Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1908, p. 6

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ix OFiOL PAER F LAitO~ j ~ tefoaâad1rli Lre.J. anDEr' iUS0f Ewsmetoe T*p.o o i a 4 h*dç*IPTION PRICF si.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCË beu vltlngltae ur u.wa I Awaddition le bes uhlll on ibu ...................... ..........,...... Editor Kie le O &yn H. US .............................. "***»*'« ... *'**ture stor f o vneug & L nc Biro. r.............. Cty Editof ai .%auiLyAS BaoddmadW. a huerg reatbng thoas Wbo attGsa f ' the lepubdmua couventfon la'bicago FRIDÂY, JUNE i19 8 tbls*eeik. Q.A. Nwsom le buldig à hu on bs properlY , South, lark aveu MORtE MASON nUCCESO. chwhle oraieasbn ics aIWa teUlng effet upon the large with naugbt but errera in his record,ptid gmterlK o WukeROleS Mr Ma ad BMaon and hie abilltY to tell The LlhertYvtlle TrowusblP. SUUda S&iqedn utWaukgantes Mr.Ma-Rn cheootcoivenstion viiib. hWet aitbé- ,*W made votes by i appeal ta the about ILPesirinchureh on tb. ftarnomoll0 A INPSand tair, square statemnt of He le moi thé saime oid '"BlllY" Ma- bliIjtood o beft from varlopase t.son, a littie more serions aud earnest. parts 0of the couuiy wll lb.ou lb, leu ea e u catrhaig Hie subject le not treated ln a sprit ïros inLail worker re sté pecWte. t *be ca note, btfeelug thieatrus- o! mlrth. Plain, serions, statements ated ~dvialirors eluvltod. ,mm and snceritY, that eauld he but Of facts, cnuchedixeoaerY tb. Ut" lira.FrdemkBPeks danghier, We l.ear ot Illinois' great mss Of pie like, Win vote for hlmeylm e Misa Nor a e ko taaIn vets, is nomination wQuIidb. as- hie ha. an opportuiity te addreu an gUet fber d!tg tee mi"aMle - %*m% beyond il possible doubt. gathering. Who has beueIiiIWlu lb Nýe W tint the shallew, Jestingsur- 'Biljy,1Mauon has a splendid the t yaa. .y Win s os lts iseemises delshI te picture chance of heing the republicali notai- onaBcomPSilby ioaMabel. UtuiL Net by a whole lot, and Sena- nee, and the "joke" yen hear go much pinwau diicovered lu a hedroom at t~~~~t ll~~~~~~opkins'A Ael culgtoaotaegHpii followera ls the home or L. . ay shortly alter tee itst a l n debate. What a Indic- golng to be on Reed Smoot's Aurora 'clock lt Saturd n hi.t The bod coveringsansd mait4h Itaktenflr»,la uspectacle it would be-HepkUns frlend. somns unknown manerandhadevldeflQl - ieen omoulderlnff for houe. and wbess discovered tetir.ela ppr @tory was SALARY DASIS BETTER. flled with smoke. Thelitie de4glaie It là reported that candidates for excusal condition ot things whiuh who had been iaantelup bebd gave lb. aboud beremeied.alarm and 9Mr. BaY promptly rolied op l>.lerkbbpa ot the supreme and ap. helnodbe ar ciaio l din teburnin lb u d tbrew t out the poilis courts wilU beas.ked by the excellent work In endeavoriug ta r.- ndwThna pwiuee4t r stty leaders la lb. tate tü promise fort, thîs grogs abuse. Tb. court lra. sýFrank Locke let Friday for Ain- treaul7.1lclekshps ngh te . hifihy en f hrlWi.,itoattenld thealunerai o1 bar te tumInto m the public teuY&1clrulsogh eb ed ymno iece:Miss Ne"ePhllipa. daUgbtbr of >5e oet thos *moere over a reasonabie grest ability who are weil grauuded lu Miron Philflewhicb eoob placee lb.,. xei sm. retaiuefi as payment for th. aw. So long au lbe clerkslalpis aof1mat aturd a lernoot. -MWsaPhulip the higher courts reek wth spolie, wi5se acleDhIdrow-ed atm achboolpa nie. db. propoai! tusanme cosipsalo tbi srics Fi,. tbousand dollars thywillî b. tought for by aoUtAlans 5 ti thy ait la a boat Qat wi Ol WOOM lieample pay annualli for the whe kuow an care uotlltabout l. bat sdasaatpta da.k ofe ler court. Yet t IA sta- the dutlas, but who hangar forlbheiltO te156tbosbr foot elglêid;M bulnob. river.Tha Pvr was wqw 0ti ttha clrk of the supreine iiOh pickingis. The "'hil s5i±te5 and tb. tld.aWMM "a diaes asà - % oukt ou e tram $25,000 ta abol b se mai~d by th xt ogmway bae blp couM fi aaearRa lalasture a. te pravide that AUl court pêaeiabave munai Md. amd .~OOa y.ar. nhille . lerk of thetaisb"lî go te te publie treusri b = wbho nilîregret teo has the ia .»Wloiê uurt. bas et hb is dls"061 andtIat the clerke abalî.be pad lfred deaih. M .$Igp,000 a yqBt. Hemra ln l- salarial for their servicea« . Noties. INEVITABLLSode'su liz'BiiaAac Iwie llultéd Umates Ste.)Corporation la proaperou lImà; i (niesodaln U a iG.A .h~? bub" x eatoèteut cthie primas otthattheceutlaregelisY u p1p *foi l .p0 is t e 3t $4 a ton, a-ladepeudet sbiper. Corriga, Mo-,jlb.r Aies ni Sutashort Uime ugo Its preal- Kinnei & C., o Cluveland. plce 1W"aaglb.,aoiwu" taqt j*4W ary, anmunoed that The nesk spot lu the steel andt roun usiséals wbMiMbé~. isif -Mbe niantalned t thlb.old situation apeared la th. sentis, nhere..W.AU e.B..1 Sa#,ow lurs. Tbe steel trust h.sanibuteru Irau producers bai e- 1012 AbS.Wubg iU,,buffeve crtieisei by- te bestlfi- cumuateti large quantillea of plg Iran, ~*~rtoemlotIta unyloldlig de-.e sud s e*07neseig noney, p~is ou- 4à(i$bwservicesi. ' d tnnet te id l4 stimlatlu$nwu saold, at -great Concessions. Bar A Wééïâgupos-4 places 09 basta@ea ta'prie. concessionsa. iron waa reduced. and concessious lun hldren lailt.ebpreb n U b. prey~ Tib" .ame i existence, banever, a northern pig iron, tollowed as the t taie Meodlal ehurch naît Souder moaisisU. iieltchlldten maT b.e tan Iêi6pmadent concerne nbicb are southeru pig Iran came lotocompeli- piiesalsiiee-a$uattm ytb. for r pot soed by te trust. Thevè tien nltb t. tbhen ii, b.ofleriutwii o laadesta began tect pricecs sud It ia probable that no Immediate et.o te suochad ibe -tWiilai'Is holu on lb. markets ttee ili be fell;by lbe loner pries S-ulsa. 14m pressesnt t an tusee tdiei1trust a.uforced te me.t the levels oftIrou n steel but It tu cer -________________lm lover prie. levels. tainli ta ultimately nid materially luCn f ilnAu Th. firi break camne lu a reductlon restoring normal conditions. 31 WiIiCr fT4bs lu l. ie ofIran or.etf 0 cent a act as a stimulons ta many industries, Tve r r.kini s andympmlhall riug to.Tis eut lu the price oetiron arc, particularly that ut the building 00 i. d anideàatlo e! e u abnt tb bima, of 6ailte.steel and iron radea. aid fgiher, misa fer iba beutlful floral Vmt. wtod me lîke a bombahell te the Price reductions lu every lin. of lu- oflerluga ne exbmuti u heortiait grati- gossi menaturlng concerna nhlch dustry hlauevitabie aud lte sonner tude. )990. C. F. Actas AND FÂMILY. b"d iautly malutainedthelb.policy et they camse the isoanier wll goodt imes UOM& btisprie«. Ibrongit leso ss nelias and preperity returu lu f ull force. [~ ~ .F R ~ I I 1 lAe -9 a coseeS O O Wallace Wakem, 82 acres lu N. W* qr. T h ino Aelvle S '~i utteTransie" c.8 Sild p Q .Y.e$. Tn have a gooti are protection, but s- Anne Thomas (nidon) ta, Louis F. ubat gqod as It to înyone? Yen haves MoCleruon, lot 1, block 29, City of tire company bul you can't gel ibes -Hghland Park-! W. D., Il wiboui an alarm o!f sesklnd. do 1 Lba Comt; Titis & Trust Co. Jh .Toa saet l . think something ougbi to b. 'dons lu *»UC Oflra T iti$. Till uateS UM.d John B. Tomas1, bl 9,teof.regard 10 this. IBEWMMVLLE. 1 »Moj*lcTemple Butg. Waukegnffl eCeun, lut,bok29 iye Louis J. assosz, Sey. Highland Park. Deed, $8,750. fV Hlighland Park Bidg. Co. 1 o Uis F. "Health Coffce" isa rcally the Closest ytedric W.Corighandvit teMeCernn, ot , bock29,Cit ofCoffce Imitation ever yet produced. Fredrtc W.Garlshsudvit taM<~ernu, ot , beck29,Giî o!Tie cever Cele Subtitut. nas re- Mit P. Bronue, lotas 19 and 20, block Highlanld Park. Q. C. D., $1. cently produceti by Dr. Shoop, Racine, * 10, Orignal Plat Lake Bluff. W. D., Gouuiil Clrk te W. B. Smith, lot 8, W1. Not a grain of réel Coi.. lu Il block 9, Oakland aub. Waukegan; part eitlicr. Dr. t-oop's l-ealth Coie s U000.matie fromn pure loasted grains, wlth liarriet C. Gritley (witien) et ai. te lot 21 block 6, McKaya i2d add. Wau- mal, nuls, etc. iteaîly it wouuî, foui Lillan A. Wikopf, 12 acres ln B kegan. and lots 1 sud 2, block 7, Win- an ex'perýt-nie mlght dink Il for W. qr. Sec. 18, Vernon Tp. W. D., throp Harbor. Tai Deeds. Collée. No 20 or 30 minutes tedleus E. A. Cummingesud vite le Tie. boliug. "MmAdclu a minute" sys thc 8960.Goldsmth, lot 5, Cummlngs & C.'s docter. Bolti by * William Lemkcr and vite te Ed- Noth av. add. Waikcga. . , CQRL.ETT FREOERICKS. yard J. Welskept, 18 acres lu N. MI.$70 * r. Sec. 6, Vernon Tp. W. D_. 12250. Win. Sklbbc et aI. te Horace Buik- Adjudication Notice. Mary Lenox Mott and bus, te John ley, 12 acres in N. W. qr. Sec. 21, Llb- publicnullce. la heretry siven lIat the A.Thoruberg, lot 10, bock 3, Lenox ertyvile Tp. W D., $65a. est1 rs. e rie o1 the es. of sub. Waukcgan. W. D., $450. A.f.Va'ute~aiita AP.VnSciaick sud vite te Eilen th"e 6 Out àoe Edmod Ablkml32 anAuifWto e 'mt = .ln9idOant. o e. ra Edmud A Ctimina sd vie 1,L.Van Scbaiek, part lot 7, bock 3, n a c L -i z. s.. uea d Isabel . Roers, lot 13lnl E. A. Cure libln Park. W. D., $1. Whe. lvfsabMa Eoamagiisl seings & Co.s Nrth av-. ad. Waukc WN. H. M.ýurpbY te John Prerek, lot ies etOU a li< Oetr te oil ean. ga. W. D., $175. 28, iulock 74, North Chicago. Deefi, yk HyX~Le ~uia' Thoma.BB Smith and vite te Jus- $'nD..s. s. t lia K. Orvîs, lots 15 aud 16, block 3, G. A. Truesdeil aud wffe te G. R Modevll's sub. Waukfegan. NV. D., Kirk, tract of land ln vest hait Sec ... 11,80.Z, Benien TI) W. D., $360. r Justin K Orvis sud vite te Thomiaspo- &O r w Smth lots 38 anti 39, block 1, J. K. Waich for an Opaning. '-.ý-OrYWistub. Waukcgaii. W. D., $40. Like Ivu dogaetf ar chainied ti uat g oils.U,0, 1Anis&-aI W. Meyer and vile te Boy,,,- but et rearh, Wilbur Glenn ValAva and ruuDalry Go.. 6 lots in Applebees Daniel Bryant ot Zien Cty are valch- sal. village et Barringlen. W. D., ig aci other aud the prospects are a. ~$te ail for merry, merry imes. EWM7 aB Chency sund nie et a. te Vliva emissarles attend evcry Bry- jiWie ia Smith, lot 3, block 3. aut meeting sud vice vcrsa. 'WL W$ktiaadd. Village ot Liberlyvlle. At the Bryant meeting andi raUy lna t ~ lhe Zien tabernacle Wctnesday nlt It.ufl A,-Cummlngs and vite ta, Overseer Lewis, rite has becomeBy P- 1ev'w.,eLgron , r.lot 12 lu B. A. sut'. ally and helper, prayetitat te 'epp North av., aid. rigit leader hafi came te galber tb e W5 o -W, D, e376. tibfltogetier ln on, victoriens le toPe ot IIu anl ~,Vlva emiaaal7meaitim twod -il;..iLg_ vondcopa 16 , Là 't.> M 4 1L .rIr TM ~aoa 1H! MO~ r4mo i.wber tbah the $weler -the. mau"tOue" Whou rmhsamug poPs ëommmuomt Dar itemoe. .pemorqloodays inuthe I< fevery y ugpmf dfinidlgtin mkng iboi hippy tbbsBfI.it. te r aise thie opms u.son, for weddtlg ringsand vo deliglinlu coommodatibg .s»d p .os.nyo lu thst une :i±b the beet i'ork of the, jdmith Ilverware isaone of the- moat appropristo mcd teamnr gIfta to ipake jo ur uewly merls friendsandix!eoe thst in àmr o b. 5pýedAtm . There axe larger atooka of jew.lry tha ouri but none w'bore You get more fcg urMoney wilb the assurnce 4htyou hav' dvalue reoi.d Qut Me a y 'profit I>y our esperneuoè with vatohes, ».Welry aud ailvervor, àad mny luformstolî, in thes mattera la cheWrullY gIMen ANDReW IIUSS' JeBWELER LISERTYVILLE. ILLINOiS Over77 fUSY 8ELLERS ARE TAKING A Temendous Drop W s es et E. W. PaMms Gent.'Futumhn Scre r mski ga vy roee«mb" obas W t -toc W a ea' ufodto wte schameS go hW-;7 of tha hastmeUba hmr b= u redCed à=r$M SZO tS$800Puetat Cmi tait es e ar tse p« W a i o l 0TOWs M de peuft.sid have th= u ray Ioerwuluah.dr a" . et "eS o«des iubef=t the suait 2Oth Century Cash Store il. W. EPA.RwnU8v rayl ..a. .b....... A i an y 3m".Bispet poud .... ........* .~4-i bsawyRd o CriS, pe alb..........Iowa$ se tan "I tad . y o w C o rn )eé ip r lb .. i~ w e t orn. fa c ana fo r ......... ....... ..... ttring Beau., aa@for ..........204 W stgl i o !... - ..t E.E. ELLISWOT7 LIBERTYVIU.E- ILL. SIEED CORNOt H, N Fteue@ Posta.Drain TII.. Sewe Cat.h Basin Coveis and [Ads. Ce Modusa Portland, bath white and Water Proof Compound. Do't fail to ttinate with us on à] Lumior Biua Priees the lowest; largest.toeI gmy. Lur ILUMBIER COMýpAIr PI4ONtIS 47 end 1171. E. A. Uisfflp. Mgr. The Porch I in Summer Cool sud comforlable chairs are snxong the neceasilies Of the summer eason. We have gathered together a collec- tion, of new, confortable chaireamnd rockers for the potch of more Iban ordinary interest, and bave marked them aI prie.. Ion enough for evetybody'a needm. Young & Lynch Bros. Kaimar Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL- E. W. PROCTOR E. F. UWAN R 0% TUB1HOME LUJMBER,«>0 A co-vuilsrihi,. . 1 Lumber, Coal and Pe L113BRTYVIILLRY,]ILLINOIS PHONE'60__ _ _ A CITY WATER SUPPY For Your ContryU Il you live in the country there lea& Y for YOn to enjoy sa U oaIortsa à convenieffle.of cit y water supply wthout t.he expenditfle !spenyorwirutax.' it je accoxntliabed by the K.wanea Syftl. With the K.wauae Byorteli you get even more than clty oervioe, becaus., la addition to every benefit the latter affordg, you may have- Pure, !reeh water. Cool water ln the aummer. No freexing water In the witer. And a plant will lait a life-time. fi will solve the country water problem 2ompletely. In a KewaOe a yoteii your tank Ae located In the batemuan or anuycn venlent place, and the water ia pnmped into the tank wlcbh forme th. air peemure. No fear of your tank leaklng and &polA 0 yor home. Novet ne&s e..o!f M pairing for there in uotblng to get ont o7rdr For etlmatea sud Information apply to ALBERT W. LICl ITEU)" LIBZRTVVILL.E, ILL ThéSogî< Wlflsolindl 4 v 84 4 t ýl m'ock 1310ejr - r LUMRTYVILLMP ILL.

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