ad lamils epeut Sun- sbrMonda,. !g, ty ercies will b held ln iýt4Wau charch Suaday morn- ,e. m., Everyoue ie moct cor- Md tu tu present. »m. Bd BlelmebI 'rlsited rela- mke8kB ,flTuesday. i oable accident occurred on k~eween 8hermert'iUe and Cdyagt omng from a ar Fre iMau, Jr.. E. là 1e r were struck by a ,iarrooeaped without lu- en w. aeverely Injured and E "Y anFred -liu seas 4b*lY. Tcb.famýflea have the ËOMÏ*MIY ol lhe eommunity. kd gven by the. C. E. society et M Ltlie.'odd's w.. Thyp dwas rrettîly ,ý«thjapaeèelanterne. Re- wi éedout on the iawn. renagsd $17. 4«tine xercieu of the Deer- a0h*W on wee eld in the Pre.- ~cbF rlday eveming. The a dscore*ed wlth tie echool welple mlwhite. The au.. Saebumare. màlia. rané ~àkPetemso, largareth ri w'arutluu, LAiIIa Byder, liule, Nahel florenhere Wbdrd amndAIea WWnan. m ve pink and whte and mtto, "YNot fluiebed but jugt l'lrouah aon'e ulatake Ed rua not prmented with hie b4s the reet of i ci"..mate. éat ie did flot deserve it, a. e et tise ighest la bi ca.., l ttisal le sbonld haye heen b6ofore due hien Ileharde.vWuW dwth lber C.c0. fehu, at Derflld laut Mms WIII Coa wera Boeke e 111a00eW 0lng. ce sturesd froan ie riit et lb IL W. Knedier enter. eesIbucemr. Md mm -. £0. At ý C.feRihardsb =-xeom, a kon .Me le , an 1( Rive nI. b.uI G sago WR hm eo - 8p WRli Ieuuo <4 * ar nov .ltls le% un"Upe t o9 e«taiabaler a *ek's ~ ha.esadd tse ouerai 80Wst Dansond Lais., Sc aelLauson va. Um endi sdaon, of Arlngton, a*& bave be. vlitlngrais.. w vek. 6»td wio ha. been on the. Smetng of dis Warren *fUu ilib. held wth alo 'seVers Meteati, Wed- m l erieo thé M. WA. vpe Iawgeîvattended tentery Asociaton@ *0 eM8.previotie Sunday.q .U. iseld tieannal ffl7WIalh ies Cynthia *ýg4eniian celebrated bhr WMn eShool loqed JUOa8, lisanot ejWty were Presse rh a good 4 The. moe l n ~Uwo8 a wM thse he$.yere au .follove: boy> WltGlats(girl.) 4 r e............L. Doyle .l......1b.. . M awkinse .b . . . .P . F a n e .......1, s.i D et ... ..Fanke ....... ....A. Brasier . ...-C. f ....J. Theobaid« eqUitoe 5. W. (liants Il. et thefatest gaines ever a ofr girls. They are 10Challenge any teatn iu the mady for the Rod. Mor-l vant you cbldren to uties to.nlght. obuldnt.son whlp us tlstead, pý,paa.. Ir~ AUX HEIN"a,. j4%~ EDESIRE to thank "leq1Of Lae County for their unanimous ,.respnse to in lvitation to attend the 0pen- ingOf ur Nwtore onSaturd~ ay, e t 212 M, Genesoe St., a"d foi, thefr earty-cô-'bperatiom i Ikixad tiithe -reatest' event of its nature that Waubegin has ever witnessed. The careful attention 1 have given during the past five years to, the slidhtest wish of 'our patrons has surely created within them a feeling of confidnce, as was maxilfested on (>pening Bay. Hour afier hour during the entire day the people tlroiiged Our store i suçh numJbers that it was utnerly beyond the ahility of Our augunmad sales-force to supply their wants. We take thisopportuuiity if apologizing for what ms.y have meemd& e1Ieeon the. pèrt of some of our saJu*4'oce. Uer swiànhe i.avffleVxpMlenced assistants possible, we were compelled to e geothers whose experience in dits liew as, d~and eve n afterdéln u tot eeigti .ad thonswas bM 1 possilhty. W. have altws fei '&ê iepeople had confideace in our power to secure for diem 90of 1 1gb quality at prices below the ordinary, but we're surely asàas~b el witness the response to the invitation extended through die, coluàs of die différent journals. For todoy's sale- our, tables are again filled wlth fresh new goods, and duri e ach day, -as our Opening Week SalIe continues, we wiIl place o& d1sphaygoods- direct from the makers: hands at. prices that defy al Competidon. Foilowing are a- few of the many extra values at our store. R-m1rf1aleSK t Sale LADIES 0F THIS VICINITY, COIE AND SEE THE "ALEX HEIN- VOILE SKIRT FOR $3.& Vour money wilI bc refunded if you can duplicata this, off., eliawhere, They are trimmed wlth banda of taf. feta, made up ln fine French voile, and are wortl¶, and naver ehow,, for lacs. than $7.5M Our apeciai prica for Saturp .I day and -,àonday ....f3 9 beasttiful White Serge sais Coati satin lined throuib"ut. show,, evarywhere for 815.00 »d 818.00. Sp"clal for our Saturday 79 and MondaySae,.....79 fi Ladies Jamper Seller Suits Shirt, Walst Speclal Someting entlreiy new, made up in 200 beaut'liy embroidered shirt- beautifulni fgured lawn, trilmed ln walosa worth up ta $1.98, apectilfor wlde atripe af Plain MateiWlat. A Saturday and Monday, moat sultabie garment for hot weather onty.................... 95 Extra spaoial for Our Saturdoy and Monda y saîs *67J l«emaikable Sklirt Sale Chllrea' Dreses Greatest Panama skirt ln the countrY, Childrens Drebul i colora, smre wlth fld aroand Chldrensa white dreses, trlmmed bottoni, regular $5.00 and wlth lace. Bertha collar. aiso wlde 29 flounce sklrt, ail sites up to 16, worth *00 valnes...... ........ $3,00, Baturday andI 14l Monday Specil i.. .... 1 .45 t m*uUCtl«onin i prSait "rmas ..PriacessDresse Beautiful selectlon of gingliain an d ie'hnsiewiePic fine lawn juniper sulta, one and tw, dresse%, very neatly trimmed with place stylas. ,Worth 84.00, Saturd Paeetlace. kilmona steave and tuck snd Monday Sale flounce, ragular price,86.00, 9 prie@............... .... L95 Naturday and Monday Sale L . S Ou ~aoet . 1 tw mga mi ~ auiuvo on Om Covert jackets Ladies' covert Jackets, nmade up in aktripe or plain materials, tbese coats were manufacturej f rom, short lengths at our request, were formerly sold at $0.00 and $6.00 and 24 are a speclal bargain at .24 Hamisome Limn Suits In otripe or plain colors, cuits are strlctly mlan tallored, 30 and 36 Ioch length, apeclal for Tuoesday ...............29 , amama Jackets B1Lck Panama jackets,sai ne throug4out, pa'sltlvely a most beaut- fui.garment, Worth $7.50, tht. Satur- day and Monday ......3,98, Sale ................ lot *.~tIM Jca ......... -200 WhltePetdloets Made up vitis 18 'Inch embroîdereii floonce, Worth $3,*00, '5 Tuesday at ........... Handnme Whte Shirt Wabst Made up lu lingerIe or lawn cioth wlth entlre'embroldered front, Worth $1.50, now on sale Att 5 Wbite Uuulerskrts Wlth embroldered flounce. Very &»ea-ý. dm1l Baturday and Laee s 2s.1 S%ùs Very b"anaMOeligea. Llned la taffeta or #girateed atin, ,vorth