlfeaSucebelsag lau uaeven lengtbe. able ý>t<*Nl~MSHld~ owet% anebéinsmade.. Fedelr, lot li S. B. or. Sec. 371, Wgta wth miN 4idt n conga- Tp. W. D»., *3,0. t ylT =eamy take your pk atabot HALF REGU- 1 . 1.Ir1 Il l £1 '1-. IwCl . PmSCOftE, MRT SEVmD.inquire e utScoy llm tadepaititributs te sot4iers, M r 'w T BAPf.11 *8 c Hoeewith 7-de rý iinfteWar -et thî ArToft 0% StiQW eiemiois urday. Seorsa f1. Lahey, former supean- '»gglq with theo parade Saturdai 'tedent oithe.construction worlc et Aot$MO a1arid ote AERIC W IR fEN E CO. atm;t ft theWaukeg ain on the spatial Wodla#>Hs. ~fRUCAN W IRE FENCE CO. atuta* ut 2 obte t h t t in te 1.WnenCm dokCpiygin ' ebeok train Monday nening wh.n chi k« e-ane tture adatit 0 taa.married Mime Dletmevèea#.they puiied out for Mitlh se. LBEITYVILLE. areiqM t 4 :. 30 the 4d aws one of Wtùkfflnpèior to ieavlng, togother Probabiy foar-fifths cf this was rejw, and veperatiob anad thé streete witw Job* Sclttain and 0. H. Grasseil, taken In nt thé gt. for seats to the ve" 'unei hi h codo il et bloeweo mrecenteiy santon. big show. Thwe st wsmtaken lns by mpaet ed rs at te r do f a edb>' lutu.Carpentor for coesrmpt fakirs and gambiers Who carne there ani I)eoraton Day celebratlon for of court for viiating an injUnotion, exprossiy to pick up thé 'farmer"' who J'o l ad were compelied 10 pa saest oen nwelt tunte hie gre.and whcm ho 0 Ited Percheron Stallicn del$ael po t d E-Wr h r t l iIn bis atidrens of the day Attorney igi h utd fdputy .aher'iffs ou"hornswagie." John»I. Pope fiayed the élévation ot et a hotel.1 John Tuaion of Southa Oak street theIhaanattcke oficeholere Lahey wva arrested late lu the af- lbat over $100, while searchlng for his >' h do.na esfare te lva f ~ ternoon Monday and altbough hie fortune and other amalier loses have .~..-~., popi avu l th fae o luiffrenA ttorney trled for several honnrs b lu- beau reporteti. u fethnaetfpîat an.m ae a Iudge vho woubd release Lmhey Boncliu that a fakir prnmlsed piea d tisat white It i.l noble ta dile for an bonds, pending the perfection of a hlm that he coulai vin a few easy onea counmtry itle15 more herol c ta live bibi of appeai, ail efforts falled. dollars by piaying his game anai that forit.Faillng ta Sund the Judge lu the af- before e h ad finisheai he waa out Beça\aae of Ilnesa and absence fraul ternoon, Attorneys Croise adlaFarrell, over $100 and tbat the fakir even re- V thteit' Attorney Pope read bis ad- for tbe defendant, arrangeai to nieet fuced ta glve hlm car lare borne. drae vichnetrtelee as noleJuaige Carpaîter last evenlug. The fakir cieveby expiaiued ta John effort li reacheti lIc mark. He made Inablbity ta obtain the court ceai. boy a traînei monkey which he had thet obovwI g telbtng points ln hie hacaueof the lateness of the hour, lu bis possession had been taught to cbaraiiterilc oratary' vhich le dîgni- prevnieti any action by tbe court at pIck vlnng aumbera out af a bat. ledi And impreasive: that time .atbough tht iudge agreed John 'bit, and tried bis iuck. !.-#* rtlDyi oy i mfo 1.sse a vrit of habeas corpus. re- The firet time, accordlng ta bis owu aà4dey f« sports and *merry making turnabie Frlday. Tht gtttrneym Tep- Ktatement, he wofl a quartar or go. ~sttopçalo fo hoorlg ~ recantlug Lahey prepareai today'to re- Then the fakir, vbo gave bis namte au dIm*rMe6docasind ivferhng. g sl sume their pisadînga betore Judge John Doetld hlm that be had better -' ouso f WL.brty han au Carpeutar. It le bellevad the men double tht amount, as-he Wb. a sure one *feoula bood,tmt the coet of lives viii ha reieaed alter the session of wlnner. and *Itthte penalty of mIf sacrifice, court. John tank hls advice and belore he $-, le mans who in 'thle face of dif. had tîme to figure Just boy much he flotU.e lea àgood citizen in alto à Inspecter at Grasiake. h ad ]est, bis vad had ainst vanish- so ior %orthy of pralmo. (loverument Postal Inspector Ma- tai out of slzbt. 4-.Tle ropublie la ln danger orne- hon of Chicago apant thrta boura at John got sort. He bail been hesten tlung* b>'rean cf a lack of forcofui the Graylake postoffice Tuesday at bis avis game. -de iid'eptetent publie officiais 10 5en- marning. Rusblng up lavas, John sougbt out uI~rdleavorsndindifernce Whe inervlwadby aSUNre-Justice E. V. Orvis, who Issutai a var- forces ne le"weven ln th. face cf po rt We.InpecriMadbynsattatUN beran t for Dot's arrest. E . p-T~~~~~~isecvil war vrms ope te pro- vas enroule tb Fox Lake and that he Asellolcrvsdsaceit serve tht warrant, but before ha ar- I~~mph Stud R.h~ 48684 serve thse union primarity. mertly stappeai Incldtutally. rva uttgonaDthdmd ~ée.ae.e....,Othar simîlar lasses wve reporteti. - t Tht fakirs connected with tht show wtà aelltàtd and vIS beuome àa retau assire cof blocky, hsav $ho k iakbd the market pa theb.big preme for. He velgs il appears vert nnoatheir game. The bu isSboeed b O f o 155bit wi f h ith lbbis bande lu bis pockets they O UWJ Y OA would offar hlm a couple of dollars If N e $ 5-00 to lsureho vouiti- round up . a 1ev of hlm f~e15.Otossrc IAN ~frienais ta toite a crack at bis uew ~ A NYFAN ON MIE WSTDP .ISRTYiLL ft *fl~J game. In mauy Instances Mar. Wauke- moi irmyFMI ONI MIIE WST Or L1M*VVILE UMW gn declined 10 accept ltse position, W ÇIJM~T ê ~W U'Ibut at leat tvo Waukeganjte accept- .d tht propoition andai adeti lu haro- bero et 5 sr ot héw dîýsoo esy. ----------- Maaglug a ev af their frIands. mmumý, amTise games ln operation on the Saa. temeloIttitspeaker vas 8-811-es grounds eve r n opanly and-no on. t" be;rptedby ppla-.eems ta bave won a cent lmom any 6 te, t rgrm fflaO Melvlas PItta, son nf Mns. J. B. Pèeturèa cf theo prograin vere as -Pîtte of Franklinu treet, had hlm Lae ouny ite& rut o packtt plcked nf over *14 on tht cir- 0election by Falton'a concert band. IAstacto Tple . T atienGuan. tee eu" groundis Monday eveniug vhile X04 ýuutt.,l..ocu J. GIIENEz, Secy. valtlng for hie change alter purches- - laIroctiosa. Roy. L. C. Burllug. lug tickets ta tht big show. 1 àr%ý LAtbohurs k*af<crol oeil af dead, Adutant Alexander Robertson and vle to Pitta vas accomptiuld b! Fred s '*ý4 àbe4i. L IL'W:; a. John Griffith, part lot 322, Lake For, Wright, vho fartd imllarly, but vbo ~4 Isi U~auagsfisgoluafrr W . Estate of John Zianier et al., decd. Aste ikoce r i baud AdJ~4I~a.a auloSo.. due ai f a yNe'r nt . t. W. J.fia, $6a00 t atcrey altnlN.ve W. lilial qq#eLPlFulaI G. Tlbblts et al. la Isabel B. caugist on aid made a grab for tb. todiailim, lio Whte; rs.AIýRogers, 57.75 ft. veut front on Sherl- teibow. Tht thlel, bovever. @bock hlm emcaaon Mis Whte: rs.AI-dan roand, ln lot 1,.Azaaesor'asumb., N viags ht eacosopaulst on piano. &l qr. Sec. 21, Waakegai. W. D. off aid ducked loto tht crovai. p âmeS6 auB td eebection. 810.Fred Wright, vlan stood at tht aide Trombbone solo, John Alden, accom- J. H. ZtIta A. E: andi Eaily L. ZiII. of Pilla ail tht time, believes there Wa . il wias -c pSald y laiton baud. .25I ltblk2,Oruai Wau eretwIo pickpockets vorklng tht kef.W. fi.. $2. gma h oetPtedtc t~~~ ~~~ uetalIon Notice. &AUgel&,Atorney John fi. Pape. W H Murphy to A. A. Gahi, lot 9,ae sth oetPtt eett puhss tis aI ihq Band se1ectiqpx. block 58, North Chicago. W.fIl., the pickpocket as ho pubitd bis hand NM*arka, Comerade U. A. Duas. $1.025. out of his pocket, aiot.btr lbov ln *âmeAimoanc'~ad beaedilio.*WtaloianCub oC H O-the rear gave hlm a pusb, knockiog .q I~ M. Dunu reaidedturing b. tr nder 2% ares ln Sec. 3, Grant Tp.hlm dovu. Ti elvae uha .81gramI. B. M. Clark aid vile et aI. to J. D. loto the crovd. Coi 0cK C. Tva thinga marreti the exercîse t Murphy, bot 8, Clark & Myra sub. ta, soum aail extenI. One vaa the lea,-I eva dvieb ai e- Rectiver Haieiy Resigno. Lu etgi!I en . ALmiu. fr , mw g aofxnany chiidrtu vho vert nol son, 17 acrea inh v oit USec. 6, Ban- The affairaecof the recelvtrship of D. ARILSU Aty 1r fammer careN iviteibtr feet aid the other ton Tp. W. fi., $1,700. Zion City and #l tisatiou t bas a St Na FegJl oai PblcAdudicaion-aNotice. *as-'the haidllng aI thett r glFa. .Wayman and i vIe la J. T. Mc- for atreral yearm involvedth ie prop- neé,O.Pu rioh eo uleXtieiiwrbaIveuthatt as b Lasaglln, 2 iobt u N. W. qr. Sec. 11, mernt.e of3uor ictvlaa. w% -And their returu ltiste gui omusbt Vernon Tp. D..d, $100. et I.onAeadrOveii accS o iuioa ....t asd ~ be.ore thte etercisès.Ths latter vas eF.)B. Harper ta, A. A. Gebi. lot 8, oobsbly ha vaund usailnbtht United et ato Mthe fls e a pu (MO, Um aused hy theepucbng of th. crovd block U5, lNorths Chicago. W. fD., 1350. Statecircuit court by Jutige LAudia Curo,,,",Set Mne o J ti aul oies otise armomy befome tbe ballery had 3Melon C. Johnson and ha.s b>Ruth oeilFriday. .Itecelver John C. Hate- uhon and wvbrms sU rsons bainu isite .Bun prno ia* oet' SgalOt said nt&i are înteed anddà echance ta getl ieSagns put avay. lb u ~~~' 'OFre y, terough bis atorney, Conrad Pop- =MteRSTO W 4entthmssth. araedaGret Fatuo. Deeti, $3,260. penhused, premented iebIsrealgnation Gý0 1 ST W a i caz BunvPaade &Grea Factre.F. P.>Dymonti and vle et à- tu W.-etrabu uvt I h atIa W 1aukS. l.,yii.. Ma # af-# But> veterans partlelpale t he F. Hafamano. lot 3, block 111, C.F. there ara a number of mînor delails ta IIBWU!1ACTUNER OF parade vhicb starteti at 2 and vbtch WrighB',add. LbertyvilUt. W.* e elbd Icudu)Ieabaane0 W e Kha tith t f abow ng lis the Une of 112,600. al tr c tl e m, udthe a l an poil ý marchaI RAi.asBi, atndA. W illiBec. , sntialas- poned action on -the resîgnalion usail w ea 0Mmba, R.Aide. Ion par N. . oe SlcFridaio'. ln Re h * bas5m mlln aaaCharea Baîr- to 22 lots. _____________ M re "y.go Mary Armstrong te W. H. firury, C=i*9Plalon ofn police, part botý 7, block 7. McKaY's 2d add. M>SsBlos Baud. Waikegau. W. fD., 8600- Grai'slake. Times: Gayslak réel- Vetersus andl Womanm Icef Corsa. Marthea James ta .3. C. James, Jr., dents ma>' have a chance ta set an. Wiwk f Evry Sea as carrnages andi automo- lot 9, imane add. Antilab. Deed, $1. ollisi âbiaicn rae imlar ta tht an$ 4 Geo. R. Lyon. and ite to Fred flaIr- aat esulmer vhici sed over lise 013.SU Poir aldermens. stow, bot 128, LyOns 3d euh. of Fairm nuage. LasI 1511 ani nternational ~ BtterY C las commanai of Caplails Groundis, Wak»Sau. W. D., $300.. meeting aofbaIoonlala vas belita St Smiith. C. IL Aibreclat ant i vie ta Hacha- Latts and a tace vas beld from St. IciedThse Waukegau tire departmalut. dor Ohamitan, part lot 17, block 8, . 05515 tutise Atalie Coat. BeveraI The oalailers' monument vas décor- SUnuIerbInO let Md. Waulcgau. W. 0f thse nugle yelov baga floaaedusear atlmiWlb vreaths ani Iovesu AmtAD., l*1,500. Gariiead mas rsirdents gaI agcfaeceremonlal, acordungta Elul F. Batrtow ad hbate >Au- asr hts~tt~ a bl n Jua. imw-4hcm, 1,th Ise rlasof the WomaIss laBel g ustéeierand ilré. ~lot, ai Vlctas7î V 1 cmn aBord ewsolmie pom toPo0»lse1 y ùlmt . O u~.c r e i..l ttUntM*. a $ou tlAyoub *u.tWm alter k 1itt, nu. auk.tbat la mxq miodoeatesrloed blmot&wasIl y** especta piano b Ila" ab Wtinue eelê and ueet 0» of Oume.'*0 unaqUntss yon vid not b. dtsapppl'mtaê Louis J YmO>AP T@hoe d uag in Wan u ea se s t ae. um Refrigerators- keep the mlIk sweet mmd the butter soUd Screens keep out tht fies bug& miosquitanmd other pesta. 011 Stoveà do away with tht unpleasant duty of cocklng over a mmas a otf IW ai ehd Mkep the temperature of td ie -mataI a degree that as endurable. Hl. B. EGER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Tickked? 0f course, why not- We seli the SCHIAEFFER PIANO. We conader ourasivee vas-y tastunant ne it la aun lntrumemat no orne bwettat. te bey BECA USE FIRT-Tht preus1la mi loup(vy kw peopie vant a chffl Fian, om we wemt lmam mcb buthmismou tuaI accouant), SECOND-Tht price la amt.-à, up (people beailaistht,, they're douablfula to gçttugfU tvalue). 81, yaMMhu mvs.thse toedie t ensd thsapie annees it »«»aherme- CHABUVICK »Iod. end aua&ier homea madae ]k thosg Alden, Bidinger & Co~ 209 N. GeneueSt-eetc a s s s AUKEGAN, BILNOS

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