Ordors Tls o -sAgePaIANOIM S&MR- IMmola 1 é5d MTL» AllORETAILERS SUPPLIED VIE D!IIVER TG A04IACENT TOWN& 1<1I ven. Iptlehan Pharmacy àmwow "Jom ut e desaâ sd ouim rlsanssouabl.W w~ «uifota"aluor Out cusiomei. e Pharmacy ~ GRAITSLAKE, ILI. Ba-e MoeaMmd Lau"les Serv. ICI cilxAliSODA ANI4 FT ORINKS, MIARS&ad. CANDiffl LAXJIR! 0FPIIE a pbuW N ~A~LO. . M ........ hp ave eéehs4p1~ uMakqyey ihilsiai 84ot wu s la.CI1leao thabeti lavis entertta ew6yacôépanlsd bY tBuda on the Mou TIia la expeclaitu1 "li ood R ound tawV peverythinginlut vzlcommncent neit St Fanuy BSih cda, terui o! achool at the bid wl eek. Tb@. ciosiag vau fol s.nalch wfil piculc and bai a duns ime. t la repor Um ith ila ii rtnrn tober t vibler viers @ho vil tale pre vorl for su eéstern colleg. M le a rlgt and attractive Yb sud ve béspeak a brilliantt fl ber. T. A. Ilsynold# transacted b, Chicago Wednesday. L Y. ieés va in luicago 0i Wednusdy. A. 0. GWuLîlge sud hie aésisl foa. closed a gumuiiteru scboc& last Pnlday. Thé ge clos tii. veel. T e ,osiob catrIi]vas i Oasnulstu avFootr et -Thur #adont to bs ratbsr afam vas rewuralaa* sd tUN msai on account o! thé i il. ..sk to ui berover to1 z PZ w bopeforgol vas au "rtunl Uatf B. J. Loussud vils @psut1 %pud buuday vit frlendiei lira. H. Kusiker attendedu naion ezarciasa aI lomeuce, veek viere ber dîts? graduas llM arX y Hook gaw hber& plculc at Barietta pitIl g #ork Ad'ertlisnsRates On Applcaton -Chia~oe god lcaiqt. ou' énent t4> coin fi" ikes to corné W14, Tb. HaY:eqbett (o. left bereson. day for AntJob iere t bey w ill play a 'iit Lon- rturug. By aauu iearelnow keping bouse laube-4paronagA north of the tCbncvago hr. 'ensdy layr 8amg"toB naïf gentleman friend $e t a And u tvy itb the former'* ~is t IRollins. Mises Olarabe1Nuentertained ber ais ovst. er sud Uui*mhéw, 01 Cicaigo, ovet Suviiedanday éLt ls 8iron home. VGeorge ThOGrud buse hall teaul met thé [ra.Avey V14 =a lust Saturday ou the n. yLke VMlla glusaduddefeatedthorm out t aieoO26to . A finebegin- WIl meet ang hos. ne o base unud LaIeTheé ulà>Ukae liaroons vers de. be a close i by tI.p Long Lake teani Snnde.y d Laks la in auMme 019 t*08, r te a li r@.s. Wre Pd.rlk, o! Lihertyville, ýbcoUty vas the <uso i *1 ibrs relonday. lnday. SevenaJl bionbers attended the Wsi- vryZ su e c ies. aiWaukfgau lionday. 1 E6By it> Ba éa famly, of Chicago, aIIOWrdbY d4 l unday wth 0 P. Mr. sud ie end, vers lu Orayalakaand reuted the rMaecCelland )ug lais.lathéprti i lladt thé0 sehool tbe fuure fot ensnlug Xz.ai0= 1 Moiloe hie famlly uâsine14 ln Joha alnLugvtofChicago, vers lb. .guetp o! lthe ormer's élter, 1r& SballerSt,d.uiy.ndSuuday. S business_________ tant, lils Meeorlal Day. a o! hlgh Memorai Day vas appropriately ai> kdes viii served Sâauda.y. The moruing wae apet in ideQrgMug the old soldiore' p before x*àm la -4 10 inéetlee. lu t1e rsdayad aeaoa aie. saies, twelvé in a&l ~.llsfoliovd by 4. 5ttle girl nl wli ~ m.<~s mrebi M le emetery vhere hé be ~ ~ àAffplendidrofta st srl .Sfollowed. Thému9i bohvoal- l Airmetal wva. n tgsa aMit The k ladI een wssaa el se the male )r all con- qati. -vuygood sd th"chl Salnrday dise le bioq ~Walsh, former pas l-e-. rof"'t ise " dseM. E. cburc, wu k fiS.ful of bsieuâ" toiights&and twon e- hégd.livedis Uk Mueh sarutueo nsu-é MI. tisti unisan aab.aulltlc kof thé speaker. Thé baudfrou tbe layen-Lýamberl Ca. wiolar a fnrnlsbed se wey lire selections and gove lut tiers vas als os good martialmuoi ILOUIS J. YEOYMANI vMting at the home iorp eWt. lit. licCormick, of'Chbl, vWs a rorgni vlstor et the. houme o ie dangbter, Mits. Georie Wbitou. mms. Aunwle-MClory and dapghter 'ttbe4 of Cogovull, North DakotaSen _pding ea few dayà vith ie.C.E Byaqétthé ladies in tins vlcnty ftnu ad nadance of lowers to bc aand u 11wFort Hill cemeterY DéoSrtiou dÇ.' se ulea dlnappontiflt ou eaclg éoe gtr aturday tb Sudi thé vrk hd bénoe the day belon. A peiau turpim ansd blrtbday partY w»vageuC. L. Thomboir at bie bore siatnilyvec a Rltives from a disan. e* anisd Mrg. John eutbe Mp d al'y, of Waukgn lir. à&@,MtC. Euht, of Vo o .A. Boyard famll of Gat; i1h. and 3 gr, Wm. Ttiossoaudlir. aud lira.i 3Gao. To.iof Grayslk M lr. 1Tho surecelved amby présnta among th m m tMyau 0 1 uir froin lisr. Bensl lWat, lPaddock Vade- boom, i5mbs, tanordà ad io*ard saltud pesun'ts ve.r,.vd t.flfty guteu verybody bad a fins lime. .ira. Bert Paddock ad lira. Wm. Vandeuboom vers liCRéuy viutors Thuredoy of l..t veek. Severai fom hbon attended th ii. dit> in Waukgai, Mouday and report &fa show. 3 RUSSEL li8tenéd ho,by a large sud appreclatiVe audience. Thé chourch vas b@sUfilllly décoted i ith lSage, butlg, fioyer sud ptted plants. UMahc edit le due Mmr. C. iver and idra. L. li. Boumer for the same. Mn., Edward Miurrey o! Waukgau, le ependlng sometimé with J. D. Miurray. lit. sd Km. W. H. 'W'--hhrn spent Dcoration day lu thé country. lira. Barab Young sud Vanneus epeul a couple of day. in Waakeans. line. Deflry, of Kenoeha, spet thé latter part of laat veél vlth lru. A. C. cornas. litsud lira. Ale, lintnie, 01<if nsa, speni Decoration day at Bimer urrle'a. a. o. B. Young spet Bunday lh family. E aCarlsou la home froniBocliord wherese has bean for laie Past vo Théliounat Seat cemelerY aocie y iii met viii lUn. L lM. Bonnet, Wedns- day atternoon, Jurne 1.0. A corial invtation la extendéd to, aIl. Ingléside Camp 8989. M. W. A., moeu everv firet ud thlrd Tuesday of mach are cordilly invi 1 atiens«k O. Hovànn, Coucll. 81-tf H. Rrnrosncw lrI. mmra.G. Hook diterhtued a cro Ô oJblcgo boarders over mdy lira, W. thite wae a Chicago vlIéÎtoi recSntly. Fred Foster, of Chicago, sent h.fe day. et the lake receutly. J.re. Jamies Mul jeu and dauginter, of ebeago, calied ou friendo hère laot week. lis Kate Walsh W»s a Chicago vis!- tot lust veek. sevràl froun here attended the sale at Geore IRUselae. Mmt. Ir. Mitchell entertained relatives frunu Chicago lait veek. Mmra Mary Whlte la apending morne time at ber daughtoe 'atRkuOti. WON LMR A nomber of the yomug folks attended the circe lainWsinkegan Monday. Mfr. and lira. IL.L. Hughs, of Obicago, visited Baturday and Sunday vi it. nad Mr@. Guy Sughes. lir. and Idre. U Gullidge and Mr. and lir@. G. Martin, of Waukan, ,Islt with friendeansd relatives gund&Y. Dan Van Patteu, 0f1Chicago, Aud XI" (laxuy, of Lbrty'vllle, speut Sanday -wlth lir, and XM. l. hbsa. lims , anne and Jenale Sorense, of Cbicago, spent Dcoration Dai t borne. UI lia ulrray, aI Waukegan, là vlsîtng ber son, J. D. Miurray. Wili Oliver la building an addition to hiehoues. Lioa Willlamson epent Snnday at home. Herman Roth Lele Sinith, Clark Norubrop, of ChLcago, sud Gertrude Nortrop, f Lake Foret, @peut Sud&Y ,.,th C. G.Nortbrop Blancin Oliver le home from Rihmond. days viii ho Bey, sud m retuinei hou vlalted frm Wsol S lira.Mary ter f rom Cbi lira. Nomt Bu> orf Cm dajo vlth bq turned hou vhéré they1 Lloyd Wl guDdày vitl lmsLMII a Mlburu e i Bruc Bte Sunday vil Mise H" T ENQSAUGATUQC thé eeWL. John A. i M A CH iN Ea upu 8ay viiiher parent$. olia.i. M AC-HINE ANiauy tromt bers atteudai the gréastie Wallacsshow ah Wauksgan, lionday. -j liu n. y lcCaUM baiquit. :su ThI'V accIdent = emovlng thélr atovS, nomelubeaus Fliay usaiZlLake. jo. Anuneagifumnsed by theIfsOU»d in op.nr aaay sud lu 1.11 on ber foot "as a tr aster sud Chas. Mason lermabil lite Timer esa fev remarIa maiehy thé hnrhlgquite bad.tbOn. matic, for the aftarwaon d tbe 11me oid aoldlers anid s shfernoon vas claSed vase atnin unia dgamas. iet viirtlail agsdmul yiWEST F9U7iOfN'TThé Ladi c0 rblld sud parents vas re t. baud, éeecssai ait aMadame Stf pcule lunch vaeid r- bs o ay sr be thoaioe Fred Wagner and Mils Martha Frai. viiserve gi tiu obma"e lie day oue. ob he wrs prelty sud artlsio. linc cradit la érlck voe unitbsinl mattiagé by Bey. Thé Wa. :.emsdisrd. due ta lis committagu for theit sarnsat Fathér Eliesnen t ths Frimant Cntr'e atai Tosn lima.Emmna ]SI ,utIvo syevn~hlimi lasee. Ctholit churci, liondav, Jana 1. Thé C&r« va.d 14r 0 ma& SU a enc[IL ed i ookplacé ai Jacob Fisierick's. Bunday vi noida boin mm Rva su d have m"n Richard1 Thé barbare bave goteu out a asv- wvshég for along, happy and'prosperouiidsTU price littweinu liey charge 5 8Sal ies llae Moore vas a Wauconda marrledI lle. C. .tO extra for ebahl<the bàcS 01 tbA iÉetoiasr Saturday afteruoon. lilas Helen Tekampe la spendlig tisl ot'V patnon'u necI. 'MW.in cea ewmIbolieeul au home. t oa a i t au scL À . il " Mi ly Doveil, a! Waakeaeu. as Fred W. Thomnas, of Artington Esghte, Whuté"M.abou ttlailu lova atutday. ..epont Bunday viti frienda hors. J. J. i.,awàO tan rauaclai iesdssa AMuur Frost, O! CiflsO, vaset bis ,Louis Shié la eptertaiuing Comnpany at Fo" ax ile ou"Y.home ber s aturday auinday. from 0h1o. U Joe Turner sud wv ilvli sali for Bing- Misses Eina glosansud Katé Boaing, lisses 0111e sud Carrne Tekainpe &pet D land Jue 17, vieestbey vIhI epeni theot Round Lake, epont Thuraday hore. lionday lu Waukggsu. summer vlatng relative.rlinasd lim. Amhnoee Raugbt vers lu, Beriel Ulrlch, t4 Chicago, upeni @un- Perey Gray, of Chieago, upst Bunday Wauconda one dày lait veél. day ai home. st thre Bd Kapplé bome.na . Wffl H ins @pontlest Tuaiay Mn. sud lira. Syivastan Délain, of A m ein diL., J. Wlmot tai lay. fisai MIsansd Wedneaday lu Chicago. LlberFvIl, viied viii ralatlvéa bers Stock way, of Wa.ulsrau. aili. Md Mise, Catherine Dovell, o! West BU"". n liKra. Thacker aio o Wmàehum "ft motvs hPf alls u arinera an busy plantlng cota, beltot guestlisdlia »r Kebr'fiabrsmonath ue orativBsd nd. laIetha nonyer.- = 1- - . 1. L Tnp, of Rockefeller, hms Boudai. isses lMary Book sud Hallen lRay- recelved a carlosa fuier Twnev w= lira. D. . Whte sud lit. a»d lirsAImoud wyen luWauconda Tueeday hoev ilait et@ Dts er Ibo., vhile lt Thomseon attendei the graduation ex- svoung. ]&et@. Tour choie. of Llndssy Bras. ercisas ai the Lake Bie Roop vhlch won StBandard or International Standardl. bell et thlaie onc Temple. lira. L. V. Lusk, of Wst Fremont, vas Con aiea heava ordere ai Dianol Lai lir. M Nésonsuddauite, AI.,lu Volaoun day lest veek. vsie iumeof lin. Mac W te .... PSU, Avery, oLae Villa, @pnt 'ér. Behhélu tranted 84.Boda vlth hie mothet bers. ______________ IChicaga Tnesday. liii. Frank Zuledorf asud chlîrsuo!G01K MaHIjsm", vere guesté ai thé Barry Excelles -Harr7 Panovaki vlatéd st LaIE -OI. chofls home from Thinrdai ta Bunday Misa Irva Nottingham, of Chicaga, est and iLa luffBIn aturda âne di Buso! lu$i veel. viitai et the DaWlihome over Buaday. "Y. Mm,..lia C. Dillon, o! Wau k n la vteltlng SueB art enlerthalus a l friand W. Pester sud amiy vian. ai Wa-- M. and Mn. Win. Dillonujas eek. from Chicago the latter port otti eal.k legaa-Bunday. 1'AUtrai Nicholle. o! Clilcaga, spent Çd Fremch sud 11111e son Kiwig, froun j l Emia uma Gerlach ani ber molb lie. da &BdSundy ithv ibis parent& Cicag, vers the guetae.etlir. ud idaataiChicago liouday. itra lrs.T.C. French over sBdai. 0.A.OnIdgs léf t fr1enmont., '[b. yount ladies0aI b# V,010M. B i. ai ira . rStaiWnlgn Tuêq~ eénlg. M. ~ aid uni ilI~ol anleCreaun social a pnBna a Dhiiays. da#bbr wUviiike them ho.lme viii barlie curch on Frlday evsflng, ;ue 2h. Tie Royal Naghioij sud Wooium g4fusI et Ivsuhae until tiey 1114 a par-'#.taipermlttifu. EyoDecordili iibhhernulaiollsrie muleul houe ta thé vesi. in to battend. ai Warren cemsléry usit Bunii, WaUli Mr. opi lins.Casae -icavil a. Q~Baturday évenlnoe, MY ROli, ai JThe 7.iran of lie Suriay achool vii - Ryaiood, sud Mies AddilsPu"ijq740 o'lock occurned b. isuof lMt. Thé"chu wooa te lof thiausnt sud uneis, S. B abl Ba man wvulk luavu sd give a "Cross sud Crov, rga i an % ýW. Harvey, ovat D-0=1a wads rougb théecatali. ne bai the uhurch CbIUdrms»SliIl D«W'buitfliiY ip. M ifor uomtle.No lm bisuly Joues7.BServcu sboinlatai10,>06.R4, Ur. anm ir-Jamnes Tucker, of WAUt. *e iu soins maurs- tifo' isEveryboiy carifally lavili t>Couma. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ce 1 1110 ào héfnnt' i-aâ lJnlHmati oirsm e 'P. O. Bmtb uni Fisi 'With hav Chas. Tuclený Salai- 'imi h toebsud .tsnly bad llitllinrada placul on 'ie M o. m gogh a nd fi-y, »!etbislutaseckneae d m u 'Wa littile.Beedeahi vWHO, hé haves gisis ais ma ius uarss> ~ upJohn, o! Chi=; sied tor amu vlsleinomeof0laitf&Mi.,Gor es,! nuly qaI rsuhm.i 5 mIesDsoralon Day dero<iFox î.a*ko;nf i lire. Klsq.r le*a vio a lu lmoo ~~~dSI3'IIUé friant5éSl3. ',St." the l4 ls4bub.sms ieu Mrmolhér !t wuitFot Me i'rly. bfflan ud aelgnle catn0 for high sciool tram tha bol. Lnlty sud Mr. Poter' Sui Frldsy mii Iuuay viii rainrusi ram sorti... laihâ tera aot aise&.' yYol e lrilu ber 4aighi. mago thé poët veL. Mn Admansd dahgbte. àcagolavUw, visitedai ali bet parents. ry Batur aud MIsaBalai ta ne BaturdiW trou Taylorvll rhave besu vlshM.ug. bfita, 01 wauke an, s it tie bonu foIIa. IAD Watmon, o! Auioc, vea naiér sBarday. uel Tbansd Lyman vislitai inw»nWahesuus oi.pmliof0 Strunu bol a tri bulinge- elk rotumnnlg v&a MÂla & aor sud da agiier. 0f ldteformea motber à &uurday. 1as choolcloued laut Frliay. Aam teteacher, coSIsin. rip bo thé veal la thé usa Wes Aid vill meut Thuradai. ltoeaug, 2Nel»n sud aBlpliens l upper. àrren Boclety mat viti lira. wuer Weduéuday. >Bonnet, of Obicago, @peul rith thé home tola. antlal vwsils relativesuMd dbasuin aChicagl Vba Opic Jung '7, "Bouge of bus 1. i.51. C" s alier, igadr ton 80. 11 touN LAZE, ILL. ut Mu.lc Ttcals 0 Ve AMMNN BlumS 5,MWSIHll4 Hair Vg«,nw mua, VIDI gn~ Ir keepa thlic smoofb, makea kfh luxuritat, prevelits the ends. 'And kt scalp tree froind*9a At tiae lMM a vis«w la a =fft.ksO thev«ep.wfb wi 1b dagesiihawba0isa coadmiona. The bsrw druS dbmasn.A. RuMsI 'ù CIlIA Lumber, Shinghs,I P'osts;ý ceum &à am4~ UNVE ME A TRIAL F.- -S. DLoDAN Boui selu .3*-leyi mi ersMMq DE.I. L T CIVIL -~ 54 L omsavft'= Io- 1 om