Ciif i- iOihîî55.;ii f.*ryti>hff INDEPENDENT. anid WALUKEGAN WEKLY SUN LIBBRTYVIILEa LAKE COUNTY, II.LIOIS, YRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1908-10 Pages 81.50 P.ER YEAR IN AD-YANCE. *DrIATIM AT ZOI Wfr AS Or" 41 DAYS Ef VANGEL1ST ?IUSBAND fAAIiMMA$ AGAIN REAPED TS GHASTLY HAR- VUS% F NUAN tFS UN ZION CITY. AGCOQRtOIN TO EVIDENCE ON THE SURFACE, -.Hý NEWEST MORBOR DISTANCES TH4E GREENU4ALGH SENSA- YION, IN WMIGt4 A WOM*N WAS TORN LIMB PROM LIMS TO CURlE A CU4RONIC CASE 0F RHEUMATISM. THIS TIME THE HEAD 0F A WEURD NÇW CULT. THAT BELIEVÈS IN PROLONCE O FAST$ AND A SORT 0F SPUR- ITUAL MARRUAGE, 1S SELIEVED DY 7THE ZION POLICE AND DY TENANTS 0F THE SAME IUOUSE TO HAVE FORCED HUS WIFE INTO A FORTV-ONE DAY FAST THAT STARVED MER TO DEATH. THE1 NEW PROPHET 13 SAIO TO BE ADAM THOMPSON 0F CALUFORNUA, AND MUS -WIFE OUED OF CANCER AND THE PROLONOED FASTING LAST WEEK THURSDAY. THERE US NOW A CRV FOR AN INQUURY MORE TMOROUGH TItAN THAT UN THE GREENHALGH CASE AND FOR A MOUSE CLEANING UN ZUON CITY THAT WULL PURGE UT FOIREVUlR 0F TS IALF CRAZV AND WHOLLV IRRES- PONSUBLI FOLLOWIRS 0F UNHOLY "RELUGIONS."O statle's Attornesy Manne was ceUUd upon t. maite an Invetigation, If he thoughb clrcunsbancsa justlfled KgUto nt h. mystarious deabi of Mns. Thouipson of Twenty-ssinth street, Mion Cty, ansd an injUste> ma>' resuUb tUat wilU and in à sensation bigger tan that in théemGeeaUgce. Adam Thompsen, en Utneant aen- pellet of tte »4aUI*d PUgrim Sroth- ertaod, Ua accoueeet fhaving tarvedi hie wf. te deatis by forcing her Imb a forty-ease dty faslt in order to cure à cancer of thse braaI, trom ,which ahu had saffored for two yeora. ?mes.Thoapsoeî dise!tast weeit and bhe desth Uas set n motion a t"I.nof goslp exce.ding biat lu con- neton vihth le reentialgh case. Tic wIolaefor>' dc*,'claprd viat difference arose btwc,*i oc of.i iu 14.saunabus yesferday. Sire. D..r- jg <of Twety-lntl Street ceilfe j8oma ta. Mr%. .' K. Hunfer. sha ,j ,.abe ah tshe vife <of 'Judge But- e'r of Burnism, 111- ucar Hsmmosd, 1ud. Mrs. uter Us a Tiompsanite an5ud vlan aserafuaed fa vacate lier roms an argument essucd sud final- è'IfMca. flarlinge summoscdCati u'Walker o!fie ZMon City' polUce force. itaiked free>', sud thc uncovaring o! tbcelaest barror vas fhe rasuIt. Starvsd Wife to Deti. A SUN reporter visitad fthe Tliomp- sou home Titeeda>',th fie rt newsa paper man on tha acene, sud dccv thse atos->out f a!tfeaccupants o! tic bouse, vlio f0 dafesd fliir owvispasi- tic"a talked readily. SThompson aS e ta Zon CtyitI sma Utuite trait of Mma.Hunter, "lia b.d Met il i fBurnulaM sud litem bla teacliluga. Ha lied came la visît tise Darlinge, vitl wbam flic Husteca and auoflen faml>', tic Finits, ceide, ensd finAl>' Irazani>' campcd fliere, living off contributions sud acculîise "I drm1>'belleva fliat Tiomîlean ped ive to d eF i, ad M a. P',I ~ _h h.spesu la I did sud 1 I yea>'t.a avar fat lic refused ta gtvé ber a drin ! ae. aitiougli sic bsd beau fasting, eatlng abeoluf c- 1>' nothIîig. fon ftonrse dsys. Telle of Woma's Deati. *"For fort-one daysansd fart>' anc iigto, foUlowing ber bustandes com- Manda, 34". 'I'impson dld isut par- ike of food o! au>' sort or descrlp- tion.- - Ier's vas a compiete fast sud as thse end e.rcd aie vas tearfullir pele and vasted, suabie ta maya, unattie fa taIte above a viaser. 'Bise cri.ed for water cantUnuali>' "nnod ber isiaband'nefused'to give lier e drink- or f0 let thers uive t ber. 118ic diedin'tia ver> room!"-ndU- CatUlsg a staff>' liffle roottu vire Tue ýd&y- it vas almot bmpoeaUbic ta Itýbretie vîthouf diMcuit>'-"anidvbie e acn a'utimxW~y bave cana- 210r ,deth, I llevé UIt wa. ore atian tbisais eee. il td oid bersUt ber soui d'1 obatened, il*fed 5asd ne- if aie fasted long enougi, tise cancer vas a algn fiat --Sie wmatted food, buet tie>' ould giv,#b«, SSi. waited vater assd y *Otk 4 ~#gise t ber. Site died. lot. Pee vas te vo, t farvcd fo deatL .Thc incident had distresscd me betone but neyer quife Bo liadl>'. Sa I kneif dowu b>' tiselbcd- aide o!flice dying woman sud prayed. " Fafler.' i prayed. 'let me have a trcvelstlaîî lereansd IIow. If Tliomp- rsons fcsciilngs are rUgit sud truc. let Mca. Thumpaon arise sud valt. If Ilie>'are 00f make luItkown ta me b>' a aigu.' j Tic sext detaIoon site died.' 5 ;Fatad Forfy-one 05>5. e M rs. Banter, vito scema fa lie air ,ardent disciple of Thonipson, sud vita lierseif lias fasfcd far flirce days. or since Frîdat. admira Mca. Darlitg's satemeuftitaf Mrs. Tiompson lied falcîl for farty-one des. 'Ber di-aili vas caîtsed liv cancer,' isite stated. Sice d taslcd tafr for> uttne deyi., if Ustruc, but titfwas te- .cause site couid liold nofine on lier s ifomacli. iuîyeelt gave lier beefsteakt suad alter fliiîgs but site cîuîld nul ce- lainthtitn Believea lu Faalîug. 'Do I1lielleve hu festing? Yuîîîg rmai If >00 itnaw snything et ail abtatheficdeep, louer, iddeîî asplrtal 1tiîîlts yaît in<t iaItthe BIie Sts itafail] fhlugsshah camne fiantra> er suad festine. "I begaî totafast PrUde>' sud shahl cantinue unfîl God gIses oie e reveis- flan ta cesse. 1 faite to faod wbat- ever sud drink oui>' ater. I amntIr> Ungttefaatoneftac&oane emaîlloffees eof rny 11stfite, 1 Mca. Titampeon haul a rebellious nafture. She cold 0sf eccept flic t iddeu fruts. Site resîsted. and flic (canrer came upoti ler toc- ter as J TeIle of Hiddieu Trutha. t What arc fle ic îduen truttis? a Tbat b>' festine sud prayer anc emecafatne for onessins sud flief iere le na srjcit thing as lthe ialy 9efete of mefcimuny.' Mca. 1-tanter flietitold lthereportfer fluet Titampeon's lcacigs iun essence are thaf If aneisatînmnarrled aote shouulfi ste>' 50 and flit If une la mec- rled buebanul sud wîfe aituld l ive mnerci>- as lirofter sud alater and flicre sliooid becuta children. "Mc. Tlumîson la a huIt mn," ste deciered, "H"enassli"wî oie fte ligit antI many others lisse secî t i flicougl i m. He came bers front Cal Itornia. I filat met hlm t Buxcutani Ill.. sud lie foibowed me liera." Mca. Tliampaan la a wuuian lunflic ift fles. Mca. Funk Tells Sfsry. Mcas. Funkt, anather ceaident ufthfli Darlingetoma, sud onu af fliose order- cd ouf o!flice prentisea, toid stîbstan- tilly flic saea tar>'. Site aso tated titat site la a follaver ot Thompeon's, but states fIat ale ts no bellever Un flic spiritual marriage part of If. SUIs admiftcd fIat ale ed b"eu Un flic Croabylfe borne for somne time, bat denied fIat ste lad au>' affilie- fious alIthfie cuit 'and sald titf ae lied mercI>' sfopped tiare tarare aie itncw vlaf manner of place Ut vas or 1wbcra ta Sund Iodgingt. Slc admltted fiat aIe lad icit bar husband and two cildren ta came ta 1:Uon sud tollow fie hlddan f rutla sudd ays fiat 1er fail> Ule t Bloom- 1lngton, Imd. 1 Polieme Belleve Womon Sba"evd. CaIstaUu Walker of fie ZMon, CUty- go 1 efonce, abatéd fiat Un bis opinion *,tjompousita beus szyed 10 Tbompson b>' ber busband, wiio tld lier that site Mataf fot est as b>' ai- sfInence bier sosild woild lie regener- ated sud ohé wouid corne "mb flthe light." "She rl a acancer and flUa un- doubtedi>' sided n ber deafli, bof 1 belleve tlsat fhe grave a! Mrs. Tbomp- son shelters tihe star>' of a crUme." Mrs. Darling aaidlier liusband cx- pressed HUre opinions. OeveUopments camne thicit and fast Tuesday in fhe Thompuon horror at Zion City today. At 12:15 Captaîn Waiker oftIhe Zion police force loft for Chicago bo make the arreaU of Adam Thompson, flie fa- natical wandering evangelisaf sho ta sald to have forced hile wife into the forty-one day faFt that resolted inlier death. Af 3:30 au automîobie learîng Cars- rier Taylor, Deput>' Coroner Conirad and allier officiais loft for Zion City lu lotart an inquiry its the case. Tite Zlîîn plice gotfftelr cie ln ce- gardti la Thonil sur s wlierealîuts fliroogitae bIter aiticit lc addresscd f0 Mrs.F. K. limiter et ZIan CUfy sud wlîlcl gaie his eddres aI a place ou ErUe street. Waiiier Tracits Evangeliaf. Cailfaîn Waiiter was aîîprlsed otfte confents ofthfUe Iler sud cff t tonce ,ori Chicago. Tite warranît for Thomlijons arreaf was Usued Motîday befare Justice La Mont. Il Us signcd liy Captalu Wai- iter. sliowing lislsUterest n te calle, aud flic charge uon whlcb te arreaf 1s ruade ls as t wastgn te Green- lialgit case. mansiagtîgier. Undertaker and Doctor Free. B. J. Hopîkins, Zion undertaiter aito if la seld sbouid bave reltorfcd te Tiionipetn tuat tri Coront-r Taylor. and lîcalli ConîtoUsoner La Ruse have nouf lîeitarretftl. alliotîgitre- pioîftsuci e afrel ludîcate taI flic ail lie Wil Exhume Body. Thte reotalue of Mise. Tbonaa)son. flic liaur emaclated fbrui taI flic iueband Us alieged ta have flendishl>' forfurcd wUlli butîger, wili e dlsiîîlerrcd sud exemiîîed foc proofs of etarvation sud t la expecfed fliat fthc grave wiil gve tilt te grisi>' secrets of the reporfed lcagedy. Zion City as Exclted. Zian City andl Weukegan are bath exclted b> te new frsgcdy commUffed.' t Us said. n flic name of religion sud flic people are clamorIng fliaf flic f- talr c beefled ta ftic boffom. AUTOMOBILISTS KID- NAP POLICIEMAN Turned Losse in a Field aud Watciies Violators of Speeci Ordinauce Smnear Over Number. Specclal Plilcemlan Franuk1H. Moore oif Gletîcue de( lares Ifl l a shame ta, faite maiîey for piolice îtiîy wfen be la gîven free automobile rides and for- nlsbcd alft gaod cîgars fa emuite. Atj noon Sunday Moore arrested a chauffeur drliig tcep ercathroîîgh Gieîîcoe af t aotl lwioly five miles an "Drive blil toa lie titîlece and we wlll get yoîîr speecd. sald Policeman Moore as lie efepiied %it the sîde of flic machine. -Ve are lnt a bilg but i fîtgel niii lte shore," said aine1,f terl.Cî*'(Get lu and ive s liigo uvertot te jîdge sud psy aur fitle ,o w.' cati te an our way.,, Moore paf Ulî sud iieY starîcil for flic town hall. But te machine eîîeedcd up sud thc driver retîtned fa stal), sud siten Moore Iriedi-ta llmb tte froot seat fa guide the machine Imi flic fende flic , penigcrs teld hiî liacit.t Wlieuîttc machtine was mantg a1 speed a! about fifty miles an banc ttc meu reieaced Moore andi fold bini fo get ouf an>' f mme v islicd. He was flually hlauled trce miles the oflier sida of Wauitegan sud furued iooaie lna efield. Ta maka sure there couid te no identificfatin, thse men ountte reer seat bled Moore vIle ttc chant- teur ameared ail avec flic number plate sud then cavcced if vlfh doaf. Moore vasf braon licheroad and lield uuufll flir machine was sfacf cd -vian itis captons juupcd n flic car. Moore flilui theficpent>' lid sn IndU- sua maclinue sud Iclievas flac>' ad licen aftcnding flic napublican conven- tion, judging b>' tnefr conversation, Thetuisen Ia herear seat treated flac popolccman f0 cigare and conversad WIth him, but the chsateunrvas quar- rolsome and. twlce b. aS MOOMmil- !OSS A CAND1OAIE !FOR t j*tOficiES Ul UHe Were El.cted ROPessrentatUve and Chosen Senstor >XIM WouUd Put Burden of Extra, Eleotion on POOPUes. The csndidacy of George Edmunind Fose for United States senatar to sicý ceed Senator Hoapkinsof Anrora I-i being recclved n dUfferent ways., Down stteeuost of the newspalji*, recelved hlm witb acclalm, repîîIlil- lng hie announcement, givina a lit of lis record and n sonne cases niakt lîîg favotrable comtmente. ln Seîî.,îîr Hopkins' own lawn, Aurora, flicAu- rora Beacan prlofe a audatory P.itiio lai. Most <of flicSUNs Ililinois ' charges have something favorablýIofi say snd neen tota ink that th, iiiiî( t.ýlpe foi, a new senatarlal candi- date. How it s in Waukegan. %'aukegan ts aiso taklng tlu licý Foi-i senaforial boom, bat t streili ausly objects e th ie man tram E an- tou itanglng onto two jolis at the fiaîliî Urne and wlshte hlm te declare bin self eltber for senator or ferr i îe- sentative.. He Us naw ruannlng fer thel'colis tien for bath as nitters stand andî whli t Us truc that the sensforl vote Us merely a recommendatJon and flic represenfative vote la a nonîlta- flou, n case Fats werceiected la the, senate lie wouid have te reigutî he bouse and titis wouid put tite peopîle ta the expense of anatiter etectlon. so that the fact that lie has nat wllh- drawn appeara 111 adviaesi and thericc n a q8lte general kick about t. Pavors Chicago Papers. Foss seents aiseata be making the mistait" that erime aflier candidats for lreterment have made-lie favîîrs the Chicago prcess and forces the countlry paliers ta the necessUfs of quotilg the Chcago newspwrs V.hlen lits srength Usanîttalde of Chcago lui tbthUiçoatarlal race partîculerîy. hie moaf ardent suppoart being out8lde flic City'. The country daililes and wceitilee wisl i nmultaneaus sunouuccxSents cancerning bis cempalgn and hUe polU- ces. The itolîtîcal îlot le baillng tfa beat the bandl met at present. Over ai Xvctrdstock ln lte Eentlnsl Satnrdsy L. E. Mentecit came aut n a s3trong igned letter dent ite that he lias wthdrewîî from thte race for state senatar or ever lntended f0 do so. Attorney A. K. Stearns la deveiop- Ing great trengthluIt McHeury coun- ty n addition ta hUa strengthl n Laite. WATCIIMAN ROBBED BY GANG 0F THUGS John Ferry, watcimau at lte Unit- ed States naval training achool reser- vatlon just louth of North Cilcago, was hall up and robhed liy a gang of thugsata 9 Wedueaday niglif. Fart>' was making ttc toutndsansd lied reaclied fl icneî bridge uver flic ravUne intensecting Pettîboues wlien two ruffians epreng outîfat him from fIe caver, itnacitcd tint tomn ton flic floorlng a!fie bridge antI iuacecded la rifle flic dazcd man*s 1ockts. Tîsir seardl as 55 tullîss as Ferry carrled nothing of value rto t wo, so tita>' made off as test anscîr legs could carry titem andl acte -.uon iots la flic les!>' dacitues if hueI i-n,,efva- flou. Fefry silcd focritelp sitnuiws Iter fouud b>' Peter Ydc, anautîcu walch- man. Tic grounds were titi t hiîiten up lu a seatý but no trace m AttfliccrasE gang of tran sud Iota tuas lu tcy tofinSd searcla vas t: trempa veca sud tougl an< r>' cotild mali flic chase lai Ferry patro four lange liu aif a disadvau paratîvel>' ear Ttc tramp trom fIe neai BUSSE Il A George A. Busse, vas se vIse Iujucad blue accident, noslia, on th hae companics and a cmoSff ver. siaisen 'cli for teîcnuuciadues was ýoud of tiii aîngog f flic uili'oad a spas vas fouinulcampîinug fisce watciîeî u îged SFerrys assaîlanus Thte Iruifleas, as sciîti ttc rougit enuîgt iuakîng road aud careened down a sfeep em-1 baukment. Hastil>' pulliig Mr. Busse lrom wliere Uic wais pinloned, Mr. Jackson and the chauffeur haUied a passing Ru- tomobile and refurncd ita Kenoslia, wlicre theIc njuries of the fhree were atfended b>' Dr. John A. Cieary. The pari>' stayed JIte remnainder of flic nlghf t a a otef-in Kenasha asu) ibie mornlng the roayor's brother went ta Silver Lakte and teailiers return- cd ta Chcago. The front axie of the csr'wae lirait eni d tfhecImpact wlth flic fence and il vis otherwlee damaged. SOLDIIERS 1ENGAGE IN MORTAL COMBAT Highwood's Tougli Booze, Procured In a Den Not Sartctioned li> the Law, Said fa Have Paused t Att. WX liii tîîîîeîj l.îîîse, t fao nolrs il the Fort .Sheriaîîpost. wha lied it-nchcd theîr ftrel liealitlfe tua tolîcî of lhe rullerit liigitood booze, hietded 1fout tte soidiers from the four alletzed blhnîl iiguwhicit the Law and Ordcî League are bot on te frili uf and wbich Weukeganifca have been1 frequent vîsilars. aftacted ecdialter lu flic post iteadquarters isat week, Just affer receUvUng their monthi>' ai- iowance, sud as a resait bath are confined Uln the liosptel sud reports saae Iliat hope for the savUng of af least une of flic men bas aimoaf been gien op. Tite fIglit waa lte oufcomc of s qitacrel whlch arase aithfe tUrne of tlîelr icaving flic hlUnd pUg. whlcl it1 1; ri'partcd clased Ifs doare affer fie repîorf of flie fightliitd become dir. cniafed aitout Hgitwood. Defecfîcca, hlrcd by flic government It la reparfed. may be put ta, work fa '-Ien îp flic place of ftic hlind pUgs, aititougl it If fared that the remov- ai ofIlie fotr alone couid accamplUsit tis resuif. Juaf aho flic saliderd acre or mat who fteirare Us sot knowu, as t Us learned the officiais 0of tic post are rafter reiucfant saut liavUsg the prsuners' sames puhisicd. As ftle soliers ot Uncle Sam arc forbldden lu fie land ofthflicbeautîfîti suiturli otahficsauti sud as tbcy are furltidden ontrance fa Waaitegsît, itlal 00f even doulited but thaf ftev se- cured flir lîquoir Un Iltgitsod. B"fb imen werc aer-vc]y ent abotnu thte arma sud about fte hcad. altituagit if s expecfed fliet one ofthtie men wil libe tue fali nsd around' lu a tew wecite. Graham la Campele. Chicago frai, sioters, smong wtam are some ofthtecbestf day pigeoin markemen lu therti ý. havelîslîs e i unusuaily bîtey ditriug te iaef week or twa geltîng lto lorm far lte grand American lhandicapti, li le tcd Ibis wcek, t. tCofluns, . t) Practlce squedsaiet lcChicago f3tn Club isat wek wcre te largebt of flic year, sud lu lte regtîlar wcekly shotoafycserday afîerîîoon a record iî,îniber of marks- meli faolç parf. Frantfthe scores reg- lsfered it look.s as if Clilcago wauid ite wel lreiîresent, d IltheficcamUng evenf. .lsy R. Crlam of long f.aite la Un te lint of (Itries. Oid SoUdier Dead. Albert L. Price, brother fa Depuf> Coîînîy Fi ensurer J. L. Prîce tof \Vaîî- kegani. (lied aI lte liamcaead Un \Vau- (-01111e Friday marnlng.le was 75 i cars ouf aîd lied a long aînd ltghly hiîora:lîl'-armir record durIng tfeli'- vil war. l'he fanerai wasa leld Safur- des tfte home. Social litii iîoe cenielcry. Tîe ]lIe Mr. îlrIce wasa ln businîes lti Waucauîîa for twcafy years, lu tfli triofo PrUce Brofthers, and sérved elîli Comtpeny 1, Flftenfh Illinoils Voltînfeers, under Generai Ragera of Witiîlegao, durUng flic war oathlite - bcttioîî He served for flirce y ears. iougli of dispouirion. Fer Road Case Seîiied. ke no Identiicationansd Bs' a decision of tfeic aae supremet a ta te dropped. cutuetee rd>,afrigfi ois fIe offider-s' quarters,corrnee idyafrmgth 1 tîldUnga. and ws cauglil decintoui of te local circuit court lu tage an ftic bridge dam. lte case ut Schloeser vs, fie Town rly n flic' veulng. Hilsay <"ammlissouccaof Warren, au vene ardeird away flic famous tavu lilue cud case s set- rystion. tied at lest. The case was real>' 11sf of flic favu o! Newptort egeluef tle townofo NIURED IN Warren aven flic establishmentofa! UTO ACCIDIENT r rad beteen flicfao townshipssud The maffar lias dragged along for Bosse, lirafler of Mayor Banme maufli anad las beau liard userai>' Inuised sud otisar- fougît, but flic affirmation of flic su- prema court lclga te wliale case fa Thursda>' Us as automo- an ed tvo iles soufli of Ke- se Waukagau road, and Tic Evanston Chat utf police Thora ue, George W. Jackson day aaited fthc Waukcgan tance f0 dO- fcuIr, knovn as Rudolpli, aperafe n a tbnIffing clase attan a IRP blt qt o sel egIûs'gag o! iOns ith eavie$oms.time ý19j4m ;mtjaafngit orS"0l p IGETS JUDGEMENT ,AGAINSI GUARDIAN D.sughler Sued Vincenf Price sud Fa- fier on ReaU latate Bond sud GoI Big Amount itlas Re- cati ed. lIss IlieeLaing. deîtghter ot Catit lîcrt W. Laintg af Chitcago, wase gîset a Jidgmnt for $79.,04 ycstcrda>- lu Jîdge Piodluc> s coîtlganset Berý lierf A. Sîreeler ut Evauston. A year ugo etc reccîveil s jîdgmno f $100.- 000 agaînsf Vincentl t, Pîlce an a real estafelbotnd litLaite counf>. BotMc. Streefer an(] Mr. Prîce slgned bonde for M r. Laineg aiten Miss Laing, bis datîgifer, was a mU-1 nar, She was icft velitalle reel etate et the uUatit a! ler mother. %-r. Lalngs misuse of te fonds instrtt culf t intas gitardisît oft litepropetty was thie cause of ttc suIte h>' ile daîîglilcr. .Xuiutg tte properfies lertIfa Mise Laing by lier mother wcre flic Trude bilding, lu wtlcl site awned firce- elgitrit Inferesf, sud 21-23 Washing-1 ton sîreet, flic present site o! Mac- shall Fild & Ca.s armez, ail n Chi- cago. Signied Releassd Under Oijrets. 1 Wlien Misa Laing, wlia now ceaidesg lu AuAnaor, Midit.. licame o! age,j lu 1894, site signed a release la lier( fafter. Titis was set asîde b>' fiej court, wtlcli teld fiat If lsd beau se- cîîred uider dureas. If was aitownu thaf mast a! tte estale lied ieen lbat1 ftrougli ceai calaIs invesfmcnts. court iteld that air. Laiug sud hUa ltuîdsmcn acre ceapouailile. as tflic necesser>' consent a!flice court bld îlot been abtslned ta maitelte trans-t fers for tfl icnor ieuglifer, sud a1 jîudgmeut for $100,000 was ebtained lu Waokegsn beface flic Laite caot ye circuitf court on flic reai estafe bond lb Is recsiied.1 Au atemnpt was made tri bcbg Mr.1 Uîta court b>'lte atturneys ccp- resecting Misa Laine. He refuscd f0 crnme, seudîng e Iciegran tram To- iculo, Ohia.,aitere lie îow ceides, fiat lie wouid sot appear lu elti of Mr. Streefer. Judge Pîncitue>' naructed flic ur>' lii cetîtro a verdict tac Miss Laing. .Mc. Streeter, lte defaudauf lunflic sut, n 74 years obd. TAX SALES GOING AT 2ý PER Cf-NT No Contesta of Importance Oesvelop sud Sale Appearat t be Amnicalile With Few New Buyers. Itecelver Gus Thoamas of Zion City>i was today pecmlfted lu bld Un for ail4 flic delilquetf taxes of Zion Cifty prop- erty et 25 pier cent. The famous Chlcaga SprInig Bluffa addition et Winftroîi Harbor fliaf cauîsed ail fie fuis lest year etiflic delitîqîtet sales, wen divided amie- ahI>', Justin K. Orvs l gelfttue maat o! if lu conoectlIon aifli flicChicaga, Waoitegau snd Narft Shore Rallroadi C'ompany Il la sald as mast f o!lii pur- clisses edjolo lte rîgli fa!way pro- posed. Mo0st f alte sales are gîtîg et 25 per cent sud flicre are lew oew brty- ers, fie lprincipal îews anc betîg L. Y. Sykci, salisîtier of Graystake ANNUAL BLOWOUT OIF BACIIELOR CLUB Third Laite ase icaceeutfuit- atinteul epleiitîar Sitnday witen lte tuenbers o!fIthe Waegau Bacliclor Club gut bite>'asd held flir sannuai biovoutf. Berwei i)Iansd 150 af- fend cd. Festures of the îlay were fao bal gantes. The Regîtiars dlaim fa bave detcared ttc Aaaocistc Members, 17 fa 21, butfAIiflert, who itcpt score for tite'latter,sasys flic Associates woan, 21 ta 23. The Pundts later de- fcsfed tbe Browua. A frled citiciten it ner 5<55 flacbig feafuce. If vas aoppIlid b>' Vant Woud. Bîdingers boatf,flic Highball, was iaîîrcited sud asud Uto fie vater antotiti>. Theodare Durat aud Dave Jacitson acre base bail umpires sud A. K. Stearus wast scoreikeeper. BOAT COLLAPSED TWO ARE DROWNED S>' the, capaUzi 9 of a aaIl awl off Fort theriden resarvatUon F t1UaP morsin Py#. Uid m *n i 'a"-~ erccse sehen lîystandcrs say ane a! flic air cliantiers coiiapsed sud flie boast gave way flite an eggslielU. llirowîng lte lwo saliîrg, nelfter of wliom caîld swI, nt, luthlewasteýr Thte bodies have sot yel iteen cecav- ered eccardîng la offiiais ef lte fort luit a sesccb le îîuw an. A lite etc lit hoast frant Evansfon sud anolter ves- sel front Waukegan were an the scvne dreglîntetelaite battbfierefforts wcre unessîlîng. JOHINSON ASKED HIS RELIEASE FROM JAIL \Viluant A JaohnsonT iivs -da- effernoos aI 1I aclucit. ftrotîgl isiee tocney( George Field, asited ltaI tfi circutl c9rt of Lake caiunt> , firoîîglî .1 idge Chiarles B. Doit iîlly. l-ml, hlmi front fîther cîîslodv lulte Laite coui l ai, witcc te lies becîî iclî foc lte 11stfive moufta on tiansao charge, an te groundls titliceliii ual beeu frîcîlfor flic offense wtwhl 'icl lie lies becu citargsd and iteld tp tti L.ake cotf>' grand jury, wtint'fiti, lUmUled fîme gîven b>' fli laws o flihe United States as weii se flose of flie afate of Illinois. Mc. Johnson, saho ia s personai friend af flic Jodgc, wasarrcatc.l for, setIng lire taefthe Weimn building at Laite Bluff affer lie lad beau accu comiUfUg flic acf fi> Laite Bluff res- Idents. Affer lis arrest Johnson caufessaî that lieliad becs hIredliy Attorney W. F. Weimcrs a! Lake Bluff ta coms- mit flic acf. A warrant was sworîî our for Wcimers' erreal. Thc case war brautî up af a special termi, cailed b>' .udgc Donneli>'. Lafer upeni mo- tionoa!bis attorneys flic case was con- llnîîed tîntil Octaber. Tueda>' aftfrnoouîtheflcfme limiit. aiiowed by flic alate ta the prasacut- ing attorneys o!flice state poil coust>'y expired. Johinson liset0f icco ried. for flic offense conitd. .H-Ucbitsde- manded a trial aud lias beeu tsurnc<l down by flicefate o!Ilîlinois. Hie law- yers confend ftat lic las a ripit un- der flic stef e as talic granteid hie freedant. QUAYLE WILL IEDIT POLITICAL SIIEE Review of Principal Candidates for Office Who WUUU Likoly Figure Un the Law and Order Loague Circuler. Thomas Quayle, seerefar>' af the Lake Caunt>' Law sud Order Lcagffl, annaunces tfil e ek f 1sf ltee icgue willIissue circulera wich wlUl gIse te compiele record off casd every canîdidate focrflice stc'satefortcysi and for flic legisîstive affIces. Jusf ahicli candidate oetflic fise aho have announced flicir candidac. willl le cndarsed b>' the Law sud Ord* Laague la not ksicwn. The circular witli e ssued about flec irst o! Auguaf. If la understaad fliat SeccretarY Quayle wIlUiedîf fli.cicrcuiar. Flned lhe Gentleman. Faloiwng lit the faatateis of flic Chicago reshîleufs, a movemeot la oi foot amnn those who eîijo> flic sai- mer sallitte sud bastIng seasan aithfli laite off tis port. ta bave alboatf rocitersansd geocrai diaturbere et flic lake frot arrcatcd snd flucd. Sanda>' afferoon, wlilic ibrou werc cnJaying flic cool sanmmer's breeze wlUc l fofad framt off fthc shore, an unrul>' gentleman daffed lis èlohlfes sud parade about fliceshore. An officer aftie low torced hini la put on his clothes aud an assistant waiit. cd hUm fo flic police fîeadqua rfers. alicre lic wass ined $3 sud costq. The Fourlh at Lakte Zurich. Speaker E. D. Shurtieff o! Marentgo snd Attorney' C. T. Heydecker of thUe oit>' wil le flihei'aurtf !Jîîiy arafar>, far flic annuel caiebration of Campt 697, Modem Woadmen, aI Laike Zîî rUcli. "The Ugly Mugs,' wliafever tuiv are, base bail, dancing, races anid th, usuel pUcnic amuîsements wUlli b,' ca turad sud the Barrington bandatll stîppl>' flicmusic. George 0. Prue Us presîdent sud J. F. Kohli tet mar- sbai o!flichdit>'. There Ila a cîîuîulte, a! five. Lightming DOssroya ProPert>'. 'be iuidesace et Karl Kiieta 'l "I. . à. k hW. 'o'. s I pi ni" [ ,,, à