SCHIAEFFER PIANO,ý h7a g m Suomt »Do oubeattatee to bey' -BI3CA USE -nuh pics I;§mo« loy ("", k "de vaut a Che" »e . wosWt lm piuch huais..onathat ccot), -4spdies leam so mv ' (Poe heliwae then. **h wb.u tb to&- la kerd a»d the.price :MÊN!d tt nomma amother SCHABEIEK mol<l h«» bn.mad« bappythrough .,I, Bidinger & Co. L, rfflse S&re s s o à i WAUKEGAN, ILLNOIS :U WANT >eAIN e -W, bave at aur factony et Libertyville a fev email lotsa o 'cils audends o aur MODEL PENCE. Thon oare the mme igh Cnon Spring Steel s aur regular tock, the ouI>' dllersacebelng lu uneven leugtbs. kmwvlu *u sme,'tais pour pick et about HALF REGU- ,xmrr.COinM MIseRVM. Isquire et Pactes,' ~jaoIh evthyom mICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LMIEERYVHIUmm LIOI pwwd frolliei pu"aoeqa ptobert M eue thws mer os" Il Ho-Ime Pleasures are l tipIelfor bath arnt ualldnoC& vIe tie oua=. blessel vlhha CUo. lisowsof tb. strooge. hi&dithe mcm 'hoomlug nnoto u$0c Uchiller'piano id a tent*is cag sknovleds b'aul via ivoi u reldv.s a ja'yer=ta 'T l. itpp ý p15 ILLr BIüder TwI Tht but twist niais. UllU SÔhto &0 P«"i htst Maei hm 1ev 0"sSh, 450 sq t b e 6. poiiFasta&, A Ivif mads tao«Ueit a loves pic. 1mB Dmnqmg, Cor n I sd gmt the Prime IBERTY VILLE ILLINOI FARM IACH INE3RY of ail Kinds "PAI RIED wlth w-Oughness ,)atch CK CO. bd. a colt wesm sr ééo m 0 ha ly wssi» .5 th well hy *" ~5 Ythe nope aiiel* 1 »dotlig the. oie ktow lot vss 1çZ aixtTy foot vall.,*a cattetrof i dtogether mach a bronday tJs bull pusbed the. colt ta the. brluk et' the well and finely Into It. Tilt ta Mae Rescus. Runymyl uummoued nelghbbas and vas lowerodby means of. a ladder lu- to the veUl, viene the colt paved turoualy vlth liii tnaA t oots, maklng Runyard's tnp a haaardaus oui thut few would havi indertaken. A haruiW- as rigged about the cotsa legs' SUd shoulders, but viiec the aninai' nad been dragged haif way up the.rap broke and the beset tell agalu loto the depths,, nelghlug pteougly. aseord and Tlilrd Trials Fail. On the second attempt the annes about th colt broke *uid vien thie thîrd atteiupt vas umde , the raP. about theo equlne's neck chokedhl ta déath, *Otht vin h. reachel the top of t4e#~leWeoat the lest gaP and -;j~0e ON BdvnA Gabantm.a Professlouetl onreal f Labe couuty, vahiied av> ttii tie houera ln tbe regaler Sundasy shot of the Chlcago(GOnu Club' ' uofly b>' teina lrst Place lu tvc evqntèMd ttielua for second lu tiie teeo m*ilil shoote. lu - ie cas.'*xiztng at 560 Cay% Grahi mýS4hik ithtb47 siittered, výl l i" Wsu ~ssecond wth 42.1 P. ip~te~lot fruit oM lu. $D. 7,'West Antiock, m Mdo ôiequist and vIf.'tIl Jutt Ovl, part lot 26;A 1 .1 -'S s . W. qr. Sec. 21, Waw*o. pun, abp lot u, block 1, Bd vards. mcii. *s W. D.. $1,0M.-j Prs>nx P. Cyeudon and vite tp Ger- lot8rek 9, block 14,, Weah 2:;1ý»~ tu. W. D, $ 250. e M~ . anning and bus, 10 Wm. 1v 'MX»Ébkt. truetee, lot 29, block.118, C. A. Newcornb's sub. North Chicago. Q. C.. *10. , Edmondi A.:Cummîngs end wl!. to Carl J. Bjonk and Lydla C. iionk, lise wife, lot 3, block 3l, Waukegan Hilgh- lande. W. 1>. 200 Tihe FinitOtate Bank< of Zon <Jty, certificat. autiiorlzlng sald bank ta lb. 0, lXeC4 lie and vite ta Maiy 'V x *te JO Wi t.0fest lot 3, block 5, OtlgnaIWiekpn.W. D., $%MO0. Mmiso J. 'Crovell to Elzabeth, G. GraveR!, WX4Yi4E half lot 2, tub. of InU13 tu lu, IýavlulL W. tD., r. F. N1. Tôtelluson and wl!. toaý A. GehI lot 8, iilock 58, North Chicago. Dieed, $1. C., IZ. I.evn et al. ta Henry Lewin, 20 acg"eulu N. B. qr. Sec. 20, Newport Tp. Dfl. $1. C. B. âHsp aon sd vIfete lXA.N. llerleo, lt-t,'Ipffode dd-tu 'Au- tloch. W.: D4 ,0. Alida I. Atierman to J. P. Siltl. lots 10 and 11, lock 63, Highiland P&rk. W., D., $8,750. tileeMattiieve ta lathr" nKelley, 0. 25 tt. lot 4. iilok 17, Plat D, 111gh. voal. Don!, $W0. l Ami Emma Plukertan and bus, ta 1O. E.' Churchill, lots 15 and 17. black p12, C. EFtank Wvlight'sa ad. ta Liber- 1tyville. W. D>., 8700. 9 Henry 0. Price and vife ta Carl and 2John ]P. Schifftmgn, qr. acre adjin- Iml OtaüWW9cus b. ln Sec. Il. Grant Htenry O. Price and vife ta Carl snd 1John F. Schlfinan», E. 45 ft lot 4. It -~ '~0MAN 't ~ I*AN mm MMUO M etiotoncs scb. lu Sec. il. Grant Tp.~ Wà D, 42.800,. MomssNom.. enl ite te John V. Garnt', lot 7, af! Bvarts' tub. lun11gb- vood. W. t>.,$250. IL W. Lvtt (sdatte) ta Mrary D. Bus Md bues, lot A, bWocÇ 0& Zloc Cty"in er Sec. 2.Q. C, ..10 Janiq Elin Roe easd lvIt t Aile. F. k;ýtt, 2I lotsnlHieWe eb. a-rrlgto. W. D., 84. tL lOrvleaMd Vie to Theodore u# BlUS Sodenquit lots 19 and 20, hlnk 4.3,J. LOrY4 tub. Waukegau. W.'P $> 400. mury Ana Pftter. vldov. ta Auguet Elslis, l0 acres LasSec. 20, aund1l8 acresta Sec. 29, DoafsIl Tp. W. D., Ogw.et1=,of M Parkh3s~o "terl *5 ope3o t l9 biM, cm~ps1W1to Fituruta lthebouplau Cblcao W dpy aftruou.M ajor Itebertacu acouipaied labi vie ta Obflo. Poatn1.fiom Qtat e ale.. B>' a refflt %tep Pastmaster Wat., roua a! Wgskegaugets a rse ot $10Q a year or frou 2,900 b $2900. The Lake Fore#t potuiester le nased fruie. $2,500 toi 92,M00asd the MZisCity' patmmter front *,300 ta $2,200. The pnlee o! cSl aI ta beadvanced lu Ch!ceg9. SaBo 'Iithe. prieo! freeh sud~ ~~s 9eu4hne 6 la e .pne et butter,=egs pdmil. penhps. ,Ail of vhlciilecoelg uewiYor tiie bouse- holder. Lettens bave heu rooceil dtelllug of the mulcldgo o Harold Made, a sou o! Charles Meade, former!>' ef Keno- sha, Who vsu kled et Wauiiedl mone elgbt jears ega. Youg lieçi ed bimselt at'hlm home lin sAssls Cal., bootng, hlmselt-.tllrough the temple <11h arevolver. He. 4100 lu. stautl>'. M. wegtoei atrilg, formes)y'. SUN corewpoudeut sud a gRdte'ot lait year froui Wankegm hMii oobo0ft Is lu Waubegag atter a yei~ 4t e-u Reer',.University narn '001t land, Ohio. ,lSe wl sped thé.si mer liera viri hieupareits. lins.Catbedms4 itesagmi87.,~i~ mQoýer f o f '. Wlhlauiw ý4f joa, .b 11- ý etau fIrwk . y<aoeg, Jr, biopso, 24; IL .32 'r b N0ao37 M t N ï ' IewRL hi a 2;Eli Obitago, 3<N . -e SuydoMilloiony Fruk C. Youu", tlutvle 4 A4ul~ii, hbeatvle luImo Nmhitr. & HarHlh . glaJudinul, ednes. Çblcmg%, 00 Huigo eneil, 25; I.luu-lÏ3., Clfnonýâde Xathl' &~fi - U*O Watson, 28. Not Yet, but- Ber gnmndmotller W&asgoniIt t&t the. -Port gaI about tbat oe. v ad. A sympathetie oiS e otisman met the ohml l inIo steet. "And viienla Fr - gadmother ta be burli, eiy déeb. asked ber. "Net 't111 she'a demd, air." If oue teste dulR aud spirItleS., in the bprWng or early sommer, they faU it *«Spnu FPsr.i-1 But there la no tever-usuellY. It leatthe elter effeot of Our *Inter habits. The. pervec are maSdy at fanlt. Tlred, vonn-out norVte kave'ne lsuguld, lifelens,and vltiioit spirit or ambition. A few dase of Dr. Shoopla Retar&tlveyll absolutly and Qulckly change ail or th-es depreealug symptame. The.lie storative et cour"e von't brng you back ta fû11 healti In a dey or tva, but 14 Witt do encega lu 48 baure ta satlefY You that the remedy le reseh- log that "Utred spot." Drugglts- everyviere are advlsing uts use as 'a splendid and prompt general toutc. 1~ glVes More vliâand more spirit ta lie spoonful than auy other kuowu netTe or coustitutlanal tente. it sharpeus a falllng appetite, aide di- gestion, trees sluggisb lîvers aud kld- n'eye, and bbi nenovlte. trength and ambition. Test 14 a 1ev laysansd b. couvinceci. ALL OKALERS. BUATE 0F ILLINOIS, COIINTY 0)F LAKIE M. In tiie ounty court of La"e Couuty. In the inatter ut the eastate ofino aePi B. Warner, miuor. Petitian for les,. ta e»U roai estate of sa4d mincr. ' By vlntue of.a decretgl onder made and eotered cd, record lu the. &boy* enutl)d. ciýInse uead court ou the. ' ft day of, Jue, 1908, 1 shall ou lueudoes the,141h day of July. 1Wo. et tii. boer cf one o'clock la tii. af- ternoof 0<saidAy et thie tast Du«. of the courv lkml>N: lu the. City o' Ot#O 9 Illucta oS ôer for eMW et' Wb- IW. -thelbhiabeat and b"et bidd,:=0l g t" .righ!,ttis o luteret 0fl 54mInes luas4d te the. fofloWlug - rieo l 499*0sate, S= ated lu the. Oouuty of Lake Md B. Of minois. to-vfit, Tii. Northi t 0'mliok .en 7)" In the North W4et Aditio lte Tov o0f Vttle yest. <00v the City -of Wauksgan,)- for tse oot mmdmals- taifl~of gm cbse, andfor thçq purpse t ofaveetg ucn oit thpre cPeo f, Ma Iwoseas .sha ,,,ol i lzd8ats» rsqied for 'mou and education lu otiier rï*e a or tothurwise luvestlug the sanie. D ted , Ih W N tth D ar o t June, A . D. 19011.1 87.5 CRAUESWAENR. 000 Guardlan of said Minor. i aI tinli '.ut~ ,o.t bai boss PANY Summher Co)Mfert Tht ma&ii n wlg la om late .te Mml. ,ouru Md 'you it mil ; omwm«,a ori.apoaum .Hmdwwe Iotum'av b'ýs1d a stap,bs t obut u.vutk.le wvshave la utoc& »Mn, of tht eusies miii neou*tbs 6tme msseddet' ,'oes home du in dm mies ssnom Refrigerators keep tht e lk aveet mdtbiebutter s»Ud Screeris keep ogthe cfiles. buo, mompaqusnd othespeste. 0OU Stoves do ave,' wth the u»pnhs duty of cooklag oves àa ms ci 1bot moe md hep bu temporature of tt b téan et à doeecthat-lae màwàM Hl. 1.F[3( E R LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. "GAMBETTA PRAINCE"P jý W. Suenebvo Lben.yvfla, fil. ;i 1 _._ _-_ _1_ _1._1_ _-_.- "TUE Thx WtidristBeat"rciect" Superlative," and, d"Maukàto" Flous. Wayne &Low's b4 lwdght, extra chojSe dou1,à wrapped crueay Buttr, in ome pound bricks. Crockery, Glauswarc, etc. We especlaliy invite the patronage of people who wlsh fulil value for cash 1:: SPEÇIALS FOR 11M WEEK ted Olives îuts, pet, lb. .u§ p 1 Ibo. ;94 t . j 23c 9c 85C Sc Eiraported Apples aa>d Peaches, per lb. ianeoa Cream Flou, *-bbL. ack Mhinmta Cream Flour per ... * $5.50 *. 6C, Lvol . tý ut f leh ar flor e poiuor » Puple Wb '> ierou eta a bu t, ep. aDI IndIr se vte i moua dons Them « Ail; le psetima e pero-uoi hirear, bet la Roe ii "hut' * er ln of r4gi5 b e' 1' ~ .1 si 1 1 É 400ý e Upice 1%,