Now la the titrie to thlnk about Economy Fruit jars SELF SEALINc4 NO RUBBER RING REQUIRED The cheapoit and most economical Jar in the world, as it will psy for itself ini the fruit it wili gave. When di- rections are followed every Jar is SURE tO SEAL. ruit and vegetables neyer mould. Com fotabl paa St esetsimnmmrcs t'OMfotan fgac ra iedi urets Vande , lokweallig thé etoftee osefl atcles at ur eatrcu n euyCes. Ladies iIl ta tis aan unapeopor titv aleto seuretheefielanticetsa atbélessetapmnu nc 0"d and =d~s ini 50c American Beauty Corsets we we cloing' out for .............37c AIwssomeSOO SL25 ad 179citra MrD»LES FROM 25c UP S111TH & DAVIS Llbertyville, [Il. - - -- - - 'iOUR 19013 't,,Straw ,,Hats is now ready for your inspection. AUl lateit shapes aud 8j.styles aud prices iu keeptur. 'výh your, purse. Corne early IwhMe the stock i. completc, -MeW& Sit, iu ail the latest 'shades of brovn. e EVERYTHING FOR MEN J. B. MORSE MA NBY BLOCK, LIBERTY% *1 i t .1 i VIL LE r Ubertyvïlle &l Thie la the open season for candidates. Thé béat makes peoýIecrazy sud otherw laxy. Capada Thlistiee muet héetut. Iteail thé notice. Maplé anti for summér Wood at thé HOME Lruesîas Comeeàti. 39-2 WiiL Deker speut Sund1ay with fiénds ln Lîhétyvillé. Horne show at L.aka Fôreet, Friday and Staurday of this 'vet. Mr@. C. J. 8cbraýck and children, of St. Joseph, Mo.,,are vsiting relatives bers.1 Mieni Lilliau Flaglér lait Monday for Washingtou,DI. C., wheré ahe viii viit ber cousin. Mrey-Ù, E. Hicks rstunéd to ber home ln Waucondai, Fnlcay alter speuding a W,êU-lh ber a@tar, Irs. J. C. Reilly. zEaela1or Chop Faéd. A fine lead for bores.. HO.ME LUMBERCOMPANY. Misne(tracé Coter basnacovéreel froni a serions attack of typhoîti lever and vas ahie tu driva ont Frlday for thé tiret UimaeuIn any veeké. 'W. F. Kaseon. of Chicago. bas pur. ehased thé Lihetyville Hotel sud taok I poélo bt Monday. Hé viJiicou- dnc tfirst.clansd up-to-date hotel. Frederlck C. DLang, of Giencoé,fIll., Republican candidate for represéntativé ln congréés troni this district, was hère I thé intereate of hie omination Tués- day. Mr@. Chai. Buttentielti and Mn@. L. B. Elogie, from Kano"s. wbo have beén visting relatives hère, are epending the wéak with relatives in Waukegan sud Russell. Miss Eva Person left Monday for ber home in Anes, la., alter épaudiug thé vînter withi ber aunt. Eng. Frank E.' Wir-. iShaviii @top lu Savannah, Ill., for tva véaks. LA.laytté Bond lit Tueday for WahIgtou, D. C.. andi othér ésatérn points. Hé éxpécts to eau uon thé pros- idént Senator Platt andi othér oid» -hdenuis w hile théré.- Thé LadIes' Aid aI thé Methodistcburchq vil serve ice creani sud cake on the church iawn, Tuesday événing, Joune 30.b Iditchels Miitary Baud bas beau invitel ta play for thé occasion. 38-2 t Mn. sud Mrs. Jas. Morris and Mn. suda Mis. Rd Morris. vbo résdé et Elgin sud Poundes respeetlvaiy spent séverol day. f thé past week atth home of Mn. sudL Mlia Harrison Brown.9 "Foi" Boyes bas beau matie thé officidai mascot o! thé Bamblérs sud prondiy t trots about towu lu a emali whiteét hlInkat trimmeel ln reti léathér with tta word '"Rambiéns" l in aekscipt lttersb un eah aidé. Warm veathén bringe ont thé hast in vagishanses sud s thé témperature go«e up thé speéd o! thse vork-ouies t the mile Inack inereass. Lest vsek Dsck IMcMa.L bon workéd thnee o! bi@s tring, Re Bo w, Bitac Girl sud Citation lu 2:10. That'a going soins but thay wyul prabably go eorné more. A littlewarm waather doésnot dismay thé stork la thé Inast sud durng thé pait 1 eak héhas visted a numbar of homes: Mn. sud lira. Fred Dryer, Wed- nésday, Juné 17, a son; Mr. sud Mne. M. IL Corcoran, Thureday June 18, a daugister sud Mn. sud lire. Theodone Vandenvan!, on thé sains date, a daugh- ter. Thé Lake Couuty gravai pit vas cbose dovu several days thie eeak for thé instiding o! new machinéry sud aqnip- ment. A néw bolier sud engins are hing put lu sud 800 adeitionai lest o! ranvayon hélng added. This viii make thé hait convayor about 1,500 fealhI sugt ad Insure tis a oiel bsdhusg of C. Watt Brandon, editar and prop ia- ton o! thé Kamméren Caméra at Kéin- mener, Wyo., epent Baturday and Sun. day héré the gueit aoflhii sisters, lRns. H. IB. Eger sud VMn. J. B. Morse. Ré vas an bis vaybom rna the tsa atona convention o! Modrn Waodrnén at Peorla vhicbhé eatténdéed as délégaté. With théeInnéepirit of the. vestemser ha aang ouiy praisés oft tat land sud hie folio ving legaut inlurelalkvai émbla zone upon his busines card: "Coins ve, vé nééti you." Thé gradnatiug close of 1908 fiuishs théir high ichool wonk- in a blasa o! gilory at thé Union«hurch lait FlA evéning. Thé prognani vas va=1 .l intereating anti axcéédingiy veli nénderéd. But two mémbers of thé clami vaB nepresaedt in thé prograin axd théy did rénarkahiy webl. hiaGnaca Wbeer gavé thé sabutotony and Hanry Meyer vas thé velédictonlan. Thé onations vére both gooti and temontratéti that tlsouglittui andi canéful vonk bad béén haitawéd upon thén. Thé main atitresse o! thé evéniug w" e dl*eréti y Frankj . Miller, oft the fUnive'rsity of Chicago,1 and vas one oA sound reasoning andi héipful ativicé ta thé six yonng people ta, whorn thé evening w-as méemorable. Thé diplomas wene preseutéil hy Chas. F. Smsié with appropriece remarka. L Whar ere éYOD vben the tirs broka Put? Now eveyo dy knows e neéd more haseaud oaire amiram. Chas. Austin and Johin Treç,tow ne- tunnéed trorn'*uUso laturday. Mdise Be"si Bond, ofChicago is visiting relative@ ho%"hls eek. Mapieenéds for cumuler wood et thé HOME LumBzR CoNIASY. :39-2 Mn. ICoon, of Onarga, Ii.i, visiitéil fseverail daysast wéek witb hi,, sons, Arthur and George Kooni. Miss LeursHae", o! Sbenridan, il ., @pont S.unday at thé hone..of t J. B. MocIfuffin. Mr@. Cors Ellsworth, o! Omiaha, .\eb., lé visiting at thé honle oi hi-r écep-éon. E . E. Eilsworth. Atqy. Win. F. Weigli, o! Waukegan, candIdats for stais'e attoney, vas in thé village Banday on légal] mottera partabing to tise Lihértyvill. Hotel. Thé atae ln Lîhartyvillé wii close front eébvén a'cloek in thé moz-ulng ta six lu thé evenn<ongoturday, July 4. Thé batiks wvIlibe closetthé encire day. Spéilmau & Mors sud Fred Enderlin aacbbaei boase caunars storeti at thé fain grounda *bch vere daétroyed by the iVre OSlatind*Y nghc at a considérable lu«. Cavairy Traop "C' o! Ft. Shieridan cainpéd ab tisé fair groutuds lest Thune- day Digbt enroulé ta EcHenry. Théné wéra two officéns 50 men aud about 4;0 borns. WIilDaveréanx, who hias j(ut corn- plétet théecourse-t theé1b ucrsitý, of Michigan, la ffPendiug the, suriiier et the home of bis cousin, A F. Siieldon, et Lake Eama Fostinaiter 1). C. (towen. o!fl'îplar Grave, fil., Who in a candidate for the BP.eto11cn nomtination o! rpréééuîecî,e, vas heu iooking over the 'olitical sietbatIOD, Tn.eday. Thé é«léce dpot weé stru rk by lifrhtnlng several timée aéît iaturday nxght sud sevoral pensons saidti hey éew -a b"a isé up sud thént die down quénchéed hy thé rta. Mire. E. L. Mathér, o!ftRockefeller, bro bit ta thé@IittEPENDïsT offie lait Zué=oythé lIraI ripe applé séén hére this yean. Lt halongs to thé Wliw Twig variety and was rosy cheekéti sud as sound ela sdollar. Thé Chicago Supply Company basé hall team, of Waukegsu, piayed witb thé Libertyvilla ssmoud téaniet thé tain grounelmfiss oudaydaeating tham by aftorollit4. bis lesa nev téam that bas béén organiSed sud théy expet ta play a negular serbeso! games. A nay tallyba coach réceully purchased by thé Koan Brotsensmakas oua o! tha ebowy turnouts in thé village. Their fsucy driig stok are displayéd ta thé vany héat advauage whén bitchéd ta tbis vahicis. tevèral horsea which vére stunned by ligbtslng in their stable a vééksa go recovereel vithout serions lniury. Lynch Brothers -bavé soid théin llvér and sprnling Jmnviléf togother witb aIl tixtursee su app laces connécted tbarowith ta Albert Klchmen sud Roi ph Mutholiend. Thé naw firm taok posée@- sion. last Mondoy. Kileh.mon l on thée waten wagon sud gays hée feis penfactly. St borné. Lynch viii dévote most o! his time to village affaire. F. J. Alieuxen has resignéti Iran bis duties am express agent sud is nov dé- voting bis Uie to nolrosel work oniy. Thé increaséti volume of expneaedeiiveréd sud trangféréti hére mode it impoéeibie for him ta bondie botb thé express tom- psuy sud nailioati vork couvénientiy thus ecsitatiug thé change. Rai o Cola, vho bas béén lu tise ampioy of thé Unitedl States Express Company at Chi- cago bas beau appoîntet agent hèlre and Iaok np thé work ast veak. Thé office vill remain at thé olti dapot ntil a sultablabocation cen hésecurati up tovu. Warren Bayés was takan with thé Cranp hile svimmlug lu the Des- Plaiesriver. nonth o! thé raibrooti bride, lait Mondoy mornî nsd vas airnostidravnadbhé! re ha caaldhgotten ouI. 'Yhé Ramblen pitchén veut dowu tour limes sud ablpe ienough voter ta flash a battleshîp hfore héevais reecueti. Miondayr morning. you rnay perhaps rreehér vas very bot sud sultry, sud 'Jke vtb sevéral compaulous véré éajaylng a.avim in thé river. Hé vas selteel vith thé crampe vhen in vary shalovvater but haforé hé coniti Neoven biniseif vas cenniéti unden by thé currént buta- vaten ight oantan fret deep. Ray Cramer vas the tiret 10 diacovén bis piight hi thé bubbhiés tioating ta thé surface vhiié hé was under théevater. Roy Ti'tus. attempteti to réach hlm but .coubti not get a gondi lolti ant iehé as carnie dowu strean. (#amér thén rau &long thé batik andti aosont ta iii audit vaswitb soisédffficnbty- that lié suoceédéti in géccing bu tri the honk. Dr. F. H. MIartin wma caleti anti alter tng for Boyes tiçk hini home wbîéré thé base bail twinlrienéniainéti for i3oîîe tmé thée ket hé lias lîcén lu many îî day. INTEREST on acco)unt9 ln the Saringé Departînent o! the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Libertyvile will hé 'redited oa the lst of JuIy. This clus o! eccount forme one of the gafest, inost convenient and mQot profitable investmente possible for your licIiéy. I>élosts (-an be mode at any tirne and ini sny "iount. The rate of interest is 8 per cent lier annuin, compounded, eemi-aânualiy, and ail deposits béar intereet !rom theé luth o! the montb, finit !olowing the date o! deposit, and the intereat le compounded on the inét of July and January. This rate is not s., ligh as that on aonme long tie ,nvesîinte, but for thé average Investor the Sevingé account bas msny distinct edvantages. You do flot have to wonry aboul its légality or techniclitis which are !im- portant point.s lu other inyéstmants. YOD do Dot have to look atter your làterest, Savîng8 juteraetitl aways crodited and comi,ounid,-d regularly whether you cali for it or flot; and if by some calamity such as loss by fine, or In case o! lcknéss, you sbould need your monéc-, you eau get it trom the savingé occount AT ONCE. Thé security la thé béét and livest crédits which thé community aBfords; thé kind of securities which are pronouned deirable by men who know. You con profit by carrying your aocont with us We invite your business. The First NVational Bank Procter Bock LIBER-".VILLE, ILLINOIS UT t - "AIN tML DURièD' AT PAIR GROUNDS Struck by Llghtning the Building Burned to, the Ground in Léss eThan an Hour. The main exhibition hall at the Lake County fair grounds wa8 @truck hy a boit of lightning Saturlay uîgbt about 1:0iuig s terrifireleectrical storm that1w a rIna.The building waeaa Mauof tiaiheorit waasdlcovered and thé lire had gaîned sncbhahadway that savInî(ony pant of it was entirély ont of thé question and an utter impouliblity. Thé nlght watclm&n &t the Fould# MllingConîpany'a macaroni factory tune thé whistle bosse and gave thé tiret alarm. Faintly aud for awoy it couid bé héard aboyé thee storni that was thunderlng, rolling and cnackllng acroés thé sky. Thé bell in the M .E chunch vas nung fond and long and before manY minutas the sineet was fild with skunnylng, balf draéaed people runnlng ta théetire. The building vao oled dthoroughiy seosoneel and burst into dlames that imounted hlgbér and hlgber, casting a lunid giow over a sky that wss inky black. From the southwest part of thea village the tire waa décalvlng and had teapaace o! baing nlghs in tsé béant of nou th usnes bocks. Tise whole town was now thoronghly swake and féar gava wlngs to the lest of many a stifi knéad business moAn whohadu't mun a @tep in years. Hall dreésed, hall awake, hall hathéd sud half shaved thé crovel kept growlng until thé proverbia Roman mob wouid have lookeel like thréé dimes if compared to it. Hoasa criée o!oftire, tire" would come tram a @ide street and a hall dressed somothing would shoot around thé corner. You couldu't tell just whlch they wene-they ail aeémed seieos. liane vore nigist gowus and othere pajaîna&--éorné just excited faces The tarther they rau the farthér away séemed the fi ré aneach stép gave a new sugestion aý to thé exac:t location. Where'@ the lire"' v as thé slogan andl echo aniswered 'wihtré"'Psuting excitel the crowd fiowed into Newbenry avenue along with the mud sud vOter. Up over thé rairoad émbankment through the sllppeny ctay sud vêt senelly véeds they struggied, tougbt and at iat conquéred. Thé nain waa faling lti but atthe, tire et last thé c-rodUneld, up &long thé railroad track breathing bard but ail contented-they haei sean thé tire. Willing workers bac! the angine aud bose cart Inta action n the fray sud a uine of boss vas laid alang Névherry avenus wo protéct thé laundry building il necéssry. Anothar party vonkeel on thé dining hall and kapt thé fanies fnorn spreading in that direction. Thé beavy nain that waà falllng whéu the tire tiret sts.nted bad dousad the snnrounding buildings thoroughly and thougb large places of burning ehlnaia. were carriéed sorne distancé by the wind no other buildings suffereel. The losatu thé fair association la esturnatéed et about $2,500 and ln pantly covéreel by inaurance to thé amount of 0800. A néw building viii havé to hé arectéel héloné thé f air in Septambér and it viii naquire prompt vork ta havé it réady In Une. BUILDING MATÉRUAL lIAS TAKEN A DROP Common Lumber, Brick and Cernent Are Very Much Cheaper Than Lasf Vean. Thére ie andtIlhabeenau a ixétiImpres. sinWith thée anal public thât thé ricé of building natetWIl ihgh. Sncb asbe he casé for thé pait year but conditions are différent nov sud thére is a very péeéptihia decreaee lu a gréaI nany building supplies seid a man thé othér day vho le iu a position ta, know thé statué af Sncbl things. Iu tact. 1< clinch thé argument 1 viii quoté you a féw figures 10 show Jon thé duffanénca li. thé priés eshtvean thé présent Urne and lait yéac at this timé. Théee il no get ting avaY from tihé fact that building materiai ho. héen very high sud tbs- lunhér mon kuoving this bave lied ta hog it anti ore loadad uop vith large quautitiés o! material wbîch théy are unahié ta disposé o! oviug to the prent condition o! inancial affairs. Théy Am ovérstoi-kéd sud haing unabia ta seil at the higbsn figure muet o! course malte a chéapér relte which 1,s t présent hélua quoteti. Common lunhér le selling Iron $4 ta $7 chéaper than at ftllesUnie lait yéar; shingiés are $150 leeu ou thé tbousasd; iath froni $1 ta $1.50 béés. luterlon finishing ant i h gh gradé iunber i8 about thé sonse but boase tendeuî'y towards e décliné. (ibas alîlo is about thé sae but is perbep8a a hadé lover chou ast yéar. Brick lé $1 to $50lésé on ehé thousanti sud coulent froin $1 ta $1.25 lésé than last yéan. It eau éasily hécséen Irom thée bove qiiotationé that nois te iétirase ci)builti for prires are juat about as low as théy are apt ta hé for moieime. As inen- ciel affaire beciané 'traighcc.uéd oway thé demned wtll increc andl thé génnel tendenc3 a! priées w ilé4 ulwerd and nots down. Thére ic n. leiiîeuihin Lih- éntyvilé efuorei ébu ilidigesluit for dix ellingé ond fn ur bsin"s épurpomes andi uaw le théecinie i)-!r thé nan xvhîo hue ilionéy thet c îîuut wurkuuuiu ta put itinto cirubetion. L.ibuur isanytling hîîtscarcé sud che poseilîilitiu-s uifa gréntér Libeérty- ville weené n, ir brighcér tlien thî-y are et thé précént tlimeé Méthodist Services. Thé sermnîlîu ibî,'î for net Stinday people shouli ber this diécîîurse. Oune wéék tnuin Snnday évéîîiug we bavea patriotic service in thé iutéresc o! Chris. tian citizeusbbp. Théré wîll bé on ad- tires hy oie o!Libertyvibles béét speakers. Théné is ta hé o meeting o! theéaèbinet olficeré o! thé local ihepters of thé Bp. wo th Leagué for thé Wonkégan Suh- District at Lake Bluff néxc Saturday afternoon eoncludedi witli a basket pic. nic. Thé officérs o! Libértyvlbé ciiopter plan ta attend. Thé Ilthodiot Préachérs' Eeéti ng o! Chicago will bulti their néxt mting Mouday, Jane 21e, at il a. m. in thé Lake Bluff chu rch. [n addition ta, at- tractions o! a musical andlilterary nature thé meeting is ta hbea selinsse by Govénnor Denean. Thé public will ha vebcome. 4 TH 0F JULYý NEC ESSARI ES Ladies' S. ..................... Ladi, ', Misse' aud Childten's Gloves - Parasols ......... ........ Children's Straw Hats........ Ribbous. per yard................ Table Linen, per yard...... ...... Mens and Boys',at L"die' Biak and Tan Oxfords ... Children's Black aud Tan Oxfords.. Men's BI&ansd Tan Oxfords -.... ...3 Harmoccks .....................1 Croquet Sets.................... 75 ta $3 00 50 t 3 00 25 to 1 50 25 to 300, 25 to 50 01lto 100 40Oto 100 50Oto 300 2 00 to 300 1 25 ta 2 00 00Oto 3 50 50Oto 3 00 85 ta 3 00 The Conservative Patl, MANY YEARS 0F EXPERIENCE IN BANKIN OU~ VINCE US THAT CONSERVATIVE METHODS 14 ALWAYS BEST-BEST FOR OUR STOCKHOLDEES 4M. BEIST FOR OUR DEPOSITORS. WITHOUT BEING 1TOi "HIDEBOUND" IN OUR DEALINGS, WB ENDEAVOI TO-FOLLOW THE CONSERVATIVE PATH. Lake County National BanI4 UBERTYVJLLE. INIS SNI'ERISBakled I PORK AND BIEAN&.'ý Once lot your folk@ tat. Be aldés,' Beau. and they'il foha,~ you serve thom with otIhere. That autty fiaveo, that *p and meut are mis.iajg tu other brande. INSIST ON 8&][lDE]Rlt§ CORLETT & FRIEDERICI LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS 'Teplehone 30 Twenty pleqes of liedl Seal and Toile du Nord Zephyr Gn. hama, in plain light and medium blue, grey, pink, gmé.sml' checks of pink and white, lighit biue and whité, black &Bd white, plaids and fancy étripes; wiIl waah and wear bat4r better tliah anything on the market; reduoed trom 15oataI1 Galatea Cloth in pink and white,. red, white and biné a»d white stripes; splendid for washsuita, skirts and boys' suit5* heretofore lb and id, now.............I2o Genuine INDIAN HEAD, full 36 inehea wide, now only I5'C Mercerized Novelty Waigtings in white, piuk, light blue and red, at .... . .. . .. . .. . .t..35 Litffo