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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jun 1908, p. 4

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«CEOTT ELEC. T#IC ROÀD LINEI lié Iuu hIis l.rmligug m MIÈCHANICS LtAGUE INsTRucTs -, âMEMBERS TO BOYCOTT ROAD. ,1ooibm Resove to Purchase ail *rce on TllasoNorthwotern Road for' Purpose of Lowering Rate*. (Proma Wednesday's Sun.) 0 of i tha nict drastic actions ever "#ÀSplaad by a Lake county organ- Ueswaa thse ont Inatgted at te bâèm oftihe Mechanle' League of Eh.. City, et a speclal meeting oaîîed là. Vh» suthern ragiona of te White -' *» City thîs morning, when lhe - lgua, according to reporta, resoîved te boyctttise Chicago & Milwuke MIel business over te Norllwveatern kt the future. At daybreaktis morniug about tfty meclsania, &alI reaidauts of Zion - 41ty congregalsi lu a 1111e shack ilà the soutiswestern part of Use city, Red Uder tise leadersip of one ni tbMli number, eacb solamly resolved, ft-lu rumoréd, never 1u ride again on tâi electrlc road unleas mid road re- mow the price charged for tickets ho Waakegfan sdnter cilles souUs of lUMt visala bastk ni the movement or viso called lise meeting ls a ques- U tisa Police officiais are nov try- T iM. leader of Ue league inslructed àà members ni Use allages! associa- t.' to,1 pmurcae tickets on the steam 1liai Md tbeter Urow away Bci EqSoWtne liscommutation tickets they pOmmor do n isén tay expired. Tiste action, accodine tu reports sre- * utva by Use SUN ironu Zion Cihy, wl tise outcome ni an alleged argu- XseÈtWOven Zion mechanles and î*02y48i employés relative tu thieir bWtg puncissi tickets once or twIce 'Afltiste conclusion o! Use meeting âOt IftY members of the associa- tà*1 isa t off hu the Nortbvesteru l1léi,Wiere tey tank Use sheamu rossi te làke Forent, wbere bhey are em- lloyei as carpecters. MM 3NTSEITILEAVES ERS ROSICI $25#96# fORMAER WAUKEGAN RESIDENT l u~WEL~L REMEMBERED IN WILL re 1ramfr Tax Appraleier Wm. Grsou J Uaes MHi* Report and te Samn a is Paibllghai Port Jervis, N. T., June 2.-Trans' hi tss Tax Appralser William P. Gegg a, Ià 09 Port Janvis madie is report to Sur-M rogat John B. Sveezy today ln tise , maMan niofUe estale of James Henry si tafh Whii, io, aetisae ime ni bis déath,a remblai et Tuxa-do Park, Orange t cocaly.b Tisa persouu.t propety la valuai at 821.340,447.96, o! vbiehi 82,016,035,60 lu in bonds. Thé eaIenaste is2,- 426,087>0O. Debtsand axpeusas of ad- Ultilslrtio)n are $1,690577.98, lea'ving $21.9(15,957.48 for dlstlbutioR t, hoeUs .Apja'mlar Grg finis UsaI Uera te $4.00.910 on viics tae 1 per cent nisater'lai la colecai and $17,662,- 111.4 for Use S per cent lai. The ate vil>reclve $923,496,65. lubY linibacis, a astmer te the de-j Cammaivas iequeated the sum o! IMM OOby Usé decesesi. Tht.. Gret sles oM Pianos. A liat isa th1e bingentUsaI bas t ven bien conspiled, comprlaiug fine placs, hbajst albean ismuésiby Lyon & Xisaly. TIle liaI centaine Use nurnes et '<tise bimedu nf fine, new pianos o«bouglit by Lyon & Heaty frein _,iob s Dbouwn MunieCo.; Use Healy 00. anidUséeibig P. (G. Thearta C o. vison taeconcerne retireti bis te eail business. Moeovar, 0 o tisat the buyém may judge 00 ttIlat Use huyer rnay ludge vise whther or nlt Usa piano 1fIegue quoted ara phenninessal- evà. LROUs & Healy are ma#tlsg a effort 1e close nul Il griait stockas f Instrumenta tbs neft 30 day., andi the prie«e besixreiuced ils lisaobjectlin o racopy of thua lmatIf Yeu ta" teh p 80 *us for .a 'cou Cdock Three Hundred Venra Old Plays T-wenty Tunes. (F'rom Wednesdlay'mSon.) Among thé wanT. ada lu titis Issue of tise SUN appears one Insertes! by Mr. n, U Law, who lo nffering for sale a cleek wbichta pobaitiy itween 300 muid 400 years old. M. Law purchased tae dock about twenhy-llve yeara ago. The dock stands nine feet bisgisanid bas a pipe organ atachmeul which plays twenty differeul lunes. Evemy bour te dock playsa adifferent lune, The dock Iaounexhbition aI ite Brewter itarness ahop. TIhe Champion Abseniminded Man. A vsry abssnluiuded profestousi Man. Wilh offices lit ilCiestnunt treet building, came dowitlnn tse otiter day and discovered litIhbe bd loettbis kéys at home, Thes suparinhendenh of the building teltlite aitaanlminded man Int is office, but he was stili as bad off as ever, He coutd nul get imb bisr dask or ai bis asieHes ponder e a lit. lie hile overbils dilemma; dieh decide (o reluru bome for Use keYs.t f'why nI seud a messeuger boy attar re keys ?" vas tetougitl UaI strnck 1. , but liaI vas lmmedlatsly put onu o! Use question by anotier tough to lise effecttaI te boy vould ntba able lui eltuli tebouas lui casetise abeentminded mans vwife bAd lett home. "Tha's rgt; I muâI go MY- self," dscidad Use roUbed mas, axai home ha vaut, arriving aItlise very door oi bis bouse befome Il dawned upon hlm tisat he viliout bis keYa vas as bad off as a mebenger boy, and the por moas ite bai goe n ul il rlgbl. «Oh, bang il anyway," said Use absent- mlnded mas, -I ougit ho have tels- phostai her to, vait for me! Wby dldnlI do UaI? wsll.i, I i Igo igt back btisah office and phonse." Anid b. di.L He phosed sud phonesi for smre tlme before he coul uudsmtand wby bis vite did not anavwer; Uen he gave up vork for Use day-Ptiladelpbia Recod Turning thse Tables. Whn E. L. Godkiui vas edIlor oifte Nv onEvening Poelt e vas moP- posed by many o leck a enso! bu-r mon, Ibùttose la bis employ who gtoni close to, hlm kuiew baller, One mornIng ha sent for bis Young cly edlton. *'LAal nigitt," uidM M.Gotikin, "I reo. inl taePonl an accouant o! Use oui- cide ofI'a boj'. Tour navm paragrapit eporlei mu te motive taI thé boy vas belng neaistesi aI home In a prema-i tune Inclination 10 mary. Mr. Blank, eaua Yeu Imagine itov tistaImter feit vison yon (accuaéd hlm tom ',nt ulas no dooitt douesIn a menuse . ioving duty of being the cause of thé dealis of bis chsilr Thse Young editon atammered an spa!- 'Tisank. you for ynum explaallon," sai GokIn. "But," hé vaut on ina mare decidéd toue, ,if anytising liSe tiasaven isappens again I givi you fair varms1ng, i, UaI 1 vill leave Uis pa- pert 1 i vU!nol vork for a paper biaI efyfl thlnga ncruel!"-Snccaos Maga- sinb. Whaui Brilain Fought Fer ans Ear. Partare Use moat extraoniinary ex. ample of Bnitain gnlng 10 van ion '*no saàson aI ail" occurred in tise meigu Of Ioegnal1. one Robert Jenkins, an giglis méncisant-capaia, tradiang iror amaISa arnlvlug ilib Egtand lun17lm sporlesitaI thé sloop bai heen board- e isy thé spanisis coast guarda and tt lisougi n proot f !aruggllng bai ion toani, hé bail been tortured andi is ar 'lossoff. AiU Englazàd iev into a uproar. "Jesklns'oer"diTiedpar- le. and shook Walpole>s minislry It- @M Tisé bouse ni commoos sent for aenkins, and ho vas 10h 10 bnlng bis e&r vus hlm, Thé Incident grev mbt a criais, Usougis Walpnle dld lils beat ou persuada people to keep their heads. but Use popular indignation vas 9o gait tisat the uext yeam the govemit- nint vas eompailed 10 declme ir igh pain-PeaaOu'. Miss lite L Tvo ynuug cxpo[i is, -i1i1- strauna. ou@ lits on Brot;du ut> tu tue sIttIu1g lia boteil îIPIb>' Ine olien nunîg djiacus lag thir tulvuts for iiLiig anme "1>1 mney" n li te fîuture. Que o! hexi confessiý- - uliuilits salany vas "QUIY $45 a ce- nd uîî be ws avlug a hmrd Umne or Il lut i.eepînig lie mol!f mom the door. Siîtlng neur ilîem was un oit gentileman Nw ho overbeard Chair couver- iaiou sud itas evldntly inteneelsi. "You teiteva are makins Use mistaki of your livea," lte nid gentlemnan salt aI asat "Tnu are chaaing the vil c6 thee vtapwvila Yeu ve temansseo vealth vihtin youm gmazp. Wby, l'lm conalderesl pretty veli off fiuancially as yon bah kuov, sud I neyer re ceived a salaMy ni 5-45a veekln la lfe. But 1 muved mouey wian I wai your age. and I iound opportunities fa inveslmeul litaI sonu t me out of tii saiary class and' made me a binusi man on my ovu account, The1 troubi vihsyouig teilova nadays la Uts thay caul ses tse oppomhussllien Usa ane given Usera. They biave titair eye gluei 10 te get-micit-quick Idea so lgi ly Usat Usey pasiy tae only sure roui tu vealts."-New York Globe. Princeton, N. J., yussa S .41aTe lv. ty'-i ed ding 015fl&ecZy Mofe President and tMm ,Cteoueini' qqludjrcelebettef at* bM b 'A à& Mà". à.*À."Ààiý, MARRY UNDER ASSUMED NA MES Justide E. V. Orvis lies guet That Bride Wisbes Broken BRIDGE CLAIMS HUSBANO COUNSELED MER ACTIONS. Bot Swore FaIsely tb County CIe'rk AssItants Wito Iaaued the Cer- tfcate.-Oefendant Ia Onty 18. (FYom Wedneaday's Suu.) The dangers ni clandestine mac- Magea and te pilfails Ialo which yong auj romaulir couples aonme- imes faIt were dl8Ciosed yeslerduy lu a petition Silnd laibmh circuit court of Cook conty yesterday iiy Carnie Korz, askhng for lte atînulmeat of hiem marriage tb John Blisel. Miea Rurz of Chicago, wio lv 18 years oId, acnomdluîg ho te ctîtion, came wlth Buasel ho thihs city on Jan- aary 22 aud vas marcied under sut as- sumed name by Justice E. V. Orvis. Site bad neyer isen veparated frour ber home or lie care auj guidance of hem mother, she deciares. She lv sus ceptible auj coufidiug lu ber nature and, from the mauner lu whlith she bas iteen reared, entlrely unsnvîîsnî lng, "auj, lu fuel, so unvophlalicuîed tal la ail Important affaira nf liii she la Incapable nf exerelsiug an Intel- ilgent diacreîlon." After a romanden courtshi abc re- tuclantly consented ho a secret mai- Magre vilh Mauvel aud came bt ti cityvihshlm a inJauuary, vieme lthe: were marrled under the names of John Frederlck aud Lonîna Korz. Sie aaserts lu ber pelillon ltaI ien ahe vas glven lime for refleclion site rn pented o! ber clandestins marmiagi. At the lime her huvband reprevented tisat sie need nultsfar auy couse- quences o! ber secreh wedding. Shé chargeasltaI ber husiand counzeled ber ho avear to a lic aud compellesiber In keep lte malter se cret. "Thsis conduct," itlia declaceti, "vsE mn cruel, outrageons and luauppnrtabl) ln ils nature UsaI even itad Bie mur ried i hm willllngly," vici site did net ",and vils proper lime for meflentin abo could no longer live witi a hu btand a-ho could thug outrage lien f es Immeiiately tollowing the ce mosy se returnai 10 ber home, bu tise chagrin and mortification lucIden te ber conduct, site avers, mo depress %dber spirlt ha tIbem famtty, becom Ing alammed ahtitem condition, question é d hem and site coufessed the whie malter to Utem. "Thé marriage was a fmaud 10 dE stroy the peace, temporal liappines and wvelfare o! yoom oraîrix," cou cludes Use petilion. John SauaIe, tic defendant, Iv kt [y rd le id us ly lr ho at lt t at OIL yearsa nd sceides vith is vmothi ln Chilcago. PROPIIET DAN IEL BRVANI RUIRNS TO DION CIT LEADER PASSEO THROUGM CCI AT TMHREE O'CLOCK. SUN Reporter Boards Train and Firet to Grasp te and of te I luruied Leader. Prophel Daniel Bryaut, celun Zionîis leader, pased ticoogih t city enroule 10 Zonu City ountse2: train, accompanied ity Judges V. Bau-ies. A SUN reporter vas te llrsh graop te baud o! thie eturned pro] et, vlth proitaby onue exception, hl bing Judge Bannea, Mr. Bryant slahed taI ha coul' plthd making ils home aI Use EW Hospice for tite pressut, Tomorov eveulug lantse hospic4 tréception o! velcome viii ha tendei him and bis relatives ity ils coni -gaiou, t vhnse request ha eturi e frmrthUe mission fields of the vitdu Africa. Thé propit esemai somewiat 6hauti vben een ity thé SUN ii poter, but nevertiseless statei t ha vé as feeling wvii unihapspy. *-Tise train rýuaba Zion Cty M1AI4 ýRT WASIIIN-cï. Conoib~ionai Churches of County z' to.ee atRokefllr.TON BASE BALL <JProm W"endays S=n) Thte annual conference of Congrega- JUi tioui c#urches of Lakce county wiii E C:hf' be held at Rockefeller on Tuesday, C Juis. 9. _______ C The offcers ln charge are, Mr. F. FO i 600 a d W. Moody, moderator, aoid Mr.. c. i. Elopes FroDs Doradj Just, aecretary. The genera i teme, which will be doets EaITied in EN taken Up t the confereuce, wiil be Milwaukee cc 'Cborch Problema." SE 0. H. Rookus, of the Moody Bible u lualitute, wil fend the siugiog. JOHN KAISER, JR., MARRIES 1) MIÎSS MINNIE SIEVERS. J WAUKEGAN LOCALSIl Both High Contracting Parties Have " Miss Anuabeil Whitimore, postmis- Many Frienclain Thtis City Who t tressaiah Graysilb., spent te day lt Wish Them Healtit, Wealth ni Ibis city with firînuds. and Happinesa. Je The ladies of the Presbyterian So-t cial Union wilil bold titeir aniual sain (Promt Weduesday's Sun.) thte fIrat Titursday it Decemlbnr. Tîiny stole lJoeJudgn Rarels rhanm The Ladies' Aid Society of the Ger- bers and there, uuietiy and wittînutC mal Reformied riturcit wiii ment osîennatioîî, wereniaiuried. And wiîcn Tituraday aflerocton with Mrs. M.te judge had kissed the bride aud iTasker, at 3231 St James Street. itertusî W. Rcss had futllny attempt f Miss Aice Wortb, of the foundry -,il toemiulate bis bonor, theny 51cm as prompait> of Northt Chicago, left laslt iuietly 0ut of tiie court houtin. fevening on a moths vacationi aud Tbey" vu-n John Kaiser, Jr., ltoe te wiii be goueccii JulY I. iturbunt aied sportsmaît, base halit "'Id basket bail manauger, fromt Pol 8 Mr. A. W ag i lbas rcîurîînd to 1i18 Washington, and Miss Minute Sievers, 1,home on Soult Gîtesve- strent. Mi. oit el ftesietw. t *Wager bas bectî dowiltini Nortit Caro- , ileÂC~anie weiieqipe A mur lia fo bs halt, hic li rpors i nage license buignd fronu bis rigit vnry mn Impros cd. laiid upper coat pocket. A apncil dis- * Miss Amy Edwards and motiier or pensution buigud front a iownr coat iGrand avenue lttis inîorîlttg on aitpoctl Te aperiai dtsipensuioit ,f nxleuded sasterti visit. Ttey expert lîie tte usnte or Judge Lseldlîgý tu bc ense severul wvetks and wiii vis- And last but ntletrst or tbclr equip- fII ail limportanti rasteru cîtînS. tunît vus ticrinau W. lss uniertane Harry Ruche, a studi-ut ut lte liii foiow(id basbfulliyflthLie i'car. As hit noa lUnversity, aiv d homtfront ntrrd te famitiar outines f titi tSpringfield lte titis afternuon. Mr. court btouse parke, a ri tn, dark, beauî iRoshe piits speîîdtttg a rnw dvys wittb iful rovy bun bns prcad bis chîlIdisî bis parents brfore rrttirulng Lottecuîîtenaîîcn.lie sîîeaked arouîî tei- 1univeraîty. rountalît and led bis roupie miel , idge KareVis court ruent b> tec bue vu Misa Supb, dauglîtet ni Proprietot Aînd tîlie judgr, nvcr cbliglîtg, tot *and Mra. Sapb cf i wI itet piiiiîd, te rouplein ttu lis ceabauiets and r' accompanled b> twe Ilicîîdns ironit S ietîcre lerformied i ecerrcnîoluy. a1 Marys Academy ut Llbertyvilin, speul .tust wity thte young pteuple in l'ont ýy Salorday and Sanda> witii ber par \wasutusîgrtiittit lv faîtîct furlils Ifenta at lhe hotel. ronitsaandoits marrylutg jîîdgî's le le Saturday morlîîug, June 24, the vus ilot explitnd eJunior riavv ofthe ieItgit vrbooi pir-At titi eveitis, Mrtîaîd Mrs. Kaiscr e.nirs ut Gages Lakte. Ou tie saine erlite rit> for New York frot i itr ýd day lhe Sophomonre lins; boids tieir pare tiey viii tour thie &st It lus std eannuai pirolr ai Druce Lake. Iin the tbaltJoce greal a weaItIî of lrlî'td- lit evennng boti nlasses will nuite i Port W ashington forced the >oulîg id Gurnen, wicre titey wlii bioid uit 01,1 coutpe to go elsevwbrr idfasbioned dance. e- Mrs. F. Fluer, Sr., sLurts from CiihfTFA-vArÂl cago today ut 3 orilock for New York À. N. ,ijii'iÀijiDI s Cty, witere sitewiil visit for severai le monîlla wlth Mra. Wolf. Miss Amyt> DATE FOR THE SENATE? L-Edmond anti motier aiso in! t for New t, York today, wbnre tbny wil i iit with n, Miss Amuy'v rotiier for sevetai ANTIOCH RESIDENT WILL MAKE Is weeks. ANNOUNCEMENT SOON. el- R. S. Botsford, Justire of the pence, rbas removeti bis office lu 216 Wash-AWueun"lc ore a n e-lsgton street, next idoer 10 te Serur AWuen'lckMre a n aht lty Saving asilek. ter the Race le the Rumnor tu be tnt Tbe ladies of the Prevbytnîîaîî Heard on te Sîreets. a- niturci itld an ail day session ut tiie in- niirci yesterday. Thte niurnb pnws A. N. Tiffany of Antiot b JE a caut )n- aud furniture waa clnanied nie for lin dîdaîn for te senate, to succend Iiet- 'le seavon,. self. His anniouncrent wilii tut ai, e- Thes second qnartnrly tnmpnrauce peur for a day or lwn, but lie lias prar ma tlie insson wîîî come up lu aLil Sun- tiraiiy dnclded to reon. n- day scituots ou Sunday, Jue 28. Thils Mr. Tiffany bas a large acquaintt day wlli be observedl as anti-cigarette atîce lu McHenry aumnty, wbern lie 18 day. Thes day will be dcdlcatnd to ibiswili recelve considerabin support. ter opluteinail achios ail over te Wite Superviser Robertsoni cf United States. Higllband Park wili enter Ibe rare lu tint dcinltely knowu. Miss Tsrr of Northi Utra street, ar Tiers JE as weii an effort Lo Itîdîtr compaled by ber daugitter, Miss a Waukegutî man, int >et nitiîtied, rFrances, lft lat eveuin.g ou au ex- o beconîn a candidate, bat as e leuded trip titrougit sotieru Mini wthout results. gan. Acrnrding to present Indications Iflau pretty certain titane wii be s titey will net reluru 1tetis city until .gettlng togetiier' of probable candi laitesllte fal, dates wtblu a few days and ait ugree rv Sunday, May 31, the Wadswnrtb ment reucbed wiiereby but cite will ulue defsaled te Ail Stars ut Wads- stay in tefileld lu Ibis cuîty. worth by a score ni 7 10, 5 lu a tîluie maling gamte. Thte ganes as a wiiole lwas well piayed by bot eama and Re- te defeat of te Ail Stars wav proit ably due more lu lthe lacit of prartice ted oute part of thte team titan auyting SPEICIAL else. Thte wealhsm waa cold and raw oewich prevsutedl mauy of lte players (Frnm Wednesday'a Sun.) ont bot aide fmnm doing as weiî as George Edmond Posa for setiator. ts they mgitt have doue ou a nice, Titis la a synopsis nf te iatest htp' :59 wamm day. received by te local leadiliîg polite V. lanas laie titis afternoon front ite Fos Camp Fîre Polilical Headqîiarlers. to UNIQUE WEDb)IN GIET ? Thes source nifte Informationu iavery )ph- - ehlable, alîbogitn positive state- LaI Telle the otbry of thse I54ance Ths ment bas been liaed ity Represeutu- Haut Led Up to a Society tive Fosa, um- Mar.ge. An aunounicemreitt wiii probably btc lait Appleton, WIls, Juana 3.-The mar- thte next deveiopmeul. Maire of Mise Barbara Jan0 MeNaugh- le a ton, daugbler of! John MoNaughton, APê' lp ared millionsire pLper Manufacturer, and' c Areson et'or Lno Nts. n fre- Professer Judeon G. Rosebusis, a men- Acrrsntetcfodo nean ne ber niflte facafty ofI a!wrence unîver- Qelsbus "nugiilout" Mr. Kilting s0f viY buben-slemie.Preaideuil il linte "Last Ciuntey" In iltitee unes: Smune! Plantsý of IÀwrence imiversi- udlteoioflesav ia t~, ofictated.mass'SreV overbnard: ex- _mîsng tiseUdIQU gUt@ received by ýKmenled in te picamitlS a weary bant 'À FAKIR?"__CRYS VOLt VA ion Honle Cry "Impoater"' at New Oowie Leader. (Froma Weduesday's Sun.) ZMon City .penple give ne credence bo ltheclaimrnioltheman 00w ln Cil- 2ago ltaI he laolthe reai John Alexan-1 Jer Dowle, and say tbey neyer beardý if Dowie iavlng a broher wlio au- swsrs 1telite description o!flthe uew-1 coer lu Citicago. Overseer Voliva aid lie knew nolthing of the gtranger util ite mead of hlm lii Chticago pa- )rs,. liefsculis lte man a "faker" sud beileves ite all nIt seek 1e advauce ls siaima tefutre the former fnllow- ru cf Dowlc. Wite many renounced lh ien /lCityu Dîwle before te dIed, nune cotneýde be was noltlt emai Jotn Alexanîder Dowle aundltaI bis ntecIngs awere whlîoly origlîtal. WRITTEN MARRIAOE LICENSES Cously Cterk Runs Short and Makes Mis Own Today. Iui.siius atîîilîî1g for marriage Il- cuises aI lite counity clerk's office ho- la>a ti nttît Io , lke'one wrlh- týii oit ioui a Iuicrîtir, asibu'te-rotunty cinrk bascuit sihortiof lthe laks 'unin rl iii uî s iud. A lonug dîsuan tuetili-iuboue uiieRsage co Chicagoitt niurF-d etîoghIo1lasi fiir il fi-w laýu ttl thlii'uru-hasiig con) uillî utf utle hboardl adandiîladdlin- il stipiuiy I tcui'-l tit i î naiuii,,of lth' puic l. ASSAULI AND BATTERY BERO IS FINED $25 ANOREW OHLSON PROVES TOWN BULLY AT GURNEE. Pteads Gulty 10 Citarge and us Taken inCumlndy iy Siteriff.-Swanmon Sadty Bealen, Xuuhi- lllsuuî rri-liîi> strut aft-rtîiouri uttutini cotuliuîof a Nîr. Se auusiuut isîîoftub lrtîii-. ltad guîlly bu a ru argu- if uteault I aujtî ry lut)- oui lthe îursuun uf Satusuuî s utird uy alti-rucoiaast a rî-waruidr,'ts a tutu' unouutiuîg u,$25. OI soit vas i i tu-jnit)luIn he -colin.î t> jait ail l iglitiut -ans this ritîrti ite lis ttri'uls lu-ut,- tin lfrounitti- coutry >, isst lii finei' ujItut At- dccc burktu t ii,- coiunury. Svats, 11,,lite autuutasaulutd. itaî îuîarks ctigl itui btstduiy lto tsi- thu,-offenus,but uîlthîuuîglî uit 'erluuuistt b'-ie iwsiiuîuiaIuvut, tull- uo utite hîlsi vtglit lunîlu for souine lime. Speaker Situnîteif, of te Mîuse o! Repeuntaivmannounces hie can-t didacy tom renomînatioln itistsse o! tite SUN. It w itt be a signal tonr Ift!@ti dis- trict again gels lte speakership of Illtinois, mont important legtalative body, and ltatistat Mr. Siurtteff's eteclion wtiI mean. TtecIlihnois Mouse ha* nover itad a more fearlesa presiding officer titan Mr. Stumblef. Me tas, by hie attitude, ton more titan one-occasion command- ed te respect o! even hie advarsaries, iy hie open opposition 10 measures papularired by tise proe and yet lI hl@m R¶nd r#AîfcaliY Wrng A Mon oM abronIluigoO5viCIOUomund tha e ou tarfflI--fta*.h SIIELDON TO BIJIL' AN AMPIIlEATER AT LAKE OENEVA Ais. Atomusnces eg 1t he Chautauqua SEVEN MUNDRED STUDENTS WILL CAMP ON LAKE BANK&. Scitool Sessions ho be Hold on the Banks of the Lake Witt Commence lte Second Week in August. (Fron Wédneday's SUN.) S. A. Siteldon, head o! thte Sheldon BItistas (ollege of Libertyville, to- îluy sîîsîoîîsces tlisesiîedoling nf a lwn weeks' sommer ciaulauqua, wItliî Is to beitetd ut lAke Ares îiîîring thie tai wo weeks ni Auguasl. Already extensive itreparatin arè 'being made 1Ioniake Ibis lte moal Ira- portant Isessmsincf lite piutîlls of tbe yeirý Mr. iteldos illliîerscstsliy conduel,- tire tessions ii bîsiîîu'ss instrution ai titis cittiauua. Accrsdistg ho Mr. Sieldona ovu stalement, even hnndred schuaars of lie scitool wiii cougregate on lte buitis tif te lakp, chers IL lv is lu- lenîtlîîsî luhave conslrucled, i large exteie,e a large, muotent aupilhsster. Tire seatsîg capacîly of Ibis ampi- ltéater will he visent 2,(ttO. Thte pliîlis of te snito<ti tri attend- aneutai te nbauluuîa viiicamp out for-Iw twuîieks duunlng te ummer sesionion te tantis of lte latn. Au atiltic filellaotelng laid ont uit tegrotids Ioda), oui vilci lie lîivInnus sluulv vî wli have ample 1 li t ultge luthle nuidoor xr rIves wviiniare essentiailc oail puiîs lu ailesudance aI lite scitool. Siverai cutis-gi îrufevsoa-llliteh lui atu edatuce andîul vlihlane change of at tu-sut on-,i. tf iutesemstî of thle snit iti PIESIDENT DAS CLOSE CALL Washlingtuon, li. C.. Juuue .-Pri- luit aft'rutoît lai! an exceedingly uarruta estiie fsouîî a serionus acci- dent vitile nudlîîg lu Rtock Ceek Park, whn ii hualîrue reured und ml back- cari!loto a nrs'k. Tiheidlonsudl utff sunt î-caîîed luiuîg crutaleul. As IL was lie ri-celveul a uîtd liatlu the creek. SWICIDE'S RELATIVES WILL INVES- IICAIE THE CAUSE 0F DEAID Letter to Chief Tyrreli, From Canada, Re- veals This Fact Only Today. (From Wsdneeday's Sun.) l)r. J. G. tlouu-uisky, a relative of C. A. Wtjultru, clitu slctled tl tte lin- tel Schwcartz sumtutelree veekus ugo, 1 iii a shtort lî'ttu'r chici vas jtrecledP ln Cilîf of Poilice Tyrrell, unnouincesy îîosillvciy Ihat the Identifications seuilc bim by thie local police answers exact-a ty the descripti o! ofia relative wvie estdsd lu Chicago. The letten lu fult neuds as follows: 'Yoon leIIec tii tsepeoles of Mou- f Irealinlu efereuice le one Waiters, vitof vas fouitti eaul, I beg 10 say UsaI se- cording 10 youtr description l is ltee body ef C. A, Wulierv of Monîneal,s Canada, a-ho bus llved fnr lte pastr Iwenhy yeuns lîu Chicago, ut No. S2 Easst Harrison streel, Tic people from them ceuld iulentiy tis body. lie fonuuîîrly vorueu for ltse Pabst lrewting Comnpany ion four yaars. "I bave sieul word tc, is sister. Pleuve lt me knnv unnvitat grounds yoo base youn opîiion as to thé sui- nids. Withtiteve fev nemarta t1arn uaihling ho heur front bis slater. I bope th4t you wii! gise me ail the de- tala. "A fev meurs by viieli lie Identi- ficaltont migit be made positive: The face a-as noveced viitb amaîl poz nose tuurned op somevitat Seni me subher card on lelter fouud lu bis poe- sesahon se i may be aile 10 ldesshify my utame anti his vnlhing. 'DR. J. G. GLOBIIUSKY, 'Montreal, Canada." e te prlmary Iaw Iegîlatton, among tem Use SUN, but il muet be admit- ted te isulta te poited out provo te be gîartng onea, and titat amendimeuils te ltaI law witl tave te corne rîght atong the mies te advocated. Speaker SturtîéfF's tonesty o! pur- pose tas neyer been queslionedi. Me lu today te most este emed and pape., Iar man ln lte eglsîature and lise do-I mond for hie re-cIaclion la stata wldee wtth a vtews to hi& agaîn Pred.ldi over lte Masse. White Lake county o 4Ittied te, t teast the aenatorehlp, ouiIpOhbiOÏD reprosentativeanmud tise r..entatve, It is est SHURTLEFF A CANDIDATE.

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