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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jun 1908, p. 4

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l W Ù àmg gself ILR DgYAILS OF TRAGEDV 1FORMER ANTIOCI4 FOLK. $4iIIIO suofe Grand Jury andd impu- -' oa1on of-Possible Guilt Toc Much for the Young Man to stand. (1PomWedflesday*sSiS.) As many readersargaflrested ln the recpent tragedies ln thu .famlly of I'rau Smth of Mlford, Neb., a former .reddobt of Autilt.,h, the folowing arti- cltl rom the Blue Vialley Ilade, pub- Illebed at Seward, Neb.. bas been band- 94 inlufor publication: -"The commuuity iu the neighbor- izood of the Smith borne, soutbweat of Milford, wa tartled vesterday mora- tag by the nnuolncernent that Eugeue finjth, sou of Frank Smith, bad hung bimeseif st the home of his father at au early hour, afler leavlug a note .-k""IbÎn that lue was innocent of klliug bis mother, who dled as the result of 's blow om the left aide of the hesd ln- Ilict0d wlth a iugletree on December If of-laut year. Eufene Smith aud is fatber, Frank 'Smith, were lu Seward Monday, lthe Ib'~ré being before thre grandc jury as -AWtbeas lu thre case of the murder o! Wlniother which thre jury bas been lu- V«etlgatiug-. He wsa extremely nerv- ou. 1>1e on the stand, sud wass o re- t0rathe next day for furtirer exarni- utIle. lie left Seward about 6:30 lu -lie eveuing for borne, hie father re- rsghtiglu Seward over nigit, havug bh$M#MMsfl the districh court. He ar- rfodd home before 9 o'clock snd dld tse clers. bad aupper sud retlreil about 0-30. lHe appeared reatlesa and .WÔnIed before retirlng, aud durlug tleuigl4gSot up andwentoutof the * hoe abOout.3 ocloclt, returulng te bis ujc01-,later. He got up agaiu five minn- -t "15bfre 6 sud was nul aeen agalu tlàW dlsevered b>'Mr*. Grahamu, the ..b*outkeeper, Wbo fouud hMm bangiug ta -h lu itelveway o the crnm crib about Y O'clock, Wbo lmmedlately uotlfled 2fr., &nermnnan sd r. llcb b>'pboue, Is>4 are neighbora of thre Smitba. 5Mr. Rieb, Who had esler pboued tu the Idruskeeper that be wauted to talk te SEgenle, hadsdarted for thre Smith Oiigesud arrlved there abortly after tbOioleover>' Of the body by Mns. rs- boaie, and upon exatuluation fouud tA bt lie bad evidently been dead for aqe 4t Ure. -~-Coroner Wertman, Sheriff Gillan aud ý, Pisp Smilth were notified, sud lefI lprÉle4lateY for the scene of thre îrag- '.4>', arrlVlug at tbe fartn betweeu 8 Mu4 goCelock. The body was eut 'dW-b>' Coroner Wortmau and su lu- talant was bield. The evidence of ýMm. 4lamsi the houiekeeper, sud a wo- M" Who was vlstlug ber, was Oat *th eieceased bad gotten up about 6 -'19«ksud ieft thre bouse. Thre wo- MS t rose au hour Ister sud prepare<l breakfast sud remarlted that Engene 113a4-bof Yet lakten the nulîl palia, sud -.Ms.Gahamu went btb) hedoor sud clel hlm but got uo respouad A lit- ile ltler Mr. Riclu caled op or tbe PbMie sud wauted to apeak to Eugeue. 8h.» calleil hlm agalu sud got uo an- a*en, sud old Mr. Rcb that ahe would bout hllm up sud bave hlm cali hlm up. 840 ventI'latbe baru sud called, aud iget±ng no auawer went to suother part of thre baru yard. wirere ahe thougiro ie nilgirîbe, aud lu passlng the double corn crib dscovered his *body 1bauglug lu the drlveway sud lmý MedIatel>' uotlfied tire nelgirbors by phon.. Mr. Rlch soon arrlved. Tire body wvas leftbauglug util the coro- eut It dowu. A jury was impan- - aefld sud relurued a verdict that the 400e&.sd camne tu his deatb by hie owu -. for rouons tu tire Jury unkuovu. l1%0 decessed wae about 36 yeara of 7ýa8@ eHOvas marrled about two years r~but ouly llved wtb bis wlfe a ý_,aort lote It la aald. ýThat ire coutem- t&klag ie ife la evidenced tb(e tact that un Monda>' eveniug, -4"«Utn the grand Jury room, be AttOsue>' R.P. Anderson is lý00 fnrsnce pollcy for $2,000 lu T . order, vhlch weme bibh decoesed mother aud lu whom tbe Veertlnlu case of bis n2a ote on thre -1 se innrocent. Suceese or Childten's Dtesses at 98c Two very stroug features about these dresses are tire .plendId qualltleesoandIbe âue vorknaslp, tIs price lucludes several styles muade ut -,Wblhe lswu. One very pretl>' tyle lu partînular bas a circular yoke with 3 rowa of fiue tucksansd wlde lace edged -ratile. Others eru- brolder>' trlmmed. Dresses of atrlped glngham sud per- cale are aseo lu thre lot, your cioce, whlle threy..98 asat ...............U EXTRA SPECIAL Childrems Rose Extra fine o1 heavy rlbbed cotton home for boys sud girls, a fels mimes lacklug lu tire lot, they are tire kiud that yqu are lu the habit o! paylng l5c for. Speclal per pair ...l c WomeaËl Vernis Fue memcemlzed vests n luit. blue snd white, low ueck aud leevelesa. Faucy rlbbed. Our egular price la 25c, apeclal olter ...Aj1LC GIrTis'Paats lu uimbrella style, lace trimmed, flue kuit, aIl izes, a gond value ai 15c, apeclal ofer ..... l.. ic Lace Curtalas Attractive uew, patterns lu uottlnUâam lace curtalua, 3 yards lu leugth. 54 luches wlde, white sud ecru, «)SC apeclal at pair...............iC barg&Wsln lhum Size lu&u I17.J WII. legs terns andl colore, our regular $32.00 grade2 .0 Special ............... 50 Rizea 9 x 12, sud 8e 1(>-6, ibis Svrlngi cholcest patterns, values UP to $22.50, Speclal at ................... 5 7 Sîze 9 x 12, haudsome uew patterns and attractive colorIage, chic ..... .......16.75 fiece. -ftitrthat can à. 4 '*-~ the ont thât i. ofrg toget the blkOftbiÇ the hearts of- the uxiority of people in kea confidence atd as a tes ult reccives. thefr pra'unae. Thli çpo to the faizt l th eataUtimes kép-I W, $ wit1i ih~ the moit trusté&th'-highest qualtynû=rhand&se and b tit i e verybody, ànd that price the Iowest -poibIé.,As uua mw ae0 sped Ia nducaments In tlib ay of pruce savingi. Here art a few tems that aretca sal for Satur Ali Unirivalled Sale of Dàlmty S-Iatt Woeuen's #alsts This la lndeed a remarkable valt oSfer, Ihe>' axe daint>' n@4 fsummer f styles, muade ln a tait>' manner of~ whrite lawn vithrhaudsoue- eus- broldery, sud fiue tuckeJ fronts, worth more than double Ibis price, rusu>'styles, aI Choie 49c silkWaist Attractive aninr styles . ae of a ver>' fine Japsuezes lî, wbte sud ilght colora, fronts are ennroidered. tucked sud lace trnimed, % leugth leeves, ipeci>4-bargalp at... 1..... 1.......... qualit>' of beautitully ..1.98 ln~ 811 .ot et »t rtà ýAm va- lues tta" soiy.~roni e ,= lltywb- lv*-pet-lysb broidered, tuekeê 01d4la**tlSl xbfronts. others"aremail. oi srpdmadras cloth. Obolce 79c- Made lu a gocO practlcal style of wviîte-ahsd blacI dotted lawu, saloognglinm,thr regular selllug price la $1.60. spectal ofSer .................9 Yeu YOnr okuos of Amy of Our -WooI SOifs At 1- 2 Tw umolt.t*you 151bW a.j camet gradee t .8roc th, 10 batin )!*_Wh1 ~5"- 2 'SglendidMIII*et" Gretter values, better styles, and aI>ol. mý sa±tsactlon to cugtomers are respousibie for the enornious business that our rmlliiuery . departmneut does. We are c9otinually gir. iug values tbat are unaproaChable anywb;l< in the City, aud at the same time. glve the greateat amount of attention to the work. ni*nslIp anil style. We atm i0 pleane and gain your -Confidence. If you waut an tnez,-. pensive bat, here are two prIces that are extremely apeclal and the values very nu- nouai. They are Merry Wldow sallors of vzaried wldths, trlimed wlth flowers and son ihwiugs and fancy 19 feathers, speclal $2.98 and ... .8 Women's White c2at SURS Cool sud coflfortable lot sumer wear, madevery stylishl>' df a splendid quafit>' wh linon ftnlehed sultlug, skila t uil sud pleated, coal vpery attracilyely eni- irroldered, an iexceptlonafy specliloSfer at ibis price Here Lesu extromm*I" oypila pela pe........... 15c14 Tht qusilt>' ta I s~ yas4 4000 ysrdu direct ~ extra fine qu*llUo~ -sool sud csinbrlu. Isoles, valu.. frisai 10e, puce peu yar~, Ait -ofer ibat afforta you il great a skrlng sutibs go*e Lia aVéry Infrequent occurauce. Thusestyles have been seil- ing rigbt &long for $2-.00. they are muade, of good vlci 11.4 leather wth patent thp, large eyelets, hapd ttnud soles, mUl- ta>? heele vçon specl 1.39 at ....... .... ........... Men's NegligeeSMt55 Theae are the kinfi that you have been lush'&hbbt of piwal psy- *lng $1.00 for. the rusterials are madras mud percale, la fancy litriPesanad lso rient designs, light aud medium coloringeAi-e from 14 to 17. Your choice or many attraCtive stîleg. Saturday sud Monday, at......................1.......-..... 55C Uuderwear Meu's flue balbrlggau under- wear, shIrts sud drawc-ra, ga'- mpnte that regularl>' seil for 25c, apeclal .19... for ........-...........- A choic.tloptlSof o!reg for,.- ,~. ~, Every man who boys à pair of tbeuê-1 wboes wlllgave an sn<ouut of msiey> we wrth wblle, tlrey arle gooD Oââdâlt for, every day, lear, m"Ift of box caJ% sd vici kid leather. blucher sud Laàe stYles, heavy and mediunm soles, reigularll\U5l1 for $2.50, speclal Ê' Muelin -iJnderwéar PBargains on, 'IslaDraw.vs = d ullty, tbckted sud 'rubrold. er rmed, 60c values29 Extra quai"? muslo, founce ha 3 rows of hematitched tucka, lqud P an embroMded b-àà« !MM eo 1et tu on«, a, uea tlyle. In IaI sd drkcolrlù, vaue.ilat have pret .Ild Wor 98, ecpto plispcll o at MAde 'n kftt o, Me-n'.S1 A Remarkable Svn You oan always buy men's lothýé ,at The Globe for loe money than .eime where, but tbis time we have. beaten oui own record, we have gone far bêew our own reguier lw prices. We offer a beautif ni coHection of'tbis seasou's newest aid b(Êt models,"ail the hattest cobrs, tailoing fai above the average, vaiues thst ordi- narily bring.$18.00, $20 0<) and $22.' W:f1-0, Very spoial et -~-~* choioe.............. Boys' and çhildren's' wash euîtq, made, of striped iuiadrao and dock. 69 §peoial offer ........./** ... 9 Made of fsno'.stripem materials For ý.aturday and'Monday we offer le thexm at the low figure of pi. 7 Such Footwear.Offers As These Are Very. Rare

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