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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1908, p. 3

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PotOff ice EET .Waukegan, Ili. NEW S TORE IS NAMED Announccmefit as to the name sclected for our new atort will be made' on Saturday, Ijune 20th.*..*..*.-. jthat every. prson ini this vicinity will accept this as a persoaI invitation to visit Our New Store on Saturday r som àai urng the following week and see the new styles- *0 woments and children's wearing apparel. Vou cithen better undcrstaxid viy it is that the name of Alex Iýin is so widely known throughout the County. I$ tO y O-W àdvantagc as well as ours that you become better acquainted with our business methods and the character of LèrhaniseWC 1=&de and know how satisfactorily we can supply evirything that you may desirc in appaiel. Being ~ ladies' ready-to-wear establishment exclusively and devoting our undivided attention to this feature, it is flot p- cke>nt that we are able to give you the best that can bx secured both as ta style and quality 'and at prices so low that vu ti*it afford to deal elsewhere. Thé sharp reductions we are making on ail uines of apparel for Saturday and Monday's Sale makes it an exceptional çpgpunit o ayn in need of anything in our line.' Ladies' Suit Bargains Ladiffl jumper suits, ruade up in figured lawns, trimned witlh the poptîlal' border m trinîînings; Kiniona siceve; worth 2*98 $5.00 anîd $6.0M). Sat andl Mondav Sale ..25 Ladies spleîîdidly tailored hunen suits, rmade up in heautifîji stripýe or plaini materials, skirt is ven' fuîll and triîmned with folds of saineinaterial, emit. ho welI tailored, with pateh pockets and turned (lover cuffs. The%, are worth $600, aiîd foi. Satur(lay and mondav they goant............................. Ovr (x) Ladies and Misses juniiper suits, trimmed iii the poîuîîlalr border înaterials, îîndaubtedly the é-grvatest valTe shomii tis seasoîl; 124 wrtli '5.00, Satîîrday andi Monday, 'o Speial ........ .................. wp Ladies black ahd wliia eleksi îît wasst s slits, gaod workmanship. tlillt wiiliîsk irt, Satîîrday and Monda.î\ SteejlSid Ladies fine black elîiffau Paîaini Jaokets, liî d throîîghaîît w ith s t i nî, :'W iiîeh I iltl, 7 1Slweeial for Saturda.v anîd Monaîula . Gî K ale . . . . . . . . Ladies ven' haîfdsome sîtits, mîade up in hai ft aIlwl ~ai Vaiaîîa, soxue in shaulaw stîipe, simiîe iii plai ols of as tbrowns, blules and i îuxtuIlres, sin lined wit h taffeta, others ini heav u arnfe a tin. suiîs wîtilî as high as $L0.(an $25.(X)>, fsr Sat u dav and Moiida, Speejal ..........................6 7 r- _ ~-. Skirt Speclal "Lades genuine heatberbloom skîî ts, very nieehY ind;fuil flotînee; Special for Satinr- lf dsy's and Monday's great sale, -394 at . .........................1a Affôur $5.00 Panaina skirts will be marked down SpMeally for this-Stra n Monday sale, tuayad 2 s t.......................... 2eS Julia Marlowe Shoe Special Motb<,ptlful Oxforsàin tan or black icathers; gen- OnuleSturayandMonday at 19 Lades'Wilst Sale Lds'white shir waists, madc out ~fali-over embroidey; the regular price ~hiswait l $~5O nd& for Tues- £ ,eca SIwchv reduced it to ,.i_____IV_____-__- _________ :Waist Bargain I BEtwien the hours of 10 and 11 on the morning of Saturday, june 2th, over 3W0 ladies' waists worth I$2.00 and $3.00 wil bc. pLaed on sale at 951c# ______________ A - r ]&ECIA~L [drqda warranted fast black Hose ~ta f~ Sturday and Mo a' ale'~ Ladies' Coat Specla Ladies v))vert jaekets iu plain or stripe mat( sanie sat in liiipi, soiiie without inillg, w'oith $(;.W4. SI)CClal for Siitîîriay11 anîd MI!oiîîli, at ....................MBq L4adies eiavenette(l îo(ts; full Mou d m(ay ......................3 Ladies' Dressing Sacque Ladies' Dressing Sacques, made up i good fas lawn, worth 75c.1 Extra Special Saturday and Monday-... Children's Coats and Dresses Misses and cbildren's spring coats, sizes ui) to 14 Including white serges, most of theu are sam ples and are worth as bigh as $5.00.14 Saturday and Monday Special ... 14 One lot of '200 children's dresses wiil be put on'sale Saturday and Monday at $1.50 You will fiud dresses ln this lot worth as high as $3.50; they corneln colored and plain white materlals snd ail go at this one speclal 1 50 - price........ SPECIAL. Handsomnely embroide.red Wash Belts Satur4ay and Monday Special... RU VIE W tlea Guarantu.d, Maonic TeoqMpi Building, Wauksgan, Ili. LoUIS 4. Gurne, Suc. June 16, 1901. 3502. W. W. Clark and wie to J. C. » & -2 iots, village o! Deerfield. W. U' $200. J. C. Bartiet et ai. sutbdivisions 48. ils . lots, village of Diamond Laire. A. J. PluIitt and wife etl ai.L toM. tAiais, W. Whedon, tract cf land SIt Win throp Harbor. W. D., $15000. Josephi Palmer and wife OtuC. -B. 1 8 Wetzei. lot on north sida Madisnat,. between Genesee st. ani Sheridan i '., Waukegan. W. D., $100. . .sl J. E. Fitzgerald aud wt~o'to JokW Griffith, lotas 8aud 9, Joisarton S-tt sub. Lake F'orest. W. D., $1. WADSWORTH ITEM&, S (From Wedneaday's $m..) Misa Mabel Lox bas beetd&** t color Waukegau relatives duriu5 tbi* out !ew days. C) c Mns. J. Luie sud daugliter speuit Mondai' lu Chicago. Mien Nel Wejcb las goe to à*t>jý occh for a !ew days. Mr. John Hartig of Chicago çM SaturdUy sud euuday at thse W homne. mise Etta Carney entertLwa. pupile sud their parenýts et. a idwe10 Frlday afternoon. ýMr. John Ernery's barn uSea 0o Wednesday evenlur vas vasý- teuded. Mrs. Frank Sisea spent tise da$' Waukegan. Miss Daisi' Faulkuer snd BEsmua Cashînore went In Waultegfl Saint day. J' Misa Uizzle Hagerty la cailing On frienda lu Wauk egan. Miss Margaret O'Dowd of Iowa ba& - returned borne, a!ter spendIng severil weeka vlsitlng ber mother. THESE WILL WEO. John D. Garrity. il ighland Parli, 15; Ilu,-. .Margaret Mooncy, 24. Gerge P. Wendliîtg, Chîcago 44; St. Clair Plait Tueker, 27. WIIII&w D. Vihyte. 2M- abtgj,21. Hlenry'Jacoba, 14t liffl* GllbertI M Lo$ 1 NORTH CHICAGO ATS~ SELECTED ÇORt1#85 Boardi Lengihons Ho r ' WlIMeetatNlno Eash«*Wj"> Ing ad at One Thlrty Ea*-« Att.rnoon Instoati of at Te* and Two Beginning June 29. (Fron0 IWediifday's Sun.) Martin C. Deker, an aittorney of \Nrtii Chiag, hbas been chosen - clerli ot the L.akc ounty board et ro- ,,lew, which held Ils firt, sessionthia afernoon nhie take county court bouse. Tihe.bard adoîted the usual rules. making only 0e change to the effeet 0 that the sessions are to hegin t 9 Instead of at 10 each nîorniug and t 1:3 10iustesd of at 2 each afternoon. The sessions will begin Monday, June 29. -The board of revlew. Obairman Geolrge Quentin and Mesrs. Samuel lckler of Lake Forest sud Tom Me.- Cullough of Gurnee, held its rst neeting ihis sîternoon and gelecteda clrk for the terra. DlD COW HÂVEBYDROPUOIJA? Physicians of Somers in WlscOflCif Have a Puzzle. 4 (From Wdnesday's Sun.) Veteriuary surgeons n the county are taklng considerable interet in thse 10exarinstion of the carcass of s cowr which was killed at the Stephsenson> fartn lu the town of Somers a feW days tig, ad it la thouglit possi~le ib that the cow ws sufferig froua y-' drophobla. The cow acted sli"ar tLo b the action of a dog when u sufeIs frontrabes, but the attacl< wfl dis- covered ln turne and she waa aeyarnt- ed trorn the other cows of thse ierd. t Is net thought that auy o! the othler cows on the farn were attacked bY the cow. The men n the tarin wqr 1>so couvinced that the cow waS M"' that tbey declined tu akin ber ansd thse carcasa was turned over to Dr. AcIsn for au exainuatton. REAL ESTATE, TRtANSÏEU«ro ni

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